Ultra Woman: Harem - Destination

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:42min
Added Date:2/4/2025
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Tags: Ultra Woman

Unbeknownst to dock workers, the two boxes they loaded aboard the freighter, bound for distant lands, held two of the most beautiful women, deeply asleep within each. The two Amazons, drugged and bound, were on their way to their final destination... As the crowbar pried the lid of the heavy wooden crate, light finally shined down on the sleeping Ultra Woman for the first time in four days. Her body was pale from lack of food, but the large IV had kept her in fluids, as well as drugs that kept her docile.

Fortunately the Amazon constitution is such that the days without food affected them only slightly. In a normal human, it would as if they had skipped lunch and were going to have a very late supper.

Two men leaned over as the workman stepped back. One was a swarthy, bearded man, his head swathed in a long robe and heavy turban, the other a large, muscular man with a bare chest and long, loose pantaloon. Together they could have fallen from 'A Thousand and One Nights'.

The smaller, heavily paunched man grinned as if this were his birthday present. Rubbing his hands together in glee, he looked at the larger man across from him. "She looks very good for the trip, does she not?"

The larger man, towering over the opposite side of the crate that held the sleeping Rei, nodded in agreement. "Yes, master, she is truly a gem. The other one is nice, but looks much like the others. This one has originality."

"Well said, Daya. She will be a delicious fruit, and I shall suckle at her nectar for many nights."

"Shall we begin her training soon, master?"

"We will give her the opportunity to learn the ways of the harem first. If this fails, I will give her to you for training."

The larger man smiled with the obvious hope that the lovely Asian in the box would fail. "Thank you, Master."

For the umpteenth time in what seemed the last two days, Rei woke up from another drug or chloroform induced sleep. Her head throbbed again, but her body felt even more stiff than ever before.

"Ohhhh my head....." she moaned as she woke. Rei kept her eyes shut as she tried to bring a hand up to rub her temple. She quickly found that wasn't possible.

She found that her wrists were manacles tightly together behind her back, with two thick bars of that strange metal holding each manacle close together. Her ankles were also manacled, but they were held together by a foot of chains. It would give her enough range to walk, but hardly to run or do much else that required a great deal of balance.

"I guess I'm not expected to escape," she thought. "Just means I have to use my brain rather then my strength in this. Firstly I have to find Tania and waken her again. Perhaps also try and get some of those other heroines Gabrielle mentioned to help escape." The heroine relaxed as best she could and took stock of her situation.

Rei was still fully dressed in her uniform she quickly realized, although the fake lasso was missing. Looking around, Ultra Woman could see she was in a wonderfully airy room, with wide, glassless windows on one side that overlooked the night sky and an ocean vista that wandered to the horizon. Lying on a pile of soft, silk covered pillows, she still felt groggy and stiff, but her powers were still with her.

"At least I haven't been molested so the Curse hasn't taken affect," she thought as she looked around. "I suspect I'll need every bit of strength and brain power to get out of here. Nice room though...." Rei had always liked places that were more open to the outside then enclosed in glass or other materials. Back home on the island, her favorite thing was to sleep out under the stars.

The room around her, other than the open windows, was of thick, sandstone bricks, each one probably a half ton or more. She could see why no mortar had been needed to build at least this room. From the view, she was at least three stories high, or more. Most of all, she was alone...

"Impressive...." she comment softly looking at the bricks. Slowly getting up as her muscles protested the effort, Rei slowly shuffled to the windows to look outside. A warm night breeze blew her long, glossy black hair back a bit.

The view was very reminiscent of her home. The coastline was edged with beige sand that disappeared into gently lapping waves that rolled out of the horizon in little swells. From this window she couldn't see any other buildings, but only the ocean. Down below, she could see a yacht floating at an anchorage next to a concrete wharf. As she leaned forward to see directly down the side of the building, the window suddenly came alive with bluish energy.


Electricity hit Ultra Woman as she leaned, sending her flying back into the middle of the room in a tumbling heap. Her teeth chattered for a second or two, but she quickly recovered from the shocking experience.

"OWW!!!" Rei yelped in pain. She quickly checked her body and didn't notice that there were any injuries other then a slightly bruised pride. "Nice security system..." she thought. "Although if I could find a way to ground it, I might be able to get through it...."

Moments later, the door opened. Through the double doors walked a mountain of a man. His dark olive skin glistened with perspiration as he stepped purposefully into the large room. He wore loose, gold colored pantaloons and a thick rope belt, with purples shoes with toes that curled back up towards the leg. On either wrist he wore a huge gold bracelet, with a matching gold earring in his left ear. He was bald but for a long tuft of hair at the back of the head that hung down to his mid-shoulders.

Rei blinked slightly as she looked at her new visitor. Somebody who probably could handle Mayhem with an arm tied behind his back. "I certainly hope this isn't the man Gabrielle warned me about," she thought as she studied him. "If he is, this might not be good...."

He stopped only a few feet from Ultra Woman. Crossing his burly, hairless arms over his chest, he stood, looking down on Rei with a malicious smile that spoke eloquently of this man's feelings of superiority to the bound Amazon.

If she could, Rei would have crossed her own arms and stared back. Since she couldn't, the Amazon just stared back at him with out wavering her eyes a millimeter. For better or worse, Rei wasn't about to show him that she feared this man in slightest.

Abruptly, he spoke. His voice was deep, and booming, as if coming from afar though he stood only a yard or two from the heroine. Ultra Woman didn't quite understand what he said, but when he repeated it, she picked up the words. He was speaking in Malaysian.

Rei had learned quite a few of the languages of the world in her studies back on the island. She was fluent in only a few but knew the basics of most. At least enough to ask where the bathrooms are. "Hmmmm...." she thought. "I must be farther east then I expected I would be."

"Get up, slave. The master wishes his newest concubine to be present!"

She just stared back at him for several seconds weighing the options. Rei knew she could tell him where to shove his 'slave' talk but being bound restricted how well she could defend herself. She knew she in a fight right now she would be badly beaten. Ever so slowly and with a clinking of the chains at her feet, Rei got up. "I am neither his slave nor his concubine," Rei said quietly and deliberately, looking him in the eyes. She flicked her head back slightly in a slightly show of arrogance and the push her mane of hair to her back.

The man smiles with unconcealed malevolence. "The master wishes to see you, concubine. He will want to interview his newest pleasure toy, and taste of your fruits, little bird." He leaned down to Rei, so his face was but a foot away from hers, although he had to bend greatly to reach her lower altitude. "I sincerely hope you displease him, little bird, for I will be the one to administer your punishment."

"More assuredly the man Gabrielle mentioned...." Rei thought as she raised an eyebrow slightly at his words. She had to restrain the urge to spit into his face as it wouldn't be a smart thing to do just now. "Be careful what you wish for oh hulking one," she said calmly, never wavering her gaze for an instant. "I badly injured one of your size earlier. If you dare to touch me in such fashion I will do the same to you and your 'master'." The last word clearly had scorn written all over it.

With a snap of his fingers, Ultra Woman suddenly felt something around her neck. From the leather collar she now sported, the Amazon could see a black leather leash extend from it to this man's hand. "Come, concubine. I will drag you if I must, but you have dignity, and I do not believe you will struggle." He stood up, turned and took a step before pausing to look back. "I will enjoy taking your dignity from you as well, should you displease the master."

Rei's eyes widened slightly as she felt the collar around her neck. "Now how did he do that?" she wondered. "I never saw his hands move!" She decided not to struggle, least not yet, as it would be a waste of energy and futile to say the least. "You can't touch my dignity so you can not take," she replied to him calmly.

Ultra Woman was lead down a wide, airy hallway made of the same huge sandstone bricks as her room. Every door was made of what appeared to be solid bronze. The huge man turned right at the first intersection. At the end of the hallway Rei could see that it opened up into a larger room.

"Impressive...." she thought as she took in the building. "Nearly puts some of buildings back home to shame!"

The man walked into the larger room, and mostly blocked Ultra Woman's view. He stepped aside, not to allow her to see, but be seen.

"My words...." Rei breathed as she saw what lay before her. The 'master' was reclining on a pile of pillows, his pudgy body freshly oiled and perfumed. He was mostly naked, but for a silk towel that covered his groin below his overhanging belly. Around him, amidst the wide spread pile of pillows that were in a crescent on a dais, were various women, all wearing garments looking much like harem girls from the stories Rei had read in Arabic legends. All the women were beautiful, with curvaceous bodies that would make them equal to most Amazons, and each was wearing a different colored harem girl outfit in various pastels.

"They must be the other heroines Gabrielle said that this man had 'bought'," she thought as she looked at the other women. "I wonder why they haven't escaped! Our 'master' seems to be more of a seeker of pleasures then a fighter." Rei looked at him with a measure of disgust for buying humans for his personal pleasures. "I would think that two or three of them could easily handle this walking mountain before me. Especially if they have some sort of powers!"

Most of the half dozen women Rei didn't recognize. One was an Asian girl like herself, although this one didn't have nearly Ultra Woman's voluptuous body, but she was still very fit and trim. She wore a soft peach harem girl outfit, and looked at Rei with passive curiosity. The others didn't attract Rei's eye much, until...

"Hmmm..." Rei thought as she looked at the Asian girl. "I wonder if she's from Japan? If she is, I hope we can talk a bit. I know so little of father's homeland."

Then she found one that did, and it hit her like a ton of bricks. Lying on a sofa very close to the 'master' was a woman wearing a pink veil, tight top, and baggy translucent pink pantaloons. Her veiled face was outlined with dark brunette hair. Around her neck was a bronze collar etched with ornate engravings. Her mouth was gagged with what appeared to be a bronze stopper, although Rei had no idea how it was held in. The woman's dark, haggard eyes looked at Ultra Woman almost beseechingly.

The heroine thought she recognized her right away. "No way..." she whispered. Captain Liberty had told her of the rumors of a powerful woman who acted as a mercenary for several criminal elements. Her chief weapons were cunning and magic. Rei had wondered if she could be the same person hinted at in some of the Amazon's histories. A woman as old, if not older, then Rei's sisters and who despised them. The descriptions from both Liberty and the books matched this woman.

It was the Silver Sorceress.

"How did he get HER?!" Rei wondered as she stared at the broken woman.

"Bring her forward, Daya!" the fat, bearded, turbaned man said jovially to the huge man leading Ultra Woman by the leash.

Rei quickly turned her attention back to the man who had bought her and Tania. Just his appearance reinforced the disgust she felt for him. "At least Plant Master and Mayhem actually captured me with their own hands," she thought. "Even Gabrielle at least planned it out. I have more respect for them then this thing. He depends on others to do his dirty work." Rei turned away as she led to him.

The six women also watched as Rei was brought forward, each one watching with a variety of expressions on their faces. Four looked on blankly, as if they were hardly looking at anything important. The Sorceress looked at Rei pitifully, but the Asian girl in her peach outfit gazed directly at Ultra Woman.

The Amazon looked back at the other girl. Something told Rei that she was different from the other women. They seemed to be more broken then this one. "I must get alone to talk to her," she thought.

Rei was lead forward until she was at the foot of the arched dais that held all the pillows with man and women.

"O mighty Master, scourge of Allah and the mundane earth, I present to you a new prize of your many conquests, a concubine to ease the stress of your daily successes and overthrows of the evil one's machinations. She will bring you many nights of pleasure and happiness."

"Like Hades I will..." Rei thought staring daggers at her 'master'.

With a bow, the large man stepped back, presenting Ultra Woman to his master.

The bearded man grinned toothily at the luscious, bound heroine before him. "Come here, my flower, and present yourself to your master."

"There's a phrase I've heard that seems to fit this situation although its anatomically impossible," Rei said calmly, looking his in the eyes. "I believe the phrase is 'go fuck yourself'."

Besides the 'master's' lack of immediate comprehension of the meaning of Ultra Woman's words, the first thing she noticed was the fear that leaped into the eyes of all six women on the pillows around him. The unknown four visibly blanched and tried their best to hide amongst the pillows as the pointedly looked at absolutely nothing. The Asian girl winced, with hints of fear in her own dark eyes, but she watched the upcoming events, unlike the other four. The Silver Sorceress shivered and looked away, like a person looks away from a road accident.

"Did I say something wrong?" Rei thought as she took in the reactions of the others. She wasn't about to submit willingly to this. If this creature was going to molest her, she was going to put up a fight. No matter the cost. "Looks like I did. Oh well... In for a penny, in for a pound."

The 'master' blinked in confusion. "Fuck myself?" His jowls hung open in amazement at the brazen nerve of the concubine before him. "How...how dare you speak to me, the Sheik Al-Akazam!" he sputtered, spewing out bits of grapes still in his maw. He looked quickly at the huge man bowing just behind Rei.

"Yes evil sir," Rei said with a slight smile. "Perhaps if you were spanked a few times as a child you would treat women more...."

Suddenly the collar gripping Rei's neck became a choke hold. Her air was instantly cut off as the collar squeezed painfully. With her arms bound behind her back by the manacles, she was helpless as she fell to her knees.

Instinctively Rei struggle to breath. Her body shaking as she struggled to break the manacles and have at the collar. Suddenly in a single motion, she scooted back to create some slack in the leash, twisted her body to face the giant, and laid on her back with her bound legs raised. With all her might, Rei kicked back at the knees of the giant...

Ultra Woman's boots struck the back of the man's knees like a ton of bricks, sending him tumbling forward. The collar around Rei's neck loosened enough for her to take in a few short breaths, but as soon as the man spun around, his eyes blazing with rage, the collar again collapsed around her windpipe.

"Well that didn't work," Rei thought as she tried to struggle free again. With a clinking of chains, the heroine tried to get to her feet. She had only got to her knees when she began to see spots before her eyes from the lack of air.

Suddenly Rei was jerked off the ground by the collar. No hands were nearby, and she could feel the leash dangling between her breasts, but nonetheless she abruptly found herself floating in midair with the collar allowing her just enough air to survive and speak.

"What the?!" she gasped as she floated. Her mind quickly figured from what she had scene that the giant must be able to use some form of magic. If so, Rei knew she had a bit of a problem on her hands. Magic in the hands of someone who knew how to use it tends to be a bit better then raw strength. And the giant seemed to know how to use it...

The man rose up slowly, and now even the Sheik was fearfully watching the cold, angry man rise up until he was eye to eye with the dangling heroine. He stayed back, out of range of her red boots, but still, with those boots a foot off the floor, he still was a bit higher. He glared at her, matching her own steady gaze.

From nowhere, out of the very air around her, Rei could feel a tingle of mystic energy, followed by the abrupt appearance of two foot long bronze needles. They floated for a moment to either side of her chest, glinting in the burning torches and mystic lighting that gave the ambiance to the room.

Rei's eyes were wide as she saw these objects appear from nowhere. Even worse was the fact that from their position, only two objects on her body were in danger of attack. "No!" she gasped in horror.

Flashing coppery reflections, the floating needles darted in towards their targets. Like narrow missiles, the two needles attacked. They both struck at the precise location needed, penetrating each of Rei's nipples and coming out the other side of her costume, impaling her nipples and pinning them to her bustier.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!" Rei screamed as her eyes rolled back in her skull from the searing pain. A pain the likes of which she had never felt before. Her whole body arched back as she was tortured in those vulnerable nubs.

Tiny flecks of blood tinged the needles as they came to a halt, puncturing the dangling heroine's nipples painfully, looking like two red-stained bronze propellors. The evil smile on the huge man forced his lips to widen, revealing jagged, shark-like teeth. He watched the heroine twist in pain, barely able to breath.

Rei's eyes were squeezed shut as she tried to control the agony rather then letting it control her. Her mind racing as she performed the calming rituals that she had practiced for so many years. "Fear is the mind killer," she thought quickly. "Fear is the little death that brings the dark. I will allow the fear to wash over and through me. When it has gone I will turn to face my fear's path. Where it has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." She repeated the mantra over and over in her pain filled mind. Ever so slowly, Rei pushed the pain aside and opened her eyes. While she still felt the pain, her eyes were free of it.

He held up his hand, palm towards the ceiling. As it got higher, the needles lifted up, pulling Ultra Woman's breasts with them. First the impaled, aching nipples supported the heavy weight of the Amazon's luscious melons, then her chest added to the weight. As the large hand moved higher, those painfully punctured nipples were the highest point of the superheroine's body as she dangling now from the two needles that sent searing pain through her breasts and body.

"Youuuuuuuuuubastardddddddddddd!" Rei groan in agony as her breasts felt like they wanted to rip off her chest. Her fingers curled in her palms and her toes in her boots as Rei struggled to make no sounds other then the grunts of pain that came from her clenched teeth. All the time, her eyes locked on his even as tears of pain rolled down her cheeks.

The man watched Rei, and seemed almost amused by the steady violet gaze that looked back at it. The others in the room, including the Sheik, were visibly pale. "Daya, train her not here, this is a room of pleasure and joy, not pain."

The fact that he seemed amused scared Rei in a way. She remembered Gabrielle words but hadn't really believed that somebody could be that cruel...

The Daya held his hand up for another few seconds, then abruptly dropped it. The needles pulled out of Ultra Woman's nipples, sending her crashing below to the ground. "Yes master, I shall begin her training during the time of the moon?" As she rose from the floor, Rei's nipples were healing,although tiny specks of blood still stained the tiny twin holes in her red and gold bustier.

Rei tried to keep track of the conversation but it was difficult as the release from the agony was so pleasurable. "Oh am I going to teach Gabrielle a lesson for getting me into this....." she thought as she felt her nipples healing.

"Yes Daya, we shall see how she feels come the morning light. Take her away, and bring her forth as a loyal, loving concubine."

The Daya turned towards the Sheik and bowed deeply. "As you command, O dread master."

"What does that toad have that he can control this creature?" Rei wondered. From what she could tell, the Sheik was no fighter so he couldn't have defeated the giant in battle. Nor did the giant looked like somebody who could be easily bought.

The Sheik looked at Rei, as if pitying the Amazon for her future experience. Shrugging, he turned to a blonde, opened his mouth, and went back to eating his grapes. The Asian girl behind him again wafted a huge leaf, fanning the Sheik slowly as she watched Rei get dragged away with a wide, concerned expression on her young face.

Rei saw the girl look at her and was about to say something when she felt her scalp burst into pain. "HEYYYY!!!!!!!!" she yelled. "Let me go you bastard!!" Rei as she struggled to keep up with the giant and avoid getting her long hair yanked out by the roots.

Huge hands grab Ultra Woman's dark tresses, and Rei was unceremoniously dragged from the audience hall by the Daya. He ignored her words as he lead her down a hallway until reaching a shaft. Without ado he walked into the empty air, dragging Rei into the dark shaft until she hung by her hair. Down, as if on an invisible elevator, went Amazon and man.

The Amazon tried to avoid twisting and such as it just hurt more that way.

The two went past six openings, and from the distance they descended, Rei knew she was now deep underground. As they finally touched the lowest level of the shaft, the Daya held her aloft, keeping her at arms length but also keeping her from touching the ground. The area was dark, with only a torch every twenty feet or so, making the area shadowy and dim. A distant scream echoed down the hall, followed by the crack of a whip. A moan could be heard from somewhere in the labyrinth, full of anguish and loss.

"What is this place...." a wide eyed Rei asked herself.

The Daya carried Ultra Woman around corners, past horrendous torturing equipment, through small rooms in which Rei could make out the shadowy forms of people in various horrible devices, barely visible in the light. The twists and turns were obviously on purpose to confuse Rei, as she well knew.

She kept track as best she could of their path although it wasn't easy. Rei couldn't believe this place. The only frame of reference she had was the stories of Hades she and her friends whispered about as children when they tried to scare each other.

Finally he stopped and threw Rei down into the middle of a small room with two exits. The floor was warm to the touch, not the cold stone she had expected. The room appeared empty, with only a single torch against the back wall.

"Uhhhhh....." she gasped as she hit the hard stone, ending up in a bit of a heap.

"You shall be sorry for your words, little bird. You will spend many nights down here until you learn your proper place," he said in a deep, heavy voice. It took Rei a moment before she realized that he wasn't speaking Malaysian as upstairs, but the Amazon dialect of Greek.

"How do you come to speak my sister's language!?" Rei said, highly surprised. From what she had learned in this world, her language wasn't just dead it was totally unknown. Few knew even the most basic of Amazonian history other then myths and quarter truths that dotted the history books. For him to know even this, said there was more to this giant then meets the eye.

Ignoring her words of surprise, the giant continued.

In her moment of shock, he took advantage. The bar connecting her metal wrist manacles disappeared, and before her stunned mind or achingly stiff muscles could react, she was jerked up by her wrists. Over her head went her hands as chains mystically appeared. In a flash, she was dangling by chains that extended from somewhere in the dark ceiling overhead. The pair of manacles around her ankles remained, but the bar holding them together fades. Chains appeared on them as well, extending from the either side of the floor, parting her legs wide as they pulled taut. In less than ten seconds, Rei found herself hanging in an X position, facing the torch against the back wall.

Rei let slip a groan of discomfort as she hung in the air by her wrists. It was futile she knew, but Rei struggled and tried to break the chains. All it did was to cause her body to sway ever so slightly in the clinking chains. Eventually, she settled down and look at her tormentor with hate filled eyes.

"Now, do you surrender yourself and your will to the master? I expect not, little bird, but I offer you this chance before your training commences." As he said this, a low howl of horrifying pain echoed in the distance...

For a brief moment, Rei wavered in her defiance. From what she has experienced so far, she knew her 'training' won't be at all pleasant. In the end however, her Amazon upbringing won out. No Amazon would surrender without resisting as best she could for as long as she could. Steeling herself, Rei looked him in the eyes again. "Thank you for the offer but you are correct in that I refuse."

The Daya was satisfied with the answer, as it was the one he had hoped to hear. "Thank you," he said to her, his voice almost a hiss. "By the end of this night, you will shiver when you hear my name. You will beg me to remove that atrocious garment and you will happily take the veil for our master."

"I doubt that very much," Rei said though she doubted herself a bit. Part of her figured that in the end, she might retain some of her dignity like that Asian girl. Just act the 'willing' slave. "And what 'training' did that to....that gentleman to make you his servant? You don't seem the type to give in to the likes of him."

"He is my master, I have no choice but to obey his bidding." He leaned down closer to Rei, his hot breath hinting of the sandy desert. "Besides, I greatly enjoy breaking little birds that sing far too often."

"It must be terrible for one such as you to have a master such as him. I would think you would like to destroy whole nations rather then abuse a single person."

The Daya looked narrowly at the chained Asian girl. "He is my master. You could not understand, little Amazon bird."

"Quite right. I haven't and won't have a 'master' so I don't understand."

When the talking died down, the Daya stepped closer to Rei, drawing his shadow over her and outlining him in fiery edges formed by the flickering torchlight. He stepped closer to the bound heroine, still taller than the stretched Amazon. He ran a fingernail down from her collarbone to the concave area between her sweaty breasts. His face leered a smile at her as he glided his fingernail over to her still tender, but healed, nipple. He pinched it and rolled the nub between his finger and thumb.

Rei shivered as he touched her skin and the void formed by her deep cleavage. A soft moan came from her lips as he tormented the so sensitive nipple. She closed her eyes and tried to prevent the natural reaction from occurring but couldn't. As he played with it, the buds formed hard peaks in the satin cloth of her bustier.

As the nipple hardened, he continued to play with it as he reached for her other nipple. Rolling it around in the fingers of his other hand, he worked them over as they continued to get more stiff.

Her muscles tightened a bit as she felt the pleasurable sensations from his hands. He maybe be a horrible creature, but he certainly did know his way around a woman's body.

Satisfied with his results, he ran his hands down the front of her bustier and past her belt. He teased the inner creases where her legs met her hips. Next his fingers moved down each crease to the mound of blue, glistening material curved down between her parted legs. Cupping her mound for a moment, he then passed his thick finger up between the lips of her sex. Pausing at the precise location of her clit, he rolled his finger around in a circle.

Rei's eyes flew open as she felt his hand on her most intimate of places. "Get your filthy hands off of me!!" she exclaimed to him as she tried to pull away. The Amazon could feel the first traces of the Curse starting as he touched her clit in such nice ways. The area of blue developed a spot of moisture as her womanhood produced its sweet honey.

"Can't let him do that to me...." Rei thought as she tried to fight the reactions of her body.

Again satisfied with the reaction he got from the chained, unwilling Amazon, he again moved back to her breasts. Surrounding them in his massive hands, he kneaded the soft mammaries. Rolling them around on her chest, he fondled the voluptuous melons with malicious glee. Releasing them, he watched closely as the two glands shimmied back to their position inside Rei's bustier. He pinched her nipples once again, not painfully, but to tease them into protruding steely points.

"Noooooo......" Rei moaned softly as her body shook in the chains from his molestations of her breasts. His hands fitted the size of her breasts quite well actually. Most men couldn't have cupped all of their softest but he could. All of his touching made the Amazon pant slightly, forcing the mounds into his hands more. The nipples long, hard and oh so sensitive!

He moved his hands to either side of Rei, and in the blink of an eye, the two bronze needles returned. He smiled darkly at her as he saw the hint of apprehension on her face.

"Oh no...." she moaned in her mind as she saw them. "Not again...."



The Daya was pleased by the howl of pain that came from the chained woman as each nipple was pierced. He made sure the needles were immovable, then released them. Tiny drops of blood stained each one as the needles again pinned Ultra Woman's nipples to the red and gold bustier.

Rei again attempted the difficult taste of trying to overcome the terrible pain he had inflicted. Tears again streamed down her cheeks as her beautiful breasts were so abused.

Putting his hands back down, he again cupped her mound below, undulating his hand to rub and knead the moist, soft lips of her womanhood. His huge hands rubbed and moved around, forcing her swelling labia to move with them. He reached a finger between her legs and rubbed her anus with his largest finger as the palm of his hand pressed and rolled her clit.

The trapped heroine gasped as he touched her again. Not only did she feel the pleasure, which conflicted with the pain, but also the Curse of Troy. On coming like a freight train with her tied to the tracks. "Nooooo...." she moaned as she felt him. Rei tried to pull herself away from him but all it did was drive his other finger deeper into the crack of her ass.

The Daya watched Rei's face as he continued to play with her satin covered mound. Trapping her rising love button between his first and second knuckle, he rubbed it between them, grinding on it gently to raise the Amazon's passion even higher.

His fingers suddenly became moist as her opening began to leak honey in large amounts. The blue satin becoming stained by it. Rei whimpered in agony as she tried to deal with the conflicting feels of pain and pleasure. It was hard enough to deal with one alone and now she had both. Along with her strength slowly draining away. Rei moved in her chains as her whole body quivered from what she felt. The only sounds her ears could hear were the crackle of the torch, the clink of the chains, and her moans and whimpers from her lips.

Watching the mighty Ultra Woman fight off the rising passion within her, The Daya was pleased. This Amazon was easily manipulated if one only knew the proper methods. He rubbed and twisted her clit with one hand while shoving his finger deeper into her anus. The blue material she wore to cover herself strained, and finally with a few popsas the threads gave way, he tore through the satin. Poking past the hole in her panties, he jammed his thick finger deeply into her asshole.

"Ahhhhhhh!" she gasped loudly as his finger went up her neither regions. The dry passage not aiding him as he forced the finger past her anus. Rei clenched her teeth to avoid saying as she tried to pull her ass away from his hand. It didn't work as her anus ring seemed to have clenched on to the finger violating it. When Daya began to wiggle the invading digit, the feelings cause Rei to cry out. "Get it out!!!" All the while the rest of his hand rubbed at her clit. Making her passage leak more and more fluids.

Satisfied again with the reaction this brought forth, he retracted his finger and released Rei. Stepping over the chains, he circled around the aroused Amazon. The Daya palmed each of her rear cheeks, feeling the softness on the outside and the firmness beneath. He rotated them in circles, pulling them apart and looking at the puckered hole inside the torn spot in the glistening, shiny material.

The Amazon tried to pull away from him but his grip was much too strong for her to resist. She cooed ever so softly as he manipulated the firm flesh of her. Rei's head shook as she tried to fight all the different feelings. Ones of pain and pleasure that she felt. So many flooded her that it was so difficult to know what to do.

Releasing her, he grabbed the back of her golden belt, and pulled Ultra Woman back. He ignored her moans of pain as her manacled ankles were stretched. The Daya lifted her ass back and up, forcing her body to bend. With the twinkle of an eye and the static charge of mysticism, a bronze spike, rounded in its length, at least six feet long and three inches in diameter, with a slightly rounded tip but definitely pointed at it's closer end, appeared in his free hand.

Rei tried to see what he was doing behind her but the angle of her ass wouldn't allow it. All she could see was his hand on her belt as he held her and a smile on his face. That simple smile frightened her like nothing else had. She was so vulnerable and he was a creature who lived to inflict suffering.

He aimed the sharp point at the opening in Rei's blue tights. He met her violet eyes as she strained to look behind her. He reveled in the hint of fear he saw in them. He jerked her higher, almost making her ankles snap, and in a single, violent motion, drove the spike deep inside the heroine's upcurved ass.

Her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull as she threw back her head and screamed in utter agony. "AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The spike forcing its way up her dry, tender passage beyond where his finger and Mayhem's cock had ever been. "Out! Get it OUT!!!!!!!" she screamed.

"Ah, the brave Amazon cries out for pity," the Daya crooned and enjoyed the sweet screams of agony that emanated from the female form before him. He held her back, keeping her hips arched, as he forced the spike farther up her rectal tract. His mighty hand moved the point into the belly of the heroine mercilessly. Rolling the lower end of the long spike, he forced the tip to grind around inside her body. It wasn't so deep that it would kill the heroine, but would cause pain...and grind against the inverse side of her G spot.

All the muscles in her body tensed as she screamed and screamed from the horrible feeling of the spike inside her. She could feel every millimeter of it going in until it felt like it was going to go through all of her. The pain overrode whatever pleasure it might have caused but thin trickles of fluids leaked from her stained panties and rolled down her thighs.

Eventually, the Daya ceased shoving and just held the spike in place. Rei was able to quit screaming and just moan in, to the Daya's ears, wonderful agony. A tiny line of blood traveled down the spike to show the torn and raw flesh it had inflicted on the young Amazon.

A brick in the floor faded from sight, and the Daya bent down and placed the butt (ha! Err..) end in the spot vacated. Planting it solidly in place, he released both the spike and Rei's golden belt. As she sagged forward into a more natural position, relieving the painful tension on her ankles, the pole was forced another two inches inside her gaping anus.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!" Rei screamed again as the force of gravity caused her to take more of it in. She could also feel her strength getting weaker as the Curse over took her. In any case, strength wouldn't have done her much good. The spike ceased to go in any further as she had reached the lowest point gravity would pull her down. Rei tried not to move so as not to cause any more agony. All she could do was hang there, whimpering, and sobbing.

The Daya walked back around the impaled Ultra Woman. Crossing his arms over his chest, he laughed loudly. As his hearty laugh echoed around the twisted halls of this dark dungeon, it sounded more fearful when it drowned out the cries, moans, and wails that haunted the halls. Rei could even hear her own cries of pain occasionally come echoing back to her from some far off alcove.

The Amazon had never felt so alone in her whole life. Alone but for the creature before her. Someone who's pleasure came not from ravishing her sexually but by causing her physical pain. Calmly and coldly doing such things that Rei had never thought could be done in her worst nightmares. Her breath coming in hard pants as she carefully tried to pull her body off the spike. It was of no use as the Daya had place it in so deep and the Curse had taken too much of her strength.

The Daya enjoyed watching the Amazon squirm as she fought to reject the spike embedded so far inside her backside, and again laughed at her pitiful attempts. He had not had this much enjoyment since he had tortured the gagged witch.

"Little bird, do you know your place? Are you willing to submit to my master as his loyal, subservient concubine?"

Rei looked up at him through eyes filled with tears and unbelievable agony. So tempting was it just to give up and submit to end the pain. She nearly said the words until the tears cleared just enough to see the gloating face of her torturer. His look gave fuel to her defiance and she answered him with an accurate spit to his face.

As the glob rolled down his darkened face, the Daya was pleased. This one had spirit, and was a challenge. He had not broken an Amazon since the Eleventh Century when he broke that Byzantine Amazon.

"Little Bird, you shall know extremes this night like no others in your life," he hissed as he stepped forward again. "The master thinks you a virgin, but I know the truth. He will not know anyway."

"H...how...do you....know?" she gasped in pain and surprise. "Th..at can...can't be...h..didden."

The Daya smiled with utmost confidence, and it grew every second. He soaked in Ultra Woman's weak words with evil glee. "I know much, little bird. I know you are not like other Amazons. You are different. You are magic, like the other three here, and your kind I know much about."

Rei shook her head in not understanding what he meant. "I be no...not...m...magic.

The Daya smiled mysteriously, creasing his tanned, dark face. "You are all magic, foolish little girl. Your so-called Gods are nothing but charlatans and magicians that have fooled a desperate and ignoble race of females into thinking they are special."

She shook her head as she tried not to listen to his words, knowing he was just trying to break her spirit. "Yo...you lie!!" she gasped.

The Daya shook his head from side to side in slow, sweeping motions. "Hardly, I need not lie to you in your pitiful state, Little Bird. I could pull your intestines out over the course of the next week if I so chose, so why waste my time lying to a useless creature such as you? Amazon, you are the daughter of a defunct race that could not survive in this world, so you were hidden away by charlatans. If your people could survive, you would not be in this state."

In a horrible way, Rei knew he was right. That her race couldn't stand the light of day in this world. They would be overwhelmed by the corruption if they were ever found. This was the basic line of reasoning her and mother agreed upon when it came to this world and why they should find some way to leave it. "W..w..why then? Why u...us??" Rei gasped, wanting answers.

The Daya knew he had Ultra Woman in the palm of his hand. "Why? It was two things, Little Bird. You see, the leader of the charlatans, the one called Zeus, is a lustful, sexual man that would fornicate with a tree if he thought it were female. What would be better than allowing his prostitutional, so-called wife create an entire island of females with which he might fornicate?"

From all the legends and stories she heard of Zeus and his 'appetites', Rei knew that was totally possible. Had not some sisters whispered of dreams were a man visited them and spent a night in their beds? That they were still untouched in their womanhoods didn't mean anything if the man was a magic user. A simple spell to heal a touch of flesh is all that it would take.

"The other reason was pity. Pathetic pity for a race of creatures unable to survive without protection."

Rei began to sob as the Daya's simple words hammered at her battered mind. "Stop it!" she cried. "You lie!"

The Daya stared down at the sobbing heroine. "You know I do not. I am not here to give you truths, foolish little girl, but to teach you to obey your new master. Now that shall begin."

With a whisp of heat and the smell of sand, the Daya's pantaloons faded into a brown mist, then were gone. Now Rei could see the curved dick, looking much like an Arabian scimitar. It visibly grew, both upwards, in hardness and in size. He reached down to cup the agonized Amazon's mound once more, only this time his fingers dug into her painfully. With a violent tug that jerked the spike in her ass around inside her body, he ripped away the satin from her puss, and took a few dark hairs with him as he did it.

"OWWWWWWWWWWW!!" Rei moan/gasped from the pain of the spike and the hairs being ripped from the sensitive area. As she gasped for air, she just stared at the massive organ before her. The Daya's cock put even Plant Master's wooden woody to shame. This one was of hot, throbbing flesh rather then the 'wood' of the other.

He was pleased by the liquids that stained his hand as he forced the shred of blue in his hand to burst into flames and disappear in the blink of an eye. Dropping the immolated dust that was a piece of Ultra Woman's costume, he stepped forward until his curved cockhead rubbed against her bustiered belly.

Rei just moaned as she felt his hot hardness throbbing against her. She knew what his cock would due to her in terms of her powers. Those were her chief asset next to her mind. Besides, she didn't wish to think of what it would feel like with both the spike AND him in her at the same time....

"I know what this shall do to you, Amazon. Know you that I shall not rest until you are subjugated, and if I must slice you open with this, I shall. When I impale you, your screams of pleasure at its embrace will be unlike any you have experienced before. I give you one more option."

As before, Rei was tempted to give in but she just couldn't. Every fiber of her being was of Amazon and Amazon's resisted to the end. At least that's what she believed herself. Hadn't the Queen been through her own horrors long, long ago? "If she could find her way through it," Rei thought. "I can as well." The Amazon looked up and into the Daya's eyes with her own red rimmed but defiant ones. With a simple shake of her head, she gave him her answer.

The Daya was thrilled by Rei's continued refusal to submit. "Very well, little bird. You shall be singing soon."

Rei's lips trembled a bit as she clearly knew that the next moments would be utterly horrible for her.

Putting his hands on Rei's hips, he lifted the heroine up, pulled the stake partly out of her rectum. Kneeling down, the throbbing heat of his curved cock rubbed down over her belly, past her belt, then down her abdomen. Finally it reached her puffy, moistened labia. He kept a firm grip on Rei's waist and easily held the weakened heroine in place.

The Amazon's body shivered as his cock slide down her, her lips groaning in pain as the stake moved against her torn flesh. As it slide from her, the metal shaft was show to be stained red with her blood. The Curse came rushing forward to take more and more of Rei's strength as the Daya's cock throbbed in her slit. The thick, dark head becoming slick with the juices that flowed from her.

Ultra Woman's ankles again ached as they were strained. Her red boots were beginning to tear along the edge of the manacle, but that was the farthest thing from her mind as the thick head pushed in a bit, making the wet lower lips compress and start to bulge open.

As they opened, her lips a gush of fluid roll down her thighs and his cock. Rei moaned as she felt his steel hard cock press against her so intimately. Although she tried to fight it, she couldn't help but be afraid to what he was was doing to her. Of what he was making her feel. Of what she might do after this was all over. Without knowing it, Rei started to tremble in his grasp. The pain and pleasure assaulting her so powerfully, overcoming whatever defenses she had built up.

Revelling in the fear he could smell emanating from the brave heroine, the Daya kept his dark, burning eyes riveted on Ultra Woman's violet eyes. He enjoyed the horror she was experiencing as his raised his hips and parted the Amazon's pussy. He moved his cockhead up so she could see every bit of it disappearing inside her sex. There was no greater thrill for the Daya than this, watching a fantastic creature such as this Amazon cringing and falling apart before his very eyes, melting into his hands.

Rei so wanted to close her eyes and make that evil vision of his face go away but she found that she couldn't. His gaze forced her to look at him like a rabbit to a rattle snake. "Nonononononono," she mumbled over and over as the Daya began forced his massiveness into her narrow, but so slick passage.

The knobby cockhead disappeared inside Rei's slit, and the vein covered shaft began its ascent into the heroine's nether regions. Between the stake in her ass and the enormous organ penetrating her womanhood, Ultra Woman abdomen ached with the internal pressures. Under her smooth abdomen, she could almost see the cockhead bulging inside her body, making the remnants of her blue panties swell outwards as it entered her more deeply.

"OH GODS!!!!!" Rei whimpered as he spread her tight walls and pressed them against the stake on the other side. She could feel every vein, every ridge of the Daya's cock as it speared into her. The last of her Amazon strength fleeing from her body as the Curse took over fully. She didn't want to feel it but his cock caused exquisite feels to race through her body. "Oh please...." she whimpered in a near whisper. "No more...."

"You were given a chance, Little Bird. Nay, two chances. It was your choice, freely made. I will make you regret your choice this night."

Rei looked at him with terror filled eyes.

The Daya watched Ultra Woman a few moments more, savoring the fearful suspense he knew she was experiencing. Satisfied with it, he abruptly thrust her back down, impaling her ass on the stake again and forcing her pussy to suddenly swallow the thick cock that curved upwards inside her feminine body. The way it curved upwards and back towards him made its passage grind against Rei's g-spot as it burrowed upwards inside her. The golden belt around her waist suddenly snapped off and clattered across the floor from the intense internal pressures of both cock and stake embedded in her belly. Under her flat stomach she saw the cockhead forcing her athletic body to bulge horribly.

"AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" she groaned/screamed as the Daya forced the rest of his huge cock into her passage. All of her muscles contracting as she spasmed from the sensations of the assault. Both her ass and her pussy clamped down on the objects violating them with what strength could be mustered. Rei still couldn't break the lock the Daya had upon her tear and terror filled eyes. Never, not even the other times she had been captured, had she felt like this. So out of control and at the mercy of someone. Someone would could cause incredible pain and wondrous pleasure. She saw him watching her with a smile on his broad face and a throb in his cock.

The Daya felt a thrill run through him as his thick meatpole was surrounded by the dripping warmth of the little Amazon's vaginal slit. He moved his hips around, forcing the curved cock to grind against the inner walls of the superheroine. He pulled the thick head back down, forcing her slit to bulge around the enormous head, then again slowly shoved it back in. Back and forth he moved within Ultra Woman's body, enjoying the emotions of pain fade and the rush of pleasure rise inside her. He could see it in her violet eyes, see it in the way her mouth opened and her lips trembled, see it in the way her fingers twitched, and see the way her nipples, even impaled by needles, grew even harder. He didn't move her hips at all, so the stake would fade from her consciousness, but continued to impale the beautiful girl on his monstrous cock with slow, generous movements that made it touch every part of her inner sanctum.

Rei gasped as it felt like his cock was driving the very air from her lungs. Every time the Daya pulled his cock a bit, a gush of perfumed honey was pumped from her slit to race down Rei's thighs and form a puddle on the stone floor. As he pumped the cockhead past her unresisting cervix and into her womb, Rei threw her head back in pleasure. "Godddssssss......" she moaned as her eyes stayed locked on his. The pain in her body was overtaken by the pleasure just as the Daya wanted. She had never felt anything like this at all. The horrible pain had ripped her defenses apart and the pleasures scattered the shreds. Part of her didn't wish to feel it but there was no way she couldn't. Her whole being was one huge pleasure center.

"How does that feel, Little Bird? If you submit, you can feel this every day of your existence. I know your body revels in these emotions and actions, you cannot help yourself. You can feel this every day if you submit. The alternative is a lifetime of..."

Suddenly, with his enormous cock buried deep under her belly, the Daya grabbed the needles penetrating each of her nipples, and abruptly gave each of them a violent twist, turning them ninety degrees until the bronze points were up and down. Her shimmying breasts were ripped sideways on her chest, as her red uniform tore around the agonizing points on her chest.

The young Amazon didn't scream in pain this time, she howled. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" echoed throughout the hellish dungeon she was in.

The Daya could no longer suppress the joy Ultra Woman's cries brought to his ears. He threw back his head and laughed as her cries of anguish echoed back to them both. Again his laugh echoed around the dungeon, bringing a moment of silence to the various screams, moans, and cries that emanated from other cubicles in the underground lair.

His laughter also silenced his victim before him. She looked up with redden eyes and a tear streaked face twisted in agony.

Releasing the needles allowed Ultra Woman's wrenched nipples to turn back, windmilling the bronze needles as they remained transfixed on the ends of the Amazon's breasts. Without a word, as the Daya's laughter subsided, he yanked out the fuckpole from the gushing pussy before him. He stood back, his pole angled upwards and shining in the torchlight from the coating of lubricant belonging to the gasping, helpless superheroine before him.

Rei moaned in pain again as her breasts returned to the normal position. The normally brownish-pink nipples were cherry red from all that had been down to them. A 'splat' like sound filled the room as a large amount of honey left her pussy to join the increasing puddle on the stone floor. It quickly slowed to a steady drip as Rei gasped for air, her body filled with unreleased passion.

In the twinkling of an eye, a bronze pole, much like the spike in Rei's ass, appeared in his hand. This one was the same width, but the end of it was curved, again like a desert scimitar. Instead of a point, it was a replica of the cock still rigidly shining before the Daya.

The nearly beaten Amazon looked at the thing before her with widened eyes. She knew exactly what he intended to do with it and where it would go. Part of her wished it so that he would let her orgasm and release that incredible need he had built up.

With a smirk on his dark, torchlight glaring face, the Daya placed the rounded, fat tip of the bronze shaft to the gates of Rei's womanhood, nudged it past her lips, and roughly shoved it as deeply as it could go. The heroine was lifted up by the thick, pussy-splitting shaft, allowing her a moment of release from the point penetrating her ass still.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" she gasped as she felt the metal go in so deep. Her juices aiding in making the shaft slick so it slide in easily. Rei's fiery pussy heating it up as well as the muscles clamped down upon it. With a final shove, the tip was in her womb making her belly bulge outwards again. Rei again tried to catch her breath, gasping loudly.

Stones in the floor faded in a wisp of sand and smoke, and the Daya placed the butt end of the bronze shaft in the hole, then released it. The pressure on Rei's womb relaxed enough to allow her to breath, but that also allowed her to again slide back down the point piercing her anus. Double penetrated, with the fat head of bronze bulging in her pleasure sheath and the pointed stake impaling her ass, it was hard to know which was pleasure and which was pain.

Rei's eyes bulged outward as she felt the renewed pain from her ass. The other one was discomfort as well but was more of a pleasurable fullness rather then pain. The Amazon didn't know what to think. Her mind was being bombarded from so many sides and with so many different feelings that it was being overloaded. Whimpering like sounds came from her lips as she tried to deal with it all.

The Daya crossed his arms over his chest again and watched the emotions flicker across his violet-eyed captive's face. He waited for a moment, then the bronze shaft burrowed inside Ultra Woman's womb began to, very subtly, vibrate. It made no sound, but the vibrations of that thick, rigid pole inside her was, in her weakened condition, unlike anything she had ever known, and the Daya grinned as he saw this fact in the way her face and body reacted.

She gasped again but not in pain but in pleasure. It was like when the Daya had his cock in her but different somehow.... All she knew was that it caused tidal waves of passionate feelings in her battered body and mind. Her body quivered as best it could without causing more pain from the stake in her ass. The chains clinking as she writhed erotically.

Satisfied to see his training in place, the Daya took Rei's chin in his hand and brought his face within an inch from her sweaty skin. "Enjoy your night, Little Bird. I will ask you again in the morning how you wish to serve our master."

When he asked again, Rei knew the answer she would give....

The Daya watched the passion rising in the swelling, needled breasts of the Amazon chained before him. He knew she would soon be sharing her orgasms with the dungeon. She would lose track of which was pleasure, and which was pain, and then she would be broken.

With a heavy tread, he left her presence. Rei was alone, chained in a human X, with one pointed stake impaling her ass and another, this one curved and rounded, vibrating deep within her womb. It was only a matter of time.

"Sooooo.....soooo gooodddddddddd!" she moaned as she hung from the chains. Her pussy squeezing the stake within her womb as juice flowed down it, making it glisten in the torchlight. Rei's breasts heaved as she came nearer and nearer to exploding with passion.

The pole that curved around inside her and made her belly bulge was causing no pain, but the vibrations as she hung around it was hard to ignore. Alone, hearing only the echoing cries of pain and pleasure in the distance, were almost as overwhelming.

A passionate, nearly animal like, scream filled the room and echoed throughout the dungeon. Like a firestorm in a tinder dry forest, Rei's orgasm consumed her mind and body. Her sweat covered body arched as she presented her breasts to the wall. The blue boots tearing more as she struggled erotically in the chains. Her mind a blank but for the passion flowing through it. All the time, the spike in her pussy keeping up the constant vibrations.

As the first orgasm made her body tense and rise up in the chains, suddenly, from the shadows behind her, a whip cracked. Ultra Woman's body shrieked with pleasure from the bronze cockhead pulsating within her. The mysterious whip waited until the moment when her passion filled mind was far along in the orgasm to strike. It lashed at the middle of her back, ripping into her red bustier and biting her skin. Down to the floor went a tiny shred of her uniform, as the whip reset, then lashed her left ass cheek. Another piece of her uniform floated to the floor as the whip struck again, and again, as long as her orgasm continued...

"AWWWWWWWW!!!" Rei cried again and again as the whip bit into her. Her orgasm not letting up for a second even as the wipe fell upon her. Eventually the orgasm faded to leave her body trembling in pain and pleasure. Rei hung from the chains as her violet eyes closed, her mouth gasped for air as a line of drool ran down from the corner. Uncounted lashing had ripped open the back of her uniform to cause blood lined welts on the smooth skin of her ass and back.

Suddenly she realized the bronze cock/spike so deep within her hadn't stopped its movements. It kept up vibrating and her so sensitive body began to react again. From the darkness behind her, Rei heard the crack of the whip as it readied itself again. "Noooooo...." she whimpered. "Please noooo....."

Her sobbing moan echoed back, mixed with the fading screams of the pleasurable agony of her whipped orgasm. As her passion rose within her again, the whip laced her back, dropping more of her uniform at her feet and raising more stripes on her back.

The whip seemed to know exactly how much force to use. Enough to slice her uniform open and cause thin cuts upon her back and ass but not enough to gouge or endanger her life. The lashes came in irregular patterns as well so that Rei couldn't even try to prepare herself for when they hit.

For hours, a chained, spread eagled form, voluptuous, lovely, and once powerful, hung helplessly. The two bronzes shafts kept pain and pleasure constantly pummeling the will of the luscious shadow in the dark, horror-filled dungeon. As her terrible screams of pleasure echoed around the sandstone walls, the whip would crack, and her screams would become a strange mixture of unbidden, wild bestial sex and twisting agony.

If one were to have looked into Rei's eyes, they would have seen not a rational human but something akin to a feral animal. It seem that everytime she tried to organize a logical thought, the whip and the shafts knew and would step up their efforts. Waves of agony and ecstasy would then blast the thoughts to bits.

Once the powerful heroine known to the world as Ultra Woman, a unique individual, a champion amongst the powerful race of Amazons, Rei was now but one of the countless voices crying out in the darkness of the unknown chambers of this underground dungeon. Her wails, moans, and shrieks merely joined the echoed chorus of voices begging for release in the Daya's horrific world.

Finally, Rei's overloaded mind just shutdown. The pains and pleasures were just too much for her battered mind. Her eyes were still open, her mouth still made sounds, and her body still responded but they were reactions that one of Doc Droid's droids could do. What made 'Rei' had been slammed into the deepest corners of her broken mind.