The Destruction of CheerChick

Author: Larry Thomas
Time to Read:10min
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Added Date:6/17/2023
Tags: CheerChick

My name is Laryn Mitchel. I am 22 years old and dying of Cancer. In my life, I have done many horrible things, but this note is about the worst act I have done since my life began. For a total of 4 years, I have not been discoverd for committing this crime, but I have come to realize that it is probably the biggest regret I have. In this story, I will explain, in detail, the crime I committed. I will describe... The Destruction of CheerChick.

It was my Senior year at Thomas Paine High School in Albany, NY. I was just 18 then, and my life, at that point in time, was going abolutely nowhere. I was a Straight-F student and became addicted to cocaine, heroine, marijuana, and Crystal Meth, lost my boyfriend of 3 years, and had even been kicked out of my own house. The only thing meaningful in my life that I still had was my spot as Co-Captain of the Chher Squad at TPHS. But all of that changed on October 3, 2005.

At 8:00 that morning, we had an emergency Cheer Practice. I was the 2nd one to arrive; the 1st was the Cheer Captain, Nancy Kartren. Nancy was the tall, busty blonde girl with the hot legs that every guy wanted to go out with and, eventually, fuck. But, unlike most other girls who look like her, she was a sober virgin with a spot on the Honors Council, School Cabinet as the Treasurer, and a STRICT No Drug Policy for herself... and the Cheer Squad.

"What do you mean I'm off the squad?"

"Laryn, you know about the No Drugs thing. You need to get your act together and clean yourself up before you hurt somebody... or yourself."

"This is bullshit, Nancy."

"I don't like that language. You need to show me some respect."

"Nancy, please... this is all I have left."

"I'm sorry... you have until the end of the month, then you're gone. I won't tell any of the others about this because I know that will embarrass you."

That was the last thing she said before the rest of thegirls came in for practice. The rest of the day, I channeled my anger and hatred towards Nancy and her choice to kick me off through my school work. Though I was now passing all of my classes, all thanks to spite, I needed more. Over the next few weeks, I thought of ways to blackmail her with something humiliating, so she would have no choice but to keep me on the squad. But there was one problem... what humiliating things has she done?

The next Wednesday, I performed a Stake-Out on her house, waiting for her to leave for her evening date with the rest of the girls. When she finally got into her car nd drove off, I snuck into her house with the knowledge I gained from my uncle, who had just been released from prisoner on a Robbery sentence. I began to look through her stuff to find something, anything, that would give me the advantage over her. I walked into her room and saw, what looked like, a ormal teenager's room. Her walls and ceiling were covered with posters of Captain Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Carribbean", and a LOT of Beatles stuff.

I slowly made my way past these news articles about that Superheroine "CheerChick":

"CheerChick Rescues An Orphanage"

"CheerChick Helps Restore Natural Beauty"

"CheerChick Gets Her Ass Handed To Her"

Actually, I made that last one up. Then, I reached her closet. It was one of those closets where you have to unlock and slide open the door, so I had to pick the lock with a hairpin I found lying around. I knew she must have SOMETHING hiding in there. Allof her shirts and jeans were hung up according to their sleeve and leg size. I slid them off to the side.

"What a fucking tool..." I thought to myself as I searched the area for anything unusual. Then, I saw it... a very tiny button... just small enough so that nobody would notice it, hidden on the tiny ledge holding the door in place. I pressed, and, to my shock and amazement, the wall behind the clothes opened up (like the Comedian's closet wall in "Watchmen"), revealing, what looked to be, a regular Cheerleading Uniform: A blue, flared skirt, blue sneakers, a pair of white anklet socks, and a blue cheer top. Then, I saw it... on the chest of the top, I noticed a large white circle, with a large blue "C" in the center of it and a slightly smaller "C" inside of it. Then, I saw a blue mask.

"Sweet Mother of Jesus..." is the only thing I could think at that moment. Nancy Kartren, the goody-two shoes cheerleader that I despised more than anybody else on the planet... was actually the goody-two shoes Superheroine CheerChick... who was the person I despised almost as much as Nancy. It was at that moment that Nancy's car pulled into the driveway. I quickly shut the door, fixed the lock, and crept out of the house.

The next day, while we were in class together, I wanted to whisper to Nancy what I found out, but I decided to have a little fun with it. I realized that anybody can BLACKMAIL somebody else... but it's the word of me, a drug-addicted ex-con, vs her, a cheerleading do-gooder who just happens to be the greatest superheroine the city had ever seen. But, if something were to happen to Nancy BEFORE the month was up... I would not only stay on the Squad... I would be the new Cheer Captain, since Nancy never told anyone about her plans to kick me off the squad. I knew what I had to do... I had to KILL Nancy... or CheerChick... or whoever the hell she is.

That night, I stole my aunt's sewing machine and made myself a costume of my own: a black mask covering my eyes, black leather gloves, and a skin-tight, black spandex body suit. I then spent the next week planning a scheme to get her to confront me, then I would defeat, humiliate, and finally destroy her. I made a copy of the key for the shooting range owned by my ex-boyfrind's uncle... and I even picked out my SuperVillain name: Darkness Queen.

Extremely reluctant to do so, I began pampering and hanging out with Nancy, who was completely unaware of my plans to eliminate her from my life forever. On the 30th, I gave Nancy I GIANT hug and went outside. I had to wash myself for about 2 weeks just to get the feeling of her body against mine to go away. I used my grandfather's influence as chief of police to report a phony robbery at 217 Willows Pine, also known as the "Back Door Jewelry Store", knowing that CheerTwat would answer the call. Of course, right on time, she showed up to the warehouse, her blue mask covering up her identity.

"Is anybody here?" she called out. "If anybody is in here, come out with your hands where I can see them, or I will be forced to use the necessary force I have been trained to use."

I, of course, was sitting in the wooden rafters when I saw her searching around, just like the stupid bitch she was. I let her wander around a bit, all the while, staring at her shocked face, before I finally spoke.

"Hello, CheerWhore," I said before jumping from the rafters. "What a pleasent surprise."

She spread her legs and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't know who you are or what you want, but this area is off limits... so I'm going to have tto ask you to leave." Luckily, she didn't recognize me, not that it would have made any difference.

"My name... is Darkness Queen... and I have come to defeat you."

I began to walk around her, then a perplexed look appeared on her face. She asked me, "Why would you want to defeat me?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Nancy."

"How do you know my name?"

Laughing softly, I crept into the shadows. Just as I planned, the stupid cunt followed soon after, her boots making a CLUNK with each step. When she got close enough, I fired a shot from my fist right into her jaw. She almost flew backwards from the force of the punch, grabbing her nose in sheer agony. She was bleeding, but I wasn't done yet.

"Wow... I've heard of dumb blondes... but you probably top the list, Nancy."

Now getting angry and frustrated, Nancy ran at me, and I readied myself. She fired a shot at my head, but I ducked with ease and, seeing my opportunity, punched her right in her overly exposed stomach. She backed up and bent over, grabbing her hurt stomach. I must have under-estimated my own strength... or over-estimated her resistance to pain.

"Now... how is a SuperHero supposed to fight somebody if they got no guts?" I know it sounds corny, but it was a joking time. I was having FUN!

As she started to lean back up, I fired a Haymaker right into her temple, sending her down to the left side (my left) and leaving her seeing stars. The flares on the left side of her skirt were flung to the front as she tried desperately to regain her wits. I ran at her and kicked her right under the chin, sending her head flying backwards to the ground. I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and brought her up to my face.

"Ah... Cheer up, Nancy... It will all be over soon," I said as she gave me a dirty stare. Then, she got a shot in.

She swung her head backwards and gave me a nasty headbutt... right on my forehead. I dropped her, flew backwards and fell down, dizzy and barely concious. For a stupid bitch, she sure did have a hard skull. She stood up and walked over to me.

"Now... I am giving you one last chance to surrender... so... Have You Had Enough?" she asked me as she got over me with her hands on her hips. Stupid choice, dumbass.

"Think Again, CheerCunt..." I fired a strong uppercut to the coed's Size C Tits... with the force of the hit making her right breast pop out. I got back to my feet and kicked her in the gut, lenaning her over. I grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into my kneecap, clicing open her forehead and knocking her over. She was lying on her knees and forearms, her large ass in the air, facing me. I took this once in a lifetime chance... I fired shot after shot at her rear with my steel-toed boots. I was literally kicking CheerChick's ass. She started to groan in pain after each kick. I went to her side and backed up. I ran at her and, with a swift kick to her side, turned the SuperSlut over on her back, eagle-spread. It was then that I noticed her head had been split open.

"Damn, Nancy... you must have a splitting headache." It was at that moment that I saw the opportunity of a lifetime... her skirt was adjusted so that I could just barely see the bottom of her panties. I went over to the door and grabbed a large block of plywood. I went over and kicked her feet just far enough apart that I could go between them. I knelt down by the flares of her skirt.

"Such a waste of good ovaries..." I flung her skirt up to reveal a pair of blue panties, just barely covering her privates. I held the 2x4 over my head for a brief moment. "Goodbye, Cunt!" I brought it down with all my might, right into the Heroine's blue-clad twat. She screamed in agony and, I have to admit, even the pubic hairs in my underwear stood after hearing the sound of her cunt busting. I repeated this action numerous times, laughing maniacally after each shot I took below the belt. After I finally finished my assault, CheerChick grabbed her injured groin, crying hysterically.

"Please... why are you doing this to me... why?" she asked me as she cried in pain. I smashed my steel-toe onto her hands, crushing her fingers and crotch at the same time. The look on her face is, to this day, the greatest thng I have ever seen in my life.As quietly as possible, but just loud enough for her to hear me, I said to her, "Now... I'm gonna be the Cheer Captain, Nancy."

When she finally understood who I was, it was too late... I lifted up my boot and slammed it into her tender and beaten pussy, knocking her out cold. I untied her shoes and took them off, followed by the socks. Then, I slipped her gloves off of her hands and placed them with the sneakers. I made my way up by pulling the elastic waist of her skirt from her body and running it down her legs. Then, I took her mask and placed it in my bra. I picked her up over my shoulders and put her unconcious body in the trunk of my car. I drove to the range and, when we got there, I carried her inside and, with some of my pappy's handcuffs, connected her to one of the wooden poles holding the targets. I pulled out a note I wrote earlier that day and read it to myself:

People of Albany,
See what has happened to your beloved CheerChick.
She is an example that heroism only leads to pain.
Darkness Queen

I folded the note up then took Nancy's mask out from between my cleavage, placed the mask in the note, then the note in her mouth. For good measure, I fired one last hard shot to Nancy's pubic area. As I walked away from the range, I laughed hysterically over what te headlines might say. But nothing prepared me for the actual headline in the New York Times the next day.

Right On Target

Local high school student, also identified as CheerChick, shot through heart in shooting range. New villain in town named Darkness Queen.

At Nancy's funeral, everybody, including yours truly, was crying. Mostly, I was crying for show, but I was actually gonna, kind of, miss Nancy, in a creepy way. I enjoyed plotting against her and kicking her white ass back to 1976.

I was Captain of the Cheer Squad for the rest of the year and, after graduating with Honors, became a best-selling writer of Superhero novels. Last year, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer (ironic, isn't it?) and was given 6 months to live. You may be asking... Where is the costume I wore as Darkness Queen? It's in the same place as Nancy's shoes, skirt, and gloves; at the "Back Door Jewelry Store."