Wonder Woman (Another Yesterday)

Author: B.D. Philips
Time to Read:59min
Views:0 (All Time)
Tags: Wonder Woman

Synopsis of story

In 1943, Wonder Woman saved Steve Trevor and 20 men under his command from capture by a Joint contingent of German, Japanese, and Italian soldiers, manning a secret Complex. Because of her help, the complex, which was secretly manufacturing

A new type of Rocket plane (Jets) was discovered.

Allied forces quickly eliminated it, thus assuring an allied victory two years later.

In 1965...more than 20 years later, a mad scientist named Jervis Himler, bent on changing that part of history, managed to construct a device that alters reality

(Time machine) Patriot girl, daughter of Captain America and heir to his incredible abilities, continuing in her father's footsteps, was dispatched to investigate.

Patriot girl is captured, and journeys back into the Past along with Himler and three of his associates. Now, one American legend and one heir to a legend, find themselves rewriting history.

Will it be a glorious new beginning for The Third Reich...or an alternate chapter in American history...?

About Patriot girl

She was born Audrey La'Blanc in Paris France...almost 21 years earlier.

Her mother was a French resistance fighter named Louise La' Blanc.

Her father was none other than Steve Rodgers (Captain America)

The two of them met while he was fighting the Nazi's in France.

Audrey never met her father, since he was frozen in ice less than a year after she was conceived. (A fact that, she, nor her mother were aware of.)

No one else was aware of his fate at the time either. However, knowing Steve's honest nature, Louise assumed Steve had been killed in action, and to honor him, she gave her daughter his family name of Rodgers. But, as it turned out

...Steve Rodgers pasted on more than just his name to the young woman.

Five years after her birth, Audrey's mother noticed that her little girl was not like others her age. At 4 months old the young Audrey was already on her feet ready to walk.

But at five, Louise noticed her little girl could hear and see better than almost anyone ...and after a year learned her reflexes were very sharp.

Louise knew that Steve was Captain America, and assumed her daughter would most

likely inherit at least some of his abilities. Her main fear was, that she too would use her abilities like Steve did...and end up just as dead. At 14, Louise told Audrey about

her extraordinary heritage.

Audrey soon discovered that she possessed many of Captain America's abilities.

In 1960, after her mother's death from Cancer, Audrey stayed with an Aunt on her father's

side of the family in America...four years later, she moved out on her own to attend college.

Colonel James Ridgemont, (U S Army Retired) now head of a newly formed anti-terrorist, agencydiscovered her association with Steve Rodgers and her latent abilities.

Like Captain America, her abilities were honed to a fevered pitch. Soon, Audrey donned a

similar costume to that of her father and when needed to protect the security of America

...PATRIOT GIRL was called upon.

J\une 10th 1943...off the coast of Turkey

A small contingent of American, French and British troops...about 100 in all were assigned to

investigate a possible Nazi installment 75 miles from the French border.

Major Steve Trevor himself was ordered to determine the nature of the installment.

He was looking over a map in the hastily constructed allied head quarters, when the radio

operator informed him of an incoming message. Steve hesitantly took the microphone in

his right hand, as the radio operator transferred the audio to the box setting, so that all could

hear. "Go ahead!"

Steve face formed a smile, as he heard a familiar female voice

"Diana?" Steve Trevor responded in surprise, "nice to hear your voice!"

Back in the radio room 20 miles away aboard the aircraft carrier USS Lexington, Diana

smiled broadly. "Steve," She replied. "Admiral Forthright wanted me to obtain your report

...has your detail found out what the installation is yet? "

"Not yet Diana," Steve replied."But there is definitely Nazi and Japanese troops here ...patrols

have seen some small pockets of soldiers."Tell the admiral I should have further reports in a few hours!"

"Got it Steve!" Diana responded, looking over for a response from Admiral Forthright.

All of a sudden, Diana heard an alarm sound in the background at Steve's headquarters.

"We're under attack!!"

Diana looked about the radio room nervously, as the sounds of a massive battle came

through the speakers of the radio set...then there was only silence. Diana fought back tears as she backed away from the console.

Admiral Forthright instructed one of his men to take over the radio set.

"I'll have to inform Washington Miss Prince!"

Diana said nothing. She simply faded away into the mass of confusion aboard the shipas men everywhere readied themselves for possible military action. Finding a secluded location

near the starboard side, Diana stood there a second, then spun around in a circle. A flash of

bright light engulfed her, and when it cleared, the star spangled avenger Wonder Woman

appeared in place of the reserved Diana Prince.

Wonder Woman took a quick look at herself in her traditional costume, then spun around againinducing a similar bright light, to this time appear in her red, white, and blue swimsuit. She looked about once more to see if anyone else was around, then dove from the death-defying heights of the battle ready Lexington into the water below.

The waves were quite choppy, and little could be seen from the crew of the ship...but, several sailors could swear that they saw a patch of red, white, and blue amongst the grey colored sea water traveling at breakneck speed towards the shore.

Quickly dismissing the sight, as a simple hallucination...the sailors scurried along to their battle stations.

On the shore...all but 20 allied officers, including Steve Trevor lay dead on Turkish soil.

A German Officer spoke something in German, after two soldiers bound Steve's wrists, and

shoved him over with the other prisoners.

There were approximately 300 Axis soldiers in all. German, Japanese and several Italian troops

made up the forces that overpowered the Allied contingent.

The German officer, who seemed to be in charge, spoke in English to a Japanese Officer.

"I shall leave the bulk of the troops here with you!" The 40ish looking commander stated, with

a glare of superiority to his Japanese subordinate.

"I shall command a contingent of 20 of the Third Reich's finest, and accompany the prisoners

to the fortress!" The Japanese officer nodded obediently and the commander signaled his

troops. Moments later, Trevor, his fellow officers and their Nazi escorts were gone.

Wonder Woman had arrived minutes earlier watching in seclusion, but did not want to risk

Dealing with the superior odds. She was concerned of course, that even with her enhanced

strength and superior skill...the mass of soldiers could possibly pierce her defenses. But

mainly, she worried that Steve or one of the other hostages could be harmed?

So Wonder Woman bided her time. And now, she would follow the much smaller group of

aggressors, with a far more chance of success.

In the distance, The USS Lexington were already deploying troops.

"Move it along Swine!!" The German officer, Steve and his fellow captives heard referred

to as Colonel Wilhelm, yelled, as one of the prisoners stumbled on the forced march to the

Axis stronghold."Inferior human dung!" Wilhelm snarled, noticing that 3 of his group

were not in sight?

He excitedly issued orders in German to his subordinates, but was too late, as a considerably

large, lifeless tree truck hurtled their direction. Wilhelm just moved out of its path, as it

smashed into more than half of his men.

Steve smiled, as a familiar red, white and blue blur, entered the fray.

"Wonder Woman?" The startled Wilhelm uttered in disbelief. He had heard of the formidable

Feminine warrior, but had never actually seen her in action, and knew very little of her?

Wilhelm was perplexed at how to intervene, as the Amazon hellcat tossed his highly trained

fighting force around as easily as one would pluck petals from a flower.

In the distance, Allied aircraft, from the Lexington were on their way to strafe the beachWhile the U. S. Marines, more than 600 strong, approached in landing craft intent on invading

the shores. With the treat of the invasion, and all his troops unconscious all around himWilhelm made a run for it.

Steve and Wonder Woman shared an amusing stare, as Wonder Woman tossed her magic

lasso high into the air snagging the fleeing Nazi, before he could attain his escape.

"You will remain motionless, until you are given further instructions!" Wonder Woman


"I will remain motionless, until I receive further instructions!" The brainwashed Nazi

repeated. Wonder woman smiled, then removed her lasso, before untying Steve's and several

other of the Allied officers bindings.

Under the spell of Wonder Woman's magic lasso, Wilhelm divulged that undergroundbelow a mountain, obscured by the natural vegetation native to the land, an Axis compound

existed that was manufacturing powerful rocket planes.

"My god!" Steve commented upon hearing the confession.

"This could turn the tide of the war!"

"Ask him if there are any more places like this...and if the means to build more exist?"

Steve requested.

Wonder Woman relayed Steve's inquiries, and the Hypnotized Colonel responded that all

Manufacturing and knowledge of the Project was confined to this single compound.

"Good." Steve sighed. "We can end this threat now!"

Several hours later, after the beach had been secured, and several other forced confessions

from Wilhelm, Allied forces advanced on, and eliminated the facility.

48 hours later, aboard the USS Lexington, on its way back to America, Steve filled Diana

Prince in on the previous two days of action.

"My god Steve!" Diana exclaimed, acting as if she knew nothing of the incident.

"If they would have taken you and the others into that compound...?

Steve finished her sentence. "The Rocket manufacturing compound would have made

thousands of aircraft, possibly allowing the Axis powers to win the war...and no one would

have even known it was there ... and I, and my 20 other comrades, would have sat out the

war in some damp, dark dungeon prison."

Diana gave him a relieved look. "Fortunately," She said affectionately.

"That will never happen!"

J uly 15th 1965 11pm Saturday... 23 years later.

In the lower west side of San Francisco...a warehouse close to the ship channels.

"Is that the stuff those Vietnamese hoods wanted?" One heavyset man dressed in dark

clothes inquired, as another man of a smaller dimension, who was opening a large crate.

The smaller man grinned slightly. "That's what my contact told me."

"When are they coming to get this crate?" Yet a third man asked.

"I hear those bastards kill anyone who see their faces!" A fourth man interjected.

The smaller man, who they called Price, could not stand anymore questions.

"Enough with the Fucking questions already!"\He fumed.

"Waldo," He said to the heavyset man.

"Yes...This is the fucking stuff they want!"

"George!" He said a little angrier to the second man. "Tomorrow...night!!"

"And...Luther," He said to the final man.

"Yes...the rumor is true...but, don't worry...we won't be the ones handing it over to them!"

Price stopped for a moment. "What the hell was that?"

All four men suddenly were on the alert...sweat dripped freely from the frightened men, as

they pulled out their guns, and slowly, fanned out in a search pattern.

"See anything?" Waldo whispered, 10 feet away to George. Suddenly, a loose crate in the

warehouse hit the floor, and all four men unloaded half their bullets at a grey looking

stray cat.

All four men breathe a sigh of relief. "A fucking cat!" Price exclaimed.

"We were scared of fucking...cat?

There is a brief silence, as all four men turn around to see 6 men dressed all in black.

"Oh shit!" Waldo whispered to George. "It's them!"

"You have crate?" The spokesman for the six Vietnamese assassins dresses in black inquired.

Price regained some of his courage, and stepped forward. "Ah...yeah...Over here!" He

responded, walking slowly towards his unexpected guests, followed hesitantly by WaldoGeorge and Luther."I...thought ah...you guys were gonna be here tomorrow night?"

Price asked in a shaky voice.

The Asian leader formed a slight smile. "Plane arrive in America early!"

"Well...good then...we ah... can get our ah... business completed early then?" Price saidcracking a slight smile, hoping to hide the fact that he was so scared, his knees were shakingas the crate was opened to expose 6 high powered sniper rifles. Immediately, the leader

handed one to each of his comrades.

The Asian leader loads a round into the chamber of the rifle.

"Your President Johnson comes to this city tomorrow?"

Price suddenly is very aware of why they want weapons. "Ah...yeah...I think I read in the

paper, he was meeting with The Mayor sometime after 3 o'clock?" He stuttered.

The Asian leader formed a partial smile. "This all we require from you."

Price and his three cohorts quake with fear as the six Asian hoods point their loaded riffles

at them. As the assassins take aim on their prey, suddenly, a colorful round blur sails through

the air and impacts against the leader's weapon, causing him to drop it to the floor.

The object sails through the line of assassin's, causing them all to similarly drop their

weapons, as they retreat from the hurtling threat.

In amazement, the six assassins, watch as the object bounces off a wall beside them, and

Changes direction. The round object travels an additional distance of about 40 feet, into the

waiting hands of its possessor.

Both the assassins and Price's entourage stare in amazement at the sight of a costumed

young woman, holding what can now be identified as a round shaped shield.

From the clanking sound it made upon impact with the assassin's riffles, it would be a safe

conclusion by all, that it was made of some sort of metal.

The assassins were only distracted a moment, before pulling out their guns, quickly

firing a combination of 18 rounds of ammo directly at the red, white and blue garbed avenger.

But it was too late...their flag colored opponent was already on the move.

Her shield deflected several shots by the assassins, before her left foot found the mid-section

of the first man.

The impact from her blow, knocked the man into two other men, toppling over all three.

Quickly, she reversed her direction, and toppled over the other three in a similar move with her

right foot. The Vietnamese hoods did not know how to react? They were trained almost since

birth in various fighting skills...to be bested this quickly by a...woman?"

The hoods rolled to their feet. The young woman seemed oblivious to their threat, standing

calmly as they circled her. It was a matter of saving face now. The hoods tossed their guns

aside and prepared to take her on hand to hand.

"Get em Patriot girl!!" Waldo rooted.

Price and the others looked at him strangely?

Waldo challenged their odd stares.

"I suppose, you want the Vietnamese to win?" He commented.

It took a moment for Waldo's comment to sink in, and then they all heartedly joined

in on the cheers. The hoods seemed to be unaffected by their shouts, seriously concentrating

on the task at hand. Two men lunged at her from opposite directions.

Patriot girl remained unmoving, as the biggest of the two lashed out at her with a fist.

A spit second before impact, Patriot girl move her head just inches, allowing the blow to

sail past her jaw into the face of the man behind her.

The surprised goon recoiled for another strike, but Patriot girl's gloved fist struck firstsending the man hurtling against a nearby wall.

Two men down...all four of the remaining men attacked.

Patriot stood there for a second...to her, the charging antagonists were moving in slow motionTowards her, thanks to the heightened reflexes she received as the offspring of Captain

America. A moment later, she side steps two of her attackers, and slams their heads together.

Dazed, they fall to the floor, as the others reach the awaiting heroine. Patriot girl does a

graceful back flip out of harm's way, and executes a spinning kick, to take out the remaining

two men, as they converge on her new position.

Price and his cohorts are in shock at the speed at which the hoods go down for the count, and

Almost forget for the moment, that they too are on her list of baddies to take down.

"Oh, shit!" Price suddenly remembered. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" He replied, starting to

leave, when he sensed an almost unbearable silence from across the room.

"Gentlemen!" Came a calm reply from the patriotic avenger.

All four men turned to see patriot girl standing there calmly with her arms crossed.

"I'm tired," She expressed.

"Don't make me have to come over there and kick your ass!"

All four men hesitate a moment. They look over at the six Asian assassins unconscious on

the floor, then at each other. Slowly, one by one, they take a sitting position on the floor.

Several minutes later, the warehouse is filled with police, and G-men, as the Asian hoods along

with Price and his entourage are taken into custody.

"We got a real catch here tonight!" James Ridgemont, head of the anti-terrorist agency that

the star spangled Avenger worked for expressed."We knew that Price was moving goods on the

black market...but, we never would have dreamed he would have been so...anti-American, to

sell out his own country...to the very people our armed forces are at war with!"

Ridgemont patted Patriot girl lightly on the back.

"You did a good job Audrey!" He said in a low whisper.

"Your father would be proud."

Patriot girl smiled. She never knew her father...but, James Ridgemont and Steve Rodgers

were best friends, and he had told her so many tales of Captain America's exploits, that it was

as if she had.

"Thanks J R!" Patriot girl, responded, yawning slightly, realizing for the first time it

was nearly 1am.

James leaned over discretely and whispered into her ear.

"There is a diner still open around the corner, he stated. "Why don't You have patriot Girl

retire for the night...and then, maybe Audrey Rodgers can get a bite to eat...I'll be done

with things her in about an hour...then I'll give you a ride home...you can change clothes

in my car," he said, handing her a set of keys.

Patriot girl gave him a tired smile, then snuck quietly out of the warehouse, her mouth

watering for that slice of apple pie, she had been craving all night long.

S unday...10 am...the third floor window to A udrey's down town area apa rtment

swung open. Dressed in only her white cotton panties and a camouflage tee shirt, that her friend mike had

left behind after a short visit, before he returned to Vietnam, Audrey took in the first rays of

the new day.

The apartment building was mostly rented by elderly people.

At first, she would have never been so bold as to have exposed her semi-nude body by opening

the bay window, but it was the era of Free love in California...and after the elder generation

witnessed sexual exhibitions put on by local hippies...Audrey's attire was no more shocking

than if she had on a long white wedding gown.

Audrey seldom wore extremely revealing clothing, except for maybe her mini skirt and short

sleeve blouse. But, that was almost the expected attire for a young woman on the streets in the

60's. Suddenly there was a light knocking at her apartment door.

"I'll be right there Mrs. Dolman!" She yelled out, donning her bath robe, before opening the

door to her apartment. Opening the door, she found an aging middle aged woman standing

there, with a half smile on her face.

"Come in Mrs. Dolman!" Audrey offered.

"Thank you Miss Rodgers!" Mrs. Dolman replied.

Audrey looked puzzled at her for a moment then tapped her head with the palm of her hand.

"Oh, I sorry Mrs. Dolman...the rent?"

Mrs. Dolman chuckled to herself. Every month the young woman said the same thing, but

always had $125.00 in cash to hand to her. "Thank you Miss Rodgers!" Mrs. Dolman repliedas the young woman handed her the rent money… as always, sealed in a bank envelope.

Mrs. Dolman never even bothered to countit...she knew that it would all be there...it always

was. Audrey and Mrs. Dolman talked for almost an hour….except for her friend Mike, Mrs.

Dolman was the closest thing she had to family. Audrey led a very private life, since coming

to America years ago, and especially, after her recruitment asPatriot Girl.

When Mrs. Dolman left, she noticed a letter in her doors mail slot.

Audrey opened the sealed envelope and read.

"You are invited to attend a very private party?

Please RSVP in person at 34th and Main Street?

Across town...Renown German scientist Jervis Himler, is resting at his suite at the Waldorf

Hotel in east San Francisco, after a full week of lecturing on a relatively new and controversial

course of study at U.C. L. A. on Temporal Mechanics. The Dean would not even agree to such

a course of study normally, but agreed because of the overwhelming favoritism to it.

Dean Bentley himself thought Himler to be a crackpot…but the students loved the class and got

Their parents to pay the almost doubled admissions cost, which Bentley had no problem with.

Suddenly a knock on his door awakens the eccentric scientist.

Still half asleep, he stumbles to the door. There at the door as he opens it, is a young woman

in her early 20's.

"Hello professor." The young woman greeted. "You wanted this information from the history

department?" The woman asked, handing him a box with several files in it. "I have to admit

though Professor." She added. "I am curious, as to why you would want history textcentered around Wonder Woman's exploits?"

Himler formed a half smile. "Now you know better Miss Hollis!" He teased.

"You know I never discuss raw data, until I have a chance to formulate it in my own head first!"

The young woman simply shrugs her shoulders.

"Whatever you say doc," the girl said, as she smartly walking away.

After she leaves, Himler looks through the files for about 20 minutes then picks up the phone.

"Parker!" He began. "Yes...it's me...yes I found out what I need to know

...have everything ready for midnight!"

A few hours later, after a S unday afternoon jogAudrey Rodgers stops at a street vender selling lemon aid. Above the vending stand, are the cross street

signs of Main and 34th Avenue.With a mild sweat on her brow, Audrey steps to the stand. "One please," she ordered.

Audrey welcomes the cool liquid after her vigorous workout. Noticing, that no one was aroundshe quietly addresses the elderly man behind the stand.

"You know...my father made a blend of Lemon aid just like this every 4th of July!" She said in

slightly more than a whisper. "He thought it was...Patriotic?"

There was slight hesitation, then the elderly man handed her a magazine.

"It's no big secret how it's made," The man responds."The technique is what makes the difference...see read it for

yourself in this magazine,"

Audrey looked down at the pages before her. Written in red ink were the words:

"Take the magazine...envelope on page 53 has your instructions!"

Audrey hesitated a moment, then started to hand the magazine back to the vender.

"Yes...your right...the right type of lemons could very well make the difference?"

"No, no...Take the magazine...I read it from cover to cover twice already!" The vender insisted.

"Well, thank you sir!" Audrey said, tucking the magazine under her arm, before placing 50

cents on the counter. "Have a nice day!"

A few blocks away, at a Texaco gas station Audrey went into the women's restroom, and

closed the stall door. Reaching into her pocket, she took out a pack of Camel Cigarettes and a

brass cigarette lighter. Audrey pulled a cigarette out and lit it.

After the cigarette is fully lit, she places it on the top of the toilet paper dispenser, and opened

the magazine to page 53...A white envelope appeared.

Opening the envelope, she discovers a single piece of paper and a small wallet sized photo.

Audrey looks at the photo first of a middle aged man in attire befitting that of a college

professor. The man looks to be somewhat of German decent. Putting the photo back into the

envelope Audrey reads the note:

"Jervis Himler...recently came over from Berlin Germany to teach a new subject he calls

Temporal mechanics...better known as the theory of Time travel.

Although, scoffed at by most colleges...U.C.L. A. students demanded to hear him lecture

on the Subject. We wouldn't think anything about this, but since his lectures started several

people ...students And other staff personnel have mysteriously vanished.

Also much campus scientific equipment has vanished.

Recently, Himler and several others have met late night at a warehouse 16 Ocean drive.

Himler rented 2 week ago.

Word is...that Himler is planning something big around midnight tonight?

Find out all you can?

Good luck"

Audrey stared at the words on the page, almost wondering if this was some kind of joke.

" Time travel?" She thought to herself. "Yeah...right!"

"Ah, well," She said, noticing if anyone else was in the restroom, before lighting the note and

the photo on fire with her lighter. "It might be fun to see if this guy is a crackpot or not?"

she laughed*,* flushing the ashes of the photo note, and envelope down the toilet.

Taking a puff on the cigarette, she then unlocks the stall door, and walks out of the restroom

with the cigarette poised between her two index fingers. When no one is watching, she tosses

the cigarette down, stomps it out with her foot, and then tosses it in a trash barrel.

"Ew...nasty!" Shecommented, heading back home, before her midnight exploit*.*

9 pm...back at her apartment, s teams bellows from the showeras Audrey sings along with the song playing on the transistor radio, she had positioned near a

window, for good reception. Most A M radio channels were already off the air by now, but she

found that W.K.R.L which was only a few miles away...still came in clear this time of night.

Paul Reveree and the Raider's song "Cherokee Reservation" was a big hit at the time.

"Cherokee people...Cherokee tribes!" Audrey sang to the music, as she showered.

"So Proud to livvvvvve...so Proud to d...ieeeeee!!!!"

By the time the song was over, she had finished her shower, and turned off the water.

Audrey dried off, and then tossed the towel aside. She stepped from the shower, stopping

a moment to look herself over in the bathroom mirror. She turned a little to the right, and

then to the left, gauging her profile, and then she stood up straight, causing her breasts to

push out.

"Hum...not too bad!" She commented, holding up her 36C tits with her hands.

Audrey took a few more moment to admire her budding attributes, and then strolled into the

bedroom. Opening her Oak finished dresser drawers, she took out a pair of white cotton

panties and quickly slipped them on. A matching strapless brassiere was next, and then she

reached down for the black suitcase on the bed. Around her neck, she wore a special silver

necklace. On the necklace, was a soft metal key...white in color, with light blue trim around

it. Carefully, she removed the necklace from around her neck, and inserted the key inside the

lock of the suitcase. There was a metallic clacking sound as the middle lock snapped open.

Secondary locks to the right and left of the middle one were combination locks.

"Left 21...Right 7...back around 21 to 13...Bingo!" She announced, as the left lock opened.

Repeating the process, with a different sequence of numbers, the right lock popped open as

well. Audrey smiled, as she opened the lid of the suitcase. As the light overpowered the

darkness inside, a sparkling glint of color formed as her eyes transfix upon a sight she never

tires of seeing.

Her shield was the favorite part of her Patriot colored costume.

Roughly a diameter of 37 inches...the Red, White and Blue portable barricade against

Enemy gunfire was a third smaller in size to her Father's shield, and with a partial fill

of aluminum in the makeup of the metals forming it...it is also only about one half as heavy.

Although heir to her Father's legacy, her physical strength, is less than half of her dad, so the

shield had to be lightened in order for her to sling it with the ease and accuracy that she does.

Audrey gently sets the shield aside on the bed, as if the indestructible husk, that was designed

To withstand the hottest of flames and the highest caliber bullets known to man, without even

scratching the patriotic paintjob, could be damaged in some way by her careless mishandling

of it.

Reaching in the suitcase, reaches for a pair of blue shorts, with red trim. Almost seductivelyshe pulls the form fitting bottoms up her legs, thighs, then snaps the Red & White buttons to

secure them around her waist. Next is the sleeveless Red, White and Blue costume top. She

quickly dons it, and tugs up on the front designed zipper.

Audrey takes a moment to admire her image in the mirror once more and then walks over to

the closet, to retrieve a light gray overcoat. Placing the coat on the bed, she unfastens a hidden

pouch in the back, inside section of the garment, and stashes her shield in it, quickly

refastening it. Similar, but smaller pouches, house her Red gloves and shoes, and a pouch just

to the left inside, she stores her bandit style mask.

Audrey pulls on a pair of dark colored slacks, a turtle neck white top, and finally a pair of low

heeled shoes, before donning the costume packed overcoat. Quietly, as to not alarm others in

her apartment building, she locks up her apartment, and traverses the six flights of stairs, to

catch the 9:27 Trolley car to the warehouse district.

11 :30 pm, in a small w arehouse near the bayDr. Jervis Himler, sporting a white lab coat, checks over an array of scientific equipment, some of which is

labeled as property of U.C.L.A."Doctor Himler!" a voice announced, breaking his concentration.

"Ah...Franklin!" Himler smiled, setting down a clipboard, as he makes his way to Franklin.

"Were you able to get the Plutonium from the East River complex?"

Franklin nods. "Right here in this little ole lead box Doc!"

"Excellent!" Himler expressed, taking the case from Franklin. "I have the Temporal Wave set

for five people...as soon as, Gus, Thomas and James show up, we can make history.

"Hey Doc?" Franklin inquired. "I don't like to sound like a Bone-head...but, could ya tell me

Once again how this time traveling gizmo works again?

Himler look at him slightly annoyed. "It's quite complicated Franklin...just think of it as an

elevator ride, and relax!"

"And why this complex in Turkey, in 1943...and the Nazi's?" Franklin added.

"Simple, my impatient friend!" Himler answered. "We will need a place to start over.

Since none of us has the funds to set up a life for ourselves...we need a refuge...an oasisyou might say, until our knowledge of the future can pay off.

Colonel Wolfgang Wilhelm, was in command of an underground complex, there until

Wonder Woman interfered, and The allies destroyed it! If we can warn Wilhelm

someway...he will most likely grant us refuge inside the underground Fortress.

...we may even Receive a monetary reward from Germany?"

Suddenly a noise caused them to jump. Himler looked at his watch, as three other men

walked in."Thomas...Gus...and last But not least...James," Himler said happily.

"Now we can begin...were you able to dispose of the bodies of our test cases?"

Himler asked as casually, as if he asked...did you take out the trash? Gus answered for

them all. "Yeah doc...we took em out on a rental boat and dumped them 5 mile

out in the channel!"

"That's all I wanted to hear!" A female voice from the shadows spoke out.

"What th...?" Himler's associates inquired, turning to see a familiar Red, White and blue

Clad figure standing there.

"Oh, Shit!" Gus declared. "It's that Patriot girl I been hearing about

...I hear she is one mean bitch!"

Audrey grinned...that was not the first time she'd been addressed that way.

Himler looked nervously at the time device.

"Kill her, you fools!" He yelled.

All three of the Doctor's associates pulled out their guns, and quickly emptied 24 rounds

Of ammo. More than half the rounds were way off target. But, the one that weren't, Patriot

Girl easily deflected with her shield.

"Oh fuck this!" One of the three men cursed, dropping his empty weapon to the floor, before

Running away. Patriot girl, knew that it would not be that hard to find the man again, so she

let him flee, and concentrated to Himler and the rest of his associates.

"Come back here, you idiot!" Himler yelled out for the fleeing man.

Patriot Girl stood there patiently, with her arms crossed, almost amused by their confusion.

"Gentlemen," She said, in an almost bored mannerism. "Any time you guys are ready?

...I would like to get home sometime tonight?"

There was a 60 second hesitation, as Patriot Girl's response registers.

But, the men have no desire to tangle with someone, who can effortlessly deflect their bulletsWithout even an adrenaline rush."Well...I guess a woman's work is never done after all!"

The young heroine giggled to herself, as she advances on the 4 spineless evil doers.

As the Patriotic avenger slowly steps forward, unknown to all...a section of worn out panel

lighting just above her, breaks and plummets downward. Noticing the danger just in timePatriot Girl deploys her shield to protect herself.

The force from the blow, hurtles the 125 pound heroine into several wooden crates, where she

slams her head against the hard surface. The young avenger is just short of unconsciousness, as

her shield rolls uncontrolled across the room behind, where it comes to a stop in a still vertical

position behind some crates obscured from Himler and his parties sight.

As the Patriotic warrior, tries to recover...Himler sees his opportunity.

"Cease her...before she can recover!"

Instantly, before she can recover, Himler's associates swoop down on the dazed heroine.

Barely aware of what is transpiring, Patriot Girl puts up only a weak resistance, as she is turned

over onto her stomach, and her arms are yanked behind her back.

Her mind is still in a fog like state, as her wrists are tied up, and she is rolled back over

to look up at the disorientated faces looking down at her, as her ankles are bound as well.

Now that she is trussed up, and no longer able to fight back...Himler's cohorts regain their lost

courage."Hey man…let's take a look at her Tits!" Gus suggested, from a distance behind

Franklin and Thomas.

"Fuck that!" Thomas added. "I wanna see some Pussy!"

Franklin moves his hand forward, and grabs at the front zipper to her costume. Audrey, now

a lot more coherent, began to resist uselessly, as he unzips her top half way, to insert his hand.

"Oh, yeah...she's got some nice ones alright!" Franklin leered, as he cups her right breastsqueezing the mound of feminine flesh, through her bra.

"Let's do her right now!" Gus responds, sporting a huge hard on at the thought.

Himler stepped forward. "You men can have your way with her later!" He commented, with a

grin."We have to get in the transport chamber in the next few minutes ...or we will miss our

transport window?"

"We're gonna take her with us?" Franklin asked surprisingly.

"We have no recourse?" Himler shrugged.

"The machine is calibrated for 5 people...and since James ran out on us

...we need her to compensate!"

Franklin nodded, and then removed his hand from Audrey's breast.

"I guess we'll have to take this up where we left off Later?" He laughed, helping the

other men to yank the bound heroine to her feet, as Himler makes the final adjustments

to his device.

"There!" Himler announces, touching a red button on a console, causing a solid glass

door to open to a round cylinder type chamber, approximately seven feet in diameter.

"Bring her over...we only have 60 seconds until utilization of the Temporal wave!"

"No!!"!" Audrey protested, being urged forward by her captors, towards the chamber.

"Get in there Bitch!!" Franklin yelled, slapping her Ass with his bare hand to propel the

unwilling heroine inside the confining tube, beside Himler. One by one the three men enter

the chamber. As each one takes his place, the space inside the chamber decreases to a

point where they wonder if the door will close?

"Ten seconds!" Himler announces, looking at his watch, as suddenly the door automatically

shuts, locking its inhabitants inside the glass tomb. "5...4...3...2...1...zero" Himler said with

pleasure at the thought of his greatest dream a reality.

"Here we go!"

All three men and the captive Patriot Girl wait unknowingly at what will happen next, as a

bright light begins to grow in intensity. Then, everything around them seems to fade into a

solid white wall. They feel a slight burning in their insides, and then they feel a sense of

floating, as even the images of their companions disappear before them.

From outside the chamber, the bright light furthur intensifies, then suddenly, all sounds and

lights from the Temporal device cease, and the chamber is empty.

Minutes after the machine shuts down, James Ridgeway and several agents, along with a few

G-men, rush inside the warehouse. In a few moments, they are secure in the assumption that

no one is there.

"Sir!" A female agent announces, getting Ridgeway's attention "Take a look at this?"

She explains. ...Blood?"

Ridgeway kneels down beside the crate where Audrey had struck her head earlier.

"Who's do you think it is Tanner?" He addressed to blonde woman in her 30's, as he examines

the few small drops of red on the floor.

Tanner shook her head. "No way of knowing without a test?"

"Do it!" Ridgeway orders.

Tanner nods, then goes to get a sample kit.

"Sir!" Another agent summons from the other side of the warehouse.

As Ridgeway approaches, he notices Patriot Girl's shield still perched up against the crate

it had stopped at earlier. At that point, Ridgeway questioned if the young woman he had almost

come to think of as a daughter, was even still alive?

Ridgeway picks up the shield and walks away to think. "Damn it...where are you Audrey?"

He inquired to himself, already thinking the worst had befallen the brave heroine.

"Okay," Ridgeway conceded, after a few moments. "Let's check this place out thoroughly!"

He orders.

...Maybe we'll get lucky and find something?"

J une 10 1943 ....

Steve Trevor was looking over a map in the hastily constructed allied head quarters, when the

radio operator Informed him of an incoming message. Steve hesitantly took the microphone in

his right hand, as the radio operator transferred the audio to the box setting, so that all could

hear."Go ahead!"

Steve face formed a smile, as he heard a familiar female voice "Diana?" Steve Trevor

Responded in surprise. "Nice to hear your voice!"

Back in the radio room 20 miles away aboard the aircraft carrier USS Lexington, Diana

smiled broadly.

"Steve," She replied. Admiral Forthwright wanted me to obtain your report.

..has your detail found out what the installation is?"

"Not yet Diana." Steve replied. "But there is definitely Nazi and Japanese troops

there...patrols have estimated at least 500 so far...tell the admiral I should have further

reports in a few hours."

"Got it Steve." Diana responded, looking over for a response from Admiral Forthwright.

All of a sudden, Diana heard an alarm sound in the background at Steve's headquarters.

"Nazi's are attacking!"

Diana looked about the radio room nervously, as the sounds of a massive battle came

through the speakers of the radio set...then there was only silence. Diana fought back

tears as she backed away from the console.

Admiral Forthwright instructed one of his men to take over the radio set.

"I'll have to inform Washington Miss Prince!"

Diana said nothing. She simply faded away into the mass of confusion aboard the ship, as

Men everywhere readied themselves for possible military action. Finding a secluded

location near the starboard side, Diana stood there a second, then spun around in a circle.

A flash of bright light engulfed her, and when it cleared, the star spangled avenger

Wonder Woman appeared in place of the subdued Diana prince.

Wonder Woman took a quick look at herself in her traditional costume, then spun around

again, inducing a similar bright light, to this time appear in her red, white, and blue swimsuit.

She looked about once more to see if anyone else was around, then dove from the

death-defying heights of the battle ready Lexington into the water below.

The waves were quite choppy, and little could be seen from the crew of the ship...butSeveral sailors could swear that they saw a patch of red, white, and blue amongst the grey

colored sea water, traveling at breakneck speed towards the shore.

Quickly dismissing the sight, as a simple hallucination...the sailors scurried along to

their battle stations.

On the shore...all but 20 allied officers, including Steve Trevor lay dead on Turkish soil.

A German Officer spoke something in German, after two soldiers bound Steve's wristsand Trevor was scurried along with the other prisoners. There were approximately 300

Axis soldiers in all. German, Japanese and several Italian troops made up the forces that

overpowered the Allied contingent.

The German officer, who seemed to be in charge, spoke in English to a Japanese Officer.

"I shall leave the bulk of the troops here with you!" The 40ish looking commander statedwith a glare of superiority to his Japanese subordinate. "I shall command a contingent of

20 of the third Reich's finest, and accompany the prisoners to the fortress!?

The Japanese officer nodded obediently and the commander signaled his troops. Moments

Later Trevor, his fellow officers and their Nazi escorts were gone.

Wonder Woman had arrived minutes earlier, watching in seclusion, but did not want to risk

Dealing with the superior odds. She was concerned of course, that even with her enhanced

strength and superior skill...the mass of soldiers could possibly pierce her defenses. But

mainly, she worried that Steve or one of the other hostages could be harmed?

So Wonder Woman bided her time. And now, she would follow the much smaller group

of aggressors, with a far more chance of success. In the distance, unknown to the 280

Axis soldiers searching the fallen troops of Steve Trevor's ex-command, The USS

Lexington was already deploying troops.

"Move it along Swine!!" The German officer, Steve and his fellow captives heard

referred to as Colonel Wilhelm, yelled, as one of the prisoners stumbled on the forced

march to the Axis stronghold.

"Inferior human dung!" Wilhelm snarled, noticing that 3 of his group were not in sight.

He excitedly issued orders in German to his subordinates, but was too late, as a considerably

large, lifeless tree trunk hurtled their direction. Wilhelm just moved out of its path, as it

smashed into more than half of his men.

Steve smiled, as a familiar red, white and blue blur, entered the fray.

"Wonder Woman?" The startled Wilhelm uttered in disbelief. He had heard of the

Formidable feminine Warrior, but had never actually seen her in action, and knew very little

of her? As it was, he was powerless to intervene, as the Amazon hellcat tossed around his

highly trained fighting force, as easily as one would pluck petals from a flower.

In the distance, Allied aircraft, from the Lexington were on their way to strafe the beachWhile the U. S. Marines, more than a thousand strong, approached in landing craft intent on

invading the shores. With the treat of the invasion, and all his troops unconscious all around

him, Wilhelm made a run for it.

Steve and Wonder Woman shared an amusing stare, then Wonder Woman tossed her magic

lasso high into the air snagging the fleeing Nazi, before he could attain his escape.

"You will remain motionless, until you are given further instructions!" Wonder Woman


"I will remain motionless, until I receive further instructions!" The brainwashed

Nazi repeated. Wonder woman smiled, as she removed her lasso. But, before she could

untie Steve's and the bindings other of the Allied officers"I wouldn't do that!" A commanding voice from behind her warned.Wonder Woman turned

to find, four men dressed in civilian attire. Three of the men restrained a bound young

woman, dressed in an odd, but familiar looking, Red, White and Blue costume.

The fourth man held a gun to her side.

"That is...if you don't want this young woman's death on your conscience?"

Wonder Woman and Steve shared a questioning stare...both of them were sure the four

men were not there a moment ago? Wonder Woman stepped away from Steve...regardless

of why, or how they arrived, she could not allow the young woman's life to be in peril.

The man looked over at the mesmerized Nazi.

"Instruct the Colonel to disregard your last command!"

"Very well," The courageous Amazon conceded, throwing her lasso once again around

the Nazi colonel."Your actions will no longer be controlled by the spell of my lasso...you

have back your free will!" Wonder Woman removed her lasso, and the Nazi Colonel

retreated. However, the man holding the gun was not yet satisfied.

"Watch our guest!" The man instructed, handing the gun to another man.

Shoot Patriot girl, if Wonder Woman tries anything?" he instructed ,as he walks towards

the Amazon warrior. Wonder Woman offers no resistance, as the man takes her magic

lasso and loops it around her waist."I'm betting this thing will work for anyone who wields

it I presume?" The man chuckled.

"Let's test that assumption?"

The man hesitates a moment. "How do we remove your powers?" He asked.

Both Steve, the captive Patriot Girl...even the Nazi Colonel hinge on her reply.

Wonder Woman tries to resist, knowing that everyone's fate, may very well depend on it.

But, regrettably, the magic in the enchanted strands, are far more powerful, than even the

iron will of the mighty Amazon.

"My...M...Magic...B...B...Belt!" Wonder Woman stammered in resistance.

"If I remove your belt...you will be powerless?" The man inquired.

Wonder Woman nodded. "Y...yes," She confirmed.

The man looked around for a moment, then reached for the golden belt, just above her

shapely hips. With a few careful tugs, the belt was his. Wonder Woman could feel the

strength leave her as the man retreated with her oasis of might.

"Colonel! the man stated tossing her magic belt to him.

A prize for your trophy case."

The Colonel smiled. "Yes, quite a prize indeed!" He responds.

"But...who are you people?"

The man sighed. "I am Jervis Himler...my men...Gus, Thomas, and Franklin!"

"But what of the Frauline you have trussed up?" The colonel persisted.

Himler sighed again, as more than half of Wilhelm's men struggle to their feet, after

their defeat at the hands of the mighty Amazon. "She is called Patriot girl...a heroine from

my time era...we captured her, before we made the trip to the past."

"Time Era?...Past?...what is this nonsense?" Wilhelm fumed.

"It is a long story...which I will relate to you in full detail," Himler responded, looking

towards the direction of the beach for a moment. "But perhaps we should seek the safety

of your underground complex before the allies storm the beach? He suggested.

"You, know the one where you are making all those vaunted Rocket planes, that will win the

war for the third Reich!" Himler said, with a smirk.

Wilhelm hesitated for a moment, then issued orders to his men in German, then walked

away in a northerly direction. Several of his men tie up Wonder Woman, and then roughly

drag her along after him. Four other men take the bound Patriot girl from the custody of her

futuristic captors, and drag her along as well.

One of the Germans which seemed to be in charge, signaled for Himler and his party

to follow them. "Come on gentlemen," Himler laughed.

"Time to rewrite history!"

1 hour later, onboard the Aircraft Carrier Lexington, Admiral Forthwright gets the first

reports of the invasion."Sir...LT Colonel Braggston, from the Marine landing force, is on

the line!" The radio operator announced.

Admiral Forthwright hesitates a moment and then steps forward.

"Put him on the box," He orders, picking up the Radio microphone.

"Go ahead Colonel." He said, keying the microphone.

"We're on a secure frequency."

"We secured the beachhead," came the Marine Colonel's radio reply.

"Casualties?" Forthwright inquired.

There was another brief silence.

"We lost nearly 500 men...it was a pretty costly victory Admiral!"

"Trevor and his party?" Forthwright inquired.

"We found 80 dead bodies...Trevor and 20 others are still unaccounted for?"

Admiral Forthwright looked about the room, gauging the reaction of everyone who

Heard the report. The admiral finally keyed the microphone.

"Keep me informed...Lexington out!"

Forthwright looked to his aid. "Have you been able to locate Diana Prince yet?"

His aid nodded. "Not yet sir!"

"Damn!" Forthwright cursed. "That female is probably hiding under her bed...

B ack on s horeWilhelm and his unexpected guests from the futurenot to mention Wonder Woman and his Allied prisoners, arrive near the entrance to

the Axis forces secret complex.

Two guards on the alert shouted a security challenge in German. Wilhelm's

subordinate offers a counter response. Seconds later, a steel hatch opens, and the

entire party enters. From the outside, a secondary door closes, effectively camouflaging

the entryway. Inside the complex, Wilhelm's Soldiers prod along the bound Wonder

Woman and Patriot girl with a rifle to their backs, along with Steve Trevor and his partythrough a maze of doors and hallways. Nothing has been said of Himler and his three

associates, as they follow closely behind the prisoners, watched closely by two soldiers

bringing up the rear.

After a downward trek approximately two floors down, a final door is opened and

everyone walks in either willingly, or is drug inside by force. Wonder Woman, Steve, his

party, Patriot girl...even Himler and his group, look about the room.

There are several makeshift jail cells...more than a dozen, embedded in the stone walls.

There is a metal door in a stone wall 50 or more feet ahead of them...more than likely

another chamber...and more cells.

Wilhelm issued orders in German. Immediately, Steve and his party are lined up against

the wall, while Wonder Woman, and Patriot girl are restrained on the other side of the room.

Wilhelm takes a side arm from his subordinate and places it at the temple of one of Steve's

men. As the allied prisoner quakes with fear...Wilhelm casually fires the gun.

As the executed allied prisoner falls dead to the floor, Wilhelm signals to the soldiers

restraining the two heroines, and quickly the patriotic heroines are untied. Other orders are

issued by Wilhelm, and they soldiers poise their weapons at the remaining Allied prisoners.

Fraulines!" Wilhelm said, addressing both Wonder Woman and Patriot girl.

"You will now remove all your clothing!...if you do not comply in the next 2 minutes...I

will execute 4 more of these prisoners!"

The two heroines look at each other, then at the prisoners lined up against the wall.

"We have no choice!" Wonder Woman, responded in a low audible tone, seeing into the

eyes of this heroine from the future, she had never met before, that she agrees with her

grim assessment of the situation.

On a nearby table, Wonder Woman begins, by removing her Tiara and bracelets, placing

Them on the table. Patriot Girl removes her gloves and tosses them on the table as well.

She hesitates unmasking, but then realizes that revealing her true identity in 1943 mattered

very little, especially in a Nazi stronghold....so her mask too joins the collection of patriotic

attire beginning to gather. Both women remove their footwear and socks, and then hesitatereaching for the fastenings of heir costume tops.

Patriot Girl reluctantly unzips her red white and blue sleeveless top, and slowly tosses it on

the table revealing the strapless white bra beneath, then slides her hands down to the snaps

on her blue shorts. Wonder Woman's costume is one piece and she wears no bra beneath itso her 44 D tits are exposed immediately for all to see, as she pulls the colorful garment

down past her shapely hips and gorgeous tan legs.

Red with embarrassment, the De-powered Amazon, picks up the garment and ads it to the

pile of clothing. Patriot girl slides out of her shorts, then reaches for the front clasp of her bramoments later, she tosses her shorts and bra onto the table, crossing her arms across her bared

chest, hesitating a moment, as Wonder Woman matches her progress.

Both heroines in just their panties now, look to each other one more time, and then finish

stripping. Twin Patriotic heroines try to conceal their nudity with their hands, as a room full

of male eyes looks them up and down.

Wilhelm hesitates a moment, thoroughly enjoying the futile attempt made by the women to

cover themselves, then issues new orders to his men in their native tongue.

Two men gather up the women's costumes and under garments, quickly exiting the room with

their bounty. Wilhelm takes a step forward, and puts his gun to Steve's head, before he

signals his men with a nod of his head.

"Tie them up!" He said in English for the benefit of everyone to understand.

Several sets of hands grab for Wonder Woman and Patriot Girl's wrists, and yank their arms

viciously behind them. Every man in the room can feel their cocks harden, as the twin

heroine's naked bodies are now in full view.

Even Steve finds it impossible to avert his eyes to their nudity.

"Unnnnh!" Wonder Woman grunted, as her wrists are tied with together with course ropean effect the causes her breasts to jut out most prominently.

Patriot Girl has to restrain herself from fighting back against her captors. Although, she does

not possess all of her Father's enhanced physical strength...she still is much stronger than an

average woman. And with her heightened senses, and well honed fighting skills...even

weaponless...she could easily take down the men holding her.

"UNNNNH!" She protested, her last chance to fight back was lost, as her wrists are

tightly bound.

Wilhelm smiled sadistically at his naked prisoners. He issues orders again in German

and the women were seized roughly by the hair and held in place, as Wilhelm walks

towards them. His first stop was Patriot girl.

His rough hands shot out and took hold of her 36C Tits. "Oh, yes...quite nice!" He

commented, roughly groping at her breasts.

Wilhelm says nothing more, as he takes a few more minutes to fondle her, before

moving on. "Now these, are excellent jewels of womanhood!" Wilhelm laughed; as he

took Wonder Woman's full figured 44D breasts in his grasp.

Wonder Woman fought in her captor's firm restraint, as the frenzied Nazi squeezed her

Tits with delight, his thumb and fore finger rolling around her soft nipples, as she protests

against his advances.

Never has a man seen her breasts before, yet touch them as this evil miscreant is doing!

Wilhelm delights in his fondling of the helpless American heroines, but neverthelesseventually he stops and retreats.

"Put the young one in a cell!" He spoke in English, then in German.

Audrey sees no advantage in defiance at the moment, and puts up little resistance as a

cell door is unlocked and she is roughly shoved inside by her escorts.

Patriot girl recoils off the far wall of her cell, and instinctively takes a fighting stance, despite

her restraints, as her captors slam and lock her cell door.

"Put the men in the large cell...Boris will start interrogating them!" Wilhelm instructed, as a

smile formed on his lips. "Escort Frauline Wonder Woman to my bed Chambers...I have

some...Questions... \I wish to ask her," he said in German, with a slight chuckle in his voice.

No one mistook his actual meaning.

Nodding, two soldiers start to carry out Wilhelm's orders.

"Leave her alone you animals!" Steve protested, getting a punch in the stomach for his


"Don't worry about me Steve," Wonder Woman said putting up a brave front. "I'll be okay!"

Wilhelm smirked. "I would not count on that Frauline Wonder Woman!" He responded.

With the minor altercation over, the two soldiers take Wonder Woman away.

"Now," Wilhelm announced, finally addressing Himler and his party.

"Let us take some time to discuss this... TIME TRAVEL?

Meanwhile… aboard the USS Lexington...

Admiral Forthwright and his aid, wait patiently on the upper deck of the Bridge, as a troop transport

plane approaches from the east.

As they watch, a single individual leaps out the door of the Plane and slowly glides downfloating on the gentle air currents of the Atlantic ocean, until he touches down on deck of

the massive aircraft carrier.

The sole parachutist, unhooks his chute, as another chute comes down with several items

...one of which is the man's Personal effects. "Afternoon Admiral!" The man greetedsaluting the admiral. "Captain Steve Rodgers reporting sir!" He stated, as his duffel bag and

personal effects are brought up for him by a deck Seaman.

"Welcome aboard!" Admiral Forthwright said returning his salute.

"Captain America!"

A s The new v isitor to the Lexington, is being welcomed...

inside the Nazi compound, two

soldiers, followed by three more of the Third Reich's finest close behind, force the Amazon

warrior along to Wilhelm's Bed chambers.

Two strong Nazi soldiers...each, with one hand tightly gripping her bound wrists, while their

other hand, grips at her Raven colored locks of hair, allowing the Patriotic heroine little

chance of escaping her impending fate.

To the Amazon's shameful embarrassment, her full figured 44D breasts bounce aroundunrestrained and quivering invitingly for the pockets of sex starved men they pass on their

way. Down below them, on the Catwalk...three levels, are the facilities, where the Rocket

planes are being constructed."Great Hera!" The Amazon warrior gasps, counting more

that 100 planes being constructed.

Wonder Woman hears the sound of a door being opened behind her, and the next thing she

knew she was being roughly pushed inside of a large room.

From what she could see, Wonder Woman noticed that the room was very well appointedwith the finest accommodations befitting a man of Wilhelm's rank and position.

There was some conversation amongst the four men in the room with her in German, and

then the Patriotic heroine's blood runs cold in terror, as her captors drag her towards a

king-sized bed in the corner of the room.

Four sets of hands hold her securely, as her wrists are untied, and then she is picked up and

taken kicking and squirming over to the bed, where she is held down face-up, while strands

of rope are distributed to her four captors.

As Wonder Woman is held in place, her arms are secured to the upper bedposts, and then

she is pulled downward by her ankles. "Noooo!!" The mighty Amazon warrior yelled in

vain, panicking, as her legs are yanked wide apart, and tied off to the lower bedposts.

Several of the soldiers snicker and hurl sexual remarks in German, at the sight of the naked

woman now spread-eagled on the bed before them.

Several of the men go as far as to fondle her Tits, and run their hands all over her naked bodybefore they one by one, exit the room...leaving her alone to await her impending rape session.

In the lower bowels of the complex, Colonel Wilhelm listens contently, as Dr, Himler

unfurls his unbelievable tale.

"So...you have access to this...Temporal device Doctor?" Wilhelm inquired.

"Regrettably...no," Himler sighed. "However, I have knowledge of what is to come for

the next 22 years...Plus, my scientific expertise, should be of some use to you and the

third Reich in this time of war?"

"Too bad!" Wilhelm commented. "A device like that could have been of great value."

There is a few moments of silence, as Wilhelm gets up from his seated position, and

walks over to his aid, which has poured him a mixed drink at the bar.

"Doctor?" He implied, with a gesture, as to if he would care for a cocktail. He does not

make the same offer to Himler's associates...and they are not dumb enough to ask on

their own for refreshments. Himler declines the offer, and Wilhelm sips silently on his

drink for a few minutes, he then sets the empty glass down on the bar, and his aid brings

him yet another cocktail. "Yes," Wilhelm concedes. "Your presence here will be helpful

to Germany's best interest!" He said, never making eye contact, as he starts on his second

drink."However," He added, signaling to several of his armed body guards.

"Your associates are of no use to me!"

"Kill them!"

1 hour later… o nboard the Lexingtonthe now in costume Captain America, talks with Admiral Forthwright in the radar room.

"See that blip on the radar Captain?" Forthwright exclaimed. "That is this mountain surface

right here on the map. If you'll notice...it is a darker color than the other mountain features on

the scope. My Radar man Perkins here...brought it to my attention.

He said, factories or buildings...anything man made...show up dark like that!"

"So, you think the complex Steve Trevor was searching for...is incorporated inside that

mountain?" Captain America asked.

"I do believe so Cap!" Forthwright stated. "I would like you to lead the task force inside the

Mountain complex?"

"It would be my great honor admiral!" Captain America responded.

Forthwright nods his approval. "Very well!" He responds. "A marine landing craft will

ferry you over with some replacements that Colonel Braggston requested.

"Be on deck in 30 minutes!"

F ive minutes later, C olonel Wilhelm takes a moment, just outside his quarters

to look over the production operations, before he opens the door to his quarters, and ventures

inside. He smiles as he takes in the sight of the naked Amazon tied to his bed.

Closing the door behind him, he walks slowly towards her.

"Hello Frauline Wonder Woman," The Nazi Colonel announced, his cock growing by the momentas he stares down at the formerly Red, white and blue American legend, now

spread eagled and helpless before him.

"Shall we...as you Americans say in the movies...get better acquainted?"

"UGH!" She moaned, "Release me now, or by Hera...you shall face the full fury of my

wrath!" She threatened.

Wonder Woman gasped at the size man before her.

She had not had the time before to actually notice him. He was tall. Bright blue eyes shone

out from a face tanned and weather by the outdoors. Every strand of his darkened blonde

hair was combed neatly...An orderly appearance, that was complimented by his well kept


Diana did not consider him a good looking man, but then again, the only man that ever

peeked her interest was Steve Trevor. After all, one of the secret reasons she pressed her

mother to let her come to the world of man, was to someday have an intimate relationship

with him. Now...instead of a gentle night of love making

...she was to face an act of brutal rape!"

Wilhelm said very little, as he stripped to his waist. The bed creaked loudly, as he joined

her on the bed. "Hold still, American Whine hunt!" The sadistic Nazi snarled, slapping her

face, as she struggles to avoid his advances.

Another slap brought tears toher eyes. She knew then that his actions were not punishmentbut rather sexual stimulation for him. Wilhelm grinned looking down at her firm but ample


"NOOOOO!!" Wonder Woman protested, as the man buried his face in her amble bosom.


Wilhelm, inspired by her defiance, grabbed her tits with both hands and mashed them around

as he sucked wildly. The selection of women in this area was scarce. It had been a long time

since he had a woman ...and never a woman like this!

Her tits were felt like silk and smelled like roses.

The Amazon heroine twisted and turned as the horny German attacked her tits with his hands

and mouth. She sobbed and panted, as the brutal fondling was quickly making them swell and

ache."Stop this!" Wonder Woman sobbed, as he sucked and mauled on her tits for what seem


He stopped, grabbed her head with both hands and clamped his lips over hers.

"MPPPPPPPPH!" Wonder Woman grunted, as she was forced to kiss her lustful rapist.

Wilhelm held her head in place tightly, while his tongue invaded the inside of her mouthsavagely sucking on her ruby red lips in the process. Wonder Woman continued to resist

his forced kisses, to no avail, feeling his hairy male chest against her naked breasts, as he

forces his will upon the helpless Amazon. After a few more minutesthe Nazi Colonel retreats.

Wilhelm grins sadistically down at the famous American heroine under his control, as he

enjoys a cocktail to quench his dry Mouth. He laughs out loud, at the saliva that drips from

her tits."You liked that...didn't you American Whore!" He teased, quickly finishing off his

drink, before starting to unbuckle his uniform trousers.

Now...to the main course!" He added, quickly, yanking down his pants, before freeing his

cock from his shorts.

"Merciful Hera...NOOOOOOO!" Wonder Woman screamed when she saw his 12 inches

of cock sticking straight out. Grinning, Wilhelm again, lowered himself on top on top of his

victim. Wilhelm closely watched the Amazon's reactions, as he rubbed his ever hardening

cock up and down her slit. Then, with an air of superiority, he grinned, and pushed his cock

deep into her pussy.

"UNNNNNNNNHHH!!!" Wonder Woman screamed as his huge shaft broke through her

Hymen, and filled her tight vagina with his manhood. "No!!!...Get off of me!!!" The defeated

Amazon protested, struggling, as Wilhelm grabbed her already sore tits and mashed them

with his huge hands, as he began to savagely fuck her.

Relentlessly, the horny Nazi kissed and licked her face and neck while pounding his cock

deep into her pussy.

"UGH! UGH! UGH!" Wonder Woman screamed with each corresponding thrust, as Wilhelm

began to rape the hell out of her.

His strong hands mauled her tits, crushing them into hard balls, as his tongue and mouth

Slobbered all over her face and neck, grunting and panting as he rammed his cock repeatedlyin and out of the helpless Amazon warrior's pussy.

Wonder Woman yanked in desperation at the ropes that bound her to the Sadistic Nazi's bedas Wilhelm let go of her tits, and Began to fuck her even harder...his hard cock, literally lifting

her up off the bed with each thrust, as her breasts bounced around unrestrained on her chest.

Eventually, Wilhelm slows down his thrusts, grabbing onto her tits, squeezing them in a vise-

like grip, as he nears orgasm.

"Unnnh...unnnh....AAAAAAHHH!!" Wilhelm groans louder with each stroke, until finally, he

explodes inside her. Wonder Woman fights back tears, as she feels his semen pump into


"Animal," she said under her breath, as Wilhelm pumps her a few more times for good

measure, before pulling his depleted organ out of her.

Sweating excessively, Wilhelm climbs off of her and begins to put on his clothes.

"Thoroughly enjoyably Frauline Wonder Woman!" Wilhelm chuckled, as pulls up his

pants and buckles them."After I rest

...We will do this again...

I n another part of the c omplex, inside the holding cell where she was left hours earlierAudrey Rodgers (Aka patriot girl) still completely naked and bound, can hear the sounds

of the Allied prisoners being tortured in the next room.

She wishes desperately that she could ease the suffering she hears.

Suddenly, the door opens, and several Nazi's seem to rush inside.

Although, she knows that her presence was known by them...they gather outside her cell

looking her over, as if seeing her for the first time.

Audrey assumes by their demeanor, that they had been drinking. Grinning, one of the men

reaches for his keys, and unlocks her cell door.

Audrey took up a defensive as best she could in her bound condition, as the four men, naked

to the waist, pushed their way inside the cell. They smiled sadistically at her. Although their

remarks, were spoken in German...she knew why they were there.

There was almost complete silence in the cell, as she studied them, and they stared lustfully

at her...one man actually showing signs of drool on his chin, as he looks at her. Audrey could

not help but wonder if they had been the ones who were torturing the Allied soldiers?

And she wondered if torture was on their agenda for her too?

Suddenly they advanced on her. Audrey turned towards them, and thrust out with her feetkicking two of them both across to the other side of the cell.

She tried to run...there was nowhere to go. Trapped inside with her captors, she managed to

fend off her attackers for a few moments, before a fist slammed into her midsection.

The Nazis bombard her with obscenities in German, as they continue to beat her up. With

her heightened senses, Audrey can see the blows coming way before they made contact, but

with her hands tied behind her she is helpless to block them. She wonders at one point, if

they would beat her to death.?

Finally, they stop their abuse, and the pummeled young heroine slumps to the floor.

two of the men reach down, each taking an arm, toss her onto her back. Snickering in

German, each man takes a tit and begins to suck. "

"No," Audrey could barely mutter, as her boobs are huskily bitten and sucked uponwhile rough hands rub and pinch at her soft body.

Audrey struggles feverishly as they work over her tits for almost 10 minutes.

Then, without warning, one of them rolls over on top of her. Without any ceremonythe horny Nazi forces her thighs apart, and pushes his rock-hard cock into her.

Audrey struggles silently as he rapes her...grunting as his rough hands pinch and

squeeze at her soft breasts, while his hard shaft pounds relentlessly in and out of her

pussy. The horny Nazi fucks her hard for ten minutes, then groans in pleasure, as he

ejaculates inside her. Without a second wasted, the man is yanked off of her, and

immediately a second hard cock is thrust inside her pussy.

"UUUUUNNNHHFF!!!" Audrey grunted, as the more well endowed German pounds

into her. The second man rapes her for about 5 minutes, then pulls out and straddles her

chest, pushing his wet cock in between her soft Tits.

The horny Nazi grabs her boobs with his hands and forms a valley between her cleavage.

With a vice like grip, he slides her Tits back and forth on his cock, Groaning in ecstasyfor an additional 5 minutes, before coating her breasts with his seed.

Her third Rapist yelled something to her in German, but she did not understand?

Angry, the Nazi punched her several times in the stomach, As she gasps for breath, she felt

herself being turned over. Before she can fully understand what has happened, she could

feel the man's hard cock at the entrance to her anus.

"Oh, please not that!!... NOOOOOOO!!" she screamed, as the smiling German began to

push into her asshole. With a frenzied lust, her rapist thrust to a depth of 3 inches in his first

push."AAAAAHHHHHH...Stop it!!!" The debased young heroine screamed in anguish to

her attacker's initial penetration. But, her rapist neither understood her language, nor did he

care. Her squeals of pain were music to his ears, as he pushed deeper and deeper into her


"Unnnh...Unnnh...Unnnh!!!" Audrey grunted, louder and louder, with each deeper

penetration of his hard shaft. Audrey thought she would pass out against the pain, as her rapist

reached a depth of 6 inches.

The lust filled German tried to resist his fast approaching orgasm, but knew he could not fight

it for very much longer. Just short of orgasm, he pulled out of her rectum, grabbed her ass

cheeks with both hands, sliding his pulsating cock back and forth along her crack.

"OOOH...OOOOH...AAAAAHHHH!!!" The sex crazed German wailed in delightful ecstasyas cum shot out of his cock and splattered all over Audrey's lower back and shoulders.

Audrey had little time to react to her utter disgust of the incident, before her fourth rapist tuned

her sideways, lifting her leg up over his head to thrust into her in a scissor style method.

Of all the methods used to rape her...this seemed the most humane.

However, the horny Nazi still managed to cause her a great deal of agony and humiliation as

his 12 inches of meat rammed relentlessly into her already ravished pussy.

As the Nazi fucked her, another man grabbed her by the hair and forced her to take his cock

into her mouth. Audrey resisted At first... but the Nazi was relentless in his lusty demandspulling harder and harder on her scalp, until she reluctantly opened her mouth and let his hard

cock slide forward, almost choking her, as the head of his

shaft touched the back of her throat.

Inspired by his actions, the other two men each took one of her Tits, and began to suck

huskily upon her soft mounds of feminine flesh.

The 4 way gang rape went on for 10 minutes or so, then she felt the Nazi scissor fucking her

blow his load, and retreat from The triple X action.

A minute later, the Nazi orally raping her, grunted loudly and filled her mouth with his cum.

Audrey had to continually swallow to keep from choking, as the sticky liquid oozed down her

throat. Then, he too backed away to enjoyed a cigarette with his buddy, as in turn, each of the

remaining men forced her to orally satisfy them as well.

30 minutes later, the last man, reaches orgasm, and roughly shoves the young heroine awaylaughing, as he deliberately ejaculates over her body...spattering cum around her face, neckbreasts, before joining his friends, as they exit the cell, leaving the demoralized heroine alone

to ponder what further indignities that will befall her later...

I n the Quarters of the s adistic Nazi Colonel.

"UNNNN...UMMMMFF!!"Wonder Woman grunts in protest at the huge cock inside heras Wilhelm rapes her brutally for yet a third time. Sweat pours from the head Nazi's faceas he thrusts in and out of her pussy.

Each time Wilhelm has raped her longer and more savagely. The helpless heroine can actually

hear the wet sounds of his huge cock slamming into her, and can feel his testicles as they slap

against her inner thighs, with each thrust he makes.

Wonder Woman can't help but query as to how many times he must forcibly take her bodybefore he will be satisfied?

"OOOOOHHH...UNNNH...UNNNNH...AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Wilhelm grunted, and exploded

once again inside her. Spent, the malicious Nazi collapses, his full weight, smashing her Titsas he lies exhausted across her naked form.

Covered with sweat, Wilhelm finally rises from the dispirited Amazon warrior, and stumbles

across the room, plopping down Naked on the couch inside his quarters, his flaccid, spent cock

still dripping with sperm, as he sips on the cocktail he had left on the end table earlier, before

starting this latest rape session.

Wilhelm rested for several minutes, then pulled on his trousers, before he yelled for his aid.

"Yes colonel?" The short, thin, little German soldier inquired in broken English, as he entered

Wilhelm's quarters, noticing the Amazon warrior spread out naked on the bed.

"Kreiger," Wilhelm announced, as he began dressing. "I shall be checking production

… provide the American whore on my bed with some water...I do not wish to have her lips

parch from thirst...I want to have her luscious red lips remain that way!"

"Ya, Herr Colonel!" Kreiger responds, with a scowl. Kreiger did not like the order, but

would not dare oppose Wilhelm. As it was Kreiger's younger brother was killed in a battle

with American soldiers, and Kreiger could not even stand the sight of any one or thing that

represented America.

After Wilhelm departed, he filled a glass with water and placed it to Wonder Woman's

Ruby red lips. Eagerly the Amazon Warrior gulped down the cool liquid...It was the first

drink she had been allowed since her capture.

"More...please?" She asked, trying to smile pleasantly.

Kreiger gave her a disgusted stare, but still furnished her a second drink all the same.

"Thank you!" The raven haired beauty, Expressed, showing her glowing white smile, in

hopes to gain some measure of mercy from the man. She needn't have bothered.

Unknown to the heroine, he had to restrain himself from driving his knife through her

American heart. As Kreiger started to walk out of the room, he met four men entering

Wilhelm's quarters.

"The Colonel will be back soon!" Kreiger addressed the soldier that spoke English.

"He wishes for you to re-tie the American Cow, face- down upon the bed!"

With that, Kreiger walked out of the room, and the four men stepped forward, to happily

follow their orders...

O utside the complex, two A merican marinesmaneuver from out of seclusion, and double time up to the rock face of the mountain.

Giving the "all clear" signal, ten men come out of hiding, trailing the Patriotic form of Captain America.

Pushing aside some overgrown vegetation, one man discovers a gray metal box bolted

in the rock face."Now that doesn't appear to be a natural development to this mountain

face?" Cap kidded.

A Marine electrician opened the panel and looked inside at the wiring. "No problem Cap!"

He stated, taking out a pair of wire cutters. "Clip the red and blue wires...connect em...and

we're inside!"

Everyone watching thought to themselves, that he was way to self confident, and that what

would end up happening, would be that sparks would fly from a short circuit and an alarm

would sound inside to warn the Nazis to their presence.

Captain America however, knew the young Sergeant, and although he was a braggart of sorts

...he knew his trade!

Moments later, cross wires connected, the metal door opened.

No surprise, two Nazi soldiers, were on guard inside. Captain America leapt inside and

rushed the soldiers. He quickly took them out, before they could trip the alarm.

"Baker...you and Garner come with me!" Cap ordered. "Give us 10 minutes to secure the

passage way...then 20 of you can secure the area, while we try to find Trevor and his

party...most likely they will found in the dungeon area of the complex...when you hear the

shooting start...get word to the rest of the men to start

infiltrating the complex in force!"

Captain America hesitates a moment for any last questions, then moves out.

Unaware that the base has been compromisedColonel Wilhelm, returns to his quarters, after his brief inspection, to find that his orders were carried out.

On his bed, Wonder Woman was spread out and still naked... tied face down on his bed, with her arms and legs

like before, secured to the sturdily constructed bed frame.

"Ah, yes!"Wilhelm spoke out, already feeling his cock swell, at the sight of Wonder Woman's

incredible ass."Just as I thought...your backside is as just as beautiful, as your front view

was!" He replied, taking a few moments to admire theliving, breathing, work of art before


As before, the Nazi Colonel enjoyed a cocktail, then began to undress.

As he unbuckles his trousers, Wonder Woman began to struggle fiercely...her firm, shapely

backside wiggling in a seductively alluring manner, that causes his cock to throb and beg

to be released from his shorts.

Wilhelm discards his shorts, and lies naked on the Amazon. He deliberately let his hard cock

slide along her crack line, as he kissed and nibbled on her neck, brushing away her hair so that

he could blow in her ear.

Wonder Woman struggled at his advances, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she could

imagine Steve making love to her as he was doing. Suddenly her daydream became a

nightmare, as Wilhelm grabbed her hips with both hands and drove is cock straight up her


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed like a banshee, as he started to wildly

Ass fuck her. "No!!...stop it... it hurts...please I beg you!!...stop it!!!" The helpless heroine

begged, as Wilhelm took her relentlessly.

She was tight...virgin tight he thought, now 5 inches into her asshole. But, he had already

deflowered her pussy...taking her virgin ass only seemed the next step. Wilhelm gained

another two inches, then conceded to the challenge to gain more anymore, pumping in and

out of her rectum with hard quick thrusts.

10 minutes later it was over. Wilhelm blew his load in her ass, and then retreated once again

naked to the couch, panting from the experience.

Obscured from Wilhelm's field of vision, Wonder Woman sobbed. She was relieved that he

had finished.

But, she knew, he was far from through raping her...

I n the passageway down to the h olding cellsa Nazi guard smoking a cigarette is KOed by the glove fist of Captain America, as he and his two

man party reach the bottom of the stairs. Quietly, Captain America opens the door a crack, to look in.

To his left were several cages...all empty except one.

To Cap's chagrin the cage contained a naked young female with her hands tied behind her

back. To his right he could see a guard half asleep in a chair. Cap's eyes traveled back to

the young woman. She was attempting to get to her feet, when she noticed him looking

her way...she gave him the oddest stare...as if she knew him?

Not like everyone else did, as a legend, but as something else...more personal?

Both he and the girl seemed to put the odd feeling aside, as she sensed what he wanted.

Cap signaled with his head and then held up one finger, asking if the guard was the only one

in the room?

The girl did a sharp nod with her head affirming that only the one guard was present, then

signaled to the guard and then called out loudly to the guard. "Hey...asshole!" She yelled, in

a loud but still non sound carrying tone as not to travel into the next room.

Shocked out of his semi conscious state, the guard fumed, got up and went over to the

girl's cell. Cap could see that the guard did not have his rifle with him, so he made his move.

Faster than the guard could rebuke the girl, Cap rushed in and clobbered he dumbstruck

sentry, taking his keys to the cell, to toss them to one of the marines with him.

As the marine unlocks her cell door, the other marine pushes his way in and began to untie

her bonds. Moments later, the girl is free and stands quietly rubbing her wrists.

"You okay Miss?" Cap inquired, after she walks out of the cell.

"Audrey!" The young woman informed him. "Call me Audrey Cap!"

Cap was a little taken back by her tone, but let it pass. "Baker!" Cap said to the marine

Corporal transfixed by the young woman's nudity.

"Your shirt...give it to the young woman!" He ordered.

Baker looked at him confused. "My shirt why would...oh yeah...my shirt!" He slowly

responded, stripping down to his tee shirt.

"Here you go Miss...ah, Audrey!" He offered, handing the garment to the girl to help

cover her nakedness.

"Thanks Soldier!" Audrey expressed, quickly buttoning up the over sized shirt that fit

her like a short dress. "Steve Trevor and the others are in there!" Audrey told Cap, as

she joins him by the door to the other compartment.

Cap nods, then signals to the others, as he grabs the door latch and turns


As they rush through the doorway...they encounter about a dozen men. Cap takes down

two men quickly, as Baker and Garner each engage a single man in hand to hand combat.

Cap turns to take on more soldiers, when he notices Audrey take out two men by herself

with a spinning kick.

Six more Nazi soldiers quickly go down, and then the allied prisoners are freed.

Several of the men are badly beaten but otherwise in fair condition.

"Boy, are we happy to see you guys!" Steve Trevor expressed, walking up to Cap

and party shirtless, sporting several cuts and bruises around his face.

Steve looked around for a moment. "Have you found Wonder Woman yet?" He asked.

Cap, baker and Garner look at each other puzzled.

"Wonder Woman?" Cap inquired.

"Shit!" Audrey cursed, getting an odd stare from men of the 40's who seldom heard a

woman cuss before."She was taken to the colonel's quarters when we first arrived here...I

almost forgot....that Bastard!"

"We have to save her Cap!" Steve insisted. "No telling what that animal has done to her

\by now?"\Cap hesitated a moment, then turned to the others.

"Okay...Steve you and your men take the guard's weapons and follow us!"

Cap starts to tell Audrey that she should stay behind, but the hellcat of a girl was already

halfway up the stairs.

"Come on!" She yelled. "I seen them take her this way...and the only doors leading

elsewhere is four flights up!" Reluctantly, Cap has everyone follow her lead. He is still

unsure of her, but some reason, he feels he can trust her.

At the top of the stairs, Audrey slowly cracks open the door and looks in, as Cap and the

others catch up to her. "It looks like living quarters?" She informed Cap.

As she takes another look, she gets an unexpected surprise.

"Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!" She commented, upon seeing an older man in a white

lab coat, standing alone in the hallway with a clipboard in his hand.

"Himler," She whispered.

Filled with rage, Audrey risks detection, and rushes him.

"Where is Wonder Woman?" She demanded.

"P...Patriot Girl?" Himler stammered. "I...don't know...no...yes... I do...above the catwalk...

In Wilhelm's Quarters...just down that hall...a steel door opens onto the catwalk...I heard

others talk of it...should be the only room on the Catwalk!" He stated.

"Patriot Girl?" Cap questioned, upon hearing Himler's comment.

Audrey smiled.

"Long story Da...Cap!" She replied. "I'll fill you in later...let's go get Wonder Woman!"

I nside W ilhelm's quartersthe sadistic Colonel is just about to anally rape Wonder Woman for a third time, when the door

burst open, and Cap and his party rush in.Butt naked, Wilhelm quakes in fear for his life, as he awaits


He assumes that Captain America will be the first to strike...but he is mistaken.

"You...sick...son of a bitch!!" Steve blew up in anger at the sight of Wonder Woman spread-eagled so

pornographically across the Nazi colonel's bed.

"I'll fucking kill you!!" he cursed, in an uncontrollable rage, beating the Nazi, with the butt

of his Gun"No...have mercy!" Wilhelm ironically begged, as Audrey freed Wonder Woman from her

bondage. Steve was intent on killing the Nazi colonel, when a hand gently touched his

shoulder; Steve looked up to find Wonder Woman's abused form behind him.

"Murder is never justified!" She commented, looking at her former rapist shaking with fearbruised and bloodied.

"Not even for him!"

Steve hesitates a moment, then walks away, letting the others restrain him.

"Okay Garner...radio the others to converge on our position!" Cap Ordered.

"Already did Cap!" Garner responds. "They got the whole place secured!"

"Here ya go Wonder Woman!" Baker said, handing her Wilhelm's uniform shirt as

temporary clothing. Wonder Woman took the garment, and forced a smile as best she could

after her horrendous ordeal.

Out on the Catwalk, Cap walked around looking the complex over, amazed at the aircraft

Constructed below him. "Amazing...isn't it!" Steve queried.

"All this underground and we never knew it!"

With things relatively calm, Audrey decided that this was the time to confess her relationship

to Cap. So she excused herself from Wonder Woman's side and wondered out to the Catwalk

for a little Father, Daughter Talk.

As she looks down below the Catwalk, she spots a Nazi Soldier pointing a rifle upwards

towards Steve and Cap. Only a split second passes, but to Audrey it seems like an eternity as

she scrambles towards the two of them, just as a slug from the sniper's rifle burns into her

upper back.

Saved by her heroics, Cap protects Steve with his shield from several more rounds, before the

sniper canbe eliminated.

As the confusion clears, Cap spots Audrey's broken body.

All attention now focuses toward Cap, as he lifts the brave heroine in his arms, Audrey

smiles up at him, coughing up blood, as she tries to speak. Cap could tell she was dyingbut he forced a smile nonetheless. "Hey...take it easy girl!" he tried to reassure.

"Your going to be fine once the medics fix you up!"\He said, hoping that he could hold back

a tear as he lied. Audrey knew she was dying...but she had no fear of it. It was something

she accepted when she donned the Red, White and Blue symbol of American Patriotism...

just as her father had done.

She was smiling because…the one thing she had always dreamed of was now a reality, as

the father she had never known held her in his arms.

She smiled once more, as she felt her life ebb away. "I love you...Da....."

Slowly her eyes closed, and Cap sobbed silently as she died in his arms.

D ays later, S teve relayed the story

of what happened during his ordeal at the complex to Diana Prince. It was hard for her to pretend

that she knew nothing of what had happened there, but she managed somehow.

"Where did you say Captain America had the young woman buried?" Diana inquired.

"Arlington Cemetery!" Steve responded. "It took some doing to get permission to bury

her there..I'm here to tell you…But Cap was not taking NO for answer…and you know

that Roosevelt would never go against cap's wishes."

Steve hesitated before continuing. "Funny thing though?" He puzzled.

"We never knew anything about her...just her name.


Diana thought for a moment. "Don't worry Steve!" She responded.

Something tells me we'll see her again?


O ne y ear later, after the Normandy invasionCaptain America had an assignment to meet with several members of the French

underground. Cap had been parachuted there and was waiting, when he came

under fire by Axis soldiers.

He was almost wiped out, when several French freedom fighters appeared, led by a

hellcat of a woman warrior.

She showed almost no sense of fear, as with guns blazing, she and the others eliminated

the assassins."Captain America?" The woman inquired in French accent English.

"My name is Louise," She replied.

Louise La'Blanc...

The End.

(Revised 7-7-2014)