Wonder Woman: The pen IS mightier than the lasso...

Author: Nergd
Time to Read:15min
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Wonder Woman: The pen IS mightier than the lasso... by Mucklejohn

This story is a work of fan-fiction, for the free perusal of super-heroine fans. No rights are implied or given.

Diana was vain...

Well okay technically speaking as Diana Prince IADC secret agent she couldn't be vain...and as Wonder Woman she was an important role-model for benighted humanity.

But sometimes...just sometimes she liked to wallow-oh-so briefly in her own "wonderfulness".

Occasionally this took the form of a quick glance at the chest of a fellow heroine to ensure that their bustline was not as magnificent as hers. Other times it meant pouring over her press-notices.

"After all" she reasoned "I take many risks...I think I'm worth it".

And so it was on a dreary friday afternoon Diana Prince locked herself into her office logged onto "Yee-Haw" ( the world's most popular web-browser) and did a search on the key-word "Wonder Woman".

The disguised superheroine was gratified to see many appreciative fan-sites loaded with pictures of her in all her satin-costumed glory. So thrilled was Wonder Woman she hardly noticed that a fair proportion of those JPG's were loving shots of her breasts and rear-end.

Some of the sites though, seemed to have a morbid fascination with the heroine in the form of fan-fiction and elaborate graphics depicting the amazon in bondage or worse. Diana flushed as she read some of the dire fates these "writers" had in store for her.

One writer in particular "Mucklejohn" took a singular delight in packing HIS stories with as many incidents of spanking, tickling, pregnancy, chloroforming, bondage, and non-consentual sex as an amazon could handle!

"Merciful Minerva" thought the Heroine "This is SICK! Here I am fighting for peace and justice and these demented fools are filling up the internet with pornographic fantasies ABOUT ME!"

A dark cloud passed over the lovely features of the heroine..."I'm going to CONFRONT this Mucklejohn character and show him the error of his ways!. Diana stood up with a graceful spin she changed into her skimpy Wonder Woman costume...a quick check revealed that her tiara, lasso and bracelets were all properly materialized. She strode over to her closet and opened a concealed door removing her omni-wave reciever.

This was a communications device seemingly designed to give George Orwell the cold-sweats a few adjustments and the heroine had it hooked up to her computer whereupon it immediately furnished her with Mucklejohn's home address telephone number and driver's license photo.

Armed with this data, Wonder Woman summoned her invisible robot plane and went jetting off to Central Park West intent on giving her "admirer" a lesson in respectful deportment.

As it turns out Mucklejohn or John Muckell as his mailbox read, lived in a nondescript townhouse on West 70th Street off Central Park. Wonder Woman couldn't quite figure out how this pervert paid for this pricey set-up as his file listed his occupation as "poor-soul".

However said brownstone DID have a convenient sky-light through which Wonder Woman could see a dumpy looking blonde fellow in his 40's typing away in front of his Mac.

"HAR!-typical geek...I'd better lay it on thick or else he'll just stare at my chest while I chastise him!"

The sky-light buckled beautifully, Wonder Woman managed to do a excellent flip as she descended to give her arrival some added panache.

With an almighty thump Wonder Woman landed upright and struck her famous "power-stance" (legs wide apart, fists on hips like Mussolini, chest wa-ay out). She smiled with feral glee-chastising this gimp could be FUN.

John was aghast "Jeezus Ghod How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You GIRLS DON'T USE THE SKY-LIGHT!!!"

"Girls? What do you mean??"

"You know yer colleagues, Supergirl, Mary Marvel, Batgirl...th' whole crew?"

"YOU know THEM!"

"Hell yes, I'm the best friend they have!"

"Not the way you write!"

"Enough with this chin-music! aren't you even gonna clean this mess up?"

"AND WHO IS GOING TO MAKE ME?-I am Wonder-Woman after all!" Diana glared at her "host" that always un-nerved them!

John merely sighed and sat back down at his computer, he typed a few lines...

Diana shook her head suddenly all her anger seemed to disappear and was filled with a deep overwhelming desire to do...do... house-work.


It's crazy she had super-powers a mission...a mission to keep a big town-house spotless-Athena knows she NEEDED those super-powers!

Diana couldn't understand it at all but the broken glass and shattered wood on the bedroom floor meant only one thing there was woman's work to be done!

"Wonder Woman's work" said John who helpfully handed the Amazon a frilly pink apron. Almost without thinking the heroine tied the frivolous garment around her waist and started sweeping up the debris. Mucklejohn settled back down at his desk and continued writing on his computer when he wasn't contemplating the sight of Wonder Woman aproned and intent on her simple house hold chores. All her sweeping made her breasts bounce in the most delicious fashion.

Diana remained oblivious to her change in status and hummed a happy tune as she swept up the glass into a wastebasket. "So Much a girl has to do" she thought ecstatically.

A smile played across Mucklejohn's chubby features, he typed again...Suddenly Diana felt herself getting taller she looked down her flat-heeled boots had been replaced by strappy red sandals with five inch spikes!

Normally Wonder Woman would've been appalled at such impractical foot-gear, now however she was elated at the sight...they forced her stick her chest out more and shaped her legs very-nicely!

Diana laid off the job for just long enough to point her toes and stick her leg out admiring the over-all effect.

"I've really GOT to remember to get an appointment for a pedicure one of these days" she thought.

Her clean-up complete the heroine turned to the writer and asked "Is there anything else I can do...Sir?"

"Why yes, clean the bathroom vacuum the living room and then mince yourself back up here...got all that?"

"Ohhh-YES SIR" squealed the strangely submissive amazon who fairly danced at the thought of so much house-work to do!

Several hours later Wonder Woman was putting the finishing touching on a loving wash of the kitchen floor-she was happily on her knees hand scrubbing away.

"It certainly needed the extra attention!" she thought with domestic enthusiasm.

Thanks to her amazon strength Wonder Woman wasn't the slightest bit winded from her exertions...she surveyed the kitchen with radiant satisfaction.

"It was so-oo-o dirty MEN just don't know a THING about housework!" said the Amazon.

"Are you done down there?" asked a pleasant baritone from the second floor.

"Yes Master!"

"Well give yourself a good looking over in the hall-mirror and come back up...we need to talk".

Diana fairly squealed with glee at the though of more chores to do..."Maybe he'll tell me to cook dinner next!" she exulted.

At the hall mirror Wonder Woman dutifully stopped and reflexively applied a fresh coat of lipstick to her perfect lips. Her hair was flawless and her complexion rosy from all her labors...only her eyes had a faint glassy look to them.

Thoughtlessly Diana ran her hands over her stomach and was rewarded by a strange phenomenon, her tummy had gotten strangely...bigger?

She took a step back and was flatly shocked to see her flat muscular stomach replaced by a round beach-ball sized love-bump!

"Great Hera I'm-I'm PREGNANT" wailed the heroine.

One she got over the shock from her condition, Diana studied her bulging baby-belly with shy interest.

"Arrows of Artemis HOW LONG was I down there scrubbing?" she giggled.

Running her hands over her fertile mound felt soo-oo-oo good...with her wide hips, long legs and bountiful bustline, Wonder Woman that celibate crimefightress was seemingly MADE to have babies!

Diana blushed involuntarily at the thought what would her man-hating sisters back on Paradise Island make of their champion pregnant and doing stereotypical "woman's work" in some strange man's house.

"Hey" she thought..."Who is that guy upstairs anyway and how did I get knocked up?"

"And how did I get into this house in the first place?" it was getting so hard to THINK lamented the Amazon.

Slowly she began walking up stairs, despite her once formidable strength she had to pause often to catch her breath.

"This must be what they call mommie-mind" said Wonder Woman to no-one in particular.

"What?" said Mucklejohn from the top of the stairs.

"I'm pregnant....are y-you the father?" quavered Wonder Woman.

"Remains to be see, shake a leg, Wondie I don't have much time".

By now she had reached the top of the stairs-by Pluto she was going to get some answers!

The Heroine pushed the door open to the master bedroom and with more conviction than she felt bellowed "What have you DONE to me!!"

"What do you mean?" John was back behind his desk smirking faintly at his uninvited guest.

"I-I..." Diana looked down her stomach was miraculously restored to it's former condition...she gave her host a stupefied look.

"Something wrong?"

"No-no nothing".

"I don't suppose you'd ever snap these handcuffs on for me would you?"

He tossed her a pair of police cuffs expertly the amazon caught them.

"Of course it'd be my pleasure!" Wonder Woman grimaced...why was she being so compliant?

Soon enough her hands were cuffed behind her back, the amazon perched on the edge of the bed radiantly the primal charm of a true bondagette.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Ummm it's part of the storyline...you don't do much self bondage in everyone else's stories."

Wonder Woman comfortably settled down on the bed she kicked off her heels and lounged with her bare feet dangling in the air.

She might as well relax...her escape options seemed pretty limited at the moment.

She sighed.

"So what next...we make passionate bondage love?"

"Good God NO!-it's impossible I'm real and you ARE fictional after all!"

"Fictional ME! what are you talking about?"

"I mean, Wonder Woman alias Diana Prince (Wondie gave a start as her precious secret was so casually revealed!) is a fictional character existing entirely in the realm of imagination!"

"Look buster one thing I know I'M REAL!!" glared the heroine...this guy was truly nuts.

"I didn't say you weren't real only that you are fictional!"

"Tell that to all the people I've saved from the likes of Dr. Psycho-they didn't think I was FICTIONAL!"

"Then how do you explain your sudden obsession with housework or your brief pregnancy?"

"OBVIOUSLY, you are a master mind controller!" said Wonder Woman icily.

Mucklejohn shrugged, the amazon was always slow on the uptake...he tossed her that day's New York Times.

Haughtily Wonder Woman scanned the headlines there had been another high school shooting in upstate New York, someone named Bush was running against someone named Gore, a bomb had exploded in Belfast...it was all so-bloody ....and pointless.

The Heroine shuddered at the violent tidings she read.

Diana looked up aghast...were was the usual headlines generated by Superman?...why wasn't there any news of Luthor's latest scheme?...it was all so confusing!

"I'm real-REAL I tell you!" she snarled...inside though a weird feeling was taking root.

"I'm not contesting that point....you've always been real to me and millions of others...don't feel imperiled by that".

"This is some plot to unbalance my mind..."

"No I can prove it...who is the President?"

"Um I don't know his face is usually in a shadow and I just call him Mr. President..."

"Never heard of Bill Clinton eh?"

"Is he a super-villain?"

Muckljohn laughed heartily..."No not by the size of his crimes" he chortled.

Wonder Woman actually managed to pout a bit...she HAD to be real!

"Why have you captured me?"

"Um like I said self bondage is a rarity among super heroine erotic fiction, if you combine it with an encounter between writer and character then you've got a different sort of a story."

"This is a story?"

"About you...with maybe a cameo by a guest star..."

"Does it have to be a bondage story?" she asked meekly.

"I'm afraid so, as a superheroine though you can take the fairly easy antics I've lined up for you."

Diana smiled in spite of herself whoever this guy was he had a friendly sincerity about him.

"There are limits to even my powers..."

"Not when you're fictional darling".


"It's not so bad being a famous comic book character at that...thanks to comics, slash fiction, cartoons, movies and TV you've achieved a kind of immortality!"

"I'm already immortal-I'm an Amazon!"

"No I mean the real immortality shared by all popular comic characters after all true super-heroes never die!"

Diana was stunned at the simplicity and rigor of the writer's logic.

He looked pensive for a moment; "I wish I had that kind of immortality..."

Wonder Woman sat up she had a cold feeling in her stomach what DID he mean?

"Why...whats going to happen to you?"

"Well of course someday I'll die...you'll live on of course nobody will ever tire of Wonder Woman I think".

Abruptly Diana slid off the bed and padded over to the ample lap of the portly writer. Unbidden and un-ashamed she sat herself down and said straight to his face..."Don't"

"Don't what?"


Again Mucklejohn laughed "you silly thing, it is required of people that they die...I'm not a super hero my time on earth is limited..."

Wonder Woman looked around the room a hint of tear formed in the corner of one eye.

"I-I could take you to Paradise Island the Purple Healing Ray could extend your life many decades..."

MuckleJohn guffawed politely "Best offer I've had all day Wondie" he said jocusely "But I'm afraid it doesn't work on non-fictional people like me".

"I'm sorry it's just I feel bad for you"


She tossed her head at the newspaper lying forlorn on the bed :"I feel bad you have to live in a world with bombs and schoolboy killers...no Doctor Psycho, no battles with evil, no truth, no justice, no American way..."

"You are eloquent"

"Thank you..."

"Maybe someday I'll have sons who will think of you as highly as I do...maybe I won't be here for that but it'd be a nice thing..." the writer trailed off he looked more than a little wistful.

So much still to do.

A quick dab of the handkerchief dried the still bond amazon's eyes. She smiled a forced smile it had been an afternoon of many revelations.

Mucklejohn stood up carrying his amazon captive in his arms...for her part Wonder Woman pointed her toes and tried to mash her breasts against his chest. "May as well try to make the poor soul as happy as possible" she thought.

"Time for the main event Di"

Gently he plopped the heroine face down on the bed and deftly unlocked her handcuffs.

Wonder Woman rolled over and rubbed her wrists to restore circulation, she was sure he was gonna cornhole her or some similar thing.

"So whats the plan...the rack the stocks...a whipping?"

"What makes you think you are gonna be the victim this time?"

Suddenly the door flew open and in strode none other than Supergirl, Superman's teenaged cousin resplendent in her original long sleeved blue minidress.

"Kara! I haven't seen you for years!" gushed Wonder Woman.

"Oh thats because I'm officially dead in the comics but thanks to many on-line enthusiasts I'm alive and well!"

"Immortality indeed" murmured Wonder Woman.

"Yeah my current comic incarnation is a angel or some damn thing and is trying to restore God to the Throne of Heaven-have you ever heard of such a cockamamie thing?"

"It sounds awful!!"

"You have NO idea...Rao bless Mucklejohn though he remembers me the way I am...young, optimistic, strong...yet feminine".

The Girl of Steel punctuated her effusion with a light peck to the cheek of the blushing writer.

"Well I've got to be going ladies..." offered the writer.

"GOING??! the fun is just starting!!" wailed the heroines in unison.

"Sorry I'll read it all on-line, gotta pick Polly up at the airport".

"Who the hell is Polly?"

"My fiance'"

"You've got a fiancee'?!!...what's she got that WE haven't got!"

"I admit she doesn't have her own comic but then she does her best with what she's got..."

"No super-powers-NONE!?"

"Unless being a violin virtuoso equipped with patience and a cute giggle count as super-abilities".

The heroines sighed...men were SO peculiar.

"Well gotta go, you girls can take it from here-say Supergirl before you go could you fix the sky-light Wonder Woman..."

"Came crashing down for a dramatic entrance I figured as much-no problem".

"Kara you are an angel".

"Oh that word!!!" replied the Kryptonian cutie with a smile.

And so departed Mucklejohn.

Diana and Kara sat next to each other on the bed...slo-owly Wonder Woman's hand strayed to the bare knee of Supergirl. She hadn't seen the lovely blonde teen in years...things were different now Wonder Woman felt a strong affection for Superman's cousin. The Girl of Steel recoiled at the touch...mildly "Please...I'm a virgin!"

"Oh c'mon Kara, it's just us girls here..."

Wonder Woman smiled to herself no where did Mucklejohn keep it...?

Diana leaned over to the night-table and pulled out of the drawer a very convenient 12 inch rubberized kryptonite dildo!

With a laugh and a smile Supergirl keeled over melodramatically moaning "kuh-kuh-kryp-ton-ite... fee-el weak".

Wonder Woman looked at the green-glowing dildo with suspicion "Ummm this isn't really hurting you is it?"

"Oh no" replied Kara brightly "it's not THAT kind of a story-right now I'm only feeling the nice effects of kryptonite...the warm vulnerable feeling ...other writers love the agony though".

Supergirl crossed her legs winsomely and looked at Diana with a happy expectant look....

A wicked expression crossed Wonder Woman's lovely features "Take those panties off" she commanded.

Afraid to disobey in the slightest, Supergirl stood up, rucked up her miniskirt and slid her blue briefs down those impossibly long perfect legs.

A quick flash revealed the heart-stopping truth, Supergirl had a neat shaved crotch...Wonder Woman leered like Dean Martin.

"Now, lie down on the bed spread-eagled"

Again the Girl of Steel meekly complied.

Wonder Woman expertly tied the blonde heroine's wrists to the bed posts with her own magic lasso. To increase t he atmosphere, Supergirl was blindfolded with a convenient nearby handkerchief.

Wonder Woman then stuffed a pillow under Kara's hips and danced her fingers over the Maid of Might's slopping wet pussy.

Slowly sensually Wonder Woman brought her face down to Supergirl's virginal womanhood and favored it with a long tongueful kiss.

Supergirl fruitlessly strained against the magic lasso..."Diana please..." she whispered.

"Now that you are bound with my mystic lariat, I ought to interrogate you about all your sexual fantasies..."

"I-I'm thinking about you right now"

"Shameless sycophant...I've thought about you for YEARS your pouty lips those long legs that silly skirt..." Diana sighed the next move was obvious.

"Rao Diana...bring your pussy to my face and-and those lips to my clit..." it was sheer sexual torment for the blonde heroine.

Wonder Woman ran her fingers over Supergirl's sensual little mouth, commanding the captive kryptonian to suck her own love-juice from the amazon's fingers.

Another finger and then two burrowed into the Girl of Steel's love nook keeping up the orgasmic pressure, Kara was always just short of sexual release.

When Supergirl was close to total sensory overload, when her pleas became a constant moan, Diana got off the bed and donned the giant green dildo. She knelt between Supergirl's legs and lowered her face to a pussy that was so wet that her kryptonian sexual juices had run between her ass-cheeks and soaked the pillow beneath. Wonder Woman placed the head of the dildo against her bare lower lips and nudged forward until the head of it disappeared inside.

Supergirl's only reply was a joyous moan.

Diana inched the dildo inside the Maid of Might until Diana's well trimmed pubic hairs were tickling Supergirl's smooth vagina.

The amazon, then rested atop her willing captive and melodramatically yanked her blindfold off...of course Supergirl could've pierced the fabric at any time with her x-ray eyes...but playing along with the Princess from Paradise Island had it's compensations!

Their coupling made delightful squishy sounds as Diana slowly pumped the dildo in and out.

"Oh Wonder Woman it feels so good...I've n-never felt like this before" gasped the Girl of Steel "Please kiss me and FUCK me-ee!"

The amazon covered Supergirl's lips with fiery kisses even as Kara arched her back and writhed through her first girl-on-girl orgasm!

The release of The Maid of Might's sexual tension triggered an atavistic response in the imperious amazon, she began slamming the dildo into her super-lovers sopping clasping pussy with all her considerable might. Diana succumbed to a wanton impulse and jammed a lone finger up Kara's normally invulnerable ass-hole at the same time.

Even through Diana's satin shorts the nubbins of the dildo could be felt working their inexorable magic. She tensed one almighty time and buried the dildo into Supergirl's cleft as she came with amazonian vigor. Kara shuddered through one last climax due to Wonder Woman's increased pace and the relentless tickling of her sphincter.

The older heroine rolled off the young blonde with an exhausted groan. Groping clumsily she untied her friend and the two of them fell into each other's arms and into a deep superheroinely sleep.

Hours passed both women slept very soundly.

Night fell, the city grew dark...still Wonder Woman and Supergirl slept. A shadowy figure loomed outside the second story window. With the practiced skill of a burglar the shapely female form, unlatched the window and stole into the room without waking the two dreaming goddesses.

Quietly she reached into her belt and produced a sinister looking device with a small pressurized tank attached.


"Wake up GIRLS Times-a-wasting!!!"

Wonder Woman and Supergirl tumbled out of bed in a confused heap. The lights flicked on and none other than Batgirl stood at the head of the bed armed with an air-horn!

"Ladies-I've been looking for you ALL NIGHT!-Do you realize that Luthor and the Joker have teamed up to build a huge cybernetic dildo bed?"

"Barbara-what are YOU doing in New York?" cried Wonder Woman.

"New York? what do you mean this is Gotham City!!!"

With a flourish the dominoed daredoll threw back the curtains to reveal the unmistakable deco-noir urbanscape that is Gotham.

"Um...I guess we..."

"Had better get cracking as the Fate of the World is once again in our hands!"

With that Batgirl leapt out the window and headed into the night.

"Batgirl-wait for us" called the Amazon who had discarded her dildo in the meantime.

"good ending huh?" Said Supergirl.

"Oh yeah-Mucklejohn sure loves abrupt scene shifts though..." reflected the amazon.

"He sure does...does his best with the dialogue though..."

"Oh Kara-before I forget...?"

"Yes Diana?"

"Put your panties back on..."

The End