Hilljacked 05

Author: Testcase
Time to Read:26min
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Hilljacked Chapter 5

by Testcase

Warning !

This work of fiction contains extreme violence against women, rape, incest, bestiality and racism. If any of those things offend you, or it is illegal for you to read them in your part of the world, please close this and leave.

Several characters in this story are property of others; this is for private non profit use only and may not be reprinted or rebroadcast.

Tina Ramirez left her office at the Southern Poverty Law Center headed home, proud of what she had accomplished this month. She had gotten the Federals to investigate a bunch of red neck bastards in West Virginia, and today she had typed out the paper work for a complaint against her boss. A sexual harassment and racial slurs, she had it on tape, although her boss, Sam Watkins had intended neither to be an insult.

The ambitious Latina laughed to herself, another man's balls cut off, figuratively speaking. If they didn't fire her boss, he would be at her command from now on, afraid of another law suit. And if they did fire him, she was bound to be promoted to his old job, it was a win-win as far as she could see. The fact her bosses' life, and his families didn't matter to her at all. She hated all men, but especially all WHITE men, and all southern white men even more. She was not a dyke, but she had been abused as a child, and had suffered racism since immigrating here illegally fifteen years ago.

She had smuggled herself and her two year old daughter across the border while pregnant with her second child, all products of a brutal husband who beat her regularly. Well, she wasn't sure who the second baby belonged to, her husband had paid a gambling debt with her body, he had given her to a gang for a week to settle his debt.

But she loved her kids and had vowed they would never suffer the things she had. Once the second girl was born as an "Anchor baby" the authorities were loathe trying and deporting her, very bad press to say the least. She had even scammed the US government into paying for her law degree which she used to get her current position. Yes, everything in her life was on track and proceeding according to plan!

It was a great day she thought to herself as she headed home to pick up her girls to take them to cheerleader practice. Tina was proud of those to young girls; they were both very beautiful, even at their young age. Rosita or Rosie as everyone called her oldest was seventeen now, and like her mother she was developing a nice figure to go with her lovely features. Even the younger girl, Consuela, or Connie as she liked to be called, was catching the eye of every boy she met at sixteen. But it was no surprise they were so lovely, their mother was a stunning beauty in her own right, she had often been told she looked just like Selma Hayek and was often confused as the two teens older sister even though she was thirty five years old.

Tina had raised her daughters to treat men like the scum she felt they all were, and to use their charms to get what they wanted in the world with out ever really giving up the "goodies", this had made the teens many enemies over the years even as they ran in the popular girl circles at school.

Yes, life was good, until she noticed a marked cop car and an unmarked government van in her driveway as she approached her house. She noticed several of her nosey neighbors watching from their yards as she pulled in the driveway.

She rushed into her house to see two uniformed cops cuffing her daughters who were in their cheerleader outfits. "What the hell is going on here?" the fiery Latina roared.

She started for a uniformed cop that held her youngest daughter and was handcuffing her when a plains clothes officer grabbed her arm, "I would not do that, it is interfering with a lawful arrest and obstructing justice, you as a lawyer should know that!"

"Who are you people and what are you doing here?" Tina demanded as she stopped, "Why are you arresting my daughters? DO you know who I am?"

The plain clothes cop asked her in return, "Are you Tina Ramirez?"

"Yes I am! Who are you?' she shot back testily.

"MS. Ramirez, you are under arrest for conspiracy, drug manufacturing with intent to sell, disclosure of classified documents, and being in this country illegally?" the officer responded. I am Agent Allen and this is my partner Agent Joan Wigham, from the Alabama Bureau of Investigation. He showed her his badge and Identification as did the female agent. These uniformed officers are from the local police force. We have been investigating you for some time MS Ramirez, you and your daughters."


"MS Ramirez, I am sure you understand how an arrest works, we have to take you in and book you according to procedure" Detective Wigham. "It would probably be less embarrassing to your girls if you cooperated, I am sure the neighbors are getting an ear full." the female agent advised. "This will go much smoother if you cooperate, I am sure you can clear all this up and get on with your lives quickly."

She said it so sincerely and Tina had no idea why this was happening, she assumed it was a bureaucratic snafu. "What are we being arrested for?"

"The manufacture of drugs with the intent to distribute" the cold looking female plains cloth cop informed her. As Tina's jaw dropped the cop added, "Trafficking in child pornography, solicitation of prostitution, being in this country illegally. There will be other charges pending an investigation at your work place."


"You will get your phone call from the station house like every other suspect" the male cop informed her. "Please place your hands behind your back"

Once the three women were cuffed and shackled with Tina screaming the whole time about who all she was going to sue they were led out and placed in the van, where they were chained to a rail along a hard bench running down the side of the van.

"Don't worry girls!" the mother tried to comfort her children, "This is all a big mistake, noneof us has done any of those things! We will be suing the pants off someone soon, you wait and see!" She was right about the pants coming off someone…

The van seemed to take hours to reach its destination as all kinds of thoughts and emotions ran through the prisoners minds during the protracted ride. They felt the van slow, then begin a down hill descent with tight corners, Tina assumed it was the parking garage of the Federal building, a place she had caused many a confrontation while badgering Federal Agents to enforce civil rights laws. She was correct; it was a lower level of a parking garage, a level she had never been too, beneath the regular Federal offices. When the rear doors of the van opened a bright light was shined in their eyes to keep them disoriented in the gloom of the dark basement.

"Where are we?" Tina demanded.

"You are entering your new world whore!" the severe female agent retorted, Tina could not really see her, but she recognized the voice.

"What the fuck do you mean?" the fiery Latina lawyer shouted, "I demand to see Judge Soto, and give me a phone, I want to make a phone call! You people are some deep shit!"

Instead each of the captives was dragged to a small room and the doors clanged behind them after they were un-cuffed and shackled. A voice came over the speaker in a corner of each cell, "Remove your clothing and prepare for prison intake procedures! Disinfectant and delousing will begin in three minutes, place your clothing and personal belongings in the small bag on the chair. After filling the bag use the marker provided to write your name on the bag, then deposit in the drop box provided."

"DELOUSING!" Tina screamed, "What do we look like to you people, common criminals?"

"Two minutes until delousing" the voice answered coldly. "Any clothing or objects not removed will be ruined by the procedure in one minute and forty five seconds!"

Tina was wearing an expensive suit and she did not want it ruined so she hurriedly undressed, as did her daughters in the other cells. Right on time several nozzles blasted them with foul smelling disinfectants. What they didn't know was there wasalso small amounts of illegal drugs being sprayed on them, their skin and hair soaked it up. Not enough to cause a high, but it would show up in hair samples sent to the lab, further evidence to be used against them.

After the disinfectant spray they we given soap and shampoo, followed by a spray of cold water to rinse with. Course towels followed to dry them selves., all handed through an slot in the door by an unseen jailer.

"Please dress in the clothes provided" the voice ordered them as another package was dropped into the stalls. Tina opened hers and was shocked to see her oldest daughter's cheerleader costume!

"What the hell?' she screamed "is this some kind of joke?"

"MS. Ramirez, you will put on the clothing provided or you will be dragged out nude" a different male voice answered this time. She recognized the male plainclothes officer Allen. "You have two minutes to comply"

She was torn, but she didn't want to be pulled out naked, but this was wrong, there was clearly something amiss in this whole arrest! "One minute MS Ramirez!" his voiced echoed in the small chamber. She had no choice but to put on the humiliating clothing. It was far to small, the panties rode up into her cleft uncovered by the micro skirt while the top was far too tight on her chest. She had barely gotten them on when the door opened into the gloom of the sub basement as bright light glared in her eyes. She tried to shield them to see but it was useless.

"Place your hands behind your back!" Agent Allen commanded as he started to cuff her again. Then she heard another familiar voice, it was her boss!

Her heart leap when she heard Sam Watkins tell Agent Allen, "Those cuffs aren't necessary are they Agent?"

"SAM! Thank god you are here!" Tina cried nearly hysterically, "This is all a horrible mistake! You have to get me out of here!"

"That is why I am her MS Ramirez" the Director of the Southern Poverty law Office answered. "But there are some problems we need to clear up first."

Something in his voice set her on edge, he had never called her "MS Ramirez before, it had always been Tina before. "P…problems?"

"Yes Tina, I am afraid there are several you see" Sam explained. "The agents here tipped me to your after hours activities MS. Ramirez, and that led me to investigate your work and the hard drive in your office computer. Unfortunately we discovered several illegal activities, including theft of files, improper use of agency money, and some other signs of outright embezzlement. A huge sum really, in fact it totals over 250.000.00."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" the Latina exploded, "That is all a lie and you know it! You harassed me, and now you are framing me!"

"Actually there is damning evidence you were evidence you were engaged in illegal activity before MR Watkins became your boss MS Ramirez" Agent Whitworth chimed in, the female cop's voice sent chills up Tina's spine as she was sure she could see the agent looking at her like a wolf looks at a lamb! "Also, bank records indicate you were receiving large sums of cash from somewhere, never enough to trigger an investigation, but substantial. They add up almost exactly to the total that is missing. We also have wire transfers to Mexico, to your husband, who has confessed to Mexican authorities that he was using you to launder money and distribute drugs."

"This is all a lie you filthy PUNTA" Tina cursed the female agent in her native language

"Well the evidence is overwhelming MS Ramirez" Agent Allen retorted. "I have orders to remand you to the Mexican authorities AFTER your trial here"

"NO! YOU CAN"T!" Tina cried pitifully, "If I go back they will get me…"

"Who will get you?" Agent Whitworth asked in that chilling voice.

"People in Mexico, bad people, I owe them money" Tina sobbed. She knew her life was over if she ever set foot in Mexicoagain, even in prison they would kill her, after a long slow torture session or two.

"Please, I can't go back down there!" Please" she pleaded.

"Do you confess your crimes here?" Sam asked. "Maybe if we keep you here instead of sending you home…"

"I didn't do anything!" Tina sobbed, "Please, this is all a mistake, please…"

Enough of this, I am ready to fuck this whore!" the female Agent that Tina suspected was a bull dyke chimed in.

"F…fuck me?" Tina mumbled between sobs.

"Well Tina, it is your one chance" Sam advised her. "If you confess and sign a work release agreement perhaps we can avoid a worse situation for you and your children, but this is a one time offer, you best think carefully"

"What kind of agreement, anything is better than Mexico" the hope rose in the beautiful Latina's heart once more.

That's when a nightstick crashed into the back of her knees, dropping her to floor. "Kneel in front of your superiors slut!" the evil female voice of Agent Whitworth advised her, "You will be spending a lot of time there whore!"

Her boss went on, "MS Ramirez, basically you life as you knew it is over! You have attacked too many powerful people, so we have to remove you and your children."

"NO PLEASE! DON"T KILL US!" cried the panicked mother, "Look, we can work something out, please, not my babies!"

"In order to save your lives whore, we will need to make sure you can never threaten these people again" Agent Whitworth told her. "You must be eliminated as a threat…permanently, do you understand?"

Agent Allen went on, "Our choices are to kill you outright, ship you to Mexico, or find some other way to remove you as a threat!"

"Please, I will back off whatever investigations you ask!" the frightened prisoner promised earnestly. "Look, just let us go home and I swear I will stop whatever you want, I swear!"

"That won't be good enough for those in power" Sam Watkins deflated her hopes. "You must never be in a position to threaten them again Tina"

"Please, what would make them happy?' Ramirez begged, "Please Sam, help me out here!"

"I really should let them kill you or ship you and your whelps to Mexico!" Watkins growled, "Especially after what you tried to do to me!"

"No Sam, I am sorry!" Tina cried, "Please, I was being a bitch, I am sorry, I swear! I will do anything to make it up to you, I promise!"

"Would you suck his cock?" Agent Whitworth asked suddenly.

"What? Tina asked stunned by the abruptness of the question.

"Are you retarded?" The female cop snorted, "I asked, would you suck his cock to save your miserable lives? We know you have done it before, your husband tells us that's one of the reasons he wants you back, you mouth is especially talented! Now, if you want to live I suggest you beg Sam here to suck his cock and beg his forgiveness for trying to ruin him!"

"Then you will let us go?" the Latina lawyer asked.

"No you stupid whore" laughed Agent Allen, Sam's is the first of many you will suck. If we decide not to kill you or make heroin addicts out of your family and ship you back to the motherland you will be spending a lot of time sucking cock! You decide right now!"

"NO!" Tina cried defiantly "I won't do this! You are breaking the law and you will be punished!"

"Well you leave us no choice" Whitworth answered She pointed to one of the small cells. "Give the oldest one a big dose of Heroin, then give her to the biker gang, make sure they get some film before they snuff her. The Mexicans can have the other whelp; I think string her out on some meth and set her up fucking animals on film. When she is used up, make a snuff film. Momasita here goes home to her loving husband!"


Then she crawled to Sam, "Please Sam, I am sorry, let me suck your cock to make up for it! Please don't let them hurt my family!"

"Let me explain whore" Watkins exclaimed. "You will be required to confess the crimes you are charged with, and sign a confession, the crimes you will be admitting to will add up to several decades in prison. If you sign you will be remanded to me for a work release program"

"It will ruin us!" Tina protested.

"Exactly" Agent Allen explained.

"What about my career?" the ambitious Latina enquired sadly.

"It is over" Sam told her coldly. The Center can not have a convict on work release working in such an important position"

"So I am fired?" Tina stupidly stammered,

"I think we can keep you as a secretary on the prison training program" Watkins told her. "Of course the cut in pay will be dramatic, in fact you will earn minimum wage in your new position, but you will also earn some room and board in your other new job"

"My other new job?"Tina puzzled.

"Yes, you and your kids will be domestic help at our homes" Sam advised, "We each will have a servants quarters available at minimal rent for each of you."

"Domestic servants!" cried Tina, "You can't be serious… Maids?"

"Among other duties whore" Director Watkins laughed. "My wife and I entertain frequently and you will be the center "piece" of the party"

Tina understood exactly what he meant by "Piece", she had lived that nightmare before. "Please, I will do what ever you ask, but let my girls go"

"Sorry, it's all or nothing" Agent Whitworth told her icily. "A family that whores together stays alive together!"

"You will all be famous soon!" laughed Agent Allen, and this will keep you from ever going to the authorities, make up your mind, these are the only options! Either way, you will be started on your life right now."

"You bastards!" she moaned, "You know I have no choice! Sam you son of a bitch, you set me up, you ruined me!"

"Exactly!" Sam laughed "Just like you tried to ruin me slut, now you know your choices, pick a curtain slut!"

She had no room to wiggle, no leverage to negotiate with, she was trapped and there was only one way to save their lives as horrible as it was, her only chance was to cooperate and hope an opportunity to escape presented itself. It would be hard on the girls, but they would learn as she had to toughen up in their new reality.

"Please Sam, may I suck your cock?' she begged, kneeling in front of her boss.

Sam handed her a clip board with several pages of documents on it. "Sign the confession, and then you may beg to suck my cock."

Tina started to read, but her eyes were blurry with tears. "Don't bother bitch, it says we own you for as long as we decide to keep you!" Agent Amanda Whitworth informed her. "Sign it or you will be used a a fuck toy for a biker gang until they get tired of you, then delivered back to Mexico. You kids are young, they might hold up longer with the biker, who knows, one might decide to keep one or the other for a pet."

"This way at least you will serve an upper middle class family" Allen offered, "But decide now, and forever, there is no going back"

The sobbing woman put pen to paper, signing away what just that morning she thought was an idyllic life for her and her kids, but the alternative was a nightmare beyond comprehension.

"I am sorry girls" she sobbed, her tears staining the document.

When the signing was done he looked at Tina and laughed, "Is there something you want to ask whore?"

"M…may I suck your cock?" Tina stammered dismally.

"Lift that sweater over those tits!" he declared, "I have wanted to see those since your first day at the office. Lift that sweater and give us a look at those fun bags! Hold those POM POMS at your sides!"

"THAT IS FUCKING AMAZING!" Agent Allen remarked as the Latin beauty obeyed, tears streaking her cheeks. "Look at the hooters on that whore!"

Tina's face turned bright crimson as the men discussed her breast, but when the female agent chimed in the shame was over whelming. Tina looked at her and cried, "how could you, you are a woman, you should know how this feels!"

The female cop leaned over and started to grab one of the ample nipples now hardening in the cool air of the basement room. Tina started to slap her hand away and received a sharp blow across face in return, "Keep your hands where I told you whore!" Sam snarled menacingly.

Agent Whitworth smirked as she grabbed Tina's nipple and pulled, "You will never refuse me anything cunt, it is that clear?" The agent twisted her engorged nipple hard and twisted, "Answer me slut!"

"YYEESS!" Tina cried in pain.

"That is yes mistress you lowly cunt!" Sam snarled and slapped her across the face. "Now answer her correctly!"

"YES MISTRESS!" Tina wailed, "Please it hurts!"

"Do you understand,we own you and your whelps?" Sam asked the captive as the female cop kept twisting Tina's nipple.

"YES!" the cornered Latina cried, "I understand….please stop!"

"MOM!!" both of her daughters cried in unison, they had been brought out of their cells unseen by their mother.

Tina tried to turn and see her children but Agent Whitworth held her firm by her nipple and slapped her face. "When your mistress has a hold of your tit you better damn well pay attention to her, not your whelps! Is that clear whore? Answer me…"

"YES MISTRESS" the pained and humiliated prisoner wailed, "Please, don't let them see this, please!"

All she got was another back hand across her face from Agent Allen. He motioned and the two teens were shoved next to their mother and forced to kneel. The sobbing girls were dressed as whoreishly as their mother; the youngest wore a school uniform several sizes to small, while the oldest had on a Victoria Secret style maid uniform.

Sam Watkins went on, "If any of you try to escape the others will be punished. Also, each of you will have been convicted of serious crimes. If you are caught out of our homes you will be arrested instantly and returned to us. If that happens, your whole family will be sold into Mexicowhere you will all be addicted to drugs and used as whores. You will be fresh meat for a while, serving in the better whore houses until they tire of you, then you will be sold to a street pimp in the low rent districts. If you survive that very long you will probably end up fucking farm animals like donkeys and horses until you die."

Agent Allen added, "Your life here will be hard, but you will live, disobey and your life will become a living hell. Those are your choices, no discussion. If you wish to just be sold now speak up!"

"MOM" the oldest daughter Connie "What is happening? Why is this happening to us?'

"I am sorry baby" the sobbing mother answered as best she could. "Do what they say, stay alive, sign the papers and remember, none of this is your fault, I am so sorry! No matter what they do, you are not a whore, you are being forced…"

"SSSSLLLLLAAAPPPPPP!"Sam sent a backhand across her face,, "Your whelps belong to us now whore, no one told you to speak to them! SSSLLLAAPPPP!"

He unfastened his pants and grabbed the stunned Tina by her hair and pulled her face to his crotch, "Open your mouth bitch, let's see if your husband was right, let's see if you can suck a cock!"

Tina had been brutally used in a former life in the old country, the pain and the smells came back to her as his instant cock head rubbed her lips, leaving a slimy trail of pre cum, then he cock slapped her, "Open your mouth whore and accept your new life!"

"MOOOMMMM!!" her children cried as he slid his fat cock in their beloved mother's mouth and she knew how to take it's whole length.

"Your mouth is talented!" Sam crowed as he face fucked her in front of her kids, "You will need to teach these brats your specialty slut!"

Amada Whitworth grabbed the youngest girl by her hair and dragged her to a chair and forced her over her lap. She lifted the ultra short skirt of the prisoner and began a humiliating spanking as Agent Allen took Connie by the hair and pointed to her mother, "Do you see what a whore your mother really is? Do you see how quick she was to sign away her and your lives to avoid a little pain? She has sold you out whore, now you will join her on her knees serving a man! Open your fucking mouth whore and if I feel so much as a scrape of a tooth I will pull them all out! Do you understand?'

He didn't wait for an answer, he forced her to her knees and soon she was learning the art of cock swallowing.

Amanda turned her captive over and soon the young teens tongue was deep in the bull dykes slit. "That's a good little bitch! Such a nice little pink tongue… I can't wait to get you home and introduce you to Max!"

It was just minutes before each of the family received their first mouth full of hot cum, each hoped it was over, but they hoped in vain.

"Before Max ruins that little twat, I want me some!" laughed Sam.

He grabbed poor Tina and made her get on her hands and knees. Then he took her youngest daughter and tore away the thong under the far too small school skirt she had been forced to don. Neither woman could comprehend the sick idea Sam had in mind. He draped Tina's little girl across her back, forming an +. Then her former boss forced her child's legs apart as the other two corrupt law enforcement officers held them helpless.

"So Tina, did your little whelp save herself for marriage" Sam laughed as he positioned his still hard cock against the tiny pink slit of the teen. He slowly began to force his cock into her fuck channel a fraction of an inch at a time. "God damn your little bitch is tight Tina, I will be lucky if your ass is this tight!

Then he encountered an obstruction, "I can't believe it, your little bitch is a virgin! Well not anymore!" He rammed forward and tore through her innocence in a brutal thrust.

The helpless girl screamed as he split her twat and robbed her of the ultimate gift, her mother sobbing helplessly under her as her girl was raped across her back. When Watkins came he screamed, "THERE YOU GO WHORE! YOU FIRST LOAD OF MAN CUM! I hope your whore mother had you on the pill! He thrust in and out as he spurted deep into her womb, saving the last spurt to spray her ass and back.

As soon as one man finished, the other mounted the screaming teen as Sam used her mother's hair to wipe the slime off his cock. She noted with horror his fuck pole was still as stiff as it ever had been. Her rapist had all taken a big dose of Viagra and was still hard, ready for another act of depravity.

He positioned Rosie in front of her mother who still supported Connie as she was raped for the second time. Sam shoved Rosie's face into the floor, ass in the air, thenbegan to force himself into Connie's virgin ass. The teen screamed as her ass was split wide by a man's fuck tool for the first time, unfortunately for her it would not be the last, far from it.

After the three law enforcement officers were sated and the three woman lay huddled together in a cumleaking pile sobbing and trying to console each other. The prisoners were ordered back to their cells where they took another demeaning shower, commanded to scrub each other as a camera filmed their humiliation.

They spent what seemed like an eternity in that cold dim basement as they were broken and trained to their new lives. They were forced to commit many acts of utter depravity,.They had briefly rebelled the first time they were forced to eat each other's cunts, but a cattle prod soon had them munching carpet like they were true lesbians. Sam's favorite film was f Trina ass fucking her youngest child with a strap on while cursing her child like a sailor using a cheap Thai hooker.

In a few short weeks they were ready for their new lives, the women were excited and apprehensive as each was taken to their new homes.

Each was taken to a new hell, separated from the tight family they had always known, they had no one to lean on for comfort now.

Sam Watkins led his blindfolded wife into their living room, "Don't peek honey, her is your anniversary present! You are going to love it!"

When he pulled off her blindfold the housewife gasped in surprise, "OH HONEY! ITS PERFECT! JUST WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED! THANK YOU DEAR!"

"You are welcome dear; you deserve some help around the house!" Sam exclaimed.

"Is this who I think it is, the bitch that tried to ruin you?" the wife asked, staring delightedly at the shapely Latina clad in a Victoria Secret slut maid costume

"Yes, this is the one" he answered, "Tina Ramirez"

"Turn Around so your mistress can look at you whore ass!" Sam demanded, his wife Susan was delighted when the Latinaobeyed instantly.

"She seems well trained dear!" the housewife commented as Tina blushed, she was still capable of feeling shame.

The woman approached Tina and ordered, "Open your mouth" When Tina complied she examined her like one would a new horse given as a present, looking at her teeth and feeling her limbs. "Stick out your tongue slut!" Susan ordered. "I see she still needs a tongue stud dear!"

"Well she is yours honey, I wasn't sure what type you would want!" he answered. "You can take her to the piercing place tomorrow and have it done any way you want!"

"Honey I am so happy, it's the best present ever!" Susan cooed.

"Even better than Chin Li" he asked. Chin Li was another slave Sam had given her.

"Oh yes dear, this one's ass and tits are much nicer!" she exclaimed happily. "We will have a lot of fun with this one!"

The happy couple spent the night raping their new fuck toy in all manorof warped ways. The next day poor Tina was led down the sidewalk of the seedy strip mall where the tattoo/piercing parlor was located; the proprietor was a kindred spirit and enjoyed working on other people's slaves.

She was led down the public walkway by a collar and a leash, she was clad in her daughter's high school cheerleader costume without any panties allowing anyone who cared to look a fine view of her crotch and ass.

"So MS Watkins, what can I do for you today?" the shop owner asked.

"Well, my new maid needs a few things!" Susan answered. "A tongue ring, nipple rings, and of course a clit rings as well!"

Tina paled at the thought; tears streaked her face as she was made to stick out her tongue so it could receive its adornment.

When it was over the shop keeper received a blow job and a fuck from the former lawyer who once billed 600.00 an hour for her services. Susan rerouted her leash, it now was hooked to her clit ring as she was led to the car. Susan made her lick her cunt as she drove her new toy home.

Amanda dragged her new pet into her secluded house and at once resumed her training. Connie was made to perform all sorts of demeaning tricks, like crawling through a hoop and sitting up and begging.

Then Amanda used the girl's mouth again, showering her face in she cum which she made the unfortunate girl lick away.

"OH!" Amanda exclaimed suddenly, "In forgot, I was going to me introduce you to Max, your new friend!" The tall blond woman disappeared for a minute after fastening little Connie to a short chain set in the floor in front of a couch. The chain from her collar was so short it made the girl drop to her elbows, she had become accustomed to this position because Amanda seldom let her stand upright, she was always crawling on her hands and knees. She was also accustomed now to having her ankles shackled to the floor, spread wide.

Then Amanda came back leading the biggest dog Connie ever saw! "Connie, meet Max, you are going to be his new bitch!" Suddenly the meaning of the cruel cop's words sank home, "OH DEAR GOD NO! NOT A DOG! PLEASE GOD! NOT AN ANIMAL! YOU CAN"T DO THIS PLEASE!"

She was still begging as Max, who had taken many human bitches in his day mounted her from behind, She screeched as his massive cock head slid up against her cunt opening, Then the powerful beast shoved his fuck stick deep into her twat as she tried to twist and turn to escape, but the dog violated her in spite of her best efforts.

"You may as well learn to enjoy it bitch!" Amanda laughed, "Fighting it just makes it hurt worse, or so max's other bitches have told me! Max and I belong to a dog owner's club, he will share you with other dogs at our weekly meetings, you get a new lover every week you lucky slut! And I get the revenue from the pictures and the movies, plus I get to fuck your face whenever I like. Sam wants a copy of your first date with Max her so he and his wife can share it with your mommy, isn't that sweet? They are talking about wanting one of max's pups and joining the club! Won't that be fun"

The girl's screams went unheard as she wailed her humiliation and pain into the night sky…

Several miles away in the next town over young Rosita Ramirez was in a living hell of her own. She was remanded to Agent Allen who had taken her home for her work release program. Like her mother and sister she had been thoroughly beaten down and broken by the time she reached her new permanent home.

Agent Allen was divorced and seldom saw his ex wife. It had been a bitter divorce and he had used his government connections to gain custody of his two sons, Randy and Jerry ages 14 and sixteen. The Agent had made his ex wife's life a living hell until she gave up and moved to a different city, conceding the custody of the boys to him. They were a tight knit bunch and enjoyed a lot of activities together.

The family Patriarch had snuck his new slave into their privacy fenced back yard out in the country and chained her to a wall near the pool. "BOYS! GET OUT HERE, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU!" he shouted, and they came out to see what he was yelling about.

They were stunned to see a young Hispanic beauty, barely older than themselves, chained to a wall next to the pool. She was naked except for a tiny thong bikini bottom and her perfect body was on display for the teens.

She took both boy's breath away with her stunning looks, they both just stood there staring with their mouths hanging open.

Finally Randy managed to speak, "Dad, what is this?"

"This is Rosie, our new house keeper" the father answered. "She is a criminal and is in my custody under a work release program. She is going to be staying with us for a long, long time!"

"Damn dad, she is HOT!" Jerry exploded, about to have a "work release program" in his shorts

"Go get changed boys, we will have a pool party tonight since it is Friday, and Rosie can start her new career!" The boys flew to their rooms to change while dad unchained Rosie from the wall. He lit the grill and led his new housekeeper to the kitchen. He pointed at the fridge and ordered, "Get the hamburgers out and start them on the grill, then come in and get the fixings to go with it. I will have a beer, ask the boys what they want, bring it to us by the pool. Remember what will happen if you decided to run! You have been implanted with a micro chip somewhere under your skin, we can track you like a dog. There is no escape, and if you try your family will be punished, so if you don't want to see your mom and sister in a Mexican snuff film, you better obey!"

"Yes Sir" the teen replied as she had been trained

Soon the Allen family was enjoying their dinner by the pool. "She burned my burger!" Jerry complained.

"Throw it on the ground!" his dad ordered, and then he made Rosie cook another and serve it to the spoiled teen.

"That's better!" Jerry snapped as he bit into his sandwich, "You need to learn to cook!"

The teens already stiff cock really tented his swim suit when she answered, "Yes Sir, I am sorry sir! It won't let it happen again Sir!"

"See that it doesn't!" the awe struck boy answered.

When they finished Agent Allen asked Rosie, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes Sir" she replied softly.

"You may have the burnt burger on the ground!" he told her coldly.

The young teen was starving, she had little choice, she stooped to pick it up, "STOP the father shouted, "Use that pretty little mouth, eat it where it lays! You will learn to not ruin good food whore!"

The two boys were shocked to see the stunning girl drop to her hands and knees to eat the dirty sandwich hungrily, her perfect ass stuck invitingly into the air. There was denying the huge hard on tenting each of their shorts.

"Now for desert!" the elder Allen declared. The boys had their attention riveted on the nearly naked Hispanic girl and had not seen their father drop his pants and set in a lounge chair.

They both nearly had a heart attack at what their dad said next, "Crawl over here whore and suck my cock!"

The two boys watch in rapt attention as the young girl crawled to their dad, her magnificent tits swaying under her until she knelt between his legs. She spat in her hand and began to massage his big fat cock before swallowing whole. Then she began to bob up and down like the expert cock sucker she had become in just a few short weeks.

"HOLY SHIT DAD!" Randy and Jerry cried in unison and wonder.

"Don't worry boys, you are next!" he promised. "Our lives are going to change dramatically around here, but you need to keep your mouths shut, do you understand?"

They both shook their heads in agreement as they watched their dad throat fuck a girl barely older than themselves right before their eyes. "This is one reason I got rid of your bitch of a mother, she could not suck a cock worth a damn! Every bitch should know how to suck a cock, right boys?"

The young Hispanic teen was fucked in every imaginable way that night by th three Allen men, sometimes one at a time, often two or even all three. The teen boys remarkable recovery time and the dad taking Viagra kept at least one of them hard. And during any short lull Rosie was forced to entertain them with demeaning task such as jumping up and down in front of them or fingering her leaking cunt until she came for them….