Ultra Woman: Harem - Enslaved

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:84min
Added Date:2/4/2025
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Tags: Ultra Woman

Rei had no idea when the curved pole that impaled her womanhood had stopped vibrating. The orgasms had been countless, then whippings had been lost amidst the many climaxes she had endured. Rei had no idea which one had been the pleasure, and which one had been the agony. Near the end, she both dreaded and desired the whippings that had lashed her from neck to the curve of her ass. By morning her uniform had fallen from most of her; the back had entirely been striped from her a piece at a time by the mysterious whip. What was left of her uniform had remained on her only because of the needles in her nipples had kept part of her bustier literally pinned to her body.

Her eyes closed as she collapsed into exhausted unconsciousness. Her body being supported only by the chains. A large, dark shape filled the doorway and gazed upon the beaten heroine. With a truly evil laugh, he waved a massive arm before her and a cackle of magic filled the room. In an instant, the shafts, the needles, and the chains all vanished. The unconscious Amazon landed in the puddle of her own juices that coated the stone floor. "What is your answer now Little Bird?" he asked her.

When the Rei didn't reply, the Daya strode over to her and looked down upon her as she laid on her stomach. With a flick of his toe, he turned her over on to her back. A back covered with open wounds inflicted by the whip. A weak groan comes from Rei's lips as the pain wakes her up a bit. Again the Daya asked, "What is your answer Little Bird? Do you submit or do you wish more of my touch?"

"Noooooo...." Rei whimpered softly. "Please no..... I submittttttt...."

"Stand up, concubine," he ordered. "Now. Tell me who your master is, and tell me you shall be his willing concubine this very night."

Rei tried to do as the Daya commanded but she couldn't even roll over she was so weak. "I can't...." she sobbed. "Please don't hurt me again! I can'tttttt...." Her whole body trembled as she wept. She didn't saw whole sentences but things like "I be his" and "Yes will me" tended to get the point across.

The Daya crossed his arms and smiled down at the remnants of the defiant heroine over yesterday. There was no greater feeling than a broken foe, and, although she might recover, for now Ultra Woman was broken.

Reaching down, he grabbed a handful of Ultra Woman's dull, sweaty black hair and slowly, as if to emphasis the point of his domination, lifted her off the ground. "Answer me!" he boomed, letting his voice wash over her, enjoying the shiver that visible passed through her. "Will you submit to our master and become his loyal concubine!"

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!" she screamed in submission.

Nodding at the answer, he waved his other hand over Rei's body. With a splash of heat, wisps of sand appeared and circled the abject heroine. Her uniform faded away into the sandy mist, including her tiara and bracelets, and was replaced with a harem girl outfit, in blue, just as the other heroines upstairs had worn. It started with silken sandals on her feet, then to baggy, translucent pantaloons that allowed all to see her legs and other body parts beneath. Her midriff was bare, but her heaving, sobbing breasts were held by a loose, translucent top. A veil was pulled away and gathered as part of the band that held her hair back. She was clean as the mystic sand removed the sweat, blood, and tears from her. Her hair again was lustrous and shiny, her skin was healed and back to its usual hue of health.

Rei felt clean but also dirty at the same time. That she was made to wear these revealing clothes disgusted her completely.

The Daya held the once-again beautiful Amazon by the hair as his other hand reached down. Placing two fingers at the gateway of Rei's womanhood. At first Rei felt a painful wrenching in her womb, but that quickly subsided as pleasure rippled through her. As the orgasm filled her, she felt something different, but could barely breathe, much less concentrate.

Her sobs ended for a moment as the feelings flowed through her body. She had been force to feel wonderful things before but this was different somehow. Almost like a power was flowing into her body through her womanhood.

Dropping the Amazon back to the floor, the Daya again commanded. "Rise, concubine."

She did feel stronger now, somehow. There was also something different. Normally after an orgasm, her vagina and thighs would have been coated with her juices, but this time...nothing. As she slowly got to her feet, Rei knew the Daya had done something to her body, but...

Then she realized. She was a virgin.

The implications of how out of control of the situation was like an anvil landing on an egg. That he could torture her, make her feel things that she didn't want to was one thing but this? Doing something so totally intimate was more then she could stand right now. Rei's body went totally limp as her eyes rolled back into her head. Her body landing in a silken thump.

Scooping up the unconscious, overwhelmed Amazon in his arms, he easily tossed her over his shoulders, and whistling merrily, took her upstairs to her new existence.

As the world around Rei slowly came back to her, she felt a washcloth touching her face. She was lying on her back, but she felt no pain there. She tingled, but that wasn't unusual after the orgasms she had endured. As her violet eyes blinked awake, she made out a face in the mist over her. Her mind cleared, and Rei squinted to concentrate on the face.

Rei felt weaker then a new born baby as she struggled into awareness again. Her mind still a muddled mess from what she had been through during all those hours. Most of what she did was by pure instance alone.

Slowly it became clearer. It was a redheaded woman; the woman seemed vaguely familiar, but Rei couldn't place her. Rei was lying in this woman's lap, as another woman dabbed cool water on Rei's forehead. This one was the Japanese woman she had seen in the Sheik's audience chamber.

"You are safe, for now," the girl said in Japanese.

Rei's only response was to burst into wretched sobs.

The redhead and Japanese girl looked at each other knowingly. "It's alright, you'll be safe for now," she said, putting Rei's head on her shoulder. "Shhhh, you're safe." She paused for a minute, thinking of the right thing to say to the distraught heroine. "Um, you're among sisters here," she added, trying to reach the Amazon.

The kind touch and words comforted the broken Amazon in ways words can't describe. After the horror of the previous night, her soul needed to be refilled. With what strength she had, turned her body enough to wrap her arms around the red head and hold her own body to the others.

The Japanese girl put her hand to Rei's shoulder and gently caressed her. "Do not cry, be strong, we must all be strong so we may one day break free from this place."

Ever so slowly, Rei's tears slowed and finally ceased. She didn't let go of the red head though. Almost as if she was afraid this was but a dream in the middle of the nightmare she had been through. The warm touch let her bruised mind latch on to something real and slowly begin to rebuild itself

Other voices piped in. In a Germanic language, a woman with short, bobbed blonde hair added her concerns and sympathy. An African woman kneeled down to run her fingers through Rei's hair. "Please, look at us, you are among friends." Another attractive blonde haired woman kneeled down at Rei's feet, and in an English accent added, "Chipper up, dear, you will be fine. We will take care of you."

Shakily, Rei began to regain control of herself and her emotions. She was still weak in terms of power and sprit but less of a basket case. The fact that these women probably had gone through similar things gave her the confidence to come back instead of hiding away.

Each of them was wearing a harem girl outfit. None were chained or manacled, although when Rei finally looked up, she could see the Silver Sorceress alone in the corner of the harem, the bronze stopper still gagging her mouth. The villainess seemed to be treated like a pariah, as the dozen women all ignored her pointedly, continuously.

Rei could see that she was dressed in a blue, silk like outfit. All the remains of her uniform were gone. In place of her tiara, a blue ribbon tied her hair back and kept it off of her lovely face. Most surprisingly, her bracelets were missing! Those were supposedly impossible to remove but as she had seen with Tania, they could be. Probably with magic and the Daya was most assuredly a magic user.

Looking up through bleary, tear-filled violet eyes and meeting the soft blue eyes of the redheaded woman, Rei finally realized where she had seen them before. This redhead was from Megapolis, and was known as Shadowgirl. The blonde she recognized as the heroine Victory from England. The black woman was the Leopard, from Nigeria Rei thought. The German was Frau Licht, a light-powered heroine from Berlin. The Japanese girl she had seen in pictures, her name was Skygirl. The other five that gathered around she didn't recognize, but all were doing their best to show Rei she was hardly alone...

"Where is my sister Tania" Rei asked, scanning the room for her Amazon sister. "And where are we?"

The redhead looked up at the others for a moment, as a scowl appeared on Leopard and Frau Licht's faces. "Well," Shadowgirl started to say, then seemed to decide to just spill the beans. She looked back down, pointedly, at Rei. "Ultra Woman, or whoever she is now, is helping the Sheik." She nodded over towards a young brunette lying quietly on a pillow, deeply asleep. "That hag and the Sheik played with her all night."

Rei closed her eyes and shook her head sadly. With Tania's condition, she had expected no less then this. If only she could get to her for a little while.... She wondered just what that other girl had done to earn such scorn.

Shadowgirl helped Rei sit up and dabbed at the tears on the Amazon's cheek. "We have a lot of questions for you, but I am sure you have some for us."

"Please don't blame Tania for what she is doing," Rei said softly as she rubbed her wrists where her bracelets should be. "Her mind had been taken from her before this ever happened. She will do whatever someone commands her to do. Ask any questions you need of me, I'll help however I can."

"Poor girl, be nice to her," Victory said softly. "Listen love, my name is Victoria, who are you? Are you from Japan like her?" she asked, nodding towards Skygirl. "We've all been," she paused and glanced down at the floor in a non-verbal way of signifying the dungeon that none in the room would actually mention, "down there, love. We know how you feel. If you gave in, don't feel ashamed. It's horrible."

"I'm Ultra Woman but you can call me Rei. I'm not from Japan but my father was," Rei replied. "I'm an Amazon."

A look of confusion passed over the faces of a couple of the assorted heroines. Shadowgirl spoke up. "Something happened to the blonde Ultra Woman, Rei here," she said, glancing down at the blue clad woman, "took her place. Everyone in Megapolis wondered what had happened to Tania, I guess now we know."

Frau Licht and Leopard nodded, seeming to look at Rei in a new light. "Ve did not know der vas die neue..new, Ultra Voman. Ve haf been here very long."

Rei wondered how long was 'long' but didn't ask that question. "From what Gabrielle told me after I was captured, she bought Tania back from a group called SPAY to sell us together. I assume they were the ones that did this to her." She looked around wondering if there was anybody she couldn't trust. "There is a way she can be brought of it though," Rei said in a low voice. "A little something to keep in mind I think."

Shadowgirl looked up at her compatriots, then back at Rei. "Brought out of it? What do you mean?"

"Its like her mind is asleep but I know how to awaken her. Although I have to be in contact with her to do it. Intimate contact...."

An eyebrow or two was raised, but no one said anything.

"Has...has anyone not given in?" she asked in a whisper.

Looking from heroine to heroine, Rei could see none had been able to resist the Daya's torture. "You were there," Shadowgirl said, "you know how horrifying it is...down there. What could we do?"

Rei nodded. Some would say that it was better to die rather then give in. They however, doubtless had never been in such situations. Everyone has their breaking point, even superheroines.

Amidst many heads that hung down now, Victory said, in a very low tone, "You too have given in, but it is no shame, we're all helpless here."

"Helpless how? Has something been down to our abilities?"

A couple shook their heads. "No no dear," Victory said, "I have all my abilities. But, you see, everything we do is seen. The D..." she paused, as a shiver passed through her proud being, "that man is too powerful. He knows everything that happens. Once..." Victory's face paled at some memory, and her words dried up.

"Ultra Woman," Shadowgirl said, trying to pick up for Victory, "you saw what happens when you refuse. You can only imagine what happens when you try to rebel. Most of us have tried it, and got another night..down there..as punishment. The second time..."

"And the second time is worse...." Rei thought in horror, not being able imagine how it could get worse.

Rei, still touching the redhead, felt the shudder of fear, and saw in the heroine's blue eyes the effects that a second night in the dungeon had on the brave heroine.

"Its okay," Rei said, holding a hand to Shadowgirl's cheek. "You needn't mention it anymore. I get the picture. That 'thing' knows all that we do? What kind of control does that 'master' have over him. I can't believe its out of sheer loyalty!"

Shadowgirl shrugged. "We don't know why he does the Sheik's bidding. We have our suspicions, but we can't prove a thing."

Leopard nodded in agreement. "There are a few strange things about this place, like the vault down in the dungeon that no one has ever entered. We have all talked about where we were taken down there, but there is a hallway none of us have entered."

Frau Licht continued. "If you can remember, there vas a hallway ending mit a bronze door. It vas der only door in the dungeon. Unless it ist some trap it is der very curious."

Rei's brow furled slightly as she tried to remember. It was hazy but she did remember something like that. At least a glimpse of it. "I do seem to recall something like that." She suddenly remembered a legend that she had run across once in the library back home. "I wonder if he isn't something very old.... Would she know anything?" Rei said looking at the gagged Sorceress. "I do know that she has powers of magic. Not enough it seems."

As the group of heroines turned to look at her, the Sorceress seemed to cower in her corner. Rei could see the former arrogance that she had heard resided within the powerful Silver Sorceress, but there was very little but a shadow left. Whatever the Daya had done to her must have been very convincing to turn a woman as powerful and confident as the Sorceress into a creature that quaked whenever someone looked at her.

"He must have really done something to her. Something worse then to us..." Rei suppressed shudder as she couldn't imagine anything worse.

"From what we're guessing, he must have taken her powers away somehow," Shadowgirl replied. "We think he also gagged her as a way of keeping her from casting spells."

"And she's the only one who's powers have been taken away? Curious...." Rei observed. "Almost like he's concerned that she could actually be a threat. Has anyone tried to communicate with her?"

The heroines looked at each other again, then back to Rei. "We tried once," Leopard said finally. "He," and she didn't need to say who 'he' was, "came in as we were talking to her. Both Shadowgirl and I had to spend a night...there. We were told never to speak to her, ever."

Rei winced and nodded, making a mental note of that. "I would certainly say she could be of use then. If only we could find out what she knows without harming us.... Have to think about that one."

Shadowgirl nodded. "Right, we've thought about that too. That man has eyes everywhere."

"Like in cameras or that he just seems to 'know'?"

"We don't know, Rei," Shadowgirl answered. "We don't think he'd use cameras. We've never seen any modern equipment anywhere around here. Just walls, bronze things, a few portraits of the Sheik, and nothing much else. It's my guess he just..knows."

"That complicates matters a bit then," she sighed.

Just then, Rei had a nasty thought. "Is there anyone here that you don't trust?" she asked in a near whisper. She remembered a comment about another heroine they had made when she had first woken up.

"Other than Tania," Shadowgirl replied, "there's a brunette, very harsh features. You'll know her when you see her. She's some heroine from Morocco we think. We don't quite trust her."

"I told you about Tania so its not her fault. However I don't know how deep the blackness within her extends," Rei admitted. "She'll do just about...well...anything it seems. Even to me!" Rei blushed a bit from being brought to orgasm in front of those cameras. "If only I could get alone with her I could awaken her. If she could keep them thinking she was still under their control, it would certainly be an asset."

Shadowgirl looked at the other heroines for a moment, then back to Rei. "I don't think any of us know what you're talking about, Ultra Woman. But, if there's a chance for us to get out of here - a good chance - we would all be willing to try it. If Tania can get free and fool 'him', it would be worth it. But Ultra Woman, if he found out what you were doing, it would be terrible."

Rei took Shadowgirl's hand in hers. "Please, call me Rei we need not be formal in such circumstances. I know realize what it could mean if he found out. You can be sure I would try it unless there was a very good chance of it working. I would also make sure that when I try it, the only person who would be endangered is me. I won't put any of you in danger."

Shadowgirl managed a small smile. "Don't be so dramatic Rei, we are all in danger already. I'd rather die than spend my life here.." She looked up at the other heroines before continuing. "And I'd rather die than go down there again. If there's a way to escape this place, we all want to find it, but we want to be very sure of ourselves before we try it."

"I understand all of that," Rei said looking at them all. "I know one thing for sure, we will get out of here. I'm not sure how or when but we will. Mostly because I made a promise to visit the person that sold me into this. I try to keep my promises."

Suddenly the heavy bronze doors open, making most of the assembled women jump. The Daya stood in the doorway, almost filling it. "Come, the Master wishes to suckle on the fruits of his newest concubine!"

The Asian-Amazon looked around at the faces of fear on of the other women. She knew who he meant by the newest and what that meant. Ever so slowly Rei got to her feet, wobbling slightly as her legs felt like rubber. Stumbling a bit, she made her way to the doorway. This time, she didn't look her torturer in the eyes. Fearful of seeing the image of her broken mind reflected back at her.

"Be careful.." Rei heard Shadowgirl say under her breath...

The Daya led Rei through the huge, wide hallways of sandstone. He said nothing to Rei at all. His imposing presence, and the previous night, said far more than his words could ever convey.

With each step, Rei felt stronger. Not as strong as she usually was but less like that of a child. She didn't try even a thing however. Rei just kept her eyes to the floor and followed.

With a wave of his hand, another pair of heavy, bronze doors opened. Rei was taken into the bright sunlight as they walked onto a patio. It was wide, overlooking the ocean and palm trees. Couches and cushions dotted the patio, with a few serving tables here and there. Male servants wearing medieval Arabian dress held dishes of food and golden decanters, but stood far to the sides and almost out of view.

For a moment, Rei nearly brought her hand up to shield her eyes from the sudden glare but didn't. She didn't wish to do anything to antagonize her masters. She didn't feel as broken as she had the previous night but the fear of going to that hell made her think before she acted.

Three women stood around the couches, surrounding the Sheik. Two Rei didn't recognize, but the blonde waving the oversized frond to cool him was Tania. She looked the same as she had at Gabrielle's mansion. Her blue eyes were wide but empty, but she was now wearing a lilac harem outfit that allowed much to be seen, just as Rei's outfit did.

"At least you're here sister," Rei thought at the sight of Tania. "I truly doubt they sent you to that...place. For that, I'm grateful."

"Ah, Daya, how is our newest prize this morning?" the Sheik asked as the two arrived.

Rei stood there as demur as she could: eyes focused on the ground and hands clasped in front of her.

"O Dread Master, she has repented her actions, and comes willing to serve and obey." The Daya didn't move, but Rei felt a pressure in the middle of her back, impelling her forward.

She stumbled slightly from the pushing but moved forward to her 'master'.

The Sheik clapped his hands, which made his jowls shake. "Very good, very good! Well, bring her forward, I await her delights!"

When she was a few feet from him, Rei knelt down. Keeping her eyes down on her primly folded hands on her lap. For her sake, she hoped that she was doing the right thing. As last night showed, defiance was insane at this point. She had to survive as best she can so that she could help the others to escape this place. If it meant doing some repugnant things, so be it.

"This slave exists only to serve you my master," Rei said in soft but clear voice. A single tear running down her cheek.

The Sheik laughed in glee. "Very good Daya, you have served your master well yet again! How may I reward you?" he asked, almost as if incanting a formula.

The Daya bowed deeply. "Serving you is payment enough, O Dread Master. Breaking this frail creature was a bounty beyond words."

Rei tried to hide a tiny shudder at his words.

Popping a pomegranate into his mouth, the Sheik then nodded. "Very good. Thank you Daya, you are excused."

The Sheik waited until the Daya was gone, then waved Rei forward. "Get up, girl, come here, pour me a goblet of wine. We must get to know one another better."

The evil scent in the air seems to fade as the Daya left the area. The Amazon smoothly rose to her feet and walked nearer her 'master'.

As Rei approached the Sheik, she could see his flabby skin, the way the fat hung from his bones without much muscle tissue beneath. This man was wasting away due to his hedonist lifestyle, and she could see that the moment he raised his pockmarked, pale face to look the standing Amazon over, and the way the flesh hung from his arm. This sybaritic had not long to live at this rate. Anyway, she knew, if she dared, she could have killed this pathetic weakling before he could gasp.

She dared not even try such a thing she knew. Firstly, as an Amazon she wasn't allowed to kill on purpose. More importantly however, Rei figured that the Daya would take his revenge out on the other heroines. She couldn't allow that to happen. At least she knew that the Sheik wouldn't be around too much longer. Taking a decanter from a nearby table, Rei filled his goblet without spilling a drop. She set it back and awaited his next order.

"Lay down here at my feet, I wish to touch my new concubine. How do you wish to serve me, child?"

Even though it disgusted her, Rei did as she was told. She laid at his feet, resting on an elbow as her legs curled back behind her slightly. "I wish to serve you in any way that you wish me to master," Rei said quietly, shivering as his fat finger touched her arm.

Holding the goblet in one hand, the Sheik used his other to feel first her arm, then without a blink, palmed Rei's left breast. "Splendid!" he exclaimed at the firm, yet soft, feel of the luscious Amazon flesh. He twisted and played with her nipple, toying and teasing, but mostly testing.

The Amazon gasped softly as his hand fondled her plump mound through the silk-like material, the nipple hardening quickly. She wanted to slap his hand away but didn't. "I feel like a piece of meat," she thought sadly, as she trembled a little.

He set his goblet down, then ran his fingers through Rei's silken hair. "Oh, fiddle faddle. Girl, open my pants for me. I can't wait anymore, I've been wanting to taste your pleasures since I saw you in that video. How soon can I make you cum?" he asked, grinning as he reminded Rei of her manacled tryst with Tania.

"Oh am I ever going to get back and Gabrielle for that...." she thought, blushing, as she was reminded of that again. Having no real options, Rei felt sick to her stomach as she reached over with one of her hands to between his doughy thighs. She could see the material pulsing and she knew exactly what was causing that. As her finger grazed him, she couldn't find out how to open his pants. She didn't really try either. "I'm sorry master, but how do you open these pants? I know not how."

Closer now, Rei could tell this man was no taller than her, but he must have weighed at least three hundred pounds. Flesh lay upon flesh. "Rip them, girl, I can get more. Show me that body of yours! Get with it!" he demanded in his shrill, annoyingly demanding voice. Still, behind him was the power of the Daya, and he knew it.

"Like a spoiled child..." Rei thought as reached in with her other hand to take hold of the fabric. With a slight tearing sound, she ripped a large hole in the crotch of the Sheik's pants. A oily, musky smell rolled out to her nose as she did so. She could see that her 'master' while large in body was tiny in cock. Very unimpressive compared to the ones she had seen so far.

As he had also ordered it, Rei reached down to take pull the translucent vest like clothing over her head, her breasts bobbing slightly as she did so. Dropping the silk, she next sat back slightly and search for something at her waist. It took several seconds but eventually Rei found a tiny cord that acted as a belt. Untying it, she was able to push the pants off her legs so she was naked but for the veil and the sandals. "As ordered master, my body presented for your enjoyment," she said in a soft voice.

Cupping the back of her head, the Sheik gently pulled Rei's face down to his open pantaloons. "Girl, I want you to get me as hard as you can, but don't you dare let me cum. I have better places for that!"

Rei looked up at him with widened eyes at what she thought he wanted her to do. "Um....how master? This slave is inexperienced is such things. I do not wish to be wrong and make a mistake." It was true that she didn't know how to do such things. She hadn't been made to do such things, even in the rapes, so everything was a 'learning experience'.

He looked at Rei incredulously. "What? You have never pleased?" His face grew angry and his bloated skin turned red. "Open your mouth, idiot, and play with it like a lollipop. You'll figure it out. With lips like those, and a body like that, I will teach you to become the best of my concubines."

The heroine cringed a bit under his words. For a moment, she wondered if the Daya would come to drag her back to his domain. She knew she couldn't resist a second visit there. "This slave would wish to be taught by a master such as you so that I may please you greatly."

With his pole, small and unimpressive as it was, hanging flaccid and limp from between his bloated white legs, the Sheik pushed Rei's head down into his crotch. "Use your hands to pick it up, girl, and put it in your mouth. Love it, and it shall love you."

Even though it truly disgusted her, Rei gently picked the organ up with her warm fingers. As she did so, it began to swell. "Like a lollipop..." she thought. Reaching out with her tongue, Rei began to end of it with her tongue. Noting it had a very salty, weird taste to it. She did most of her licking on the smoother end near the tip as it grew and throbbed in her hands. "Disgusting..." she thought.

"Now, girl, you suck on it, gently. Take the head in your mouth," the Sheik instructed as his hand on the back of her head pushed her down. "Take it all the way in, into the back of your throat."

Doing as she was told, Rei took the smoother, round end into her mouth. Having to basis of reference on what to do, she sucked as if the cock was a straw which caused the Sheik to whinny in delight. She gagged a bit as he forced her head down on his cock but it passed quickly. The position he held her in force her breasts to pillow against his fat thighs, the hard nipples digging into the doughy flesh.

Compared to the cocks she had met thus far, the Sheik was either an exhausted specimen of manhood, or he simply had a tiny dick. He was pathetic compared to Captain Liberty, or Mayhem's mutated penis.

He barely filled as she sucked on him gently, not wishing to hurt and anger him. A part of her thought that if she put Captain Liberty in place on this troll, it might be better. Closing her eyes, she imagined that to be true. That she and Brian were making love again.

The Sheik moaned in agreement as the heroine's cheeks sucked inwards around the small slab of meat. "Very good, girl, you are a very quick study. Pull it in with suction, and let your lips caress and please it. Your tongue should roll around the end, hungrily. Surely you desire nothing but to please your master?"

"Mmmmmmmmnnnnn," she murmured as her head pulled back a bit while still sucking, her tongue swirling around the tip quickly. Rei braced her hands on either side his massive thighs to help support herself over him, her mane of hair falling to the right. "Mmmmmmmmnnnnnnnbbbbbbnnnnnnn" she moaned again, no way for the Sheik to know that she had just said "Oh Brian....."

The small penis grew stiffer by the moment, but it was very slow about it. As her lovely hair fell over his crotch, the Sheik gathered it back up again so he could watch the beautiful oriental girl blow him. Up and down he watched her lips tease and warm his manhood. Even as the warm dick lost much of its softness, it still didn't get nearly as hard as the others Rei had come in contact with, even if she'd never had one in her mouth before.

Quickly she moved her head up and down to make him over her lips. Her mouth easily took mostly of his small cock with out difficulty. Rei probed the slit at the tip with her tongue as was rewarded a few drops of a thin, salty fluid as the cock throbbed a bit harder. The Sheik suddenly pushed her head back.

"Very well done, girl. Get it nice and hard, because you will be wanting to mount your master soon, will you not, my concubine?" he asked as he tugged on Rei's hair so she could answer him.

Rei lifted her head from so that her mouth was free. "Yes master," she replied, trying with some difficulty to keep the fantasy in place.

"What you do is you come up here now. Straddle your legs across my chest, and present your chaste portal to my lips so that I might prepare the grounds for the honor of feeling my royal cock within you, girl," he explained and ordered, licking his fat lips. "Come now, once you are prepared, you will be given the gift of my seed."

She did as she was told, her thighs spreading wider to get across his fat chest. "Am I suppose to keep sucking on you master?" she asked. It would be difficult as she would have to try to lean over his massive belly to get to him. In the meantime, one of her hands stroked his smallish cock.

"Yes, girl, keep sucking on it, but do not let me cum, do you understand?" he asked. "If you start to taste my seed, do not continue, only hold your master's mighty organ in your mouth, and do not move. Understand that, concubine?"

"I understand master," Rei replied, stretching her body to reach over his stomach. She could just get his cockhead into her but don't much else. Using her lips and tongue, she sucked and licked him carefully. Her hands holding and stroking his cock as she used her mouth. The fat of the Sheik's body did serve one nice purpose though, it was like she was laying on a big soft cushion. Quite useful as the Curse was quietly taking her strength away as she worked on him.

He leaned forward, his beard brushing against Rei's inner thighs. The next thing she felt was the tip of his fat tongue splitting her labia and trolling up the length of her slit until he bumped it against her clit. "MMmmmm, you truly do taste of the nectar of the virgin, girl. Inexperience will lead you down the path of bliss, to your goal of giving your master his pleasure. You will learn to please me in any way I wish, yes girl?"

Rei's eyes went wide and her nostrils flared as she gasped with his cock in her mouth as she felt his tongue touch her there. She could feel his hands on her ass cheek as he held her steady for his probing tongue. The heroine hadn't felt anyone but a sister put her mouth on that most private of areas before. The Sheik's thick tongue able to touch nearly every nerve ending it seemed. The nectar he tasted increase as Rei's passion was increased.

His tongue licked the insides of Rei's lower lips, tasting the juices that began to be generated. He didn't delve too deeply, but was content with toying with her labia and touching her burgeoning clitoris. Occasionally he would dart inside her, but never too far, as he concentrated on her outer areas. He paused to kiss the inside of her thigh, his rough beard rubbing against her skin. Starting at her left knee, he placed gentle kisses on the soft flesh of the heroine until he reached the point where it met her crotch, and again slid his tongue up her cunt until bumping into her clit again. Taking his time, he worked his way up her other leg, from knee to pussy, pleasing her tender skin with soft kisses.

She had a hard time concentrating on sucking his cockhead as he was stimulating her so well. The Sheik's beard and face were getting soaked by the thick honey that oozed from her opening. Her body trembling as her strength faded away. The feelings so good that Rei didn't try and fight them. She knew she should but the abuse the previous night still affected in that she knew defiance brought punishment. Rei's mouth sucked hard on his small cock as her hands gently stroked and pumped it.

"How does that feel, girl? Surely you have never felt any such power from anyone but your master, yes?"

Lifting her head from him, causing a small 'pop' from the suction, Rei moaned "No masterrrrr....so gooodd...." She went back to suckling on him.

Rei could feel a shudder pass through the fat man both times, as Rei moaned her agreement, then again locked her luscious lips around his little meatpole. "Yessss...very good, girl. What a concubine you shall make.." the Sheik groaned.

For some reason, she felt pleased at that remark...

He went back to work on Rei again, this time exclusively working over her clit. With slobbers and suckling sounds, he gulped down the flood of love juices that could only come from an aroused Amazon. His hips moved up and down slightly, matching the head bobbing superheroine that sucked his cock. His tongue batted around Rei's clit, bouncing the blood-engorged point back and forth.

Rei was nearly panting with the passion that was roaring through her body but she couldn't use her mouth to breath. Her nostrils flared as she took noisy breaths as the Sheik's cock pushed deeper into her sucking mouth. The fat man under her was rewarded with even more Amazon honey as his tongue caused such wonderful feelings through his concubine. Suddenly, one of Rei's hands slipped from his sweating thighs to accidentally talk hold of his balls and squeeze slightly...

Rei noticed his hips had stopped moving, and even his tongue paused and it pressed her clit down. She tasted fluids leak from the tip of his cock, then..

"AARGGGgghhhhhHhhHH!!" the Sheik groaned into her clit as his cock exploded, spurting cum deep inside Rei's mouth. Each wad blew into her throat, loaded heavily and nearly choking the surprised Amazon. His cock may have been small, but the amount of jism that filled Rei's mouth was unbelievable. Each spurt of his cum splashed like a cupful of his sperm that Rei, being inexperienced, had no chance of swallowing it all.

She tried to swallow as fast as she could but because his cock still filled her mouth, she didn't have the option of spitting any of it out. Quickly she fell behind as her mouth was filled and filled. The amount Rei was able to swallow felt like molten lead in her belly. Her hand on his balls felt them jumping and contracting in her small hands.

He leaned up at his cum continued to blast away inside Rei's mouth. He shoved her hips off his chest and grabbed the back of his head. "Swallow it, girl!" he said in his heat, his gasps timed with the spurts of his heavy, thick sauce. He pinned her lips deeply over his cock, forcing her to drink from his apparently inexhaustible fountain.

Rei's tongue rubbed against him as she tried to keep up with the incredible amounts of seed he was releasing. Small lines erupted from the corners of her mouth as she couldn't keep up with him. The one hand still on his cock inadvertently pumping up and down as he squirmed under her.

With a grin on his lips, he suddenly pulled Rei off his cock by her hair. Cum splattered against her face. He moved her head around, hitting her in the cheek, then the other. He moved her down to shoot his cum into her hair, then finally, he placed her directly over the head of his amazing organ. Cum filled her eyes, blinding her. "Catch it! Drink it down girl!" he shouted as he held her loosely in place, making sure the heroine's head and eyes caught everything he was unloading.

"OOOhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." she moaned as she was given a cum facial by her master. Her lips trying to catch the jets but failing for the most part as she was blind. Her tongue licked the area around her mouth though.

The Sheik released Rei's hair, and gently pushed her beside him on the wide, pillowed couch. "Come, girl, lay next to me," he said, holding up an arm. "Lick that off your face, them come over here. I wish to talk with you, then send you back to the harem. You may be frustrated now, but hold yourself in readiness, for you shall be fulfilled like never before, when you return this night."

For many seconds, Rei just laid where she was as she didn't have the strength to move. The Curse and her own passions having drained her very much. Eventually, she slowly crawled to where he wanted her. Her hand wiping as much of his seed from her face towards her mouth as her tongue licked it up. When she reached the spot next to the Sheik, Rei collapsed with an exhausted sigh and her eyes closed.

"Now child, you have tasted your master, how does he taste?" he asked Rei in a gentle, but commanding, tone. He laid his arm around her and ran his hand across her back in a sliding caress. Playfully he toyed with her hard nipple as her breasts pressed into his side.

Rei whimpered softly as her sensitive nipple was gently fingered by his fat fingers. "It was....different," she said softly, her eyes still closed. "I don't know what I expected but I wasn't repulsed by it. Hot and rich I guess I would say." She looked up at him with a hint of fear in her eyes. "Does that please you master? I don't wish to cause you to send me back to that....place. The final word was said with a trembling of her body.

The Sheik patted Rei's breast playfully. "Yes, my concubine, you have pleased your master wonderfully. For your first experience, my virgin, you did well. Your master is pleased."

She sighed a bit as his hand bounced off the firm, yet soft flesh. "Please forgive me if this is a silly question master," Rei said with a quizzical look on her face. "But why is that males seem to like breasts so much? I haven't figured out the attraction.... Please forgive me master," she said with lowering her head slightly. "People say I ask too many questions."

"The female form is unique, girl. There are two parts of your body that are not like mine," he said with a gesture towards his bloated form. "Surely you do not wish me to pat you on your pussy, correct, my concubine?"

Rei blushed slightly at his question. "If it be your will master, you may. As you slave my body is yours to do with as you please."

He nodded towards a bowl of fruit. "Very good, girl. Now, feed me three grapes, then jog back to the harem. Tell the other concubines to cleanse you and dress you properly. Tonight you will be honored. Tonight, girl, you will be blessed, for tonight you shall surrender your virginity to me."

For a second, Rei also said that she wasn't a virgin. That Captain Liberty had been her first man and that there had been several others, his servant the Daya included. She didn't as she thought that might displease him and she didn't want to do that! "I will be honored," Rei did say bowing her head.

Taking the bowl of purple grapes, Rei selected the three biggest, juiciest ones there. After feeding the grapes to her 'master', and nearly getting her fingers bitten off in the process, Rei reached down to slip on the silken garments that she had cast off earlier. Inadvertently spreading her ass before the Sheik.

Unable to resist the opportunity, the Sheik leaned up to give Rei a quick, open handed slap directly atop her puffy pussy. The sound of flesh striking flesh echoed around the room.

"OOOHHHHH!!" Rei yipped, literally leaping into the air from the burst of sensation he caused. She landed on the balls of her feet and whipped to face the Sheik. Her eyes wide as she panted from the unreleased passion within her.

He chuckled at Rei's reaction. "Now, girl, surely that felt pleasurable, did it not?"

"Umm...well yes," she admitted, blushing slightly.

Leaning back in his pillows, the Sheik watched closely as Rei dressed in her harem girl attire. The top now seemed tight around her aroused breasts, with her nipples poking out into the skim material. The baggy pantaloons stuck to the sticky insides of her legs and her moist bush.

Finally, she was dressed and standing before him again, head down and hands clasped in deference. "May I have your permission to leave your side?" Rei asked. She did wish to have a bath so she wash him off of her. It was more for aesthetic reasons then anything else. She dislike the sticky feeling of his dried cum on her.

"Bend over here, girl," the Sheik commanded. Once Rei was in place, he gave her another playful slap, this time on her pert ass. "Now, shoo, go back to the harem, and have my wenches do as I commanded."

Rei didn't even wince from his slap as she had been hit harder during games of tag back home. "You will send for me?" she asked. "I don't wish to displease you by being late."

"My servant will bring you forth for the greatest gift of your life, my concubine. You have much to behold this night."

She shivered noticeably at the thought of seeing the Daya again. "Would it be possible master for someone else to bring me?" Rei said with a nervous twinge in her voice. "Your....servant frightens me so. The fear may cause me not to be as outgoing as my master desires. This lowly slave only wishes the best for her master." Rei did fear the Daya but she also wished to see just how much the Sheik depended on him. Did he trust anyone else with his 'slaves'?

The Sheik patted Rei on the cheek, like one calming a small child. "Have no fear, girl. If you do as you must, and do what pleases your master, you will need never fear my servant." His voice lowered, and his hand dropped away. "Refuse me, and you shall know torment like none other."

"I know what it means to disobey you master," Rei whispered, trembling. "I don't wish to experience that again."

Abruptly he waved Rei towards the door. "Now go, and ask no more questions."

She backed away from him, not turning her back until she reached the large bronze doors. There she waited with her ass pressed against them lightly for them to open.

The door swung open with the faintest of nudges. Rei found herself again in the hallway, alone this time. She knew the way back to the harem, but there were many other hallways all of which led off in various other directions.

It was very dangerous but Rei went down the hallway that lay next to the one leading to the harem. She needed to learn the layout of this place and this was the only way it seemed. Rei already had a story made up to cover what she was doing if she was caught: In her fear of the Daya, she had just followed him without paying attention to where she was going. When she was sent back, the pleasures she felt caused her to make a wrong turn. She would return to the harem but after a slight detour....

Rei padded silently down the hallway, opposite the direction of the harem. Soon she came to another of these heavy bronze doors. Putting an ear to the door, she could hear two men talking in a language she wasn't entirely familiar with, but she suspected it might have been Mongolian. Also mixed in with the men's grunting, gasping voices Rei detected the faint sounds of feminine squeals and moans.

After a moment, Rei heard the female voice beg, "Ja...oh ja..." It sounded disturbingly like Frau Licht.

Her eyes widen slightly at those noises. She wondered that when the Sheik tired of a slave if he didn't just turn her over to the other males in this place. And by the sounds of it, she was with more then one man... "Not good," she thought as she continued on. "Not good at all..."

The next door Rei came to was open, revealing a wide banquet hall, filled with all manner of foods on tables, with pillows in the middle of the room. The food appeared fresh.

"Some sort of party?" she wondered. The way the pillows and tableware arranged, it appeared that something was to happen in the center with everyone else as the audience. With a sinking feeling, Rei suspected that she and the Sheik would be in that place.

The hallway turned to the right. As Rei approached it, and the door adjacent to it, she heard footsteps approaching her. Peeking briefly around the corner, her eyes were filled with the massive shadow of the approaching figure that was the Daya. Behind him was Shadowgirl and another unknown heroine, both with heads down as they meekly followed him.

"Oh gods..." she thought, scared beyond belief at the sight of him. Rei knew that it would be almost impossible to fool him. Hoping it wasn't a mistake, she tried the adjacent door. Intending to hide behind it.

The large bronze door opened with an easy swing, and the frightened heroine quickly jumped inside the closed it as quietly as possible. Hugging the backside of the door, she kept one ear on it, straining to hear if she had been discovered.

"Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...." Rei's mouth said but without any words coming out. Her fear of the Daya beyond all reason now.

The steady, heavy tread of the Daya, followed by the two softer steps of the submissive heroines, came closer and closer. Rei held onto the door latch nervously as the footsteps grew louder. They approached the corner, turned it...and continued past the door and down the hallway.

Rei's body went almost totally limp in relief as she hadn't been found out. She knew that she couldn't have sustained her story against the questioning by him. Rei also knew that it might not be wise to mention any of this to the others as well. Just in case they were to say something...

It was such a relief to the Amazon that only now did she realize that there was a man standing in the room, naked, grinning at Rei like a child at Christmas. He was standing at the edge of a pile of pillows, his clothes neatly set aside in the corner. A small table held fruit and wine. He didn't seem to know what exactly was to happen next, but his expression showed plainly enough that he knew it would be fun...

The heroine knew she couldn't leave the room just yet as she had to give the Daya time to leave the corridor. However she had an idea what this man expected and it wouldn't be good for her... "Umm....excuse me," Rei stuttered, trying not to look at his engorged cock. One much bigger then the Sheik's she had to admit. "I seem to have taken a wrong turn back to the harem. Please excuse me!" Rei turned quickly and reached to open the door...

The man, a Vietnamese from his appearance, seemed confused. "Wait..." he said in Japanese to the oriental Amazon. Rei could still hear the Daya's slow, steady footsteps down the hall, and she knew she would be taking a terrifying risk if she left this room right now. "Aren't you here to...well...accompany me?"

"No," she said in a soft voice, afraid that the Daya would hear her. "I was one may way to the harem and I got lost. I'm new here and I got lost." Rei just wanted to get out of here because she knew she was having trouble holding it together. The fear of the Daya was driving her nuts.

He walked across the pillows, his organ bouncing as he hopped off the end of the dais. He approached closer to Rei, as she finally heard the footsteps fade away.

Just as Rei began to turn the hand on the door, the man placed his hand on hers to stop her. His enlarged cock poking into her silk covered ass as he did. She could feel his breath in her ear as she could also feel the unfulfilled need within her body. "You have to let me leave..." Rei started to say as she turned her head to face him. As she did so, he stopped her words with a kiss.

Smothering her explanations with his passionate lips, the man dipped a surprised Rei backwards, cupping her back as he deeply kissed the Amazon. Using the moment of surprise, he slipped his other arm under her knees, and scooped her up into his arms, his lips still pressed against hers.

At first Rei began to raise her arms to push his head away from hers but just as her fingers touched his face, they dropped away. She couldn't explain it but for some reason, she began to return the kiss. Perhaps it was the unfulfilled desires in her body or perhaps it was something else but she didn't fight him at all.

Finally he came up for breath. "Come, spend time with me, and we will talk later," he said, half smiling, half leering down at the voluptuous woman in the silken clothing. He could see her perky breasts bob in the thin, sheer top, which only enticed him that much more. "I cannot wait to spend a night with a beautiful woman like you...what is your name?" he said as he turned to carry Rei back to the pillows.

Oh was she so tempted to say yes but Rei knew what would happen if she didn't get back to the harem very soon. Let alone what would happen if she stayed here. "Its...its Rei," she said in slight stutter. "I must get back to the harem before they come looking! The master ordered me back there to be prepared for his taking of my..." Rei blushed as she was embarrassed at what was going to happen. "If I don't get back there his...servant will punish me. So please!" As he looked down upon her, the man could see a deep fear in her violet eyes. "Perhaps another time we can get together..." she said as she buried her face in his shoulder.

Sympathy conflicted with lust inside the man holding the vulnerable Amazon in his arms. The pillows invited him, tempted him to bring this beautiful, curvaceous woman to them, and spend a wild night of passion. As he felt a hot tear touch his shoulder, he surrendered to his sympathetic side.

She heard and felt a reluctant sigh just as they reached the pillows. Just then, his arms shifted to she felt herself moving down.

Setting Rei down on her feet, he gave her a disappointed nod. "Get going, but I will take you up on that promise," he said, glancing down at the erection that pointed directly at Rei's belly button. He nodded towards the door. "Go."

Glancing down as well, Rei saw that incredibly, his cock seemed even larger then before. "I didn't mean it as a promise," she said looking back up at his face. "But I do now and I keep my promises." The Asian-Amazon stepped forward slightly and leaned up on her toes to kiss his soft lips again. As she did so, his cock rubbed on the silk of her transparent gown.

He wrapped his arms around her lithe waist and pulled her to him, compressing her soft glands against his slightly soft, businessman's body. His kiss was passionate, but he forced himself keep the kiss brief. "I will request you, but if you wish to go, go now," he said, glancing down at his tool, aching to touch more than Rei's attire.

Rei could feel his cock throbbing against her hard as she moaned bit from her nipples rubbing against him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and just leaned against after their kiss ended. Rei didn't know who this man was but she was attracted to him mostly because he was so gentle compared to the other men in this place. Finally she stepped back to look up at him. "I think if I could, I would stay but I can not. I would be punished for this and I fear you as well. The master wishes to take my virginity and he would be displeased if someone else took it." Rei placed a hand on his curved cock and felt its heat. "I think if I had a choice, I would rather have you take it then he..." She then looked up at him and smiled.

She walked to the door, feeling his eyes focused on her swaying ass. Just as she was about to open the door, Rei turned and asked, "What is your name? I would like to know the name of my first lover in this place."

"I do not wish to give out my name; this is not a place for names," he said seriously. "You must go, shoo," he added, making a waving gesture towards the door.

With that, Rei left the room and raced back towards the harem.

As Rei entered the harem breathlessly, she saw only three people inside; Tania sitting on a cushion, her blue eyes staring straight ahead blankly; the Silver Sorceress, lying on her side, cringing at the sight of the open door; and the Japanese girl, sitting on the pillow and looking through the small skylight at the clouds drifting by.

The doors closed behind her as Rei stood and caught her breath. She had seen two of the heroines being led someplace and heard the German one with a couple of men. Rei assumed that they did more then just lay around the here all day. Exactly what they did she really didn't wish to know.

The short haired Japanese woman glances over at Rei and nodded briefly. At the same time the Sorceress calmed down slightly, but still quivered in repressed fear.

Knowing she couldn't talk to the Sorceress, Rei walked over to the Japanese woman. Tania seemed all right and she didn't want to put her plan into motion just yet. Things didn't seem 'right' for her to try and awaken her sister. "May I sit down?" Rei ask the other woman politely.

Skygirl watched Rei approach with diffidence. "If you wish," she replied in her native language, "we all are here, we should give respect to one another. We will be sharing our evening together anyway, I understand. My name is Yumiko, but my people call me Skygirl."

"Manners are always proper I think," Rei said as she sat down. "You can call Rei. I'm afraid I doubt we will be together this evening. Our....master ordered that I am to be bathed and prepared for his taking of my virginity. Which isn't the truth I might add. That....thing did something to my body to give the appearance of it." Rei sighed in defeat.

Yumiko curtly shook her head. "No, the master wishes us both. I have already bathed and am prepared for his despoiling. I too am a virgin, as are we all after a night with our master," she said, with a hint of distaste.

She glanced at Tania, then back to Rei. "You are both Amazons, and you are both here. So, I am here as well, and it brings me great shame. Many times I have thought about death, but I find it is impossible here. One cannot die, as I have tried many times, only to waken in this very room of shame."

Rei just stared at her for several seconds. "My mother told me that my father's people have such a code of honor. Its not my way but I respect it. It shames me as well to be here and to have done the things I have done so far. I keep it in mind for when the right time appears. If I die, I plan to take many of my enemies down with me." Rei took Yumiko's hand in hers. "When we get out of her I wish you to go to my homeland where you can rejuvenate your soul."

"Your father must come from my island I will guess, but I must presume your mother may not, from the way you speak of her?" she asked as she looked down at the joined hands. "You must not come from my homeland, but I do recognize your face. I heard you speak with the others, but I do not speak their languages, and I am very alone here."

"No, my mother came from the island of the Amazon sisters. Normally leave it to travel in this world but once in our lives. To find a father for our daughters." Rei smiled as she remembered the stories her mother had told her of her father. "According to my mother, my father had all the best qualities of your people. That he honored to have helped conceive a daughter who would continue his bloodline. I've always been fascinated by his people so I learned as much as I could. Including the language," she said squeezing Yumiko's hand gently. "You are no longer alone here."

Yumiko tried to stay aloof, but she was starting to melt. "We are all alone here, Rei, that creature will drive us apart if he can. We are only cattle to him and our master. We are only here to satisfy his carnal needs."

Rei wrapped her free arm around Yumiko and held the woman to her. "Yumiko he can't drive us apart if we don't let him. We can draw strength by just being here, in the same room. He may have our bodies but our spirits he can't have bruised as they may be."

Yumiko shivered as Rei's arm was placed around her. "That may be true, Rei, but after so many times of being deprived of our purity only to have that fat slug rip it from us...it makes one yearn for the great beyond."

"Yearn not to quickly I hope. Truthfully, I've had worse done to me then what that slug has done or will do. We have to survive, if only to get our vengeance."

"You honor us by wishing to know of your father. From the way you speak of him, I believe he is no longer with us. My regrets to you."

"You're welcome. The night my mother spent with him was the night before he went off to a battle for which he knew he would return from. He was a kemacazi, or however the term is pronounced. Mother always has the fondest smile whenever she talks about him." Rei smiled as she remembered just how her shy little mother smiled when talking about that night of passion.

Yumiko nodded understandingly. "The Divine Wind. He was a true hero, not false creatures like myself. He was willing to die for his beliefs, while I am unable."

"Unable or unwilling?" Rei asked. "A large difference between the two I think. Just because you aren't allowed to do something doesn't detract from who you are Yumiko. Have you done everything that you are capable of doing? Resisted to the best of your abilities? I think if my father was here he would tell you to hold your head up and not be ashamed. The monster made me do things I'm not proud of but I'm not ashamed. I did the best that I could. No one can ask a person to do more then that." With that, Rei hugged her new friend to her tightly.

Yumiko attempted a weak smile, even as she pressed against Rei warmly. "Thank you for your words, you are very kind." She put her arm around Rei's shoulder, with her fingers playing with the Amazon's much longer dark hair.

She looked over at Tania. "What about her? From the way your face grows sad when you look at that woman, I believe she is important to you. I have no spoken to her but she only sits and stares. Even when the monster enters she shows no emotion, although all of us fear him worse than death herself. Is she a robot? May we do something to help her."

Rei looked as well. "Her name is Tania and she is a fellow Amazon. She was 'Ultra Woman' before me until a group captured and broke her. My Queen selected me to come into this world to take up Tania's duties. Until I was captured myself and sold here I hadn't been able to find any trace of her," She shook her head sadly. "Somehow her mind has been closed off from her body. Almost as is she's sleepwalking of a sorts." Rei lowered her voice almost to a whisper. "I did find a way to awaken her though, at least I think I can.:

Yumiko paused for a moment, then in a voice very low, added, "I envy her, not to know the touch of the monster, or the life we are living here..."

"Perhaps... In her state though she has no chance at freedom. I refuse to believe that there isn't a way out of here. Maybe a tiny chance but there is a way if we look for it and dare to chance it."

"Should we do that? I would not stand back out of fear of the monster, but she seems tranquil, unlike us who are living a waking death. She has been blessed with unconsciousness, or so I pray."

"If she was a person I did not know, I might allow her that hopeful peace. I can't though. Tania is my Amazon sister and I must help her free herself from that prison. In my heart I know that is what she would wish as that is what I would want in her position."

Yumiko sighed gently. "If I were in that state, I would yearn for freedom, even the freedom of this nightmare. Yes, I will help you revive your sister, Rei."

"Thank you."

Yumiko touched her hand to Rei's thigh, and sighed. "What may I do to help you? If she can be helped, is there some way she may assist us in escaping this living nightmare?"

Rei smiled slightly at Yumiko's soft touch, so different from the men in this place. "I don't think I'll need much help in actually waking her up. It involves me...pleasuring her." Rei blushed slightly at that. "What she might be able to do is be awake but make them think she is still asleep. That may allow her to do things we would never been allowed to do since to them, she's under their power." She shrugged slightly. "Its not much but we can use every chance we can get. The others..."

A hint of red came to Yumiko's face as Rei explained. She looked away as her fingers stopped fiddling with Rei's hair. "We...I was told that Amazons...please...each other on your island." She peeked up at Rei nervously. "This is true?"

Rei smiled back at her. "Of course. There are only my sisters on our island so we have no else to share pleasures with. Although since coming to this world I have found that that some of the people out here can be just as good." She looked at Yumiko carefully for a second as a thought crossed her mind. "Have you ever had pleasures with anybody before you came here?" Rei so hoped the answer was yes as she didn't want her new friend's first time to have been with that evil monster.

Yumiko's cheeks turned a brighter shade of pinkish red. "Yes, once, my boyfriend and I...we..."

Rei just smiled.

She bashfully looked up at Rei, then back down at her hand on the Amazon's thigh. "But I have always wondered..." she said, leaving the rest shyly unspoken.

The Asian-Amazon laid her hand on top of the other girl's hand. "I told you that after we escape you should visit my island to recover from all of this. If you wish, I can show you what its like to receive pleasures from a woman." She smiled at Yumiko again. "If you wish, that is. I would never make someone do anything they don't feel in heart they want to do."

Reluctant to admit her strong curiosity, Yumiko shyly looked up at Rei and nodded, then turned back to look at her hand on Rei's thigh with her cheeks aflame.

Rei decided not to press the issue as she could see how embarrassed it was making Yumiko. She just squeezed the other girl's hand gently and said, "I can see this is affecting you deeply so I won't press you on it anymore. Neither the time nor place for such things I guess." Rei reached out and gently tipped Yumiko's head up so they made eye contact. "We can talk about this more when we reach my island."

"Mmnnnhhh!!" a sound moaned in the room. Across the harem, in her blighted corner, the Sorceress's haunted brown eyes yearned towards the two talking oriental girls, as if having something to say but unable to say it.

The Asian-Amazon looked up at the other woman and then at Yumiko. "Hades..." she muttered. "The other women mentioned that if they tried to talk to her, they're punished. Is that true? She knows something," Rei said nodding to the Sorceress. "I believe she's a magic user of considerable power and that's why the monster has taken precautions such as those. We could use her..."

"I have not seen anyone punished, Rei. The monster told us we would be taken back..down there...if we spoke to her. She is a horrible person so we did not need to be told to let her lie in her own tortured nightmare. From the things I have heard of her, she deserves her punishment." Yumiko looked back at the Sorceress with a withering stare. "If she knows anything, I would rather cut her throat than deal with such vermin."

Rei sighed a bit. "Evil wouldn't begin to describe her I think. I suspect that she's the one that placed Tania is this state. However," she said as she looked carefully at the Sorceress. "Sometimes an enemy who is also the enemy of my enemy can be my ally. It seems that alone none of us is a match for the monster, not even her. Together on the other hand...."

She had a burst of courage that seemed to be blinding after all that she had been through lately. Rei got up and before Yumiko could say anything, went over to the Sorceress. "Do you know how to defeat that monster and would you help us to do it?" she quickly whispered.

The Sorceress's dark eyes flitted around the room like those of a scared kitten. It was plain to see that the villainess was terrified of the thought that the Daya might walk in at any time. It took her a few moments to even breath through her nostrils enough to keep her from hyperventilating.

To be truthful, Rei's heart was beating wildly as well from the same fear. She was terrified but knew this had to be done.

Looking down at the pitiable woman, Rei could see the deep, dark circles that lined the Sorceress's eyes. Finally, slowly, the shivering woman nodded up at Rei. The closer the Amazon looked at the villainess, the more the strange gag in the Sorceress's mouth appeared to literally be melted into the woman's lips. The Sorceress had her lips inside the bronze stopper, keeping her from doing anything more than a moan or mewl.

"Good gods....." Rei whispered as she realized how the stopper fitted on to the Sorceress's mouth. To be honest, she wasn't all that surprised that the Daya did something like that. It did gladden her heart to know that there was still some remains of a person within that beaten woman. The nod showing there was a way to beat their mutual enemy.

Carefully, like walking on eggshells, Yumiko came up behind Rei. Placing an arm on the taller oriental woman's shoulder, Yumiko looked down at the Sorceress. "Can this pathetic thing help us?"

Knowing that was the wrong thing to say, Rei quickly placed a finger on Yumiko's lips to shush her.

The Sorceress looked up at the two with a hint of flame in her eyes as she heard Yumiko's words. With a quick glance that spoke volumes, the Sorceress stole a look at the comatose Tania.

Rei caught the look and its direction. "If I can wake up Tania," she quickly asked, knowing every second they continued was dangerous. "She can defeat him? Get something from behind a door in his lair below to use?"

The Sorceress nodded her head. She growled in frustration with a slight glance down towards the bronze stopper that gagged her words. She looked around the room for something...then found it. Nodding, the Sorceress gestured towards a knife on a table of food.

Ultra Woman picked up the knife and after a moment's hesitation gave it to the Sorceress. "Quickly, tell us if you can. If we get free I promise you will be as well."

The Sorceress lifted a hand to accept the knife, allowing Rei to notice the way the villainess's hand quivered. She placed the knife on the side of the wooden base of an ottoman, and started to engrave on it. In a line of scratches, she spelled out a single word.


With a nod towards Tania, the Sorceress next carved another word: 'bottle'. Looking back up at the two oriental women, she peered at them for signs of comprehension.

"Of course!" Rei said as the pieces clicked together at last. Now she understood why the Daya would obey a slug such as this sheik. Whoever controlled the genie's bottle controlled him. Now she just had to find the thing and Rei had a fair idea as to where to start looking...

Unfamiliar with the English word carved into the wood, Yumiko looked blankly at the two. "What is it, Rei?"

"No time to explain now," Rei said as she stared at the words, hints of plans forming in her mind. "I'll tell you later."

"Thank you my friend," the Asian-Amazon told the Sorceress as the took the knife and placed it back on the tray. She then quickly rubbed the scratches so the finish melted in and hide them. "I understand and it explains a lot. No matter what you did in the past, you'll be given you're freedom like the rest of us."

The Sorceress looked up at Rei, still fearing the door opening, but with a mix of renewed hope and repugnance at the thought of requiring assistance from an Amazon. Finally, she nodded, understanding the need to work together.

With a quick squeeze of the Sorceress's hands, Rei led Yumiko back to their original spot. "Tell no one of this," she told the other girl excitedly. "She's just given us a good chance of getting out of here!"

Yumiko looked over at Tania, then back to Rei. "How? Your sister is a z...wait, you said you can bring her around? If the monster thinks she is still mindless he will not think of her, is that right?"

"Exactly," Rei said with a smile. "They would think nothing of her since they would think she's still under their control. Tania could get into places we can not without extreme risk. The monster is a being of magic and whoever controls a certain item of his, controls him," she explained. "The slug must have found the item, a bottle I guess, and so has the monster at his command. If we can get a hold of it...." Rei trailed off with a look of joy on her face.

Yumiko didn't quite understand what all Rei was talking about. "Bottle?" she wondered to herself. However, the look of hope on Rei's face was enough for her to get the idea.

Rei suddenly realized the amount of time that had passed since she had left the Sheik's side. "Hades...They'll be coming for me soon and will wonder why I haven't been bathed or dressed. Where do we do that?"

The look of anguish that had faded from Yumiko's face returned. "That monster will soon be back for us, we must hurry. The bathing area is," she said, gesturing at a row of opaque curtains in one corner of the room, "behind those. Everything we will need is there."

The other woman nodded. "Where are the others? I noticed they were gone but I hadn't gotten around to asking." Rei had a good idea where the other were but wanted to hear what Yumiko knew.

Yumiko's face twisted up in distaste. "His Fatness gives us to his visitors for their pleasures. Our other harem mates are right now with his guests, forced to do whatever they wish. We were kept for the master tonight, but tomorrow we will probably be assigned to one or his guests, or more."

Rei winced a bit even though she knew that's what was probably the case. Especially after her run in with that gentleman when she hide from the Daya. Still, it wasn't the greatest thing to have your fears confirmed. "Who would want to visit him?" she wondered.

Yumiko could only shrug. "From what I have overheard it consists of pathetic creatures here to get a piece of His Fatness, mostly his money. He is incredibly rich and many come here to grovel for his money while enjoying the toad's captives."

With a sidelong glance at the blonde numbly sitting on an ottoman, Yumiko added, "Um, should we take her with us?"

"I guess we should," Rei said as she went over and took Tania by the arm. "We don't have the time to attempt to wake her I think. I don't want the monster to come in and find out what we're doing." She looked sadly over at her friend. "I'm sorry but we'll have to go through with what is to come.

Yumiko bit her lip. "Can we not free her now, and have her look for this bottle you speak of? Maybe she can trap the monster before that fat thing takes you as well....?"

With her other hand, Rei cupped Yumiko's cheek. "I'm sorry but I fear it would take more time then I fear we have. Tania is our only hope Yumiko. We can't risk the monster finding out about this." Suddenly the door banged open, causing the Asian heroines and the Sorceress to jump in fright. They calmed down when they saw it was only another woman. The one from Morocco that the other's said that they didn't trust. Rei could see the sadness in her friend's eyes when she understood that they certainly couldn't attempt to waken Tania now.

Yumiko curled her mouth distastefully. "The monster will be for us, this is true. Very well, we get bathed and dressed, then we will start our escape to freedom."

Rei cast a glance towards the newly arrived woman and saw that she hadn't caught a word they were saying. "Yumiko," Rei said in a normal tone of voice. "Don't even hint at such things when others are around. In a place like this, its okay to be paranoid and I'm very paranoid."

Yumiko looked over her shoulder at the door. "I am getting too hopeful too soon I suppose..." she sighed.

"Its okay to be hopeful but better to remain cautious. Least that's what I was taught."

Gently tugging on Tania's arm Rei said, "Come with us Tania."

Meekly Tania stood up, mindlessly following Rei's orders and the three walked behind the curtains.

The doors to the harem swung open wide and the Daya walked in, leading three of the other heroines by a leash around their necks. Each of the three looked worn and haggard. Frau Licht was visibly exhausted, her thighs and face dotted with male sperm, her hair matted to her neck.

Rei, Yumiko, and Tania stood next to the curtains in the clothing that had been laid out for them. Their bath finished only minutes before the others had arrived. The Asian-Amazon saw her friend's lip tremble a bit at the sight of the Daya. Rei's was nearly trembling in fear too but she tried not to show it. She caught her friend's eyes to show her that she wasn't alone this time. Whatever happened, they would go through it together.

Yumiko's head went down to her chest meekly, her fingers quivering with fear. The lively sparkle that had been in her eyes was gone, replaced with a quiet type of dread. Her peach outfit clung to her body with great allure, but the expression on her face belied any other emotions but abject fear and hopelessness.

Rei knew that the look upon Yumiko's face was mirrored on her own. All she could do was cling to the hope of freedom that the Sorceress had created not too long ago.

"Come, the master calls you," the Daya said to the two oriental girls.

The Asian-Amazon moved towards the door, stopping at the door so she could be lead by the Daya.

Her head still down, Yumiko meekly followed behind the huge, hairless man as he led the two lovely heroines out the door.

Yumiko shuddered as she and Rei circled the table. More than a dozen eyes followed the two oriental women as they walked in their harem attire.

The nearly transparent fabric revealed all of there lovely bodies to the men. If it hadn't been for the Daya standing next to the door, it was likely that they would have had their way with the heroines. Regardless of their host's wishes. They could only hope to be able to have a few hours with them later on. One of their number already knew of the "in" he had in getting the Asian-Amazon.

The Sheik sat back in his throne-like chair at the end of the table. "You," he said to Yumiko, "may feed me. Start with the fruit slices."

He reached up to cup Rei's breast in his stubby fingers. "You may kneel down before your master and bring me pleasure," he said to her. "Put your head between my legs, and we will prepare for dessert later."

Rei shuddered inwardly as he massaged the firm flesh. She remembered what happened earlier in the day when she was 'taught' how to please him. She wished that she didn't have to do what he commanded, especially in front of all these men, but Rei knew how foolish that would be. With the tiniest sigh of defeat, she knelt and carefully opened his silk pants to expose his small but hard cock.

Yumiko shot a quick glance at Rei as she picked up a handful of papaya slices. Carefully she placed one to his lips as he bit off a large chunk and chewed away. The men around the table watched expectantly...

As her fingers held him, she bent her head down to lick the tip of him. At first gently but then more firmly while her fingers tugged up and down the small length of him. Eventually her mouth fastened upon him and she began to suckle....

The small, flaccid cock of the Sheik began to harden under Rei's ministrations, even if it didn't grow all that much. The chubby little man placed a hand at the back of Rei's head, gathering up some of her silken dark tresses in his hand. "Is she not a delight?" he asked the collected men that peered to watch the heroine suck off the man at the end of the table.

While he played with her hair that spilled over his fat thighs, Rei lowered her head to take more of his cock in her mouth. As before, it easily fit in there due to its small size. All the time her tongue licking it and her mouth sucking on it. In response to small tugs by his hand, she began to raise and lower her head, sliding her full lips on him.

Yumiko shuddered but gently gave the Sheik another slice of papaya. She could feel the eight men eyeing both her and Rei, waiting for what might come next.

The Sheik quickly confirmed her fears. "Mrmphh...on the table..." he said between chews, "...on hands...yummrhh..and knees, you're the next course, girl." He gestured Yumiko to crawl up on the table. He took the papaya from her and stuffed more in his mouth, despite the other woman bobbing up and down the length of his little pole between his cellulited thighs.

Rei heard his command to her friend and knew there wasn't anything she could do to help. All she could do was pray to the gods to make this quick and give them the strength to go on. She quicken her pace to try and bring him off quicker as that might help Yumiko somehow.

Seeing this new dessert on the table of food, the men nearest Yumiko rose like a howling mob. One to her side pulled her top over her dangling breasts and climbed under her to suckle at the teat. Another climbed on the table and quickly unzipped his trousers. In moments the oriental heroine's face was buried in his crotch. Others climbed onto the table, sending food clattering away, as they fought to get behind the attractive heroine.

She was horrified to hear the near riot behind her as the men went after Yumiko. Rei had expected that the Sheik would be the one to do things to her, not this mob! What made it worse was that she could do nothing to help her friend in this.

The Sheik's pudgy little cock grew harder in Rei's mouth as the fat man became aroused. His fingers tugged and pulled on Rei's hair, prompting her to speed her bobbing and sucking over it.

One of her smooth hands reached in to find his walnut sized balls. She just cradled them in her hand, not wanting to squeeze them or do anything that might cause him the pain she knew these things could cause. Her palm gentle stroked them as he moved her back and forth with his tuggings.

Feeling himself nearing release, he abruptly jerked her head back. "Not yet, girl, you will learn about timing eventually," he told her, not realizing she was trying to get him to cum to get this over. "It's time for you to surrender your greatest treasure to me. This will be the moment that your entire life has been building towards!" he announced with both solemnity and pride.

Rei just about laughed in his face at his words as she kneeled between his fat thighs. She thought that he truly believed them.

He looked down at the little cock rigidly pointing up at her under his flabby belly. "Mount this, and surrender your virginity, girl."

As she stood up with a sigh, she glanced over her shoulder and saw the orgy that was taking place behind her. The only man not involved it seemed was the one she met earlier. He just sat at his place and watched her as she slowly climbed up on to the Sheik's soft thighs. The silk of her outfit moving smoothly on his moist skin.

The men climbing around Yumiko started to work together after her harem attire was nearly torn from her. One of the men climbed under her, his erection pointing up between her legs. Another was already thrusting into her face lustfully, as another was spreading coconut oil on her pert anus. He lined her arched ass up, and porked his cock inside her backside.

The other heroine couldn't tear her eyes away from sight going on behind her. In all of the times she had thought about sex with men, she had never even considered the idea of more then one man at a time. Even after all the things that happened to her, Rei was still a bit naive when it came to that intimate subject. As she watched her friend her violated in all of her orifices, she didn't notice the Sheik tearing open the silk covering her dark mound of hair between her legs.

The Asian heroine arched her body as the invasion as the man under her pulled her hips back down to receive his own lovepole. In a moment, he nudged it inside her, forcing Skygirl to accept the three way, even as other men bent down to suckle on her bare breasts. In moments the man in her mouth exploded, spilling his seed inside her. Before he could even finish his release, he was pulled aside and another lust-maddened man took his place.

For a moment, Rei and Yumiko's eyes locked. She could see the fear that lay behind the glazed look on her friend's eyes. Rei could now understand why the other woman so wanted to kill herself. To go through this would be simply unbearable!

"See that, concubine?" the Sheik said to Rei with a nod at the scene on the table. "She did not please me suitably the last time, and therefore she is given to the visitors. Please me properly, and you shall be treated well."

"I...I understand master," Rei whispered as she turned her head away from the scene behind her. "I will please you. Just tell me how."

"Sit in my lap, girl, and nature will takes its course. You will learn, and learn well, from a master. You will live until your dying day remembering of this moment that I, your master, took your cherished virginity. It will be a day you always look back to."

As Rei moved closer to his fat belly, she could only be grateful that he wasn't really taking her virginity. Only a ersatz version of it. The Queen had helped to take it physically in the test that had made her the Amazon champion while Captain Liberty had been her first man. The slug could never take those away from her.

He placed his chubby hands on either side of Rei's hips, and slowly guided her down.

Rei gasped as his cockhead touched her lower lips. Instantly they became moist as she felt the Curse begin to weaken her. Her arms gripped his fat shoulders in order to steady herself more as his little cock began to slowly slide in. Rei couldn't help but grasp his cock with her muscles when he bounced off her restored hymen. "Ohhhhhh....." she gasped from the feeling that shot up her back.

The Sheik kept his fat fingers on Rei's hips as she descended. His small, chubby cock poked inside her velvet sheath easily as her natural Amazon physiology became wet instantly at the contact with the organ. He let her descend along the short length of his pole, enjoying the way her wetness hugged him. Her thighs widened across his fat lap, spreading them farther with every centimeter she went down.

Her eyes bulged out as her hymen ruptured under the pressure from his cock. "Awwww....." Rei whimpered as a brief burst of blood joined the growing flow of juices coming out of her slit. She could see a look of pleasure on the Sheik's face as he knew what had happened.

Finally Rei's pussy touched the base of his short little cock. With his meat fully inserted, the Sheik released her hips and got two handfuls of her fulsome breasts floating in front of his face. "Now, girl, move up and down, I want to thoroughly ruin your virginity tonight, so you will be my concubine until the day you die."

The heroine panted slightly as she tried to deal with all the things she was feeling. The Sheik's cock was tiny compared to the few others she had felt in her but it did touch the right things in the right way. His fat hands unable to capture all of her breasts settled on playing with her nipples and the smooth area around them. Slowly Rei began to move up and down as he commanded. Not going to far up so that his cock would pop out of her though. As she did so, her body got weaker and weaker from the curse.

The Sheik guided Rei up and down using her breasts for handgrips. His chubby fingers couldn't hope to restrain the luscious manmeat bouncing up and down on Rei's chest as the helpless heroine rode his little cock like a horse. "Faster, girl! Or you shall be handed to the mob like that other useless whore!" the Sheik demanded as his passion rose within him. His hands pulled and tugged at Rei's breasts in a frenzy as his balls boiled.

As she moved, Rei could hear Yumiko's whines and cries of both passion and pain as her savage gangbang continued. Another man came in her mouth, coating her chin with more seed. Two others, tired of waiting, jerked her off the table by her hair and the tatters of her harem girl outfit and let her fall to the floor. Too weak and submissive to resist, Yumiko lay on her back as the two men mounted her. One viciously raped her mouth as the other raised up her knees until the right height, when he slammed his cock deeply inside her abused slit. The two man went at her, using her like a limp rag doll.

Not wanting to have happen to her what was happening to her friend, Rei did as her master commanded. "Y...yes master," she gasped as she moved faster up and down on his cock. The small thing doing a good job at rubbing her sensitive regions and making her hotter. Her pussy leaked more and more of the heady juice that Amazons make when they are aroused.

Rei took hold of her fatty shoulders with her hands in an attempt to brace herself better as she rode him faster. Her breasts bounced up and down in his hands as his fingers tugged at the hard nipples. "Oh yessss..." the Amazon moaned. She had been brought to passion many times today and not allowed release. She couldn't have controlled herself this time if she had tried.

As Rei's pussy clamped onto his chubby little cock, the Sheik squeezed her breasts and tried to hold down the spasming Amazon.

"Grrhh," he grunted as his cum started to fire into Rei's freshly deflowered body. He leaned forward to bite on her pointed nipples, each one hard and swollen. As his cock continued to somehow fill her slit with his seed, the Sheik took one of her heavy breasts in both hands and held it up. He bit and nibbled on the nub while his meatpole just kept splashing more and more of his cum inside the taken, enslaved heroine's body.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Rei moaned/screamed as she orgasmed with him. Her pussy clasping and squeezing his small cock as it filled her deeply with its hot seed. The Sheik's sharp teeth brought Rei over the edge into ecstasy. Her hands reaching up to pull his face into her breasts as she continued moving up on down on his cock. Trying to draw all the pleasure she could from it to satisfy the craving she had.

"Very good girl," he said, sounding almost blasé` despite the fact his cock was still jerking and cumming inside her. His massive amounts of cum and Rei's own, naturally overactive Amazon cunt juices both splashed between his legs and ran down Rei's longer legs. It rolled down her taut thighs, past the insides of her knees, and down over her well-formed calved, until it splashed off the bottom of her feet and her toes.

All Rei could do was pant in almost a whimper as she leaned against his flabby body. Her head resting against his shoulder as she tried to catch her breath. Just as his cock moved within her, her pussy continued to throb and grab at it in milking like actions.

"You are doing very well, you will be an excellent servant, girl," the Sheik told her, as if bored by yet another orgasm, and another harem slave freshly fucked.

"Th...thank you...." she moaned tiredly, her eyes closed. Rei felt another person standing behind her but she didn't have the strength to open her eyes and see who it was. Strong hands lifted Rei off of the Sheik and cradled her. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a slumber.

Her knees shaking, Rei padded barefoot back down the cold, empty halls. She was wearing only the torn remnants of her harem girl attire, but it did at least cover her sensitive breasts, even if it were ripped to shreds around her waist.

It had been a long, long night for the Asian-Amazon heroine. First the Sheik had taken the virginity that the Daya had restored to her and caused her to orgasm mightily. All the while her new found friend Yumiko was being gang raped behind her. After he had cast her aside, the man Rei had run into earlier in the day carried her from the banquet hall to the room they had met in. There the two had made passionate love with Rei giving herself freely to him. The man, she still didn't know his name, had shown her many ways to pleasure a man in the hours they had spent together. As if in reward, he had brought her to ecstasy time after time. Finally they had fallen asleep in each other's arms, exhausted by their passions. When Rei awoke, he was gone except for a rose in the spot next to her and the feeling of a kiss on her cheek.

She entered the harem quietly, seeing the many heroines sleeping on various pillows strewn about the room. It was still dark, with only a hint of morning sunlight glinting on the horizon past the open air windows. All the heroine-slaves were exhausted from another night of being forced to pleasure the Sheik's guests, and they were scattered around the room.

Looking around, she found a single person awake. The Silver Sorceress sat in the corner, alone, still mystically gagged and chained to the floor. Not far from her, the only heroines nearby, were Yumiko and Tania. Tania sat on a pillow, her open eyes staring blindly ahead, her voluptuous body moving slightly with every breath, making her pink harem girl attire move each time. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a silver clasp, showing her lovely face to its best advantage.

Rei was a bit surprised that Tania hadn't been brought with them like she though would happen. The only thing she could figure was the Sheik was saving the blond Amazon for some other time. Also perhaps that in her zombie like state, she wouldn't react like he like.

Lying on the large pillow was Yumiko, her head in Tania's lap. Thin lines of tears still stained her cheeks. What was most odd was that, although Tania was impassive, looking so much like a beautiful zombie, her hand rested gently on Yumiko's head, as if Tania might have been caressing the oriental heroine.

The Amazon sighed softly at seeing her friend's pained faced. She knew from their talk earlier that Yumiko must have taken what happened badly. Rei resolved to get them out of them place and take the two as fast as possible back to her island home. She knew some time amongst the love of her sisters would help Yumiko a lot.

Tania stared straight ahead, her blue eyes blank and unblinking as Rei approached.

Kneeling beside the two, Rei gently pressed a hand against Yumiko's mouth as she whispered "Yumiko? Its me." into her ear.

Yumiko blinked a few times then looked up at Rei through sleep-hazed eyes. "Rei...?" she said, still half-asleep. She sat up, rubbing at her eyes with her fists. She was back in her peach colored harem girl attire, the entire outfit complete and untorn. No longer did Yumiko smell of the men and their scents of the night before.

Rei assumed that she had bathed and changed after what had happened. "I know I would have," she thought.

"Where have you been, I was worried that the monster had taken you somewhere," Yumiko whispered urgently. The heroine had a odd, almost wild expression on her face as she grabbed Rei's hands. "This is evil, I cannot take this any more! We must go now, before our minds fail and we become numb to what has happened to us. Look over at them," she said, gesturing towards a group of three heroines. All three lay on large pillows, benign smiles on their sleeping faces. "They have been here so long, they don't understand what they are doing any more. They have been completely defeated, and they only could live here."

She was unsure on how to exactly describe what had happened. Rei wasn't sure Yumiko would understand. "I was...taken by one of the other men and spent the night with him." The look in Yumiko's eyes told her that her friend was losing control of herself.

Yumiko glanced at the oblivious blonde Amazon next to her. "I cannot stand this any more, Rei! We must make our escape tonight! It will not be dawn for another two hours. The pig sleeps, and the monster is playing in his dungeon. We free the evil one in the corner, release the mind of your sister, and find the vault and do whatever we must to free ourselves! If I endure many more evening like this last one, I will become one of them," she said urgently, again glancing over at the three defeated, satiated heroines.

Rei's mind spun as she listened to her friend's wild words. Everything was moving faster then she had planned for it to. What Yumiko had in mind was so dangerous but.... Rei thought back to the previous night and an invisible shudder past through her body. A knowledge that she herself was proceeding down that same road.

The oriental heroine had a hint of wildness to her expression. It was the look of desperation, like a trapped animal knowing it is about to be destroyed.

"Yumiko," Rei said taking the other girl's hands in hers. "We'll do it now but you have to control yourself. I know your fear because I feel it too but you can't let it control you. Your thoughts need to be focused because we can't make any mistakes." Rei hugged the other girl closely. "Understand?"

Wild eyes met the calm, cool eyes of the Amazon. It took willpower from Rei to give Yumiko the strength to calm her. Rei's calm expression, the firm grip on Yumiko's hand, started to calm her down. She took a few deep breaths then nodded to Rei. "Yes, you are right. We have to do this perfectly or that monster will take us all into his dungeon."

Rei rose to her feet, her hands pulling Yumiko and Tania to theirs as well. "We need someplace private to wake Tania and I know just the place." As she led them to the door, Rei remembered somebody else. Quickly she went to the Sorceress and held her hand out to her. "If you still want to help us and yourself to get out of her," she whispered. "Come with me!"

The Sorceress, her eyes still haunted by her nights down in the Daya's dungeon, beseeched the two Asian heroines as she held up the chains that bolted her to the floor. She rattled them for a moment.

"Oops..." Rei thought to herself. "Forgot about those..."

Yumiko knelt down and tugged on the chain that went from the Sorceress's collar to the ring in the stone floor. She gave it a testing tug. "Rei, how do we get her free?"

Kneeling down next to her Rei studied the chains for a moment. "I'm too weak right now to break them and I suppose you are as well?" She didn't know exactly what kinds of powers Yumiko had.

Yumiko shook her head. "I am stronger than a normal woman but I could never break these chains."

Suddenly a thought occurred to her. "Tania," she said pulling her sister next to them. "Please pull this chain apart for us. Quietly if you can please." Rei placed a length of the chain in Tania's slack hands. "She's still got her strength," Rei explained to Yumiko. "Hopefully I can make her do it otherwise we'll have to come back for her." Nodding to the Sorceress.

Tania took the chains in her hands. Her powerful arms flexed and the chains began to screech. With a sudden jerk, Tania pulled them apart, shattering two links of the steel chains in her bare hands. She never looked down at the chains, and when she finished, she stood there, mute and unseeing, holding the two ends.

"Thank you sister," Rei said as she took the ends of the chain from Tania's hands. She smiled as she saw how wide Yumiko's eyes had gotten as the display of Amazon power. Rei's own eyes widened as the gag that was actually part of the Sorceress's mouth seemed to melt and fade away. She never really did understand magic but figured that being chained must have had something to do with the gaga.

The Sorceress, with collar and the end of the chain in Rei's hand, felt both a flicker of hope for freedom, and the indignation of tables turned. Once she owned an Amazon, now an Amazon had the end of her chains in one of those immortal, bitch hands. She looked up at Rei, a hint of fire in her haunted brown eyes. She shook off the amazed, hopeless expression and some of her old icy, haughty resolve returned. However, it still wasn't enough to show that this supervillainess, no matter how powerful elsewhere, was just as fearful of a return to the dungeon.

Rei's eyes narrowed a bit as she saw the slight glint of malice return to those eyes. She knew that the Sorceress was an evil and dangerous woman who had no love for Amazons. She also knew that this was the person who had put Tania in this state. Rei was very tempted to leave her here to face whatever the Daya had in mind for her. However, the Sorceress knew magic and they needed a magic user right now.

She stood up, her silvery harem outfit fitting her tightly as it did all the heroines trapped with her. "I can free Tania, but you have to give me your word that i..." She paused, almost saying 'if', but stopped herself. "...When we get free, you will go your way, and I mine. I will want your word as an Amazon warrior."

"I know how to free Tania too," Rei said quietly. "I also know I shouldn't trust you at all but I fear neither of us has a choice in the matter. For better or worse, we need each other to get out of here." She gave a small sigh and let the chain go. "Free Tania and help us get out of here and you have my word. Double cross us and I will kill you. I've been through too much of late to let that commandment stop me." Rei's voice was so cold it could freeze an ocean and told the Sorceress that she meant it.

The Sorceress met that gaze, challenging Rei, will for will. Yumiko watched the two uncomfortably, shifting from foot to foot with many a sidelong glance at the door. Although she couldn't understand the form of Greek the two were speaking, she could recognize that they disliked each other intensely.

"You two must solve your differences later, this is not the time. The monster may find us at any moment," Yumiko said to Rei, her words urgent.

Rei sighed as her took in Yumiko's words. "You're right," she replied in Japanese knowing the Sorceress would most likely understand. "Its neither the time nor the place for this. You will be allowed to go your own way once we get out of here," Rei said to the Sorceress. "I swear."The Sorceress nodded. "Agreed."

The Sorceress turned to Tania. "You realize, Amazon, that we will have to work together to free her. I did not do this to her alone, I had weakened her with orgasms and used her lasso in addition to my magic. At best, she will require to be in the throes of an orgasm, and we may hope for the best."

"I found out that she can be awakened if an Amazon pleasures her," Rei said as she took Tania's and Yumiko's hands and led them towards the door. "I know of place we may try it that doesn't have a lot of people in it like here. Afterwards we can find that lamp and escape."

The Asian-Amazon quietly opened the door a crack and found that the hallway was deserted. Slipping through, she led the three others to the room she spent the night in.

The Sorceress followed the three heroines, speaking in soft undertones as she fearfully looked around every corner. When she looked at Rei or Yumiko, her naturally arrogance could be seen, but it was obvious that the thought of being caught by the Daya frightened this powerful villainess like nothing else.

"Least she has some fear," Rei thought to herself. She knew the Sorceress would sell them out if she could but the Daya would punish her equally so it wasn't an option.

"She may be awakened but it will be temporary, I can assure you, Amazon. It will open a window to her mind, but that window will close when she comes down from the sexual high. I know, I tested it on others," she said with a malicious smirk. "I can keep the window open permanently."

Rei wanted to strangle the evil woman but restrained herself because she was needed. She did promise herself that one day, the Sorceress would pay for her crimes. "I promise you that Tania," she thought as she glanced at her sister.

The Sorceress smiled inwardly, knowing there would be aftereffects from the experience. Still, knowing a weakness of this blonde Amazon would be well worth her silence.

"And just how did you get yourself captured?" Rei asked, wanting to take the Sorceress down a peg or two.

The villainess frowned at Rei then turned away ostentatiously. "Mind your own business, Amazon."

"I would have thought somebody such as you wouldn't have gotten caught. You must have really pissed him off somehow." Rei had real trouble hiding the mirth in her voice. While she would have said that nobody deserved to be tortured by the Daya, she might make an exception in the Sorceress's case.

The Sorceress turned back to Rei and pointed a finger threateningly. "If you are wishing to anger me, you are succeeding, Amazon. Tania is hardly the first Amazon I've turned into a servant, so mind your tongue."

"And just how many times have you been turned into a 'servant'?" Rei fired back. "From what I saw probably a lot of times. Some magic user you are...."

Yumiko stepped between the two women. "This is not the place!" she said, her voice low and fearful. "Please, you two may battle after we have gotten our freedom!"

Rei said nothing but gritted her teeth and led Tania further down the hallway. Yumiko was right of course but just the fact that they needed the Sorceress rubbed her wrong.

The Sorceress gave Rei a last sneer before making a show of turning away from the plucky Amazon.

The hallways were cold but quiet as the four women padded up to the door. Rei knew it would be empty now, it's occupant already left, having finished his business with the Sheik. The room has a set of wide pillows off to the left, and a half-eaten supply of food to the right.

The moment they were all inside, Rei silently closed the door to seal them in the room. A erotic like perfume filled all their nostrils. The scent was the lingering traces of the honey Rei had produced during the long night of passion she had spent in here. For a moment, Rei's thoughts drifted back to that wild tangle of limbs and cries of ecstasy that had occurred not too long ago. "Not the time or place for that," she thought as she shook her head. Rei did smile a bit at the thought of how a man and a woman could make love as she led Tania to one of the pillows.

Both Yumiko and the Sorceress looked at the rather large stain in the middle of the pillow bed. Yumiko turned a subtle red and looked away, but the Sorceress gave Rei a smirking, evil grin. "Indeed, you are so much better than I."

"Heh," Rei replied. "Remember one thing: I freed you. I may have had some fun before it happened but that's beside the point."

As she guided Tania to a laying position, Rei knelt between her legs. "You don't know another way to waken her, do you?" she asked the Sorceress. She expected that if the other woman did know, she wouldn't tell as she would like to see the Amazon's have to do this.

The Sorceress scoffed. "This stupid blonde slut is our only way out of here, if I knew another way I'd tell you. If I wanted to get off, I'd rip your minds to shreds and force you three to fuck until I got tired." The Sorceress shook her head and circled around the three heroines. "Hurry up and get her off, that beast may find us missing at any minute. No time for your soft love, get her hot in a hurry," the Sorceress demanded imperiously.

"You keep this up bitch and I'll send you right back to him. If you're so powerful, why didn't you free yourself or did you enjoy being his toy?"

A sneer met Rei's comments. "Do what you're here for. It's the only thing you Amazons are any good at anyway. Get busy, so we can get the hell out of here."

With gentle hands, Rei pulled Tania's silk pants down far enough so that her blond mound was exposed. Rei's sensitive nose caught the scent of her sister's womanhood and she couldn't help herself but nose her way through the curls. With eager fingers, Rei spread Tania's lips and began to lick quickly up and down the gash. "Mmmmmmmm...Tania...." she murmured as she sucked.

Yumiko's eyes widened at the sight of Rei kneeling down between Tania's legs. She felt a tingle in her own loins at the sight of her oriental friend buried in the blonde bush of the taller Amazon. She sat down on a pillow, unable to look away from something that she had been told was taboo all her life.

Tania let out a soft moan, the first sounds she had uttered since arriving in this place. Her knees shook as Rei's tongue moved up the length of her slit. Her hands were still at her sides, but the drops of moisture forming on her pussy told Rei everything she really needed to know.

Rei quickly found the hard little point at the top of Tania's slit. As she licked, she twirled her tongue of that spot before lapping up the fresh juices Tania was making. One of her hands made sure her sister's lips were spread while the other cupped her large breast. Rei kneaded it with her thumb rubbing her sister's hard nipple as she suckled harder.

Tania moved her hands from the limp position on her sides to cup the back of Rei's head and hold it in place against her burgeoning clit. Her moans grew louder with every passing second as Rei worked the blonde Amazon over. The blonde's pussy blossomed like a ripening rose, her lips opening up like the pedals of a flower.

"Mmmmmmmnnnn Tania....." Rei sighed as she licked at the pink flesh. The tip of her nose rubbing Tania's clit as her sister held her head in place. That allowed Rei to concentrate on the tight opening of Tania's channel. When she spread it open, Rei was rewarded with more Amazon honey that she quickly lapped up. Her tongue moved in to explore the hot depths as her own pussy heated up in time with Tania's.

Hesitantly Yumiko walked up behind Tania. She wasn't sure if she should get involved, but she presumed that the faster this blonde woman orgasmed the faster they might get free. Besides, after all the sex she'd been forced to have, touching and loving a woman was something she was interested in now. Yumiko pushed Tania's hair to the side and kissed her on the neck as the Asian girl's hands reached around to fondle Tania's full breasts. Her squeezing hands pushed Tania's breasts outwards, making the nipples stick out as her hand held Rei's in place on the heavy mammary.

Rei grinned as she felt Yumiko's hand against hers. She adjusted her fingers a bit so that Yumiko's were intertwined with hers. As her tongue plunged into Tania, Rei's free hand slide around and cupped Yumiko's lightly furred mound. The Asian-Amazon wanted to show the other girl what real pleasures were instead of the rapes she had faced here.

Yumiko let out a soft gasp of surprise as Rei's hand surrounded her fluffy sex. She wasn't sure what to do, but she did know that she wanted Rei's hand on her like this.

Ever so carefully, Rei's fingers searched out Yumiko's lower lips. She didn't try to part them yet, only trace them as her thumb rubbed the spot where's the other girl's clit was located.

The Sorceress crossed her arms, ignoring the heat forming in her crotch. She knew that this oriental Ultra Woman would be very vulnerable right now, and that she could use this to steal her mind as well. However, the villainess needed these three, needed them to help her escape. When they were all back safely in Megapolis, this little Japanese Amazon bitch would get hers.

Just as Tania was heating up, Rei's own body was becoming aroused with passion. As she laid on the soft pillows, her hard nipples rubbed on the fabric causing soft moans to fill Tania's pussy. Rei couldn't wait until they were all back home on the island and could spend hours together like this.

Trapped in the darkness Tania saw a little strip of light. She had been in this dark hole for so long she had given up on ever getting free. Tania knew that she was being stimulated by one of her sisters and it was wonderful but it was like she was drugged and only knew about it secondhand. She remembered the last time she saw the light and that was Rei and it was different. She could almost see herself getting free like a drowning person almost out of the water but now it was like she was chained down in the bottom of the sea of darkness.

Tania's hands held Rei and her lips moaned, but even Rei could sense something wasn't the same. Back at Verducci's, Tania had been more receptive, more vocal instead of these soft sounds and bare movements.

Rei concentrated on pleasuring her sister more. She brought her hand down from Tania's breast, leaving Yumiko to knead those shapely mound, and carefully thrust several of her fingers into the blonde's channel. Her tongue centering now on Tania's clit as juices flowed over Rei's chin and on to the pillow.

Yumiko held Tania's breasts in her smaller hands. The oriental heroine had trouble encompassing the heavy Amazon mammaries, but did her best as she kneaded and rolled the nipples between her fingers, trying to aid Rei in getting Tania to orgasm as quickly as they could. She wanted to lean into Rei's hand, but she was so worried they would be caught and sent down to the dungeons again.

Tania felt a curtain opening, like a slit in the blackness that kept her mind engulfed. She was aroused and wanting to make love to Rei like nothing else. The love of her sister was beginning to free her like it had before.

Suddenly Tania was getting pulled back into the darkness from which she was emerging. Deep inside her mind she let out a gurgled scream as her rising orgasm faded, and her mind disappeared into the abyss.

The Sorceress stepped next to the two Amazons and placed two fingers on Tania's forehead. The villainess closed her eyes, concentrating. She hated doing this, freeing one of the damned Amazons, but she had to get free, then she could enslave all three of these sluts.

"Damn!" the Sorceress hissed. "Damnation!"

"What?!" Rei mumbled from her mouth buried in Tania's sex. Her eyes lifted up to see what the evil woman was doing.

Tania's hands slipped off the back of Rei's head and slumped to her side. The flushness of her face started to fade, and the arousal Rei could sense in Tania ebbed and slowly dissipated like water in a desert.

Rei knew for sure something was wrong. She hadn't seen the Sorceress do anything so she didn't figure the evil woman was involved. This had all been guess work on the part of Rei and she dearly hoped that she hadn't guess wrong.

The Sorceress looked down in disgust at the little Amazon suckling on the other Amazon's clit. These Amazons couldn't think of anything but this. "Listen, Amazon, your friend here is not going to recover like you think. The beast has realized how she may be freed, and had devastated her very soul."

With a groan, Rei leaned back from Tania and looked up at the Sorceress. "I should have thought of that...." Rei thought to herself. The Daya had must have known what had happened to Tania and did something else to her. Just in case somebody had a bright idea...

Yumiko looked at the two women, confused. She felt Rei's hand slipping from her puffy vaginal lips and knew something was wrong. She relaxed her hands as she started to figure it out. Tania's breasts were softening, her nipples calming down at Tania's pulse returned to normal. For some reason the arousal Skygirl's heightened senses had detected in Tania was fading.

The Sorceress looked at Rei very seriously. "Her soul is damaged. It may only be repaired with another soul. Are you willing to give up your soul to let her live and free us?"

It only took an instant for Rei to make up her mind. Tania was a sister who needed help and any Amazon would lay down her life for a fellow sister. "If you know Amazon's like you say you do, you know my answer," Rei said. "Of course I will."

The Sorceress nodded. She wasn't thrilled about killing this Amazon by moving her soul into the blonde. That would only reduce their numbers, and the Sorceress figured, at worst, these heroines would distract that beast while she did her best to escape. "I presumed you would say that. You realize that you will be no more, that your soul will be diffused into Tania, restoring her soul to normal and bringing her back, at the cost of your life."

With a sigh, Rei just shook her head. "Of course I realize it you harlot. Just be done with it so that Tania and Yumiko can get out of this foul place." She knew exactly what she was doing. Her only regret was that she couldn't say goodbye to her beloved mother. Rei could only hope that Gabrielle would find peace with this somehow.

Yumiko's dark eyes widen in alarm as the other two continued to speak in her native language. Rei was going to die to let Tania live? There was no way Yumiko could let Rei sacrifice herself to let the others escape. Rei was the most intelligent, brave, and tender woman Yumiko had ever met. She could never let her die.

Yumiko, known as Skygirl in her homeland, knew what she had to do. She cast her eye about until it came to rest on a heavy, golden-inlaid goblet.

"Sorry mother...." Rei thought silently as she prayed to the gods she hoped existed to grant her some sort of peace.

The Sorceress gestured for Rei to stand up next to Tania. "Once this begins, it is irrevocable. Your soul will be in your sister. She shall return to her normal self, but you will be an empty shell, and wither and die. You will be no more." She had no reason to lie to this foolish Amazon, so long as the blonde Amazon was repaired and helped them escape. This tramp could wither, the Sorceress could care less.

"Will you just get ON with it already...." Rei grumbled as she stood to face her blonde sister.

Then the villainess saw the other oriental heroine coming up behind Rei. Her gaze did not flicker, she gave no intimation of what was about to happen. One or the other, whichever died made no difference to the coldhearted woman.

Rei was too concentrated on finding a final peace within her soul to notice what was happening around her.

"Rei, I cannot let you do this," Yumiko whispered under her breath, "I hope you can forgive me." With a single swing at the already weakened Amazon, Yumiko slammed the edge of the heavy, solid goblet right at the base of Rei's neck.

"UHHHhhhhhhhhh!" Rei gasped as her brain filled with starburst of pain. At full strength she might have been able to shrug the blow off but not now. With a soft thud, Rei crumpled to the soft cushions. As she did so, her violet eyes closed to the blackness.


The voice seemed to come from a distance as the oriental Amazon fought to regain consciousness. A vague figure was over her.

"Ohhhhhhhh....." Rei groaned but quickly stopped. The vibrations from her throat made the pounding in her head even worse. She wanted to rub her forehead with her hand but didn't. Just being a lump seemed much easier and less painful.

"Rei? Wake up little sister. What in the Hades are you doing here?" the feminine voice said. As the heroine's violet eyes blinked back to awareness, through the fog and pain from her neck, she saw a face outlined by blonde hair. A gentle smile seemed to glow down over Rei, warming her like a psychological sun.

It was Tania.

"What the...." she whispered as the last thoughts she had before the blackness flooded back. She had been going to sacrifice herself to awaken Tania when something hit her from behind. The pain made it hard to think so Rei really had to concentrate on what had happened to figure out the situation.

"I was worried about you, little sister," Tania said as she dabbed a wet cloth on Rei's forehead. "I need you to wake up very badly. You have to talk to me, Rei, tell me what is going on."

Rei didn't understand who could have hit her. The Sorceress had been to her front and Tania was asleep so that left.... "Yumiko!" Ignoring the pain, Rei sat up and looked around. Looking for her new found friend. "There was another girl here! Where is she?!" Yumiko wouldn't have done what Rei had feared she did, would she?

Tania's skyblue eyes widened as what had happened started to dawn on her. "Yumi...oh dear Gods. Rei, she..." Tania put her hands on Rei's shoulders to steady her, "She is over there," Tania said, nodding across a row of pillows.

Almost afraid to look, Rei turned her head towards the direction her sister nodded.

On the pillows laid Yumiko, lying just as she had fallen. Her eyes were open but unseeing, as she stared blindly into the ceiling. She had a faint smile on her face. The Sorceress was nowhere to be seen...

Pulling away from Tania's hands, Rei crawled over to her friend and laid next to her. From the touch of their bodies, she could feel that Yumiko was gone. The coldness had no trace of the person that Rei had briefly known. The Amazon wanted to mourn the girl but she knew it wasn't the right time for that. Yumiko would have wanted her to leave, now rather then be caught.

With a gentle touch, Rei closed Yumiko's eyes and then kissed her cheek. "You're free now my friend," she whispered. "I know you will have a safe and wonderful time in that place where we dream the endless dreams. One day we'll see each other and smile. I promise."

After taking a deep breath, Rei rolled away and slowly got to her feet. Her head was finally pounding less and it was time to get out of here. "There's too much to explain sister," Rei said as she held her hand out to Tania. "We are in great danger and must leave now. I know how but I fear an evil woman called the Sorceress is going to betray us even though we have a mutual enemy. We must get out of here now."