In the modern world, money is power. While it is true that money cannot buy everything, it is also very true that without money, not much is possible.
I devoted my life to attaining wealth, not so much for the sake of wealth itself, but so that I can afford myself and my family a comfortable life. It also gives me a great deal of pleasure in using that money to create even more money, money for businesses that offer employment and jobs to others.
The joys of capitalism indeed! Like they say, greed is good!
-Joshua Peres, Earl of Greed
For Tom Serra, the next three weeks were a blur. From crash courses in financial management, stock investing, and fund accumulation, to lessons in etiquette, grooming, and even wine tasting, he could barely keep up.
The Earl of Greed and the Duke of Deception were his supervisors, but most of the time they just assigned several of their own people to instruct him. Tom had no idea what line the two had fed their people, but they came after him with an intensity that reminded him of his own time in Officer Cadet School facing combat instructors.
He was working on economics now, or at least he was supposed to be working on economics. The stack of books piled on the table in front of him made him wish he was somewhere else. Even facing a firing squad was preferable.
He read the question on the exam paper out loud, “A rise in tax rates and government spending will lead to 1. An increase in GDP. 2. An increase in employment. 3. Decrease in capital investment. 4. Reduced savings.” He looked over the question again, and groaned. Considering that rival economic schools have fought what amounted to a civil war over this very question for decades, was there even an accepted answer to the question?
Tom had largely gotten over his weed addiction, but those bouts of withdrawal anxiety largely constituted his only free time doing nothing, even if he was left struggling with his own nightmares. Many times, he woke up screaming, and went back to studying instead.
“Still at it, I see.” Joshua Peres commented as he walked into the room, grinning broadly at his colleague. “Not bad, Phillip. Keep working.”
“I need a break.” Tom groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he stood up. “And some refreshment.”
“Come on, there’s cold beer in the kitchen. I figured you’re just about ready now for the real thing anyway. Stop worrying so much.”
The mansion Phillip Delacroix had owned was now Tom’s, yet he still felt extremely uncomfortable. Stanley Burnside had fired the mansion’s previous allotment of servants and workers in order to hide Tom’s real identity, but there was that peculiar feeling, as though he was living in somebody else’s skin.
They had explained his looking different from the real Delacroix by claiming that he had gone for plastic surgery to make himself more attractive to the ladies. Tom had been skeptical, but Stanley’s people had assured him that he did look a lot more handsome than before. How little they knew. Well, he was honest enough to admit to himself that he did look better compared to his drifter days.
Then there were the various updates from the company he now owned, which he struggled to keep on top of at first, but became more and more familiar with. Operations reports, research progress etc. Ares Macrotech was mostly a software firm, but had been branching out into biotechnology and nanotechnology. In fact, the impending deal with the US government was a contract with the military for software defense.
He had tried to refrain from making any decisions, but Ares had insisted, and he had reluctantly tried his best with his minimal training and some advice from Peres. Results had been favorable, surprisingly enough, and Joshua was confident that he would be able to operate independently from then on without close supervision.
Tom still had his doubts on his role, but he had chosen to work for Ares, and being a rich owner of a company was definitely not the worse that could have happened to him. Compared to his previous existence in that dingy hellhole, he supposed he should be grateful to the god of war. But he could not, could never forget, that all this was simply part of the role he was playing for Ares, and that when the time came, everything will be torn away, and he would be back to being a cold blooded killer.
He followed Joshua into the kitchen. The Earl of Greed took out two cans of beer from the fridge, and tossed one to him. Tom caught it easily with one hand, and opened the can, pulling out the tab with his other hand. He savored the taste of the cool beer.
“So, you think you can do this now?” The Earl smiled.
“I’m still not sure.” Tom shrugged, “Considering that I’m practically new to this, Ares is taking a very big risk.” There weren’t any servants around at night, just him. There was no danger of somebody stumbling onto their conversation.
“Don’t worry.” The Earl of Greed assured him. “We’ve explained away your looks, your ‘time of absence’ away. What else could happen?”
Serra shook his head, “What if I screw up? What if I make a wrong decision that kills the firm? Dammit, Ares has to know what I can do and what I can’t. And this is one of those things I can’t. I’m not afraid to admit it.”
Joshua laughed, “And you think I never made a mistake in my dealings before? Everybody makes mistakes, everybody falls down once in a while. It’s just how long it takes for us to get back on our feet.”
“Ask me to kill somebody. Ask me to steal, murder. But don’t ask me to run a company.” Tom persisted. “When Ares got me to agree to work for him, I thought that I was to be his knife, his weapon. I didn’t expect…” He gestured to their surroundings, “this.”
“And you would prefer to be killing instead?” Joshua asked softly.
Tom drew in a deep breath, “No. You’re right. This is better than killing, but still… why me?”
“Looks were part of it, but I think your other skills were still a factor.” Joshua tossed his empty can into a nearby basket. “I think Ares just wants as many options as possible. And don’t sell yourself short, you learn fast.”
Tom asked. “Why exactly are you working for him anyway?”
“Why indeed…” Joshua parroted. “What do you think?”
“I know we haven’t really talked to each other before. Hell, I only know your names and what your occupations are. In fact, this is the first time I’d the chance to talk to one of you man to man, so to speak.”
Joshua smiled, “So take a guess.”
Tom nodded, then stared at him. “You’re Jewish. Ares is involved with war, conflict.” Realization struck Tom, “Israel.”
“Very good.” Joshua clapped his hands a few times in applause. “So what about Israel?”
“If Ares becomes King of Olympus, he’ll have the ability to exert influence in that region, maybe stopping the Middle East conflict once and for all. But still, why? Is it worth abandoning your own faith?”
Joshua raised an eyebrow, “Who says I’m worshipping Ares? I’m only working for him. Big difference.”
“Then working for him…”
“Phillip, did you think all of us are typical power grubbing thugs out for a few more slices of the world?” Joshua glared at him, “We’re working for Ares because he promised us a better world.”
“With him, the god of war, as Lord of Olympus. A better world. Right.” Tom’s sarcasm must have seeped through, because Joshua snapped back.
“Shut up and listen. He’s the god of war now, but when he overthrows Zeus, he won’t be. That’s when he stops becoming the god of war and becomes the king of the Greek gods. And as the people who helped him, we can expect him to return several big favors for us. That’s more important than you think, and a damn sight better than anything that’s out there now.”
“So you think with him in charge, the fighting will stop.”
“Oh yes.” Joshua nodded emphatically. “I’m not asking for Ares to kill all the Palestinians, or all the Muslims in the Middle East. That’ll be genocide. But at the same time, I cannot, will not, accept my people, the Jews, suffering more and more attacks from the intifida. All I’m asking him is that with his influence, he can cut off their supplies of material, supply Israel with intelligence that enables them to stop terrorist attacks. That’s not a lot to ask, is it?”
“I suppose not.”
“Did you know Morgan asked for much the same thing?” Joshua continued. “He’s a real patriot, a true blue American hero. Did you have any idea what he went through in his mind when he finally decided to work for Ares?”
“I’ve always wondered about that,” admitted Tom. Major General Morgan Carter, Lord Conquest, seemed like an honorable man, one dedicated to his job of protecting America and its people. It seemed strange that he would be working for Ares.
“Ares promised him that he would use his power to punish the terrorists. Even more than that, he promised Morgan that he would actively seek to encourage democracy and liberty throughout the world.”
Tom blinked, “I gather that gods don’t go for such things.”
“No, traditionally they don’t. But Ares got convinced somehow. I think he read Atlas Shrugged and became a semi-Randian. But the basic point is, he’s willing to help us build a better world, and he’s not going to just talk about it.”
“I see,” Tom was rather surprised. Ares, the god of war, a libertarian? “Then where does Stanley and Schroeder fit into this?”
“Schroeder was Ares’ first recruit, before Ares wised up. Stanley wants free flow of information in the world. Stan’s on our side, Schroeder’s not. But he just wants a country specifically for the Aryan race.”
“And Ares agreed.”
“Yeah, he promised Schroeder that too. It’s not a big deal.”
Tom shook his head in disbelief, “I’m still trying accept this. You know, I have read what Ares tried to do in the past.”
“So people change. Gods change too. But you know what? We never quite figured out your reasons. And no records on you were ever found. Nothing. It’s like you appeared out of nowhere.”
Serra stiffened. “My reasons are my own, and they’re not as lofty as yours. As for who I am,” he shrugged, “It doesn’t really matter.”
“Then why don’t we find out?” Joshua stared right at Tom, and Tom suddenly had a feeling the other man was intruding into his thoughts, his memories.
The Earl of Greed suddenly started to shiver. He broke off the stare and dashed to a nearby washbasin, vomiting into it.
“I told you my reasons are my own. And you had it coming.” Tom said with an edge to his voice. “I see now why Ares wanted you to work for him. You’re empathic.”
Joshua panted, wiping off more vomit from his mouth with a piece of tissue before facing Tom again. “And what the hell are you?” Fear was written all over his face. Tom guessed he had seen something he should not have.
“I told you before. I was a killer. And I’ve done things which would have made your spine twist itself in knots and beg itself for mercy.” Tom let out a long breath. “And it all doesn’t matter now.”
“For the record, I have only slight mental manipulation abilities. But for the love of God, Tom Serra, why did you do those things? And before you say it doesn’t matter, that’s not true either. Your nightmares?”
“My own problems.” Tom replied coldly. “Not yours.”
“Okay, sorry. I’m really sorry,” Joshua stared at him. “I didn’t know you could be so touchy about this. But hell, I’m sorry for myself for just looking.”
“Be glad you didn’t dig deeper. Some memories would have driven you mad,” commented Tom, then threw his own can into the bin. “I think we’ve talked enough. I should get back to studying.”
“Wait,” Joshua stopped him, “one more thing I’ve found today which you might be interested in.”
The Earl of Greed smiled, then took out a newspaper cutting, handing it to Tom, “Your girlfriend just immortalized you.” The news paper cutting showed Wonder Woman shaking hands with a young girl, handing over a large check with ‘Tom Serra Scholarship’ written on it
Tom coughed hard, “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Oh really?” Joshua smiled.
“Really. She’s Ares’ enemy, and that makes her our enemy.” Tom read through the article quickly. Hmmm… a scholarship for needy children. Nice. I can’t help but feel gratified that my ‘death’ had a positive effect.
“They all thought you’re dead. I wonder what her reaction will be if she finds out you’re now working for her greatest enemy?” Joshua tapped a finger on his chin thoughtfully.
“Does it matter?” Tom replied, surprised at his own bitter tone. What do I care?
“Maybe. Maybe Ares is counting on it? Have you ever thought of that?”
“That a woman like her would bother?” Tom laughed cynically. “She’s a superheroine and a goddess. I’m nothing but scum, working for her foes.”
“That doesn’t mean she’s on an untouchable pedestal.” Joshua countered, “In fact, she’s been nothing but a hypocrite. Talking about peace all the time but doing nothing to achieve it.” Greed scoffed, “Bah! Look at the Middle East, North Korea, Africa. What has Wonder Woman and her amazons done to help the people there? A few lullabies to lure babies to sleep, some food shipments? While the conflict and poverty continues? Rounding up a few of the leaders for the UN, only for them to be acquitted in Hague by the kangaroo courts there?”
“You’re being unfair.” Tom did not know why, but he felt an obligation to defend Wonder Woman’s honor. “You can’t expect her to do everything.”
“I’m not being unfair when she’s being inconsistent. Hell, many of her stances are downright incomprehensible. Like supporting gun control. Environmental laws based on concepts long disproved by facts.” Joshua shook his head. “I’m no conservative, but her liberal viewpoints are incredibly dumb.”
In his studies, Tom had been forced on a tough regimen of philosophy and politics as well, focused on classical liberalism. He could understand why Joshua had been so dismissive of Wonder Woman’s views. Gun control only sought to disarm the innocent, opening them up to more crime. The gun, for all its faults, was the greatest equalizer in the history of man. With it, a woman was just as deadly as a man, unlike past eras when upper body strength was the most important factor, and that favored men and their swords. It was indeed strange why an Amazon had supported disarming people of their weapons, their guns. An armed society is a polite society.
Then there was the environment. Wonder Woman had opposed cars running on fossil fuels, but studies have amply shown that the amount of pollution produced by all the cars on the world didn’t equate to 1% of the pollution spewed by a minor volcanic eruption. And until STAR labs released fusion power engines to the general public, fossil fuels would still be the dominant energy source, fuel cells or not. So what was the problem?
She’s been surrounded by people with the wrong information, Tom realized. And that restricted her ability to discern the truth when it was being distorted by the people around her. It didn’t mean they were lying. The sad idiots probably even believed they were telling the truth. But belief and facts were often mutually exclusive. It was sad in a way, but Ares was going to win this one.
Joshua was on a roll now, ranting long and hard to nobody in particular, “…We’re the good guys here! We’re the ones working for a better world! By means of the market and Ares’ ability to slap down the sorry bastards…”
“I think I’ve heard enough.” Tom rolled his eyes as he left the kitchen. Time to get back to my studies before I get the urge to shoot Peres through the head.
Wonder Woman yawned as she flew into the embassy late into the night. The past few weeks have been relatively quiet. A few villains, thinking she had lost her edge, had shown up in Boston, Gateway, and New York, the three cities she considered to be her territory to challenge her, but she had sent them to the Slab easily. Some time spent on Themyscira to recharge her batteries had done the trick.
The embassy was quiet, the staff having left for home already or fast asleep. Only the minotaur Ferdinand was still awake, making some supper for her. Pasta, from what she could smell.
“Evening, Diana, or should I say morning,” Ferdinand said as he transferred the pasta to a small bowl, adding in some spices at the same time. “How was your day?” He placed the bowl in front of the Amazon.
“Busy,” said Diana, “But fruitful. How are my guests?” She started to eat the food.
“Oh, the Kapetalises are settling in well, but young Vanessa is anxious to see you again. The Sandsmarks haven’t arrived yet.”
Diana smiled, “That’s all right. I’ll pop in for a while and see if Vanessa is still awake.”
There was going to be an ancient Greek exhibition and auction meant to raise funds for charity, and Diana as the Themysciran ambassador was opening it that Sunday night. For this event, she had invited her old friends the Kapetalises and the Sandsmarks to the embassy, hopefully also giving her a chance to catch up with them.
Vanessa had largely recovered from the psychosis she had endured at the hands of Circe and later Dr Psycho in order to turn her into Silver Swan. Diana had made sure this time that her friend had ready access to her family and friends. Weekly calls to Julia and her daughter also helped, but Diana knew she had a lot to do to make up for neglecting Vanessa when she had needed Wonder Woman most.
“Oh, and before I forget,” said Ferdinand, “Jonah wants you to take a look at a report before you sleep. Something about Ares on the move.”
“Okay, I’ll do that. Thank you.” Diana finished off the pasta, then stood up. She entered the guest room, opening the door softly.
“Diana!” Vanessa was still awake, and ran to hug Wonder Woman. Diana hugged back, relishing the sensation of having her friend back after that horrible time when they had fought each other.
“So, how are you, my sister?” Diana asked pleasantly, though inwardly even her godly stamina was beginning to flag with such a long working day. But Vanessa was important to her, was one of her first and best friends since she had come to Man’s World.
Just a year ago, Vanessa had nearly died, her cybernetics nearly burning out her nervous system, until her own strong will with her mother and Diana’s support had enabled her to pull through, forcing the cybernetics into strange new configurations and integrating themselves into her body. They still laid in her with latent power, but no longer malevolent, no longer in control of her. Diana knew that Vanessa planned to become the Silver Swan again. Well, once she completed school and her training, that is.
“Oh, very well now. School was booooring, but then, when was it ever interesting?” Vanessa grinned, before narrowing her eyes. “You going out with somebody? Because it’s very late now…”
Diana laughed, “No, Vanessa, I was out with the JLA on an emergency in India.”
“Well, I thought you would have a boyfriend by now.” Vanessa’s eyes twinkled in the dim light of her room. “Come on! A goddess like you shouldn’t have any problem getting one!”
“It’s more complicated than that.” Diana sighed, “Since Trevor Barnes died, I’ve been too busy.”
“But there’s so many gorgeous hunks around you all the time!” the former Silver Swan protested, “Even here! That Jonah sure looks yummy!”
The Amazon Princess smiled ruefully, “I haven’t felt anything for a man for a long time.” Except for that brief instant a few weeks ago on a ship with a man about to die.
“Well, you just have to keep looking! The opening ceremony tomorrow is a great chance!” A look of determination came over Vanessa’s face. “To help you, I think we should go shopping with Cassie tomorrow, I mean, today when she arrives! It’s Sunday, so you should be pretty free.”
Diana smiled back at her friend’s enthusiasm. Maybe she had been working too hard recently. But then she remembered the words of the Oracle during her last visit to Themyscira. She had been persuaded to seek out the Oracle for advice, but what she had received was just four short verses.
Bright soul, demon’s blood,
Remnant of heaven’s fall,
In love with lady of truth,
But destined to die.
That had been all the Oracle said, but Diana got the distinct feeling she was the lady of truth referenced in the prophecy. But then, who was the bright soul, demon’s blood? A remnant of heaven’s fall? Falling in love with her? Diana did not know why, but she had a feeling she was about to find out.
“Diana, you okay?” Vanessa asked, “I’m sorry, but it’s kinda late. Maybe we should go to sleep.”
“And here I thought you wanted me for girl talk the entire night.” Diana teased her friend. “Well, we’ll talk again in the morning.”
“’Night, Diana.” Vanessa yawned as she flopped onto her own bed.
“Good night, Vanessa.” Wonder Woman smiled at the girl-woman she considered a sister, then walked quietly out of the room.
She went to her office first to check out Jonah’s memo. She found the article he wanted her to read on her desk. A piece on a rapidly growing and highly aggressive company named Ares Macrotech.
It had just concluded a deal with the US government, and were planning to buy out several manufacturing firms. More importantly, it was already placed as one of the world’s top 500 firms, and climbing incredibly fast. The name sparked Diana’s suspicions, just as it had probably piqued Jonah’s attentions.
Is Ares behind this? Diana pondered the problem. If he is, then what is he up to? She checked the owner’s name with a quick search on the internet. A Phillip Delacroix, apparently a reclusive man, since there were few photos of him. And according to Jonah, he would be turning up for the Greek exhibition opening ceremony and auction in a rare appearance. With his company on the up and up, he could not afford to keep a low profile any more.
Wonder Woman gauged the auction and opening ceremony as an opportunity to find out if Ares was indeed behind the company, either possessing Phillip Delacroix like he had Ares Buchanan in the past, or working through the man as his pawn.
Either way, she would stop Ares. Before his plans went too far.