Author: Dimitri
Time to Read:84min
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Added Date:12/10/2023
Tags: Wonder Woman

Who can read this? - Anyone of the legal age required in YOUR Country and/or State to view pornography. Anyone below that age is not allowed to read this story! They're not! I take no responsibility for anyone reading this, if you chose to break the law, don't come crying to me, it's not my problem.

Legal Stuff - Most of the characters in this story are the copyright of the powerful, heartless juggernaut that is Time Warner, the nice people who work for that powerful, heartless juggernaut have not given me permission to use these characters. I am receiving no payment for this story, no monetary profit will be made from the use of these characters and I intend no challenge to the copyright of Time Warner's characters.

You may not place this story on a website without my permission, and you can never, ever, EVER use this story for profit. So there.

How to get in touch - Send me your compliments, criticisms and/or requests to me at: dimitri_resides@hotmail.com.

Helpful hints about the story, you can skip this if you want, but it just explains a couple of things.

I'm very unfamiliar with The DC Comic Universe, being more of a Marvel Comics fan. However, another author who enjoyed my Marvel stories suggested I try my hand at a JLA one and gave me the seed of an idea which kept me awake nights until I decided to write it. This author sent me a huge amount of information on DC characters and personalities, for which I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks, without him, this story would not have been possible. Everything that is right about the characters, the continuity and the personalities is because of him, any mistakes are my own fault, and I apologize.

This story takes place after The Cataclysm in The Bat-Books, but with a difference. In this Universe, Washington agreed to help rebuild Gotham, which wasn't as badly damaged as it was in regular DC Continuity, and Gotham City is still part of The U.S.A. Wonder Woman is still lecturing at The Gateway City Museum of Cultural Antiquities, not living in that weirdo WonderDome thingee of hers, Aquaman still has a trident on his hand and Poison Ivy doesn't have green skin.

I was unable to find out if Metropolis and Gotham were in the same time zone, so I just assumed they were. I also put Gotham time on The JLA Watchtower on The Moon, let's call it a Global Standard Time, or GST.

Oh yeah, and here's the story!


Kyle gritted his teeth, falling to one knee and struggling to keep his arm lifted above his face.

Superman pounded again and again on the green shield Kyle had raised moments after Batman had followed Dominic out of the room. The Man Of Steel had instantly attacked him, the force of his blows shaking the hastily thrown up shield. Kyle had instantly concentrated on making a shield that absorbed the energy of Superman's blows and strengthened the shield itself, which theoretically should have made it stronger with each and every punch Superman threw.

But the ring, as powerful as it was, was only as strong as the mind of its bearer, and Kyle couldn't help but recognize that he was facing the premiere Superhero on the planet. Big Blue, The Man Of Steel, Superman, and how could any defense of his possible hope to overcome his strength.

"Supes, don't give in!" yelled Kyle, hoping to get through to Superman.

"I CAN'T!" roared Superman through gritted teeth, and for the first time, Kyle noticed the agonized look in The Man Of Steel's eyes.

As he continued to pound on Kyle's shield, which was developing small cracks, Superman explained what was happening to him.

"When Dominic commanded me," Superman explained as he smashed his fists into Green Lantern's shield, "My mind went blank, and when I regained consciousness I was smashing at your shield... but I can't stop myself, my body is acting under it's own volition."

"Well try!" yelled Kyle in desperation, desperately trying to strengthen his shield. While it was in its current, fragile state, he was unable to concentrate on creating something better suited to handling Superman, and he knew he was fighting a losing battle.

Before his startled eyes, a golden, glowing rope landed around Superman's neck and pulled tight, making The Man Of Steel's eyes bulge out in surprise.

Incredibly, he was jerked off his feet and landed flat on his ass, letting out an involuntary grunt.

Kyle shakily got to his feet and created a powerful suit of green armor around his body, as well as shunting out the excess heat and moisture on his skin.

"Wonder Woman?" he asked, surprised to see the Amazon standing behind Superman, pulling her lariat tight around his neck. She was fully clothed again, and looked as powerful and domineering as she ever had, not the meek sex object Dominic had reduced her to since he had taken her captive who knows how long ago.

"Listen to me, Superman!" she snapped, ignoring Kyle, "Listen and understand, you're body is yours again, do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Instantly Superman's struggles stopped and he stopped clawing at the lariat. With a sigh of relief, Wonder Woman released some of the tension on the lariat, giving him more breathing room.

"Thank Hera," she said, looking up at Kyle, "Dominic's control came at a price, he had lost much of his strength, and I was able to physically dominate him."

Kyle realized that Superman had relaxed entirely, because his body was totally exhausted. He had been struggling against unfamiliar aches and pains that were commonplace to everyone else and had struggled futilely against his own body when Dominic had taken control. Now he was totally exhausted, laying in a heap at Wonder Woman's feet, reminding Kyle crazily of a dog on a leash.

"Come here," she said to Green Lantern, beckoning him over, "We have to work out a strategy, we can't rely on Batman to defeat Dominic by himself."

"They're fighting?" gasped Superman, pulling the lariat a little looser.

"They are," nodded Wonder Woman, "He was able to free me, although Black Canary remains in his power, he told me to go and get you two, he needs us."

"What about Flash and Huntress?" asked Kyle, pointing over at the unconscious Wally and the trapped in the corner Helena.

"We'll come back for them, but right now we don't have time to lose."

Kyle nodded, stepping up beside Wonder Woman and dropping his armor.

And even though Wonder Woman pulled her punch, she still sent him flying into the wall, leaving small cracks in it as he fell unconscious to the floor.

Dominic stared down at the body before him silently, not speaking for several moments. When he finally looked up, his face was masked completely, not betraying any emotion, except that several rats ran by the side wall suddenly, perhaps indicating some sort of increase in power.

"How did you know?" he asked, stepped over the shattered, broken android that had been the second Huntress.

Batman had not hesitated even slightly when his apparent daughter had appeared before him. Even as she had started slightly and said in a voice oddly reminiscent of Catwoman's, "Daddy?" he had been pulling out a batarang and moving forward, swinging quickly and smashing it into her neck, exposing first flesh and blood, then underneath wires and circuits.

"Oracle was fooled by the DNA test at first," Batman said, stepping forward as well so that he was only inches from Dominic, "Reported that the DNA was from my family, which I knew was your intended way of getting me off your track. But she continued to study it long after she reported it to me, getting help from The Atom as well as Steel to follow up on a lead she had."

"They found out the truth," muttered Dominic, not questioning but stating a fact.

"Yes, she doesn't have blood, she had genanites in a liquid format which invaded Oracle's computers and presented false information, making her think this new Huntress was in some way related to me... it was a good gambit, but it failed."

"It doesn't matter," replied Dominic, staring directly into the mirrored lenses covering the Dark Knight's eyes, "You have no way of stopping me, despite your incredible brain and unsurpassed fighting ability, this is one time that won't be enough. I'm a child of Hell, Batman, you can't begin to comprehend the powers I have at my command... and I can assure you, I won't be beaten by an unknown weakness found at the last moment like you found with the Pale Martians. Mine is the experience of countless eons, I have outfought and outsmarted The Dark Angel himself before."

"You're wrong," replied Batman, not backing away from Dominic's penetrating gaze, "In fact, I have the means to defeat you in my right hand at this very moment."

"HA!" laughed Dominic, not moving his gaze slightly, holding level with the Dark Knight, "Do you think you can intimidate me!?! I am not some common street thug! I am not just any supervillian! I am The First and Only Born Child OF HELL!"

Batman didn't reply, he just stood face to face with Dominic, not shifting his gaze, his face expressionless. At his sides both hands were clenched into tight fists, the left holding the batarang, the right holding perhaps something, perhaps nothing.

"Perhaps you mean Johnny Thunderbolt's pen?" laughed Dominic, "I can assure you, that won't help you at all, I am more than capable of dealing in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more dimensions if I have to."

Batman didn't reply.

"I'm not scared of you," Dominic whispered, his face so close it was almost touching Batman's.

Batman did not reply.

Dominic's forehead was covered in a light sheen of sweat that betrayed his desperate efforts to keep calm. Impossibly he felt his eyes starting to stray down towards Batman's right side, towards the clenched fist that supposedly held the means of his destruction.

Hundreds had underestimated Batman before because he was just a man, and they had all failed because of that. Could he afford his arrogance? Or would it be his undoing.

Unbidden, his eyes drifted to Batman's right side... and Batman's left fist, holding tightly to the batarang, smashed into Dominic's face hard.

As the shocked mastermind staggered back, he hit the remains of the 2nd Huntress and fell back onto his ass. Even before he hit, Batman had thrown the batarang at the sleeper tube up on the Observation Platform and was pulling loose the grappling gun on his belt. He fired it, smashing it into the opaque glass in the tube before retracting the cord, which tore away the glass.

He'd taken a huge risk, knowing that breaking the tube open without removing Dick's mind from the computer link inside could leave him brain dead, but knowing the alternative was worst.

Dominic sat on his ass, clutching his bloody nose in disbelief as he stared up at the sleeper-tube.

Inside the tube, a faceless mannequin was now visible, small cords attached to it.

A small smile crossed Batman's face, Dominic had been bluffing, Dick was safe, at least for the moment.

"So," he said, stepping up beside Dominic, "Why not explain to me why a man who has outthought and, indeed, outfought Lucifer himself would be scared of me?"

Dominic moved so fast that even Batman was taken by surprise, and before he knew it he was slammed against the hard wall, which was becoming transparent and now looked to be more of a steel grid than an old, wooden wall.

Dominic's face, bloody and battered, came up hard against his own, his breath, hot and fetid and stinking of sulfur washed over Batman's skin.

"I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU!" roared Dominic, pressing Batman hard against the steel grill. The facade of a Japanese training gym was gone now, and they stood on a steel fence walkway over rushing water, which led to a large observation platform where Batman could groggily make out Wonder Woman bent over Superman, doing something to him. His mind raced, wondering how the illusions had worked, had they been solid enough to move around on or had their minds been fooled so that they only ever walked about on solid ground.

"Really?" asked Batman, and a smile crossed his face, "Then I guess this is a good impression."

"I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!!" screamed Dominic, thumping the Dark Knight hard against the handrail several times, "I AM NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU!"

He leaned so close that his forehead was up hard against Batman's cowl and growled the next words in a low whisper.

"I am The First Born Son of Hell, I am going to corrupt each and every soul on this planet, Dark Knight, and I am going to let you watch me do it. I will destroy everything good about this miserable planet, I will take away their hopes and their dreams, hell! When I rule in hell I won't even let them dream... it'll be an eternity of misery for them, working under me! I am not scared of anyone, especially not you, dammit! I scare Neron himself! Do you really think I could be defeated by the likes of you!?!"

Incredibly, unbelievably, Batman smiled.

"What! WHAT!?!" screamed Dominic, shaking The Caped Crusader.

"You just let me know your weakness," chuckled Batman, and suddenly he was gripping the handrail, propelling himself backwards by pushing his feet hard against Dominic's legs.

In front of Dominic's unbelieving eyes, Batman backflipped over the rail and let himself drop into the rushing waters.

"NO!" he screamed, lunging forward and uselessly flinging his arm over the rail, reaching for the black caped figure, knowing it was too late.

He saw Batman hit the raging waters and disappear immediately as the charging, flowing water rushed away.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" screamed Dominic in fury, and beneath his clenched fists, the guardrail melted away to nothing.

"Wh…what's going on? Diana?" gasped Superman, struggling to raise his head.

Wonder Woman was crouching beside Green Lantern, making sure that he was truly unconscious. She stood up as she heard Superman speak and turned to face him, smiling.

"Clean up crew to Observation Platform 4," she said, seemingly to nobody, "Prep and place subjects in Sleeper Tubes, begin indoctrination process."

"No, Diana," gasped Superman, struggling to sit up. He was very unaccustomed to being so tired, and wasn't sure how long it was supposed to last, as he had no frame of reference. Before, no matter how grievous the injury, his body had quickly healed due to his absorption of the Sun's rays, "You can't let that happened, you have to listen to me, you're not yourself."

"No?" asked Wonder Woman, grinning, "Well, that's not exactly true, is it. I'm still me, just from a different point of view."

She sauntered forward, a grin on her face as she moved her hips suggestively, knowing that Superman would notice, because Dominic had told her he would.

Indeed, The Man Of Steel found his eyes lingering over her body, more aware than usual of just how much skin the costume actually showed.

With incredible effort he forced the thought from his head, and concentrated on trying to stand up, but he was still incapable of anything more than twitching his arms and legs and moving his head.

"Poor Superman," chuckled Wonder Woman, lowering herself to her knees at his side. She trailed a finger over his chest and sighed, "So hard, so strong, do you realize the affect you have on women, Superman?"

"Wh…what?" he gasped, struggling to pull away, not liking the feelings and images rushing through his brain just at her touch.

"Remember when we first met?" she said, "The next time we met you kissed me, it was the most intense, passionate kiss I've ever had, although I must admit I don't have THAT much experience. You told me you hadn't been able to stop thinking about me, and I admitted the same, but we decided to keep our relationship purely platonic, for the good of both our secret identities and our working relationship in The JLA."

She leaned forward, her face directly above hers. He stared in confused longing at her beautiful face, and fought back a strong desire to lift his head and kiss her, to touch his lips to her beautiful, soft ones.

What's wrong with me!?! his mind cried.

"What a fucking stupid idea that was," she said, and reached between his legs, squeezing his cock underneath his tights.

"Diana! What are you doing?" cried Superman.

"Shhh, you'll like this," chuckled Wonder Woman, lightly stroking his already half-erect member through the material of his costume, "Trust me, a woman knows."

"Diana, stop this madness," he gasped, struggling against his conflicting emotions. What was happening here was wrong, and he knew that Wonder Woman was being mind controlled, but the feel of her hands against his crotch, coupled with the strong attraction he'd felt for her so long ago that was now rekindled, was driving him to distraction.

"Madness?" she asked, smiling, rubbing his crotch which was becoming considerably stiffer, "What is madness, Superman, is repressing our natural desires. I want you, you want me, why should we fight it?"

"That's not true," he gasped, making a herculean effort to sit up and failing miserably. This weakness was unfamiliar to him, but he had to fight it.

"Not true?" she laughed, and reached up with her hand, sliding a finger between her cleavage, gripping her chestguard. Before his startled eyes, Wonder Woman pulled the golden eagle which doubled as a WW sign down, exposing her incredibly large, sexy breasts, "Are you telling me this doesn't turn you on?"

His eyes were focused directly in on her magnificent breasts, and he visibly gulped. He was unable to take his eyes of her magnificent orbs of tit-flesh and lewd thoughts flooded his mind, excitedly crying out for him to grasp them, fondle them, suck and chew on her nipples, maul her tits, fuck them, screw them.

"Just agree to fuck me, Superman," she said with a giggle, "And your strength will come back, your body will be yours again, and you and me can finally just throw all this nobility bullshit out the window and be animals."

"I...I can't do that, Wo..."

"Diana, it's always been Diana for you, Clark," she chuckled, and lifted one of his weak hands up to her breast, pressing it against the warm titflesh, "Do you like that?"

YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!! his mind cried, but he managed to shake his head, if only just perceptibly.

"You do, I know you do," she laughed, and leaned over him, kissing his lightly on the lips. Despite himself, Superman returned the kiss, and felt a wild passion drive through his body, filling him with fire, his strength returning fully.

He sat up roughly, one hand still on her breast while the other encircled her waist. He fully intended to thrust her from him, then find Dominic and force him to reverse the insane conditioning he had placed on her mind, but something about the way she submissively allowed him to manhandle her, keeping her lips pressed to his, drove all that from his mind.

She broke away finally, her face aglow, flushed with incredible eroticism. His last fading resistance was torn away by that look, all thoughts of nobility, resistance, Dominic, Batman and even Lois, his wife, were gone.

He kissed her.

Huntress had been listening to the strange conversation between Superman and Wonder Woman, wishing she could turn about to see what was going on.

When Wonder Woman called Superman "Clark" she made note of it almost subconsciously, to be pondered on later. She already knew Wonder Woman's real name was Diana, the Amazon making no secret of it after all, but she had never heard Superman referred to by any other name than occasionally Kal El. She hadn't even considered what his secret identity might be until being taken to his home earlier that morning by Batman.

Now things had become quiet, the talk had finished, and she could hear moans and rustles... had the impossible happened, had Superman been corrupted by Dominic, with the able assistance of Wonder Woman?

She attempted to turn her head, and was surprised when she did so easily. Taking a gamble, she turned about, facing the two JLA'ers. It seemed that while she might be trapped in this corner, she still had full freedom of movement.

Her eyes grew wide behind her eyemask as she took in the sight before her. Superman sat on the floor, legs crossed in front of him, his arms braced behind him to hold him up. Wonder Woman, meanwhile, had pulled down her chestplate, exposing her large breasts. She was on all fours, her head above Superman's lap, bobbing up and down.

Oh my... Huntress' mind gasped, Is Wonder Woman... going down on Superman?

Indeed, Superman had ripped his blue tights from just under his waist and pulled them, along with the ridiculous red underwear he wore over them, down over his thighs. His cock, which she remembered from this morning when they'd 'saved' him from Maxima, was pointing directly at Diana's head, and before Huntress' shocked eyes, the Amazon was indeed going down on The Man Of Steel.

Wonder Woman's eyes were closed, submitting happily to Superman as she accepted his cock into her mouth, enjoying the feel of his hard, slippery meat throbbing between her lips. He moved his hips up and down slightly beneath her, sliding the full length of his cock between her lips, deep into her throat.

"Ahhh yes, Diana," he moaned, all his resistance gone now, reveling in having his cock sucked by an Amazon, "Do it, suck my cock, it feels so good."

Diana relaxed the muscles of her throat and allowed just the tip to penetrate, sucking first lightly, then heavily. She then began to lower her mouth down slowly, inch by inch, until she managed to get all of his large, thick cock into her oral orifice.

The Man Of Steel longed to start to deep-throat the Amazon's eager mouth, but retained enough presence of mind to recognize that despite her powerful body, if he just let go and fucked her hard, he could do her serious damage.

As he lowered his head back and let out a groan of happiness, Diana pulled her lips back up over his shaft, leaving just the engorged head of his cock inside. She sucked on his cocktip momentarily, then began to licked all over his head lustfully, darting her pink tongue out and over his cockhead. Wonder Woman's own crotch was on fire and she longed to reach between her legs and jack herself off madly, but resisted for now, knowing that there would be something that could stoke, then finally quench the fire in her lap soon enough.

As Diana's tight, hot lips moved up and down on his cock, Superman could feel the cum rising in his balls.

"Yes, oh yes!" he cried as Diana increased the suction of her lips around his cockshaft, a part of her willing to forego straight sex just for the feel of Superman's hot sperm spurting up against the back of her throat.

Superman began to lose control, humping up into Wonder Woman's mouth with reckless, lusty abandon. Realizing that he was almost ready to cum, Wonder Woman pulled her mouth up off of his cock and moved back a couple of yards, getting to her feet.

"Wha!" he cried, fearing that she had changed her mind and no longer wanted sex with him.

"Relax, Clark," she chuckled, and before his startled eyes, began to strip off her costume. His eyes crawled greedily over her body as she pulled the one piece costume over her flat, toned waist, past her curved hips and down her sexy thighs so that it dropped to her ankles. His eyes zeroed in on her bald pussy and she smiled, loving the effect that she was having on him as she stood before him, naked as the day her mother had sculpted her.

Huntress was also unable to take her eyes off of Wonder Woman's body, naked except for her red and white boots, metal bracelets and golden tiara. Watching the noble and powerful Amazon on all fours, swaying her magnificent ass about while sucking on Superman's cock had had a strange effect on Huntress, which had left her sweating uncomfortably beneath her form fitting costume.

Only a day earlier she had been overcome by similar feelings and fucked another woman who claimed to be the real Huntress, and now she couldn't help but wonder if this wasn't another part of the control that Dominic had unexpectedly been able to exert over her body.

She watched now, inwardly groaning to herself, her body crying out in unmistakable need, as Superman stood up and peeled off his boots and the torn blue tights, leaving him wearing just his familiar blue top with the yellow and red S insignia. His cape was pulled off moments later and dropped to the ground beside him, and then he moved over to Wonder Woman, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close to him.

Diana moaned happily as she felt his hard cock press against her belly and her breasts squash against his strong, hard chest. They kissed again, passionately, tongues entwining against each other as they gave vent to their passions.

The Man Of Steel lowered the Amazon Avenger to the smooth marble floor, sitting on his knees between Wonder Woman's spread legs. She grinned at him as he took his cock in hand and moved forward, pushing it between her pink, parted pussylips. She sighed happily, finally feeling the penis of the man she had always secretly lusted after between her cuntlips, and she had to fight the need to thrust her hips forward and impale herself upon his member.

Superman, showing his own considerable willpower, chose to tease and arouse Wonder Woman a little first, and rather than just plunge into her, he began to rub his fat, bulbous cockhead up and down the lightly glistening crevice of her snatch.

She moaned and cried out, feeling the small penetration and wanting more, wanting all of him inside of her. Instead he just slid his cock up and down between her shaven, bald cuntlips.

And then he did as he had always longed, pushing forward and burying his cock to the hilt in her juicy cunthole, plunging his meat down into Wonder Woman's cunt, pressing his pelvis bone against her hot, throbbing clitoris.

Superman's hard, purple cockhead pulled back, then slammed back into her slick, juicy cunt. Wonder Woman could feel her pussy pulsing in lustful need, lubricating her insides as her hips moved around beneath The Man Of Steel's lustful, fucking prick.

The Amazon could stand it any longer, the feel of Clark's cock sliding in and out at differing angle between her pink, bald-lipped slit was too much for her. She threw back her head, eyes squeezed tightly shut and screamed out her need.

"Do it, Clark! Fuck me!" she squealed in excitement, "I need it, I want it, fuck me! FUCK ME!"

She squealed out again as his cock sunk balls deep into her snug, tight little fuckhole, and she thrust her own hips up against his, contracting her rounded, curved asscheeks on the cool surface of the marble floor.

Superman marveled at the tightness of her cunt, her strong muscles making her an even tighter fit than Lois'. At the thought of his wife he felt a momentary flush of guilt, but it was soon forgotten as Diana clenched her cuntlips around his cock and screamed out his name in passion, as he'd always longed to hear her.

The Amazon was writhing and twisting about beneath him, crying out with each stab of his cock into her oily slit, the intense heat of cunt so delicious around his large cock.

His gaze had alternated between her lust contorted face, her bouncing breasts and her cock-stuffed cunt, but now they centered in on her firm, round tits bouncing crazily about beneath him.

Even as he continued to slam his prick deeply into the Amazon's cunt, he leaned down and caught one bouncing, jumping tit into his mouth and began sucking and chewing lightly on Wonder Woman's hard, pink nipple.

Huntress had been unable to tear her gaze away from the two copulating Superheroes, and her own need and desires had risen with each and every thrust of The Man Of Tomorrow's cock into the Amazon Avenger's cunt.

The sweat pouring down her face and body was as much from her efforts to resist her desires as from the desires themselves. As her cunt clenched and demanded attention and her nipples swelled up painfully erect under her tight costume. Her clitoris throbbed in desperate need and she longed to tear her costume away and thrust her hand between her thighs, jerking herself off to blessed relief.

Her mind snapped at last under the pressure, despite all the calming exercises taught to her by Batman, nothing could stop the intense desire flooding up in her body. Not removing her eyes from the two incredibly powerful beings fucking like animals before her, she reached up and unclasped her cape, letting it fall to the ground. Then she grabbed her collar and pulled and tugged at it, stretching the fabric to its furthest extension so that she could pull it off. She stood now in bra and panties, and in impatient need, she tore them away, exposing her firm breasts and the thin rectangle of pubic hair above her shaven cuntlips.

"Oh fuck!" she groaned, thrusting her hands between her thighs and moaning in happy release at last. If felt so good to just let go, to give in to her desires and let her physical need overtake all other considerations.

She jerked and twisted her hands around in her lap, plunging two fingers in and out of her cunt as she ground another against her erect clitoris.

Meanwhile, as one of Gotham's dark protectors masturbated herself with a vengeance, Wonder Woman lay on her back, her head thrust back and crying out in intense satisfaction as Superman's cock slammed up harder and faster into her cunt. His cockshaft was intensely hot against the walls of her vagina, each thrust in and out of her sending tingles of erotic sensation to all parts of her body, in particular her breasts, which he sucked and kneaded under his hands.

The desperate need on her face was not lost on Superman, he knew she wanted to cum, and he was more than happy to oblige her. He pulled his hips back as far as he could before slamming forward, pressing them against her grinding cunt with but a fraction of his incredible strength, nonetheless enough to drive her wild.

The naked Amazon pulling her knees up and wide, opening her steaming cunt wider and letting him get in deeper. His piercing cock seemed to be in danger of splitting her in two, and she didn't care, Diana was just interested in getting the fuck of a lifetime, which she was certainly getting here.

Despite her inexperience--she had only just recently lost her virginity after all--having had sex just the once with Dominic, she knew that this was an extraordinary fuck, super in fact.

His pubic bone mashed wetly against her clitoris with each thrust of his cock into her, sending wave after wave of sexual ecstasy coursing through her writhing, twisting crotch.

Helena was taken aback at the ferocity and speed that Superman fucked Wonder Woman. She had a feeling that any other woman, besides possibly Big Barda, would be badly hurt or possibly even killed by the power of his thrusts, but to Wonder Woman it was just incredibly stimulating. Superman's cock was seemingly a blur as he thrust forward and back again and again, slamming his cock balls deep into Wonder Woman's eagerly-spread cunt. The tight, slippery sheath gripped onto his meat like a vice, and Helena's eyes were fixated upon the sight of the Amazon's pink inner cuntlips clasping and sucking back at her lover's long, thick organ.

Wonder Woman was practically sobbing from the ecstasy of getting a Superfuck, and she strained her hips high, shoving her wide-open pussy up at his impaling cock with each and every stroke.

Superman was totally enraptured by her, and he wanted nothing more than to cause her total and complete pleasure. Remembering his Honeymoon with Lois (the thought of his wife brought no guilt this time, so caught up was he in the sex) and how they had explored so many different ways of stimulating each other, he tried a trick that had worked particularly well on his wife.

As Wonder Woman twisted and shook beneath him, whimpering and crying out in pleasure, Superman reached down under one thigh over one curved asscheek. With a teasing grin, he pushed his little finger up against the sweaty, glistening rosebud of her pink, puckered butthole and easily slid the digit inside.

As Wonder Woman cried out in pleasure at the intrusion into her anal passage, Helena stared in wide-eyed wonder at both the act and the reaction.

One of her hands had lifted up from between her thighs and had been kneading her breast as she pinched her nipples. Now she slid it back between her legs long enough to lubricate it in her own juices, then spread her legs as wide as she could while remaining standing and slid the slick digit down the crack of her ass until the tip rested against her own slippery, rubbery anus. She gasped at how good it felt to have the tip of her finger pressing against the incredibly sensitive, puckered flesh of her asshole. She had never considered doing this before, although she was aware of the act, but now she chided herself for what she had been missing out on for so many years.

Her eyes were glued to the fucking pair of superheroes before her as she carefully and gently probed against her anal ring, until suddenly the muscles of her ass relaxed enough for her finger to slide up inside her anal passage.

"Oh!!" she cried in shocked pleasure, surprised at the ease with which she had gotten her finger into her ass, as well as how surprisingly good it felt. Her asshole gripped at the probing digit with an intense heat so much different from her vagina, with an astonished look of pleasure on her sweaty face she probed deeper and deeper. The sensations were like nothing the JLA'er had ever felt before, and she felt an intense urge to fuck her finger in and out of the tight, clinging sheath as fast as she was able.

She cried out happily as her finger pushed up to the hilt into her rectum, her virgin ass now seemed wide open, her finger seemed to have swelled up like a cock inside the hot, buttery grip of her ass.

She groaned and ground knuckles against her clitoris, pushing her thumb up into her juicy vagina while her finger pushed up deeply into her asshole.

"Ahh, yes!" The Huntress moaned, feeling both her holes filled simultaneously, each hole seemingly increasing the pleasure felt by the other.

Helena closed her eyes and moaned as she began to fuck herself with her hands, stabbing her asshole and pussy with harder and stronger thrusts, whimpering and moaning louder and louder, unnoticed by the other two superheroes.

Wonder Woman's legs were drawn up and wide, Superma's cock continuing to slam in and out of her grasping, sucking cunt. He fucked her again and again, driving his meat in all the way, balls deep into her cunt as his finger twisted about inside her asshole, his balls slapping against her asscheeks.

"Ugh! YES! So good, so fucking good!" Superman cried, as Diana used the muscles of her pussy to clasp and drag back his cockshaft of her superlover's cock as it entered her snatch again and again.

A happy, sated look was on Wonder Woman's face as Superman lifted her legs with one hand up over his shoulders, then grabbed onto one of her plump, rounded buttocks and continued to thrust and slam into her with unfettered lust.

Diana's head was pounding and ringing with each thrust, her blood pumping faster and faster, almost as if it was trying to match the speed of Superman's thrusts into her cunt. She clawed at Superman's back, twisting and writhing about beneath him as his cock slammed fully into her pussy yet again.

"Yes! YES!" Wonder Woman squealed as Superman fucked her raw, "Do it, fuck me! Harder! HARDER!!"

Superman let out a wild laugh as he squeezed one buttcheek in his hand. Here was a woman with whom he could let loose, every time he feared he might have to hold back for fear of hurting her, she asked for more, and everything he gave her she gave back with a fury born on lust.

He felt her clench her cuntwalls tighter than ever before around his thick, thrusting cock as body slid up and down along the now slick marble floor. He'd removed his finger from her asshole and now he gripped tightly to both her buttocks, squeezing them together to make her cunt even tighter around her cock as he fucked her hard.

Helena's eyes were unable to stay off the two fucking heroes, each of them having done enough to make any other person cum several times over by now.

How much longer can they hold out? she felt, feeling her own orgasm fast approaching as she jerked and twisted her hands about in her lap and her ass, fucking her cunt and her butthole with her fingers.

As if the unvoiced question had been all she was waiting for, Wonder Woman suddenly seized up beneath Superman. Her teeth gritted and her eyes rolled back in her head as her powerful, sexy legs drew tight on either side of Clark's impaling cock and her cock-crammed cunt quivered spasmodically with the powerful release of an incredible orgasm.

Superman grunted and paused momentarily, barely able to hold himself from cumming as well as The Amazon beauty convulsed beneath him. His balls ached with the need to empty their load into her tight, gripping cunthole but he managed, only through an incredible act of willpower, to hold himself back.

Feeling his cum settle down again, he once again began to roughly fuck her, pumping hard into her hot, quivering cunt. Wonder Woman squealed and writhed beneath him, lost to anything but the white hot fury of her orgasm, the feel of his powerful cock pounding into her all too willing cunt, driving her wild with ecstasy.

Helena, unable to control herself, was slamming her fingers in and out of her cunt and her asshole, trying desperately to match the tempo of the superpowered fuckers only 20 feet away.

The dual penetration of both her asshole and cunt was something new, but she was loving it so much that she knew she was only moments away from cumming. Coupled with the sight of Superman's powerful, thick cock pounding incessantly into Wonder Woman's lust-soaked, juicy snatch, it was all too much for her lust-addled mind to take.

The huge courtyard was filled with the unmistakable sounds of sex, passion fulfilled as moans and whimpers of pleasure almost made the sound of flesh slapping wetly against flesh as Superman fucked Wonder Woman through her climax.

"UGH! YES! YES!!" Wonder Woman screamed, "SO FUCKING GOOD! FUCK ME, CLARK! FUCK ME!!!!"

She arched her back, pushing her cunt up at her lover, the wild friction driving her wild with lust. The sexy Amazon twisted her hips about beneath him, wrapping her legs tightly about The Man Of Steel's waist, the heels of her feet pushed hard against his back but made no impression at all upon the invulnerable flesh. Off to their side, in the corner of the room, Helena was thrashing about on her feet, her fingers wild between her legs and the crack of her ass as she made barely coherent gurgling noises of pleasure.

The Huntress let out an animalistic squeal as she climaxed hard, her firm young body seizing up as her cunt throbbed and gripped with a wet heat around the thumb and fingers inside of her, her asshole tightly sucking at the finger deeply embedded inside.

Superman finally released control, the feel of Wonder Woman's excellent cunt contracting down about his cockshaft tighter and tighter. The Amazon seemed to sense he was on the brink of release and immediately increased the speed of her writhing about beneath him, heaving her hips up off the slippery wet marble floor and meeting each and every one of his thrusts halfway.

She groaned with pleasure as she eagerly anticipated the hot stream of supercum which was about to fire into her eager cunt. As he stiffened on top of her and his cock swelled up even larger than before, Wonder Woman ground her cunt up hard against his hips, mashing her clitoris firmly against his pubic bone. Her eyes locked with his as his body tensed in anticipation, her cunt grabbing his cock so tightly that he felt that if he tried to pull away she would rip his cock right from his lap. Her flexing cuntlips gripped eagerly to his shaft and her felt his balls draw up tight even as he continued to make short, hard thrusts into her cunt. He tried to hold it off as long as he could, and then he let out a wild yell of abandon as he finally came, and he fired hot streams of thick, creamy sperm from the eye of his penis, squirting deep into Wonder Woman's convulsing, sucking cunt.

The Amazon squealed in pleasure as she felt the Chairman of The JLA cum deep into her pussy. The feel of him shooting into her as his hard, throbbing cock plunged deep into her pussy was enough to push her over the edge again, and she screamed in sated passion as another orgasm rocked her heaving, twisting body.

"YES!" she squealed, "Uhhh yes, thank you!"

"Oooh, yes," he groaned, "Thank you, Diana... oh thank you, yes."

The two superheroes collapsed, laying firmly against each other, her breasts squashed against his chest, legs spread wide on either side of him. The two, sated heroes clung to each other, trembling in the aftereffects of their mutual climax.

Off to the side, Huntress was half-sobbing and moaning, her fingers buried inside both of her holes, her firm, toned ass bucking mindlessly up and down as her own orgasm subside. She looked over at Superman and Wonder Woman, locked in a passionate embrace, kissing each other eagerly. Clark's cock remained buried to the hilt inside Diana's pussy as she ground her hips against his in slow, sexy circles.

Huntress pulled her fingers out of her crotch, longing to be able to step out of the corner and join them, longing to have Superman fuck her mouth, her cunt, her ass, anything! And she wanted to fuck Wonder Woman too, to fuck their cunts together, to feel up each other's pussy's and assholes, feel and suck each others breasts and share passionate kisses like the two oblivious Superheroes were doing right now.

She'd completely forgotten the unconscious Flash and Green Lantern, about Batman and Dominic or the other Huntress. All that mattered to Helena Bertinelli right now was the desperate need to get fucked, and soon.

Metropolis, June 6th, 10:17 AM

Lois stood outside the Daily Planet, staring at her watch and attempting not to be furious.

It helped that she and Clark had had great sex last night, it took some of the edge of her famous temper, but she hadn't had a good day.

She had sent her article via modem the previous night, just before Clark had surprised her with his spontaneous passion. She'd spent the whole morning in a meeting with Perry White--her editor--and several of the Daily Planet's lawyers.

Her article was about corruption in the Senate, a familiar story littered with some very illuminating tidbits about current Senators. It had been meant to run in tomorrow's edition, but somehow one of the Senators involved had gotten wind and got his lawyers onto the paper, threatening to sue if such 'fraudulent and irresponsible untruths' were published.

Perry, of course, was determined to run the story even more, as was Lois, but the lawyers wanted to cover all bases before running the story, and had even had the gall to suggest to Lois that she change her story so that it didn't mention this particular Senator.

This had quickly been removed as a valid option, but now it looked as if the article would be delayed at least a week, which just gave the Senator time to call in damage control.

And now, to top it all off, Clark was late, and apparently hadn't even been in to the Planet this morning.

She wasn't concerned for his safety, as some wives would be. She knew that anything powerful enough to do damage to her husband would have been all over the news by now. She figured that he'd been on his way to work and stopped to intervene in a bank robbery, a mugging or maybe get a cat out of a tree. He'd have gotten carried away, and even now would likely be cruising the city, having completely forgotten the time, looking for trouble to stop.

"Oh," said a voice behind her, "Lois?"

She turned about and suppressed a sigh as she saw who was addressing her.

"Hello, Lana," she said, smiling slightly.

Lana Lang was one of Clark's oldest friends and a former girlfriend, the two having grown up in Smallville together. Despite Lana convincing Lois that Clark loved her once when their relationship had been in danger of ending, and the fact that Lana had been a bridesmaid at Lois and Clark's wedding, Lois had never been entirely comfortable with Lana.

I always feel like I have to measure up against her, Clark's first love, she thought, then allowed herself to be embraced by the other woman.

"How are you, Lana?" Lois asked, "Finally get tired off all the political dinners and luncheons?"

Lana was married to Peter Ross, another friend of Clark's from his youth, and also a former Senator. After he had lost his position in the Senate, Peter and Lana had moved back to Smallville and had a child, who'd then been kidnapped by Doomsday, controlled by the mind of Brainiac. The end result of this had been a happy one, with Doomsday defeated and the weak baby healed to full health. Shortly after, Peter had begun to make noises about making a go at becoming Mayor of Smallville, and possibly looking at a Governor's position after that.

"Hardly," laughed Lana, "Peter hasn't been this happy in a long time, and running a campaign for Mayor of Smallville is so much more fun and less stressful than running for Senate."

They both laughed, although Lois was hoping that Lana would then say she had an important meeting to get to and would call them sometime soon, and then not.

"No, I'm here to visit another friend from Smallville, believe it or not. She's having a baby soon and I just had to come up and let her see you don't lose your figure forever, haha!"

Lois laughed, although having Lana point out just how well her figure had returned after her pregnancy was not just inappropriate but a little annoying. Lana always seemed to unconsciously create some kind of rivalry between them, and Lois had always admired her figure and looks, even though she herself had no reason to be worried.

"So where's that husband of yours?" Lana asked, still smiling.

"I wish I knew," smiled Lois, "He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago."

"Well, you know our Clark," chuckled Lana.

Our Clark? thought Lois, bemused. "Oh yeah, do I ever," she replied, then laughed, "I am married to the guy after all!"

She saw Lana's smile drop just slightly and felt an irrational, illogical sense of triumph that she immediately chided herself for. She was an intelligent woman of the nineties, and here she was being bitchy to another intelligent woman who was going out of her way to be nice to her.

As she opened her mouth to say something else, what she wasn't sure, she became aware of a limousine pulling up beside them, coming to a stop by the curb in front of the Daily Planet, which was actually illegal, it was a no parking zone.

As she considered rapping on the window and telling the guy to get moving, the passenger window came down and a familiar face looked out from within.

"Luthor," she muttered, then walked down the long length of the limousine, prepared to give him a peace of her mind for thinking he was entitled to be above the law.

"Ms. Lane," he said quietly, infuriating her by not acknowledging her married state, "We need to talk."

"No parking zone, Lex," she returned, then slapped the roof of the limo, "Get going."

"I have a story for you, Lois," he said, smiling slightly, "One you could only dream about."

"I'm not interested in..." she started, but he held up a hand.

"It's about the US military investing in the research and production of mind control weapons."

She paused, taken aback by what he had just said.

"What's your game, Luthor?" she asked, not willing to trust him any further than she could spit him.

"No game, Lois," he returned, "Not this time, what's happening is far too dangerous for that. We're all at risk now."

Lois looked around, noticing that Lana was still standing a few feet away, looking a little out of her depth.

"This better not be a wild goose chase," she warned the billionaire, "Or so help me, I'll..."

"I believe you," Lex said, smiling, "I know better than to cross you, Ms. Lane," the door to the limo opened and he moved to the opposite facing seat, "Please, get in."

Lois hesitated a second, then turned to face Lana, the redhead looking decidedly confused.

"Lana, I have to go, if you see Clark, tell him I'll be back by noon, and he better have a good reason for standing me up."

Lex frowned, then leaned forward in his seat.

"Your friend had better come along too," he said, "She's in as much danger as we are."

"What?" asked Lois, confused.

"This problem doesn't threaten just us, Lois, but the entire city, perhaps the world. I can get us to a place where we'll be safe, but if your friend remains, she could be put at risk."

Lois hid another sigh, considered only momentarily before deciding.

"Lana, you must miss limo rides, wanna come along?"

Gotham Water Processing, June 6th, 10:30 AM

Green Lantern and The Flash did not move or react as the tubes filled with fluid, which would soon settle through their pores and breathe for them. Tubes would attach to their skin and feed them intravenously, keeping them alive while their minds were conditioned by Dominic's programs, Kyle would break faster than The Flash, due both to his conditioning earlier and The Flash's naturally faster mind, which would resist the conditioning at first.

"Any luck with the Manhunter?" Dominic asked as the tubes became so dark that only the barest indication of the figures inside could be seen.

"Negative," said the scientist, still suffering a slight headache from the gas used on him by Batman, "He continues to resist any attempts to introduce conditioning to him."

"He's a tough nut to crack," said Dominic with a smile, "But he'll break eventually, they all do."

As if to emphasize his point, he looked to his side, where Wonder Woman stood with her arm around Superman's waist, The Man Of Steel's hand on one of her asscheeks. They were both clothed again, Superman's costume restored somehow, although he had not questioned it himself.

Beside them, Huntress had a hungry look of desire on her face, and her gaze alternated between Wonder Woman, Superman and Dominic himself.

"Hmmm," mused Dominic out loud, "Kal El, Diana, you are to be my guards, I want you to keep an eye out for any troublemakers, you know how to deal with them if it comes to trouble."

They both nodded, and moved to either side of the row of sleeper tubes, standing with arms behind backs and legs apart, eyes straight ahead.

"Helena," he said, turning his gaze to The Huntress, "You can come with me."

The Bird Of Prey looked overjoyed, and moved instantly to his side, just a step behind him, indicating her respect.

"Go to my throneroom," he said, "Black Canary is waiting there, the two of you may amuse each other until I arrive."

Huntress bowed from the waist, then excitedly moved off through the door, heading for the large room where she had recently masturbated herself while watching Superman fuck Wonder Woman.

"Now," Dominic muttered to himself, "The unpleasantness."

He closed his eyes and whispered several words beneath his breath, and seconds later, as several rats ran past his feet and caused a startled squawk from the scientist monitoring the Sleeper-Tube's monitors, a shape coalesced in the dark shadows of one corner of the room.

"Report," Dominic commanded.

"There is no sign of The Batman," the shadow whispered, its voice barely perceptible, "But his body may have been carried out by the water and into one of the canals."

"That is unacceptable," growled Dominic, "I want his lifeless corpse found and brought before me, so I can piss on it, understand!"

The shadow inclined what passed for its head, then faded away.

Dominic allowed a moment of doubt to claim him, had Batman gotten away? Surely it wasn't possible, the rushing water was so rough and fast, and the trip underground so long that not even genetically enhanced metahumans would be guaranteed to survive the trip, but this was Batman he was thinking about, someone to be underestimated at peril.

"No," he whispered, "I must not underestimate him, but neither should I overestimate him," he nodded sharply, coming to his decision, "He is dead, and if not, than not in any condition to be able to stop me in time. Soon my plan will have begun, and nothing on Hell or on Earth can stop it then."

He grinned, then clapped his hands together in anticipation of the pleasure that awaited in the throneroom, in sight of the machine that would bring about his long awaited dream.

Gotham City, Wayne Manor, June 6th, 10:45 AM

Alfred sighed as he ran a finger over one computer console and lifted it up between his eyes.

"Dust," he muttered.

Ever since the Cataclysm, which had done severe damage to The Batcave, he had had a running battle with dust, which fell from new, minute cracks in the roof and walls with a regularity that would have put Old Faithful to shame.

The elderly butler made his way past the giant penny set in the middle of the room, his mind already upstairs and in the cupboard, picking out the cleaning gear he would need.

But the thought instantly disappeared as he passed the penny and took in the sight of a black cloaked figure staggering down the stairs from the upstairs mansion. Blood caked his lips and strong, powerful chin as he stumbled across the Batcave and collapsed into Alfred's shocked arms.

"Oh my!" cried Alfred, "Master Bruce? What has happened?"

"Seat!" croaked Batman as Alfred realized that his 'master' was dripping wet, soaked through to the bone, "Get me to a seat."

The elderly man half-walked, half-dragged the heavy, powerfully built billionaire across to a seat in front of one of the various computer consoles. Dropping him into the seat, he crouched in front of The Dark Knight, pulled the wet cowl from his face, then gripped him by the sides of the head, startled to see that Bruce was having trouble focusing his eyes.

"What has happened, Master Bruce?" he asked, concern etched on his face. Even before the Cataclysm and the Senate hearings, Bruce Wayne had been pushing himself past exhaustion, exploring something he would only grumblingly refer to as 'The Big One'.

"Doom for us all, Alfred," Bruce gasped, his body seemingly hanging limp, arms and legs hanging as if dead, "Unless I can do something."

"What? What, Master Bruce?" asked Alfred, Bruce's seriousness chilling his heart, "What do you have to do?"

Bruce Wayne actually allowed a small smile to pull at one end of his lips.

"I have to go to sleep."

Limbo, Outside of Time and Space

"Well, isn't this a cozy little scene," chuckled a voice, startling Supergirl and Zauriel, who broke their kiss.

"What in The Name of The Presence are you doing here!?" demanded Zauriel, lifting up to his full height and exuding the Holy Fury he had demonstrated when he'd caught Dominic attacking Supergirl.

"Oh calm down!" laughed the visitor, a tall, darkly attractive man who reminded Supergirl uneasily of Dominic, except that his hair was blonde and long and his eyes tinted a light, somehow malevolent green, "No need for the Sturm und Drang just to impress the lady."

He stopped and cast an appreciative eye over Supergirl's naked body, making her somehow feel dirty, unclean. As she made to cover herself, she felt the warm, soft feel of one of Zauriel's wings surrounding her, covering her nakedness.

"What do you want, King Of Hate?" spat Zauriel, his distaste clearly evident.

"I've come to help you, Fallen One," returned Lord Neron with a chuckle.

"We don't want your help, monster," returned Zauriel, "And I am not Fallen, like you, I am Heaven's Champion On Earth."

"You're not on Earth," laughed Neron, "You're in Limbo, and in far too precarious a position to turn down assistance."

"We'll get along just fine without your kind of help," returned The Angel, unable or unwilling to hide his distaste.

"We don't have time for this," grumbled Neron, "Every second we delay is a second Dominic gains."

"And why should you care?"

"Because uncounted eons ago, Dominic almost overthrew me," growled Neron, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he recalled the humiliating memory, "And since then he's had time to come up with new strategies... if he succeeds this time, he will become Ruler Of Hell."

"So you do this for your own sake," chimed in Supergirl, pleased at catching The Lord of Lies out.

"Of course I am," returned Neron, looking irritated at the interruption. Then he smiled, his eyes dangerous, "Still, as the old saying goes, better the Devil you know..."

"What do you have in mind?" Zauriel asked, suspicious of just about anything Neron might do.

"This," replied the Dark Angel, and snapped his finger.

Supergirl had a momentary vision of an impossibly bright light, burning itself into her corneas and suffusing her with a feeling of absolute joy and peace.

Then she was back in The Aerie, somehow fully dressed again, with Zauriel at her side and before them, crouched into the fetal position, smoking pouring of his body and screaming in agony, was Neron.

"What happened?" she asked, getting over the shock enough to ask.

"Th... that was The Presence," gasped Zauriel, and Supergirl realized that The Angel was almost as shocked as she was, "We were taken right to The Presence and it almost killed Neron."


"As Angels, our presence is anathema to a being of Hell like Dominic, but Neron was once an Angel himself, before falling. But only the purest of heart can bear the sight and touch of Heaven's light, and nothing of evil can go near it... To go before The Presence would be the equivalent of a human being suddenly appearing in the middle of the Sun."

Neron lurched to his feet and staggered across the room, smoke still pouring from his body, his throat making gargling noises as he slammed into a wall.

"CURSE HIM!" The Dark Angel screamed, "I thought I'd grown to match his subtleties, his devious mind!"

He twisted about and Supergirl recoiled in shock, seeing that Neron's outer appearance now matched his inner appearance. His face was covered in boils and burns, blisters and sores, and it still smoked and bubbled viciously.

"Oh I learned my lesson!" Neron growled, "I ruled by power alone when first I was consigned to Hell, blasting resistance into oblivion, turning powerful demons that might challenge me into hordes of mindless, subservient creatures. I took Dominic under my wing because I wanted a lieutenant I could trust, one I could send on missions as I tried to corrupt souls... but he saw the strength in subtlety! He saw the strength in long term strategy! IT WAS HE WHO RAISED AN ARMY AGAINST ME AND, BUT FOR THE SHORT SIGHT OF OTHERS, WOULD HAVE TRANSFORMED ME INTO THOUSANDS OF INSIGNIFICANT SUBSERVIENTS!!!!"

The two Angels, one Earth-Born, the other from Heaven, cringed back. For although he was pained and battered, Neron still exuded a tremendous power.

"So I learned my lesson!" he continued, his voice a harsh, quiet whisper now, "I spent eons training myself to think ahead, to think to the long term, AND.. IT.. WAS.. ALL.. FOR.. NOTHING!!!!"

He slammed a fist against the wall, crumbling it to nothing, "Because all the time I was training myself in subtleties, he was improving himself as well, and he's eons ahead of me!"

"By The Presence!" gasped Zauriel, his eyes widening, "I see it!"

Supergirl looked up at him, confused, and saw that he was staring at the walls. Turning to look herself, she realized that, if she looked closely, small, minute runes were glowing on the wall, cleverly hidden amongst the natural impurities and discoloration’s in the wall.

"It's a trap," she gasped, intuitively understanding the runes, "Any who try to escape from here will be sent to their greatest fear and their ultimate doom."

"You see nothing," growled Neron, "I saw that before I arrived, I found a hole in the runes that let me in... but I missed the runes within the runes. The moment I arrived I was locked in like a bird in a cage, with freedom in sight but unattainable."

He sighed and dropped his head, "I can get out of here, but I can't get you out, it'll be the death of me... it was only instinct that pulled me out of there."

With a roar he smashed his fist into the wall again, creating a huge hole in the wall. He leaped through it, and then--floating in the white nothingness of limbo--turned to face the two startled Angels.

"You were my best hope," he said, "But he's cut you off, my only hope now is nothing but a joke."

And then he was gone, and the wall of The Aerie was rebuilding itself.

Gotham Water Processing, June 6th, 11:00 AM

Dominic rubbed his hands together in glee as he moved from one illusory corridor to the illusory throneroom where Black Canary and Huntress would be preparing for his coming.

His grin faded, though, when he saw what was actually happening.

Huntress was naked, as he had expected, only her eyemask remaining, but Black Canary was still half in her clothes, and was currently pressing one boot down hard against Helena's throat, holding her down. The female protector of Gotham City was gripping desperately at the other woman's thigh, trying with all her might to reach Dinah's pussy.

"What the fuck?" Dominic muttered to himself, just loud enough for the two women to hear, they both stopped, looking up at him as he said, "What's going on here?"

"She's been all over me!" cried the Canary, "She came in here, pulled her clothes off and tried to get mine off to. She can move, I have to admit, I used every trick I knew to get away from her and she kept up with me, ripping my clothes off me... finally I had to get physical to stop her."

Dominic sighed, seeing the confused, hurt look in Huntress' eye, and the underlying hunger she felt.

"Dinah," he said finally, "You enjoy lesbian sex, remember? And you want to have it again, don't you?" What he said was more of a statement than a question, but Black Canary didn't seem to make the distinction.

"Dominic... I don't know, I went along with you with Wonder Woman, and I enjoyed it, but I don't want to make a habit of this. Let's just you and me have some fun, you don't need her, do you?"

Dominic sighed again, then looked up and caught Canary's eyes with his own, piercing deep into her mind and her soul.

"Dinah, you enjoyed having sex with Wonder Woman, and you want a repeat of that experience now with Huntress, right?"

She stared into his eyes, her face hesitant, unsure... she wavered and then answered.


Dominic stood stock still, eyes wide, completely shocked by this absolutely unexpected turn of events.

"Wha... what did you say?"

"I don't like being pressured, Dominic," she said, "I'm not a prude, I don't consider myself sexually repressed, but this doesn't interest me enough to want to do it again so soon... so no."

Had Dominic been his normal, clear-headed self, he would have noted her hesitation to say no to him and would have repeated his instructions, confident in his ability to over-ride her inhibitions, as he'd been able to do ever since she'd willing given herself to him. But the confrontation with Batman, with its unexpected and aggravating results, had left him feeling enraged at the concept that a mere human being would not only dare, but succeed, in thwarting his will.

Before Dinah's startled eyes, Dominic let loose a roar of anger and was moving across the room faster than the eye could follow. He grabbed her by the throat and bodily lifted her away from Huntress' clawing hands, moving her across the room and slamming her against the marble wall hard enough to drive the breath from her body, winding her.

"Now you listen to me, bitch!" growled Dominic, his face only inches from hers, which was contorted in pain, "I am The Man! Understand!?! You don't have an opinion unless I say you have an opinion! If I tell you to suck my cock, you'll do it! If I tell you to bend over and lick your own twat, you'll do it! If I FUCKING TELL YOU TO FUCK ANOTHER WOMAN, YOU DO IT!!!!!!!!"

Canary sucked in a deep lungful of air, her eyes focusing in on his. They were no longer tender and deep, now they were fiery and angry, and his breath stunk of sulfur. Some small part of her mind registered the scurrying sound of vermin beneath her feet, which were held inches off the ground.

"So what do you say now, bitch!" Dominic growled, pleased at the fear he saw in her face, feeling his erection growing as her fear aroused him.

And she spat in his face.

His entire face seemed to fall, the anger and vicious, sadistic satisfaction gone, replaced by total confusion.

"I don't know who you are," gasped Black Canary, still struggling for breath, "But you're anything but a man, you're just another egomaniac, a pathetic, immature loser who gets off on dominating women because he's scared of them!"

Dominic's face once more became outraged, and waves of heat seemed to build off him as he spun her about with one hand and let go of her now bruised and tender throat. She hit the ground and realized that she was in another room, a dank, damp dungeon filled with black, grime covered stone bricks with a small window that a child wouldn't have been able to fit through. Dominic stood in the doorway, holding the rough handle of the thick, oaken door, his face livid with anger, rats scurrying past his feet. Her pain addled, confused mind was still able to take in the fact that behind him was the throne room where she, he and Wonder Woman had had a threesome just a few hours ago.

"I am anything but a loser!" Dominic hissed at her, and she was shocked to see that his canines had elongated so far that they had pierced his lips, drawing blood, "You are the loser! YOU ARE!"

He emphasized his point by slamming the door, and his face pressed again a small viewing hole in the upper half of the door. "I'm sure that, given time, you could get your way out of this cell, but be warned, on the other side of this door is a automatic sentry instructed to kill anyone who steps through the door. Its only weakness is to sonics, which would scramble its sensors and let you out of here... but since you lost your sonic scream after another 'loser' raped you, that won't be happening anytime soon, will it!"

The viewing hole was slammed shut and she heard a slight buzzing noise start up, most likely the automated sentry he had spoken off.

Left alone in the cell, Dinah Laurel Lawrence--Black Canary--allowed herself a brief moment of self-pity and grief. She had finally met a man whom she felt she could trust, that she could feel safe with, and he had proven to be a worst tyrant than the man who had tortured and raped her, costing her the power that might have saved her now.

It seemed that she was destined to live alone, that there was no man that she could trust... that was if she ever got out of this cell.

Dominic stormed back into the throneroom, stopping by the side of the large, square machine that seemed to serve no other purpose than to hum lightly.

He placed a hand on its side and seemed to take some comfort from the vibrations running through it. He breathed deeply in through his nose, calming visibly, then let a smile flick across his lips, which were still smeared with blood.

"Stupid bitch," he chuckled, "She's thrown it all away."

He stepped down from the raised level where the throne and the machine sat and smiled as he took in Huntress' naked form.

She had not even registered the violent actions Dominic had taken against Black Canary, her entire mind taken up by lust, all her thoughts of her propriety and dignity, right and wrong washed away by the overwhelming need for physical satisfaction.

She lay on her back, hunching her hips up against the fingers of one hand as the other pressed between her firm asscheeks and slid a finger in and out of her asshole. Her mouth was a large 'O' and her eyes had rolled back in her head as her sweaty, sexy body writhed about on the cool marble.

"Enjoying yourself?" Dominic asked, smiling.

She stopped, her fingers freezing in her cunt and ass as she slid her eyes back and took in Dominic, towering over her.

"Please," she whispered, her need undeniable, "Fuck me!"

Dominic chuckled, then began pulling his black clothes off. His clothing changed almost as often as the locations he moved the JLA'ers about in. Currently he was wearing what seemed to be a black version of the uniform worn by Yankee officers in the Civil War, minus the hat and yellow tassels. Their was no purpose for the costume, it was just something he wore, and now it was more important to get it off.

He pulled away the woolen gloves, dropped the heavy trenchcoat of his shoulders and quickly unbuttoned the shirt, which was black instead of white. He pulled off his boots, exposing bare feet, then slid his pants down, taking his black boxers with him.

"Quickly, please!" moaned Huntress, who had gone back to fucking both her holes as she watched him shedding his clothing. He stepped out of the pants and moved forward, getting down to his knees in front of her. He grabbed his dick in hand and pointed it directly at her cunt, he smiled and decided to tease her by not fucking her just yet.

"So," he said, feigning indifference to the beautiful, naked heroine before him, "How do you want it, Helena?"

"Please!" Huntress cried, "Fuck me! Fuck me in my ass!"

Dominic paused, and for an instant felt suspicion at this unexpected request. As far as he'd been able to ascertain, she'd never had anal sex, had never shown any desire to have it, and yet here she was, begging for it.

Was this some trick of Batman's? She was in The JLA due to him after all, and he'd taken her under his wing--figurative speaking--much as he had Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake.

Then he shook his head, he was doing it again, reading too much into Batman's reputation, much of it created by Batman himself to make him a more daunting figure to the criminal underworld.

"Of course darling, if I have to sodomize any of Batman's protégés, I'd rather it was you!"

Although he'd never been referred to as anything but 'the scientist' by Dominic, Circe or some of the other underlings that came and went, Bill Hardings still thought of himself as one of, if not the, most important person on the scientific team.

Although he wasn't the head scientist, Bill considered himself the greatest intellect of them all, and took great pride in the trust Dominic showed in him by having him on monitor duty far more than any of the others.

Like all of the scientific team, Bill was here of his own choice, being one of that strange breed of scientist who was usually the most successful, because they valued scientific experiment far above morals or values. If was fascinating to work with 'The Sphere', and even more fascinating to work with 'The Machine', which Dominic had presented to them without any hint of explanation on it's origin.

Now, as he made copious notes on his notepad, which was crammed with various facts, mathematical equations, diagrams and theories, most of them his own, he made a brief glance at the monitor which kept track of the Martian Manhunter's extraordinary brain patterns. He looked back down to his notepad instantly, having made only the most cursory of glances, after all, the Manhunter had successfully fought of the mind control program being directed at him ever since his capture at Circe's hands.

"Wait a second..." Bill muttered, looking back up, a puzzled look on his face.

The monitor had finally changed.

Despite herself, Huntress felt a moment of fear when Dominic's cock pressed firmly against her ass. She'd enjoyed fingerfucking her ass and had been incredibly turned on at the thought of getting her ass fucked, but she'd never done this before and her lust was offset slightly by her fear of the unknown.

Dominic slid his hands under Huntress' firm, curved buttcheeks and lifted her up, grabbing her under the knees and lifting them up over his shoulders. Her tight ass rose up off the ground, angled perfectly to present a pink, puckered target for his rigid dick.

She'd already loosened up her ass slightly by fucking it with her fingers, and despite her fear she loosened her assring and allowed him to push his cockhead in.

"ARRH!" she gasped, taken aback by the brief lance of pain that came from the intrusion of cock into butthole. But that was instantly replaced by a heady wave of pleasure washing through her entire body, making her feel dizzy. Her asshole seemed to pulse around his cock, which was still only in an inch, and then he was pushing in a little deeper.

Dominic smiled at The Huntress as he slid another inch into Helena's butthole, his grin widening as he heard her moan of pleasure. The same conditioning introduced to her mind via a small nanite shot into her bloodstream during her sexual adventures with the other Huntress was designed to make all sex with Dominic incredibly pleasurable, so that even if he was violent with her she'd love it.

He slid more of his cock in, groaning slightly at the feel of her hot, tight assmuscles parting before his cock. Even as his cock entered her ass, it seemed to be clamping back down on the inches now inside of her.

Helena's mouth was gaping, her dark lips gleaming with saliva, her eyes glazed with lust, and she reached down to her crotch and began sliding her fingers over her erect clitoris as her butt was fucked hard by the dark mastermind she'd come to stop.

Any pain she'd felt was gone, washed away by the intense pleasure, and she was squirming and writhing about as she humped down and got another inch of his fuckmeat into her ass.

"So good!" she squealed, frigging her cunt, "Do it! FUCK ME! FUCK MY ASS!!!!"

And it just got better for the beautiful protege of the Dark Knight Detective as Dominic began to pull his cock out of Helena's ass, then pushed back in and got another inch of cockmeat into her, before pulling away and thrusting back in, starting up a sawing motion with his cock, fucking in and out of the heroine's asshole.

The hot, burning sensation was driving her wild as Dominic began to eagerly fuck his cock in and out of The Huntress' ass, pulling his cock almost all the way out, pulling her tight asshole back with him before slamming back in fully, fucking in and out, in and out, shoving into her again and again.

His hands mauled her tits, feeling up the plump mounds of tit flesh as his balls slapped against her asscheeks and his cock slammed fully into her ass, fucking her butt to the hilt. She moaned and squealed in pleasure, her hard nipples rubbing against his palms as he shifted the angle of his thrusts into her ass, sodomizing her faster and faster, making her cry out in passion.

"Oh yes! YES!" she cried, "It's so good! I'm gonna cum! Fuck me! FUCK ME!!!!"

He grunted in reply, making short, harder thrusts into her ass, enjoying the feel of her asshole around his cock and her warm, pliant breasts beneath his hands. His eyes were running all over her athletic, sweating body, focusing mostly on the juicy fingers thrusting into her cunt and her beautiful, flushed and sweaty face, her purple hair plastered to her forehead and cheeks, eyes rolled back, mouth wide open.

He grunted happily as her ass clamped down tight around his fuckmeat, her juices flooding out over her fingers and down around his thrusting, fucking cock as she came.

"YESSSS! OH YES!!!!" she screamed, thrusting her ass down, her ass swallowing all of his cock as she ground down against his waist, screeching in a hoarse, animalistic cry of sated passion.

"AH FUCK!" grunted Dominic, and ground his hips against her ass as he blew his load, shooting his cum deep up into her bowels. His eyes half-closed and a smile darting across his lips as her ass clamped down tighter than ever around his spasming, shooting cock.

He relaxed slightly, his entire body loosening, tension totally gone, all his anger over Black Canary's rebellion forgotten as he reveled in post-orgasmic bliss.

As his body tuned back in to its pre-orgasmic state, no longer so highly sensitized, he became aware that something was going on. Pulling his cock from The Huntress' asshole, which elicited a slight moan of pleasure from the heroine, he stood up and made his way towards the entrance to the throneroom, clothes forming over his naked body as he walked, simple jeans and a black shirt now, which showed off his athletic frame.

He was aware of everything that went on in his base, because much of it was a solid illusion created by his own will, requiring only the barest concentration to maintain. This sense didn't extend throughout the entire Water Processing Plant, unfortunately, which meant the moment Batman had hit the water he'd been gone from his mystic sight.

Now he stepped through the open frame leading into another corridor, which actually took him to another corridor, rough hewn and dark. He startled Bill Harding, one of his scientists, who had been wondering why this corridor ended in a blank wall suddenly when Dominic had appeared as if from nowhere.

"What is it?" Dominic asked, a carefree smile on his face as he stared directly into Bill's eyes, disconcerting the excited scientist.

"The Manhunter!" Bill said, barely able to contain his excitement at the news, "He's accepted the conditioning!"

Gotham Theatre, June 6th, 12:00 PM

Zatanna sighed as she looked in at her dressing room.

"I thought this place wasn't affected by the Cataclysm?" she joked.

"I admit," said Howard 'Howie' Mandell, the theatre's manager, "That the facilities here aren't the greatest, but they are best in Gotham."

She sighed again at this irrefutable logic. Until recently, Howie had been struggling to keep the oldest theatre in Gotham above water, and then the Cataclysm had struck. At first Howie's only concern had been to stay alive, but after the National Guard came in and the JLA helped wipe out the gangs that had come to rule the damaged cities, he'd discovered that he had the only theatre left standing in the entire city... And the money had started to roll in.

Zatanna had only had a few hours sleep before heading in to the theatre, and was just a little cranky, but she let Howie's joke go by without an acerbic comment or some other biting, bitter witticism. She was a little worried about her former teammates, whom she'd sent off a little under five hours ago to an unknown location to face an unknown enemy. Now she had to do this charity show, entertain some of the locals working on the rebuilding process, then go out and party the night away at one of the so-called 'Cataclysm Clubs' even though she knew she needed sleep more than she needed to party.

Ah well, she thought as she threw her top hat, blue jacket, white shirt, red tie, boots and fishnet stockings into a chair in the corner of the small dressing room, I suppose there are worse ways to make a living.

Dick Grayson's home, Bludhaven, June 6th, 12:15 PM

Dick Grayson pulled off his sweaty, torn costume and bundled it up, sliding it away in a small, hidden draw, just one of many places he kept his costume. He dropped to the bed, dressed only in his boxers, and fell instantly asleep, exhausted after a long night fighting dark, shadowy creatures who had attacked him without warning and only left off after he'd been smashed through a window into a synagogue.

They'd hovered outside, obviously wanting to enter and finish him off, none of them showing any sign of exhaustion after nearly seven hours of fighting, then--as the sun brightened in the sky--they'd disappeared and he'd made his way painfully home.

Now he just wanted to sleep for about a week, he didn't even care if he dreamed.

An undisclosed location, Metropolis, June 6th, 12:25 PM

"Isn't this cozy," muttered Lana, "I've seen bomb shelters in the Pentagon smaller than this."

"I had this place built in the late eighties," Lex replied, "At the time the first predictions of millennium disasters were being made, and I decided why take the risk? I built this place so that myself and a select few could retain our civilization and comfort... although I have to admit it cost me a pretty penny to get it Y2K compliant... I should have seen that coming."

The room that the three double-L's stood in was just the last of many, the underground facility in Outer Metropolis, far from the main city center, seemed to stretch out forever and had room for at least a hundred people to live in for years, perhaps even more.

"Enough of the tour, Luthor," Lois muttered, using his last name to show this was still a formal interview, "You said you had a big scoop for me, so spill."

"Of course, the story," said Lex, then said no more.

Lois sighed, even when he was trying to be normal, Lex couldn't help playing games, "To quote you, 'It's about the US military investing in the research and production of mind control weapons,' remember?"

"Let me make it clear from the beginning," said Lex, moving down on a comfortable couch in the large room, which included a huge screen TV, speakers, a bar and two plush chairs. Lois sat in one, while Lana sat in the other, and once Lex had remained standing long enough to make sure all eyes were on him, he sat down on the couch. "That I knew absolutely nothing about this until early this morning, when I was approached by... an old acquaintance."

"Get to it, Luthor," snapped Lois, playing her tape recorder.

"I recently discovered that a subsidiary company of Lexcorp, called MaxiDrive Enterprises, was working on a contract for another company that was just a front for the US military."

"And you expect me to believe that you weren't aware of what one of your companies was up to... come on, Lex, I know you better than that."

"The company was one of a series of companies involved in a takeover that Lexcorp brought about over Microsoft, which you yourself reported on recently, Ms. Lane," replied Lex. "The final contracts were only signed last week, due to legal difficulties after the CEO of Microsoft committed suicide, and I still have at least two weeks of paperwork to go through before I'm up to date on what all the companies were involved in."

Lois had raised an eyebrow at the idea that the late Mr. Gates had been involved in military contracts for anything more than computer systems, but she ignored that as Lex continued to speak.

"Maxi-Drive had designed something known as Unit K-24LL7, or more casually by the scientists working on it as the Sphere. From what I've been able to dig up, this Sphere was designed to work in conjunction with chips being designed by another company--Widget Werks--which is just another front for a wing of US military research."

"What does this Sphere do?" Lana asked, and Lois felt a flash of annoyance; who was the reporter here, anyway?

Lex seemed to share this irritation, because his eyes remained fixed on Lois as he continued, "The Sphere projects a signal based on whatever chip is being used with it, this signal moving out in all directions, passing through almost any material known to man, either artificial or organic."

"What kind of signal?" asked Lois, before Lana could speak up again.

"Somehow, and this is beyond my understanding, the signal affects the chemical balance in the brain, and depending on the chip, will affect different portions of the brain's two hemispheres. Theoretically it could be used to make its victims insane, angry, manically depressed, even sexually aroused."

Lois furrowed her eyebrows, "To what purpose? Why would the US military design something like this?"

"It has a multitude of uses in various situations," replied Lex. "I think that the main idea is to fly in automated planes and bombard a given area with hundreds of these spheres, which have a range of up to ten square mile radius in any direction, although the range can be set to anything between that and a one yard radius, and one or multiple directions left out."

"I think I see," nodded Lois, "If you dropped them into enemy territory you could send opposition soldiers insane with rage or even happiness, making them murder each other or lay down their weapons and start up a hippy commune." Her sarcasm was bitter, likely due to her anger at the idea of such a disgusting, depraved weapon being used on anyone.

Lex nodded, "The sphere's signal lasts at least thirty days, which would give US troops ample time to make their way into the territory and take over, they of course being equipped with a device that would somehow negate the Sphere's signal."

"But this is outrageous," gasped Lana, "What if the mind is affected permanently by exposure to this signal... and does the Sphere discriminate between soldiers and civilians?"

"I agree," said Lex, "If I had known such a weapon was being developed, I would have definitely suspended any mass production until all the side-effects and moral problems could be properly addressed."

"You're saying you'd allow this weapon to be made?" gasped Lana, shocked.

"Of course, the US military pays well, and I don't use the weapons, I just make them," Lex seemed confused that this had to be explained, surely it was obvious.

"Then why are you telling us about it, Luthor?" asked Lois, wanting to get things back on track, after all, she was the reporter here.

"Because three days ago," said Lex, his face deadly serious, "The Sphere was stolen."

Gotham Water Processing, June 6th, 12:35 PM

Dominic could barely hide his excitement as he looked up into the Martian Manhunter's red, expressionless eyes.

From the moment he'd been captured, J'onn J'onz had resisted all the mind-probes, mental conditioning and links that had been thrown at him. The scientists had come up with numerous reasons for this, the most prevalent being a complete lack of understanding over how the Martian's mind worked.

And now he'd been broken.

Behind him, all of his scientists were gathered about the instrument panel that had been registering Manhunter's mental patterns, excitedly discussing what this elevated brain spike meant and what that lowered blood pressure level was indicating. Bill Hardings theories were getting more attention and respect since he'd been the one to spot the acceptance of the mental conditioning, which had instantly overrode the Manhunter's mind, almost as if he'd used up all his strength resisting the training.

"Where is Circe?" Dominic asked, not taking his eyes away from The Manhunter, who stood before him, removed finally from the Sleeper Tube that had held him prisoner for so long, "She'd want to see this?"

"Uh... sir?" ventured Bill Hardings uncertainly, "When I couldn't find you at first, I went looking for Circe."

"And?" muttered Dominic, irritated at having to talk to one of the little people.

"She wasn't in her room, and all her possessions were gone."

Dominic turned to face Hardings, his face blank. Despite this, Bill stepped back, suddenly terrified of his Master.

"She.. was.. what?"

"Uh.... she wasn't in her room, sir, and all of her possessions were gone."

Suddenly Dominic's face split with a huge grin, and he laughed, startling and confusing all the scientists, who had fallen silent when Bill had approached Dominic.

"The stupid bitch has run!" he laughed, "Well fine, her soul is corrupt enough already, and goddess or no, she will die soon, and find herself in a Hell ruled by ME!"

Bill kept his own doubts to himself, he was a scientist and had no religious beliefs, being a firm atheist. Having no fear of punishment in any kind of afterlife had made it much easier to put aside any moral qualms over his work. The so-called 'magic' he'd seen Circe and Dominic work was just an unknown form of science in his opinion, and he looked forward to discovering just how it worked. Dominic was clearly mad, but he had access to technology far beyond any that Bill had seen, and as a scientist, he'd been unable to resist the temptation to take up Dominic's offer.

"So," chuckled Dominic, turning back to The Manhunter, "J'onn, I'm going to release The Flash and The Green Lantern from the sleeper tubes they're held in, and I want you to access their minds via your telepathic link and imprint the mental conditioning in your own mind onto theirs."

The Manhunter nodded his head almost imperceptibly, and Dominic gave the order to clear the Sleeper Tubes and release the two JLA'ers.

The moment the tubes opened, Green Lantern dropped with a groan to his knees on the strange, glowing material of the floor. He curled up in a ball, naked and shivering.

The Flash reacted totally differently, bursting out of the tube and rushing towards Dominic, either unaware or uncaring about his nudity.

He moved faster than the speed of thought usually, but the powerful, somnambulistic effects of the liquid he'd been immersed in and the slight affect of the mental conditioning on his mind was enough to slow him down to just below the speed of sound.

He was jerked off his feet only three yards from Dominic, caught around the throat by The Martian Manhunter, who expressionlessly turned his gaze on Wally and invaded The JLA'er's mind, easily coming to terms with the heightened reactions of The Flash's physical brain and overriding it.

Seconds later, there were two JLA'ers on the floor, while a third stood motionlessly at Dominic's side and two others stood at either side of the sleeper-tubes, standing guard.

"Excellent!" laughed Dominic, and suddenly they were all in The throneroom, where Huntress was still lying naked by the stairs leading up to the throne.

Bill was a bit taken aback by being teleported, especially since he'd felt none of the corporeal unraveling he'd expected to feel.

"So," chuckled Dominic, "Let me just evaluate exactly where I am now."

He turned about, his arms spreading wide, as the assembled scientists and superheroes watched on.

"The JLA! The Earth's greatest superheroes! Superman--mine! Wonder Woman--mine! Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter--mine! Mine! MINE! Huntress? Mine! Steel? Big Barda? Orion? Plastic Man? All soon to be mine! As for Aquaman and Batman? The Dark Knight is either dead or so badly hurt that he might as well be, and even the King of Atlantis wouldn't be able to defeat what I sent against him! And Oracle? Useless, a cripple who's only threat was in her links to heroes that are mine, including the beautiful, deadly Black Canary! They.. Are.. All.. MINE!!!!"

Bill found all these histrionics rather embarrassing and completely unnecessary, but if it meant he would get to see Dominic's marvelous machine working, it was worth sitting through.

"And finally, the only two that might have been able to hurt me, Zauriel and Supergirl, trapped in Limbo, which led to my greatest and oldest nemesis, Neron, being badly hurt, almost killed!!"

He twisted around, his back to his audience, and his eyes drank in every inch of the large, plain, square box that hummed and thrummed behind the throne.

"And now it's time for all my plans to finally come to fruition," Dominic hissed, his voice barely audible to his listeners, "After all the waiting, I now stand on the precipice of gaining back the throne that should have been mine uncounted eons ago."

In a gesture that was almost symbolic, Dominic stepped up and placed a hand on the throne in front of the machine, and it crumbled away into black dust that melted away into the marble floor beneath.

He lifted his other hand, and somehow the Sphere was in it, as if he'd been holding it all this time.

Dominic took a deep breath, then pushed the Sphere against the side of the machine. The humming coming from the featureless, seamless box increased momentarily, and then Dominic's hand was sinking through the metal. He was totally unconcerned by this, this was the way the machine worked, it only accepted Dominic's touch for more than a few moments, and somehow it registered his thoughts, accepting his commands. This was what had attracted the scientists to it, they wanted to know how such a thing could be, how the machine operated, if it could be tricked into thinking someone else was Dominic and so forth. He'd given them a mystery to ponder and that had been enough to make them his, they'd gladly worked on his plans in exchange for opportunities to study the amazing technology that made up the Machine.

"We start with Gotham," Dominic whispered, "Then spread out and out, over New York, Metropolis, Keystone, Gateway, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco. The signal will cover all of America, then cross the oceans, taking in England, France, Germany, Europe in its entirety! Africa, India, Asia, New Zealand, Australia, Greenland, Iceland, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, the Chatham Islands, Atlantis... in short, The World!"

And the signal was already being sent, moving all over the world, as well as towards a special receiver/transmitter designed to accept and boost the signal around wherever it was at the time.

All to Dominic's plan.

JLA WatchTower, The Moon, 1:00 PM Gotham Time

"What is this about, Steel?" muttered Big Barda, not bothering to hide her irritation at being called up to the lab. She was a warrior, a fighter, and despite respecting Steel as a leader for the so-called second string of The JLA, disliked having to sit through some of his boring technological discussions.

Plastic Man was right behind her, watching for any indication that her cape might flick to the side, allowing him a view of the tight material of her costume over her firm asscheeks. He shook his head, he had always been a randy son of a bitch, and even sex with a hotty like Catwoman hadn't been enough to calm him down.

"How is Catwoman?" asked Steel, not looking up from the amulet that he was still working on. Plastic Man felt a sudden flash of guilt rush through his body, but he knew Steel was merely inquiring as to her well-being, and only asking Plastic Man because he'd been assigned to guard her by Batman.

"F.. fine," he returned, stretching his neck and arching his head past Barda's. She swiped in annoyance at him, which he easily avoided, and looked over Steel's shoulder at the dissected chain of the amulet.

"Wow, what's that?" he asked, seeing what was inside the chain.

"Is Maxima still unconscious?" Steel asked, ignoring Plastic Man's question, "I'm a little concerned about our ability to hold someone as powerful as she is, it may take more than the standard meta-human procedures."

"Yeah, she's out like a light," replied Plastic Man, "What IS that?"

"The chain of Catwoman's amulet," replied Steel, not looking up, "I managed to open it up, despite its minuscule size there is an incredibly huge amount of circuitry in here, and it'll take me months to find out what it all does. Whoever made this is a genius... or possibly only one molecule high."

"Like The Atom?" asked Barda, who had made at least a cursory effort to go over the JLA database, more out a desire to best The Huntress, who had been poring through the files in her spare time.

"Yeah, although this isn't his style... look at this."

He lifted an incredibly small circuit board up from the chain, holding it on the end of a small pick that tapered down to a single molecule. A wire attached the circuit to the chain, it was barely a hairsbreadth wide, almost invisible to the naked eye.

"What is it?" asked Plastic Man, it looked the same as all the other tiny circuits still in the chain.

"Some kind of receiver," replied Steel, "As well as a transmitter, the fact that the designer was able to incorporate both facets into such a tiny receptacle is absolutely fascinating."

"Yes," replied Barda, bored beyond belief, "Is that why you called us, Steel? To show us a small transmitter?"

"No," replied Steel, still not looking up, "I thought you should know that... What's this?"

"What?" asked Plastic Man.

"The strangest energy signal I've ever se..." he started to say, and then first the research lab, then the entire Watchtower, was flooded with the Sphere's signal.

Gotham Theatre, June 6th, 1:01 PM

Zatanna came out to a huge round of applause, accompanied by the usual wolf whistles and catcalls. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and when she was wearing what she was wearing it just accentuated the affect even more.

As always she was dressed in a red bow tie, tight white shirt and glittering blue jacket. The shirt was joined onto a dark blue bikini panties, so that members of the audience got to get a good look at her long, shapely legs encased in fishnet stockings that somehow seemed almost naughty. As she turned about to look at the table, there were a few groans when the male members of the audience realized that the tails of her jacket kept them from getting a good look at her lovely ass.

She turned back around and pulled off her top hat, letting her long, black hair spill out over her shoulders. She threw her head back, letting her long hair twist about, seemingly shining in the bright lights of the stage.

Seeing the hungering looks on the men's faces, so similar to those she saw on many of the dancers at the clubs she'd been frequenting recently, and as usual it thrilled her slightly. She loved being desired, it was almost addictive, which was probably why she continued performing when she could use her powers to become a full time superhero.

"For my first trick," she cried, "I will...."

Her head shot back, blasted with an overwhelming force of something foreign, alien to her nature. She barely noticed the audience were all reacting similarly, eyes wide, mouths gaping as something intruded upon their unsuspecting minds.

Zatanna dropped to her knees, her entire body fatigued, her head facing the ground and her long hair draped over her head. Slowly she lifted her head up, her hair running over her face, obscuring much of it, but exposing enough to show the undisguised look of hunger on her face, the basic, overwhelming sexual need.

A look shared in the eyes of all the men and women now staring at her and each other, all of them sharing the same basic desire... to have sex, and have it now!

Dick Grayson's home, Bludhaven, June 6th, 1:02 PM

Dick came awake, his body completely refreshed, his mind alert and aware.

"I'm in my room," he muttered, "Something's wrong."

He looked down and was surprised to see his boxers being pushed up into a tent by his erection. He sighed, here he was after one of the severest, most difficult fights of his life and he was horny?

"Ah well, human nature I guess," he muttered to himself, "Shame to waste a beauty like this though."

Lamenting having anybody around to use his manhood on, he resigned himself to jacking off and pulled his boxers down.

And another hand reached down and circled his penis.

"Huh?" he gasped, looking up the length of the oddly colored arm, which was a strange orange hue, "Kory? What are you doing here? What are you doing?"

"Shhh," replied his former lover--Koriand'r, AKA Starfire--her green eyes dancing merrily, shockingly bright against her orange skin and long, long, long red hair.

"Yeah, shhh," said another female's voice, and another hand circled his cock. Looking to his right he found himself facing another redhead, the hair nowhere near as long as KoriAndr's, the skin a pale, ivory white.

"Barbara?" he asked, "How did you get here?" He noted with surprise that she was kneeling over the bed, supporting herself on her own legs, "You're legs? How did...?"

"Shhh," Barbara Gordon, the former Batgirl repeated.

"Yeah, shhh," said another voice, and he felt small, firm breasts press against his naked back. Turning his head he was shocked to find himself facing yet another woman, this one a blonde.

"Bette?" Dick asked, shocked to find the onetime superheroine and now part-time tennis player--Mary Elizabeth "Bette" Kane, AKA Flamebird--there, as naked as the other two women. The southern Californian had developed a huge crush on Dick back when he was Robin and sent him fan letters, hoping to find he would share her obsession. Hoping to get his attention she'd made up a costume similar to his own and moved around California, stopping small crimes and getting as much publicity as possible, hoping to get Robin to come to California. When that plan failed, she'd gone back to school, graduated near the top of her class, returned to tennis and been a sensation before forming a West Coast version of The Teen Titans so that she could come into contact with Dick. But upon their finally meeting, he'd treated her coolly and left her bitterly disappointed, although still deeply in love.

And now here she was, naked and pressed against him, her small breasts squashed firmly against his muscular back.

"Bette, what's going on?"

"Don't question it, lover," she replied and kissed him lightly on the lip.

"She's right, don't question it," said a brand new voice from his other side, and Dick turned to find himself facing Helena Bertinelli, AKA The Huntress.

But she doesn't even know my secret identity! Dick thought in a moment of panic, but then he took in her naked form and remembered once again the very brief affair they'd had, something he still dreamt about sometimes.

"The hell with it," he muttered, "I'm just gonna go with it."

He fell back on the bed, and the four women leaped onto him.

An undisclosed location, Metropolis, June 6th, 1:03PM

Lois looked over the diagrams and files Lex had presented to her just over half an hour ago. They went into some detail over how the Sphere worked, including details over the way the signals emitting from it could affect the brain in various ways.

"You realize," Lex said, "That I could be sent to jail for giving over confidential files like this, I wish to remain an anonymous source?"

"Of course, of course," Lois muttered, chewing at the end of her pen, eager to get back to the files. This made her rinky dink story about Senatorial corruption look like an interesting but un-absorbing human interest story. She tugged briefly at the collar of the smart looking power suit she was wearing and blew air up into her short fringe, some loose hairs pressing against her forehead, "Is it getting hotter in here?"

"Strange," muttered Lex, pulling at his own collar and noticing that Lana was stretched out in her chair, fanning herself with a folder containing information about failed Sphere experiments on human subjects, "This entire facility is supposed to be climate controlled."

Lana half opened her eyes and looked Lex up and down appreciatively, she'd never noticed before how charming he was, how attractive. She felt an odd feeling in her gut and a longing between her legs, an itch that needed to be scratched. Looking over at Lois she found it remarkable that she'd never realized that the woman who had taken her first and greatest love was incredibly sexy.

Man, she thought, "If I was a guy I'd fuck Lois in a second."

Her eyes grew wide as Lex and Lois turned to look over at her, had she just said that out loud?

"Lana?" asked Lois, confused. Had her husband's first girlfriend just said that she'd like to have sex with her? And had hearing those words given her some kind of weird thrill?

"I'd pay to see that," Lex muttered, "I'd pay more to join in."

His own eyes widened, he'd meant to think that, not say it out loud!

Lois felt a moment of panic, even as her mind was flooded with images of her, Lex and Lana rolling about on the floor together, arms and legs intertwined, naked and sweaty, going at it like animals. "Lex, I think we're being affected by something... Oh my... what if it's the Sphere?"

"Impossible," Lex returned, sweat running freely down his face as he fought to stop his growing erection from becoming visible. "I took us to this facility because it's completely climate controlled, sealed off entirely from the outside world and well outside the extent of any Sphere's reach. I'd have been alerted if one was brought with ten square miles of here."

And as he finished saying it, the Signal strength was bolstered yet again by Dominic's Machine, a fresh wave ran over them and all three were tearing off their clothes and rushing towards the center of the room.

Gotham Water Processing, June 6th, 1:05 PM

Dominic, the only person on Earth unaffected by the signal, stared with undisguised pleasure. The signal was being sent out in continuous waves, which bolstered each previous wave, creating a constant, unwavering signal around the entire world.

And all about him The JLA were pulling off their clothes, their eyes all over each other, their arousal clear, all their thoughts of whether this was right or wrong had disappeared. They didn't care that they were being mind controlled, they didn't care that they were supposed to be The Justice League Of America, The World's Greatest Superheroes.

Although I'm not the only person unaffected by the signal, Dominic thought to himself, staring up at the assembled scientists, who were watching the near naked heroes with growing excitement. They all had the counter signal being pumped though their neuro-cortexes by chips implanted there upon their arrival. It was a necessary countermeasure in case of any accidents while tinkering with the Sphere, but now it left them immune to the signal's effects.

"Ah well, they'd corrupted their souls enough anyway," he murmured to himself, "And I really have no further need for their corporeal forms."

He reached one hand up almost nonchalantly and a blast of foul smelling wind seemed to erupt across the room, throwing the startled scientists against the wall. They screamed in agony as their flesh was ripped from their bodies, then their bones and organs, their very cellular structure obliterated.

Now fourteen of the most brilliant scientists in America were nothing but shadows against the wall, shadows that now peeled from the wall and made their way past the naked, groping heroes and made the proper obeisance to their Master.

"Guard this throneroom," Dominic told them, "Allow nothing and nobody to pass without my clearance."

They accepted this and moved away silently, covering every possible entrance to the large room.

Dominic settled down on the top step, placing one leg over the other's knee and chuckling to himself as he reveled in the final fruits of his labors.

Wonder Woman, left only in her tiara and red boots, was on all fours, her fantastic ass presented towards Superman, her large breasts hanging above The Flash's face, the speedster on his back beneath her. The Martian Manhunter stood in front of her, an incredibly long cock before her face, so wide that even in her lust-addled state, Wonder Woman was glad it was going in her mouth and not into her cunt or ass.

Off to the side, Huntress stood with her ass pressed against Green Lantern's crotch, grinding her tight, firm buttocks against Kyle's groin as he bit and sucked at her neck, feeling up her firm breasts, fiddling with her nipples while his other arm ran down over her waist and between her legs, grinding his fingers over her erect clitoris.

"Fuck me!" she moaned as he humped against her ass.

"Just wait," Kyle whispered into her ear, even as filled with desire as he was, his artist's mind had stumbled onto a scene so erotic that he had to follow it up, "You're gonna love what I have in mind."

Wonder Woman's knees were on either side of The Flash's thighs, as The Fastest Man Alive had slid down beneath her, his eyes drinking in the sight of her giant, fantastic breasts only inches from his face. His hands slid up over her hips and he pulled himself up, his cock pressing against her open cunt, and then with a groan of intense pleasure as he fulfilled one of his greatest fantasies.

He fed inch after inch of hard, erect cockmeat into her until his curly tufts of red pubic hair were brushing against her clitoris, the base of his cock against her bald, dripping cuntlips.

He paused momentarily, the feel of the velvet warmth of the Amazon's cunt threatened to send him over the edge immediately, but the pause, coupled with his incredible metabolism, allowed him to hold off, and he was able to make a few, quick fucks into her cunt, loving the feel of her snatch gripping onto his shaft. Wonder Woman moaned happily at the feel of a cock inside her cunt once again, and she wondered how she'd ever been able to get along without one.

A pair of hands gripped onto her plump, curved asscheeks and spread them, revealing her pink, puckered anus.

"Superman?" she asked, but the only response she got was the pressure off what could only be a cock against her asshole. He spread her asscheeks wider, which opened up her ass a little more, and applied more pressure against her tiny butthole.

Wonder Woman made a conscious effort to relax her assmucles, wanting more than anything to feel his cock in her ass, and suddenly a her tight sphincter was parting before Superman's rod of steel, the head of his cock making it's way slowly but surely into her rectum.

"Ohhh!" gasped Wonder Woman, startled by just how big his cock felt inside her ass. Having his finger up there had been enjoyable, but this would take some getting used to, luckily Superman was not pressing forward to quickly, whether out of sympathy for the Amazon or to keep from blowing his load.

Diana reached down between herself and Wally and began to stroke and finger her clitoris as she dropped her hips slightly, putting more pressure on the cock stuffed into her cunt.

Clark then managed to get another inch of his dick into Diana Prince's tight anal passage, then another and another, each additional inch coming faster and faster as her asshole relaxed and took in his member, until his hips were pressed firmly against her smooth, plump asscheeks.

"Oh yes!" cried Superman, throwing his head back. Somehow the fact that he'd ripped his pants off but left his top on, with the famous S symbol, made the scene even more erotic.

Flash and Superman didn't make a move, leaving their cocks in her cunt and ass respectively, giving her time to get used to having two cocks inside of her.

Wonder Woman's head remained lowered, her long, black hair brushing along the marble floor. Then she raised her head and looked at The Manhunter with eyes flooded with lust, her mouth opened and her tongue flicked out, running over her lips.

The Manhunter needed no further invitation and stepped forward, his long, thick cock in hand, and pushed the head of his cock into her mouth, the Amazon eagerly sucking in on the helmet, straining her neck forward to try and get more of his green skinned meat into her mouth.

"Okay, now," Kyle said, and instructed Helena what to do. She instantly warmed to the idea and rushed to do as instructed, her firm breasts bouncing up and down as she rushed over to the four fucking heroes.

She moved to Wonder Woman's side, then set her back against the Amazon's side and swiveled around, her back coming to rest on Wonder Woman's as her legs came up over Superman's broad shoulders. The Man Of Steel drank in her naked body with undisguised lust and instantly one hand was releasing one of Wonder Woman's buttcheeks and sliding up over Huntress' parted cuntlips, over her toned, flat belly and feeling up a firm breast beneath one powerful arm.

Kyle then came up and stepped over the two women, his feet resting on two small, green platforms suspended just a few inches above the ground, keeping him from putting any pressure on Huntress or Wonder Woman.

J'onn instantly saw what Kyle intended and dropped to his knees, leaning back so that Wonder Woman had to lower her head over his cock to keep it in her mouth. Kyle then grabbed Helena by the sides of the head and lifted her up slightly, presenting his own cock to her mouth, which eagerly opened to accept it.

Dominic watched with mild amusement at this unexpected and creative position, he'd just expected people around the world to degenerate into mindless fucking, and no doubt by the second day of the broadcast they would be, but for now some of the benefits of an intelligent mind were being used.

Wonder Woman clamped her cunt-muscles down hard around Wally's cock tightly, making the red headed speedster gasp in pleasure as he continued to saw his cock in and out of the Amazon's tight cunt, while Superman pulled his cock back from her ass, then slammed back in. Diana's head bobbed up and down over J’onnz’s cock, sucking his giant penis deep into her throat, lips tightly stretched around the enormous green penis.

On top of her, The Huntress' back moved up and down over Diana's as she went along with Kyle's hands, which pulled her head up and down onto his cock even as he pushed in and out, fucking her mouth while Superman felt up her cunt and tits alternatively.

Wonder Woman felt like pure sex, nothing more and nothing less. All her thoughts of her mission were gone, of her mother the Queen and the beautiful Island of Thermyscra. All that existed for her was the marvelous feeling of physical, sexual sensation, all she wanted was to be fucked and to fuck, to suck cocks, cunts, tongues and tits. To be buttfucked, cuntfucked, facefucked, titfucked, hell, even armpit fucked, anything that involved physical contact with any other sentient being was all she wanted.

Her massive breasts bounced up and down, swaying about in front of Wally's face, as Superman began to actively fuck her ass, knocking her forward with each stroke of his cock into her tight little butt, which caused additional pressure on Wally's own cock inside her cunt. Lifting his hips up higher, The Flash tried a trick he'd used on Linda several times, giving her massive multiple orgasms but leaving her sore and a couple of times slightly bruised. He began to make an incredible number of pelvic thrusts, each fuck into her tight, bald little cunt was only short, but coming so fast, punctuated by the slap of skin against skin, began to drive The Amazon wild with passion. This fast fuck into her cunt, coupled with Superman's cock slicing in and out of her ass while her mouth ran wetly up and down J’onnz’s thick, long cock.

"Ugggllmmm!!!!" Diana cried, the only sound she could make about The Manhunter's cock, slamming her own hips down against Wally's, unable to match his speed but loving the feel of the contact of skin against skin. She was intensely aware of the feel of The Huntress' back against her own and longed to grab the woman against her, to press their tits against each other and grind their clits together while they french-kissed deeply, hands running over each other's back.

She could hear Kyle's groans and grunts as he fucked his cock into Helena's mouth, cramming all of his hard meat down her throat, loving the look of her mouth stretched about his cock. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she got off on both being facefucked and felt up by The Man Of Steel.

Superman's fingers worked in a blur, all over Huntress' nipples, clitoris and between her cuntlips. He worked with an experts touch, learned from an active sex life with his wife, Lois Lane, that had seen him grow from clumsy and unsure to a superb, superlover. He loved the feel of her body beneath his hands as he fucked Wonder Woman's butt, slamming his cock in and out of her ass faster and faster now.

Diana's eyes closed in silent relief as a pair of hands reached up and grabbed her bouncing, swinging breasts, squeezing and kneading them. Her entire body was tingling with pleasure, and every bit of it had been getting attention but her breasts, which had been buzzing with greater and greater need, especially in her nipples. Now she let out a moan of contentment around Manhunter's cock as she felt a mouth slide over her nipples and begin to suck on them. She didn't have to look to know that it was Wally, the speed with which his tongue danced across her nipples told her well enough.

The Amazon's body was being pumped forwards and backwards as she was facefucked by J'onn, buttfucked by Clark and fucked hard and fast in her cunt by Wally while Helena writhed about on Diana's back, her mouth crammed full of Kyle's cock, his prick slicing in and out of her stretched lips.

Somehow the six different JLA'ers had gotten into a rhythm that perfectly counterpointed everybody. Dominic had to admit he was impressed by the fact that they all worked as a team, even when it was to fuck.

Superman's cock was sliding in and out of Diana's tight little butthole faster and faster, his spare hand had come around her waist and was now playing at superspeed over her clitoris, accentuating the incredible feel of the fast fuck that The Flash was giving her cunt.

Diana let out a moan of excitement, feeling the building pressure of an incredible orgasm rising up inside her body. She pressed her tongue firmly against the underside of J’onnz’s dick as he pumped into her mouth, she was sure she could feel his cock stiffening and swelling inside her mouth, stretching her lips even wider.

All of this constant, building sexual pleasure in her cunt, her asshole, her tits, her mouth, even on her back, was combining to bring her to what she was sure would be the most incredible orgasm of her life.

Her arms were locked tight, hands pressed against the marble, and as her orgasm built she began to squeeze her fingers shut, which drove deep furrows into the hard marble.

With a muffled scream of pleasure, her mouth tightened more than ever around The Manhunter's cock, and she orgasmed, her cunt and ass gripping down on Superman and The Flash's cocks. This was all that the others needed, and Superman hissed through gritted teeth as he slammed his hips forward against Wonder Woman's ass, shooting his cum deep up her butt even as The Flash was grinding his cock hard against Diana's cunt, shooting his sperm up into her tight gripping snatch, which was flooding with her cuntjuices, which were even now dribbling out through the minute cracks between cock and cunt.

Hot juices flooded down over Diana's asscheeks, running down her crack and around the thick pole of cock meat buried in her asshole as The Huntress came from Superman's expert touch. Her lips tightened around Kyle's cock and he pressed his meat forward, his pubic hair tickling her nose as he crammed all of his cock down her throat and fired his spunk down into her stomach, grunting happily, his hands running over the sides of her face.

Strong hands gripped the sides of Diana's face and with a grunt of surprise she felt over nine inches of Martian cock press itself into her mouth, leaving a couple of inches still out of her mouth. J'onn let out a grunt of pleasure and his cock swelled in Wonder Woman's mouth.

"Delicious," he muttered, then pulled his cock slowly from her beautiful mouth, his cockshaft glistening with her saliva, "And exhausting as well."

He fell onto his ass and lay back on his elbows, a satisfied, sated look on his face.

Kyle stepped back over Helena and dropped to the floor, his now half-hard cock bouncing slightly as he hit the marble. He took in the fact that when Wonder Woman had orgasmed, she'd ripped two large holes in the marble floor and still held the crumbling remains in her tightly clenched fists.

Helena swung off and dropped to the ground, a sated look of desire on her face while Superman pulled his cock free from the Amazon's butthole and stumbled back a couple of steps. Wally's hips dropped, his cock pulling out of Diana's cunt with a wet, slurping noise and he released his mouth from around one of her nipples, his eyes rolling back in his head as he let out a moan of intense satisfaction.

Dominic leaned forward, interested in what would happen next. He'd always known that the signal would wipe out the mind's inhibitions and create an intense desire to have sex, but would it be as effective after orgasm, when the body's ability to continue having sex would be limited. He expected most people to sleep, eat or rest until they were ready to have sex again, but would they regain some of their higher cognitive functions in the meantime?

"Who wants to go again?" Superman asked, grinning fiercely, his eyes alight with a sexual need that had not been blunted in the slightest, his cock was fully erect again.

"You up for it, Diana? Helena?" The Flash asked Wonder Woman, who lay beside him. The Flash's cock was fully erect again and he was looking from side to side, at the two beautiful, naked heroines on either side of him.

"Yes," moaned Diana, "I need it, I've gotta have it."

"Me too," groaned Helena, clutching at her crotch, "I still gotta get fucked!"

"Hang on," gasped Kyle, and a green nimbus of light surrounded him, then entered his body. A second later he lifted his head and shook it about, then grinned happily, "Okay, I'm up for it!"

"Sadly," gasped J'onn, still on his elbows, "While I want to go again, my body does not recover as quickly as yours after sex." He reached down and grabbed his cock, which was now limp but still close to eight inches long, "It may be up to an hour before I'm able to have sex again."

The others just nodded, more interested in getting some more sex than in The Manhunter's lack of ability.

Yet, even as Wonder Woman rolled over and fulfilled her fantasy of making out with The Huntress, their arms running over each others backs as they rubbed their thighs against each other's cunts and their tits against each others, even as The Flash was rubbing his cock against the small of the Amazon's back and Superman did the same to The Huntress', even then Wonder Woman was wondering at what The Manhunter had said.

Because he hadn't cum in her mouth.

JLA WatchTower, The Moon, 1:07 PM Gotham Time

Catwoman sat up and stretched happily, loving the feel of her breasts being pulled up as her arms lifted above her shoulders and straight over her head.

She loved waking up, she felt so lazy, so languorous, like a cat getting up from a nap.

And like a cat she was instantly on alert, leaping out of dangers way as a ripping, tearing noise sounded directly next to her. She dived behind the bunk she'd been sleeping in, then when no further noises were forthcoming she tentatively raised her head over the bunk and eyes the source of the noise.

Sitting up in the bunk beside Catwoman's, a red-haired woman was staring at her surroundings in obvious confusion. She, like Catwoman, was naked, and also like Catwoman she seemed unconcerned over her nudity. She had been restrained but easily broken free from her bonds, and now she seemed to be pondering her next move.

"What is this, what is going on?" the redhead growled, "This is The Watchtower, isn't it?"

She looked down between her legs and cursed quietly, saying so quietly that Catwoman almost didn't pick it up, "I'm dripping? And I feel so horny, but this isn't natural, I don't like it."

"What's so unnatural about wanting sex?" Catwoman asked with a smile, standing up from beside the bunk, "You're Maxima, aren't you?"

Maxima leaped off her bunk, landing on the other side and crouching menacingly.

"Oh relax," laughed Catwoman, waving an arm derisively at their superheroine, "I'm not interested in fighting... but I can help you with that other problem," she glanced meaningfully down at Maxima's crotch, smiling at the sight of the shaven cuntlips and trimmed red pubic hair.

"That's disgusting!" cried Maxima angrily, but a flush seemed to rush through her skin and her own eyes dropped down over Catwoman's nude body.

"Is it?" asked Catwoman with a grin, noting the other woman's interest in her toned, athletic body, "Can't you feel the desire? The need? You need sex, I want sex, together we can both fulfill each other's need."

"I am not like those who feel lust for the same sex," replied Maxima haughtily, trying to look dignified but failing miserably when it pushed her breasts out further, showing off her erect nipples. A light sheen of sweat had broken out over her body.

"Come on, darling," chuckled Catwoman, coming closer to Maxima, who eyed her uneasily, "You can't tell me you haven't wondered what it might be like to kiss another woman? To have her slide her hands over your breasts? Between your legs? To feel her take your nipple in her mouth and suck on it? Run her tongue between your pussylips and nibble at your clit? Are you telling me that.. doesn't.. interest.. you.. at.. all?"

With each question she'd gotten closer, and her face had come within inches of Maxima's, and as she said each final word, emphasizing each one separately, her face got closer and closer. Maxima had tried to stand her ground, had fought not to flinch back from Catwoman and show any weakness. Her eyes had locked with Catwoman's and she'd seemed to drown in them, they were deep pools that held impenetrable secrets and she was being sucked in deeper and deeper.

Catwoman lightly brushed her lips over Maxima's and before the redhead knew what she was doing, she was pushing forward and kissing back, her arms sliding around Catwoman's back. The sometimes villainess lightly flicked her tongue between her lips and lightly across the tip of Maxima's own tongue. The underside of Maxima's breasts pressed against the top of Catwoman's and the redhead groaned lightly as she felt gentle, tender hands slid down over her firm asscheeks and lightly circled over them.

They broke the kiss but held their faces close, Maxima staring at Selena in total shock. Then her face slowly broke into a happy, satisfied grin and she lowered her eyelashes, unsure how to deal with this unexpected shyness.

"Come on," chuckled Catwoman, "If you really want to get at a penis that badly, I know where we can find one of the most flexible I've ever come across."

Maxima wordlessly followed Catwoman, who held her by the hand, somehow falling into a submissive role that was completely unlike her.

To Be Continued…