Two Wonders Part 4

Author: Kurtknout
Time to Read:3min
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Two Wonders


Judge Slusser interrupted: "Enough, Mr. Bromley. I agree, this

is a waste of our time. The city clearly has jurisdiction here. Since they've filed a complaint , the usual procedures should apply. A formal arrest and

due process, as Ms. Pratt has described. This court will not countenance favoritism for the powerful and famous. This hearing is adjourned. Your officers may proceed, Ms. Pratt." She leaned forward. "Off the record, Ms. Jugster, if you ever appear before me again, try to do so more appropriately attired. I don't know that you are a whore, but you certainly dress like one. That's all."

Jenny turned to the lawyer in consternation;"What--what's going on here? You said..."

"Now Jenny! Not to worry, this is just a minor setback.

We'll have you out on bail, if they even charge you with some ridiculous infraction, in no time!" Bromley patted her shoulder, stroking her breast incidentally, avuncular, the sly lecherous uncle. He exuded reassurance, confidence. "Manny and I will see to everything. Just keep your chin up! That's the girl." He made a hasty retreat, reaching for his cell phone.

Two uniformed police women approached, smiling grimly. "You may retrieve your federal handcuffs, gentlemen." One, the huskier of the two, said: "We've got our own."

Click click. Click click. Jenny was uncuffed and recuffed in seconds. These shackles seemed tighter, more painful. Gertz and Jackson shuffled uneasily; they had not had a chance to speak during the rapid proceedings. "Uhâ€"â€"Jenny. Ms. Jugster. I'm really sorry it turned out like

this." Jackson muttered. "So am I ."Gertz chimed in. "I know you'll be OK.

I'm one of your fans. Uhâ€"â€"well, good luck!" And they too were gone.

Jenny stiffened as the two officers, one on each arm, marched her out of the court and down a long hallway. "Where are youâ€"â€"What are you going to..?" she quavered, her proud and tragic Marie Antoinette role forgotten. This was some kind of nightmare! No, this was all too real! She tottered in her absurdly high heels as the women hustled her along.

One of her captors, a slim oriental, grinned maliciously as she answered: "You're going to jail, honey. First we book you. Then mug shots, fingerprints, then interrogation."

"Whatâ€"â€"what's that?"

"That's when two or three fat detectives question you for an hour or two trying to look up your little skirt while you're squirming, cuffed, on a hard stool."

"Then" the fatter policewoman chimed in, "unless the DA wants to drag you in front of the media again, and he probably will; he loves publicity, we'll be there when you get strip searched, take a cold shower, maybe get a medical examâ€"â€"a complete one, if you get my driftâ€"â€"and then, you get to wear an elegant orange outfit , a little less tits and ass showing that your slutty leather thing, that's for sure."

"And then" the other added: "a cell with assorted whores and junkies and crazies and big bull dykes; no special favors for Wonder

Woman, or Jenny Jugster, like the DA said," and then: Pleasant dreams!"

The other cop sniggered, changed her painful grip on Jenny's

arm and fondled her ass under the brief leather skirt.

The Vicodin and the cocaine were wearing off. All posturing as the gallant doomed French queen had vanished. Jenny was on her own, scared; too late to blame Manny, she was in deep shit.

Poor Jenny! But what of our blundering heroine, Wonder Woman? It's mainly up to Josh, but it looks as though she's going to have to endure the whole season of the loathesome tits and ass parody, skimpy costume, bondage and near rape plot lines, every soft core indignity that Grossman can devise, the very program that sent her storming into this disastrous episode in the first place.

She was glum, almot tearful as Josh descried her next odious assignment. He put one hand on her bare shoulder:

Chin up, Wonder! For the good of your country! Atta girl!"


copyright c/o Paul Vietzke 2007