Ultra Woman: Harem - Freedom

Author: Lady Liberty
Time to Read:17min
Added Date:2/4/2025
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Tags: Ultra Woman

"Silver Sorceress...?" Tania said as she took the smaller Amazon's hand. Her memory flashed her back to that terrible day and... "Amber? Is Amber here??" she asked quickly. She remembered defeat at the hands of the Sorceress, then that one time when she knew an Amazon sister was with her, then she was here. That defeat was, for her, quite literally yesterday. "Amber...." Rei said as she tried to place the name. "Oh yes....The one was called Rachel and visited our island." She didn't add that Captain Liberty and her suspected that Amber had something to do with Tania's disappearance. "She's not here sister. I've been looking for her in your city but there hasn't been a trace of her." Rei squeezed Tania's hand in hers and tugged on it. "Come sister, we have to go right now!"

"Rei, please, wait, at least tell me a little bit. I need to know what is going on, the last thing I remember is...is...my defeat," she said hesitantly, hating having to even admit it. "Now I am here wearing this," she said, looking down with distaste and the harem girl attire her proud Amazon body now wore.

"Sister, I don't know exactly what happen to you. All I know is that I was capture by someone who also had you in their custody. We were then sold to a slug who has many other heroines as his slaves. He has a magical being of great power to keep us here." Rei look towards the door. "Once we get out of here I promise to tell you all that I know but we need to leave."

Tania's mind raced to figure out everything Rei was blurting out. It was very confusing. "But Rei, why are you not...on...Oh Gods, you took up the mantle of Ultra Woman...and..." She was slowly piecing it together, but she also had to pay attention to where Rei was leading her. She would ask more of Rei when the time was better, that was for sure!

The Asian-Amazon nodded slowly and regretfully. "The Queen...'convinced' me to take the mantle since we all though you were gone. I did try to find out what happened to you sister but neither I nor Captain Liberty found anything." She took Tania's other hand in hers and look her sister in the eyes. "Since you're back, the title is yours again Tania. I'm sure the Queen will agree with me!"

Tania gave Rei a lukewarm smile. "We may talk about that more when we have a better time, little sister."

"That we will sister. Once we're out of here."She nodded towards the door. "Lead the way, but please tell me what is going on while we are moving, this is all very confusing. And," she gripped Rei's hand and pulled the sex-weakened Amazon to her with ease and touched Rei's cheek, "I am very sorry you have lost your friend."

Rei gave her sister a brief hug and quickly lead her towards the door. After making sure the corridor was clear, Rei led Tania down the hallway towards the dungeon. "The slug who bought us controls the magical being by being possession of lamp," Rei whispered. "If we control, we control him! The Sorceress knows that and I fear she's trying to get to it first so she can leave us here."

"The Sorceress is here...trying to take the lamp away? But if she is here, she was a captive too, since she is betraying us?" It was tough trying to come up with logical conclusions while a sister that you thought was on your island home far away is leading you to a dungeon in a place you know nothing about is very, very trying.

The two rushed down the hallway, dodging around corners as Rei held onto Tania's hand and lead the blonde Amazon in the pink Harem outfit. The ran past bronze doors, a couple from which echoed soft moans of Rei's fellow heroines still enslaved and serving the guests of the Sheik.

Suddenly, Rei and Tania heard a scream, a scream of mortal agony. In an instant they both stopped as they tried to discern the location of the horrible scream as it echoed around the twisting sandstone hallways.

Rei's blood froze at the sound since she knew that not too long ago that she had made a similar sound. Her hand squeezed Tania's even tighter in response.

It took Tania, for some reason, less than a second to figure it out, even though Rei still had no idea as the screams continued echoed wildly. "This way!" she whispered to Rei, pointing ahead to a hallway that bisected and turned to the left.

"No Tania!" Rei whispered back as her stronger sister pulled her down the hallway. "We can't get involved! We just have to escape!"

The two Amazons in the harem slave outfits carefully turned the corner. The screaming gurgled, then stopped. Ahead, a door flashed with argent energy, then a darker energy flashed, as if someone within the room were arc welding with some strange new power source.

Her flesh became one big goose pimple as Rei's eyes went wide. She knew exactly what could cause such energy and she knew that they had to get away from it. Tania didn't understand the danger they were in. As her blond sister went to look around the corner, she looked as well.

Peering around the corner, Tania looking around door at one head level higher as Rei knelt down to see, they both saw the Sorceress. She was dangling in midair, impaled upon a stake of coppery looking metal, much like Rei had been dealt with down in the dungeon. She was freshly gagged as another stake came down from the ceiling...in fact, looking at it, the two stakes might well have been one complete pole that utterly punctured the villainess.

"Oh my gods...." Rei thought as stared helplessly.

"Foul creature!" the Daya growled at the impaled villainess as blood seeped out of her sex and down the pole, "I know not how you escaped your bonds, but you shall pay for your rebellion!"

Rei could feel Tania's body tensing next to her and knew her sister was about to rush in there. She clamped a hand around Tania's mouth and wrapped her other arm around the blonde's body. With strength she didn't know she had, Rei dragged her sister back away from that evil room.

Tania glared around the corner at the monster torturing the Sorceress. That wicked woman had done many evil things to Tania, but the blonde Amazon would never leave anyone to such horrible agony, especially a sister! She gathered herself to charge in, not noticing the coldness of Rei's hand in hers. Before she could, Rei's other hand grabbed her around the mouth, blocking the soft gasp of surprise, and released her grip to pull Tania back.

Grabbing Tania's face in her hands, Rei dragged it so close their noses nearly touched. "THAT's what's keeping us prisoner!" she whispered with terror filled eyes. "We can't fight that thing sister. We can't! It'll win every time! We need to get to that lamp. Please Tania! Please!"

Tania looked at Rei, her blue eyes irritated. She jerked Rei's Curse-weakened hand away from her mouth. "What in Hades is wrong...with..." Her words trailed off as she saw the unbelievable fear in Rei's eyes. Tania had never seen that in any of her sisters before. Rei's hands were so cold, but the palms were sweating.

Rei trembled violently against her sister. It was all she could do not to run from here as fast as she could. She thought that is the Daya caught her again and sent her to that dungeon, her heart would literally burst from the agony.

The irritation melted away, replaced by sadness. "Oh Gods Rei, what did he do to you?" She knew she could not leave Rei here like this, whether she attacked the monster or not. Tania took her Amazon sister's hands on hers and lead Rei down the hallway. "Come, hurry, show me the way, then I shall repay that thing for what he has done to you!" Tania hissed, feeling a rage she almost never felt boiling inside. If that thing had turned the brave bookworm into this shivering leaf, Tania would slay him for doing this to one of her daughter's friends!

With a nod, Rei wiped the tears from her eyes and lead her sister down the hallways to the door that led to the dungeon. Since the Daya was here and not there, it made her a little less afraid of that place. It also helped that Tania was holding her hand tightly.

Down the cold, stone stairs the two Amazons went, the oriental dressed in a blue harem outfit, the blonde in pink attire. The darkness was relieved only by a wall sconce holding a flickering torch of flames that made the heroines' shadows dance wildly.

Rei wasn't exactly sure this was the right way because the last time she was down here, the Daya had taken her by way of an vertical shaft. However, the shaft was next to the stairs and they both led down. The cold and the lack of clothes besides the torn blue silk chilled Rei a bit. Goosebumps again appeared on her skin.

As they approached the bottom of the spiraling staircase, the screams and lashings echoed eerily through the flame-lit dungeon. The walls seemed alive with writhing female forms as other shadows struck them with whips of agony.

With a deep breath and hard squeeze of Tania's hand, Rei led them down the hallway and past the rooms holding the women. She couldn't spare them a glance because if she did, she would have run back up the stairs. Rei moved them quickly to a door at the end of the hallway.

They reached the door, a huge bronze structure amidst the hellish dungeon. "In here Rei?" Tania said, her rage at the effect that man had had on her sister hardly diminished by the screams of pain she could hear down in this abyss.

Rei nodded and clenched her hands, trying not to cover her ears from the awful sounds down here. A glint from the corner of her eye caught her. When she turned to look, Rei gasped softly. It was from one of her bracelets that laid in the middle of an empty room. She quickly went in and knelt down to pick it up. Rei recognized the room as the one she had been in before. Also laying their was the shredded remains of her uniform and the other bracelet. She quickly gathered them up and raced to rejoin Tania at the door. It helped a little to be holding that symbol of who she was.

Tania walked up to the door and took the bronze handle in her hands. Placing a pink sandal on the wall next to it, she pulled with all her considerable Amazon strength. With a slow shriek, the metal bent, then snapped. Tania stumbled back a step, holding the huge door in her hands. With a shrug, she tossed it aside.

The other girl cringed slightly from the noise Tania made. They were so close that Rei feared that they wouldn't be allowed any closer to freedom. It would be proper in this place for that to happen!

The room beyond was entirely empty except for a single solid gold pedestal in the back of the room. Resting upon the top of the pedestal was a small bronze lantern, just like one might see in a bad Arabesque movie.

"That's it!!" Rei exclaimed as she raced into the room. She wanted to take hold of that thing and get free.

"Wait, Rei!" Tania said, trying to grab her sister before Rei could charge in. Her hand reached out, but the other Amazon's hair slipped through Tania's fingers before she could stop Rei.

"Gotta get it...." Rei mumbled as she ran towards the lamp. Nothing could keep her from her goal!

Rei went across thirty feet of the cold stone floor in a flash. Her strength and speed was starting to return from the ravages of the Curse of the night before, and she moved like few other people in the world.

She was ten feet from the lamp when the room lurched, throwing her off balance. Rei landed to the side of the long, narrow room, about eight feet from the lamp as she scrambled to her feet. "Going somewhere, little bird?" a deep, rumbling, condescending voice said just behind Rei. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the Daya smiling down at her as a mystic sandstorm settled around his teleported form.

"Nnnnooooooooooo!" Rei sobbed as she saw the form of her tormentor appear in the room. Her body frozen in absolute terror, Rei shut her eyes and hoped this was all just a horrible dream instead of reality.

"Stand up, little bird. You will suffer only a little punishment for your actions. I will not keep you down here long, but your will shall be completely destroyed this time, until you are no more than the mindless sister of yours behiiuuunNGHH!"

The noise made Rei open her eyes and she was stunned by the sight.

Tania lunged forward and drove both her sandaled feet into the back of the Daya, slamming him into the wall past Rei. Tania said nothing to Rei, but only gave her a curt nod towards the lamp, and dove at the rising Daya.

Her sister's nod broke Rei's frozen state and she moved towards the lamp. If she could reach, she could end this...

"You!?" The Daya roared as he blocked the descending fists of the enraged blonde Amazon. "You were trapped! How...that spellcaster!" As Tania pulled her arms back to prepare another attack, the Daya grabbed her left wrist and tossed her into the wall. "She shall pay for her interference!!"

Tania slammed into the sandstone wall and tumbled down to the floor in a heap of blonde hair and voluptuous Amazon flesh. She had not been in a fight in some time, and she knew she was rusty as she got to her knees. Throwing back a wave of her hair from her face, she looked up just in time to catch a fist in the cheek that spun her around and drove her back to the floor.

Her fingers were but inches from the polished surface....

The Daya spun around and reached out a hand towards Rei. A rope grew out of the flooring just as Rei was reaching out to the lamp. Her fingers missed its gleaming surface by inches as the stone rope wrapped around her ankle and pulled her to the floor. "Little bird, continue and you shall spend an eternity down here!!" the Daya roared at the oriental Amazon. "When I finish with you, you shall be a mindlLLKKKGGGGHH!!"

Rei clawed at the floor with her fingers as she fought the force of the rope. She was strong but the stone rope was stronger. Suddenly the powerful grip slackened and Rei was able to reach the base of the pillar the lamp sat on.

Tania had shaken off the Daya's blow and turned about. There, just within reach, was the huge man's pantaloons. Knowing she had to distract him forcefully, she reached forward and hoped he was built like normal men. In her powerful Amazon grip she gathered his testicles within the gold leaf pantaloons, and squeezed with enough strength to shatter a rock to powder.

The Daya forgot about Rei in an instant. His pain and rage turned on Tania as he grabbed her wrist to keep her from doing anything but squeeze. "How dare YOU!!" he roared down at her between clenched teeth. He raised his other hand over his head, and, in a whiff of mystic sand, a double tipped stone spear appeared. "To the abyss with you, Amazon!" he bellowed and drove the spear down.

"Tania!!!!!!" Rei screamed as she saw the spear pierce her sister.

Tania had no time to dodge, and couldn't have on her knees with one hand in his grasp. The spear came down like a lightning bolt, and drove into Tania's chest just above the cleavage point. He drove through her body as the tip exploded out her lower back. Blood ran down the spear as the tip hit the floor. Her body lurched downwards and her grip on his testicles fell away.

Rei's body turned so that her back was resting against the pillar as she watched with horror filled eyes at what happened to her sister. She knew that with Tania's death, two people would die. Tania and what remained of Yumiko's spirit within her. If that happened, Rei didn't want to remain alive herself.

The Daya smiled down with satisfaction as he released the spear embedded in the Amazon's torso. He spit down on Tania as she began to sag to the floor, then turned back to Rei. "Now you, little bird." He took a few steps towards the smaller Amazon, ignoring the dying one bleeding on the floor.She couldn't move, couldn't even breath as the monster came towards her. Suddenly she saw something happening behind the Daya.

He walked towards Rei as she knelt on the floor, frozen in fear. Then she saw Tania rise up, the spear transfixing her body. Tania's breathing was ragged and her body was running with her life's blood, but her eyes were horrifying. Tania was living on rage. There was no way she would go to her grave as this demon ravaged her daughter's friend, her sister. Tania gathered herself, took two quick, bloody steps, and leapt at the Daya's back.

"Come, little bird, time to find the end of yoUURKKKHHH!!" The Daya lurched forward as Tania drove the spear impaling her into his back and wrapped her arms around him, holding her body to him and forcing the magical stone spear to punch into the Daya's back.

Instead of blood, sand poured out of the Daya's body.

"Rei..." Tania said, her lips sputtering blood, "go...get it..." she said with a shudder. Her fingers clawed into the Daya as the genie reached back trying to get her off him. "Hurry..."

With a sob, Rei turned and reached up while the Daya was distracted by Tania. Her fingers touched the warm metal of the lamp and pulled it towards her body. The magical power radiated through her body as she held it against her bosom. "Its mine!" Rei screamed as she rose to her feet and faced towards the Daya. "I control it and you!!!"

Finally the Daya wedged his fingers between his back and Tania, and shoved the dying heroine off him. He glared down at Rei and the lamp in her hands, but for some odd reason did nothing. He only stood there, glaring, as a thin line of sand fell from his back to the floor.

For a change, Rei glared right back at him. The power she felt radiated throughout her body making her eyes almost seem to glow in fury. The magic didn't actually affect her but just the fact that she was in control for a change brought back some of her old fire.

Tania landed heavily on her own back, driving the stone spear back through her. She mewled in agony as she grabbed the bloody spear and wrenched it out of her body, and slumped to the stony floor.

Rei wanted to go to her but couldn't. The final confrontation was now. If she won, they would be okay. If she lost it wouldn't matter because they would both be dead.

The Daya took two slow steps towards Rei, his eyes burning with hate. "Give me that, you foolish little whelp. You do not know the torment your soul will reap." His voice was low but intense, hardly the usual bluster he gave. "I will rend your mind and soul for an eternity, until you daily beg me to slay you. Do you understand, you whelp of an Amazon?"

"If you want it," Rei said in a firm voice, not moving an inch. The lamp clasped tightly in her arms. "Then come and get it. I don't think you can though. I have it and I think you can't hurt the one that controls you. You're MY slave now and I order you to heal her." Rei nodded towards Tania.

The Daya glared at Rei with the intensity of a feral animal freshly chained. His motions jerking and spasmodic with rage and unwillingness, the Daya raised a hand towards Tania. Around his outstretched fingers appeared a swirling mist of sparkling sand. It spun, rose, and darted away from him until it was over Tania. Swirling over the blonde Amazon, it spun around like a miniature spiral galaxy, until it coagulated and plunged down into the wound in the middle of Tania's chest.

As she watched, Rei didn't know exactly what would happen. From the look on the Daya's face however she knew that she was in command of him. She wasn't sure of the limits but she would do what she could in order to heal what had happened in this place.

"RRRRNNGGGHHH!!" Tania screamed in pain as her body arched upwards. The sand shot through her wound, making her glow for a moment with magic. As it faded, the excruciating agony on her face faded as Tania mercifully passed out, even her Amazon constitution finally overwhelmed by the level of pain. Slumping to the floor, her chest and back were healed, and the blood was gone.

Rei's strong fingers clenched at the lamp tightly. An ordinary piece of metal would have been shredded under her grip but the lamp was unharmed aside from some smudges. She knew she should have assumed that the Daya would've obey her but would have found any possible way to hurt her. "That won't happen again...." she vowed silently.

The Daya turned back to Rei, smiling with evil intensity. "There, I have healed her, although, dear mistress," he said sarcastically, "It was an unpleasant process."

With a look of cold fury on her face Rei knew she would have her revenge on this creature. "I order you next to heal all those that have been forced here of their mental and physical injuries. You may NOT caused them any discomfort. You will then send all of them save for myself, my sister, and the Sorceress home with no memories of this place." That would hurt him Rei knew because he would be deprived of his 'toys'.

The Daya audibly growled, his face growing a purplish color in his entrapped rage. He waved his hand quickly, angrily. Rei felt a tingle of magic pass through her. "There."

"Nextly," Rei said with a smile. "Send that slug who was your former master to the poorest section of the poorest city on earth. He shall have nothing but the clothes on his back to provide him comfort.

The Daya seemed almost vaguely amused. "With pleasure, little bird." This time his hands move more slowly, as the Daya relished the opportunity to send his bloated, ignorant master off to his just reward.

"Finally, open up a one way portal to the center of the sun." Rei thought for a second. "And I mean that you can only go from here to there. No allowing the fire to come here you bastard."

This time purple splotches definitely appeared on the Daya's face. He was an genius level intelligence; genius and genie were no accident of language. He started to spit out something to Rei, but the enchantment of the lamp made him her servant. He waved at the wall, and a round spiral of sand rotated until the blazing light of a star burned into the room, blinding Rei. "Should you do what you intend, little bird, when I become free again I shall shred your spirit into material fit for the emptiness of outer space!" he roared at Rei.

Rei thought for a second and then said, "I change my mind, change the portal to open into center of the planet Jupiter. There you and your lamp will be quite safe in core of that mighty planet. The core is a solid diamond the size of the Earth I've heard. There you will spend eternity and I forbid you from trying to escape." Rei stared at him with a smile on her face. "Check and mate you bastard."

Once the portal had stabilized into the inky black of the center of Jupiter, Rei gave him a final command. "Close the portal once you're through it." With a throw that would have sent a football flying for miles, Rei threw the lamp into the portal.

Knowing his entire essence was tied up with the lamp, and without it his existence on any plane would end, the Daya had no choice. "I will return and make slay you and your children!" he roared before willingly diving into the heart of Jupiter. The portal closed behind him, still echoing his raging threat.

With a smile, Rei listened to the Daya's final roar before it was cut off by the portal's vanishing. "Well that was fun," she sighed with a smile. Rei suddenly felt her wrists get heavier. When she looked down, her bracelets were back on her wrists. Not just her bracelets, but her uniform in perfect condition. Rei smiled as she picked Tania up her arms and carried her to the stairs in the now empty dungeon. "Time to find the Sorceress and get us out of here...."

As Rei picked up her unconscious Amazon sister, the entire building began to rumble. The bronze door and gold stand both shook and turned to dust. Next the walls themselves began to disintegrate. Closing her eyes to protect herself from the choking dust, Rei felt the floor disappear out from under her.

It was strange. The next thing Rei knew was when she opened her eyes. She was standing on a sandy beach. The entire palace had faded away as the Daya's power over it had left. All that was left was a few dazed men looking around in confusion, some miscellaneous items that others had brought for the "Sheik", the two Amazons, and a single unconscious woman wearing the remnants of a silvery costume.

At least it was over...