Boobies ahoy

Author: Tenson
Time to Read:21min
Views:0 (All Time)
Added Date:1/25/2023
Tags: Power GirlShe-Hulk

The law offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway: Superhuman Law division

Jennifer Walters stared at the legal brief she was writing much as someone who couldn't turn into a six-foot-seven gammazon might look at a rattlesnake.

"Pug?" she said sweetly into the air. The attorney in question, Augustus "Pug" Pugliese, leaned back in his chair to poke his head into Jen's workspace.

"Yeah Jen?"

"We're handling a paternity suit against T'Challa, son of T'Chaka, the Black Panther, right?"

"Well, you are."

"A paternity resulting from a liaison..." Jen continued, rising out of her chair. Her skin became tinged with green and her blouse grew tighter as she began to expand with rage. "Which occurred while he was a member of the Avengers."

"If you say so."

She waved the latest issue of Black Panther. "But according to this, he was never PART of the Avengers! So how am I supposed to prove he sired a child when he was supposedly an entire ocean away!? GODDAMN RETCONS!" She brought her fists down, breaking her desk in two like a toothpick. Quickly, the added muscle mass melted away and she was once again sweet, approachable Jen Walters. "Umm... I meant to do that."

Just then, Pug's identical twin came up behind him.

"Hey, Shulkie, got a client for you."

"Pug, will you tell Ditto that I'm not speaking to him?" Jen said, trying to balance the now halved desk against itself.

"What?" 'Pug' asked, transforming back into his more familiar form. "What'd I do?"

"While you're telling him that, will you also mention that transforming into me and SUNBATHING in the courtyard is not an appropriate way to drum up business." Jen stepped away from the desk, which miraculously held together.

"I said I was sorry," Ditto said, throwing a file folder onto the desk. It immediately collapsed again. Jen picked up the folder and glared at Ditto until he ran off, then began to page through the file.

"Power Girl," she observed. "Any relation to Luke Cage?"

There were three categories that the underlings of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway's Superhuman Law division used to rate visitors. One benefit of working with superhumans was that they were almost always in fine physical form, so they were either Mostly-Clad (Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, etc.), Mostly-Bareass (Emma Frost), or Beast (this definition extended from Joan Rivers to the actual Beast). Of course, there were quantifiers. Skintight liquid latex, leather fetish, but the day Power Girl walked in they debuted the newest category: Boob window.

"I'm looking for a lawyer."

The receptionist, Chris, looked up. Chris had been born without any sex organs and the concept of sexual desire was completely unknown to Chris. This freed up a lot of time for Chris' hobbies, which were primarily painting toy soldiers and watching Canadian variety shows downloaded off the Internet. When Chris died, he would be reincarnated as a seventeenth-century lothario named Don Orin. When Don Orin died at the age of fifty-seven while having sex with three women disguised as nuns (long story) he would be reincarnated as Chris. And scenarios like that are why most people don't study theology.

"You came to the right place," Chris said.

Power Girl stepped into the hallway just as She-Hulk finished stuffing her latest furniture disaster into a closet. Before Power Girl's stunned eyes, the monster transformed back into a woman.

"A Martian!" Power Girl gasped to herself before Jen noticed her.

"Oh, hello there. You must be Power Girl." She shook Power Girl's hand. Her hand felt deceptively frail in Karen's grip. "I'm Jennifer Walters."

"Sure thing... 'J'ennifer W'alterzz,'" Power Girl said with a wink.

"Umm... uh-huh. Well, Power Girl, what can Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway do for you today?"

"I want my name back," Power Girl said. "I want to be Supergirl again."


"It's... kinda a long story."

"Don't worry, I'm billing you by the hour."

After two hours, four leg-stretching walks, and nine cups of coffee, Power Girl finished explaining the entire story just as they finished their fourth walk and ended up back in Jen's office in time for Power Girl to plop down onto Jen's couch with 'there ya go' flourish.

"So you're saying that my universe is a splinter from your universe," Jen said skeptically.

Power Girl nodded. "Caused by Alex Luthor messing with reality, yes, one of thousands created and then collapsed back into one world. Look, I'll prove it. How'd your universe begin?"

"Big Bang."

"Ours has a giant hand, so clearly it's the original."

"You've seen the Hand of God?"

"Well, the hand of the Presence."

"What's the Presence?"

"Well, it's... God, pretty much."

"Okay... let's move onto the Supergirl thing."

Power Girl leaned back into the couch, the cushion painted over with her red cape. She spread her legs wide and looked as if she were about to ask for a beer.

"You got a brewski?" she asked.

Jen sat down at her desk and opened a drawer, from which she pulled a small wine cooler. She tossed it to Power Girl, who caught it easily and looked at the label.

"Girly drinker," she accused.

"Only during office hours," Jen shot back.

"You'll have to let me test that theory sometime."

Jen was a bit taken aback by the innuendo (was it?), but decided to ignore it. Getting involved with clients was bad, wrong, bad-wrong... thus, she only did it for people who were super-cute.

"So, back to the Supergirl thing?"

"Well, it's complicated..."

"Skip to the end."

"I'm the Supergirl of Earth-2, the original universe."

"Wait, if Earth-2 is the original universe, why isn't it called Earth-1?"

Power Girl paused for a minute. "It just isn't."

Three hours later, after Jen had listened to the full story twice and dug up a list of appropriate legal texts to go over, and made one last comment ("Well, this new Supergirl going crazy and trying to kill Superman should help your case."), she stood, popped her neck, and shook Power Girl's hand again.

"Well, it's been fun, but we really should call it a night."

Power Girl smiled and floated to her feet. "Not in the mood for a nightcap?"

"I'm, uhh..."

"What? Don't tell me you have a boyfriend to get home to."

Jen shook her head. "Not at the moment, no. But, it's late, and I'm really not in the mood for a fight..."

"Oh, don't tell me you're one of those people who think all superheroes have to fight when they meet up."

"Oh, no, no, I've been in a few teams, I know what it's like... but it's just..."

"Whenever two superheroes get together, seems like they happen upon a supervillain..." "Kinda like how toast always lands butter-side down."

Power Girl looked around. "Well, when you're in Barsoom mode, we're about the same size... just loan me some clothes and we could go incognito."

Four minutes later, outside the law offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway

"That's it?" Jen asked, incredulous, as Power Girl slipped on a pair of reading glasses. "That's your big disguise?"

"Trust me, it works." Power Girl checked her appearance in a window. After a moment, she unbuttoned the top two buttons on her blouse. She turned around to present herself for inspection. "What do you think?"

"You clean up pretty well. So, what should I call you?"

"My friends have been known to call me Peej."

"No, no, in public. I can't just go around calling you Power Girl."

"Karen. Karen... wait, give me a minute, I know this one..."

"You don't know your own last name?"

"It's been a while."

Thirty minutes and eight drinks later at Mahoney's Bar and Grill...

"So, you have a secret identity?" Jen asked, taking off her jacket to better deal with the stuffy bar interior.

"Like... ten percent of one."

"So... no mask?"

"You don't have one."

"Got tired of explaining why I kept ripping out of my clothes."

"And nobody tries to kill you while you're... you?"

"Magic spell that prevents anyone who means me harm from seeing me."

"I don't do magic much. Got hit with one of those mystical pregnancies, long story, boring ending."

Jen thought of Carol Danvers. "You know, that happened to a friend of mine once."

"What happened?"

"He grew into adulthood and she ran off to be his sex slave in a pocket universe."

"What a slut."

"She got better."

Karen stirred her drink with its straw. "So, no questions about the whole parallel universe thing?"

"No, it... actually makes a lot of sense. People keep saying I had sex with Juggernaut..."


"No one. I keep telling them it must've been some other She-Hulk, now I guess it was. So, what's your universe's Captain Britain like?"

"You mean Captain Marvel?"

"You mean that crazy guy Peter David wrote?" Jen asked.

"No, this... big red cheese... who's Peter David?"

"Just a guy with two first names. One more question before you booze your way into oblivion."

Power Girl finished her drink. "Make it quick."

"Why does this mean so much for you? I mean, it's just a name."

"If you quote Shakespeare on me, I'll fry you with my heatvision. I think I can do that this week. Isn't this the point in the conversation where a supervillain interrupts us before we get all intimate and schmoopsy?"

Just then, the waiter sat down a new round of drinks. "Courtesy of the gentleman at the end of the bar."

At the end of the bar, Edward Nygma waved at them. And they just had to laugh.

Jen walked up to her apartment, wishing she hadn't worn her high heels to the office. "Rassem-frazzem elevator..."

"I could always fly you up," Karen offered.

"You want me to ride you?" Jen joked.

"Well, you did buy me dinner..."

Jen cut her off. "You never did tell me why you wanted to be Supergirl."

They reached Jen's floor. Jen stopped in front of the door, blocking Karen.

Karen reluctantly began: "I don't know... I guess I've always wanted to be part of something. And now... and now I have a legacy. I'm entitled to this legacy. Haven't you ever felt like that?"

Jen chuckled. "Most of my adult life I've been trying to distance myself from my legacy. When I don't, insurance companies start going bankrupt. Don't get me wrong, I love being She-Hulk... I was in the Fantastic Four, that was pretty..."

"Do you have sex as She-Hulk?" Karen asked.

"That's... quite a question."

"You've seen my costume. You really think I'm the type who's not upfront about these things?"

"Well, I, uh... not since I trained with Gamora. See, I have the exponential strength of my... before, so that when I transform I'm..."

"It's too dangerous for your partner?"


"Danger's kind of our job description, isn't it?"

Jen raised no objection when she felt Karen's face nearing hers, and felt the touch of her warm lips on her own mouth. Karen was kissing her, and she didn't mind. In fact, she liked the other woman's kiss... there was something sweet and undemanding and relaxing about it. Amazingly, she found herself responding, parting her lips and allowing the voluptuous woman to slip her tongue inside. It felt good.

Jen felt a hand brushing across her cheek, down her throat, and towards her breasts. She grabbed it just before it could reach its destination. "Not here," she said, pulling back.

"Then you'd better invite me in soon or you're gonna have a stain on the doormat."

"No, not in the building!" Jen protested, waving her hands wildly. "You think I could ever get the deposit back if two Marvels..."

"Metahumans," Karen corrected under her breath.

"...had rough sex in my apartment?"

Karen smiled, an idea coming to her. "I know just the place."

"This certainly is a pirate ship," Jen said, swaying uncertainly on the roiling deck.

A She-Hulk-sized blouse was dropped from the crow's nest, followed by a skirt and coat. Jen rushed to and fro, grabbing them. She had to venture out onto the gangplank to catch one before it fell into the choppy water below.

"Hey, be careful with these! You know how hard it is to get good tailoring with my measurements?"

"Believe me, Jen," Karen's voice shouted down from the nest as an elegant velvet frock coat slung over the side was pulled in. "Your measurements are foremost on my mind."

That said, Karen emerged from the crow's nest and scampered down the rigging, wearing her coat over a puffy white long-sleeved shirt. It swept down over her black buccaneer pants and leather boots. She made her way to the deck and adjusted her bandanna, then struck a pose against the helm.

"Well? Ready for some sex on the decks? Some pokin' on the ocean? Some screwin' on the sails? Some frigging in the rigging?"

Jen drew close to her, a startling transformation occuring. Her body turned green, from the roots of her hair to the toenails of her feet. She grew, quickly becoming head taller than Power Girl, muscles rippling out of her skin in perfect proportion. Her hair stretched down to her waist, becoming wild and untamed. Buttons burst off her clothing, her blouse ripping open, now hanging loosely like a flesh, revealing the inner sides of breasts the size of Power Girl's head. She stopped, enormous boobs eyelevel with a suitably awed Karen.

"Stop with the poetry, I'm already going to swab your deck," She-Hulk said as Karen took off her coat and threw it over the helm. She-Hulk looked her up and down, green-irised eyes lingering on her lasciviously-cut top, the neckline plunging deep between her breasts. She reached for Karen, then changed her mind and ripped off Karen's head sash. Karen smiled gamely and flipped her hair.

"I like your hair," She-Hulk said, gently brushing a hand through it. Karen's belly and her soft, satiny thighs seemed to quiver in empathy to the giantess' delicious touch as the hand moved down her face to rest a finger on her lips.

Karen briefly sucked on She-Hulk's index finger before pulling back. "You'll like my other hair even more."

"You should have given me time to get ready..." She-Hulk began tearing off Karen's motley clothing in long, lustful strips. "I have this green lipstick I put on before going into battle. Without it, my lips look so dull..."

Karen's hand brushed what remained of She-Hulk's blouse to the side, revealing a nipple shaded darker than the rest of the ripe tit it rested on. She tweaked it playfully, then surprised Jen by enveloping her in a deep, hot kiss.

"But they taste just fine," Karen reminded her, shedding what was left of her pirate costume. She-Hulk spread the clothing out with one bare foot, turning it into makeshift bedding.

"Splinters," the jade giant explained. "Even with skin as tough as mine, I don't like taking chances."

"Freak," Karen teased, lying down on the bedding. She-Hulk was right. It did feel better lying on cloth than on hard, coarse wooden planks.

She-Hulk kneeled down beside her, lips drawn back in an almost predatory snarl. If Karen knew that Jen had once been known as the Savage She-Hulk, she would have understood the nickname. Sharp fingernails bit into her cheek, almost drawing blood before the pads of She-Hulk's fingers cupped her chin one last time. This was quickly turning into a threesome between the unrepressed, aggressive She-Hulk and the tender, loving Jen. That suited Power Girl just fine.

A shiver rippled through Karen at the touch of a woman whose dimension she hadn't even shared for more than day, a touch moving down her throat, coming to rest on the nakedly firm globes of her breasts. Jen's long slender fingers were brushing electrically against the hardening nipples, caressing them ever so lightly, and Karen moaned almost inaudibly, aware of strange new feelings cascading through her. The larger woman's fingers were feather soft, like velvet, as they stroked the sensitive aureoles, tweaked the buds of her nipples, nearly turgid again, and brushed along the tender flesh of her flanks. Oh, good God, how good it felt... so light, so soothing...

"More!" Karen demanded. "I can barely feel it!"

"It's called foreplay, dummy. It's supposed to get you in the mood."

"I've been in the mood since my first teeny-tini. Squeeze! C'mon, milk that thing!"

She-Hulk did as instructed, viridian fingers clutching at cream white breast, trying to catch it all in the palm of her hand. Karen was too buxom for even She-Hulk to accomplish this, but the attempt pleased her, as did the force She-Hulk came to exert on her. A whooping three-thousand PSIs dug into Karen's flesh. She almost came at the sheer passion of the She-Hulk. Then she did come, owing to She-Hulk leaning down and mischeviously licking Karen's erect nipple. Red energy lanced out of her pupils, burning two neat, crisp holes through the billowing sails before continuing upward into the cloudless sky. She quaked and shuddered as her orgasm tore through her like a tornado, a scream forcing its way past her lips with power that rivaled the heatvision. It would've been heard for miles, were anyone around to hear it. The tremors resided, having boiled her blood and caused her to see stars and instantly made her resolve to have lots and lots of sex with metahumans, preferably green ones with big tits.

At the moment of orgasm, the sheer vivaciousness and lust for life of Jen connected with Karen at level far beyond the physical (although that was taken care of as well). The essence of She-Hulk's sensuality seemed to engulf Karen as she enjoyed the rough play on her suddenly tingling breasts. An ensemble of mixed emotions surged restlessly within her mind and body, feelings that she had no power nor desire to resist. She felt as if mesmerized as She-Hulk's exquisite face moved closer to hers and its perfect, full and soft mouth closed down once again upon her own, tenderly, moistly, warmly... finally, with increasing urgency. Karen's lips felt strangely soft in response, and she vaguely sensed them being pressed apart by She-Hulk's sweet tasting tongue slipping between them into her mouth. Moments later, Jen's voluptuous body was stretched out against her own, with only She-Hulk's flimsy clothes between them, separating breasts, bellies and loins.

She-Hulk pulled away from the wanton fondling.

"Why are you stopping?" Karen beseeched of her curvaceous lover. Then she saw that She-Hulk was just as impatient with the interruption as she was, panting like a bitch in heat as she peeled off the fragments of her clothes from her hot, sweaty body. Torrid droplets of sweat caught the Caribbean sunlight as they rolled over Jen's body.

"Your skin's so warm..." She-Hulk marveled, making small talk. "Like you're on fire!"

"Body stores solar energy," Karen explained quickly, eyes roaming over her partner's body as more and more of it was exposed to her. "Source of my power... probably shouldn't be telling you this..."

"Oh, yes, this is definitely not the time to be exchanging origin stories. I am receptive to 'more, more, oh God yes!' and the like," She-Hulk whispered huskily and hotly into Power Girl's mouth as she rolled back on top of her. "Now you just relax, baby... She-Hulk's going show you how we do it in this reality... or, to put it another way..." Without warning, Jen shoved her entire fist into Karen's pussy and quickly pulled it out again, heedless of the woman's yelp/yell of combined surprise and pleasure. "SHE-HULK FUCK!"

Jen was no savage. She still possessed the presence of mind to pause as Karen recovered from the sudden assault, frantically drawing in air to replace that which had been all-at-once expelled from her lungs. Then Power Girl smiled crookedly, almost a delayed effect from the hit-and-run fuck.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm... yessssss," Karen moaned softly, wishing she could somehow show this beautiful woman her appreciation of what she was doing. Of their own volition, her hands reached up and found the fullmounds of She-Hulk's breasts. She wanted to how She-Hulk how grateful she was for her kind caresses, her exhilarating strike, her first orgasm in far too long... she wanted to let She-Hulk feel the wonderful sensuality of female hands on her breasts, just like she herself was feeling them. She found the soft warn flesh and ran her fingertips along the smooth surface, searching further until she found the hard berries of Jen's nipples awakening eagerly at her touch. They felt firm and resilient, and new thrills excited Karen as she stroked and massaged the breasts of another woman for the first time in a long, long time.

She-Hulk kissed her again and Karen met her tongue automatically with her own, feeling the gentle, loving, brutal hands caressing her breasts enticingly and moving down over her with an intimate tenderness that seemed a lot more like love than any Valentine's Day crap she had ever gotten. She felt the hands stroking her sensitively quivering buttocks nd drawing her tightly into green.

And then She-Hulk seemed to jump without really moving, kicking her legs up and settling onto her haunches so she could stand up without breaking contact with Karen. Jen lifted Power Girl into air to coos of delight and slammed her against the mast, which slanted diagonally from the force of the blow until its fall was arrested by snarling upon the rigging of the second mast. She-Hulk pulled back to admire her work, the cracks spreading through the amputated mast around Power Girl's invincible, nude, quivering body. The cool air which bathed Jen's nakedly aroused body was bringing her tiny, ruby nipples to a rigid hardness.

"I thought you were afraid of splinters?" Karen said coquettishly, spreading her legs wide.

She-Hulk stepped forward, slamming a knee into the mast right below Karen's vagina, making a notch in the wood much like an ax would. "I'm not the one getting fucked against the wood."

Karen, for her part, took the opportunity to once more feast her eyes on She-Hulk's exquisitely feminine body. "I don't think anyone's getting fucked against 'the wood' today."

"Night's still young," She-Hulked commented, then she was pressing close to Karen once more, massaging her own splendid nakedness against Karen's soft, supple flesh, their nipples rubbing, their full, firm breasts flattening against one another's, their thighs meeting as did the soft, silken curls of their pubic mounds.

Karen gasped out with the erotic tremor that rippled over her sensitive flesh and through her delightfully aroused mind as She-Hulk's hand caressed her rounded, quivering buttocks, spreading them apart and tenderly easing between to stroke her tight little anus with a knowing and gentle finger. Once more, the shapely blonde trembled erotically, and a second later She-Hulk rolled her onto her back, shoving her facefirst against the mast. Power Girl smiled at her lover's forcefulness and wrapped her legs around the mast, raking her clit up and down against it. The sight of her jiggling ass humping a pole stunned Jen for a moment.

"Mast-turbation," Shulkie said approvingly, then proceeded, her hand tracing down over the full arched line of Karen's hips to her gently curved thigh. The beautiful behemoth slithered down her body and gently pressed Karen's legs open until the jade giant was kissing the creamy, warm skin of her inner thighs, working slowly upward toward her wantonly aroused pussy.

Power Girl, looking over her bare shoulder, noticed a sparkle in She-Hulk's green eyes as they locked on the narrow pink slit between her own legs, where already drops of moisture glistened from her building passion. Wild sensations raced through her as she saw the beauty greedily flick out her small tongue tip to swipe the pungent droplet into her mouth. Then she lay her head back against the mast, cheek pressed to the cold wood, uncaring and smiling warmly, eyes half closed and ecstatically fluttering. She-Hulk drew her tongue against the point where Karen's pussy joined the smooth cleft between her buttocks.

She-Hulk turned the shuddering Power Girl around once more, pressing her more firmly against the mast. The mast sunk further into the back of the ship, its slope becoming more gradual. Karen, sprawled on her back, breasts heaving, was now almost horizontal against the mast. She moaned as the tantalizing tongue traced the thin pink line of her wetly blushing vaginal lips to its little clitoral peak, sending a vibrant tremor over her shamelessly writhing body. Enchanted, she took another peek as She-Hulk tenderly, with her thumbs, brushed aside the tiny entanglements of pubic hair and spread apart the tightly clinging cunt lips until her clitoris burst into full view. Then, as the ripples of desire grew into seismic waves of rapture, She-Hulk began to lick it tenderly.

"Ohhhhh... Jen... That is so good... ohhhhh... don't ever stop..."

She-Hulk easily lifted Karen's legs and pressed them all the way back against her ripe upthrust breasts. Karen raised her head to watch the ravishing woman nuzzle her face again into her genitals, her dark tresses grazing tauntingly against the soft flesh of her belly as She-Hulk began to lick and suck at her pussy with a lewd hunger.

The sensations Karen was feeling in her loins were breathtaking... she had begun to wantonly squirm and writhe beneath She-Hulk's licking tongue and sucking lips. Probably every one of her supposed origins would disapprove of what she was doing... but there she lay! Sprawled on her back with her legs raised high and her thighs widespread in licentiously growing desire beneath the beautiful female creature whose hot mouth was instigating unbelievably lascivious pleasures inside her... soon she would come... really come with this magnificent gorgeous woman sucking and licking so beautifully at her cunt!

"Oh... God!" Karen gasped in the bliss of her ravishment.

She-Hulk was sucking her erect little clitoris and nipping at it with her sharp white teeth, sending violent spasms of ecstasy spiraling through her. It was maddening... erotically maddening... Then, She-Hulk's tongue was sliding smoothly in and out of her wetly throbbing vagina, moistly rotating then slipping deeply inside her again. Abruptly, she felt her hips being raised by those tantalizing hands cupping the rounded moons of her buttocks, and she held her knees back tight to her aching breasts as she felt the moistly taunting tongue trail downward through the smooth yielding crevice below her vagina to her anus. There it licked before its tip pressed firmly into the hole, penetrating only a short ways, though she tried to help by relaxing the outer muscles to the fullest. Once more, the wildly licking tongue returned to her throbbing hot cunt, and curled up into her, then flicked back to her clitoris again with the pressure mounting deeper and deeper in her loins.

She-Hulk raised her head from Karen's heated cunt and smiled at her client. "Come down here and kiss me," she whispered throatily.

Karen lowered her legs and obediently got to her knees, her heart pounding in her chest. She wrapped her arms hungrily around the other's neck and planted her wetly parted lips on the soft warm mouth, tasting the poignant essence of her own vagina there. The taste, the smell, the entire situation was causing her head to swirl in a deep wanton desire.

She-Hulk held her inside her arms. With a smile, she picked Karen up again and dropped her in the hammock created by the sails on the fallen mast. Power Girl slid down to the center, giggling, as She-Hulk pursued her. They met, embraced, and fell on top of each other; unable to get their footing on the trampoline-like surface. Jen pressed Karen's cheek against the soft resilient flesh of her own breast. She ran one hand down over the naked girl's soft belly... downward through the silken pubic hair to her wet pussy, drawing a finger up between its moist quivering lips.

Karen whimpered and tried to move closer; her head dropped to the woman's beautifully shaped breast and pressed the hardened nipple into her mouth. At once she began to suck hungrily, wetly, as her timidly trembling hand began moving over the lush warm flesh of She-Hulk's body.

"I hope you intend to give as good as you got," She-Hulk whispered, hotly.

"Mmm... definitely. Anything else would be... unheroic," she moaned, her lust filled brain swirling...

"I think it's time we have a team-up," She-Hulk breathed passionately, her soft hand caressing her partner's cheek resting against her full breast. "Would you like that... to lick and kiss my cunt as I do the same for you, Karen?"

The young blonde's brain reeled, and her belly churned with the carnal stimulation She-Hulk's lewd words and meaning aroused in her as prurient sensations soared through her sensually provoked body.

"That sounds heavenly," Power Said said, looking upward into the excited eyes of her lover. "So what the hell are you waiting for?"

She-Hulk slowly pressed her back onto the sail, then kissed her once as she knelt beside the girl, trailing her moist tongue downward between her ripe young thighs and again extending her tongue to caress the erect little clitoris. Abruptly, the wild tingling sensations were beginning all over again inside Power Girl's abdomen. Karen wasn't aware of how long the magnificent enthrallment between her legs went on before she opened her eyes to the feel and sight of She-Hulk's nakedly sensual body moving up over her. Emerald thighs were spreading wide, knees snuggling in against her ribs... the luscious buttocks moving backward above her face until the alluring sight of that other beautifully moistened vagina was completely exposed before her.

Karen could see the slit of her partner's lovely blushing vagina, so green it was almost black. Uncontrollably, she moved upward as if bewitched, until the musky scent reached her nostrils. Without thinking about what she was doing, she suddenly lashed out with her tongue, going deep into the raw velvety flesh toward the beautiful creature's clitoris... reaching up to clutch at She-Hulk's ass and draw it down tighter to her face while she ran her tongue wildly through the layers of the already seeping cunt... probing the slight pungency of the vagina, as her own desires continued to soar.

Karen sensed her own clitoris palpitating maddeningly in its flushed, erect state, and her breath was beginning to catch in her throat sharply at every grazing caress of her lover's delicious tongue. She eagerly pressed her wet open mouth tighter into the tender succulence of the cunt before her, separating the soft, fleshy lips. Then her mouth became a ravenous vacuum, open and hot, with nothing but tongue greedily invading the moistly seething fissure, lashing at the erect clitoris, tongue everywhere in the amazon's now hotly clasping channel, lubricious with its tangy secretions blending with her own saliva...

Karen was cocooned in bliss, enraptured by the new sensations she was feeling. They remained orally fucking each other into greater and greater heights of arousal until finally...

"Thanks for letting us use your Danger Room simulation, elf," She-Hulk said affectionately, now back in the clothes Power Girl had borrowed.

"It vas no problem, junge Dame," Nightcrawler said, looking at the now-bare room, the holograms long disabled. "Oh, shizer, I'm going to need a mop..." he said to himself as She-Hulk walked away.

"So, is that tail... flexible?" Power Girl asked from inside the old costume she had borrowed from Emma Frost's room (the corset was a bit much, but it was almost a match for her old outfit. She'd even left her number in case the "White Queen" wanted it back).

"Come along, Peej."

"Call me," Power Girl mouthed to Kurt as She-Hulk dragged her away.

Kurt went to look for a mop. "Well, I can think of at least two parts of my body that're not going to be blue for much longer..."