Hunter of the Amazon Chapter 23

Author: Lordgriffin
Time to Read:7min
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Added Date:11/29/2022

Daniel Thompson blinked as his coworker, and former boss threw herself emotionally into his arms, with a declaration that she was now a secretary and that Director Fox was somehow responsible for some big conspiracy with multi-millionaire mogul Actaeon Davies. Daniel had to admit the warm feel of a female body pressed against him was welcome and long missing from his life. He allowed Diana a moment before his hands gently moves to her shoulders and he reluctantly pushed her away.

“Diana, slow down, have a seat and some coffee, what is this all about?”

The raven haired agent sat down and accepted the strong black coffee “Daniel, I…I can’t tell you everything. I just came from Actaeon Davie’s mansion, where he is holding me and Haw…” Diana had to pause how would she explain Hawkgirl being there without having to reveal her own secret Identity. Right now, they had her image on the wed, true, but that could be doctored images, or an actor, she had to think fast “…all these girls, prisoner.”

Daniel sat behind his desk “Diana hold on your not making any sense, if you were prisoner, what are you doing here? Are you ok?”

Diana took a sip of coffee, she had to calm down or she would blow her whole cover, and action could declare strike three and…. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath “Daniel, I, know you have no reason to believe me, but suffice it to say I am being, coerced…I was just made to attend a meeting with Actaeon Davies, Cardinal Emmitt, and several high ranking foreign officials. They have president Perino under a kind of…mind control, and they want to use m… Wonder Woman to implicate the Pope in some kind of sex scandal. They have some plan against our Government, and Director Fox is in on it, Davies just dropped me off in the Directors office, he demoted me and they began discussing another plan to use Madison Square Gardens for some kind of weapons bid and perverted human trafficking again.”

Daniel shook his head “Again? That would be stupid we already knew about that Diana have you any proof?”

Diana looked frustrated “Daniel PLEASE, I know I have no proof, but they are trying to keep me out of the way, as a Secretary I will not have access to any information,. I swear Daniel I saw this and I heard….”

Daniel put his hand up “Diana, please, relax, I believe you…”

It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders “You do?”

Daniel nodded “Diana 2 months ago I was your assistant, now I am an agent. I owe you my career and you taught me most of what I know. Of course I do.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked placing the coffee down

“Well” Daniel began “first off I cannot do this without you, if you’re on the inside I need you so we have to find a way to keep you in the field and away from Davies and Director Fox….”

At that moment, there was a loud knock at the door and Diana started when Director Fox stuck his head in the door “Daniel I want to see you in a moment” he glared at Diana “and you, clean out your desk now.”

Daniel departed, and Diana went to the door to listen, she could hear their voices but not who was speaking, though she could guess.”

“…Want you to take over Miss Prince’s position as lead field agent.”

“What about Diana?”

“She will be assigned to the Secretary pool, She violated a restraining order to be on Mr Davies property…”

“How would you know that sir?”

Long pause

“Because I am the director if NSA, if you don’t want the job I will find someone else.”

“I didn’t say that but she is a GOOD agent.”

“Not anymore she is not…”

“Sir, how is it going to look if I report to Internal Affairs that such a good agent is now a secretary, and you’re taking over HR’s job.”

The voice grew angrier “You do that and I will see you are broken right out of the office…”

“I am not threatening you Sir, I think we can strike a compromise, make her my secretary….”

The voice that answered was distinctly unhappy “Why do you CARE so much about her? Is there something going on I should be aware of?’ the tone was threatening as if saying that Daniel had just given The Director a weapon.

“I don’t sir just give her some dignity, and that will also give you something you could make stick on me. You know Mutual Assured Destruction…I go to IA you say there is an affair…Give me Diana and this all goes away.”

“… You watch your back Daniel, if I so much as get a SNIFF that she OR you are making trouble…”

The conversation abruptly stopped and Diana had to hurry into the inner executive office, the office that had been hers and began cleaning her desk. The door opened and a very flustered Daniel entered. “Did you hear?”

Diana stood up “Daniel you should not have done that for me...”

Daniel shook his head “Were in this together Diana, partners…just PLEASE do not give them an excuse or next time we will BOTH be out of a job and be unable to help….Come on and help me move my desk into the office here, for now you can have mine in the outer office. The look of surprise on Daniels face was worth it when she put her arms around him and kissed him warmly and deeply. “Thank you Daniel…you won’t regret this”

The 2 had their offices mostly switched when Diana heard the explosion. She and Daniel quickly moved to the window where they could see a curl of smoke rising for an half overturned bus, 3 gunmen armed with handguns fired several shots into the air She heard Daniel swear “Damnit!” and grabbing his coat and revolver, he was out of the office.

“Daniel NO wait!” she gasp. As soon as he had left, she looked left and right, made sure the door was locked and then began to pirouette in places, spinning around. When she stopped, nothing had changed. “HADES!” she swore, her costume her belt her powers were all still in Davies mansion in his trophy room. She rushed from the office, headed for the director’s office.
Not surprisingly, she paced Mr. Fox on the way… good Davies would be alone. When she found him, Actaeon was sitting looking at a life feed on his IPhone.

“Release my uniform someone is going to get hurt!”

Davies looked up with a shrug “Sure, I think if you take the yellow line, you can get to my mansion in about 30 min, I can have Brad open the case for you…”

She blinked, there was no way she could GET to her power belt, there was another gunshot. “Great Herea! She muttered as she took off at a run for the stairs, the air cool on her bare privates beneath her skirt. She found it difficult to maneuver the stairs in the high heels. When she got to street level the scene before her clutched her heart with panic, Daniel was standing, three armed men in masks held large caliber hand guns toward his head as he kneel before an injured woman laying moaning in the street. Behind a group of people with signs “OUTLAW GUNS NOW” were cowering and pointing.

Daniel had his hands up “look, you got what you want, coverage, your message will get out, let me get this woman some help….”

A masked gunman brandished the pistol “Screw you man WE are the NRA, we see what is happening in this country we will NOT have our rights taken away!”

Daniel took a step closer. Diana had never felt so completely helpless…WHY Why did he have to do this? She heard Daniel say “Please…You have the hostages on the Bus, don’t just let this woman die…”

What happened next happened in slow motion, The gunman behind Daniel said “Fuck this” and cocked and leveled his pistol. Diana was on her feet moving, super strength or not she managed to grips the wrist of the suspect and bring it to her waist twisting her hip she heard the elbow joint crack and break, there was a scream of pain, the gun dropped, someone grabbed her and then a gunshot, and everything was quiet.

When Diana opened her eyes and looked up. Daniel held her, the first gunman had fired and he had placed himself in the path of the bullet. Diana’s first words of horror were “NOOOOOO!” as she saw the blood red crimson flutter over David’s shoulder. Flutter over his shoulder?”

Behind Daniel stood The Maid of Might, Supergirl, her feet shoulder width apart, her blond hair caught in the breeze with her crimson cape, her hands on her hip. Slowly the blond super teen looked down and picked a .44 cal slug from her cleavage, right on a line with Daniels heart. She considered the deformed piece of led, then popped it in her mouth like chewing gum. “you fellows have caused quite ENOUGH trouble, you going to come quietly?”

Diana saw the 3rd gunman stretch out his hands “Kara! To your right!”

Supergirl looked confused for an instant, but quickly gave a little spit, and the slug he had been chewing, now reformed, sped toward the 3rd gunman and “shot” the gun from his hand. With a cocky smile Super Girl winked at Diana and said thru the side of her mouth, “anyone else want to try?” After that, the Police were able to take the Gunmen into custody, much to the cheers of the Gun control advocates.

Daniel was visibly shaken, as the Flash Appeared in a moment, picking up the wounded woman and then disappeared, presumably taking her to the hospital at super speed. “You should not have done that.” she chided Daniel.

Daniel accepted the paramedic’s help to be taken to the side “W…why not, j...just got a promotion, besides this will make it harder for…anyone to… make accusations?”

Diana caught the disapproving look of Jake Fox, as Supergirl stepped up to her “Thank you for your help Miss” The maid of might smiled, before adding under her breath “Diana Prince right? Wonder Woman?”

Diana looked visibly surprised, few knew her true identity even in the Justice League. “Kara?” she replied.

Kara looked left and right speaking so only Diana could hear “Clark told me, I did not know you needed back up. Look something strange is going on; the league is being kept so busy by all these gun incidents, that they are not seeing what I am seeing, being a reserve member.”

Dian looked up “What about Clark and Bruce?”

Kara nodded “Missing, though I think I know where my cousin is. Can you hold out till I get back with Superman?”

Feeling elated for the first time in weeks Diana nodded “you bet ya…Be careful kara.’

Supergirl nodded “I have to go now or people will ask questions.” So saying she raised her right arm, left leg, and flew off into the sky, as Diana heard her say “My job is done here”