Ms. Marvelous Episode 24 -- Konbatto

Author: Steven Bell
Time to Read:27min
Added Date:3/31/2024
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Tags: Ms. Marvelous

The masked warrior moves with the speed and grace of a jungle cat. Her martial arts are spectacular. Crisp kicks and clean punches rain down on her opponent. The lithe shape of a toned body, revealed beneath a tight-fitting, white leather jumpsuit, causes all who see the girl to immediately fall in love with her. Cheers ring out from the crowd.

But the audience of Kigyourengou spectators also loves Alpha One. They love his magnificent physique. They idolize him for his tremendous strength and striking good looks. They love his long brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail, and chiseled American face. Most of all, they love the monstrous, twelve-inch cock that dangles heavily from between his legs. More than anything, they want to see him use it. More than anything, they want to see him ravage the half-naked bodies of the many fallen female warriors that lay at his feet. They may adore the masked woman for her skill and beauty, but that does not mean they don’t want to see her limber young body fucked by a big American stud.

I watch from halfway across the arena floor as the woman and her much larger foe slug it out. Her long legs and powerful kicks momentarily keep him at bay, but in the end he is too strong for her. A backhanded swipe of his meaty hand crashes against her cheek and sends a slender body sprawling through the air. She lands hard and for a moment it appears that she will not get up.

Alpha One reaches for her leather top with the intent of ripping it from her body. He has already done the same to all the other female warriors of House Nagayasu. The crowd roars its approval. But if their wish is to see her raped, such dark desires will have to wait. To everyone’s surprise, the masked warrior is not yet beaten. She lifts a boot and slams it off of Alpha One’s jaw. He reels backward, momentarily stunned, and the slender beauty is able to somersault up onto her feet and retreat out of harm’s way

“Will you not help me, sisters?” the woman says to us while approaching closer. “Shall we not defeat this brute by working together?”

The Izumi twins grip my arms and hold me tight between them. They have been caressing the bare skin of my back and copping an occasional feel on my butt ever since the Konbatto began. I am suddenly embarrassed that I have held back from the battle for so long, embarrassed that I have not joined the fight and done my part. Instead, I have allowed myself to be restrained by the sexy Japanese twins, allowed myself to be groped by their delicate Asian hands. In disgust, I finally push the sisters away.

“I will assist you!” I say while stepping forward and standing beside the masked woman. “Perhaps, together, we can defeat this brash thug!”

The twins are giggling like schoolgirls with a secret. They casually walk past us, one on either side, and stand next to Alpha One. They lift their hands and shrug as if offering an insincere apology. Master Masaharu stands in the V.I.P. box behind us. “What treachery is this?” he yells. His face is red. Anger distorts his mouth. “What are you doing?” he shouts at the sisters. The identical twins flash identical smiles and we know that they have switched sides. Takumi Ikeda, Masaharu’s rival, laughs aloud from a box on the opposite side of the arena. It is clear that this has been his plan all along. The Izumi sisters now serve a new master.

But this is not the last of the surprises to rock the Konbatto. The woman standing next to me sighs heavily. She removes the mask from her face. The audience goes silent. At last, someone shouts something in Japanese. Others join in and the place comes to bedlam. I look at the woman in astonishment.

“Akiko?” I ask. “What are you doing?”

The Shinju returns my gaze and forces a smile. “I am fighting to possess myself,” she says without giving up hope. “I am fighting for my freedom, dear sister.”

The noise begins to die down. Masaharu has returned to his seat, flabbergasted. The Izumi twins are looking my long body up and down lustfully. Alpha One’s cock is rock hard. It is too heavy to support its own weight and points downward at an angle toward the ground. It is not just me that he is excited about, though. His attentions focus on Akiko.

“Oh, man, I must be dreaming!” he says while licking his lips. “All those days and nights I spent guarding you and was never allowed to touch you. The emperor’s daughter, they called you. Can’t touch her, they said. You teased the hell out me with that smoking little body, let me tell you. But I can touch you now, can’t I? Hell yeah! This is the Konbatto! I can fuck both you and Ms. Marvelous, if I want! Hell, I can fuck every damn chick in this arena!”

Akiko’s eyes are drawn toward the man’s huge dick but she does not lose her composure. “I will deal with Alpha One,” she says to me. “I can hold him off for a little while, at least. Meanwhile, it will be up to you to handle the twins. Can you do this? Can you defeat them?”

“I will handle them,” I agree. “And we will win!”

She cartwheels hand over foot away from me, leading the big man to part of the arena that is mostly clear of bodies. She needs open space to perform her spectacular brand of martial arts. My eyes trail after her but I cannot watch her for long. The Izumi sisters have already positioned themselves on either side of me, waiting to pounce. And though I have promised a victory, I am hardly sure that I will succeed. The mere sight of the sexy sisters, their slender bodies wrapped so tightly in midriff-baring, black leather cat-suits, causes tingling sensations to race up and down my spine. I am not a lesbian but these girls have raped me before and I am as susceptible to their exotic Japanese eyes and the sultry movements of their petite bodies as I am to the skillful touch of their Asian fingers. It is part of my curse that I shall always be more vulnerable to those that have raped me before, and few have ever raped me as proficiently as the super-sexy Izumi twins.

I swallow hard and try to put thoughts of rape out of my mind. It will do me no good to remember how their lips sucked on my nipples to the point of nearly making me give up some milk. It will do me no good to remember the way their fingers stroked my clit and how they pushed a vibrator deep into my pussy. I must not focus on such memories. I must remember that I am a super-heroine and that I—

They are on me in a flash, attacking from either side and wrapping long arms around my slender body. I come off of my feet far too easily and we crash to the ground together, a threesome of beautiful young women that seem for a time to be all long legs and intertwined arms. Any one of us might fill the loins of the men in the audience with unbearable lust. The sight of us wrestling on the ground in a tangled heap surely makes the spectators crazy with desire. Hoots and hollers rain down on us from the stands. My cheeks blush but the Izumi sisters seem to enjoy the mocking catcalls.

Long legs wrap around mine. Strong arms pull my hands behind my back. One of the sisters is tugging at my halter-top with her teeth. The other is lapping at the side of my neck with her tongue. I try to break free but, god, they are unnaturally strong. The sister on my right manages to slide her knee between my legs. The top of her thigh rubs against my crotch. The leather of my hot-pants presses against my panties and forces them into my slit. I cannot allow this to continue! I have to break free! “No!” I cry out while ripping my left hand free. “I will not be molested by you!”

I slug the sister on my right with all five knuckles. The blow does not have a lot behind it but it manages to loosen her grip just enough for me to roll onto my hip and get her knee out from between my legs. I thrash like a wild-cat and manage to get to my knees. But the girls are insistent. Hands tug and pull at my clothes. Long legs wrap around my waist. I am pulled back to the ground and ensnared within a web of soft flesh.

I groan as the leather halter-top is torn from my body. The crowd lets out a robust cheer as one of the sisters dives on top of me and attacks my large tits hungrily. I grimace as her soft lips gently purse and tug at my right nipple. Her hand cups my left breast and strokes it methodically. I am slow to react and waves of sensations ripple through my lithe figure. Finally, I gather enough willpower to grab her wrist and pull the offending hand away, only to see one belonging to her sister replace it. Talented fingers massage my breast mercilessly before pinching down on a hardening nipple. Another hand glides through my hair and pulls back on my head. The fingers peel back my mask and allow it to slide off of my face and onto the ground beneath me. I gasp as fingers draw slowly over my red lips and slide under my chin. They play a game of tickle with my sensitive nape.

Yet another set of fingers slide down and across my bare belly. They undo the top button of my hot-pants and slide underneath the soft leather. I try to grasp a wrist, to pull the fingers back out, but it is too late. The fingers are between my legs, touching my twat and caressing the sensitive skin. The

response of my over-sexed body is immediate. My abdomen convulses beneath my attackers, shaking involuntarily as a series of devastating sensations rip through to my core. I moan loudly and the crowd goes wild with excitement. At last, the spectators are getting to see the rape that they had hoped for.

My struggles lessen. The lips sucking on my right tit are driving me crazy. The hand stroking my left breast is doing an equally amazing job of tormenting me. The fingers tickling the underside of my chin are making me light-headed. The fingers rubbing my slit are becoming like old and welcome friends. I sigh miserably. Part of me wants to give up and let the sisters have their way with me. Let them do nasty things to my body, I think. Let them torture me in ways that I never imagined or thought possible. “Oh, god…” I moan. “…maybe I am a lesbian…”

I am wrapped in a warm ball of female flesh. Long legs are intertwined with mine and wrapped around my waist. Svelte arms embrace me like silken spider-webs. Limber Asian bodies press tightly against mine. I can feel young breasts, nearly spilling from tight leather tops, squashing against my skin. I can feel young hips grinding against mine. Even their breath is warm and enticing. It comes in pants as the girls become more excited. It brushes against my bare skin like the caress of feathers. “…or maybe they are… uuunnnhhhh… turning me into a lesbian…”

The girl with her hand in my pants decides that she is tired of fighting with the tight fit. She raises her head and shifts her position atop my body. She removes her hand and patiently undoes the second of four buttons above my crotch. She unfastens the third and the tight leather separates down the front. The fourth button is undone and her hand has almost unlimited access to my nether lips. She slides her hand beneath silk panties and cups my womanhood. Her middle finger delves deep into my slit and I whimper like a virgin. But she has unknowingly given me an opening. By shifting her position, she has put herself momentarily off balance and given my left arm just enough room to take advantage. I push with all of my strength. Her body totters off of me. It is not much of a victory but is likely the best that I can hope for.

I roll to my left, using all of my strength to pull free of the web of arms and legs that want to bind me. I somersault backward and rise into a fighting crouch. My head is spinning and I nearly fall over but somehow manage to keep it together. The twins are as entangled with one another as they were with me. It takes a moment for them to get unwrapped and back on their feet.

They look at each other as if amused by my resistance. One of them blows me kiss. The other scans my swollen breasts hungrily and smacks her lips. I look down and see her saliva glistening on a jutting nipple. “Oh, god…” I moan, “…I am so weak…

They attack as a team, trying to embrace and take me to the ground once again. I dodge, first to one side and the other. But this is getting me nowhere. One of the sisters manages to rub a hand across my breast. My body shutters as an unwanted wave of erotic sensations explode from my tormented nipple. I nearly collapse into her arms. The second sister reaches between my legs from behind and gets in a quick stroke on my nether lips. My head is spinning. I can barely defend myself from one of the girls, much less two!

“Get it together!” the warrior’s voice inside me says. “Remember your training!” I feign weakness, which isn’t hard, and encourage the girls to attack again. I do not even bother to defend against a punch or kick. I know that they are going to try to attack me sensually. They are going to try and rub my sensitive spots. I use their overconfidence against them and score solid blows against each. They rise from the floor of the arena amid the jeers of dozens of disappointed spectators. We scrap back and forth a few more times, testing one another’s martial skills, and in each instance I come out on top. At last, the battle is starting to go my way. I last, I can see victory waiting for me at the end. More jeers rain down from the stands. The calls are in Japanese but I know what it is that they are saying. They want the sisters to try harder. They want the Izumi twins to ravage the beautiful American woman. They want to see my large tits squirting milk and my pussy ejaculating sweet mango juice. But I am not going to allow it. I am a super-heroine and I will not be defeated-- The twins charge me faster than I can believe is possible. They latch onto my wrists. As they did the night of my capture, they crisscross in front of me so that my arms are folded across my chest. But rather than try to dislocate my shoulders, as they did before, they use their great strength to lift my one hundred and thirty pound body up into an inverted position above their heads. Blood rushes into my brain. They drop me, piledriving me from shoulder height down onto an unforgiving floor. They pick me

and hook me under the legs. They lift me up into a suplex position and drop me back onto my shoulders. Pain stabs through my body. I am being double-teamed and there is little that I can do about it. They pick me up again and fold my arms behind my back. They hook my ankles and spike me face first into the ground. I am devastated. I nearly black out.

But the girls do not want me unconscious. They want me aware. They want me to know what is happening as they shift their assault back to one of a more sexual nature. They realize that this is how they will truly defeat me. To beat Ms. Marvelous, they have learned, you must make her climax. Only then will she surrender to you.

I am aware enough to recognize their intentions but for the moment I am helpless to prevent it. They roll me onto my back. The hot-pants come off. The panties are torn away. I lie in the center of the arena naked but for a pair of knee-high red boots. I am defenseless. I can do nothing as the girls stand on either side of my slender waist and face each other. Without speaking a word, they reach toward one another and slowly unzip the front of their cat-suits. They are perspiring heavily and the leather tops peel away from moist skin reluctantly. The crowd shouts in approval as the girls brazenly reveal their voluptuous breasts.

Moving almost in unison, the twins slip out of their tight leather pants. They kick away their boots. They stand above me, clothed in nothing but panties, and pose for the audience. It is then that their eyes turn again toward me. My body trembles in anticipation of what is to come. One of the sisters lies down on top of me so that her weight is entirely supported by my body. The tips of our noses touch. She stares into my eyes. She grasps my wrists and pulls my hands above my head. Her breasts squash against my own. Her belly rubs against mine. Her hips press against mine. Her legs straighten and lie atop my own. I am nearly recovered from the devastating series of high impact moves performed on me earlier, but as I feel the incredible warmth of her body pressing against mine, all thoughts of offering further resistance seem to melt away.

Her slender form moves gently up and down in unison with my heavy breathing. I can feel her heart beating. Dark, exotic eyes seem to swallow me. I am hypnotized by her beauty, by her closeness, by her smell. Long black hair falls down around my head as she stares into my eyes. Her luxurious mane blocks out the world. All I can see is her. All I can feel is her body lying atop mine. All I can think about is her firm young breasts, pressing against mine. My nipples harden. My pussy tingles and moistens. “Oh, god,” I groan. “Is this all it takes to defeat me? Is this the end?”

Soft lips caress my own. A tongue darts in and out of my mouth. She is more aggressive, now, her lips exploring my nape and searching for erogenous zones that only a woman knows. She touches me like no man can, tasting my flesh and consuming it tenderly. Her technique is both slow and tortuous and I feel like I am lost on a vast sea of desire, set adrift and at the mercy of a merciless ocean.

But there are two sisters and my torture has only just begun. The second girl flips us over gently, somehow keeping us together. It is as if we have become melded into a single body and neither our arms or our legs, or our breasts or hips, separate even the slightest as we change positions. Now I am on top and the beautiful oriental girl is on the bottom. It is my body that slowly rises up and down as we breathe. It is my golden hair that now frames her face and prevents intrusion from the outside world. She is again looking into my eyes and I am still her prisoner.

I feel tender fingers touching me, lightly stroking my nether lips. I know that it is the second sister but I do not care. My struggles are over. I feel the cool tip of a foreign device sliding through my slit and penetrating my love hole. I sigh as it pushes past my resistance and enters me. I moan softly as it probes my deepest regions. I do not care from where she got it. I do not care that a fan tossed it to her from the stands. I do not care that, as it begins to hum inside me, the vibrator is going to destroy me utterly. All I care about is the girl with whom I am going to share this moment. I am her slave. She owns me.

The crowd yells in approval as the second sister lies on top of me. Her body flattens against mine, arms and legs positioning exactly over the top of my own. Her breasts flatten against my back. Her pelvis grinds against my butt. I feel her warm breath in my hair. Her tongue tickles my left ear. I am the center of a geisha sandwich and am helpless to move.

The vibrator torturing my pussy is humming on the low setting. My destruction is to be slow and agonizing. My head falls forward, into the disheveled pile of hair of the girl beneath me. The sides of

our faces press together. Her breathing is nearly as ragged as mine. Her heart is beating a thousand times a second. I can tell that she is nearly as excited as me and this makes me all the more aroused. “So helpless…” I moan. “… burning up with… desire…”

Part of me, the part that still remembers what it is to be a heroine, is humiliated by what is happening. I have been defeated all too easily. Once again, I have been reduced to little more than a sex bunny. Perhaps, I think, I deserve to be a slave. Perhaps, I am not worthy of being called a super-heroine.

The lubricating love juices in my pussy are percolating. The edges of my hole are frothing. Unbearable sensations are rocking my body. I feel as if I have been struck by lightning. Every nerve ending is on fire. My flesh is pink and trembling. I know that I cannot endure much more. An orgasm is building within my body and refuses to be denied. For a brief moment, I want to escape. But my strength is nearly gone. I manage to raise my head but it is a futile effort. The heat radiating from the sisters’ bodies is fueling my desire. The Sartak is causing every kind of erotic fantasy to race through my mind. Surely, this is the end. Surely, the world has seen the last of Ms. Marvelous.

“No!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “It cannot end! I am not ready for it to end! Not like this!”

I tear my wrists from her strong fingers. I push against the ground and manage to peel my sweating body away from hers. I shrug off the girl that is on top of me. I rise to my knees and straddle the waist of the girl below. To my surprise, she does not seem concerned. I tighten my fingers into a fist and raise it above her head in preparation to strike. Still, she does not seem worried. And then I know why. Her hand moves forward and slides between my parted legs. Her fingers take hold of the bottom of the vibrator. She jostles it within my tortured depths. The smooth shaft slides back and forth inside my sopping pussy. My back arches. My head leans back. My tits shake as my body convulses.

I am nearly overwhelmed by the sensations flowing through my lithe figure. Pre-orgasmic love juices drip from my hole and onto the girl’s stomach. She flips a switch at the base of the vibrator and it hums faster. It is on the high setting, now, and destroys me utterly. I bite my lower lip in an effort not to cry out. The second sister is behind me, pressing down on my shoulders, pressing me down onto the stomach of the girl below. My knees slide outward and my thighs widen. My tortured womanhood flattens against the taught stomach of the girl. The vibrator is forced deep inside me. I swallow the entire length of its vibrating shaft. It is buried completely inside of me. I cannot move. I cannot think. My athletic body is shaking. My arms and legs are trembling. My eyes open wide in shock. My mouth issues a silent scream. This is it, I know. This is the end.

Yet, somewhere deep inside, there still exists a fraction of the heroine that I once was. A tiny part of Ms. Marvelous still survives. Without thinking, for surely my mind is nearly destroyed, I drive my fist down into the face of the girl beneath me. It is a savage blow that draws upon strength I did not know I had. The blow leaves her dazed and bloody. I drive a strike into the crotch of the girl behind me. She howls in pain as her excited pussy is suddenly punished with the sharp point of my elbow. I roll wearily onto my side and pull the vibrator from my abused love hole. It takes all of my willpower not to explode. “Orgasm… so close…”

The catcalls of the crowd are like a distant humming in my ears. I rise slowly to my feet and somehow manage not to faint. My body is weak. Once powerful arms feel like lead. Once strong legs are shaky. But the Izumi twins are hurt. One has a broken nose. She lies on the ground and whimpers as blood drips between her fingers. The other is holding her crotch and rolling on the ground in agony. If I am going to finish them then I have to do it now, while they are vulnerable.

A kick to the head of the first sister ends her part in this battle. It is a crude blow, nothing pretty or scientific about it, but gets the job done. The second sister is trying to get to her feet. I rush her and deliver a running knee-lift that nearly tears her head off. Her body does a three-sixty in the air and she lands face down on the arena floor. She does not move. The Izumi twins are defeated.

The crowd hoots and jeers. Their desire to see me raped has been thwarted. I reach down and pick up the still humming vibrator. The smooth shaft glistens with my love juices. The crowd shouts at me excitedly. I do not understand the words but I know what they are saying. They want me to rape the sisters. But that is not my way. The spectators boo as I crush the vibrator between strong fingers and toss it away.

My cheeks turn red and I wish very much that I had some clothes. But there is no time to search for my hot-pants or try to repair my halter-top. There is still more work to be done. My head turns and I gaze across the arena floor. I am sorry to have missed the battle between Akiko and Alpha One as it must have been a doozy. Both combatants are bruised. Both are tired. But the female warrior seems now to be at a disadvantage. Her breathing is ragged. Her movements are slow and she seems weak. All at once, her male opponent grabs her by the neck and choke-slams her slender figure to the arena floor. He jumps on top of her and pins her arms to the ground. She squirms beneath him, trying in vain to get free. Long legs are pressed outward as he slides between her thighs. She is still clothed but his huge cock slides across the bare skin of her lower stomach, back and forth, mock-humping her. A grin is painted on his face. They both know that he can rip the clothes from her athletic body at any time. He is just playing with her. He can finish the game anytime he wants.

“No!” she whimpers as he reaches for her leather top. “You must not!”

I am there in a flash, my flying power carrying me across the arena floor and putting me in perfect position to drive a knee into Alpha One’s side. He is carried off of Akiko by the force of the blow and lands several feet away in a sprawling pile of arms and legs.

“Leave her alone, you brute!” I say brashly.

I help the Shinju back to her feet. She is shaken but still able to fight. “I thought…” she stammers, “… I thought he was going to…”

“I know,” I reply reassuringly, “but that is not going to happen. Not now and not ever.” Yet, as I watch Alpha One slowly climb back to his feet, and as I see again the frightening size of his amazing cock, I can only wish to feel as confident as my words sound. The memory of how this man utterly destroyed me two weeks earlier is still fresh in my mind. The memory of how his cock nearly split me in two is not easily forgotten. The sight of his magnificent physique fills my already overly aroused body with still more desire. The sight of his tremendous muscles and rugged good looks fills me with unbridled lust. And now, as I stand in front of him, naked but for a pair of red, knee-high leather boots, I wonder if it would not be better if I were to simply lie down on the ground, spread my long legs, and invite him to finish the job he started.

“Oh, god,” I think. “How can I defeat Alpha One if I cannot even defeat my own desires?” Akiko senses my weakness. “Yes,” she says while placing a hand on my shoulder, “it is not going to happen. We will win!”

I take strength from her just as she does from me. We attack together, working as a team, and the battle rages. Alpha One is strong but he cannot match our speed. He is tough but he feels our blows. For a time it appears that the battle may go our way. But we are nearing exhaustion. Our speed slows. Our power dwindles. It is Akiko that makes the first mistake. She is overly aggressive and leaves herself open to a counter strike. The blow snaps her head around and drives her to the ground. Her body goes limp. She is vulnerable as Alpha One approaches from behind.

“Now I have you, Shinju,” he states while reaching for her.

I thrust myself between them. It leaves me open to his attack but I have no other choice. I drive a blow to his gut. He grunts so I do it again. But I feel like I am hitting a stone wall. The man is just too tough. My breathing is heavy. My strength is failing. I try to strike him again but he beats me to the punch. An elbow cracks off of my skull, dazing me. A forearm crashes down on top of my head. I slump to my knees. Then I see it, right in front of my face, a twelve-inch monstrosity that quivers with a lust for my body. I am beauty. It is the beast. I feel his hands in my hair. The cock slaps me across the chin. It feels hot. A musty smell causes my head to spin. I think that I should grab it, push it away, but my hands remain limp at my sides. I am tired of fighting. The cock is too big for me. Too powerful. I cannot fight such a thing. I am too small. I am too weak.

“No…” I groan, “…cannot… go on…”

The tip of his cock drags slowly across my cheek, leaving a trail of sticky liquid in its wake. He tilts my head back. The crowd applauds as he sets the fat head atop my pouting lips. His hands clasp the sides of my face. He presses forward, trying to gain entry. My lips come apart. They stretch to embrace the thick head. It is inside my mouth. It presses against my tongue. I swallow, causing a vacuum to form around his tool. I suck it deeper, my lips sliding across the heavy shaft, caressing the soft flesh. “Yeah,” he sighs. “Now that’s what I am talking about!”

My head is floating. The world is spinning out of control. I am only able to take in a small fraction of his huge tool but it destroys me completely. He is so big, so thick, so hot. I do not resist as he moves my head forward and back, fucking my mouth. My eyes roll. My cheeks burn red. I can hear the crowd hooting, mocking me, but I do not care. All I care about is the thing penetrating my mouth. All I care about is the way my tits are getting hard and the way my pussy is tingling. This man owns me. I am his, body and soul.

Ninety seconds go by and he decides that my mouth is thoroughly screwed. He is not wrong. I am a rag-doll, a plaything for him to abuse. And though my lips are soft as velvet, and though they stroke his mighty shaft without complaint, my mouth is simply too small and his cock too big. He wants more. He yearns for more pleasure than my mouth can provide. After two minutes, he pulls out of me. He pulls me to my feet. His hands wrap around my slender waist. He pulls me tight against his body and lifts me off the ground. I feel the thick shaft of his man muscle slide between my thighs.

I moan uncontrollably as the hot shaft of his cock presses tight against my womanhood. My clit drags across it tortuously and for a moment I feel as if the end is nigh and I that I am about to be raped. My body goes limp. I want to feel him inside me. I want him to ravish me.


He lifts my legs, encouraging me to wrap my thighs around his hips. He raises me up a bit and reaches beneath my right leg. His hand guides the tip of his long tool to its destination. I feel it press against my wet hole. My soft nether lips spread to accommodate it, to welcome it into my depths and caress the powerful shaft. The fat head, wet with my saliva, forces its way into my tight hole. I squeal as he gains a couple of inches inside me. He is so big, so thick. I feel that I am being torn apart but I am so aroused and so well lubricated that he is able to slide another two inches inside me.

The crowd is ecstatic. They are getting to see the rape they hoped for. They are getting to watch as a gorgeous white goddess is turned into a whore. My face contorts in erotic agony as the man tries to penetrate me further. His left hand remains wrapped around my back. His right rises in front of me and pinches down on my nipple. My body tenses for a moment, then relaxes. I slowly slide lower on his body. The huge cock impales me to my limit.

“Oooohhhhh…” I moan uncontrollably, “…can’t take… anymore…”

With a last, desperate action, my hands rise above his shoulders and box his ears. I push back on his chin and drive a chop into his Adam’s apple. Nothing works. He has me and knows it. The strength drains from my body like water from a sieve. It is over. He begins rocking up and down, controlling my hips with his hands and forcing my tingling body to ride his huge cock like a cowgirl on a bucking bronco. I surrender to him. My resistance ends. Each new thrust of his ungodly man-spike destroys me a bit more. This is it, I know. I am finished--

My foe’s up and down motions suddenly pause. His body jerks and for a moment I think he is about to climax. But then he lifts me off of his man saber and throws me unceremoniously to the ground. He turns and faces the opposite direction. That is when I see Akiko, her arms wrapped around his burly neck, holding onto Alpha One’s back for dear life. Long legs scrape at his waist, trying to get a hold. But he is too big and too strong for her. He pulls her slender body up and over his shoulder before dumping her hard onto the ground at his feet. She grunts. The breath is knocked out of her. I watch as her body wilts like a flower in a flame and she browns out.

Alpha One kneels over the girl and clasps her face in his hand. He begins talking to her in Japanese, words that I do not understand but can well interpret. He is telling her that he going to fuck her, I know. He is telling her that he is going to make her his sex slave.

But he has forgotten about me. And though my strength is nearly depleted and my will broken, I somehow understand that Akiko had the right idea. She knew how to beat this lummox, even if she did not have the ability carry through on her plan. I force my aching body onto its knees and try to suppress the orgasm that is so close to exploding between my legs. I slowly rise to my feet. I wobble but somehow persevere. He is right in front of me. I take a deep breath, knowing that this is my last chance. My arms wrap around his throat and under his chin. My breasts squash against his body as I pull back against his windpipe. He rises up onto his feet, lifting me off the ground. He tries to pull my hands away but I refuse to relent. I will not let go. I will not give up.

Thirty seconds pass and it is done. Alpha One, the red, white and blue thug from America, slumps to his knees and passes out. I release him and watch in weary relief as his massive body teeters over and falls to the arena floor.

“House Nagayasu is victorious!” I hear someone shout. “No,” I say to myself. “Ms. Marvelous is victorious.”

Master Masaharu brings me a robe and wraps it around my shoulders. “Of all my warriors,” he says while smiling, “you alone were able to defeat Alpha One. You have ensured our place in the Kigyourengou!”

“Akiko should get most of the credit,” I reply while looking at the beautiful woman standing next me.

Masaharu suddenly seems uncomfortable, unwilling to look the Shinju in the eye. “Yes, well… it was an unexpected surprise to see the emperor’s daughter fighting in the Konbatto. I am not quite sure what to make of it but I am sure that all will return to normal now that matters are decided. In the meantime, it is customary for a man in my position to reward such a valuable and loyal servant such as yourself, Hato. I am inclined to grant you a wish, whatever it might be.”

“A wish? It can be anything?”

He nods and smiles knowingly. “I think I know what it is that you will wish for… what any slave might wish for. I will miss you, Hato, but you deserve to have your free--”

“Then I wish that the three America girls you purchased in Megapolis might be free,” I say without emotion. “Send them home to their families and I will be forever in your debt, Master.” His eyes open wide in surprise and amusement. “You… You would wish for the freedom of others while you remain a slave?”

“Will you grant the wish or not?”

He chuckles. “Yes, of course. Consider it done. The three American girls will be sent home. It shall be as you ask.”

Akiko clears her throat. “And Ms. Marvelous, too,” she says while staring Masaharu in the eyes. “You will send her home, as well.”

His reply is incredulous. “What? You dare to tell me what to do, Shinju? I am the leader of the Kigyourengou! How dare you?”

Her voice possesses a steely edge that warns him to tread carefully. “I am the Shinju! It was I that fought against House Ikeda for leadership of the Kigyourengou! I am the daughter of emperors! You will do as I say!”

“I will not!” he insists.

She smiles at him coolly. “Then perhaps I shall return House Ikeda and see if they prefer my company... and my terms.”

His face goes pale. “But you cannot… I mean you would not…”

The smile warms a bit and she tries to reassure him. “Oh, do not worry, Masaharu. I will allow you to continue to run the day-to-day affairs of the Kigyourengou. Such things matter little to me. But you must show me respect. And on those rare occasions when I ask you for something, I expect you to comply. Do I make myself clear?”

There is not a drop of blood in the man’s face. His lips quiver. He is both angered and terrified. But mostly terrified. I smile and believe that Akiko, the Shinju, has possessed herself. She looks at me and holds out a hand. I take an object from her fingers. It is my mask. “Akiko, I…”

“Say nothing, sister. You have given me far more than I have given you. Your costume will be returned to you along with some more conventional clothes. An airplane waits to return you home. It is time for you to return to Megapolis, my friend. America needs you. Farewell!”

And with that she turns and walks away, Masaharu trailing in her footsteps like a wounded dog. I think about what she said, about America needing me. For the first time in along time, I feel like something more than a slave. I feel like a super-heroine. I feel like Ms. Marvelous.