About The Heroine Project dot art

I was tired of all the best stories being lost to server failures, so I'm collecting them for preservation and enjoyment.

Migration of the stories will happen slowly. A lot of content is there, but formatting is off for a lot of them. Migrating from all the different sources out there is very time consuming as well, while also adding useful features.

If you want to help, have suggestions or concerns, you can email us at admin@theheroineproject.art


  • 38 Favorites
  • 879 Standalone Stories
  • 532 Stories without tags
  • 293 Tags
  • 185 Series
  • 390 Authors


When you login to the App you may wonder what we store, and what is public. With Supabase, we use cloud databases stored in AWS. The service manages the storing of all username and passwords.

Here is what we do store.

  • A unique generated ID that cannot be traced back to your personal identity.
  • Mapping of your preferences to that ID
  • Any values you provide on the edit page
You can view our full privacy policy as well.

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