Wonder Woman in You Might as Well Stop Looking at That!

Author: Testcase
Time to Read:135min
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This is a work of fiction and contains graphic violence, sex rape, bondage and all the stuff under aged people should not be reading. If you are banned by law from this type of material do us both a favor and go away!

Some characters are owned by others; do not spread this around without permission.

I do not condone misusing heroines like this is real life, well unless they ask you to anyway, please treat them with respect.

If you liked the story please drop me a note at mailto:test_case@hotmail.com?subject=Contest story or even if you disliked it friendly critic is always appreciated.

This story has some potential for further growth or perhaps you are interested in a commission story where you choose the Heroine, situation, and villain

You Might as Well Quit Looking at That!

Chapter One, Meet My Neighbors

"You might as well quit looking at that, she is out of your league and a Lesbian to boot, besides we will be moving soon" my dad said, startling me as I stared at the girl next door from our back deck.

He was probably right, circumstances have spiraled down to the point we were probably going to be evicted from our house soon, but damn she was fine. My dad, Brian Jones and I, call me Steve, lived in a Washington DC suburb; we had a nice home even for this area but dad had just been downsized from the bank where he worked, thanks President Obama. They had told him he was going to be laid off next month.

My mother had run off with another Wall Street type when she heard the news, AFTER she cleaned us out of course. She was a bitch, I don't miss her. She used to tell me I was the cause of her infidelity, not to mention her stretch marks. She had been dad's trophy wife for twenty years. The problem was he had forgiven her dalliances over the years because he in fact loved her. She had no such illusions, and when she got the chance she jumped off the sinking ship. She had the best plastic surgeons keeping her looking young, and she was dedicated to working out, so I suppose it wasn't too hard to find another sugar daddy. Good luck to the old bastard if he thought he had an exclusive claim on that slut!

The tall, blond, built like a brick shit house next door was my age, well she was in some of my classes at school and was of course one of the popular girls. Her older sister Diana, also a lesbian worked at the Pentagon, one of those never ending government expansion jobs, so they were set with no financial concerns, their parents lived in the Mediterranean somewhere, they had always been pretty vague about where. The only time she ever deigns to speak to me was either to ridicule me, or ask me a favor. I suppose I can't laugh at dad too much for allowing mom to use him all those years, I couldn't say no to Cassandra either. She always needed a VCR set or her phone programmed. She had all the cool toys but was too lazy to learn how to use them; they were more or less just status symbols to her. Cassie, as she proffered to be called while not stupid, was very lazy, and learning new things just never appealed to her.

I took advantage of the opportunity to be around her when she called in her sweet voice and asked for a favor, "please Stevie" she would wheedle me. I HATE being called "Stevie" by the way, and she knows that.

Now dad and I were screwed in the world, but little Cassandra would probably not even notice until she needed something set or fixed. But fate has a way of turning things around although my dad and I had no idea ours was about to take a HUGE jump toward the better!

"Stevie, I need a favor" Cassie cooed when I answered my phone, "I got this new smart phone and I need you put some apps on it for me, would you be a sweetheart and come over?"

Rosie, her maid let me in, the Columbian woman was hot enough herself in her maid costume and she had a daughter I went to school with, Consuela or Con as she liked to be called. "She is by the pool Sir". That maid calling me "Sir" gave me a hard on before I ever saw Cassie.

I knew Cassandra would be wearing something just to tease me, but this time she outdid herself as she was wearing one of the tiniest bikinis I had ever seen. Her firm young tits were barely contained as the top strained to hold the perfect golden mounds in. I could never figure out if she did this to tease me, or if she thought she was rewarding me for helping her, but none the less I always went when she called.

"Hi Stevie! I see you found me OK!" she purred. "I got this new phone and I want to show Sandy this evening, but I can't get the apps on it I want! And mom has it set up so it tracks me I am sure; can you fix it for me, pretty please?" Sandy was a well known Lesbian and so was Cassie. She didn't ignore my staring, and probably drooling at those perfect tan mounds so tightly wrapped in the tiny scraps of blue cloth. "Stevie, up here, I need help with my phone?"

"Oh sorry" I stammered, "but you are so pretty today…" I added lamely.

"Well thanks Stevie, but my phone won't fix itself!" she answered.

I took the new 5 G smart phone and examined it closely; it was a technological marvel no doubt. "Do you have a manual?" I asked.

"I think you have to go online or something" Cassie replied, "I hate reading those things!"

"Well, what do you want it to do?" I asked and she gave me an impossible list. "Look, there is no way I can do all that here and now, can I have it a while to work on it?'

"As long as you bring it back by this evening" she answered as she picked up a fashion magazine. She made it clear our interaction was over and I was dismissed, "Please send Rosie out as you go" she commanded.

I started back through the house and ran into her mom, "Oh hi there Steven!" she smiled. She must have been heading for the pool too, she was also in a swim suit, not quit as reveling as Cassie's but damn she looked good!

"Hi Ms. Prince!" I answered, trying not to drool, but she was the embodiment of what a woman should look like in my mind. She was a more mature version of Cassie, her breast firm and large, her ass perfectly shaped set atop long muscular but very feminine legs shown to their fullest by some tall heels. A shiny soft dark mane framed her perfect features and highlighted piercing blue eyes.

"I see Cassie has conned you again!" she laughed as my cock grew even harder.

"Afraid so" I answered as I past her on my way to find Rosie to pass along Cassie's order.

When I found Rosie she was on the phone, I tried not to ease drop but something in her tone was very distressed. She was speaking to Consuela, her daughter, "No, you know we can't use that money or they will find us! Don't worry Con, Immigration won't find out… we will be OK, I promise!"

She was startled to look up and see me standing there, "May I help you Senor Steve?' she asked, hoping I had not heard her phone conversation.

"Cassie wants you by the pool" I advised her, then watched her walk past; her ass was pretty darn nice for a woman of 36 or 38.

I headed home with the cell phone and ran into dad. "I see Princess Cassie summoned you" he laughed. "New phone, she gets one about every week… Those things are expensive!"

"They are loaded, she doesn't care, and neither does her mom apparently" I replied off handily. Then I asked, "Did you know her maid Rosie was here illegally?"

"No I didn't!" dad laughed, "SOOO our little community's most prominent citizens have hired illegal aliens, isn't that hypocritical of them!"

"Is Diana still trying to buy our house?' I asked.

"No, the bitch is trying to steal it!" dad snapped, "she wants it to expand their yard, so it doesn't become a "blight" after we are evicted is what she told the bank! A fucking blight…!"

Dad was clearly upset as he went on, "She will wait until the bank takes it, buy it for pennies on the dollar and bulldoze the house most likely. I really am beginning to hate that bitch!"

"Well, I guess we will have other problems shortly" I mused, "It just sucks is all.

"Yes it is" dad replied "but like you said, we have to move forward. I found a place we can afford on unemployment, it isn't a castle but we will be OK until I can find work again and we get back on our feet."

"I know we will dad" I tried to reassure him, "Dad, I can take a semester off from school if it would help."

"I think we are OK there son" he answered too fast for me to believe, I knew he was lying. I took Cassie's phone upstairs and began programming it for her. I should tell he to program her own damn phone or get one of her jock buddies to fix it, but the thought of her in that little blue bikini…. Well there was no chance of me ever saying no to her.

As I looked at the phone it became clear it was a really advanced piece of technology, why beyond anything I had ever seen before, and not just a little bit! "Fucking spoiled little rich bitch" I muttered as I looked at my two generations old piece of shit phone. I had Cassie's last phone as well, it was nice , a huge leap over what I had, but clearly not as good as her new one. I could pull stuff off the net like lightening on the old one of hers, and this one was twice as fast. I got and idea and called her on their house phone, "Hey Cassie, what are you going to do with your old phone? Could I have it?"

"Who would want that old thing" she giggled, "sure, why not, it's yours."

"Hey Cassie, where did you get this new one? It is pretty advanced" I asked.

"Mom got it from someone at the Department of Defense where she works, "she answered truthfully if somewhat stupidly. "Is there something wrong with it?"

"No, no there's nothing wrong, it just seemed so far ahead of other phones they sell" I told her. "This thing really rocks, you can tap military satellites, and there are apps on here I have no idea what they do, and they are super encrypted."

"Well don't mess with that stuff!" she warned me, "Just get my numbers in and pictures transferred please. And please get the tracking stuff off of it my sister installed!"

"Sure, no problem" I told her, in fact I had that basic stuff done already, but I wanted to study this thing more before I gave it back. The thing was EMP blast hardened as well as waterproofed. The battery seemed almost limitless as I marveled at its complexity.

I looked through her pictures as I swapped them from phone to phone, man there was a lot of good jack off material here! Pictures of her and her friends at the beach or in their cheerleader costumes that kind of thing, just made wish I good bone her just once… The narcissistic bitch had a picture of herself in a cheerleading outfit as her background image on her main screen.

When I was finished I headed back next door, I changed into some swim trunks hoping to be invited to swim for a while, stupid I know… I could hear Cassie and Sandy's voices from the pool area as well as some others from school. Rosie let me in and I past Diana on the way.

"Hi Steven" she greeted me, "go on back, they are in the pool, but you can hear that can't you?" she laughed. "Did you get Cassie's phone done?"

She was wearing an American flag bikini top that was just barely holding it's own against her full rack and I was having trouble meeting her eyes, "Yes ma'am" I answered. She had a sarong wrapped around those gorgeous hips, but it was split enough I could see her long shapely legs.

"Please Steven, I am not old enough to be "ma'am" call Diana, I insist!" she replied sweetly. She just SEEMED older somehow, although she certainly didn't look it, but she just commanded respect from everyone somehow. "Go on out there, I am sure she will be glad to have a phone again, she has been without one for what, three hours now!" she rolled those stunning ice blue eyes as she laughed. God she was perfect, even more than Cassandra. Tall, well defined muscles without losing an ounce of her femininity, she was my idea of the perfect female; I loved a well rounded woman, and she had more curves than a bad stretch of back road…

I had to tear my eyes away before the tent in my swim trunks got to big, "Well, I better get Cassie her phone before she goes into withdraws!" I declared, "excuse me ma'am, I mean Diana"

Cassie pretty much ignored me for several moments as I stood there awkwardly by the pool, her new phone in my hand waiting for her to speak. She was speaking to another popular girl from school I had always considered beautiful until I saw her next to Cassie, now she seemed almost ordinary.

Finally Cassie finished one of those inane female conversations with another cheerleader and spoke to me. "Did you get it done?'

"Sure" I answered, "wasn't too bad"

"Toss it here" she ordered. She dropped it of course when I tossed it to her.

"Way to go nerd!" Sandy shouted, "you ruined her new phone dumbass!"

"Hey jock face" OK so I suck at insults, "its water proof asshole"

"Well it better be or you're paying for it" he snarled.

When Cassie rolled over to retrieve her phone I could not help but notice her sweet little ass, which set Sandy off again, "Hey asshole, quit staring at my girl friend's ass you perv! Get the fuck out of here!"

Well so much for my hopes of an invite, I turned to go when Cassie called out, my heart skipped a beat before her words sunk in. "Hey Stevie, I need 200.00 for that old phone. I know your hurting for money, so you can make payments, we will talk about it tomorrow!"

Fucking bitch, she told me I could have it, now she wants money? Fuck her! "I changed my mind, I bring it back tomorrow!" I replied, stinging from her embarrassing comment. "It isn't all that great anyway" My ears burned as I heard the comments and laughter as I left to go home.

True to my word I gave her back her old phone before school the next day, actually I handed it Rosie, I didn't want to speak to her. In fact I didn't speak to her all week; I just ignored her in the halls at school. You wouldn't think a stuck up bitch like her would care, but she was so conceited the act ANYONE could walk by her and not say something really grated on her somehow.

Finally on Friday she sent me a text, "come on, you can't be mad at me forever!"

I ignored her.

Chapter Two A strange Turn of Events

I ignored her until Sunday evening when I heard a lot of loud noises from the Prince house. It didn't sound like a party this time, and I heard a woman scream, my Rosie the maid. I grabbed my phone and raced next door, not sure whether to call 9-1-1 yet, it could still just be a party. We live in a secluded rural setting, I doubt anyone else heard the screams or commotion. If they did they ignored it, glad I didn't!

I gasped for air as I ran next door, I am no athlete, trust me! I ran through the open front door, "Is everyone OK? I asked as I burst into the room, startling Cassie, "WHAT THE HELL?" I exclaimed as my eyes took in the scene. The room was smashed, everything in it was broke, all the furniture, even the stone fireplace was shattered. What looked like dead ninjas lay scattered about, I counted three, and one other figure in a black robe lay face down on the floor unmoving, two small boxes lay next to him alongside a gold belt and lasso. "WHAT THE HELL?" I repeated, "Has somebody called 9-1-1?"

"NO!" Cassie cried, "We can't call the cops, or the EMTs, this has to remain a secret! Promise me!" she begged.

"I don't know, this looks serious as hell Cassie!" I exclaimed, "are, are they all DEAD?"

"I hope so!" Cassie declared, "Stevie, they tried to kill us, trust me!"

"W…why would Ninjas break into your house and try to kill you?' I asked, fairly calmly I thought given the situation. "That doesn't make sense, and who killed them?"

"I…we did" Cassie proclaimed still very shaken, "Diana and I"

"You and Dian killed three Ninjas and, and whoever he is?" I pointed at the cloaked body laying face down. Then it dawned on me who he was, "t…that is Blackstar! You killed Blackstar?" Blackstar was a well known super villain, "what was Blackstar doing in your house? Why would he want to kill you? Why are you dressed like Wonder Girl? This doesn't make any sense, I better call the cops…"

"NO YOU CAN'T" Cassie cried, you promised you wouldn't you have to help us! No one can know! I…we tried to not kill them, but their attack was so quick, we had no choice, please help Diana, please!"

"Look Cassie, this is way out of my league, out of my universe in fact!" I declared, "Besides I recall you promising me a phone and then going back on it!" As soon as I said it I realized how petty that sounded…

"Look, I'll give you damn phone, just help my sister" she wailed.

"Cassie, where IS your sister?" I asked, I didn't see anyone else in the room

"S…she is under the couch" Cassie stammered.

"Cassie, Diana is way to big to be under any couch" I advised her.

"N…not anymore" Cassie sobbed, "Diana, he is here to help, come on out, it's OK"

When I saw what I saw I damn near fainted, she looked like a Barbie doll as she crawled out from under the couch, she was barely a foot tall! "Very fucking funny Cassie, where did you get it?"

"Get what?" she asked still sobbing.

"That robot doll, it's amazing! Did you get it from the same place you got the phone?!" I exclaimed, "It looks so real, it looks just like Wonder Woman!" Indeed the small doll looking thing had on a perfect Wonder Woman costume!

Then she spoke, so faint I could barely hear her, "It's me Steven, Diana. Sit down and I will explain.

I felt light headed as I found the remains of a chair and sat down. The tiny Wonder Woman leapt up to my knee and began explaining. "Steve, I know this is hard to accept, but you have seen it with your own two eyes. I am Wonder Woman, and Cassandra is my sister Wonder Girl."

"A…all this time I have been living next door to…to Wonder Woman?' I nearly fainted again. "Wow…"

"Listen Steven, I will explain all that later, but here is what you need to do" Wonder Woman explained. That villain, Darkstar had a beam weapon that shrinks living things, he got me with it just before I killed uh… stopped him. Cassie has his weapon now, she tried to reverse the beam and get me back to normal, but as you can see, it failed, in fact I shrank further. I need your help Steven to return to my correct size. I cannot let the authorities know what happened or they will know my secret identity. Countless other people including my friends and neighbors would be at risk from my enemies if they found out, do you understand?"

"I think so" I replied non to confidently, "but what about me? Now I know your secret?"

"We trust you Steven, we have no choice" Diana told me flatly. I figured out later she planned to use her magic lasso to remove any memory of this from my mind.

"I'm not sure I want to get involved in all this" I told her truthfully, "I am not qualified, there are a lot better choices than me!"

"We know Stevie, but you are what we have!" Cassie chimed in, "look, I am sorry about the phone thing the other night, I really am! You have to help us! We have trusted you with our secret, please help us fix this!"

I mulled my options as I stalled for time, "where is the weapon?"

"Here" Cassie handed me what looked like a hokey assed toy laser gun, "This is what he used on Diana."

"Really?' I laughed, "It looks like a Wally World Special to me" I examined it closely; there were no marks or labeling on the weapon. "What setting did you change?' I asked Cassie.

"There on the top" she pointed, "I slid that switch over thinking it would change her back.

I pointed it at one of the dead Ninjas and pulled the trigger, no recoil, just a strange buzzing sound as the body shrank to about the size Wonder Woman was now. I put the switch back in its original setting and aimed at another body, it only shrank to about two feet tall. The third setting shrank another dead Ninja to only about four inches tall.

"Apparently this controls the amount of shrinkage" I muttered to myself, "I do not see a reverse polarity switch"

"There has to be one" Cassie cried, "There just has to be!"

"Why does there have to be a switch? Just because some spoiled little girl wants there to be one?" I snapped, tired of her entitled mentality.

"Are you going to help us or what?' Diana asked as she stood on my knee, "If this too much for you we will go the Pentagon. Look, just shrink my belt over there, setting two should make it the correct size."

I thought it odd she would be worried about a piece of ornamentation at a time like this "I will help, but you have to understand this is way, way out of my league" I stammered, sweating profusely from the pressure. I had walked in on a super villain ambush of Wonder Woman and her sister. It looks like Darkstar had nearly won; Diana was reduced to the size of a doll. I figured the two boxes he carried were to haul the duo away once he had miniaturized them.

I reached down and timidly rolled the cloaked figure over, he looked very, very old, "Have you searched him for any clues on how to operate this thing?" I asked the pair of Amazons. Man I still can't get over having the Wonder Pair as neighbors, even if Cassie is a bitch!

"N….no, we had not touched him since I sort of broke his neck" Cassie confided. "I didn't want to kill him, but he was killing Diana, or so I thought…"

There was nothing on Darkstar that would help us so I pointed the pistol at him and shrank him. "Cassie, I suggest if you aren't going to call the cops you dispose of these bodies while it is still dark" I advised. "Can you fly?'

"No stupid, I am not Supergirl" she snapped back.

"Well I think I am going to call the cops, I mean this is a fucking mess" I stated finally, "I don't want to be an accessory to covering up evidence or even murder or manslaughter, this state has no "stand your ground" law. A prosecutor might try to make a name for himself and try you two and I want no part of that!"

"Thanks you loser bastard!" Cassie exploded, "give me that gun!"

She grabbed for it, and to this day I don't know if it was instinct or I wanted to shrink that bitch but it went off! The greenish beam struck her full in the head, even her bracelets couldn't deflect it. She screamed in agony as she began to shrink to the size of a Barbie doll, very slowly. I expect it would be very painful to be shrunken like that. She twitched and spasmed as she shrank an inch at a time, quivering on the floor unable to move

"You stupid bastard!" Wonder Woman screamed and flung herself at me. "Look at what you have done! What setting was it on!"

Now I am no athlete but the reflexes are good, I grabbed her around the waist with my left hand, caught her in mid air. She thrashed and cursed as I held her away from me. She still felt very strong, but flaying around where she couldn't get any leverage I held her easily enough away from my body. "Let go of me you bastard" she cried

I wasn't sure what to do with her, and then I spied the containers the villain had brought to contain the pair… "No, you wouldn't dare!" Wonder Woman cried when she saw me looking at them, "DO NOT PUT ME IN THAT CAGE! I AM WARNING YOU YOUNG MAN!"

She was still screaming and cursing as I shoved her in and closed the latch. I went to the convulsing Wonder Girl, her eyes meet mine, pleading, but there was nothing I could do as she continued to shrink. "I am in deep shit this time" I said aloud as I watched her growing smaller.

My god she was nearly as gorgeous as Wonder Woman I thought. She was maybe four foot tall now, the process seemed really slow as I pondered my future. I was trying to do the right thing when all this happened, I didn't kill the Ninjas and Darkstar and you are suppose to report this kind of shit right? I hadn't done anything wrong, it was obviously an accident, Cassie getting shrunk, I mean it was not my fault, she reached and grabbed the gun! It was on the first setting, so she should only shrink to about half size I thought as I watched the spectacle of a heroine growing smaller by the minute while she cried and twitched in pain.

God Cassie's tit looked great as they jiggled from her spasms in a top that barely contained those perfect golden brown mounds. I couldn't resist, I reached down and squeezed one of those magnificent tits. I saw her eyes fly wide open as I dared to do what I had always wanted to do since I first laid eyes on her. What the hell, I was already in deep shit as Wonder Woman kept reminding me from the cage behind me, "Steven, you better let me out of here right now! You have already committed a couple felonies, if you let me out now I will speak to the judge and try to get your sentence reduced! Don't make this worse than it already is!"

You know, if she had said "I won't tell anyone" or "we will drop the charges" I might have done something different than I did, but she seemed hell bent on sending me to jail for something I didn't do! Screw that! I shoved my hand between Cassie's legs as she continued to grow smaller, I could feel incredible heat through the tight burgundy spandex of her costume. She managed to get a garbled "ssssoooppp!" out as she continued to convulse.

"I bet that's real nice and tight now slut" I laughed, "Hey, can I have your phone, you won't be using it anymore!" All the anger from all the small put downs and insults came bubbling to the surface, the resentment of their lording their success had created a dark place I didn't even know I had. "Things are going to change around here, starting today! No more mister nice neighbor, you have pissed me off bitches!"

Just as I was getting cranked up I heard someone burst in the room with us, out of breath. I spun around, it was dad! "Thank God Brian, you better tell your son to let me out of here before he gets into any more trouble! He is already in deep, don't let him ruin his life!"

"Steven, what is she talking about, what the hell happened here?" dad asked, his jaw hanging open.

"Well dad, here goes" I explained, "you have to believe me, but it is going to be hard, I don't believe it myself. First, it turns out the women next door are Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl!"

"NO WAY!" dad exclaimed.

"You have to accept that dad, look at the one in the cage, it's Diana" I told him, "and that is Cassie over here, she is shrinking like Diana!"

"H…how… why… what did you do?" dad stammered, still not able to accept what he was seeing.

"I didn't do anything, I heard screaming and come over here, and there are dead Ninjas and villains laying everywhere! Apparently that hooded freak over there is Darkstar, I think Cassie killed him after he shot Diana with a shrink ray after SHE killed all these ninjas that were trying to kill her."

"Is that correct Diana" dad asked the caged Amazon, "And how did you get in that cage?' He started to let her out when I grabbed his hand, "no dad wait, there is more!"

Diana shouted, what he said is correct Brian, but STEVEN but me in this cage! You need to let me out so I can help him not spend the rest of his life in jail!"

"Jail! What did he do?' he asked.

"He put me in here after he shot Cassandra" Diana proclaimed, "and then he groped her! I saw it. But we can get him help and I will speak to the judge, he won't be in jail long! Let me out or you will be right alongside the little pervert as an accomplice!"

Dad looked at me with an odd expression on his face, "Son, did you touch her inappropriately? Tell me the truth Steven."

I had always had a hard time lying to dad, "Yes, I grabbed her tit, but she had it coming dad! She has always been a bitch to me, you know that!"

"Yes she has son" dad agreed, "but that doesn't give you the right to…"

"Molest my sister!" Wonder Woman screamed from her tiny cage, "There, he admitted it! You better let me out of here now! Every second you delay looks worse for you Brian, and for him! Plus Cassie is shrinking, we need to get it stopped! Call this number at the Justice League, they will send help! Do it now before it gets any worse for you and your family!"

"Dad, think about this" I interjected, "All I did was try to help them when I heard screaming and the bitch wants to put me in jail! I'll probably have to register as a sex offender for the rest of my life for a little titty grab! Is that fair? And you, the little bitch in the cage is going to evict us dad! Take our house so she can have a bigger yard! Let's think about this before we call the Justice League or the cops! Think about it!"

"Well what else would you suggest?" dad asked, "we aren't criminals, the courts will be fair"

"Sure dad, they will take the word of a couple nobodies over the Wonder pair" I said sarcastically. "I am going to end up in jail, and you are going to be evicted if you make that call!"

"Well, what else can we do?' he asked in return, "keep them as pets?" That sentence made both our dicks get hard as we both looked at each other for an instant! "No Steve, we can't keep them like this! It would be wrong!" He proclaimed sensing I was feeling the same arousal he was.

"Well dad, it's up to you" I added, "Jail for me, bankruptcy for you unless we come up with another idea we are ruined so this bitches can get back to normal maybe. I say screw that dad! Opportunity is knocking here, we just need to figure out a way to come out of this on top!"

"Look Brian, I am tired of messing around while Cassie shrinks!" Wonder Woman yelled, "You better do the right thing and call the number I gave you!"

Then dad surprised me, I was sure I was headed to jail right then and there, but maybe he had taken enough of a beat down in life and was ready to fight back. "Cassandra is small enough now, put her in the other cage son while we figure this out"

"NO!" Diana cried, "You are making a huge mistake mister, you let me out of here right now, do you hear me? Stop this madness! You cannot do this to us!"

I picked up the limp Wonder Girl in her red skin tight costume and showed dad, "Look at her pop, isn't she sweet looking?' I stroked her still shaking body with my finger, as I held her across my palm.

I heard dad gulp, then he said, "She looks like your mom when she was young," he reached out and stroked her too.

I see pervert runs in the family! No wonder your wife left you!" Wonder Woman shouted "The justice league and the cops will be here anytime, you better let us go!"

"That is true Steve, any ideas?' dad asked.

"OK, here is where we stand" I mused out loud. "Darkstar came to take Wonder Tits here, but the League doesn't know that… What if we did this dad? We hide Darkstar's body somewhere but leave the dead Ninjas he brought with him. The League and the cops might think Darkstar carried the Wonder Duo off. If WE called the cops they would never suspect us as having them. They will look for Darkstar thinking he has them, we CAN keep them."

"Or we could kill them too" dad added unexpectedly, "everyone would think Darkstar did it and fled fearing retribution from the Justice League!"

"You can't be serious!" Diana chided from her cage, "nobody is going to believe that crap! The League won't stop looking for us, ever!"

"Son, that just might work!" dad answered after thinking for a bit. "What have we got to lose? Let's do it! First, grab their laptops, there may be good info on there we can use. Maybe we can sell it to someone. You have worked on them, I am sure you know where they are."

"I have an external drive at home, that way no one will know we have the information" I countered. "Where should we dump Darkstar?"

"They are pouring a new bridge abutment on the highway, we could bury him under it" Dad offered. "If we are going to do this, we have to do it all the way, there is no turning back, not now!"

"Perfect, we still have some time before day light!" I sped home grabbed the hard drive while Diana continued to threaten dad.

"You will never get away with this, you can't keep us forever like pets!" she screamed, "They will find us, and there will be hell to pay for you and your son! You do not understand who you are messing with here!"

She saw a side of dad I hadn't seen in a long time, the mean, nasty take charge banker/deal maker he tried hard to suppress around me. "Shut up bitch, I have had enough of people like you! I obeyed the rules, raised my kid right and what did it get me? My fucking slut wife ran off at the first sign of trouble, I got laid off even though I was the most productive executive at the bank because they wanted to keep a woman to and I quote " keep our bank diverse"! I have a cunt like you buying my house out of foreclosure so she can have a bigger yard while I move my family to a dump! Fuck you, and fuck the system and fuck the law! I am going to take what I want from now on bitch, starting with you! I am going to reclaim my life, no better yet, I am going to take a better life for me and my son and you are the opportunity to do that! You landed in my lap and I am not going back!"

"You're insane!" Diana declared loudly, "you will never get away with this! I swear we will stop you somehow, you and your pervert son!"

Dad got real angry at that, I saw him as I returned with the drive pull Wonder Woman from her cage and hold her up to his face as she squirmed and wriggled, "My son is a fine young man, he is no pervert! You and your sister have used him, treated him like a dog in reward for all the nice things he did for you two. Not once did you offer to pay him, not that he would likely have accepted it, he just did it to be neighborly because he is a great kid! So screw you if he copped a feel on that little tease sister of yours, she had it coming for humiliating him at every turn! He just got fed up with it, and I don't blame him. Now you're going to pay the price, you and your sister. For once I and mine are on top, I don't know how long it will last, but we will enjoy it while it last! I mean what are you going to do, ruin our lives for Christ sake! Well I am going to ruin yours instead, no more rolling over for the system bitch!"

To my amazement he reached out with his other hand and pulled her top down to reveal her magnificent rack! Even as small as she was her tits were as big as the end of your thumb! "STOP IT YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Diana protested to no avail, "You are a pervert just like Steven! Stop before this goes too far!"

"Nice rack Diana" he laughed at her struggles which made them jiggle seductively, "So why aren't you Super Powered? Even at this size you should be stronger than me. Well we will figure it out later, back in your cage bitch!" What we didn't know was that most of her strength was transmitted by her belt, which lay on the floor still full sized; clearly Darkstar had taken it from her before shrinking her.

I downloaded the computers as well as their phones; Cassie had given me the pass words a long time ago, to my portable hard drive.

We left the dead Ninjas scattered where they fell and took Darkstar's body with us to dispose of later. We cleaned everything we touched, although I had an excuse for any finger prints they found having been in their home as an invited guest on several occasions.

We took the two small cages downstairs to our recreation room, even though Cassandra, AKA Wonder Girl was too large to fit in one, clearly Darkstar was planning on using a higher setting on them both.


In a rage she tore through bonds, something Wonder Woman had not been able to do, thank God I had a hold of Wonder Woman when she did. "Stop or I will snap her neck!" I warned grabbing the Amazon around her neck, "I mean it bitch, I'll finish her, what have I got to lose?"

Wonder Girl stopped instantly; she had started towards me when she realized what I was saying. "Don't hurt her Stevie, this hasn't gone too far to be saved yet, don't add murder to the charges you are going to face!"

Wonder Woman was struggling, but she was clearly not as strong as Wonder Girl, I needed to know why. What was different between the two? They both were the same size, shrunken by the same beam, that wasn't it, there was something else. So I asked, "why do you have your super powers and your sister doesn't?'

"I am not going to tell you that you prick!" she snapped back, "do you think I am stupid?'

Stymied for a moment I took a different approach, "Dad, set that pistol on "3" and shoot her again! It should make her about four inches tall!"

"NO DON'T!" Cassandra screamed remembering the extreme agony the shrinking process entailed, that and I am sure she didn't want to be any smaller than she already was!

"Run Cassie!" Diana managed to shout, "Go get the League! I'll be OK, go get help!"

"No she won't" I warned, "I will have no choice if you flee Wonder Girl she is a dead heroine, I mean it, we have nothing to lose!" It was all or nothing now, f she escaped it was game over, so I twisted Wonder Woman like I was wringing out a wet rag.

"You're not a killer" Cassandra stated flatly, "You won't kill her!"

Damn, she was right, but I had to get her under control, "Maybe not, but I know some people that would! I have all your secrets off your computer set to send to Face book, MySpace, every social network you can think of! Imagine all the killers out there that would love to track you down! Imagine what that will be like, then there is the information on the other League members, you will be putting them in grave peril too!" I was stone cold bluffing, but she couldn't be sure.

"You haven't had time" she countered.

"I loaded it weeks ago, you let me into you system remember?' I fired back trying to sound very confident. "Your password is Supergirl; by the way, does she know you want to fuck her?' I gambled big, I just guessed that last part, but her being a teen aged girl lesbian and all, I took a shot, "I read your diary cunt!"

"You're bluffing, I can tell" she snarled

Then I really hit her with a low blow, "And what about your girl friend at school, Sandy, do you suppose she might become a target?"

"You wouldn't you bastard!" she cried, "She is not part of this! Leave her out of it!"

"Wonder Woman managed to cry out, "Don't tell him Cassie, he won't kill me, come get me out of his grasp!"

The standoff ended in an unexpected way, I heard "SSSWWWIIISSSHHH!" TTHHUUUDDD!" as dad swung his golf driver upside Cassie's head! Her eyes rolled up at the unexpected impact from behind and she dropped like a pole axed steer to the floor.

That really got Wonder Woman fired up! "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" she cried, "I will have vengeance if that girl has been harmed, I SWEARIT BY ALL THE GODS ON OYLMPUS!

Dad checked her pulse and shook his head, "She is still alive, but I over estimated her strength, I hit her pretty hard…"

"Call an ambulance!" Diana demanded.

"No can do for obvious reasons bitch!" I growled, "I am not going to jail for this!"

"I think she has a really bad concussion" dad pronounced, loosen up her clothes and elevate her head while I check her eyes.

"I started to remove her belt, but Diana cried from the cage I had put her back in, "NO DON'T, leave it on her, please!"

"Why" I demanded, then I put two and two together as she explained.

"I…it will help her heal" Diana told us, "leave it on her to prevent her brain from being damaged by swelling, please…"

"So that's why Darkside took your belt before he zapped you!" I exclaimed, the light in my head coming on, "Your super powers come from the belts!"

She tried to avoid lying, something she found hard to do, "I…it helps heal us…

"And" I demanded, "what else?"

"Just let me look at her please" she pleaded, "let me see how badly she is hurt, I will not try to escape, I swear it!"

"How do we know we can trust you?' dad asked, "Wonder Girl there already tried."

"I gave you my word, there is no more sacred bond than an Amazon's word, I assure you!" she spat back insulted anyone would doubt it."I give you my sacred vow as an Amazon I will not try to escape if you let me look at her!"

Dad didn't say anything as he opened the small cage until she clambered out, then he grabbed her, "Do it naked"

"Wh…what?" Diana stammered, "Please, she is hurt, let me examine her!"

"I'll let you examine her as we examine you, take it all off except those red whore boots and that tiara or I'll put you back in the cage and remove the belt from the other little whore"

Wonder Woman's eyes flashed like lasers, but she had no choice as she stripped in front of us, "There are you happy you perverts?' Can I help my sister now?'

"Hand me your panties" dad demanded as payment for the favor I am granting you, and remember you vow!"

The enraged Amazon reached down, her face flushed with anger as she picked up her blue star spangled shorts and threw them at him.

He sent her spinning to the ground with a hard back handed slap. "I said hand them to me bitch, not throw them. Now you will wait five more minutes to look at your sister, then you will ask me to accept your panties in payment of the favor. And to kill the time you will dance for us!"

"You are one sick son of a bitch!" Wonder Woman declared.

"Your five minutes does not start until you start dancing, so quit stalling" I added to dad's demands

Her face took on a whole new level of mad as she gyrated for us, she wasn't very good at it, but that wasn't the point, humiliation was. Dad yelled, "Get the camera son!"

When she saw the lens pointed at her Diana paused, but dad motivated her, "your five minutes just started over bitch, you better not stop unless I tell you!" Adding to her motivation Cassie groaned and a string of drool ran out of the corner of her mouth.

"Damn you both!" the twelve inch tall Amazon cursed, "I hope Hades roasts your manhood over a fire for all eternity! I will be sending you to see him soon, you may count on it!"

The five minutes went by all too quickly for my tastes, as the Amazon danced awkwardly for us. Diana scooped up her panties again hand held them out for dad to take. "You forgot to ask me to accept them as payment for the favor" dad advised her.

In a voice clearly filled with rage as well as disgust she spat out the words, "Here are my panties in payment of the favor I have asked!"

"Kiss my foot and you may examine your sister" dad laughed as he took the small trophy from her hand, "I accept your offering slut!"

If someone could be wished to hell dad and I would have been there at light speed just then as she knelt and kissed his foot, then raced to her injured sibling in a panic, "Oh Cassie, I am sorry, what have these bastards done to you? We will have I revenge, I swear it Cassandra, I swear it!"

We let her look her sister over for several minutes before dad asked, "So, is the belt healing her?'

"You came close to killing her you bastard!" Diana exclaimed, "She is lucky she has her belt or she would have died, or at least been brain damaged, and I would have to kill you for that!"

"You sure are big on killing people for such a small bitch!" I laughed.

"I will find a way to regain my normal size and I will see you in jail, or hell for what you have done tonight!" she proclaimed.

"Well, visiting hours are over" dad declared, "back to your cage, Steve and I have work to do"

Diana satisfied Cassandra wasn't in any immediate danger decided to comply this time, to save her energy for another battle. She started to pick up her cloths and looked at dad, she didn't say anything, just pointed at her shorts. "Sorry, these are mine now" he declared.

"What, I want to check something!" I shouted fetching a ruler, "Stand against this" I ordered. I wrote down her height.

She protested when I measured her breasts, "You pervert!"She declared.

She gave a sharp "YIIPPE" when I smacked her tits with the ruler,

"Now stand up straight and stick those things out, arch your back and display them for me!" I commanded. To emphasize she had no choice I hit her again!

"OOOWW!" she cried, "OK, OK, I am doing like you asked!"

"SSMMMAACCKK!" I hit her again, "I don't ask, I command you, got it runt?'

"Yeeesss!" she sobbed, tears filling her eyes, I don't know if it was shame of pain. She arched her back like I told her and I got the measurement I wanted and wrote it down. She barely flinched as I squeezed her tits between my finger and thumb.

"OK, I am finished; get back in your cage runt!" I commanded and she scurried away. Dad locked her in securely as we worked on our situation.

We went upstairs so Diana couldn't hear us talk about their future. Dad said as soon as we got out of ear shot, "Son, I think we really messed up this time, I am not sure we can pull this off! We aren't criminals!"

"We are now dad" I reminded him, "we better become good ones fast!. I'll dispose of Darkstar, you make sure we didn't miss anything. We will let the maid find the Ninja bodies and call the authorities. My biggest worry is Supergirl's x ray vision, if she looks over this way we could be screwed!"

"Good thinking son!" he declared, "We need to hide them from that, let's get Diana to tell us how!"

"LEAD DAMN YOU! I TOLD YOU LEAD WILL SHIELD THINGS FROM SUPERGIRL!" Wonder Woman cried, "PLEASE PUT HER BELT BACK ON! PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU! Before her brain swells… please, I am telling the truth!"

The dark mane-ed Amazon was on her knees pleading as dad stood in front of her holding Cassie's belt.

"You know son, I believe her" he laughed

We had gone back down stairs and Wonder Woman had been her old defiant self until we took the belt off Wonder Girl who almost immediately gave signs of distress. her breathing got a lot more labored and she drooled like a Saint Bernard. Her head must have really been fucked up. Her face turned an ugly bluish purple and hers eyes looked sunken

"Very well then, after you help us strip her, we will put the belt back on her!" I allowed.

Seeing how small Diana was, I was gracious enough to remove Cassandra's red body suit and boots. "There, please put her belt back on before there is permanent damage! Please…"

"She isn't naked and you haven't helped much!" I declared, "why should we?'

"Please, I am begging you, she is dying, can't you see!" Diana begged feverishly, "Please, I will do anything you want, just put it back on her!"

Cassandra gasped and wheezed, it almost sounded like a death rattle, which sent Diana into a panic, "Please, whatever you want, don't let her die! Please… I will do whatever you ask!"

"Sign my house back over to me!" Dad demanded, "and remember your vow to not try and escape! Also I want a vow you will not try to alert authorities or harm either of us in any way until I release you from it!"

"DONE!" please hurry" she wailed, "Please, no more delay, she has to have that belt!

I relented and fastened the belt back around her slim waist, I could feel its energy flowing into her and her breathing and color got better almost instantly. "Get her bra off Wonder Slut!" I ordered. I rolled Cassie over on her stomach so she would have access to the snaps of the sports bra.

It was fun just watching her try to remove the tight bra Cassie was wearing, Cassie was double her own size, but she did it without saying a word, she knew the consequences if she disobeyed. She finally managed to get it pulled off and she turned to dad to see what she should do next.

He rolled the much larger sister over, "Bring me her panties!"

"Please Brian, you have proved your point, we were cruel to your son" she pleaded, "but you have beaten us, we are at your mercy. There is no need to do this, please. It still can all be fixed, don't make it worse.

"From my point of view its better than it has been since my first wife died, she was the last decent female I ever met, and Steven was just like her" he informed her. "But you and your sister, and bitches just like you have taken advantage of his great nature all his life. Well that ends tonight, at least for you two. Now get those panties off your sister and bring them to me NOW CUNT!"

She visibly flinched, she didn't expect such vitriol from a man she had know to be a sweet guy for years, she threw her hand up in front of her face like she was blocking a physical blow and took a step back. She turned and struggled to pull her sisters undergarment off and down her legs. It was like dragging a tent for her she was so small as she pulled them to me.

By now my cock was positively throbbing in my shorts. I rolled Cassandra onto her back and squeezed her half scale tits, I even slapped them a couple times.

Diana started to come at me, "Leave her alone you bastard!" but dad grabbed her. "Steven we have some work to do, I need to dispose of Darkstar, and I need you to go out in the garage, there are several old batteries out there I was going to sell for scrap. We need the lead out of them to shield these two cunts from Supergirl's vision. One of the truck batteries in the shed should be big enough to hollow out for wander cunt here. Stack the rest up and we will slid the blond in between them. I'll be back in an hour or two. Do not talk to this one, she is a conniving bitch. Don't call anyone, don't text anyone, MO ONE can know about this, and I mean no one unless you want to end up as a prison bitch!"

He put Diana back in her cage, "stay bitch!"

I did exactly as he told me while he buried the miniaturized villain under what was soon going to be thousands of tons of concrete, hopefully not to be discovered for decades. He was back in a little over two hours as we finalized our preparations and our story, which was were out late eating and a movie, and no we didn't hear anything, and of course we are shocked and distraught. We had to remember to not mention the neighbor sisters were in fact the Wonder Duo. It was better to say "I don't know" than something that might alert anyone investigating the disappearance of the two women from next door.

It was exactly eight AM when we heard the Maid Rosie scream "OH MY GOD! SENOR STEVEN SENOR BRIAN! COME QUICK THEY ARE ALL DEAD!"

On cue I called 9-1-1 and headed next door, I told the operator "the maid is screaming they are all dead… No, I haven't gone in the house yet, please send help, she is really freaked out!"

Dad reached Rosie first, "What's wrong Rosie? Who is dead? Cassie and Diana?"

"NO Senor Brian, those men, they are dead!" she cried in a thick accent, "All dead…"

"Where is Diana and Cassandra Rosie?" I asked, "have you seen them?"

"NO! NO!" she cried, "they are gone, their beds are still made like I left them, please Senor, what should I do?'

"The police are on the way Rosie" I told her, you could hear the sirens approaching. The cops deployed per their training and scoured the house from end to end and top to bottom. The scene of the struggle was clear, but the size, or lack of it in the dead Ninjas perplexed them. They called the Justice League and Supergirl showed up along with Batgirl.

Dad and I watched as they looked for clues, it was hard not to be thinking about how a miniaturized Batgirl or Supergirl would look in our new collection.

Supergirl interviewed us, and we stuck by our stories, just different enough to not arouse suspicions, to not sound like we talked about it before hand, but close in all the important details like where we ate and what we had…

"Can you tell what the crooks were after?' I asked.

Batgirl told me "They cleaned out the safe, so maybe robbery, but Cassandra and Diana have both likely been abducted."

"May we look around your place "Supergirl asked politely, "the villains may have approached the house across your property and left a clue?"

"Sure, of course" dad offered, "I hope Cassie and Diana are OK, they are two of the nicest women I ever met! Diana even helped me save my house, buying it out of foreclosure and selling it back to me."

That one worried me, if they were going to catch on that might be the clue, but dad had to lay down the ground work for when we produced a document letting us keep our house. Supergirl looked, and then she scanned using her x ray vision, dad's plan worked perfectly! She was puzzled by a stack of lead until she saw a stack of batteries, never realizing she was looking at her two missing comrades.

Dad spoke up as she looked at the stack intently, he was as cool as ice while my gut was tied in knots, "I have been gathering batteries to sell for scrap, I am afraid unemployment doesn't go far these days!"

"Well, they are an EPA violation!" Supergirl proclaimed, "I understand your plight, but we have to protect the environment above all! I will have to mention it to the authorities, I am afraid you will be liable for any cleanup"

"You fucking bitch!" I thought. "Two of your pals are missing, dad is going bankrupt and you are going to report him for a stupid EPA violation because he is trying to save our house! Fucking flying whore! You are next in line bitch!"

Stupid cunt never realized while she was preaching about the environment to someone she regarded as violator of the law, her two comrades were only feet away, shielded from her vison by the lead in the batteries. I was sure glad dad had thought about this, I would hate to go to jail, caught by the flying blond cunt in the red cape! I was going to take great pleasure in telling her all about it while I raped her.

"If I need anything else may I have your number? She asked.

"Of course" dad wrote it down for her on a scrap of paper and handed it to her. "Do you need anything else now? I have a job interview and Steven has a class…"

"Good luck to both of you" Supergirl offered, "I am sorry about having to report you to the EPA…"

"I understand" dad answered over his shoulder for her to hear, then under his breath, "I understand you are a cunt!"

I could barely wait for the cops to leave, and Superslut and Bat cunt as well, I wanted to play with our new toys. The investigators hung around all day, dad and I left to go to his interview and my class so as to not attract any attention. Both our hostages were securely bound and gagged.

When we both got home later the Prince's house was wrapped in yellow crime scene tape to keep people out. Rosie was just leaving as dad got home. "Senor Brian, I don't know what to do, I can't go in there and clean up…"

"Do on home Rosie" dad told her, "They will let you know when you can go back I am sure. They will find the ladies, I am sure it will be fine."

"Unless they do I will be deported" Rosie cried, "They are on my visa as my employer. I have money for now, but they will send me home if I do not have a job!"

"Well Rosie, you can put me down as your employer if you need to" dad offered, "I can't pay you much, or anything really, but at least you won't have to go home! I am sure we can find you a real job soon enough maybe with another family close by"

"Thank you Senor Brian, you are a good man!" Rosie blessed him, not having a clue as to what was really going on! "I have always said so when Cassandra said something mean about you or Senor Steven! What they did with your house was wrong and I told them, they said shut up to me! They were not always nice, but they allowed me to stay in the country."

"Rosie, have you had dinner yet?" dad asked, "I am hungry, how about you?"

"I can whip us up something" Rosie answered, "what do you have in the fridge?'

"No, I am asking you out" Rosie" Dad told her, "I'll buy your dinner, I need some company. Steve is busy tonight, and I just thought…"

"Sure Senor Brian, I would like that very much" she blushed, "but I don't have anything to wear"

She was clad in a maid uniform, and no not the sexy French maid kind, just the type motel maids wear. "My ex wife left a huge closet full of stuff, come on in and you can try some on, she was about your size, maybe a little taller…"

Dad lead her in and pointed her to my former step mom's HUGE walk in closet stuffed with expensive clothes she often just wore once. Dad had talked about selling them to raise money but had not done it yet. Legally they were still his ex wife's, but he had sent her a note charging her storage, she owed like 5,000.00 and would probably never pay it. Dad's lawyer told him he could sell them after 180 days, which was coming up.

"They are beautiful Senor Brian!" Rosie exclaimed, her eyes wide with delight, "your wife had good tastes, in clothes and men…"

"Ex wife" dad reminded her, "And she left me for a better catch I guess"

"She was a fool!" Rosie proclaimed, "She had a nice caring handsome husband who gave her all this, and she wanted more? She is a stupid greedy woman Senor Brian, you are better off without her!"

"On that last part we agree!" dad declared, "Please pick out anything you like, I will wait downstairs"

I met dad in the living room, "What are you doing, inviting her in here?" I demanded, "Are you crazy? What if she finds out?'

"She goes missing like her employers" dad answered matter of factly. "Look, I want to pump her for information!"

"You want to pump her all right!" I laughed

"I need to fuck someone and our miniature collection is not going to do it! "I'll leave them for you to play with tonight, but be careful, the cops may circle back at anytime, keep them downstairs. Diana swore she wouldn't try to escape, but keep her restrained. Even with her belt I doubt she has recovered far enough to be a threat yet" dad told me.

"Oh, I told Rosie we would hire her as a maid to keep her from being deported" he added, he saw the look on my face, "Don't worry, it's just a shame for the immigration authorities."

About that time Rosie came down wearing one of my former step mom's dresses, holy shit she looked GOOD! "Well happy pumping" I told him

"We may be home late, or maybe not at all" he winked as they headed out the door, be careful, I'll call if we head this way"

As soon as they left I brought out the Amazon sisters. "Please let me out, I need to pee!" Diana cried, "Please!"

I carried her into the downstairs bathroom and laughed as she looked at me waiting for me to leave. "Go on, you said you had to go!"

Her face flushed the lovely red shade of humiliation as she stood straddling the hole in the toilet seat to relieve herself. "I always thought you were a good kid" she proclaimed, "but I see I was wrong to hold you in such high regard you sick little bastard!"

I ran a bowl of water in the over sized sink, "bath yourself" I ordered. She removed her boots, about all she still had on, and climbed in, probably glad of the chance to clean up, but humiliated she had to do it on my terms.. I found a sliver of soap then broke it even smaller, "Lather up for me bitch!" When she hesitated I reminded her, "I can take that belt off your sister, she won't need life support now, but she will be a vegetable… Lather up, NOW!"

I watched soap herself, "Make sure you clean that rack up nice" I laughed, "spend some time on it" She stared daggers at me, but bit her lip to remain silent even as she lathered up those magnificent tits., and then washed her hair under the faucet. Damn she was incredible and I found myself wishing I could fuck her right there on the spot.

"Stand up!" I commanded, "Get out of the sink and stand on the counter. Feet shoulder with apart.

I expect she knew what was coming because she started bitching, "Look Steven, this has gone far enough don't you think?'

"Shut up bitch, you promised to do anything we said when we put the belt back on your sister, so get moving!" I snarled. "Want your hands behind your head and arch that back, like when I measured you the other day!"

The love for her sister made her obey even if it was sullenly. She watched me strip in front of her as she stood at attention. She was still dripping from her bath as she stood there exposed. I slid a finger over her tits, she scowled but remained silent. I was touching arguably the finest rack on the planet and she couldn't do anything to stop me molesting her.

When I stuck my finger on her inner thigh I heard her mutter, "I am going to remember every one of these transgressions Steven, there will be a day of atonement, trust me!"

"I'll risk it slut!"I laughed as I slid my finger up into her crotch. She sported a thick mane of dark pubic hair. "This is nasty; you need to get rid of it!"

Amazons prided themselves on their cunt hair, like a man and his beard; it was unheard of one to shave her twat bald. They might trim it up for a costume or swim suit, but NEVER for the pleasure of a man. "I WILL NOT!" she declared, "HOW DARE YOU?"

"You can do it, or I will" I warned, "AFTER I take Cassie's belt off, and it will not go back on EVER. Your choice, she would make a fine brainless fuck toy right now! Put yur whore red boots back on too!"

Her face went pale as she realized it was either her pride or her sister's mind, "Alright you bastard, get me a razor my size!"

She thought she had played a trump card, but I had a solution, dad had a beard trimmer with a very small nose hair trimmer. When I produced it her face fell as she realized she was going to be shorn like a sheep! She also realized she would not be able to do it herself.

"On your back, spread your legs" I ordered as I took some "before pictures" and then I switched the shaver on. I heard her gasp as the vibrating instrument raked across her cunt shaving her thick bush as bald as the day she was born. "HMMMPPHH!" she groaned as unwanted sensations raced through her nerve endings. clit

When all the hair was gone I rolled the razor over so the back of it remained firmly pressed to her cunt, "MMMMPPPHH!! She grunted, "OOOOWWWWHHHH!" OOOWWWHHHMMMPPPHH!"

"HUMP IT!" I commanded, I had to repeat it as she seemed wrapped up in what was happening between her legs. "HUMP IT BITCH! Wrap your legs around it and hump it!"

"W…www…wwwwwhat?" her voice vibrated comically with the shaver.

"Hump it you stupid bitch!" I laughed as I filmed her humiliation, "don't tell me you never used a dildo! Wrap those whore legs around your new lover!" I put a gray towel on the tile floor and picked her up and placed her on her back. "Spread your legs" I ordered, then lay the vibrating razor on her. "Now wrap your legs and hump it! But your arms and legs around it it fuck it back!" I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around the device myself as I heard her groaning, "OH dear Hera no, not like this please help me!NO I won't…. NO! No… I won't No….noooo!!! NNNNOOOO!!!!" she screamed as the unwanted orgasm swept over her uncontrollably while I filmed her humping the shaver. "OOOOWWW NNNOOO!" she moaned please….let me wake up from this nightmare! NNOOO!!!" the whole time her voice vibrated like the razor, it really sounded hilarious! She couldn't stop as she clasped the plastic razor tightly to her body. I let her cum again as she screamed her lust "OOOHHHH GGGAAAWWDDSSSSS! OOOOOHHHH!!!!! OOOHHH!!!!!" she cried as she squirted coating the shaver.

Apparently once you get an Amazon cranked up they lose control I noted, she showed no sign of stopping or pushing the razor away now, even though I wasn't holding it now. I finally took it away, unwrapping her arms and legs. Her hips kept humping the air for several moments after I took the stimulus away. I made sure to record the debasement fully.

"You little slut, I laughed. "Look at you fuck thin air! I have a better idea!" I picked her up and sat her astride my throbbing cock, "Keep humping whore! Keep humping yourself and get me off! Ride my shaft slut!" She was out of it her eyes were glazed over as her instincts took over as she straddled my manhood.

Her hot slick pussy sent a shiver of pleasure up my spine even as small as it was. She wrapped her legs around my shaft unbidden, maybe to balance herself more than lust, but it felt fantastic.

I pushed her upper body forward forcing her to lean forward against the length of my cock, I could feel her big tits rubbing my my throbbing tool as she rocked back and forth, I wrapped my hand around her and more or less used her to jack off with,. I heard her groan as I squeezed down hard. The friction was probably hurting her some but at this point I just didn't care.

I didn't take long for me to pop a nut, I had been leading up to this since we had taken the two women. I could not hold back another second. The orgasm seemed to start in my toes and build all the way through my balls then out the end of my cock. It flew three feet across the room as spurt after spurt erupted from my balls. It rolled back down my cock coating wonder Woman as I jerked off with her. When I finally released her and she set up streamers of cum strung from the end of my still stiff cock to her hair and face.

"You disgusting pervert" she spat my cum out, "what is wrong with you?'

I shoved her face back into rapidly cooling ball gravy" Lick me clean Diana!"

She tried to fight back, but I held her tightly face down in the slime, she had no choice, lick her way out or be smothered in my cum. I could feel her little tongue rapidly licking away small parts of the stringy substance. I could hear her gag and I could feel her body jerk as she tried to not vomit the disgusting fluid she was ingesting. I lifted her face out of the man juice and turned her around so she was sitting in the now cool sperm.

"Look up at me and hump yourself again. " I demanded, ready for another good orgasm and enjoying her disgust. This time she was lubricated, as disgusting as it was as I used her again until I shot my wad once more. I made sure she was well coated when I put her back in her cage. I wanted her taste and smell me all night as her conqueror. I gave her Cassandra's panties, here is your bed!"

I could clearly hear her crying as I walked to her sister and opened her eyes. They had rolled back down out of her head, and she was trying to speak…"Ianna" she mumbled, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth her mouth.

"No, Diana is in bed" I laughed, lets clean you up." I carried her into the bathroom as Diana cried, "Leave her alone you son of a bitch! Leave her alone, she is helpless!"

I measured her on the bathroom floor, it was as I expected, she had grown over an inch since yesterday. Diana had grown too, that's why there was no reverse on the ray gun, the effects weren't permanent. Why engineer a reverse when they were going to get back to normal size anyway. Wondergirl was just over three foot tall, over half of her normal 5'11" stature. If she stood up she would come up to my waist now, the perfect height for a woman in my opinion. I was tempted to use her mouth, but I thought if she had a spasm she might bite my cock clear off, so I crawled in the shower holding her up. I have to tell you I enjoyed scrubbing every square inch of her body, no woman's pussy was ever cleaner by the time I finished. I could hear her groan and moan as I rubbed her clit. I could not resist sticking a finger in her incredibly tight pussy. She squirmed some; still far too weak and uncoordinated to stop me from molesting her any way I wanted to.

"Look at you homecoming queen" I laughed, "the stuck up little ice bitch head is all fucked up. I mauled her spectacular firm young tits, squeezing and twisting them at will. "Did your girl friend every do that?" I mocked. As I dried her off and dragged her back into the recreation room.

"What did you do?' Diana screamed, "Please don't hurt her. She is just a child!"

"Not with tits like those she isn't!" I proclaimed, "And I can't wait to try out that super tight little twat!"

Diana certainly was brave, I'd give her that, and a devoted loving sister too, "Please Steven, use me again, don't molest her, please. You are a good kid; don't make a liar out of me. Please, use me instead!"

"Well, you are a bit limited due to your size" I pointed out. "And her little pussy is about the size of a midget chick's, I can fuck her…"

"No, look you don't want to do that" Wonder Woman cried, "Please, can't you see she is hurt!" she cried helplessly from her small cage

"What are you offering instead" I asked, it was getting interesting.

"ME!" I offer me!" Diana pleaded as I stroked her semi conscious sister's perfect little twat and mauled her young tits.

"I have you" I pointed out, "you still have my cum all over you…"

"HHMMMMUUHH!" Cassandra groaned, more drool leaking from the corner of her mouth.

"Look Wonder Woman, her nipples are getting nice and hard! She likes it!" I showed her as she peered out of her cage.


"I bet if I left her like this I could train her to be the perfect fuck slave" I said, "She would learn to enjoy fucking like a nymphomaniac. Of course raping her while she was aware of it would be more satisfying"

"NO, you can't please, not her, look she doesn't deserve this!" Diana pleaded with me, "She is innocent!"

"She is guilty of tormenting ME!" I snapped, much angrier than I realized I was. "For years the little snide comments and insults I put up with! At one time I actually thought I loved her! But would she even look at a guy like me" Hell no, she is a fucking stuck up little dyke, and you are too! Well we will see how much of that pride you can keep! At your size there isn't much room for it!"

"It is the Amazon nature to love other women!" Diana proclaimed, "It isn't her fault, or mine, we are born this way after centuries of cultural indoctrination! While I can see where making love to the right man would be pleasurable, Cassie doesn't. It's not her fault, it's just the way of it for us! For centuries we were slaves to man until the Goddess Hera set us free! We banished men from our island, we live without them and turn to each other for love! We only use men when we need to expand our population! Please, you need to understand or nature. And her insults to you were never really meant to hurt; she is just young and insensitive! She doesn't deserve THIS!"

"I think she does" I answered calmly. "She meant it, every bitchy word she ever said to me. I guess she should have figured the shoe would be on the other foot someday. But I think I will wait until she is awake before I bone her!"

I saw relief flash over Diana's eyes, "Don't get feeling too good about it, I will pop her cherry, count on it Diana." I warned her.

Diana asked what I was doing when I pulled up my laptop and attached a camera and began recording every inch of Cassandra's body. I set her in several lewd poses and took hundreds of pictures. "I am going to set a file so it will automatically dump in a hundred places you won't want it to Diana unless I send an "all safe" signal every so often, sort of insurance policy. I will hide it in a hundred different sources, you would never be able to find them all" I advised her truthfully. "I will set them to drop from today until a hundred years from now. It will ruin you, and her if they ever fall into the wrong hands, and that's EXACTLY where I will send them, do you understand?"

"I understand" Diana answered, then added under her breath, "I understand you are a bastard!"

It's about right there that my dad just about blew the whole deal…

Chapter Three Plans Revised

As I was filming the semi conscious Wonder Girl in all her naked glory, and mine by the way, I heard a gasp behind me, "Senor Steve, what are you doing? Is that Cassandra? I am calling the cops; I don't understand what is going on here!" It was Rosie the maid!

Instinctively I dropped my camera and grabbed her before she made the stairs leading up to the main floor of our house.

"Let go of me you filthy beast!" she cried as we struggled.

She was strong, probably from working hard all her life, but I had forty ponds on her, and although I am no Charles Atlas I do work out… well some. I was as desperate to restrain her as she was trying to escape! But in the narrow stairwell she couldn't get away as I dragged her back to the basement and sat on her pinning her to the floor under me.

"Get off me you sick pervert!" she cried in a thick accent, "What have you done to Miss Cassandra and Miss Diana? Why are filming her, and why are you naked? Get off me, let me go! I am going to tell your father when he wakes up, you are in big trouble young man!

I managed to reach the rope I had found laying next to Darkstar as she struggled and I got control of her hands, wrapping them tightly. She tried to kick me when I shouted, "Stop struggling or I will have to hurt you!" and much to my shock, she did! She didn't shut up though, she kept calling me names and making threats.

Well, I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth; I wrapped her ankles securely as well as I heard Diana crying, no, not that rope, you don't know what you are messing with!"

"It's a freaking rope, what's so special about it?" I asked as I rolled Rosie on her back, Diana just bit her lip.

Turning back to Rosie I slapped her to shut her up, "Listen to me Rosie, shut up that screaming and answer me where is my dad?"

Her voice seemed strained, "He is in the car."

"What is he doing out there?" I asked

"He passed out, we were drinking tequila" Rosie said again in a flat voice.

"So what are you doing coming in here unannounced" I demanded.

"I came to get you to help me bring him in the house, I can't carry him Senor Steven" she responded instantly.

"Jesus Christ" I swore, "How could he be so STUPID! Rosie, tell me the truth, did anyone see you come in here?"

"No Senor Steve!" she answered with a very strange look on her face, like she didn't understand what her mouth was saying.

I double checked my knots and went out to dad's car which was parked in the garage thankfully. I got him out and dragged him to his room; he was semi conscious as I tossed him on his bed. "Wh…where is Rosie? I wanna fuck Rosie"

"I don't think you will be fucking anything dad" I laughed. Try not to puke in the bed, you've already made enough of a mess tonight, and now we won't have a maid to clean it up! What am I going to do with you?'

I went back down stairs and picked Rosie up and sat her on a couch, "Are you OK, I don't want to hurt you?"

"Are you crazy, a naked man tied me up!" she exclaimed, "I am NOT alright! What are you doing? What are you going to do with me! Let me go, I won't tell anyone, I promise!"

"I am afraid I can't trust you Rosie, as much as I would like to" I answered truthfully, "I will have to wait until dad sobers up. I wish you hadn't come here, I really like you"

"Y…you won't shrink me will you?" she pleaded, "I don't want to be like those two!"

"No, I don't think so" I told her, "It depends on what we have to do. I am sorry for you, I really am. Dad really messed up!"

The next morning dad and I were discussing what we were going to do, "I don't know dad, I don't want to hurt her, but we may have no choice!"

"I can't son, this is my fault, it would not be right to kill her!" he groaned, hung over as hell. "I really screwed up, I won't let it happen again! What are we going to do with her, with them son? I hate to kill them all…"

"Please, don't kill me!" Rosie begged, "I won't tell anyone, I don't even like those two bitches, I swear!"

"I don't see any way out of this dad; we are going to have to shrink her at least!" I stated coldly, "you really messed up bringing her here.

"I just wanted to get her drunk and fuck her" he answered, "I like her, always have" he picked up the end of the golden rope as he contemplated what needed done.

"I wanted to fuck you too!" Rosie said completely surprising us, and by the look on her face herself as well!

"What do you mean?" dad asked.

"I wanted you to want me, I need a place to live and you seemed nice" she answered in that flat, odd tone of voice like she didn't want to say it but could not help herself. "I am afraid they would deport me if I had no job or husband…"

"So you planned on seducing me to get a green card?" dad asked amazed at her response.

"SI, a green card, and maybe a home" Rosie replied truthfully even if it sounded reluctantly

"I don't know dad, I am afraid we are going to have to get rid of her" I countered, "how could you ever trust her? She just admitted to being a gold digger" the irony of that statement considering the financial state we were in didn't go unnoticed by dad.

"It would take a lot of digging to find gold here!" he laughed. "I am afraid she is going to have to end up like Darkstar, under a bridge somewhere. And we should probably do the other two as well to be safe. This can't go on; I don't know what we were thinking."

"Dad, we can pull this off, you just have to keep your shit together!" I snapped, angry at his screw ups, "But I agree, I am afraid Rosie is going to have to go…"

"Please! I am right here!" the Hispanic maid cried, "You talk about me like I am not, like I am a piece of meat! I don't want to die, please don't! I swear I won't tell anyone!"

"I wish I could trust you" I replied, "I really do, the other two have this coming, screw them, but you never did anything to us. But having said all that, we cannot let you go, I am sorry Rosie, we will try to make it as painless as we can!"

Then Diana spoke and changed everything once again, "I cannot let an innocent woman suffer because of me. I know how you can let her live, but I need you to promise you will do it for Cassandra as well if I tell you this! Can I have your word Brian? "she asked dad.

"If what you say works!" he acknowledged, relieved we wouldn't have to kill Rosie, "I swear, I don't want to kill anyone!"

"Very well, I will take you as a man of your word, although your actions the last few days have been despicable!" Wonder Woman declared. "My lariat has the ability to influence a person's will, it forces the person in its loops to obey the person holding the end of the rope, they have no choice as the rope suppresses their will. That's why Rosie admitted to her slutty gold digging ways"

"Hey!" Rosie cried, "Screw you bitch!

"That's fucking amazing!" I proclaimed, "Does it work on everyone?"

"Everyone" Diana allowed, "If you are holding the end, it will influence the person in its loop to tell the truth, and you can program them to keep obeying your commands."

"How can we be sure?" dad asked, "how can we be sure you are not lying?'

"Hold the rope, and ask Rosie something" Diana advised.

I grabbed the loose end of the lariat and asked, "Rosie, are you an illegal?"

"Si" she admitted.

"Were you stealing from the Prince's" I asked another question, give details

"SI!" she admitted again, clearly frustrated she could not stop herself from answering truthfully, "I took some change and food, I needed it to live, they pay like shit!"

"We paid you as well as any maid in town!" Diana declared, angry at the revelations' from the maid. "How dare you steal! You are fired!"

"I don't think you are in a position to fire anyone you midget!" Rosie fired back, her hot Latin temper flaring, "I ought to stop you like a grape you bitch!"

"You ungrateful little whore!" Diana's aristocratic nature rising to the top, "I doubt you could defeat me even without my belt and at this size!"

"Let me loose Senor Steven, before you kill me I will squash this disrespectful insect!" Rosie struggled in her bondage, which made a tent in the shorts I was wearing. I would love to have seen a cat fight, but we had more pressing business.

I still held Rosie's rope, "Shut up Rosie, freeze!"

She went rigid as a board and as silent as the tomb. "Listen to me Rosie, you will answer my questions and concentrate on what I am telling you, your life depends on it, do you Understand?'

"Si senor Steven" she answered in that odd flat monotone.

"When we untie you will still be under our control" I began, it really felt silly, like some cheap sci-fi comic or movie. There was only one way I could think of we would not have to dispose of her. "When we take this lariat off you will become our slave", I told you it sounded hokey, "you will obey our every wish or command, do you understand?"

"Si" she answered again.

"No matter how offensive an action we demand of you, you will obey instantly without question" I added, "every demand will be added to your programming as we go along. DO you understand?"

"Si, she intoned flatly again.

"Your world revolves around serving my father and I" I added, "completely and without question. It will feel like your head is on fire if you try to disobey, your pussy will tingle when you obey and satisfy our wishes."

"Si senor" she answered, her eyes looked blank, almost lifeless.

"When we untie you, you will be normal in every respect except the programming we give you" I went on, "Oh, and you will never speak to a cop or anyone from the Justice League unless we tell you exactly what to say!"

"Si…" she said.

Dad had an idea, "When I say "catatonic" you will slip back into the state you are in now, you will not need the lariat to receive commands"

"Si" she whispered, "like I am now"

"You despise Diana and Cassandra, you think they are nasty little whores" I programmed into her mind, "But you will not harm them unless I or dad commands it.

"Yes" she replied this time, "Nasty little vermin!"

"What do you think dad, anything else?" I asked him.

"One more thing, Rosie, you will never leave the property unless I or Steven tell you to, nor will you allow Diana or Cassandra even if they are Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl to leave either. Let's try it son, what have got to lose? If she disobeys shrink her and we will decide what to do next"

I undid her bonds then tried out her programming, "Please strip for us Rosie"

"Si Senor Steven" she answered brightly, sounding like her old self, her eyes looked shiny again as she peeled off my step mom's dress. She was wearing a nice thong and matching bra underneath.

Her brown lean body was a marvel, nearly rivaling Wonder Woman's in its curvy perfection. She stood trying to cover herself, confusion on her face. "Never cover yourself in front of us dad told her, and she dropped her hands to her sides.

"Let's test her dad" I stated, barely able to take my eyes off the Latin beauty. "Rosie, I want you to carry Cassandra in and drown her in the tub please!"

"Si senor Steven" she answered merrily, like I asked her for a soda or something.


She rattled the cage and swore helplessly at the top of her lungs as she watched her former maid scoop up her addled equally helpless sister and carry her to the bathroom like she was doing a load of laundry!

Dad and I followed her as she started running a tub of water, she adjusted the temperature like she was going to give the three foot tall heroine a bath! "I have wanted to do this for a long time you little blond bitch!" Rosie said as the tub filled, "for all the mean things you have done to me over the years! Now look at you, your head is all messed up inside and you are only one meter tall! You are lucky the masters only want me to drown you, or we would have some fun first! Well fun for me, not so much for you! I really hate your little blond gringo ass, you should suffer like you tortured me, but the masters are merciful and will only let me drown you! You are better off anyway, your brain is all fucked up! Well time for you to die little whore!"

"NNNNNOOOO!!!!!!!" Diana screamed as she heard the splash as Rosie made her pronouncement and Wonder Girl's body thrashed, subconsciously fighting off drowning.

"She is very strong for a tiny girl" Rosie laughed like they were playing splash in a pool or something! It was amazing how it didn't seem to bother her at all to drown another human being


Rosie had held Wonder Girl under for several long moments; the thrashing was very weak now. "Soon little bitch, the pain will be over." The dusky woman told the girl she was drowning. "go to sleep little bitch, when you wake up you will be in hell with all the other little gringo bitches!"

"OK Rosie, pull her out!" I ordered.

"Si senor" she answered dejectedly dragging the nearly dead woman's face out of the water.

"Let her sister out of the cage and was her up Rosie, lick her off first, she is coated in my cum" I ordered her. "Drag her sister back in the other room by her hair!"

The maid obeyed cheerfully, I turned to dad, "This is as amazing as the shrinking ray itself!"

"No shit!" he laughed like a giddy kid. "Did you see her? She would have drown that bitch and never thought twice about it!"

I heard Diana protesting as we went back to the recreation room, "Let me down you stupid bitch, I need to look after my sister! You nearly killed her!" to no avail, no matter how hard she squirmed and twisted Rosie held her tight and began noisily licking her, big wet "SSSLLLUURRRPP! After "SSSLLLUURRRPPP!! Until the champion of all women was glistening with Rosie's spit.

By then dad and I both sported huge a hard on, even as hung over as he was. "Look at that dad, "I had forgotten all about filming it. I dropped my pants and told Rosie to Jack me off keeping Wonder Woman in her hand, "Rub her up and down my cock!" I ordered. The friction tore Wonder Woman's costume front in short order as Rosie's red painted nails squeezed Wonder Woman's flesh tightly.

"Spit on it bitch!" I commanded, I had to laugh, not only did Rosie spit, but so did Wonder Woman! Diana's big bare tits rubbing up and down my shaft coated in salvia drove me over the edge pretty quick! I shot a stream of cum three feet into the air, most of it came back down on Rosie and Wonder Woman.

Dad yelled, "Damn I want to try that, get over here Rosie! I want you to lick my balls while you do what you did for Steven!"

The cum coated Amazon slid easily up and down his bigger shaft as the maid licked his nut sack. Damn, I wished I had thought of that. It took dad several minutes longer until his balls blew a wad skyward.

Then he uttered words I never thought I would hear my dad say, "Rosie, I want you to fuck yourself with Wonder Woman, use her as a dildo, do you understand?'

"SI senor Brain, use her to fuck myself!" she answered.

Diana who was half unconscious from being crushed barely managed a "W…what?" before her head was lined up with Rosie's hairy twat. "HEYYY!" she cried before her cries were muffled as her head disappeared into Rosie's sopping cunt.

"I can feel her scream!" the maid cried in delight, "and when she wiggles around, this is better than any vibrator, or MAN! OH MY ! OHHH MMMYYYY!!!!! OOOOHHH MMMMYYY GGGGGAAAWWDDDD!" she screamed as she shoved the miniaturized Amazon deeper into her tightly stretched hole., her shoulders were in the pink folds, her tits were rubbing Rosie's clit as she moaned even louder, "OOHH MMMYYYYYYY! OOOHH MMYYY!!!! WIGGLE MORE LITTLE GRINGA! WIGGLE MORE!!"

Inside the other woman's cunt Wonder Woman's face was shoved up into Rosie's "G" spot eliciting even wilder cries from the maid. Diana's arms were pinned to her sides as she was inserted to her hips, her legs thrashing wildly. We could hear her muffled cries as Rosie began stroking her in and out of her sopping cunt. Diana's body was coated with Rosie's love juices giving it a shimmering shinny apperence.

"MMORREE!" Rosie cried as she rammed Doians back into her hole.

"NNOOOOMMMMPPPHH!!!" Wonder Woman yelled as she slid helplessly back into that warm wet tunnel head first. "PPLEEASEEEE SSSTTTOOPPMMMNNPPHH!" she cried as she was pulled out then inserted again, "This is obscenemmmmmhhhpphhhh!" she shouted the next time her head appeared. Her face was wet, her hair matted with pussy fluids.

"Cum for me Rosie!" dad commanded, "cum now for me!"

"AAAWWWGHHH!!!!!!" the Latina servant screamed, and I mean screamed loud! "I AM COMING FOR YOU SENOR BRIAN! I AM COMING! OOOGGGHHHHNNN!"

"HHHEEELPP!" Diana bawled, "I am drowninguuulllpppp". Her open mouth caught a full load of cunt squirt. Her choking sent her body into spasms, which elicited a bigger orgasm from Rosie, "CCAAAUUGGHHHHHHHH!!! GGGAASSPPP!!!!' EEELLPPP EEEEEE! PPPLLEEAASEEE ! CHOKE!"

"YYOOUU SSSIIICCKKK PPERRVVVERRR!" she managed to shout the next time her head nearly emerged from Rosie's leaking fuck box as the maid came again. At this point Diana's body was so slippery Rosie lost her grip and Wonder Woman fell to the ground, she started to reach for the slimy Amazon but dad stopped her.

He bent her over the back of the couch and without a word he slid is dick into her warm inviting pussy. "OOHH GOD YOU'RE WET!" he groaned. She offered no resistance what so ever, very much the opposite in fact, she began thrusting back eagerly.

"You are going to enjoy being my slave aren't you Rosie" he whispered in her ear as he fucked her, slowly at first then building his speed as he claimed her as his own, imprinting his will over her own.

"SI SENOR Brian!" she gasped.

"Call me master when we are in the house!" he demanded

"SI Sen…Master Brian!" she moaned.

"Now cum for me again Rosie!" he exhorted her.


She was definitely a gusher and a screamer as she coated her own thighs as well as dad's with her latest orgasm.

I picked Wonder Woman up and made her watch her former maid being fucked like a common whore. "I think that's what I will do with your sister" I told her.

"NNOO! You promised you wouldn't!" she swore, "Look, take me instead!"

"You would like being made into a slut wouldn't you!" I laughed, "Look at Rosie go! I promised if the Lariat worked we would not kill all of you, it worked, you're still alive"

"No, I would not like it, but I need to protect my sister!" she declared firmly, maybe a bit too firmly with her eyes locked on the rutting couple in front of her, her body glistening with Rosie's cum, she looked like a glazed doughnut as it dried on her.

"Well, I am not going to do that to you" I informed her, "I want you to hate it every time I put my cock in you! I want to RAPE you, not fuck you, I won't ever change that, I might make your body act like a wanton whore, but I will leave your hatred intact"

"You are a sick, twisted little pervert!" she declared. "A discredit to your gender…"

Dad gave a loud shout, "OOHH GGOOODD……OOOHHHHGGGOOODDDD DDDDDAAMMNNNN!!!" as he unloaded into Rosie's eager pussy.

His hot blast triggered yet another orgasm from the over excited maid, "OOOHHH SENOR BRIAN! OOOAAAWWWHH!"

Dad pulled out of our new fuck toy/ maid and exclaimed, "that's the best sex I ever had!"

"Here Rosie" I handed her Wonder Woman again, "use this again while you lick dad clean! You ALWAYS clean a man after he honors you with a load of cum, get your whore sauce off of him!"

She squatted in front of dad and took him into her mouth, then began lapping away the combined cum from his cock and balls. As she did she rammed Diana back into her twat. If Diana thought she was going to drown before it was a lot worse now as she was thrust in and out of the well lubed hole. "UULLPPP!! GGASSSPP!"

"Now that she is greased up, put her I your ass!" dad commanded.

I saw a brief flash of fear in Rosie's eye but she obeyed, slowly forcing the screaming shrunken Amazon's head past her outer ring. "OOHH GGAAWWDD NNOOO!" Diana protested until her head was inserted in her former maid's ass! Rosie kept trying to shove her former employer in deeper but it looked like it may damage a hole I was looking forward to using in a minute, "Just her head Rosie, that's enough!"

The enslaved maid held poor Diana's head in her ass until dad told her he was clean enough to suit him, "Take her out of your ass Rosie and go wash her up, and then bring her to me! Clean yourself up as well, use the little bitch anyway you want with no permanent damage until we call you back in"

We could hear Diana cajoling, then cursing Rosie as she washed Diana in the sink. "You are a nasty little Gringa!" Rosie lilted happily as she held Wonder Woman in water that was at first too cold, then changed to stinging hot.

"IT IS BOILING YOU STUPID BITCH!" Diana screamed as she was forcibly lathered up. "PLLEEAASEEE IT BURNS!"

"Beg me little Gringa, beg real nice" Rosie laughed as she tormented her former employer. "I remember you always bitched I didn't have the water hot enough when you had me draw your bath little Gringa! Is it hot enough now?'


"Well, you do make a good dildo" Rosie allowed, "Maybe if you asked to lick me clean… Senor Brian made a mess!"

"YYESSSS! PLEASE I WILL DO IT!" Dian cried like a baby, "Please… will do it!"

"You must beg me to do it" the Latina corrected the tiny heroine, "Beg to lick my pussy clean!"

"Please Rosie, may I…I lick your pussy clean?' Diana pleaded as the scalding water cascaded over her painfully, "Whatever you want, please!"

It was amazing that what was so recently a nearly invulnerable super heroine was now helpless in the hands of her former maid, reduced to begging to stop her torment. "You are not so special after all, are you little Gringa?" Rosie laughed, "I bet the Senors will make you sorry you were so mean to everyone, I hope they let me help!" She took the tiny heroine out of the hot water and shoved her into the thick black bush between her legs. "I see Senor Steven took your bush little Gringa, now lick mine clean! Make sure you get every drop of our cum! I bet Senor Steven will want to use me next, so get it good and clean or I will put you back in the sink! HE WILL WANT A REAL PUSSY TO FUCK, NOT A TINY LITTLE GRINGA!"

As that played out in the bathroom I talked our situation over with dad, "The lariat really works, did you see that?'

"I did more than see it!" he laughed. "Look, I am sorry about letting Rosie in here last night, but I got drunk and I screwed up, I won't let it happen again. I swear it, that was too close for comfort. I almost got us caught."

"It's OK dad, it turned out great in the end!" I offered in consolation. "We now have a way of erasing mistakes, and a whole new direction we can take this! Then if we don't like it we can switch it around."

"What do you mean?' he asked, "I have some ideas as well."

"Well, we have the shrink ray, but we don't know how long the gun will last" I started summing up our situation, "but neither does Wonder Slut or her sister. The Lariat apparently gives us complete control of who ever we use it on. We have the cash we took from Diana's safe, and I have plenty of ideas how to get more using those three cunts."

Dad interjected, "I like Rosie, I always have, I would like her to be mine, not a wife or anything, I have had enough of those."

"I think we can work it out dad, but I want a piece of ass tonight, can I use her?" I asked.

"Sure son!" he shot back, "Absolutely, I said I didn't want to be married to her, we can share her. I think she should move in and take over the chores don't you?"

"I think she should wear one of those slutty maid costumes from Fredrick's!" I agreed. "We need to keep testing her to see when and if the affects of that Lariat wear off. Now what do we do about the other two?"

"Well, we can use the Lariat on them too" dad offered, "but I kind of want them to suffer some. Rosie is HAPPY with what we have done; I don't want that for the others"

"I agree" I said, "I want to ruin their lives and enrich ours at the same time!"

"Well let's enjoy the status quo for the next few days and see what happens, maybe something will inspire us to do something else, but for now, we own the little bitches!"

"Rosie, come in here, and brings the toy with you!" I shouted

Wonder Woman heard herself being called a "toy" as she lapped at Rosie's smelly slit and her face burned in impotent anger. "I will have revenge!" she swore.

Dad, his lust sated for now took little Wonder Woman to play with while I had Rosie give me a lap dance of a life time and then fucked her raw.

I looked around for Wonder Woman and dad, I wanted Diana to clean Rosie again, I will never get tired of seeing that, but dad had taken the miniaturized heroine upstairs to play with.

"I guess just squat on Wonder Girl there Rosie" I ordered, "Straddle her head and leak our cum into her mouth."

I guess the belt was close to healing her because I saw the blond super heroine stir and groan, "NNOOOO!" before Rosie sat on her face, "Queen-ing" her. I pulled the power belt off our half sized captive, "Good enough for now" as Rosie smothered the girl under her crotch.

When we were done I tied Cassandra tightly, I left her breasts jutting between the loops of clothesline I tied her with, and made sure to pull a strand deep into the cleft of her groin to rub her clit. Her arms were pinned tightly behind her at the elbow so as to thrust her breasts out for mauling or what ever I wanted to do. I could see life back in her eyes as I sat her up against a wall.

"Welcome back sleepy head" I mocked, "did you have some good dreams? I hope so because now you are back to the nightmare that is your new reality! Sucks to be you!"

I slapped her tits a couple times pretty hard with my open hand
"SMMMAACCKKK!!! SMMMAACCKKK!!" the meaty breasts made a lovely sound as I slapped them back and forth like punching bags!

"Rosie, get dressed, I have some errands for you!" I told the maid. "Go to these stores and get these items. Here is some cash, do not tell anyone where you live or your name, just get these and come back here. Do not use your debit card or anything but cash. Now go upstairs and get some of dad's ex wife's clothes, dress casual. Be back in two hours, do not speak to anyone, just give the store clerk's the list, they will be laid out for you, just pay and leave. You have your cell phone?'

"SI" she answered looking at the list, I took it and blocked all other numbers but mine, then sent her on her way. I was certain the instructions I gave her and the programming from the Lariat would hold. Then I called the stores and had the items laid out for her.

After that I went looking for dad, I found him in the kitchen playing with Diana. She was wearing the top of her costume, pulled down to expose her magnificent rack. Dad had taken some small cord nand wrapped it around the base of those world class, no UNIVERSE class breasts and was lifting her off the table by her tits!

"AAAAWWWGGGAWDDDDDDDD!" Diana screamed as the full weight of her body was supported by those thin ropes digging into her tender tit flesh! Her legs thrashed wildly until she realized her struggles only caused the ropes to dig in deeper, "Please Brian stop, your tearing my breasts off! Please, what ever you want, just put me down, please you sick bastard! I will do whatever you want, just put me down!"

I guess he was tired of her screaming, her took her blue and white shorts and gagged her with them, "HHHMMMPPPHHHHHHHH! MMMMPPPGHHHHHHHH!" her screams now muffled by her own panties. Dad then carried her over to a coat hook by the kitchen window and hung her up for the night. "Let's see what tomorrow brings Diana, I am going to eat and then go to bed!

I could hear her muffled screams all night, "AAWWWPPPPEEEEETHHH!!!" PPPPLLEEEAATTHHHHHH!" I could hear her beg to be let down. Rosie came home as instructed and fixed us the food I had sent her after. I made her change into her new uniform, a slutty maid costume from the adult warehouse across town by the interstate; It was a size too small, which was perfect as I watched her make a late dinner.

Dad and I ate then went to bed, I couldn't resist pulling down on Diana's legs to put even more pressure on her tits as I went by, "Sweet dreams Wonder Woman, and by the way, your sister is waking up, in fact she will be staying in my bed tonight and I expect we will have some fun with both of you tomorrow! Goodnight neighbor!"

I could hear her muffled screams all night, "AAWWWPPPPEEEEETHHH!!!" PPPPLLEEEAATTHHHHHH!" I could hear her beg to be let down as I played with her helpless sister. I could hear dad fucking Rosie again down the hall as well, all in all our lives had changed for the MUCH better!

"Can you hear your sister begging" I asked Wonder Girl as I tugged on the rope pulled tightly into her cunt and wriggled it.

She was nearly fully conscious now, "Please let her down, that's cruel" she pleaded for her sibling.

With my other hand I pinched her left nipple between my finger and thumb, "That's very noble of you to plead for her" I told her, "but when she begged to save you she was more convincing, she offered herself up instead. She said we could do anything we wanted to her as long as we didn't kill you. Of course killing you would be a horrible waste of a nice ass, horrible waste indeed. You will probably WISH we killed you shortly…"

"I already do" she sobbed pitifully, "please just let us go, I am sorry for all the mean things I did to you! I swear!"

"So you admit you were a rotten little bitch to me?" I asked.

"Yes" she whispered, I am sorry"

"Let me hear you say it out loud Cassie" I demanded, "let me hear you say what a rotten worthless cunt you are." I pulled hard on the ropes around her breasts to get her attention.

"AAAWWWWW" she groaned, "Please! I am a rotten little cunt! Please, you are tearing my breasts off!"

"Try again, you forgot worthless" I advised her

"I AM A ROTTEN WORTLESS LITTLE CUNT!" she screamed as I jerked her crotch rope deep into her most sensitive folds..

"That's better" I laughed.

"P…please untie me, my muscles are cramping" she whined

She was pretty tightly tied and her back was bowed pretty severely, "Maybe in the morning" I said then rolled over and went to sleep with the music of two suffering heroines' cries and sobs as a lullaby.

Chapter Four, Consolidation

The next morning I took Wonder Woman down from her hook in front of the kitchen window. He was barely conscious; the pain in her breasts had to be monstrous.

I laid her on the table as dad and Rosie came in. "Rosie, fetch little Cassandra in here" I ordered and the dusky maid clad in a sleazy maid's uniform scurried to comply.

"Si senor Steven!" he answered as she went.

I took Wonder Woman's shorts out of her mouth; they were soaked with spit and vomit as she lay groaning on the table.

I woke her up by pinching one of her swollen purplish nipples. "AAAWWWWGGGGGGAWWDD!" she screamed, dragged back into the hell she was living unwillingly."PLLEEEAASSE, my breasts, I can't feel them… circulation"

Dad laughed because he knew what was going to happen next as he unwrapped the tight ropes.

He blood rushed back into Diana's numb tits in a torrent, and with the torrent came unbearable burning pain unlike any woman could endure, not even an Amazon, not even Wonder Woman!

"AAAWWWWWWWWGGGGGGHHHH!: she screamed, "my breasts are on fire!"

"A minute ago you were bitching about them being numb!" I laughed as I squeezed them as she flopped around helplessly under my hand, "Here let me rub them for you!"

"NNOOOC PLEEEASSEE DON'T TOUCH THEM!" she cried fruitlessly as I mauled her bosom relentlessly. "SSSTTTOOPPP PLEASE DEAR GOD MAKE THEM STOP!"

She was crying uncontrollably now, the pain must have been brutal for such a strong willed woman to give us the pleasure of her cries. "AHHH, is its little boobies sore" I mocked, probably sounding a little juvenile, but what the hell!"

"STOP HURTING HER!" Cassandra demanded, "How can you be so cruel?'

That gave me an even sicker idea, "Rosie, please whip the worthless little cunts tits with the rope!"

"Si senor Steven" Rosie answered gleefully, "How many lashes?'

"Just start whipping, I will tell you when to stop" I told her. "Count them as you do it"

"SSSWWAATTT!" went the whip,

"One!" Rosie counted while Cassandra remained silent


"TWO!" said Rosie, as Cassie gave a "YIPE!"


"Three Senor Steven!" Rosie counted again

When the rope landed the fourth time Wonder Girl's resolve broke down, and she screamed "OOOOWWWWWW! STOP! PLEASE STOP" The bright red welt was clear to see across her engorged nipple.

By the tenth stroke her breasts glowed flame red, criss crossed by even darker red welts, her screams were now frantic and unintelligible. "Now little whore, I will give you a choice, you can whip your sister's tits, or I will have Rosie give you another ten strokes on yours. Which will it be, hers, or yours?'

"YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" Diana cried from the table, "What is wrong with you two! For god's sake she is just a girl, she doesn't deserve this! Go ahead Cassie, whip me, I can take it!"

"NO!" Cassie declared bravely, "I won't do it!"

"Your decision, but once Rosie starts I won't ask you again until she hits ten more strokes, last chance bitch!" I offered.

She just bit her tongue, until the next stroke landed, and then she screamed like a banshee as the rope bit at her flesh. By the third stroke she was completely incoherent, a blubbering mess. "PLEASE HIT ME INSTEAD!" Diana pleaded for her sister to no avail.

"I told her options" I pointed out, "In ten more strokes I will ask again, I bet she sings a different tune don't you?"

"YOU SICK EVIL BASTARD!" Diana screamed, although it was drowned out by her sister's ear splitting shrieks, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS YOU MONSTER! I swear it; I swear it on my island's honor! I swear it as a Princess of Themyscria! I swear it to Hades himself I will make you pay for this!"

"TEN!" Rosie finally reached the required number of lashes and stopped.

Cassandra was crying like a three year old child now, completely shattered by the pain I her breasts. After she had recover a bit I crushed one of her now badly bruised and welted breasts in my hand, it set off a whole new round of screaming until I released it.

"Ask me to whip Diana's tits, or I will give you ten more to change your mind" I told her in a calm voice. "Who gets the next ten you or her?"

Please don't make me" she sobbed like a baby, please don't…"

"OK Rosie, she wants ten more" I pointed at her, "have at it! Strip the skin off them this time!"

"SI SENOR STEVEN!" Rosie answered in her sweetest voice.

"NNOOO GO FORGIVE ME STTTOOOPP!" the blond girl cried, "Please I can't take anymore, please, I am sorry Diana, I can't, please forgive me!"

"there is nothing to forgive sister, they are making you do it" Diana comforted her, "go ahead, do what you have to! We will survive this, and we will have our revenge! I promise Cassie…"

"Ask me" I told the younger Amazon; ask me to let you whip your sister's tits instead of yours!" I laughed. "Rosie, untie so she can do it on her knees like a worthless cunt should!"

Rosie undid her binding and shoved her to her knees, "look up at your master little Amazon whore, a MAN owns you now, look up and beg to flog your sister's breasts! Tell me you are a worthless cunt like you did last night, fit only to serve a man, and then I will let you whip the other Amazon whore!"

Her lips trembled as she stammered, "I am a worthless cunt, fit only to serve a man. Amy I whip Diana's breasts instead of mine?"

"Proceed, and if you don't swing hard, I will have Rosie give you another ten as well!" I warned. "Rosie, dad, stretch Diana out tight so little Cassie her can whip her. Strike across her body you stupid twat, that way you get both tits with each stroke, and I want you to count! Go ahead, and make sure I can hear them!"

'ONE!" Cassie shout as the rope lashed across her sisters stretched body harder than she intended.

"AAAWWW!" Diana cried, she might not have if her tits hadn't been tenderized all night.

"TWO!" went Wonder Girl as Wonder Woman shrieked

And so it went, each stroke landing on already sore flesh with a solid "SSWWAACCK! And Diana responding with a howl of pain until all ten strokes had been applied.

"Very Good little Wonder slut!" I laughed, "Very good indeed. "Now I think you should kiss your sister's boo boo and make her feel better don't you? I bet she did it for you when you were kids didn't she? Go on, or you both get another ten lashes."

Cassie realized she had no choice so she leaned over and kissed her sisters tits! It was amazing! Better than any porn I had every watched, this was REAL! Diana screamed like she was being whipped again, "OOOWWWW THAT HURTS CASSIE, Please be gentle!"

"Rosie, fetch the packages I sent you after last night" I told the maid. She was back in a flash and handed me a plastic store sack. "Look what I have for you Cassie isn't it lovely?'

Her eyes opened wide in horror as she realized it was a thick tall slave collar! "Look, it even has a tag with your name on it! Present your throat to me so I can collar properly. When she hesitated Rosie shoved her at me, "You heard the master, knell and give him your throat!"

She knew any more hesitation would get her tits and maybe Diana's too, whipped so she knelt and cocked her head. The collar had a made in lock that clicked with the sound of her freedom vanishing, maybe forever. "Look, there is a matching leash!" I fastened it to her collar and handed It to Rosie, "Try her leash out"

Rosie made Cassandra lap the room several times on her hands and knees as Diana seethed in anger, but at least she had shut up.

"Your turn Wonder Woman" I laughed, crawl over here."I pointed at the table in front of me. "Wow, those tits must really ache" I observed as they swayed under her as she crawled. "You are too small for a dog collar, so I got this harness for a ferret; I think you will look great in it!"

"I am not your pet!" she snarled, "I am not a plaything for any man, especially not you! These are just more insults for which you will atone!"

"Blah , blah blah" I mocked as I fastened the black spiked leather ferret harness around her body. No seriously, they make a black leather studded ferret harness, when I saw it on the pet shops web site I knew it would be perfect to humiliate the heroine.

She stared at me with unabashed hatred as she kneeled in front of me, her leash lying next to her.

"Don't even bother" I laughed, "I already know, vengeance retribution, swear to the gods… Did I leave anything out?"

"You may mock me now little man, but there will be a day" she threatened

"We will see pet, we will see" I laughed. "You are growing about two inches a day, that harness is going to be pretty tight by lunch, and I bet unbearable by dinner!"

I ate a great breakfast while she glared at me with undisguised malice.

When I finished I held out a scrap, "use your mouth and take it from my hand pet"

"I am not hungry!" she snapped back.

"Suit yourself," I laughed. "Man, I can't wait until you're big enough I can get inside you. Oh well, I guess little sis will have to be today's entertainment!"

"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!" Diana screamed impotently.

"P…please, I am hungry" I was startled to hear Wonder Girl ask.

I held the scrap out, she reached with her hand but I pulled it away, "used your mouth bitch, no hands" It was pretty damned erotic as she took the morsel from my hand, her lips brushed my palm sensually as she took it.

"CASSANDRA! DON'T GIVE THEM THE PLEASURE!" Diana castigated her sister angrily.

"I… I am hungry" the younger sibling answered, and you aren't eating it! I need to keep my strength up!"

"But they are humiliating us for their sick amusement!" Diana asserted.

"If not this there would be something else" Cassie reasoned, "At least they aren't whipping us! You better eat while you have the chance!"

"She no longer has the opportunity" I interjected. "She had it and refused. If you care for more you will ask me nicely, something like "please master, this bitch is hungry"

"Oh for God's sake!" Diana cried out, "That is just stupid…"

I grabbed the miniaturized Amazon up by her studded harness, "I have had enough of your insolent mouth!" I snarled. "Dad, get me some wire ties from the garage please, the big heavy ones."

I went to the cabinet until I found what I was looking for, an old ice bucket. I filled it from the ice maker as dad returned; He got an evil smile on his face as he realized my intentions. I pinned Wonder Woman's arms to her sides and wrapped her with a zip tie and cranked it down as tight as I could, then one around her thighs and another around her ankles secured her nicely. Once I had her secured I shoved her in the ice bucket. She stared at me in that angry way of hers for the longest time, but the cold began to sap even her magnificent body. Her teeth began to chatter, then she began to shiver uncontrollably as her sibling watched.

"GET HER OUT, SHE WILL FREEZE TO DEATH! PLEASE!" Wonder Girl pleaded, "PLEASE! Get her out of there…"

She was about waist tall as the shrinking ray was wearing off slowly, but she didn't look like a little girl, her curves were still there, she looked exactly like what she was, a miniature version of herself. I had put this off long enough.

I pushed the chair back from the table, "Crawl over here and kiss my cock Cassie, then ask me again, ask again like the worthless walking cunt you are. Let me here you say what a worthless cunt you are!"

Wonder Girl looked at her sister slipping deeper into the ice, her lips turning blue as hypothermia took hold of the helpless Amazon shivered violently. "I…it's OK Cassie, t… tell him to f…fuck off, he w…won't l…let me d…die! I am OK… b…be strong, resist the bastards…" Diana stammered.

When Wonder Girl hesitated I ran some warm water in the sink after I closed the stopper. Then I grabbed Wonder Woman from the ice bucket and tossed her into the much warmer water.

"AAAWWWWGGHHHHHH!!!" she screamed as she slid under the water, she couldn't stop screaming even as she went under "GGGLLLUUUBBBEEE!"

Have you ever put your hands under warm water after they went numb from cold? It hurts like hell. Now imagine that sensation all over your body! She was still screaming as she managed to get her head back above the water, "OOOWWWW GGGAAAWWDDD PPPPLLEEEAAEEE GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE!"

"Sure Wonder Cunt" dad laughed as he picked her up and tossed her back into the ice, "no problem bitch!"

"UUHH UUUHHHH, UUUHHHH!" the Amazon gasped as she went in to the cold slurry which shocked her body to the point she couldn't breathe, "UUUUUUSSSHHH!"

"STOP!" Cassandra cried, "You are killing her!"

I laughed, "No, we are just hurting her a lot because you won't do what you're told. Dad, I expect she is about numb enough again, make the water a little warmer this time!"

"Please, I will do as you ask!" Wonder Girl begged, "Please!"

"I am not asking you now!" I informed her. "I am going to play with her for a while more!"

Diana's cries were more of a shriek this time as she went into the hot water, "OOOOOOO! OOOOOWWWWWW!!! AAAAWWWWWWWWWW!"

Her bravado was gone by the third cycle, I had just taken her back out of the ice and was holding her over the sink when she finally broke, "PLEASE CASSIE I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE! BEG TO SUCK HIS COCK! IT HURTS TOO BAD! PLEASE CASSIE SAVE ME! DO IT!!! PPPLLEEAAASSEE!!!!!"

I dropped her into the water and her cries changed to unintelligible screams of agony, "OOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!! GGGLLUUBBBBBB! AAAAWWWWWHHHHHHHHHH!"

When I pulled Diana I turned to Cassandra holding her limp miniaturized sister in my hand, "Do you have something you would like to say?'

"Please, may I suck your penis?" the younger Amazon whispered.

"No, you need to beg properly" I told her, "I want to hear you admit to being a worthless cunt like you did last night."

"P…please, I am a worthless cunt, may I suck your cock" she tried again.

"Louder!" was my response.

**"P…please, I am a worthless cunt, may I suck your cock"**she shouted this time

"Now was that so hard?" I laughed and handed Wonder Woman to dad as I sat in a chair. "Now Diana, I want you to tell me to rape your sister instead of putting you back in the ice. Call her a worthless cunt while you are at it."

"NEVER!" the suddenly defiant Amazon princess declared, "You can not expect me to say those vile things!"

I pointed and dad dropped the still tightly bound shrunken Wonder Woman back into the freezing ice water.

"Please, I did what you asked !" Wonder Girl pleaded for her sister, she crawled over to me and stroked my steel hard cock, "Please, don't hurt her anymore!"

The blond Amazon tried to lean forward to lick me, but I slapped her, " NO! Not until she tells me to use your worthless cunt!" That took all the will power I could summon with having that spectacular young piece of ass between my legs begging to suck my cock, but the lesson was more important, I was in control, not them, or even my cock!

Two more cycles of cold then hot water did the trick, on the third dousing in the ice Wonder Woman finally collapsed, "Please forgive Cassandra, please forgive me! Please Steven, take her, get me out of here, please!"

"Not good enough Wonder Slut" I ordained. "I want to hear you say, "take my worthless cunt sister!"

Dad pulled her from the freezing ice/water in the ice bucket, "Please take my worthless cunt sister…" Diana's face was beet red, her eyes downcast to the floor.

"Look at your sister and repeat it!" I demanded, "and do it louder this time!"

""TAKE MY WORTHLESS CUNT SISTER!" she spat out, "Please forgive me Cassie, I have failed you, I am weak!"

"It is OK Diana, you held out as long as you could!" Power Girl tried to console her dejected sister. "The bastards hurt you and made you say those horrible things…"

"Shut up and get your mouth around this!" I laughed as I opened my robe, my cock stood straight up as she stared at it. "I want you to make nice loud sucking sounds as you service me!" I demeaned her further.

In her miniaturized state she really had to stretch her mouth wide to get it over my pole, she was about the size of a six year old child now as the shrink ray wore off slowly. Then I had another twisted idea, I took Wonder Woman and put her on Wonder Girl's back. "There, you can get a good view of your sister sucking a cock to save your sorry ass! Wrap your legs around her neck and hump it like you did my cock yesterday! Let her fell you get wet like a slut as I rape her!"

I heard dad tell Rosie to sit in his lap and soon she was squealing with delight across the table from where I was raping the Wonder Duo. "OH SENOR BRIAN…OOHHH OOOHHH!!! OOOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHHH!" she cried as she came the way we had used Diana's lariat to program her.

I couldn't take it any longer, "turn around Cassie and lean forward on your elbows" I commanded, "It's time to try that pussy of yours that you have been teasing me with since you two whores moved in next door! I bet I'll be the first man to use that fuck hole like it should be used!"

Diana pleaded, "Leave her alone damn you!"

I looked around for somewhere you put here, then I saw the covered crystal dish. Grabbing her up I placed her under the heavy glass dome. "There, you can watch, but I won't have to listen to you!" I informed her, and then I put a strap around it to hold the lid down. "That should hold you will I rape your little sister, enjoy the show!"

"You are an evil man!" she informed me, "You will be damned for this! Stop and free us, there is yet time to save your soul at least!"

She kept prattling on as I got in behind Cassandra, who was still positioned like I told her, on her knees leaning forward onto her elbows, ass high in the air. Her entrances were exposed, I am sure she had to be feeling great humiliation and trepidation as I ran a finger up her crease. Then I took two fingers and spread that perfect pink petal like lips gently. "This is what you are Wonder Girl, no more! You are a life support system for this! You belong to me and dad now, and I am going to claim our prize first!"

"Nnnnooo." She whined as I positioned my cock's head against that tiny tight opening she had managed to guard all these years, "please don't"

"You want me to put your sister back in that ice bath?" I asked."Remember, you two asked me to use you like a slut, are you reneging on our deal? I can toss her back in…"

"NO! Don't" she exclaimed, "Please don't do that"

"Then say fuck me Master Steven, then push back against me, help me enter you!" I demanded."Help me make you what you are destined to be, my fuck toy!" I used her hips a s leverage to slowly force my way into her a fraction of a gloriously tight inch at a time.

"YOU'RE RIPPING ME APART!" she cried, her voice shaking with pain.

"GOOD!" I proclaimed, "Everyman likes to hear his cock is too big!"

"It's only because of what you did to her!" Diana screamed from her glass covered dish, "If she were full strength she would kill you for the outrages you have perpetrated on us!"

"Well, maybe I better never let you get to full size again!" I laughed. "Damn you are tighter than any bitch I ever heard of!"

"I doubt you have much experience to judge!" Cassie grunted as her twat yielded another ½"

When I hit an obstruction I paused, "This is going to hurt, I hope!" Then I slammed forward and took her innocence in one hard thrust, she gave a sharp cry as I tore through it. "That makes you mine little whore!" I snarled, "I was the first, there will never be another than can claim it!"

The blood from her hymen provided some lubrication, but it took a lot of effort before I got balls deep into her virgin twat. Once I was nearly all the way in I hit another blockage, but I rammed past her cervix. It was like my cock was being tightly squeezed in a warm soft fist, it felt like it truly belonged there and I was determined to revisit the feeling….often!

She wasn't just sobbing now, she was full on crying as we remained locked together, her pussy tightly wrapped around my fuck spear. I tried sliding back out then ramming home again but it was still very difficult. She yipped every time I moved inside her and her sobbing caused her twat to contract even more


I tried stretching her by moving my pole around inside her, tearing more cries from her, "OH GAWD DIANA WHAT IS HE DOING! MAKE HIM STOP!"

"There is nothing she can do little slut!" I was startled to see Rosie sitting in the chair in front of my victim, her legs spread wide, her snatch dripping my father's cum in what seemed like huge quantities. "He has taken you, you are his now! You will learn to serve him, it is what you were made for!"

"NO!" Diana cried from her glass prison, "We were sent here to stop man's oppression of women! Not to serve them!"

"That is hilarious coming from a Barbie doll trapped in a cake dish!" Rosie exploded, "You always looked down on me, a fellow woman, because I was your servant! Well now men will look down on top your head while you suck their fat slimy cocks, you will be THEIR servants! Look at your sister, impaled on a cock, she better learn to like it, she will have many shoved in every hole she has as she becomes the slut for Senor Steven and Senor Brian! They will ream her tight little holes and make her a whore! I am glad of it!"

"YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH!" Diana exploded in fury at her former servant. "HOW DARE YOU AFTER ALL WE DID FOR YOU!"


Over this entire clamoring Cassandra was crying, make that bawling at the top of her lungs, "PPPLLEEEAASSEE STOP STEVE! YOU ARE SHREDDING ME INSIDE!"

Now I had been with girl's before, but this, this was beyond anything I had ever experienced, way, way beyond. Her twat was as tight as a vice as it began to lubricate in self defense and it seemed as hot as an oven inside as I began thrusting in and out in earnest. "Dad you have to try this, it feels unbelievable!"

"I aim to as soon as you're done!" he laughed. "You get her loosened up a bit, I am afraid I will tear her in two!"

I had never noticed before, but dad was hung like a horse, I wasn't sure he could get that meat stick in the miniaturized Amazon I was fucking.

Rosie slid her chair forward and grabbed Wonder Girl's hair, "Watch me face rape your sister you tiny little cunt!" she shouted at Diana who was still berating her. "She will lick Senor Brian's cum from my pussy like a trained whore! You will have your turn too!"

Diana clamped her jaw, a look of pure hatred clear on her lovely features as she realized she was helpless to save her sister from the humiliation of a gang rape, as small as our gang was!

"UUHH! UHHH!!" UHHH!" Wonder Girl's grunts as I raped her were muffled by Rosie's leaking pussy as the Latina firmly shoved Cassie's face deep into her groin.

"Did you ever think you would end up licking your maid's leaking pussy Cassandra?" I taunted her and her sibling as I slid in and out of that perfect little twat. "Reach under yourself and finger your clit. Get yourself nice and wet for me slut! My god your cunt feels fine Cassie, I bet your sisters will feel even better once she is big enough to screw!"

Her tiny cooter didn't take long to coax a massive orgasm out of me, it felt like it started in my toes then rushed up through my balls and into her warm tight little fuck canal in a gushing torrent, hydraulic-ing out around my cock as I shoved back into her.

It triggered an unwanted response from Cassie, she came to as her body responded as women's bodies had since the beginning of time, "OHH GOODDD NO! NOT LIKE THIS!" she cried as Rosie pulled her love juice coated face back from her twat, "please no…ooowwwwhhhoooowwwwwhhhhh OOOOWWWWWWWWW! AAAAAAWWWWWWHHHHHHHH!" she screamed her unwanted lust, jamming her hips back against me, her body craving more even if her mind knew it was rape.

"Look Diana, all it took was one good fucking to tame your sister!" I groaned in delight as she continued to ride my cock which now slide in and out of her slick twat much more easily. "Are all you Amazon's such natural born whores? I can't wait to break you to fucking… Damn your sister is tight but I think I will take you just a bit smaller than she is now, that would be perfect, I don't want you enjoying it like she is! Do you think you will cum for me like your slut little sister? Look at her, she is cumming again!"

I was spent, my cock was getting soft after it delivered its load deep into her now eager pussy, but I wanted to keep her in a hyper excited state. "Rosie, she licked you, return the favor!" I could tell the maid didn't want to, she was liking being on top of the food chain for a few days, extracting a measure of revenge for perceived slights over the years of servitude to the pair of Amazons. But she was compelled to obey, and obey she did.

Wonder Girl was still humping thin air after I pulled out, her own fingers dancing over her huge engorged clit. A gasp escaped her mouth as Rosie laid on her back and slid her face under the hyper excited young girl's dripping groin and her rough tongue slid up the pink folds. I pulled Cassandra's hand away from her crotch and held it in front of her mouth, "Open" is all I said then I pushed her fingers which were coated with long streamers of cum into her mouth. I sat in the chair Rosie had occupied and pulled Wonder girl's face into my cum slick groin, "Lick it clean Wonder Toy. Get used to the taste of ball gravy! Dad, bring me the lariat!"

"NO!" Diana screamed anticipating my next move, "Please don't do that to her!"

Dad handed me the golden coils and I put it around Cassie's throat, "My cum, and dads will become an addiction for you Wonder Girl, you will crave it like crack, if you don't have a mouthful every day you will have severe withdraw. You will think about how to extract the most cum each time you are allowed to service us. It will become your life's focus, it will never be far from your mind. Other men's cum will taste good, but it won't satisfy your addiction."

"NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Diana cried as Cassie leaned forward to lick every speck of cum from my cock and balls, "what have you done to her?"

"Listen to me Wonder girl," I added, "if you displease us, or tell anyone about what we have done, we will cut you off from the source. No one can un-program you except me or father even if they use this Lariat, is that clear? If they try you will immediately drop into a deep, deep coma until you hear me or father say "Lick Me Cassie"

"Y..yes" she answered mechanically

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HER YOU BASTARDS!" Diana screamed again, frantically trying to escape her clear prison, "WHY HER? SHE IS INNOCENT!"

I shoved Cassie's face back into my groin, "finish cleaning me" I ordered, then I addressed Diana. "Because I now can control you through her Wonder Tits" I explained. "She is hopelessly addicted to my cum, if she doesn't get it she will have horrible withdraw symptoms. If you or anyone else tries to undo what I have done, she drops into a coma. I could do all of this to you, but I want you hating me, I want you hating every second of the rest of your life, but unable to alter it. Dad, take her out of her dome and put her on the table please."

Once the miniaturized heroine was standing on our kitchen table, still proud she drew herself up to her full 18" height, I went on. "I have been thinking perhaps we have been dreaming too small, no pun intended. We have the tools to do much more than just make you a fuck toy Diana!"

I saw terror in her face as she realized, or thought she did anyway, where I might be leading with this. "W…what do you mean?' she stammered finally"

Chapter Five - Things get interesting

Dad and I relaxed next to the pool sipping some nice cold margaritas Rosie had whipped up while Cassie washed my new Mustang nearby. Diana stood by attentively waiting for her next degrading order she knew wouldn't be long in coming. She was clad in the tiniest thong bikini I could find on the internet, it rode deep into the cleft between her legs and the tiny patches of the top barely covered her nipples, you could easily see her aureoles. Her swim wear was in the red white and blue flag motif and she wore red ultra high slut heels. Rosie lounged next to dad, her spectacular brown body wrapped in expensive white bikini and high heeled shoes while Cassie's ass jiggled seductively in her bikini as she moved as she scrubbed my ride.

"Damn dad, I am really getting used to this!" I laughed as we idled the day away with our choice of women to serve our every need.

"Don't loose focus on the end game" he reminded me, "We have to be ready when the opportunity presents its self"

"I know dad, I know, they are still dangerous" I agreed. "But who could have ever guessed it would have come out like this? And if I end up in jail, well we will be heroes there, we fucked the Wonder Siblings!"

"In fact I think I will go help Cassie wash your car!" dad laughed as he watched the lithe blonde scrubbing the road grime off the hood. He walked up behind the young Amazon now restored to her full height and pushed her face over the hood of the yellow Mustang bending her at the waist. He applied some of the soapy water she was washing the car with to her ass by squeezing a sponge against her lower back and pull aside the thin strip of material covering her exquisite twat.

"OOOWWWHHH!" she groaned and rubbed herself against his hand cupping her sex from behind, "mmmmmmmhhh! MMMMMMHHHPPPHHH!"

As he began fucking her, her firm young tits traced trails in the soapy water of the hood, "Now THAT's how you wash a car!" I laughed. "Look at your sweet young sister moaning like a wanton whore while she rides dad's cock!" I mocked Wonder Woman who was standing next to me. "She has turned into one spectacular little fuck toy!"

"You have corrupted one of the most virtuous, innocent girls on the planet you mean!" Diana snarled. "There is something wrong with your mind Steven, you AND your father, to take such joy in so totally ruining another being!"

"Oh, I don't know, she seems a lot happier now days, look at her humping herself like that!"I laughed, "she really likes her cock!"

""it is not natural!" Diana declared

"It has always been natural for women to serve men!" I shot back, "YOU are the freak, not her, YOUR hatred for men is not natural! That's why you wear those bracelets as Wonder Woman, to remind you that your race was once enslaved to men! A natural state we have restored you to in fact!"

"I am no man's slave you little creep!" she declared vehemently, "you can force me to do things, but that does not make me your slave!"

"Ah but you are Wonder Slut, you are indeed" I pointed out. "There is no act I cannot make you perform unwilling as you are. We were nice to Cassandra; she loves her new role now, just look at her! Anytime a man touches her body it responds like a real woman, where your cunt is always dry. Who is better off, a slave who loves being a slave, or a slave that hates being a slave with no chance of escape from her servitude?'

All she could do is look away, her face a burning scarlet from the shame, she knew what I said was fact, she wasn't ready to accept it, but it was still the truth and it grated against her very soul. So I pushed the truth home a bit more, "Look at you, stand at attention slut, chest out!"

She had learned to obey quickly in the weeks we had processed her as a miniature, she knew the consequences of disobedience were horrific to both her and Cassandra, so she stood at attention just as I commanded her. "Look at you Diana, back arched to present those tits for inspection just like I trained you! And you claim to not be my slave? It's pretty obvious you are, in fact I see your nipples are getting hard, even your body knows it is enslaved, only your mind still resists. I have taken all your money, all your belongings and made you beg for me to fuck you're your sister instead of putting you back in the ice water, do you remember that morning Wonder Woman? You BEGGED me to fuck your sister to save you a little discomfort, BEGGED for a man to use your own little sister, than innocent little girl rather than go back into that ice bucket. That wasn't very virtuous of you now was it? You didn't hold out very long before you offered Wonder Girl in exchange for yourself! And I have it all recorded and stored safely away to show the world what kind of heroine you really are, weak like any other female, unwilling to sacrifice yourself for your sister in the end. But don't feel too bad, everyone gives up in the end. Of course you didn't last all that long in say comparison to some Chinese dissidents who were tortured far worse than you for decades before they gave in, or died without surrendering. You on the other hand caved after a couple dunking in some cold water…"

"It was a lot more than just some "dunking in cold water" you bastard and you know it!" Wonder Woman growled, trying to convince herself.

"The truth is Wonder Tits, you have never really had to deal with pain" I stated truthfully, "so when you got a little, you caved, and it is really that simple. You caved long before even most normal women would have because you are so used to being invulnerable and your morals and ethics have never been tested under a real sacrifice situation. You failed the test, Cassandra paid the price."

I saw a tear in the corner of those shocking blue eyes as the truth ripped at her soul, "I… I… d…didn't… I" she stammered her lip quivering.

"You caved, and now I own you both, not only your processions, but your very body and soul!" I declared, concreting my hold over her as she could not deny my words. "Now wiggle that ass in and get Rosie and I another drink!"

As she walked away to obey my command her cell phone rang, I kept it close to me, Diana started to turn around to answer it, but I stopped her, "nobody told you to stop slut, fetch my drink, probably should bring one for dad, I think he is about finished with your sister and would probably like one as well, and bring an extra glass, go one fetch!" I dismissed her.

I flipped the phone to speaker as it went to voice mail, "Hey Diana, this is Linda. I have Barbra with me and we are heading over to your place, we are worried, you seem a bit under the weather from your recent trip. We will be there shortly."

So none other than Supergirl and Batgirl were on their way to see my prize sluts! I knew who they were, I had made Cassandra give me their secret identities off her phone contact list, a list if I had chosen to sell would have netted millions from various criminals, it was one of the things I held over Diana to make her compliant. I needed to think fast, Batgirl could be dealt with easy enough, but Supergirl was a whole other problem. "Dad, we may have a problem, bring the blond fuck toy over, we need to get some questions answered"

When Diana came back I made her kneel and I bound and gagged her with a bright red ball gag. I slipped the noose of the golden Lariat over Wonder Girl's neck, "Cassandra, is Linda Supergirl?" I asked first.

"Yes Steven, I told you that before" she replied flatly.

"Is there a way to weaken or hurt her?" I asked next.

I heard Diana screaming into her ball gag, precisely why I had inserted it so deeply, trying to prevent Cassandra from answering the question., but Wonder Girl's will was so deeply subverted now I may not have even needed the lariat to get the answer I needed. "Kryptonite will weaken her" Wonder Girl stated again in that flat voice she seemed to have under the influence of the rope.

"What the hell is Kryptonite and where can I get some?" dad asked this time.

"It is debris from Krypton, their home world, transformed into a radioactive isotope by the explosion of the reactor the Kryptonians were testing that destroyed their planet" Wonder Girl informed us, unable to stop herself if she even cared anymore. Most of her mind now concentrated on her next dose of ball gravy and her own orgasms. "The only known samples are stashed in the special safe at the Justice League. Lex Luther may have some as well…"

"Thank you Wonder Girl. Now Diana when your guest arrive you will act normal. You will of course tell them nothing about what has happened between us. Dad and I are just here as friends, understood? "I proceeded. "On second thought, Cassandra and dad will not be here Diana when they arrive, you will tell them she is on a date or something. She will be with dad and he will shrink her if you try anything stupid. Shrink her and sell her to the Joker or Catwoman to play with, do I make myself clear, just nod if you understand what will happen to her if you try anything!"

The Amazon nodded so I went on, "and remember your vow, your solemn Amazon vow not to try to escape, warn anyone about us, or harm dad or me!" I was counting on the word she had given the first night of her confinement at our house she gave to save her sister from death. "I am holding you to it Diana!"

She nodded.

"You are still recovering from being shrunken by Darkstar and the time you spent with him; remember how we talked about that?' I prompted further, "Those memories are horrible, you only recall small bits and they terrify you!"

Once more she nodded, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

"You won't fail Cassie again will you?" I asked harshly as I took her gag out.

"N…no, I swore an oath" she whimpered, "Please don't hurt her, she is all I have left"

"That's entirely up to you" I warned, "behave yourself and she will be just fine". I didn't bother to point out the obvious; I had taken Cassie from her too…

Dad led Cassie next door, away from our snooping visitors, and I had Rosie resume her role as the Prince's maid and housekeeper. She let the two women in and brought them back to the pool where I reclined with Diana. It was a striking pair of visitors I have to say, Linda was a tall extremely good looking blond with a model's face and ass all atop long shapely legs. She was wearing some designer jeans that fit her nicely, complimenting her shape which bulged from a white tank top.

Barbra was a smaller redhead with an ass to rival her companions, and her rack appeared a bit bigger, maybe because she was a little shorter even in the heels she was wearing. She was attired more conservatively in a business skirt and blouse with a short jacket over it. The short-ish skirt promised hidden treasure under its folds without violating business dress codes.

Diana and I got up and she introduced us to the pair, "Linda, Barbara, this is Steven, he lives next door and comes over to help Cassie and I sometimes"

Just as I predicted I was asked to leave, "Steven, would you mind, we have some private business to discuss with Diana" Linda asked sweetly.

"Of course" I answered just as nicely, "Diana, I will be in the house with Rosie"

"Perhaps you should just go on home" Barbara added, I think we need to talk inside if you don't mind."

Linda added, "could you ask Rosie to run to the store for an hour or so on your way out Steven, maybe she could just go with you next door?"'

"Absolutely" I replied cheerfully.

I went to my house with Rosie where dad and Cassie waited and went to my room and fired up my computer. I had a web cam hidden in every room of the Prince house, as well as a microphone in Diana's ear ring! At this range the reception was perfect.

"Diana, where is Cassandra?" Linda asked straight off.

"On a date" Diana replied with the answer we supplied her as I listened for any hint she was tipping the pair of heroines in disguise off. It dawned on me that they might have a pre set word or phrase that would tip the listener that the speaker was under duress, so I quickly looped the lariat around Cassie and asked if there was.

"Of course" she told us, "the word is caffeine. If she uses it in passing in a sentence twice it means there is no immediate threat, that she will contact them later with an action plan. If she uses it once there is danger in reacting immediately it is better to wait, if just says it by itself, they will instantly react."

"Diana, I have to tell you, the League is all concerned about you since you escaped Darkstar" Linda Danvers, AKA Supergirl continued. "Are you and Cassie OK? We don't hear much from you."

"We are recovering; just not ready to get back into the swing of things yet" Wonder Woman told them. "Of course until we can recover the Power Belts and the Lariat, our ability to participate in the Leagues activities are a bit limited"

"I don't have those things and I show up every time the Bat signal lights up" Batgirl pointed out, "you are both fine athletes and strong highly trained women, you have a lot to offer still!"

"Thank you Barbra" Diana answered, "It is just an adjustment, a big adjustment to doing things differently, I hope you can find it in you to be patient please"

"Of course Diana!" Supergirl replied, "no one wants to rush you until you are ready, not after what happened to you! Don't take this visit wrong."

"No, please, we are just two friends checking on people we care about" Barbra Gordon added. "If there is anything you need, anything we can do to speed your recovery, just let us know!"

"And don't be strangers at the Justice League Hall!" Supergirl declared, people there who love you miss you a lot!"

The conversation droned on for while, it was so sweet I wanted to puke until I heard them mentioning me. "So why do you have that kid from next door hanging around all the time? Is he chasing Cassie or something?' Barbra asked, "He gives me the creeps"

"Well he seemed to like you Babs" Supergirl laughed, "Did you see the tent in his pants!"

"As if!" Batgirl fired back. "He is a little creepy if you ask me!"

"No, he just comes over and helps Cassie with her computer and phone" Diana explained the way I had told her to if she was asked. "We just let him play in the pool as a reward"

"Looks like he wants a different kind of reward to me" Linda teased.

"As Barbra said, "as if" Diana laughed, "we just string him along, he mows the grass and things for us."

"Well we need to be getting back" Supergirl announced, "we just wanted to see if you were OK"

"We are healing" Diana answered, then she did it, she broke her oath, "Can I offer you a drink, I know you don't like caffeine, but I have some caffeine free soda if you would like one for the road?"

"DAMN IT!" dad shouted, "She tipped them off!"

"FUCKING BITCH!" I yelled, "She swore!"

"OK, OK!" dad reasoned, she used it in a sentence, she let them know she was under some duress, but they don't know how much or by whom. Do you have another bug we can put in their car?"

"I do!" I exclaimed and grabbed it from a desk drawer and headed out the door. The stupid bitches had left the windows down on the really sweet C6 Corvette Linda drove. I loved my Mustang, but this was why cool! I found a vent to hide the microphone in, I wish I had more time, I would have loved to tap the built in Bluetooth for the phone… Well maybe later. I was still near the car when Linda and Barbra came out, "what are you doing?' Linda asked.

"nothing, I just love cars, and this is really cool!" I ad-libed, "want to see my Mustang? It isn't in this car's league but I have done some cool stuff with it!"

"I don't think so" Linda blew me off kind of snidely, "I am sure it's…uh…nice but we are in a hurry"

"OK, another time then" I offered as they took off in a big hurry ignoring me.

I ran back inside and activated the hidden microphone I had planted, I heard Barbara's voice first, "She gave the code words, but that's all we got"

"Clearly she thought she was under surveillance" Linda surmised, "She knows how to contact us when she thinks it's safe"

"Well she used the code word twice indicating there was no immediate danger" Barbra added, "I am sure she would have had us act immediately if there was an imminent threat. We will follow procedure and wait for her to contact us."

The pair chatted more about what they guessed about what was up with Wonder Woman. "She seems to have recovered pretty well from her ordeal with Darkstar" Linda told Barbra, who replied, "I wonder what they did to her, do you suppose she was… was…"

"Raped? You can say it" Supergirl finished the sentence, "I would never allow it myself, but it is a possibility in our chosen profession I suppose"

"There were so many gaps in her story when they reappeared after escaping Darkstar." Batgirl added. "And I am going to have father run a background on Brian and Steven as well, I just don't feel right about that boy somehow"

"Most likely he is just a kid with two good looking women living next door" Linda stated. "Speaking of that, the bikini Diana was wearing, wow! There wasn't much of it!

"True, it looked like a piece of dental floss" Barbara allowed, "But all men are pigs, I bet Steven would like to get you in the back seat of that Mustang at the drive in!"

"No arguing that!" her comrade laughed, "that is a stone cold fact, but it's never, ever going to happen!" Supergirl laughed hard. "He would probably want to hang our panties on the mirror like a trophy!"

"I bet his dad would want to do it in his truck!" Barbra chuckled, "They seem like such redneck trash!"

That's when they got out of the car, my bug has a GPS in it, and they had arrived back at the Justice Hall, no doubt to report their findings.

Chapter Six - Conclusion?

Rosie and I headed back over next door, I was furious about Wonder Woman breaking her vow, she was going to get punished, and I mean hard! I had dad take Wonder Girl to a motel for safe keeping.

I walked in like I owned the place and sat on a chair next to the pool. "Wonder Whore; bring me a drink, a FUCKING CAFFIENE FREE DRINK!"

I saw Diana's face blanch a real pale shade of white as she realized the situation, but she kept her mouth shut and brought me the soda. "So you broke your vow Diana, your sacred Amazon vow. Now you and Cassie are going to pay for it!"

"CASSIE! Where is she?" Diana demanded. "What have you done to her! Please, she did nothing, it was all my fault!"

"It was your fault!" I agreed, "but Cassie is going to suffer for it! You were warned! I tried to be nice and give you back some semblance of a normal life, but you just threw all that away! Now I am going to have to come up with a w ay to take out Batgirl and Supergirl because of you! I am of a mind to sell Wonder Girl to the Mexican Cartel, they will pay plenty for her sweet little ass after all the damage you did to them last year. I bet she lives for five years before they finally kill what's left of her!"


She dropped to her knees, finally she realized I OWNED her, "Please Steven, I was stupid, I didn't mean to endanger Cassie, please, you can't do that to her! Do it to me instead, I am the one that that made the mistake! Oh my god, please punish me, let Cassie go!"

"Why should I?" I asked, "And how can I trust you ever again? You broke your most sacred vow. How do I know you just won't run and tell your friends? No, I think I will just take dad, Rosie and Cassie and disappear. We can live off the money we get for your sister for a long time, in fine style. I could just destroy your mind with the lariat, leave you a blubbering slobbering vegetable, an object of scorn and pity while poor little Wonder Girl sucks every cock in Mexico, probably ending up doing tricks with animals until they get tired of her. Likely they will string her out on drugs, it will be a race to see what kills her, the drugs, a violent John, or some disease she gets from fucking everything with a cock they put her in front of! Maybe instead of totally destroying your mind I will leave it intact, just bury it so deep, taking all control of your body away from you, entombing yourself within your own body! How long do Amazons live Diana? Imagine spending all those years trapped in your own head, able to see and hear, but not communicate! Maybe you will hear reports of your sister's disappearance, you will know where she is, but it won't do anyone a bit of good!"

The future I spelled out must have been her worst nightmare, "NNNNOOOOO!!!!" she screamed, "I AM SORRY! PLEASE DON'T DO THAT TO US! PLEASE! I WILL DO WHAT EVER YOU ASK! JUST NOT THAT!"

"Watching you beg has given me a hard on Wonder Tits, would you mind sucking my cock while I think about what to do with you?" I laughed.

She was trying to save her sister's life, and she went at my cock like she was on a mission from God! She pulled down my shorts and had my cock buried deep in her throat in a heartbeat. She rolled her tongue around it as she applied plenty of vacuum while sliding her head up and down. "Remember cunt, I like to hear my slaves when they suck my cock! Now stick your fingers in that nasty twat of yours and get yourself wet! Rosie, please spank Wonder Whore for me!"

"Si Senor Steve, I'll be glad to spank the lying bitch!" the maid exclaimed. "Do you want me to call some friends in Mexico and have them pick Cassandra up? I am sure they would pay top dollar for here!"

"SLLAAPPP! SSSLLLAPPP!! SSSLLLAAPPP!" the maid began spanking the heroine's ass sharply.

I felt Diana's throat constrict as she heard Rosie's offer, but I kept her head shoved firmly on my fuck pole. "Not yet Rosie, I may have a solution for Diana here, but first… OOOWWW SSHSIITT OOHH SSSHHIITT!" I shouted as a filled her throat with my cum. "There is what that lying mouth is good for Wonder Whore, swallow that load like a good slut! Keep playing with yourself, don't stop!"

I sent streamer after streamer of thick goo down her gullet, then pulled back and blasted her face with a few final spurts. "That's just the start of what breaking your vow is going to get you!" I snarled as Rosie kept spanking her.

"Please" she begged, my cum running down her face and dripping from her chin after mixing with the overflow at the corners of her mouth. "You have won, I surrender, do with me what you will, but please release Cassandra, she is innocent in all this!" She lowered her eyes in a show of submission and held her arms in front of herself crossed as if to accept shackles. "I am offering myself to my conqueror in hopes he will have mercy on my sister! It is the Amazon custom if we are defeated by a male to submit, once we do, it is irrevocable."

It was genuine enough appearing, but she had lied to me before. "I am afraid you words and customs have little value after this morning" I snarled, "You have already broken one vow today!"

"Please Steven, this is different, I swear!" she pleaded her case

"You swore before" I reminded her, and then you broke your word."

"Please, what can I do to prove it to you, I have submitted on condition Cassie is released!" she sobbed, "all you have to do is bind my wrist, the bracelets I wear as Wonder Woman are symbols of our past enslavement, if you re-bind them, I am yours forever."

"You are mine anyway" I pointed out, "You just sucked my cock right out here in the open, that proves it!"

"What can I offer?" she pleaded, "I have nothing left but myself to give!"

"Would you trade another innocent to save Cassie?' I asked

"W…what?" Diana stammered, "What do you mean, "Another innocent?"

"Well, you broke your vow to me, there will be punishment, I will never release you or Cassie" I explained. "I would accept two innocents in her place, to sell as slaves; in return Cassie remains here with us instead of being the headliner at a donkey fucking show after a long career servicing Mexican drug lords however they want to use her. The punishment for your treachery, your lying is either Cassandra or two others of my choosing suffering for your actions."

"Please, don't make me choose that!" Diana cried.

"That is the best part of the punishment, you knowing because you lied either your sister or two other women are fated to a living hell! Either way you will have it on your conscience for the rest of your life" I explained. "Now, you can let Cassandra be punished, and every time you see the other two I have in mind you will be reminded of your lies, or the other two will suffer, and every time you see your sister it will remind you of what you have done. Releasing Cassie completely is off the table, she is mine forever, and you can only determine where she will spend the rest of her life."

"Please, there must to be another way!" Diana cried pitifully, "I will be yours completely if you bind me, wouldn't you rather have a willing woman than one you must force?

"I have willing women now" I reminded her, Rosie and your sister. When I sell Cassandra to the drug dealers I will however deprogram her, I don't want you thinking she is enjoying her fate."

I could see her mind spinning, racing to find a solution that would free her and her sister, but there was none. If she attacked me now she might be able to overpower me, but she had no idea where Cassie was and if she could find her before it was too late. Maybe if she had her power belt and Lariat, but she had no idea where those were hidden so that option was out. Same way with calling for help from the Justice League, there was too great a risk of dooming little Cassandra to a living hell!

Stalling for time she asked the question she dreaded the answer to, "W…who would you require in Cassandra's place?"

"Well, I have another problem because of you, so we might as well kill two birds with one stone" I proposed. "I want Supergirl and Batbitch in exchange for Cassie, your two closest friends for your sister!"

Her face went pale as I offered her the choice from hell, I am sure she was probably thinking I might want some completely innocent off the street, but I knew where to stab her the worse. "Y…you can't be serious" Diana exclaimed, "even if I wanted to, how could I deliver them to you? You have taken my powers…"

"You leave that to me" I advised, "the choice still stands. I will allow you one hour to decide, after an hour I will add a name to the list of who you will enslave for me every hour you delay"

"How can I make a decision like that?' she cried, completely distraught, "you are a devil in disguise! Damn you and your father!"

I leaned back in the chaise lounge, my cock now stiff again, "Well, let's pass the hour in a useful way, climb on and fuck yourself Wonder Whore! Face me, I want you to look me in the eye as you decide the fates of so many women! You the champion of all women will decide who and how many are enslaved to the lowest scum in the male gender, ironic isn't it! You will decide their fate while you fuck yourself for a man's pleasure."

Her eyes brimmed with tears as she straddled the chair and squatted down, lowering her pussy onto my cock. "Reach down and guide your master into your own cunt slave!" I ordered to further humiliate her. Her own weight impaled her on my rigid staff, her tight fuck hole spread reluctantly as it was forced over it. "

"Rosie, grab a camera, I want you to record this" I commanded the maid who was just standing there in awe of what was being done to her former employer.

"Now Diana, finger your clit!" I commanded as she settled onto me completely, "then hump yourself"

She began to slowly rise and fall on my dick as her fingers found a now familiar place at the top of her slit. "So Diana, does little Cassandra's life go one like this, or does she suffer for your lies? I might even let her go back to school with me, as my slut of course. All the popular girls she hangs out with will be amazed at what she does for me. Of course it beats having sex with a horse in old Tijuana though!"

"For the mere price of two fellow heroines you can save here that fate and keep her here with us" I continued, "Of course Supergirl will curse you until the day she dies, and Batgirl will rue the day she became your friend because you will help me take them, and they will KNOW you helped me, it is a part of the bargain!"

She clenched her jaw as she rode me, tears pouring down her cheeks, dropping off her cum stained face and onto my chest beneath her as she rode me. She was a truly magnificent specimen, maybe the finest in the universe and I had her under my thumb, and I intended to keep her there fore ever.

"W…what guarantee do I have you w,,,won't break the agreement and send Cassie away?" she asked

"If I broke my vow, would that not release you from yours?" I asked

"Yes" she answered after a short pause, then I heard her gasp as her pussy began to lubricate a bit in self defense. "Ohh"

"Why would I sell Cassandra after your debt is paid?' I asked. "Her fate is because of your actions, not mine! I was perfectly happy the way we had set things up, YOU are the one that tried to tip Batgirl and Supergirl to what was going on! It is on YOUR head, you caused this today"

"I…I… oohh hmmmm….would be m….more l…likely to agree if it meant our freedom" she whispered huskily, "perhaps freedom with…uhh oohhh, privileges for you?'

"No! I groaned as she had nearly milked a massive climax from me at this point, "that is not enough!"

"We…uhh owwww. Could do tis once a week or something for you" Diana offered, "just let us all go, release us, I swear…. Hmmm " she gasped as I felt her pussy squeeze on my man stick hard. It was very wet and very warm now as she rode me. "See, I am becoming a good… good…" she just could not call herself the word she was thinking.

"S…slut!" I finished for her as I fired a huge load into her warm snatch like a fountain in Rome! The copious cum blasted into her, filling her, and then leaking back around my manhood as she continued pumping, mixing her own juices with mine as she came too.

"Y…yes" she groaned, "that's it!"

I reached up and slapped her big tits as the bounced in front of me, which seemed to trigger another flood from her. "You have the only offer you are going to get! The next time you come while riding my cock, another woman, or women will be slaves somewhere else because of you Wonder tits! There is no other offer on the table, you have about thirty minutes to decide while you lick me clean!"

She complied at once, but I could tell her mind was elsewhere, racing with the choice she had been given. It was a horrible decision no doubt, exactly as I intended it to be for lying to me and endangering my plans for the future. Now see, serving me isn't as bad as what your sister would be forced into" I pointed out. "She can be here with us like one big party instead of sucking a mule's cock somewhere. Is that what you want for her? How will you explain to your mother back on your island you sold your sister because you broke your Amazon vow? I would not want to have to explain that!"

"You swear Cassie would remain here if I decide t…to… accept the alternative?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Yes, as long as you honor your word" I reiterated. "And Supergirl is tough; she might survive in Mexico, even escape some day! We both know Cassie won't last long…"

"This choice is impossible!" Wonder Woman moaned, "how can I decide this?"

"Well someone is going to suffer for your mistake" I explained it further. "I am sure you would volunteer to take the punishment yourself, that is in your character, and who ever you select WILL suffer, but I think YOU will suffer more making this choice. DO you select your sister and send her to a living hell, or do you spare her and give her a lesser sentence while deleving friends up to suffer in her place. You have about fifeteen minutes to decide. By the way, should you fail to choose, all of them will pay the price in full. Not deciding will save no one. It boils down to either your sister, or the other two be spared the worst fate."

She pondered her impossible decision, tears flowed freely now down her perfect tanned smooth cheeks, "and what of Cassandra and I if I choose the others. What will you do with us?"

"Your life will continue much as it has most recently" I told her. "You will of course still serve me and father as fuck toys, but you will live here in your own home. You will of course be asked to do things you detest, but I may even grant you back your belts some day. Anything is possible, it is what I had intended all along since this began, but your warning the other two has complicated it. They will have to be controlled or silenced."

She thought some more, right up until the time limit before announcing, "Spare Cassandra"

"SO you will willingly help me enslave your two friends instead?" I asked.

"Never willingly!" she quickly proclaimed, "But I will help you to spare my sister, may I see her please?"

"Not yet Wonder Tits" I decided, "Not until the deed is done so to speak. Now here is what you will do. I want you to contact batgirl first and get here alone, ask to meet her here, if she won't meet here somewhere private. DO you understand?' I must have fucked Wonder Woman a half dozen times over the next twenty four hours, the thought of what we were ging to do to her friends kept my young dick stiff almost around the clock, and I may have stolen some of dad's Viagra…

Wonder Tits called Barbra Gordon's cell, "Hey Barb, can we meet? I need to talk to someone and well, Linda can be so judgmental sometimes."

I had her on speaker phone so I could hear both sides of the conversation, "What's wrong Diana?" Barbra asked expecting the code word to let her know if Diana was under duress, but Wonder Tits had learned her lesson.

"Look, it's kind of sensitive, it's about my last, uh trip" Diana said being very guarded over the phone, "I can't really say anything around Linda, please, you are much better at listening than she is! You understand what can happen to more… uh… normal."

"I can come over this morning" Barbra answered, "I will take a personal day from the library, Tuesdays are slow anyway especially since school is out now."

"Great!" Diana reply, I appreciate this, I haven't had a shoulder to cry on for a while other than Cassie's, bring your swim suit, the pool is perfect!"

"That creepy kid from next door won't be there will he?' Batgirl asked.

"Steven?' Diana asked, "look, he is OK, but if he makes you uncomfortable I will send him home"

"Please do" Barbra said, "there is something about him that bugs me"

"OK, see you at say eleven?" Diana added, "I can have Rosie mix up some margaritas and some nice light sandwiches for lunch! It will be nice doing something normal"

"See you at eleven" Barbra answered then hung up.

It wasn't a minute later the bug in Supergirl's Corvette lit up, "Hi Babs!" I heard Linda say, "What is up?"

I could not hear both sides of the conversation this time, but from Linda's half of it I got the gist of the call, "She sounded OK, she didn't use the code words? OK, she probably just wants to talk about her captivity with Darkstar, if she is more comfortable talking to you that's fine. No, my feelings aren't hurt, perhaps I can't really relate to being powerless like you.." Then she realized how patronizing that sounded, "I am sorry Barbra, I did not mean it that way! Please, I apologize. Enjoy your day off; it might help both of you! Call me when you leave Diana's, I will detail others if something should pop up at the hall… OK later girlfriend"

I didn't want to set Batgirl on edge by being there when she showed up, so I waited at home after explaining to Rosie what I wanted done, I didn't say anything to Diana other than "act normal, repeat the Darkstar captivity story you gave the League when I let you grow back to full size and contact them. Explain to her you and Cassie were raped and you are having trouble dealing with it. If the code word reference comes up from the other day, tell her you just spaced it, there is no "emergency". Understand? Cassandra's life depends on you doing this!"

"I understand" she almost whispered, her eyes downcast, "I will hate myself forever after this day!"

I sent her home to prepare, "Where the tiniest bikini you have, the flag colored one and high heels."

Barbra Gordon arrived about five minutes late, "Sorry, she apologized, "Traffic was bad and I had to pull over to take a call."

"No sweat, I am so glad you came!" Diana exclaimed, "I need someone to talk to! But first, get changed, the pool is PERFECT right now!"

Batgirl's bikini was nowhere near as revealing as the one I made Diana wear, but she filled the green swim wear out nicely! I watched from several different cameras I hid in Diana's house, including the pool dressing room, "So the carpet matches the drapes!" I laughed as I noted Barbra was in fact a natural redhead from my computer.

The two heroines spent a nice couple hours frolicking in the pool and then sat down to a delicious meal Rosie had prepared for them. "Well Diana, I see that little time with Darkstar didn't hurt that fine body of yours!" Batgirl proclaimed feeling a little buzzed from the margaritas Rosie kept pouring, "You seem physically fit as ever! And that bikini, wow! Linda didn't like it when she saw it the other day, she thinks it is too revealing, but I think you look spectacular in it! I wish I could wear something like that!"

"I think you would look great!" Diana reciprocated the complement, "as a lesbian, I have to tell you, I would certainly hit on you!"

Barbra blushed at her friends off color comment, then laughed, "well I am not ready to switch sides just yet, but if it meant having to be with that creepy kid next door I his Mustang or you in this pool, I'm taking you every time! That boy really creeps me out, like he is sizing you up for a rape every time he looks at you! He is a pig, and his father isn't any better!"

"You have no idea!" Diana muttered under her breath.

"What, I couldn't hear you" Barbra asked, uncertain of what she had heard.

"I said I know what you mean" Wonder Tits covered quickly, "He is annoying like that, but he can program any electronic device know to woman! Are you ready for another dip?"

Barbra's head was getting pretty light from the alcohol and the sun was very warm, she was starting to relax, really relax for the first time in a long time, "We can sit on the Jacuzzi and you can talk about the stuff I came over for" she said, slightly slurred and she got up and staggered a little as she headed to the Jacuzzi next to the big pool. "Man this is nice, I need one of these!"

Diana settled in next to her, right next to her and handed Barbra her drink, "Enjoy while we talk"

Barbra took another drink, "boy these are good, but I am getting tipsy! If I didn't know getter Diana I would say you were trying to get me drunk!"

"It didn't take much effort!" Diana laughed, "I didn't twist your arm very hard! Maybe you better call Linda and let her know you won't be driving tonight? You can stay here in Cassandra's room since she won't be home."

Barbra thought that sounded sensible, "Rosie, would you bring me my phone please, it's in my purse"

Of course Rosie had already brought me batgirl's phone for some modifications and I had already snuck it back into her purse, "Si MS Barbra!" the maid fetched the phone for the tipsy heroine.

"Hello, Linda?" Barbra slurred, "I just wanted to let you know everything was going great! We are having a fine time, I just had a couple Margirita's to unwind and I don't think I should be driving! Hey, I am allowed to relax once in awhile damn it!"

As she hung up Barbra exclaimed, "the nerve of that witch! I can have a drink if I want to!"

"Linda didn't approve I take it?" Diana scowled.

"Not at all!" Batgirl laughed it off, "But just because SHE can't drink is no sign the rest of us can't! We all have other lives besides saving the city, or saving the planet and all that shit!"

"EXACTLY!" Diana echoed, "what does she know about the real world, it's horrible without my super powers!"

"I wouldn't know!" Barbra snapped, "I have never had the option!"

"I am soory Batgirl, I didn't mean to sound like Linda!" Diana pleaded, "let me buy you another drink in Linda's honor! Hell let's go out on the town!"

Barbra giggled, "we can't drive, we have been drinking…"

"I can get Steven to drive us, I can get him to do almost anything" Diana replied. "One look at you in the bikini he will be putty in your hands too! Let me call him…"

"I dunno" Batgirl slurred, "I still don't trust him…"

"Come on, what can one skinny kid do against two super heroines, even if we are drunk!"

"Nahh, I would just rather stay here with you and talk about old times" Barbra wheedled, "Please?'

"OK, that will be fun too!" Diana laughed, "drink up!"

"So Diana, did Darkstar rape you? Batgirl asked bluntly as she finished her drink, her inhibitions lowered, she was normally far too shy to ask such a question.

"I was raped, several times" Diana sighed, she wanted to say "an hour before you got here" but she bit her tongue for now. "I will never feel clean again. Have you ever been raped Barbra?"

"Yes, once" the redhead answered truthfully, "It was just a run of the mill thug that got the drop on me from behind, hit me over the head. Batman pulled him off me but he had already… already…"

"Cum inside you?" Diana finished for her.

"Y…yes" Barb sobbed, "I was so ashamed Diana, Batman SAW me like that, with that thug inside me! I think he watched for a while Diana! I think he watched me get raped! I could see his…his….manhood in his trunks, it mad him HARD to see me like that!"

"Men are bastards!" Diana leaned a little closer to Barbra, she could smell the other woman she was so close. "How did that make you feel? I know when I was raped,… I felt… felt.. And this is so wrong, I felt excited!"

"Linda would never understand, or forgive you for that!" Barbra opined, "But I understand, I felt the same way! So used, so dirty, and yet…And I SAW Batman's eyes, he wanted to mount me right there! I could see it plain as day, and lord help me Diana, I don't know that I would have even tried to stop him! I …I WANTED him too! I am a afraid of the slut inside me Diana! How do I ever trust myself again!"

"I think those feelings are normal" Diana soothed her agitated friend, "I felt very much the same way, it's like when you feel something that you have been denied for so long, it is just overwhelming! When I was tortured I gave in Barbra, which was worse than the rape! I gave in because I couldn't bear the pain, I was weak because I had never felt so much of it. I sold my pride, my honor, my very soul to escape that pain." She leaned closer and her hand brushed batgirl's thigh. "Perhaps it was the same for you… only not pain, but forbidden pleasure. It felt so good didn't it, him entering you like that!"

"NO!" Barbra cried, taken aback by Diana's blunt words, "It was horrible… he…. He RAPED ME!"

"I don't mean him" Diana purred into the other heroine's ear seductively, "I MEAN IN YOUR MIND, WHEN YOU IMAGINED Batman entering you while you were helpless, leaking that thugs cum down your thighs! Don't deny it Barbra, I know how you felt as you imagined him entering you like the thug did! I bet you came didn't you, don't lie to me! I know you did!"

Batgirl started when Diana licked her ear, and the other woman's hand sent a jolt of sheer pleasure up her spine as it passed over the thin fabric of her bikini bottoms directly over her clit, "Diana, w…what?"

"Shhh Barbra, shhh" Diana hissed as Batgirl feebly reached down and grabbed Diana's wrist, "you want this, you NEED this! You want to feel that inner slut again, and this time there will be no judgmental Batman or Supergirl, just us!"

"I… I feel…odd…. Weak…" batgirl stammered, trying to rise, "Diana please, stop…wrong… don't f…feel right"

"I am afraid it is too late for any of us to feel right Barbra" Diana said sadly, "And I so wanted to give you one more night of freedom and some pleasure before I had to do this, but you said no girl."

Batgirl's mind felt as sluggish as her body, "D…do what?'

"Rape you I am afraid" Diana whispered in Batgirl's ear ear as her body slid back into the swirling water, Barbra had lost almost all control of it.

"R…rape?" Batgirl drooled some this time as she spoke, "w…why?'

"Because I want to you little slut" Diana laughed, "Because I know you want me to, and because I can!" She was acting exactly the way I had told her; I wanted Batgirl to think it was Wonder tits who wanted to rape her. "Now relax as I blow your little mind!"

"NOOOO!" Batgirl groaned as Diana ripped off her top to reveal some sweet tits while Rosie filmed it, "please don't, what did you do to me?"

"I had Rosie slowly dose you with some date rape drugs" Diana informed her, "you have been ingesting them all day long, slowly absorbing them until you became helpless. I intended to take you out on the town and have some fun but when you refused we just gave you a bigger dose in your last drink. You will be like this for probably 12 hours or so, more than enough time for us to play!"

Diana leaned forward and sucked one of Batgirl's nipples into her mouth and then bit it sharply, "OWWCCH!" Barbra yipped, the sharp pain making it's way to her fogged brain.

"The drug applied this way doesn't numb you like some do" Diana informed her, and you will remember this, every detail. It is a drug Middle Eastern White Slavers use to acquire and train new meat. It allows your body to respond to stimulus, but not to your brain so much. See? Your new owners will want your training started off using them. It's the most humane way'

She traced a finger up Batgirl's slit over her bottoms eliciting a sharp intake of breath from the helpless redhead. Diana could feel heat starting to build as she cupped batgirl's groin. "You may as well enjoy this Barbra, there is no stopping it. Your body will soon start lubricating, begging to be fucked! Your brain will scream no, but your body will ignore it. Over time your mind will just accept it, even long for it, because I am afraid the periods between fuckings will be bad for you where ever you end up."

"End up" Barbra responded dully, her drugged mind understanding she had heard something disturbing but she couldn't get her mind wrapped around it.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it right now" Diana purred as she stroked her friend's crotch lovingly. "It's been a long time since I made love to a woman properly!" Diana cooed, "you are one lucky little bitch, there are a lot of women out there that would kill for a chance with an Amazon lover!"

"No Diana" Barbra pleaded as she drooled through her slack lips, not like this, please… ohhh… ohhhh OOOHHHHWWWWWW" the caped crusader moaned as Diana expertly manipulated her body brining the heroine to an orgasm in less than five minutes.

Diana laughed as she saw it, "Lot's of pent up frustration there Batgirl, you came faster than a June Bride! Look at you little slut! I know, it's the drugs right now, but they tell me soon you won't need them to cum like that!"

"Nooo… not good… wrong" Batgirl's mind wrestled with the overwhelming sensations her body was sending it. Those feeling she felt when that thug had raped her, of Batman WATCHING her be raped. The feeling of her body letting go because there was no way to stop what was happening. To her horror she was being raped by her friend in broad daylight outside, and her body was responding like a slut's!

Diana had been figuring her under water, but now she slid the limp redhead up on the pool deck with her legs spread wide after removing her bottoms. She stuffed the green bikini soaked with batgirl's cum into Barbra's mouth, "shh little one, you will enjoy this, at least parts of you will"

Wonder tits lowered herself back into the spa and put her head betweens Barbra's legs. Batgirl realized what she intended to do, but all she manage was a feeble rocking back and forth and a garbled "NNNNOOO!!!" as Diana licked the insides of her firm tanned thighs, slowly working ever closer to Batgirl's pussy.

"I can SMELL you Barbra, don't deny it, you are wanting this as badly as I am" Diana purred, "SLLLUUURRRPPP!" she ran her tongue wet rough tongue up batgirl's pink crease, "MMMMMMMM! You taste good!"

NNNOOOO!!!!!" changed to OOOOWWWWWHHHHHHHH!" on Batgirl's lips as Diana licked her again, then swirled her tongue around Barbra's clit. "HHUUHH!!! HUUUHHH! HHUUHHH! She panted as Diana lashed her clit with her tongue in short licks.

I knew from what I had overheard that Barbra/Batgirl was a confirmed heterosexual, the idea of sex with another woman would disgust her, and I reasoned that if she were lesbian raped by a close friend it would break her will a little. So I had told Diana EXACTLY the acts she was to perform or her sister's fate was sealed.

Diana took her left index finger and placed it against Barbra's tiny puckered asshole and slowly pushed it in as she assaulted the redhead's sex with her mouth, pausing her licking to suck batgirl's whole sweat pink pussy into her mouth and tongue fucking her. "OOOOWWWHHH GGGWWWAAAADDDD!" Barbra's screeched as the next orgasm built and then washed over her like a tidal wave. "N….nnnoooo more Diana, please stop, this is wrong" she declared half heartedly, her words barely decipherable. "Please, you are making me…me…"

"Cum?" Diana laughed, "You should be thanking me batgirl, when was your last orgasm? When that thug raped you? I bet you came like a whore didn't you? And thinking about Batman using you like a back alley tramp makes you wetter than a fire hose you little slut!"

Diana felt guilty about raping her friend, but somehow it also stimulated her unbelievably as well, "NO! Diana you shouldn't be enjoying this! What is wrong with you?" But she couldn't seem to avoid the arousal of having another woman helpless under her. A powerful heroine was helpless under her hand as she stroked Barbra's now soaking twat. Diana took her dripping finger and rubbed it on Batgirl's lips, "open up, taste your own sweet little pussy Barbra, it's delicious! Now lick or I will twist those big nipples hard this time!"

When Batgirl tried to clench hr jaw Diana twisted her victims nipple until she screamed, then thrust her fingers into Barbra's mouth, "You will need to learn to obey to avoid a lot of pain headed your way" Diana warned her. "Now suck my fingers batgirl!"

Batgirl still could not piece together why her friend was doing this, something about drug lords her fevered brain recalled just as another orgasm washed away all thought for several moments."There, there" Diana cooed, "just enjoy what I am giving you Barbra, don't resist, it won't do you any good anyway."

Diana withdrew her fingers after a few moments and Barbra moaned, trying to form the words, to express the thought, "Why Diana? Why are you doing this to me?", but it was beyond her

"Because I promised you to someone to save someone else" Diana admitted correctly discerning the question in those foggy glazed green eyes.

When Batgirl spotted me leaning over Diana's shoulder her eyes flew open wide for a moment as she recognized I was naked, and my rock hard cock was next to Diana's head and already dripping a little pre cum.

"Hello Barbra, or should I say Batgirl?" I laughed, "enjoying your day off?' She actually managed to struggle a little, pretty amazing considering the quality, and QUANTITY of the drugs dulling her mind. "I see Diana here has you prepared just as we agreed! Diana you have kept your part of the bargain completely, handing her over to me just as you said you would. You may stand aside and watch me take her! Bend her over the diving board and hold her down!"

Barbra's head lolled limply side to side, drool leaking from the corners of her mouth as she was unceremoniously draped across the rough fiberglass diving board, "Tie her ankles to her wrist, pull them nice and tight Diana, and then whip that fine ass for me, I want it red before I rape her. Use a belt.!"

As soon as she had securely bound her comrade as I told her Diana went to the house to retrieve a belt. While she was gone I told Batgirl her fate, "You were right to be suspicious of me Batgirl. But now that events have proved you right it is too late. You once said you would never have sex with me or a guy like me. Well you are going to do worse, trust me. I will have you until I tire of you, over and over again while you moan helplessly under me. Don't worry, your friends won't find you, that hope will only drive you mad. Abandon it, it is a false hope." I rubbed her pussy roughly, "I own this now, your friend Wonder Tits took it from you and sold it to me. And I intend to turn a great profit from it in the near future!"

Diana had returned with a belt, a nice stout leather belt. I nodded, and she asked, afraid for her friend that she still loved, even if she had sold her out. "H…how many?'

"Until I tell you to stop" I answered, "and don't be afraid of leaving welts or it will be your ass next!"

Even drugged batgirl could feel the bite of the leather as Diana swung as lightly as she dared, but the improvised whip still made a loud "SSSLLLLAAAPPP!" as it lashed across those firm young buttocks making them jiggle and leaving a glowing red weal. Wonder Tits tried to avoid the already injured area with her next lash, and her next, and her next until poor batgirl managed to scream even in her drugged state.. I finally stopped Wonder Woman at ten lashes. I roughly slapped, then squeezed the flaming red globes of her ass, no doubt causing her untold agony as I did.

"I think you are ready for a good fucking now" I informed her. I checked, her pussy was still wet from the attention paid it by the champion of all women. "Come her Diana, I want you to guide my cock into my new purchase!"

"P..please" Diana started to beg, "don't make me… no more, she is yours!"

"And you are mine as well slut!" I growled genuinely pissed. "She is proof of that! You delivered her to me! You better mind or I will be whipping you while you are two feet tall! Now guide me into her, and say" I give her to you master!"

Her face burned with rage and shame as she took my cock firmly in hand and guided it into the tight sacred folds of her fellow crime fighter, making her an accessories to the rape of one of her dearest friends. The whole thing was designed to crush Wonder Woman, but the added benefit of raping Batgirl was a nice perk. "So you wouldn't even date a guy like me" I mocked, "Tomorrow you will be begging me to fuck you, you will offer everything you own, everyone you know, and YOURSELF to me to avoid what I have in mind for you Batgirl, but let's keep it simple tonight shall we since your brain is all fucked up? A simple rape is always a good way to start a relationship!"

I shoved down hard on her back, abrading her tits on the rough non skid surface of the diving board as I plowed my prize. "Very nice Batgirl, I expect to make a killing off selling your ass! I pumped her relentlessly, trying to prolong my pleasure as long as I could, but I have to tell you having yet another super heroine on the end of my cock was going to make it a short rape. Once more an unwilling pussy milked a huge load from my ball sack in short order. It was satisfying enough, but having her drugged and unable to even protest verbally took some of the fun out of it, a lesson I would remember.

I untied Batgirl and dragged her back over to the deck of the pool, I had Diana place a collar around her throat as a symbol of her new enslavement."Welcome to your new life as Batslut, Diana collaring you like a dog should bring it home to you!" I laughed and leveled Darkstar's ray gun at her and pulled the trigger. He body went into violent convulsions as it shrank to about a foot high. It had to hurt a lot I thought as I watched her eyes lose some of the fog that had clouded them, snapped back by the pain of being miniaturized.

"Do you remember how we hung you from your tits Wonder Woman?' I demanded.

"Yes" she answered, rubbing her breasts in an involuntary reaction as she recalled the pain.

"Hang Batbitch up like that," I improvised, "Toes just touching the ground. Make sure to arch her back! Do it in your bedroom so she can watch you fucking me all night.

The next morning I had Wonder Woman place a vibrator between Batgirl's legs as she hung helplessly, "Why are you doing this a now fully lucid Batgirl asked her friend.

"I am trading you for someone, this is part of the deal" Diana answered truthfully.

"Who are you saving by hurting me?" Batgirl groaned as yet another wave of unwelcomed sensual sensations sapped her will a little more.

"Cassandra" Diana informed her, "I traded you for Cassandra, they have her and they will sell her to the Mexican cartel if I do not give you to them instead."

"S…so you are selling ME to the cartel" Barbra moaned, barely able to form the words.

"Yes, I am sorry, but she is my sister" Diana explained, tears now welling up in her eyes. "But I wanted to give you a perfect evening before I did! It was the least I could do before I sell you."

"You are a sorry bitch!" Batgirl cried, "Don't do this to me!"

"SSLLAAAPPP!!" Diana back handed her friend, "Steven is going to make you an offer, I suggest you take it Barbra, be ready and pay attention!"


I watched as Supergirl cleaned the interior of my Mustang, using her tongue while Batgirl finished drying the exterior using Supergirl's panties. The blond Kryptonian was naked except for her red high heeled "fuck me stripper boots" and her red cape. I recall the disgust on her face as she began cleaning the backseat where I had made her give me a blowjob the night before at the drive in movie before I fucked her back there. It was a tight fit and all, but I needed to prove a point. "Don't forget the shifter where you fucked yourself last night I commanded, it's nasty!

I had made her pose for some pictures with my yellow car she once found so laughable, her cruel words were coming back to haunt her as I made her live her worst nightmare. Then it dawned on me, I needed her to fuck the trailer hitch on dad's new truck, the one with the dog kennels in the back we used to transport the bitches around now. He had a pair of those huge rubber "bull balls" hanging from the hitch! I am sure the uppity super heroine would find it humiliating beyond belief.

"Diana!" I called and she appeared next to me in an instant wearing her Wonder Woman costume that I had revised to make even more revealing, "Go fetch me a the camera and another memory stick! Bring your toys, we are going to play some more with blonde here…"

"Yes Steven, she bowed and then went after the stuff I had ordered her to get…

Let me know what you think !