Market Test

Author: Moriarty
Time to Read:33min
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Added Date:11/11/2023
Tags: SupergirlWizards Lair Supergirl Contest 2000

Linda Danvers managed to get inside her apartment while the phone was still ringing and she snatched it up.

“Danvers residence,” she said.

“May I speak to Miss Danvers, please,” a bright, warm female voice said.


“Miss Danvers, my name is Cheryl and I represent Ultima Products, Inc..” Linda repressed a sigh, getting calls from telemarketers was not what she wanted. “Have you ever heard of us?”

“Only every time I drool over your products in the stores,” Linda responded. The woman on the line laughed softly, and for some reason Linda shivered, which made her frown.

“Well, the reason I’m calling is that Ultima has been designing a new line of women’s products aimed at an entirely new segment of the population. This new line will make Ultima products more accessible to the woman with a moderate income, but the desire to shine. The reason I’m calling is that our computer has selected your name as the recipient of one of our test kits. Do you have any objection to testing our new line and providing us with your reactions and opinions on it?” Linda thought about it for a moment then smiled. This was, at least, a normal thing to do.

“No, I have no objection, but I’d like some more information on what’s required.”

“Certainly. First of all, we’d like to send you a questionnaire, since the survey we’re doing is a little long for the phone, along with a kit our research department has developed to help you make your choices.”


“Yes, you’ll be receiving a full selection of Ultima Cosmetics and lingerie to try out and we need to get the colors and scents right for you. The kit contains samples that you can use to make your selections. In addition, any of your friends who might also be interested can share the kit with you and they can contact us too, with their choices. I also need to ask you a few questions now, to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Is that all right?’

“Sure, fire away.” The questions were fairly innocuous, confirmation of her name and address, basic information on hair, skin, and eye color, height, weight and questions about any allergies or sensitivities she had to anything. There were also questions about the sizes she wore in stockings, panties and bras. Linda didn’t think that they needed to know about her little problem with glowing green rocks, but otherwise she answered all the questions. The interviewer thanked her for her time and assured her that her kit would be mailed out in the morning. After she hung up Linda considered things for a moment, then just smiled. What could happen?

The kit arrived two days later, a soft package folded over and stuffed into her mailbox. She tossed it on the table and forgot about it for three days, between work and a very busy schedule as Supergirl. When she did get back to it, it was Saturday and she was, for the moment, free.

When she opened it she found a questionnaire, a return envelope and a whole series of little packets and samples of material, including two pairs of pantyhose and four pairs of stockings. A cover letter explained that these items were some of the new products and it had been thought that she could get a head start on trying them.

The questionnaire covered everything, from the color of eyeliner she preferred to what she liked to sleep in. It included skin, eye, and hair color charts for better matches. The packets contained samples of cosmetics, with instructions to return the ones that she liked in the packets they had been shipped in, to ensure that they could match the product. It asked questions about her personal style and clothing preferences that made her realize that she had been getting into a sort of a rut. Once that realization had set in she had thrown herself into completing the form with a will. She actually didn’t finish until Saturday evening, with a break for a mine disaster in Ecuador. Monday morning she sent it off and promptly concentrated on the rest of her life. Three weeks passed, then she got home on evening and found a note from an express firm that said that they had a package for her and requested her to call to arrange for delivery. When she called she discovered that they were willing to deliver that night, if she was going to be in. She asked them to come by and hoped that nothing would come up.

Less then an hour later she was closing the door behind the delivery man, balancing the large package on one hand. A quick glance with her x-ray vision showed nothing that she didn’t expect so she set it down on her coffee table and opened it.

There was a letter asking her to make an appointment with an Ultima Salon, for a consultation on her hair and makeup, and another one thanking her for her willingness to participate in this test. Getting past that she began taking smaller packages out of the big one.

There was everything from bubble bath to facial masks, panties, bras, stockings, a lace teddy, pajamas that felt like silk, slips, a camisole, garter belts and garters. There were also forms to fill out that concerned length of wear, reactions to washing, reactions of her skin to the cosmetics, in short everything that she had expected. She laid everything out on her bed and decided to treat herself to a bubble bath.

The sensations were exquisite, hot water sliding over her skin, the fragrance of the bubble bath, a tingling in her skin. It was heavenly.

The next morning she chose her usual sensible outfit, but under it she wore the camisole, with black stockings with lace edged tops, a black lace garter belt, a scrap of material masquerading as a pair of panties and a bra that was more support then covering. The clothes made her feel sexy, confident and slightly wicked. Her changed attitude was noticed by people at work, who kept asking her what she had done to herself.

Linda had always been aware of the schizophrenic nature of her life, on the one hand a world-famous super hero, on the other an average girl always in the background. Partially it was a necessary evil, the less reason any one had to connect Linda Danvers and Supergirl the better, but it had also, over the years, become something of a safe guard for her life. Plain little Linda who rarely went out, usually confined her socializing to her work friends and didn’t seem to have much of a life. It wasn’t what she had ever envisaged for herself. Maybe this marketing test could be a whole new start for her.

She made the appointment with the salon for a Friday and took that day off. When she walked in she was well aware that even the workers here were wearing better clothing then she was. She stopped at the receptionist’s desk and gave her name, then watched the receptionist’s eyes light up.

“You’re one of the testers,” she said, softly. “Isn’t this stuff great?” She gestured at her dress. “Looks nearly as good as the high priced stuff, and for a fifth the price.”

“That’s part of the new line?,” Linda asked, gazing admiringly at the neat little dress.

“Yes, isn’t it sweet. From what I’ve heard they’re going to reproduce the entire line. Well now, your appointment is with Ms. Kira, I’ll get someone to show you the way.” A few moments later a perky little blonde, with a brilliant smile and a body that men would have drooled over, showed her into one of the curtained alcoves and a tall woman looked up from a desk she was bent over.

“Ms. Kira,” the blonde said. “This is Linda Danvers.” The woman’s face lit up in a smile and she straightened up. Linda couldn’t restrain a little gape, not for the fact that the woman was easily six feet tall in her stocking feet, but because she was the most beautiful woman Linda had ever seen.

“Miss Danvers, a pleasure to meet you.” Her voice was low, warm, and sexy. She had skin the color of dark honey, long, straight black hair and dark, almond-shaped, eyes. Her handshake was firm and instead of letting go she drew Linda over to the chair.

“We’re all very excited by the new line,” she said. “We’re hoping that it will be a major success and your input will be very important.”

“From everything I’ve seen you have nothing to worry about, I guess that every woman responds positively to the sense of being able to pamper herself.” Kira grinned while she pulled up a stool and a rolling table.

“I’m glad that you think that. Now, before I do anything I’d like to get to know you, get an idea of where you want to go, of what kind of image you want to project. How a woman looks has a great impact on how she feels and she deals with other people. Is that all right?”

“It’s why I’m here,” Linda said.

The afternoon flew by. Kira managed to draw Linda out and talk about some of her dreams, and fears, about what kind of impression she wanted to give. That led into a discussion of makeup. Kira had a gentle touch with makeup, she explained that a suggestion was often better then an outright shout. Linda had to agree, with only a few additions Kira turned her from ordinary to elegant. She wanted to cut her hair, but Linda managed to divert her from that, instead asking her what kind of style she thought would suit her best. By the end of the afternoon Linda was feeling a lot better about everything. Kira insisted on giving her several perfume samples, shampoos and bath gels, explaining that they would make a real difference. She advised her to add the gel to her bath the next time she used the Ultima bath salts, she said that it would do wonders for her skin. Linda smiled, knowing that very little short of a nuclear weapon could do anything to her skin, and agreed. She went home feeling very upbeat.

Saturday was rough. First she had to go in to work to finish up some copy on a piece for her boss, which took longer then she had expected, then there were a whole series of things, ranging from a forest fire in California to a landslide in Japan, that had her in constant movement until after midnight. When she came in she was feeling tired, but wound up and she wondered how she was going to get to sleep. Going into the bathroom reminded her of her new bath gel and she smiled as she ran a tub of water as hot as the boiler, and a judicious application of heat vision, could make it. The combined aromas of the salts and the gel swirled around her, relaxing her just from the fragrance, and she slid into the tub with a sigh.

Linda lifted her head when the fingers under her chin urged her to and she saw the smiling face of Kira. She smiled back and Kira leaned in to kiss her. Linda shivered, it had been a very long time between lovers for her.

“Don’t be afraid, sweet,” Kira said. “I’m going to make you feel very good indeed, all right?” Linda just nodded and Kira slipped down to lay beside her. Linda noticed that they were both naked, and that Kira’s body was the most lovely she had ever seen. She lifted a hand and gently cupped one breast, feeling the warmth of it in her hand, the softness of the skin.

“Ah,” Kira sighed. “Such gentle hands for such a hungry soul.”

“Hungry soul?,” Linda asked.

“Yes dear, hungry. For sex, for lust, for love, for kindness, for simple warmth. I hadn’t expected to find one like you, but the gods do joke.”

“They do? About what?”

“Lots of things, but none so important right now as you.” Kira turned, and pushed gently, until Linda was on her back and Kira was laying between her thighs. This contact made Linda squirm, then squirm again when she discovered how nice it felt. Kira grinned and moved her hips in a circle, wringing a gasp from Linda.

“So wet, so ready,” Kira breathed. “And so quickly. Has it been very long, my pet?”

“Yes!,” Linda gasped, as Kira’s hips moved again.

“Well, I shall not leave you so long, you are far too beautiful. Linda started to speak, but Kira lowered her head and settled her mouth over Linda’s. Her tongue slid between Linda’s lips and began exploring every corner of her mouth. Her breasts pressed into Linda’s, hard nipples boring into soft flesh and she kept up the movements of her hips. Linda moaned as her clit was forced into Kira’s, as she felt it get harder and bigger then it had ever felt before. She slide her feet up, raising her knees and pressing her cunt harder into Kira’s. In response Kira pressed down harder, nearly crushing Linda’s clit under her pubic bone and making her cry out. She cried out and arched upward, increasing the pressure, and she felt an orgasm rush through her. She collapsed, but Kira continued to press down on her. Sobbing, Linda wrapped her arms around Kira and clung to her.

The image in the sphere showed a bathroom and a female figure asleep in the tub. After a moment the figure stirred, then sat up and looked around, as if surprised to be where she was. The girl was the picture of confusion as she stood up on unsteady legs and examined her body. After that she rinsed herself off under the shower, then dried herself and left the bathroom. The image followed her into her bedroom where she slipped into a confection of lace that barely covered her body and slipped beneath the covers. When she had fallen asleep a hand passed over the sphere and dispelled the image.

Kira leaned back in her throne and smiled. Her little foray into Earth had been intended as a lark, seeing just how many girls she could attract. It had already been turning out to be far more interesting then she had expected, then she had found Linda.

The first clue, of course, had been her skin color and her makeup choices, which had shown an odd jump between blonde and brown. Then the minute genetic samples gathered by the kit had confirmed that she wasn’t an Earth human, and that her natural hair color was most likely blonde. The idea of adding a superheroine to her collection had appealed to Kira, but she was too aware of the troubles inherent in doing so. Still, she had wanted to meet her so she had arranged to be her consultant when she called. That had made it even worse, Linda was a sweet girl, a truly bright soul, but caught up in her own fears and loneliness, and sense of unworth. That had startled her, until she had realized that part of it was due to the double life she led. Supergirl was a world famous heroine, beloved by millions. Linda Danvers was a copywriter in a small ad agency, underpaid, underappreciated and unable to reconcile the two elements of her life.

She had given Linda the potions to mix with the ones she already had and then she had plucked the dreaming girl from her bath. She’d have no memory that the incident hadn’t been a dream, had, in fact, lasted a full day in Kira’s world. Just as she had no idea of the lusts that had been roused in Kira’s heart.

Kira wanted the blonde heroine, wanted her in all the ways that she could, in ways that she knew would scare and horrify Linda. And she had decided that she was going to have her, as a pet as a slave, as a lover. Her body ached with the desire to possess Linda, to use her, to hurt her, to love her. Linda didn’t know it, but she didn’t have a chance. When it was superheroine versus goddess the goddess always won.

The dream continued to touch Linda at odd moments for the next week, at home, at work, even on missions. A moment’s daydream would touch it off and she’d be laying cuddled against Kira, warm, sated, safe. Or the eyes of a model in a poster would bring up memories of Kira’s eyes, dark, hovering above her. By the fourth night she had resorted to masturbating every night in her bed, but that only made her think of Kira more and she was left unsatisfied. By Saturday she was feeling all hot and tense, desperate, and she went back to the salon.

When they told her that Kira had only been in town briefly, as part of the testing she felt a sharp ache go through her. The receptionist, the same one as at her appointment, however, managed to catch her before she left and offered to get her number to Kira. Linda had been almost desperate as she gave it to her and the girl had assured her that she’d get it to Kira.

Kira looked up as Atinue appeared before her and knelt, her head nearly touching the floor.

“She came?,” Kirta asked.

“Not yet, but close,” Atinue said, grinning, her cat-slitted eyes shining. “She is very hot, and very desperate. She doesn’t just want to see you, she needs to see you, and a lot more. May I be allowed to join you?”

“Hunting my prey, child?”

“No, Lady, joining your prey, perhaps, if I may be allowed.”

“Hmm, I don’t know that she is ready for that. She is a very sad little soul, very alone. She needs more then just lust and use, she needs care, and love.”

“She’s a hero, Lady, it would be an honor, and a pleasure to serve her. And she smells sooo goood!” Kira laughed and nodded.

“Very well, you may help me, but you may not like it.”

“Like it or not, I think that I will enjoy it. It is fun to be your toy, Lady.”

Linda moaned and writhed on the firm surface. Her eyes opened and she saw that she was in a large chamber, on a pad at the foot of a huge bed. She wasn’t alone on the pad, there was a girl, covered in short, golden fur, with cat-slitted emerald eyes, just as naked as she was. Before Linda could say anything the cat-girl wriggled closer and pressed herself against Linda, moaning.

“Please, Linda,” she begged,” her voice very like that of the receptionist. “Please!.” She was rubbing herself against Linda, panting, her fingers digging into her skin. “The Lady isn’t playing fair!,” she gasped. “She put an arousal spell on me! Oh! Help me!” Linda was all to aware that her own body was reacting to the cat-girl’s, but she was also aware that this was a dream. If it wasn’t she wouldn’t have even felt the girl’s fingers. She sighed, it wasn’t Kira, but it was a lovely substitute. She slid her arms around the girl and marveled at the feel of her warm, silky fur. Her mouth was open, and wet, and oh so warm. A moan erupted from her own throat as she discovered the roughness of the girl’s tongue as it twined with hers. Her nipples hardened against the fur, then the girl’s hands cupped them and claws tickled them.

“So soft,” the girl murmured. A claw probed gently at the tip of one nipple and Linda’s eyes widened as she felt it pierce her slightly. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” the girl purred. “To be pierced for our lady, to wear her rings and her chains?” Linda moaned again and arched, pushing her breasts into the girl’s hold. To her relief the claws withdrew, but the hands didn’t. They mauled her flesh, molded it like clay, making her gasp. One furred thigh parted her legs and pressed against her cunt. The muscles in it tensed and Linda gasped, then rubbed her cunt into it.

“Oh, you’re so wet,” the girl purred. “And so hot, you’re like silk.” She moved her hips and pressed her cunt into Linda’s thigh and she felt how wet the girl was. Hands cupped breasts while tongues foraged in greedy mouths and aching cunts slid along hard thighs. Within moments they were straining against each other, mouths absorbing their cries as they orgasmed. Instead of relaxing, though, the orgasm just seemed to push them on. The cat-girl twisted around on Linda’s body, pinning her to the floor, then her head dove between Linda’s legs and she screamed as a rough tongue lapped at her cunt. Her scream was suddenly muffled by a gag of silky, wet, hot flesh and her tongue seemed to slide into it of its own accord. She couldn’t believe that she was doing this, even in a dream, but it felt so good she didn’t have any desire to stop. When her clitoris was sucked into a mouth full of sharp teeth she moaned and lifted her hips. The teeth grazed her, teased, then slowly bit down until she was shaking in a mixture of pain and pleasure so intense it was impossible to separate the two. She cried out and the pressure eased, the rough tongue sought her out and soothed her.

Linda was astonished to feel tears in her eyes and she sobbed. The cat-girl turned and laid down on top of her, kissing her gently. Linda shuddered and kissed back.

The click of heels made them both look up to see Kira towering over them. She was dressed in a scrap of a tunic and they could see that she was naked beneath it. The cat-girl moaned and shivered in Linda’s arms.

“Lady,” she purred.

“I see that you have found outlets for your energies,” Kira said. “I do hope that you’ve saved something for me.” She was smiling as she said this, turning her statement from a threat to a command. Both Linda and the cat-girl responded, untangling their limbs and rising to their knees. They moved to either side of Kira and lowered their heads to her ankles.

Linda didn’t understand where this had come from, this insistent lust and submissiveness, but at the moment she didn’t care. It wasn’t only arousing to kiss and lap at Kira’s ankles, it was fun. She could see the cat-girl at the other ankle, hear the noises Kira made as they kissed and licked their way up her legs. When she spread her legs the cat-girl maneuvered Linda between them while she knelt behind Kira. Their hands found each other between her legs, stroking her legs and each other’s breasts and bellies. Linda’s mouth found the wet heat of Kira’s cunt and pressed her mouth to it. Juices filled her mouth and she swallowed with the moan of a man dying of thirst with a glass of water. Her hands urged Kira’s thighs further apart so the she could move closer and she eagerly lapped at her flesh. She could feel the reactions in Kira’s body, her sighs and moans, the increase in her juices, the tightening of her thighs, and, finally, the hands that tangled in her hair and held her prisoner while hips thrust a dripping cunt into her mouth and Kira orgasmed. Even then the hands didn’t release, instead they urged Linda to start again. In her ears came the liquid sounds of the cat-girl, her face pressed to Kira’s bottom, lapping and lapping.

Linda woke in the middle of an orgasm that had her body arching up from the bed. Her hands were buried between her thighs, and she was aware that she even had a finger deep in her rectum. Gasping, she collapsed to the bed, curled into a ball and fell almost instantly asleep.

Kira reached down and stroked Atinue’s hair.

“That was excellent,” she said. “She is responding beautifully. Your help was quite effective.”

“Then may I stay, Lady, and be your prey too?”

“Yes dear, you may, I wouldn’t want to disappoint Linda.”

Connie Stanes rushed up to the table and slid into a seat.

“Sorry I’m late,” she said, flashing a quick smile. “I had work to finish.”

“Has Captain Lattimore turned into a slave driver?,” Betsy Knowles asked.

“Not a bit,” Connie responded. It’s just that we’ve got a really bad case.”

“Not too bad, I hope,” Linda said. “No one’s dead, are they?”

“We don’t know. Look this is all hush hush, but the papers are going to get word of it any day now so if you can keep a secret I’ll let you know what’s up.”

“Come on, Connie,” Leslie Barker said. “You know we don’t talk.”

“Yeah, I know. Okay, what’s happening is a wave of disappearances, all over the country, but a lot here in Metropolis.”

“What makes this important?,” Leslie said. “People disappear all the time, and for a lot of reasons.”

“Not out of their houses, without taking anything with them, and without a single problem that we can find.”

“How many people are we talking about?,” Linda asked.

“Over two thousand country-wide, nearly two hundred in Metropolis alone. Captain Lattimore’s afraid that there are a lot more that we haven’t heard of yet because they live in smaller communities. All the ones we do have are in the larger cities.”

“What makes the think that they’re connected?,” Betsy asked. “I’ll bet that you can find two thousand disappearances like these any year.”

“No, I told you, it’s not like they left, it’s like they vanished. There was one case where a woman, her sister, her two daughters and her sister’s three daughters all vanished. As far as we can tell none of them had the kind of enemies that would do that sort of thing, that’s the big problem, there doesn’t seem to be a single link between them.”

“Any similarities anywhere,” Linda asked.

“No, they were all average middle-class people, all female by the way, no big jobs, no inheritances with wicked relatives in the background, nothing. It’s driving everyone from the Feds to a dozen city police departments nuts.

“Any similarities in what they were doing at the time they vanished?,” Leslie asked. Connie shook her head.

“No, they seem to have just been doing perfectly normal things, I mean, the two sisters and the daughters, they were having a kind of dress-up party at the time.”

“Dress-up party?,” Betsy asked.

“Yeah, a lingerie party actually, though we can’t find out why, there wasn’t a marriage or an engagement pending in the bunch. They had good taste though, all the stuff was from Ultima Products.” A cold chill went through Linda.

The rest of lunch was pretty normal, Linda was quiet, but she always had been. She did get compliments on her new appearance though, and she explained how she had splurged for an afternoon at an Ultima Salon. That made her the center of attention for a while as they asked her about it.

When they finally dispersed Linda went back to work feeling very nervous.

Captain Michael Lattimore had been a cop in Metropolis for over twenty years. He was used to a lot, from smuggling to superheroes, but when the tap came on his window that evening he had to admit that he was pretty surprised.

It didn’t take a lot to recognize Supergirl, she happened to be his, and he suspected a lot of men’s, secret fantasy. When he opened the window she snaked inside, giving him a real nice look at killer thighs and a red panty-covered bottom that was to die for. She settled onto the floor and he waved her to a chair.

“I don’t get many superheroes up here,” he said. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I’ve been hearing some rumors of a series of disappearances across the country and if you don’t mind I’ve got a few questions to ask.”

“Why, do you know something about them?”

“I don’t know,” she said, shrugging. “I have a suspicion, but it will look pretty silly if I’m wrong so I’d like to ask first.”

“You know I can’t divulge the details of an ongoing investigation.”

“I’m not really asking for information so much as confirmation.”

“Well, okay, ask away, but I reserve the right to stop you if you start going into sensitive areas.”

“That’s fine. My first question is, were any of the women participating in a marketing test of a new product line by Ultima Products?” The captain looked at her as if she had gone insane.

“Are you kidding? What does that have to do with anything?”

“From what I hear there’s no link between these women, I may be able to provide one.”

“And you think this marketing thing is one? Why?”

“I have my reasons, which are as confidential as your information. Can you check?”

“I can check the interview records, and the search results, that might tells us something, but it’s not the kind of thing that usually gets asked.”

“Which is why it might have been missed. And while you’re doing that, can you find out if there’s been a change in either the ownership or the management of Ultima Products in the last few months?’

“Might as well.” He sat down behind his terminal and his fingers started to fly.

The island was located off the coast of South America, part of a chain of islands that made up a small country. It had no real industry beyond fishing and tourism, and it’s only claim to fame was a castle that someone had built on one of the islands centuries ago. The island that Supergirl was streaking toward right now. A quick scan of the interior had shown it to be empty, but immaculately clean. Four century old castles didn’t stay clean without a lot of help that didn’t seem to be present. Also, the outside retained its appearance of neglect and decay, even though as far as Supergirl could tell there wasn’t a single thing wrong with it structurally.

It had taken three days to clear this with the country, two just to get them to admit that the castle existed. It was only when that government discovered that they weren’t going to be expected to do anything that they had agreed to let Supergirl investigate the island.

She hovered above the castle and swept it from top to bottom with her X-ray vision and found nothing. Scowling, she settled down into the courtyard just behind the main gate and strode toward the main door. It opened easily under her hands and here every sense was on full alert.

The results of the tests on the items found in the homes of the vanished women had been incredible. No one was really sure what some of the drugs in the various products were, but several of them proved to have psycho-active properties. Even more amazing were the electronics found actually woven into the material of bras, panties and various other sorts of lingerie. Nothing like it had ever been seen by anyone who examined them. Like the drugs, they weren’t even sure what they were intended to do. As soon as she had found out about them Supergirl had examined her own products and she discovered that not only were they there, they had been tailored to her kryptonian physiology. The electronics too seemed to have been specifically designed for her. Which meant that someone knew her secret identity.

She stepped inside the castle and the door was yanked from her hand. For an instant everything was so dark that her senses were useless, then light bloomed. She was in a huge arena, built inside a vast cavern, with tiers of seating stretching up toward the ceiling. The lower levels of those seats were filled and Supergirl saw that they were all women, and all in some kind of severe bondage. Down on the floor of the arena Kira was seated in a kind of throne, and the blonde from the salon was standing beside her.

“Hello,” Kira said. “I am pleased to see you, I have missed our little meetings.”

“Then those weren’t dreams.”

“Oh no dear, they were quite real, you’ve spent quite a few days in my realm. Very pleasant days I might add, you enjoyed yourself tremendously.”

“You played with my mind!”

“Yes, and with that marvelously ripe body of yours. Now, just what is it that you expect to do here?”

“I’m going to get all of these women our of here, then I’m going to see that you pay for your crimes.”

“You might find that a bit difficult, especially since you are no longer on your world.” Supergirl sneered.

“I’ve been in hard spots before, I’ve gotten out of them and I’ll get out of this.”

“Perhaps dear, but the problem is getting two thousand, six hundred and eighty-five others out too.” Supergirl felt a shrinking feeling, she had no fear for herself, but how was she going to get all these people out. Kira smiled at her and gestured to the side of her throne. “Please, dear, it would be much more pleasant for us all if you merely came here, knelt down and acknowledged that you belong to me.” Supergirl stiffened and she gave Kira a look of contempt.

“I don’t think so!,” she declared. Kira sighed and, oddly, looked a little sad

“Then we are going to have a problem,” she said

“Not if you release the women and surrender.” Kira grinned and shook her head.

“That would not please me,” she said. “ I’ve gone to some trouble to collect them, and I’ve barely begun to taste them. Still, I am not unsporting, or unkind, so I shall give you a chance. This is Atinue,” she gestured at the blonde. “You shall fight her, if you win I will release you and all the others, if you lose you shall kneel to me and swear fealty and obedience, forever. I shall, by the way, be most pleased when you lose.”

“I don’t intend to lose, or to bet my freedom or anyone else’s!” Kira smiled, as if at a child, then she waved a hand and the women in the stands vanished.

“What happened?,” Supergirl demanded. “Where are they?”

“I returned them to their pens,” Kira said. “If you will not try there is no point in having them merely sitting out, loose.”

“Bring them back! Now!”

“I don’t think so.” Supergirl launched herself at Kira, as fast as she could. Kira didn’t even move, not even when Supergirl slammed into her. In fact, Supergirl’s entire momentum was absorbed and she found herself wrapped in Kira’s arms. She tried to break free and discovered that her mightiest efforts couldn’t disturb the arms that held her.

“That was delightful, foolish, but delightful. You have no idea of my power, yet you rush blindly in, attempting to save those women. I am pleased, and my offer still stands. Supergirl squirmed some more, but all that did was increase the width of Kira’s smile. Her hard nipples bored into Supergirl and she abruptly stopped struggling.

“And if I refuse?,” she asked, her face heating as blood rushed into it.

“Then, my dear, I see no reason at all to release you until I have you suitably restrained.” Supergirl gritted her teeth, then looked at Atinue.

“She isn’t, I suppose, really an assistant at a salon?”

“Of course she is,” Kira said.

“Does she really look like that?”

“Do you think that she looks like something else?”

“You know what I mean!,” Supergirl exploded. Kira wagged a finger at her, then looked at Atinue and nodded. Almost instantly the girl’s form wavered and the blonde was replaced by the cat-girl from her dream. Except now she knew that it hadn’t been a dream. Her face flamed as she remembered what they had done and Antinue smiled.

“I enjoyed it too, pet,” she said. “Like my Lady, I would prefer it if you didn’t fight, I’d much rather make love to you then fight you.”

“That was all a lie!”

“A trick,” Atinue said, “not a lie.”

“I’m not going to abandon those women for your lies again!”

“You must either fight for them or join them.”

“Then I’ll fight!”

“That’s my girl,” Kira said.

“I am not your girl!,” Supergirl spat.

“You will be.”

The seats were filled with the helpless, captive women. Supergirl was standing at one edge of the arena, where she could see some of the terrible things that had been done to them. Atinue was standing on the other side of the arena. Kira was still in her throne and she was watching both of them with a smile.

“The rules are very simple,” she was saying, and her voice was reaching every corner of the arena. “The combatants may use any natural ability they possess, no part of the arena or any other object, or person, may be used either as weapon or shield. Neither combatant may leave the arena until the combat is over, whoever does forfeits the match. Combat will end at the point at which one combatant has a clear advantage over the other. We will play to three falls, the winner of two wins the match. The stakes are simple, if Supergirl wins she and all of you are free. If she loses then she will join you as my pet. Combatants, are you ready?”

“Ready,” Atinue called.

“Ready,” Supergirl said.

“Begin.” This time Supergirl chose not to throw herself forward, instead she inhaled deeply and sent a blast of super-breath at her opponent. Atinue staggered backward, then dropped to the ground and clung to it. Supergirl used the moment to leap forward and she landed on Atinue. Instantly Atinue tried to turn over, to throw her off. Supergirl was astonished by her strength, but she clung to her as hard as she could. They rolled through the dirt of the arena, as Atinue tried to drag Supergirl off her back. Her claws stung as they dug into Supergirl’s skin, surprising her again, but even though they hurt they weren’t enough to make Supergirl let go. She managed to get an arm around Atinue’s throat and tightened her grip. Atinue struggled, but she couldn’t get the arm loose and when Supergirl increased the pressure she slapped the ground with one hand.

“Enough,” Kira said. “Supergirl wins round one.” Supergirl released her hold and threw herself away from Atinue. The cat-girl lay still for a moment then pushed herself to her feet.

“That was good, better then I had hoped for,” she said. “Wouldn’t like to give in now, would you? I’m sure that I could convince Lady Kira to let me lick your delicious cunt for a few days.” Supergirl colored deeply and Atinue smiled. Then she grew.

Supergirl stared as the cat-girl seemed to stretch and expand, becoming over seven feet tall and easily three times as wide as Supergirl. Her claws lengthened and her body swelled with muscle. Her smile was terrifying, an expanse of gleaming white suitable to a shark.

“Did I tell you,” Atinue said. “I am what is commonly referred to as a daemon.”

“I don’t care what you are!”

“Dear, I only tell you so that you will understand just how much pleasure I’m going to give you, once I’ve defeated you.”

“It will take more then words to-” Without warning, Atinue’s arms shot out, stretching across the space between them and her hands seized Supergirl by the arms. Her claws bit deep, making Supergirl cry out, then she was yanked off her feet towards Atinue. She allowed herself to be pulled close and slammed her doubled fists straight into Atinue’s breasts. To her surprise, they engulfed her hands, absorbing the impact. The arms engulfed her like huge snakes, crushing her body against a suddenly all-to-solid body. The air left Supergirl’s lungs in a rush. The increase in her size had also increased her strength and Supergirl discovered that the daemon was at least as strong as she was.

“Sweet pet,” Atinue said. “I’m going to love being your keeper.” Supergirl increased the force of her struggles, but Atinue was equal to all of them. Her body either absorbed or deflected every blow and attack, rendering them ineffectual, while her arms continued to tighten. Supergirl felt as if her ribs were going to crack, and her back was bending under the power of Atinue’s attack As she struggled she felt Atinue’s body changing, felt with shock the growth of a massive cock from between her legs.

“We daemons are very malleable,” Atinue said, grinning into Supergirl’s startled eyes. The second pair of arms that took hold of Supergirl’s legs made her scream and massive clawed hands gripped her thighs and pulled them apart.

The shaft grew between her legs, pressing up against the material of her panties.

“No!,” she screamed. “You can’t!”

“Oh, I can, I will, and what is more you will enjoy it. Your pretty little cunt already knows just how nice I can be, it’s not going to be any trouble at all.” Claws bit into her thighs, stretching her legs wide. She felt the heat of the cock pressing between her legs, then felt it begin to slide between her lower lips, which, she was horrified to discover, were slick with her own juices. Cloth tore, then she screamed as the cock spread the lips of her cunt.

She tore and fought Atinue’s grip in vain, she tried everything, heat vision, super breath, she even screamed into Atinue’s face with enough force to have shattered steel. Nothing worked. She was sobbing in anger and shame when Atinue pulled her face closer.

“So much trouble,” she whispered, “and for what. To avoid the pleasures we will give you? To escape being loved and held. Harshly perhaps, even cruelly, but loved.” She bent her head and sealed Supergirl’s mouth with her own. Her tongue filled Supergirl’s mouth, stroking, caressing, while the massive cock slid into her cunt. Supergirl tried to resist, tightening her muscles, biting down, but Atinue’s flesh now seemed harder then hers. The walls of her cunt stretched around the invading shaft, and sent waves of hot pleasure through her body. Incredibly, her nipples and clitoris were rock-hard and being crushed against Atinue’s body was only making them ache with pleasure. The feel of her fur and the heat of her body were also sending flashes of sensation along jangled nerves. Her body was held still, helpless, while she was impaled by tongue and cock, and her body writhed against the daemoness.

The orgasm that raced through her body horrified her. What horrified her more was that when Atinue tossed her, helpless, to the floor of the arena she wanted to cry out with loss.

“Enough!,” Kira said. “Atinue wins round two.” They watched the heroine recover herself, then force herself to her feet. She swayed for a moment, and was too aware of the fact that her legs were coated to the knees by her own juices. Her ragged panties provided no protection and her body and hair were covered with dirt. A moan filled the arena, and Supergirl realized that the sound was coming from the thousands of women. Her hands clenched into fists and she forced her legs to support her.

“Well,” Kira said to Supergirl, “only one round left. While I would not deny you your right to continue, I will say that I have no desire to see you harmed, and would welcome your surrender.”

“That’s one thing you’re not going to get, no matter what happens!”

“Child, do you want Atinue to beat you senseless? She could, and will, if she must.” She smiled. “Or shall I have her defeat you in a more interesting manner? Atnue?”

“Her cunt is hot and deliciously needy,” the daemoness said. “I’d like to see if her rectum is as needy.” Supergirl recoiled, then felt her lips twist in a snarl. Atinue smiled at her.

“Come on, dear,” she said. “Just kneel down and offer me your ass. I promise to be very gentle, I will give you a nice, long, slow fuck and I won’t stop until you’ve passed out from the pleasure. You’ll like it, you know that you will. In fact it excites you, thinking about me filling your tight little bottom. I can smell your arousal, taste it. It makes me very excited. Come, surrender, let me please you and be pleased. Let me offer our pleasure to our Lady.”

“You’re going to have to work for that, if you still want it after I’m done with you.”

“Oh good, you’re finally getting into the spirit of this. I’ll be just as happy to end up being your slut, as I’d be if you ended up as mine.”

“You’re going to find out that isn’t what I meant,” Supergirl said, her teeth grinding together.

“In that case,” Kira said. “Shall we end this now?”

“Yes,” Supergirl said. “It’s time to end this.” She set herself in a fighting stance and beckoned to Atinue. “Come on, bitch, time to discover pain.” Atinue flashed her a grin.

“Oh, pain I know, let me introduce you.” This time her entire body elongated and she struck at Supergirl like battering ram. Supergirl spun out of the way and drove her fist into the side of Atinue’s head. The force of the impact drove the daomoness to one side and she hit the ground. Supergirl didn’t try to follow up on her attack, she just stayed in place and waited. Atinue resumed her normal form and wiped a trickle of copper-colored blood from the side of her face.

“That was very good,” she said. Her form altered, twisting, stretching, transforming into a huge, eight-legged beast, with armor plating and spikes standing out from her head, her spine, all her joints, and a tail that was an armored flail.

“Cute,” Supergirl said. What do you call it, ‘Ugly Squared’?”

“I think that I will take you like this,” a harsh, grating voice said from the beast’s mouth. “You will give birth to my get, and nourish them with your milk and your blood.”

“Big dreams, try to make them come true!”

“Oh, I will,” Atinue said as she began circling Supergirl. The heroine began turning too, keeping the daemoness in front of her. They moved warily, both aware that this was the last round, that this would decide the contest; and that neither of them planned to lose. Supergirl narrowed her eyes and a thin stream of heat energy lanced out of her eyes. Atinue howled and danced sideways, out of the beam. She leapt at Supergirl, only to be hurled backward by a blast of super-breath. Her claws scrabbled at the ground and she screamed as Supergirl’s heat vision found her again. Bounding sideways she began an evasive pattern of moves that was bringing her closer and closer to Supergirl. Blasts of heat vision kept her moving, but couldn’t keep her away.

With a final leap she roared and descended on Supergirl like an avalanche. Only to be blasted back by her super breath again. Her form altered almost instantly, becoming longer and more streamlined and covered with thick plates of armor. Her feet hit the ground and she charged forward. Heat washed over her, and reflected away in sheets of light. Hurricane force wind hit her and her form shifted to slice through it. Rather then exposing herself again she stayed on the ground and straight into Supergirl. Even as Atinue reached Supergirl the front of her body exploded outward in a mass of clawed tentacles all reaching for the heroine. Supergirl collapsed bonelessly to the ground, beneath the grasp of the tentacles, and Atinue overran her before she could stop. Even as she tried to stop she squawked as super-powered legs slammed up into her midsection. Catapulted upward and forward, her form was altering even as she flew, tentacles reaching out to the ground. Heat vision and super breath slammed into her, scorching the tentacles. Tumbling out of control she slammed into the seats above the audience. Her body flattened, absorbing the impact, then reformed back into her beast form and she gathered herself for a leap.

“Enough!” Kira’s voice startled them both and their heads turned to stare at her. She was standing in front of her throne and there was a strange look on her face.

“I haven’t been beaten yet!,” Supergirl said.

“I didn’t say that you had been. It’s Atinue who’s been beaten.”

“What?,” Atinue cried. Kira smiled and just pointed at where she stood.

“In case you forgot you’re not allowed to leave the arena.” Atinue looked at Kira blankly, then looked down.

“But, my Lady-!”

“No, I did make the rules after all, it would hardly be fair for me not to enforce them.”

“My Lady, I-”

“No!,” Kira said. “That’s enough Atinue.” The daemoness transformed back to the human form and there was a look of confusion on her face.

“As my Lady wishes,” she said, inclining her head to Kira. Kira nodded back, then looked at Supergirl.

“You’ve won,” she said. Supergirl turned to face her, tense, waiting for what was sure to happen. Except that Kira didn’t do anything.

“Is that it? I’ve won?”

“Much as I wish it were otherwise, yes, you have.” Supergirl looked at Atinue and saw that she was looking resigned, and relaxed, then looked back at Kira.

“So, what happens now?” Kira grinned at her.

“My dear, you simply must learn to trust a little more. Despite my many faults I do keep my word. It truly is to bad,” she said, looking at the women. “I was just getting to know them, and I would have dearly loved to add you to my harem.”

“What about freeing the women, as you promised?” Without any warning, or any motion, the captives were gone, vanished.

“Where are they?,” Supergirl demanded.

“Home,” Kira said. “As I promised. As I will send you, unless you should change your mind and decide to stay?” Supergirl snorted and glared at her. Kira grinned crookedly. Supergirl felt no sensation of movement, but she was suddenly, simply, back in the front hall of the castle, and it was crowded with a crowd of confused women.

“I don’t know why you did that, my Lady,” Atinue said, pouting. “I could have beaten her.” Kira looked at her fondly. They were watching Supergirl, in Kira’s sphere, as she was explaining events to a collection of federal and state authorities. Kira watched her squirm as she glossed over the details of the competition. She had made sure that she had clouded the memories of the captives, they weren’t sure what had happened or where they had been.

“Possibly. She is far stronger, in all ways, then I had thought, a truly bright soul. It will be quite pleasant when I finally get her.”

“You mean that you don’t plan to let her go?”

“Of course not, she didn’t win the contest after all.”

“But why did you say she won? You know that the entire area, seats included, is considered part of the arena. She’d have had to knock me through the wall to get me out of it.”

“That was not altogether improbable. She did not seem in any way close to surrendering, or losing. And I like her, I don’t want her destroyed.”

“No,” Atinue responded, grinning. “You just want to see her on her knees in front of you and have her tongue buried in your cunt.”

“We all have our little hopes and dreams.”

“And what about her dreams,” she asked, nodding at the image of Supergirl in the sphere.

“Oh, they’ll be full, quite full!