The Black Rose

Author: Ann Douglas
Time to Read:29min
Views:0 (All Time)
Added Date:3/2/2024
Tags: Robin

The following is a work of erotic fiction and includes scenes of sexual activity involving characters copyrighted by DC Comics. This story is intended for the non-commercial enjoyment of fans and should be considered a parody. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made from the distribution of this story.

For the sake of continuity, the following story takes place between "Robin on Patrol" and "Batgirl and Robin."

Night had fallen over Gotham City, and with it a blanket of darkness from which emerged those who would take advantage of its protection to break society's laws. On most nights, the thought that Batman was also out there in the darkness was enough to give many of those pause, but for tonight at least a free pass had been issued in the form of a front page photo in one of the city’s more irresponsible papers, a photo showing the Caped Crusader on a case in far-off London. As feared at the Dark Knight was, not even he could be in two places at once.

One thing that those who would take advantage of his absence failed to realize, however, was that while Batman was Gotham’s foremost champion he was in no way the only one. Second only to the Masked Manhunter was the young man who fought by his side under the guise of Robin. With the senior half of the Dynamic Duo absent, the Teen Wonder was more than anxious to demonstrate to such the error of their folly.

In the few hours since he had begun his patrol, the red, green and yellow garbed adventurer had prevented a half dozen muggings, an equal number of break-ins, and uncounted instances of just showing the flag – letting people on both sides of society know he was out there.

Gotham’s Finest was also on the job; even if in many cases all they were left to do was collect a string of would be perpetrators bound in batcuffs. The word spread quickly around the city in an almost ripple effect. For every crime Robin actually stopped, others still in the planning stages were abandoned. Still, as in most situations, there were always those who didn’t get the word – or were simply too stupid or arrogant to pay attention to it.

With dawn still a few hours away, the seventeen year old crime fighter found himself atop a low rooftop, watching a quartet of leather-jacketed street hoods in the alley below. Looking like something out of an old Fifties motorcycle gang movie, two of the group had just used a small sledgehammer to break the lock on the back door of a curio shop. A store this small, dating back to when this was a much nicer neighborhood, seemed a poor choice of target, especially since there was a much more attractive one, in the form of a pawn shop, just around the corner. Still, whatever the reason for their choice, it was a crime to be prevented.

Attaching a line to a batarang from his utility belt, Robin sent it flying across the alley, where it wrapped around a protruding steel pipe. He gave it a hard tug to be sure it was secure, then leapt down from his perch with the same ease that he once exhibited as the youngest member of the Flying Graysons.

As he dropped, he simultaneously drew two capsules from his belt and sent them hurling ahead of him. His booted feet slammed into the backs of the two closest hoods just as the flash- bang and smoke capsule exploded. The force of his hundred and seventy-five pound body sent his targets crashing to the ground, while the confusion generated by his diversion gave him time to pivot once he was on the ground and face the other two.

Despite the spots in front of his eyes, the hood with the sledgehammer lunged at the Teen Wonder with murderous intent. A carefully aimed karate blow disarmed the assailant, followed by a side kick that sent him slamming into the brick-covered wall.

By the time the thug hit the ground, Robin had turned to face the remaining member of the quartet. Learning from his friend's example, this one approached more guardedly; giving his eyes an added few moments to clear, assuming a stance that demonstrated he had at least a rudimentary knowledge of the martial arts. In the end, it did him little good as, under a quick succession of well placed blows, he joined his confederate down on the ground.

Only then did Robin realize he’d made a potentially serious mistake. Out of the corner of his mask, he spied three more similarly garbed teenagers at the mouth of the alley. Evidently they had been left out on the avenue on lookout and had been attracted by the noise of the flash bang. Unskilled fighters that they probably were, their number, combined with the first two he had only knocked to the ground, could prove a problem.

A swift kick that impacted against the side of the head of the first gang member to come within reach gave the Teen Wonder just enough of an opportunity to exercise the better part of valor. Grabbing hold of his still attached line, he pulled himself upward and, thanks to his well toned leg muscles, was actually able to run up the side of the wall, putting himself out of reach.

Unfortunately, a random element suddenly intervened that forced him to suddenly abandon whatever plan he might have come up with in the next few moments. The back door of the curio shop opened and Robin heard a woman’s voice call out. Tilting his head in the direction of the voice, Robin saw a middle-aged woman, presumably the owner of the shop, stepping out into the alleyway – directly in between the two pairs of still standing hoodlums.

Robin shouted a warning for the woman to get back inside, even as he formulated a renewed plan of attack. Before she could react to his outcry, however, the two closest hoods saw their opportunity and, each taking hold of one of her arms, dragged her out into the alley.

Letting go of his line, Robin dropped to the ground where he was immediately set upon by the first two hoods he had felled. The senior members of the gang, both were older and bigger than the Teen Wonder. Their attack was furious, but in the end long practiced fighting skills proved true, as he freed himself from their grasp and then counterattacked with a quick combination of blows that once more sent both to the ground. This time, he doubted that they would they would be getting up as quickly.

Not waiting to make sure, Robin spun around to face the final two, hoping that they hadn’t harmed the woman in the time it had taken him to dispatch their fellows. He was stunned to discover one of them tossed into an open garbage can like yesterday’s trash and the other being slammed into the side wall by the curio shop owner. His surprise then turned first to astonishment, then to admiration as the woman pivoted in a perfectly choreographed move and executed an impressive set of combat moves that even Batman couldn’t have found fault with. The final member of the gang never knew what hit him.

"Wow!" Robin exclaimed, perhaps a bit too loudly, as he watched the last attacker fall.

At the sound of his voice, the woman whirled around, her body coming to rest in a battle stance, ready to meet a new challenge. It was only when she recognized the source of the voice that she finally began to relax,

"Are you all right?" the woman asked as she stepped closer to Robin, becoming more illuminated as she stepped directly under the overhead alley light.

"I think that was supposed to be my line," Robin said with a smile as he closed the distance between the two of them.

"I’m fine," she simply replied.

Now that he had the chance, Robin got a much better look at the woman and saw that some, but not all, of his initial impressions about her were true. She looked to be in her early fifties, with just a touch of grey in her dark hair. In excellent shape for her age; Robin considered that she might be a retired cop or perhaps even ex-military. Certainly, the moves she’d just demonstrated hadn’t come from a lifetime selling bric-a-brac.

Excusing himself for a few moments, Robin quickly cuffed all of the hoodlums together, putting the last open cuff around a heavy steel fence. Then he contacted the police dispatcher and advised them that he had another pick-up. Told that they would be there in a few minutes, he passed that information along to the woman, who had been examining the broken lock on her back door.

"Do me a favor, would you?" she asked as she decided that the lock was a lost cause and would have to be replaced, "When the police arrive, leave my name out of the report. It would be more trouble than it's worth if they started asking me a lot of unwanted questions."

Without waiting for an answer, the woman then went back into the store.

Robin wondered what those unwanted questions might have been, but saw no reason not to honor the strange request. Whatever her reason for wanting to avoid questions from the police, it was her own business.

The "paddy wagon" arrived a few minutes later and as the gang members were herded inside, none seemed inclined to contest Robin’s version of events. He really hadn’t thought any of them would. It was one thing to be taken down by one of those "costume freaks", as they sometimes referred to Batman and himself, it was another all together to have been done in by some old lady. That was hardly the kind of story that was going to enhance their street cred.


Once the police had collected their new charges, Robin found himself again alone in the alley. He decided to make sure that the woman was indeed as fine as she had said before taking off. Knocking first on the no longer locked door, Robin opened it and stepped inside, calling out to announce his presence as he did so.

The store owner responded from down the hall, saying that she was in the office and that he should come on back.

Robin did so and, as he walked down the passageway, he glanced right and left at the collection of photographs that lined the walls. Most were taken a long time ago, but still recognizable as the neighborhood around them. One in particular caught his notice, as it was the front of the store on the day it opened, the cars parked in front dating the picture as having been taken in the mid-1950s. Obviously the shop was older than Robin had originally thought. He wondered if it was a family business, opened by the woman’s parents, or perhaps even her grandparents, or if it was something she took over somewhere along the way.

"The police are all gone," he said as he reached the office, "and I just wanted to make sure that you were okay before I took off."

"That was very nice of you," the woman said as she got up from behind the desk, "but I’m fine, really. The day hasn't come yet that I can't handle a few young punks like that."

As she had gotten up, Robin noticed an open bottle of whiskey on the desk, along with a full shot glass. The woman followed his gaze and once she was fully erect picked up the glass and drained it in one swallow, offering Robin a shot as she refilled her own. It was an offer he declined.

"Back in my day, losers like that wouldn’t have lasted a week in this neighborhood," she said as she drained the second glass in similar fashion. "The people who lived here wouldn’t have stood for it."

If she was an example of what those people were like, Robin had no doubt that was true. She picked up the bottle and looked about to pour herself a third drink, but then seemed to think better of it and instead put the cover back on the bottle.

Not wanting to stare, Robin let his eyes wander around the room, the walls of which were also covered with old photographs. Unlike those in the outer hall, these were of people, both individuals and small groups, rather than neighborhood scenes. But, as with the others, the backgrounds and style of dress dated them as well.

One picture on the center of the far wall, looking almost as if positioned in a place of honor, caught the Teen Wonder’s attention. Unsure of what he was looking at, he took a few steps closer to get a better look. The woman saw his interest and watched with a small measure of amusement as he did so.

His eyes opened wide as he realized that the grouping of young men and women, sitting around a large round table, were all wearing costumes. And not just any costumes, but ones that were legendary, and for the most part had not been seen in his lifetime.

"Holy generations," he exclaimed, unable to contain himself, "that’s the Justice Society!"

"Is it now?" the woman smiled as she stepped closer to both Robin and the photograph.

Wonder and admiration filled his eyes as ran his gaze across the figures in the old black and white photograph. Most were instantly recognizable, while others remained unknown to him, having disappeared long before even Batman had first put on the cowl. There, at the center of the table, sat the original Green Lantern and Flash, along with Hourman and the Sandman, heroes right out of the history books. Slowly, almost reverently, Robin ran a gloved finger across the bottom of the photograph, remembering what he knew about each of those original "mystery men and women".

When he reached a dark haired woman in black, who looked barely out of her teens, he suddenly stopped. The costume was only vaguely familiar and it took a very long minute before he associated it with a name. Yet, even before the name came to him, the realization that the woman in the photograph and the one standing behind him were one and the same hit him like a thunderbolt.

"This is you," he said excitedly as he turned back to face the curio shop owner. "You were the Black Rose."

"These days I’m more likely to answer to Maggie McGuire," she said.

"But this had to have been taken – " Robin started to say, turning his head to indicate the photograph.

"A long time ago," Maggie said with a smile.

"But that would make you __"

"Old enough to collect social security," she quipped, adding, "barely."

"But how __"

"I’ll explain," she said, "if you promise not to say but again."

Robin promised and sat on the edge of the desk as he gave her his full attention.

Maggie seemed to blank out for a few seconds, but Robin knew she was really looking back at an event of years past. She had only been a sometimes member of the JSA, she said, in the last few months of their original incarnation. Her participation was discouraged after they discovered that she was barely of age, and later forgotten in most histories of the period. A masked adventurer like Robin himself, she never had any special abilities other than the combat skills taught to her by her father and uncles, all of whom had been in what would later evolve into Special Forces after the Second World War.

Still, she had been lucky enough to have been with the team during what was perhaps their most important adventure. The one in which the Society, as well as some of their spouses, had been exposed to a unique form of chronal energy – radiation which had retarded the aging process to such an extent that while her birth certificate might make her sixty-two, she still had the vitality of a woman half that.

"Incredible," Robin said, having experienced enough strange things in his own short career to have no doubt her story was true. "I guess you probably didn’t need my help at all tonight."

"Well, I don’t know about that," Maggie grinned, her eyes again taking on that long ago look for a brief moment, "but it was fun, I can tell you that. It brought back some old memories of when I was still in the game."

"Well, I’m glad I was able to help, even if you didn’t need it," Robin said, "but I really should finish out my patrol, even if the sun is going to be up soon."

"I just had a great idea," Maggie said, her face suddenly coming alive with excitement. "Why don’t I go with you on patrol, just for old times’ sake?"

"I’m not sure that’s such a good idea," Robin said.

"Nonsense, it’ll be fun," she insisted. "You already saw how well I can handle myself. Just give me a few minutes to change."

As Maggie disappeared up the staircase leading to the small apartment over the store, Robin knew this was a really bad idea. What he should do, he told himself, was take off before she came back down. But curiosity got the better of him, and he justified his waiting by the thought that once she came down here in her old costume, the former crime fighter would realize what a silly idea this was and give it up. If she didn’t, he would find a way to talk her out of it.

"Ready or not, here I come," Maggie announced from the staircase just before she bounded back into the office.

Whatever thoughts Robin had carefully cultivated about why Maggie should abandon the idea of going on patrol promptly vanished from his head the moment she stepped back into the room. He opened his mouth, but the words simply weren’t there.

Maggie now wore a low cut, skin tight black body suit, with a matching leather belt and jacket. A stylized black rose adored the silver buckle of her belt and a mask not much bigger than Robin’s covered her face. Lightweight boots with steel tips replaced the comfortable shoes she had earlier been wearing, and small leather compartments along the back of her belt seemed almost a predecessor of the Dynamic Duo’s utility belts.

All the Teen Wonder could think of at that moment was that there were teenage girls in his school that wouldn’t have looked as good in that outfit. It was impossible to believe that this woman was old enough to be a grandmother.

"Shall we get going? The night’s no longer young," Maggie said, heading for the back door and giving Robin no chance to suggest otherwise.

With no longer any alternative but to take Maggie along on patrol, because in actuality she was now leading him, Robin tried to keep their early morning excursion as uneventful as possible. Following the mental map he carried in his head, he steered her into one of the most tranquil parts of town, one where almost nothing ever happened.

Unfortunately, the very fact that it was a quiet area where almost nothing ever happened proved to be the very reason certain mob leaders had picked it as a neutral site to facilitate an exchange of cash and high-powered weaponry. It was only by chance that Robin and the Black Rose came across them, but once they did, it was impossible not to get involved.

"If anything happens to her, Bruce is going to kill me," Robin thought as he again hurled a batarang through the air and leapt into battle.

As it turned out, she wasn’t the one he had to worry about.


"Careful, that ankle is still sore," Maggie said as she led the Teen Wonder into the back room of the curio shop.

"I'm fine, really," Robin said as he tried to put some weight back on his twisted ankle, only to again discover the fallacy in his words, punctuated by a low groan.

"You heard what the paramedics said," Maggie said as she guided him onto the couch. "They said it was only a sprain, but that you had to stay off it for at least a few hours. Now, since you declined their offer to take you to the hospital, and I obviously can't drive you home, you're going to have to stay here. At least until you can make arrangements for someone to come and pick you up."

"I still can't believe I tripped over that exposed water pipe," Robin said as he dropped down onto the large sofa.

"Shit happens, kid," Maggie grinned, "to the best of us. I remember one time, Green Lantern, the original one, not the space cop you have running around now, got himself knocked cold by a falling tree branch. Can you imagine that, having the most powerful weapon in the universe at your disposal, and a rotted piece of wood takes you out of the fight."

There was more to that story, Robin knew, but if the former part time Justice Society member didn't know that the original GL's ring was powerless against wood, he wasn't about to share that information – even at this late date. His mind quickly shifted to the here and now, and who he could call to pick him up.

Batman wasn't due back from London for two more days, and Alfred had gone with Bruce to England to visit some relatives. There was always Jim Gordon, but he knew the Police Commissioner sometimes had misgivings about Batman having a teenage partner, and he didn't want to give him any ammunition that could be used in an argument against the fact. He then thought for a brief moment of that new Batgirl, but had no idea of who she really was or even how to contact her. Finally, he considered one of his fellow Teen Titans, but, as he remembered, Kid Flash had communications duty this week, and if Wally learned that the former acrobat had tripped over his own two feet he'd never let him live it down.

"Think of anyone I can call?" Maggie said as she dropped her mask onto the table.

"Not at the moment," Robin replied, thinking that a few hours crashing on Maggie's couch was hardly the worst of options.

"Well then, looks like you’re stuck here for a bit," the older woman said.

"Guess so," the Teen Wonder said with a grin of acceptance.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Maggie asked.

"Excuse me?" Robin asked.

"I asked if you would like a cup of tea," Maggie repeated. "I was going to make myself one and it would be no bother to make two."

"A cup of tea sounds fine," he replied.

"Fine, I'll be back in a jiffy," Maggie smiled. "While you’re waiting, why don't you make yourself a bit more comfortable? I imagine that costume can be a bit much at times."

If all he was going to do was just lounge around for the next few hours, Robin had to admit that his full costume was a bit much. He took off his cape, vest and gloves, draping them over a nearby chair. His right boot followed, since the left had been taken off by the paramedics to bandage his ankle. The mask would of course have to stay, but in only a lightweight short sleeved shirt and shorts, he would at least be a bit more comfortable.

"Ah, that's much better," Maggie said as she stepped back into the room, carrying a serving tray with a steaming teapot and two cups with saucers.

She poured a cup for Robin, then one for herself. She was impressed when her guest declined milk or sugar as an additive. Obviously someone had taught him the importance of enjoying a good cup of tea in its natural form. Handing him a cup, she mentioned that it might not be what he was normally used to.

"Mmmm, this is quite good," he said as he took a small sip.

"I'm glad you think so," the former mystery woman said as she took a sip of her own undoctored drink, "it's a pretty rare tea blend, but it's been known to have beneficial healing properties. An old friend recommended it to me a long time ago."

Robin had heard that claim before and didn't think much of it. He might have felt differently if he'd known that Maggie's old friend had been Kent Nelson, better known to the world as the sorcerer, Dr. Fate.

By the time Robin finished his tea, he was feeling a bit sleepy, and Maggie said that she was feeling somewhat tired as well. She said her good nights and left him to get some rest. By the time she got up to her small, second floor apartment, the Teen Wonder was, uncharacteristically, already fast asleep.


Opening his eyes, it took a few seconds for Robin to remember where he was, and how he'd gotten there. Based on the angle of the sunlight through the window, he judged it to be early morning, a conclusion confirmed by the clock on the nearby desk.

Sitting up on the couch, he carefully lifted his injured ankle and gently probed it with his hands. To his surprise, not only did it no longer appear swollen, but when he flexed his foot there wasn't even the slightest twinge of pain. Perplexed, but nevertheless filled with cautious optimism, Robin carefully lifted himself to his feet and put, first half, then his full weight on the injured limb. Again, to his amazement, it didn't hurt at all.

"It shouldn’t feel this good," Robin thought to himself, remembering what his ankle had looked like when the EMS Tech had wrapped it up. "I've been dealing with sprains my whole life and I shouldn't have been able to do what I just did."

Quickly undoing the bandage, he inexplicably found a perfectly healthy ankle, indistinguishable from its counterpart. Dropping back onto the couch, he tried to sort it all out. It was then that he realized that it wasn't only his injured limb that was feeling better than it had a right to. His whole body felt charged, as if he'd spent a day recuperating and not just a few hours.

In fact, he'd been so concentrated on his ankle, the Teen Wonder didn't realize at first that another part of his anatomy was exhibiting an unusual reaction. Tight against his briefs, his cock was sporting a major erection. That in itself wasn't that unusual; he was half hard on many mornings when he first woke. But unusually, this one showed no sign of deflating on its own.

"Good morning, I hope you slept well," Maggie McGuire said as she unexpectedly backed into the room, carrying a tray on which rested a simple but filling breakfast. "I figured you might be hungry," she added as she began to turn around.

Realizing that his erection had, if anything, become even more visible in the brief minute since he'd become aware of it, Robin grabbed the thin blanket that Maggie had left him and pulled it across his lap. Hopefully, he thought, it would subside before he had to get up for any reason.

"I wasn't sure what you'd like," Maggie said as she put the tray down on the table in front of him, "but juice, toast, bacon and eggs never seem to be a bad choice."

Looking at the food, Robin was surprised to find that he was indeed quite hungry, far more than he should've been, considering that he'd eaten a good dinner before going out on patrol last night. Putting aside his other concerns for the moment, he helped himself to the breakfast Maggie had brought.

Sipping a cup of tea that she had brought for herself, Maggie, who was dressed in a short, light blue robe, sat down next to her guest and watched him eat. It wasn't until he was almost finished that she inquired as to how his ankle was feeling.

"Better," he said as he finished off the last of the juice, "in fact, it's just about perfect. Although I'm at a bit of a loss to explain how it got that way."

"Well," Maggie said slowly, drawing out her words as she put down her cup, "I did say that the tea you had last night had certain beneficial properties."

"You're telling me that I feel like I do just because of just a cup of tea?" Robin asked in disbelief.

"Well, I did say it was a special blend," Maggie smiled.

"Does it have a name?" Robin asked, his curiosity stirred.

Maggie said a word which he didn’t understand, but the etymology sounded familiar. It sounded like, a very old word.

"Was that Egyptian?" he asked.

"Actually it was," Maggie laughed, "which makes sense, since Kent once told me that was where he first came across the blend."

"Kent?" Robin asked, wondering if that was a first name or a last, and if the latter, it couldn't possibly be the one he was thinking of, could it?

"Nelson," Maggie added, "my friend who gave me the tea is named Kent Nelson. Perhaps you've heard of him."

It took a moment for Robin to search his memory of the old Justice Society files that Batman had once compiled, but then it hit him. Kent Nelson was, and to the best of his knowledge still was, Dr. Fate.

"Does the tea do anything else?" Robin asked, realizing that what he had drunk last night was indeed what she claimed it was. "I mean does it have any … err … side effects?"

"Side effects?" Maggie repeated, seemingly surprised by the suggestion. "What do you mean?"

"Does it make you feel…" he paused as he searched for the right word, "energized?"

"Well, I know that it cures what ails you," she said with a grin.

"Anything else?" Robin asked.

"Like what?" Maggie replied.

Robin glanced downward, then brought his gaze back up just as quickly. Maggie looked puzzled for a moment, then remembrance filled her face. Leaning over towards the young man on the couch just a few feet away, she took hold of the blanket and slowly pulled it off him.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed, quickly bringing outstretched fingers to her mouth to suppress a giggle that she could feel forming at the back of her throat. "I so totally forgot that sometimes happened."

Robin wasn't sure he should feel relieved or even more embarrassed. On one hand, it was good to know that his predicament did have a cause beyond his control, but on the other, his condition only seemed to be getting worse. His cock was now standing totally at attention, forming a rigid tent in his costume briefs.

"What am I supposed to do about it?" Robin asked, thinking as soon as he'd said the words that the answer seemed to be obvious.

Maggie didn't hear his question at first, her attention shifting for the moment to days long ago when some of her compatriots were faced with the same interesting side effect.

"Excuse me?" Maggie said.

Robin repeated his question.

"Well, as I remember, the boys each dealt with it in different ways," Maggie said, a broad grin on her face as she remember what some of those ways had been. "Those that were lucky enough to have a wife, or a willing girlfriend, made the best of it. While others just took matters into their own hands."

What Maggie left out of her explanation was that it had been her somewhat eager willingness to lend a helping hand, side effect or not, that had caused those wives and girlfriends to demand she be dropped from the team. Her age had just been a convenient excuse, despite the fact that she was no younger than Alan Pratt, the original Atom, had been when he joined. But Al wasn't giving the other members blow jobs, at least not that she had ever heard.

"Then I should just…" Robin asked, not really needing to spell it out.

"That is one possibility," Maggie replied, even as she moved closer, "but that would be such a waste, wouldn't it?"

"What?" Robin said, not understanding what she had said.

Maggie had always believed in the old adage that actions spoke louder than words, especially in situations like this. Showing, rather than just explaining, was also a hell of a lot more fun. That in mind, she leaned closer to him and, in one quick motion, slipped her hand under the elastic of his costume briefs, closing her fingers around his hard cock. The sudden touch of her flesh against his sent a jolt of erotic electricity through him.

"Holy –" Robin started to exclaim out of reflex, only to realize that since the first time that he'd put on a cape, the right word just wasn't to be found.

"There was another thing about going out on patrol and stomping on the bad guys that I'd forgotten," Maggie said as she played with his balls a bit before sliding her hand up and down his length. "How after a really good night, it always left me hungry and horny – and I've already had breakfast."

A part of the Teen Wonder knew he should stop it there before it went any further, remembering the stern lecture Batman had given him following his sexual encounter with Catwoman last year. But even as those thoughts surfaced, they were met by others that said this was a totally different circumstance. After all, hadn't the Black Rose been one of the good guys?

The debate within him might have gone either way, had not Maggie chosen that moment to tip over the scales. With a deft motion and a firm grip on his cock, she lifted it out from under his briefs. At the same time she bent over and, without hesitation, kissed the tip, then ran her tongue under the base of its crown. Finally, before Robin had time to even react, she wrapped her lips around his cock and took a quarter of its length into her mouth.

Through still masked eyes, Robin watched in disbelief as Maggie's head began to bob up and down, taking more of his cock with each repetition. It was hardly the Teen Wonder's first blow job, but it was one that was quickly rising to the top of his all time best list. Then again, that shouldn't have been surprising, seeing that the woman fellating him had had decades to perfect her skill.

Tilting his head back and closing his eyes, Robin allowed himself to drift into a dreamy euphoria. If this was a dream, he told himself, it was sure as hell one of the best he'd ever had.

Seconds seemed to stretch on into minutes, and minutes towards an hour, at least from the dark haired teen's perspective. All he was fully aware of was that soon he was nearing an orgasm, one which he eagerly looked forward to. The woman who had once been the Black Rose had other plans, however, ones that went beyond just getting him off.

"Why don't I get a bit more comfortable?" Maggie said, as she let his cock slip from her mouth and lifted herself up to her full height.

Robin opened his eyes just in time to see Maggie slide off her robe and let it drop to the floor. As it fell, he realized that she had been wearing nothing beneath it that she hadn't come into this world with.

Last night, Robin had thought Maggie had looked incredible in her Black Rose costume, but now he considered that she looked even more so without it. Her body wasn't perfect, not in the way Catwoman's had been, but it had charms that the young villainess could only have benefited from. The older woman's breasts were still firm, and just the right size for her body, and even if the tightly trimmed mound between her legs was a mix of grey and white, it was no less inviting than one of a solid, darker hue.

"Well, not bad for an old lady, don't you think?" Maggie said as she turned a bit to the right, and then to the left, to give her guest a fuller view.

"Not bad for a lady of any age," Robin replied, thinking that even if he hadn't sampled Maggie's special tea, his cock would've still been in the same state as it was now.

"I'm glad you approve, because, for this morning at least, it's all yours." Maggie smiled as she moved forward and, leaning down to bring her face close to his, kissed the young crime- fighter right on his mouth.

In the abstract, having a woman old enough to be his grandmother slip her tongue into his mouth would've been enough to gross out anyone Robin's age. But it was simply impossible to see Maggie McGuire in that way, as simply the sum of the calendar pages she had left behind. It wasn't just her physical attributes, considerable as they might have been, but more the youthful, dynamic energy she projected.

As one kiss ended and another began, Maggie again closed her fingers around Robin's cock and began to slowly pump it up and down. This time the Teen Wonder responded by placing the palm of his hand against each of her breasts, squeezing them softly as his thumbs played with her nipples, thick tips that grew instantly hard under his attention.

Continuing to play with his cock, Maggie shifted her body so that her breasts now hung even with his face, inviting the younger man to partake of them. An invitation he didn't hesitate accepting, eagerly closing his mouth around the closest nipple.

Maggie moaned softly as she felt the wetness of his tongue wash across her sensitive flesh. Her nipples had always been highly receptive and she could feel the caress of his mouth all the way down to her toes.

"Oh yeah, baby, that is nice," she said as, after a few more minutes, she gently shifted his head to her other mound.

Robin's hands were no less active as he brought one around to the small of her back while sliding the other down between her legs. A smile filled his face as he found her clit with his fingers and began to play a happy tune – one that brought an even louder moan from Maggie.

"Oh, you do know the way to a girl's heart," she purred.

They pressed their bodies against each other a bit more tightly, continuing to please each other with hands and mouth. Leaving his thumb to still caress her clit, Robin slipped his fingers into her pussy, finding it quite wet indeed. Slowly at first, then with increasing speed, the Teen Wonder worked his fingers in and out of the woman beneath him.

As a warm, pleasing feeling spread across her body, Maggie took a moment to appreciate the skill of the young man's ministrations. She had no doubt that he got a lot of practice with this sort of thing, considering that even with his mask on he was obviously a handsome young man, with a well toned body that any professional athlete would envy. A combination that, even in her day, caused nice girls to relax both their guard and their legs.

Robin continued to play with her a few minutes more, then dropped down to his knees, replacing his talented fingers with an even more gifted tongue. In no time at all, the satisfying echoes that had rippled across her body doubled, then tripled in strength and frequency. Had she known, it would've greatly surprised her to discover that she had a career criminal to thank for the ecstasy she was now enjoying, namely Selina Kyle, the Catwoman. Only a year before, while a captive of the costumed villainess, Robin had not only lost his virginity but had learned the finer points of pleasing a woman.

"Oh, that is even better," Maggie moaned softly as she felt his tongue caress her most intimate flesh.

Pleased by her reaction, Robin continued his efforts. It was one thing to be able to impress the girls in high school that he dated, but it was quite another to do the same to a woman of experience.

"Oh yeah, right there," Maggie moaned even louder as Robin found just the right spot.

He concentrated his efforts there and a few minutes later her body rocked with a small but nevertheless pleasing orgasm. The nectar of his victory was sweet indeed.

Maggie was certainly pleased with his efforts, but her brief delight left her wanting even more. She gently lifted Robin away from her sex and up into her arms, kissed him warmly.

"I want… I need you inside me," she whispered into his ear.

With that, she rose from the couch, moving Robin down onto the cushion she had just vacated. Standing her full height, she turned around so that her back was now to him, then climbed back onto the couch, her bended legs straddling him. Reaching down, she took hold of his rigid cock and, lowering herself at the same time, guided it to the doorway of her womanhood.

Robin moaned softly as he felt the folds of her pussy close around his cock. Maggie mirrored his sentiment as she felt his hardness fill her. It had been quite some time since she'd had a man this way, and for the life of her she couldn't remember why that had been so. It was an absence she was certainly going to make up for now.

She leaned back against Robin, allowing him to reach around and cup her breasts. His fingers worked their magic against her nipples as she began to slowly gyrate her body, massaging his cock with her pussy. Then she began to rise up and down, sliding his length in and out of her, the depth of his passage increasing with each repetition.

"Oh God, yes!" Robin moaned even louder as the warm wetness of her body engulfed him.

Delights most wondrous filled both of them as they began to move in unison. Maggie's body rose up and down, meeting Robin's on each downward stroke as he lifted his own body to meet hers. His hands continued to play with her bouncing breasts even as she moved one of her own down between her legs to caress her clit.

Flesh damp with sweat pressed together as they raced down the road to orgasm, hearts beating loudly and breaths coming in shallow gasps. The journey proved to be a short one, but neither of them was about to complain about its brevity. Indeed, they were more than happy to just savor the joy of their mutual euphoria as the gates of bliss opened with a resounding clap of thunder.


"Oh how I've missed that," Maggie said as she climbed off her young lover a long few minutes later, sitting down next to him on the couch. "It’s been much too long." Adding after a pause for breath, "I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"I certainly did," Robin said, having already been thinking that, despite the difference in their ages, the Black Rose could certainly give the Catwoman a run for her money.

"I'm glad," Maggie replied, as she let her head drop back onto one of the throw pillows, closing her eyes for a moment to savor the memory of what they had just shared.

Her reflections were interrupted a few moments later, as she heard the Teen Wonder break the silence with a sense of urgency in his voice.

'Err, Maggie," she heard Robin say, causing her to open her eyes and look in his direction.

As she did, the cause for the concern in his voice was instantly apparent. In fact, it was impossible to miss. Despite their energetic attempt to rectify his condition, his manhood was still standing at full mast.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that sometimes it takes more than one try to work it all out of your system?" Maggie asked with a mischievous gleam in her eye. "But not to worry; I'm willing to make a go of it no matter how long it takes."

In the end, it had taken no less than three more tries before the Teen Wonder was back to his normal self. After which, he'd dropped into such an exhausted sleep that night had again covered Gotham by the time he was ready to leave.

"You have a safe trip home," Maggie said, after glancing out the door leading into the alleyway, making sure it was clear for Robin to exit without being observed.

"I want to thank you for all your… hospitality," Robin said, pausing while he searched for the right word.

"Think nothing of it," Maggie smiled as she opened the door wide enough for him to pass by her. "I can't remember the last time I had a more enjoyable afternoon."

Robin just smiled back as he stepped out into the alley and, removing a batarang from his utility belt, made ready to head back to the roof tops. He was just about to let it go when Maggie decided to have the last word.

"Oh, and if you ever find yourself back in the area on a slow night," she said with a wide grin, "feel free to stop by for a spot of tea."

Robin didn't reply, completing his toss and quickly climbing back up to the opposing roof he had stood upon the previous night. He glanced back into the alley, watching as Maggie closed the door behind her. As she did, he couldn't help but think that a spot of tea might not be a bad idea on some cold night.


(c) Ann Douglas 2013Z