Episode 12: Ms. Marvelous vs. Prince Lomac

Author: Steven Bell
Time to Read:47min
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Added Date:5/10/2023
Tags: Ms. Marvelous

I descended out of the night sky and touched down on the pier a few feet away from the truck. The man nearest to me was so startled that he dropped the crate he had been carrying. It landed hard on a corner, split open, and spilled its contents onto the rough wooden planks of the dock. In the light of the full moon, I had little trouble identifying the tightly wrapped packages—C-4 explosives. I wasn’t surprised. This was the third of Don Refrain’s trucks that I had intercepted in a month and they had all been carrying the same cargo-- rifles, grenades, rocket launchers, explosives—business must be good for the crime lord, I thought gloomily. But I intended to shut down his arms selling operation, one way or the other.

“Butterfingers!” I teased the man.

He growled in anger and stepped toward me, apparently not intimidated by my gravity defying entrance and super-heroic garb. He swung wildly for my head. I easily ducked under the blow and then rammed a knife-edged chop into his sternum. I held back—had I wanted to, I could have driven my hand right through him. As it was, the ruffian clutched at his chest and slumped to his knees. A second chop across the back of his shoulders knocked him cold and he fell forward onto his face.

Four other thugs turned to face me. A fifth looked down from the back of the truck. “Don’t just stand there,” he yelled at the others. “Get her!”

“Be reasonable, boys,” I suggested with a firm voice. “You can’t win this fight. Surrender now and stay healthy. In exchange for your testimony against Refrain, I’m sure the D.A. will go easy on you.”

“Nobody rats on the boss!” the man in the truck shouted back. “And nobody messes with our operation!”

The men took up positions around me. I was somewhat surprised at their aggressive posture-- The guys unloading the previous two trucks had been more willing to cooperate, preferring a night in jail to a night in the hospital. But these seemed more motivated somehow. Oh well, it was their mistake.

I have the strength of ten me. I can fly. I’m bulletproof. I am Ms. Marvelous!

The first of the men, a big fellow with a nasty scar where his left eye should have been, stepped forward and tried to nail me with a looping right hook. As his fist sailed by, I latched onto his wrist with my hands, pivoted, positioned my hip in his midsection, and took him over with a judo throw. As he slowly got to his feet, I stepped into him and rammed my right knee into his gut. A palm strike to his chin snapped his head back and sent him tumbling. He lay still on the pier, out of the fight.

A second attacker came in from the side, feinting with a left before tagging me high on the temple with a nicely executed crescent kick. He was small and agile, this one, and able to put some distance between us before I could land a blow of my own. Taking advantage of the situation, a third

ruffian stepped in from my left and nailed me with a straight right to the jaw. The punch didn’t hurt much but it put me off balance. A left hook caught me flush in the mouth and knocked me to the ground at his feet.

“How do like them apples, you stupid bitch--”

His statement was cut short as I rolled onto my left side and rammed my right foot into his knee. He howled in agony as his leg hyper-extended, bending in a direction it was never intended to bend. He fell to the wooden planks screaming.

I was back on my feet just in time to deflect another kick from the small man. I countered with a double punch to his chest that sent his light frame airborne. He sailed through the air, flying over the edge of the pier and into the darkness of the night. The sound of splashing water indicated a rough landing in the cold river below.

I turned back toward the fourth man, fully expecting that he would hightail it or perhaps surrender outright. But again, I was surprised by the determination of these guys. Instead of running, the thug reached behind his back and removed an ugly looking knife from his belt. Light from the full moon glinted off its ten inch blade.

“I’m going to gut you!” he threatened.

I took a fighting stance, my weight on the balls of my feet, and waited for him to come closer. He lunged at me, narrowly missing my stomach but leaving himself off balance. I stepped to my left, turned,

then drilled an elbow strike into his clavicle. Combined with the forward momentum of his thrust, the blow knocked him head over heels and he landed hard at my feet. I kicked the knife from his hand and it skittered across the wood planks. A chop to the back of the man’s head finished him off.

The last man hopped down from the truck and looked around nervously. “It’s just you and me, now,” I said with a smile. “Do you want to give up?”

The man looked behind him and his demeanor changed. He was no longer nervous. A set of car headlights had come on fifty feet away, at the entrance to the dock.

“You’re in for it now, you stupid cunt!”

The vehicle slowly approached, the sound of its quiet engine barely audible over the noise of the river. The headlights basked my five foot nine inch, one hundred and thirty pound figure in their beams, but I stood my ground confidently. Could this be the man himself, I wondered? Could this be Don Refrain?

The bright lights of the car prevented me from seeing much as it pulled up and came to a stop next to the truck of explosives. For several long moments my athletic figure remained illuminated in the glare, as if I was on display for the occupants inside. I remained where I was, my hands on my hips, standing stoically, trying to appear unconcerned. If I was right and if it was Don Refrain in the car, then this was a meeting long overdue.

I had first encountered the crime lord while battling the Reavors, a dangerous street gang that he had once used to peddle his narcotics. I smashed his drug ring and cost him a lot of money in the process. Later, I brought his son, Dante, to justice. The boy was now serving twenty-five to life upstate. This latter incident had made things personal with Refrain. And though I had emerged victorious in both episodes, I had not emerged unscathed. It was personal for me, too. Don Refrain and I were mortal enemies.

I saw movement at the back of the car and squinted my eyes in an attempt to get a better look. Through the glare of the headlights I could make out the silhouettes of four men standing near the right fender. Finally, the unseen driver of the car flicked a switch and the headlights dimmed. My eyes adjusted quickly to the moonlit night—I smiled. It was, indeed, Don Refrain standing before me.

“Hello, Refrain,” I said coldly. “I’m surprised to see you here. The docks aren’t your usual neighborhood.”

“Silly girl!” the crime boss answered arrogantly. “All parts of this city belong to me. And though I spend most of my time downtown, running things, I must occasionally inspect the work of my underlings. It is the only way to insure that things run smoothly.”

“I don’t think you’ll find things running too smoothly, tonight,” I replied while pointing at the bodies that littered the pier

Refrain frowned. “So it would appear. But the night is not over. And despite the ineptitude of my associates, I am confident that this cargo will yet make it to its destination over seas.”

“No way, Refrain! This load of weapons isn’t going anywhere except the bottom of the river. I’m taking your operation down. Truck by truck, if I have to.”

Refrain snickered, a sick smile crossing his face. The chrome bumper and grill of his white stretch limousine shimmered in the light of the moon. The smooth hood and fenders, immaculately clean, reflected almost as brightly. He carried a heavy looking walking stick in his left hand. His white suit was pressed and creased. The tailored silk fabric covered his large frame perfectly. The color of it was a match for his silver hair. Even his tie, belt, and shoes were white. What a joke, I thought. The crime lord was anything but pure.

Three men stood near Refrain. One of them, the biggest of the group, I recognized immediately.

It was Refrain’s bodyguard, Gravestone. The big man was seemingly the opposite of his boss—Where

Refrain’s suit was white and fit perfectly, Gravestone’s was black and fit him much too tightly. With each movement, I expected his powerful shoulders to rip through the seams of his suit jacket. With each step, I expected his muscular thighs to tear through his pants. His light blue skin, a sure giveaway as to his mutated genetic structure, seemed especially eerie and frightening in the dim light of the evening. It

didn’t matter—I had defeated him before and was sure that I could do it again.

I peered at the other two men, wondering if I knew them. The first stood at Refrain’s right and slightly behind, the collars of a trench coat pulled up over his face. The shadow of a large brimmed hat

covered his eyes. He wasn’t a particularly large man, especially when compared to the giants around him,

but seemed athletic enough as he bounced lightly on the balls of his feet, switching nervously from one foot to the other, then back again. The man seemed agitated, or perhaps anxious. Maybe he just had to go to the bathroom, I considered. I couldn’t make out his features, but had the odd feeling that I knew him.

I was sure I had never seen the third man before. He, too, wore an overcoat, though the collars were pulled down and he had no hat. The front of the coat was open, revealing a tight fitting gold and purple costume of some kind underneath. His build was powerful and athletic. His hair was dark, short, and curly. His complexion, too, was dark, his olive skin hinting at a Mediterranean heritage. His dark eyes scanned my lithe form lustfully.

“You warned me that she was beautiful, Don, but I had no idea!” The man spoke with a heavy, east-European accent, but there was no mistaking the evil desire in his voice. It made me flinch in anger.

“Be cautious, Lomac,” Refrain replied. “This fair dove has a venomous bite! She has caused me nothing but trouble in the past.”

“But is it true what you said? That all one must do to defeat her is to make love to her?”

“It is true, my friend. I have seen it with my own eyes. A former employee of mine, by the name of Bullets, once had her. And my son, as well, though his own ineptitude cost him the ultimate victory.

But again, I caution you. She is very strong, this one, and a good fighter. Even the Warlord of Riberia may have trouble with such a wildcat!”

“Bah! No woman can defeat Prince Lomac. And certainly not such a flower as this. I am surprised at you, my friend! You have allowed this girl-- this one, small, insignificant girl-- to best you?”

Refrain’s eyes flashed in anger. “No one has bested me, Lomac.” “Never the less, two truckloads of my arms have been lost!”

“Only minor setbacks, I assure you. And as I have already told you, I will share in the cost of the lost weapons. Once we take care of this annoying girl, all will be back on schedule. Your little country may continue with its plans to make war on its neighbors and I will gain yet more wealth and power. A fair trade, don’t you think?”

“Yes, a fair trade,” Lomac replied. “But first, I will taste of this woman’s nectar myself and see if what you say about her is true. I am Lomac! I have never been defeated in personal combat!”

The man shrugged off his overcoat and stepped forward, leering at me as he did. The gold costume he wore fit like a second skin and revealed every part of his powerful form. He stood taller than me by half a foot and I guessed his weight at two-fifty. I didn’t know if he was super-powered, but he was obviously in superb physical condition.

“There’s a first time for everything,” I snarled defiantly. “I don’t know who you are or what you’re about, but you’ll find that Ms. Marvelous is much more than a pretty face!”

He continued to look at me lustfully. I could tell that he was enamored with much more than my face. From the glint in his eye and the growing bulge in his pants, his intentions were clear. “Do not resist me, little one. It would be better for you if you simply submitted. You might even find it pleasurable. I am as good a lover as I am a fighter!”

My fists clenched in anger. I wanted to shove Lomac’s words down his throat. But I knew that I needed to keep my cool. I knew nothing about my opponent. I needed to be cautious.

“You made a mistake teaming up with Refrain, Lomac. His friends are my enemies. And you don’t want to be my enemy!”

Lomac’s tight fitting costume left little to the imagination. My eyes were drawn to the growing bulge in his pants. A thick, muscular shaft was snaking its way from his crotch down along the inside of his left leg. The cock was enormous. The man in gold followed my gaze and laughed.

“You want this, don’t you, my sweet? You want me inside you? I tell you, it will happen, one way or the other. Give yourself up to Prince Lomac and I will be gentle with you. Give yourself up to the inevitable!”


I lunged at him, using my flying power to quickly cross the open space that separated us. I fired a straight right at his head that narrowly missed. A reverse turning kick also missed its mark. He stepped to the side, avoiding my next punch. In frustration, I hurled a poorly timed back fist strike at his head.

Lomac caught my wrist in his right hand, stopping the punch cold only inches from his face. He countered

with a powerful left that smashed against my right cheekbone and spun my head to the side. Still holding my wrist, he lifted his leg and slammed his right knee into my stomach. I doubled over from the force of the blow. A double axe-handle chop across the back of my head sent me face first to the hard surface of the pier.

Lomac stood over me, gloating. “You see, Refrain? This Ms. Marvelous woman is of no concern.

I will make her my concubine and add her to my harem back in Riberia.”

As I struggled to my hands and knees, Lomac reached down and wrapped his arms under my own. His hands latched firmly onto my breasts and he pulled me up into a standing position. He stood behind me, holding me tightly against his body, feeling me up.

“You are indeed beautiful,” he whispered into my left ear. “I shall enjoy every moment of this!”

Still dazed from the blows he had delivered to me, I was slow to react as the Prince began to massage my breasts with his hands. His touch was gentle yet firm, meant to arouse me while giving me little chance to escape. His fingers drew light circles around the outside of my small cups, then pressed down softly on my stiffening nipples. My buds reacted quickly to his expert touch, perking up and standing at attention beneath his fingers.

The thin fabric of my costume provided little protection as he continued to work his magic on me. I knew I was in a bad spot-- I had allowed my anger to get the better of me and was now paying the price for it. He was behind me, his arms inside of my own, holding me tight against his muscular body, consciously using my greatest vulnerability against me.

With each second that passed, my nipples hardened a little more. With each new caress of his fingers, my breasts continued to swell. I brought my hands up and grabbed onto his wrists. I tried to pull his hands away but he was strong and I was weakening. Lomac gently pinched down on my nipples. A soft, involuntary moan escaped my slightly parted lips. He leaned back slightly, allowing my weight to rest on his chest and abdomen. Through the smooth fabric of his costume, I could feel the warmth of his cock as it pressed against my left buttocks. It felt massive.

I knew that I could not allow this situation to continue. But I needed to rest. I suddenly felt very tired, very weak. My nipples were like hard marbles, now, jutting through the material of my costume like sharp points. Lomac’s fingers continued to tease them, pinching and caressing, trying to make them harder still. I could feel blood rushing into my breasts, firming and enlarging them within his hands. Yes, I decided, I just needed to rest a moment. I would gather my strength, then escape and show him who the boss was. But for now, I just needed to rest. I relaxed in his arms, my body going limp. My hands fell back to my sides.

I closed my eyes and allowed my head to fall back so that it rested on Lomac’s right shoulder. I moaned again as his fingers did a ballet across my now aching nipples. He worked me expertly, gliding his hands over my breasts with a soft, yet determined, tempo. His thumbs shifted away from my nipples and caressed the tender sides of my breasts, rubbing slowly up and down, then around the base. A wave of pleasure coursed through my body as he gently pinched my swollen nipples between his fingers. My limp body jerked slightly as he positioned the tips of his forefingers directly over my aching knobs and pressed downward. The pressure of his fingers on my jutting nipples, pressing them down into my firm breasts, was almost more than I could take. I could feel the Sartak growing in strength inside me as it tried to pull me into its velvety embrace. I wanted to give into it, to forget about everything around me. I no longer wanted to think about fighting and crime and explosives and Don Refrain. I no longer wanted to be Ms. Marvelous. All I wanted to think about were my aching nipples and the orgasm growing inside me. All I wanted to do was lie here in this man’s arms and let him work his magic on me.

The sound of laughter brought me back to my senses. It was Lomac laughing, now sure that he had defeated the limp super-heroine in his arms. And he was right—If I continued to lie here, swallowed up by him, “resting”, I would never escape his hold. With each second that passed, I would grow weaker and weaker until there was no hope to escape. It was the sinister trap of the Sartak and I had almost fallen for it.

I again raised my hands and grabbed onto his wrists. Feeding on the anger that his laughter instilled in me, I wrenched his hands away from my chest. Lomac stopped laughing and tried to regain control over my struggling form. He was strong, but I had found some wiggle room. Turning to my left, I

fired an elbow strike at his face. It caught him squarely in the kisser. He released me and stepped back, now holding his mouth in pain.

“Wench!” he screamed at me. “You dare to strike Prince Lomac?” “Give me the chance, I’ll do it again!” I yelled back.

Now it was Lomac that was losing his anger. He charged me, trying to take me down in a tackle.

I dodged him, but only barely. As he passed by, his right hand reached out and brushed against my aching right breast. The glancing touch was barely noticeable to those watching the battle, but it sent a jolt of sensations through my body. I tried to put on a brave face as we again squared off with one another. I

didn’t want Lomac to see how weak I was.

I knew that I needed some time to clear my head. I needed to stay away from him. As he drove for me again, I rolled to the left and ducked under his outstretched arm, then somersaulted forward and behind him. By the time he could slow and turn around to face me, I was back on my feet and in a fighting stance.

“Do not run from me, little flower! You cannot hope to escape from Lomac for long!”

“Why do you always refer to yourself in the third person?” I asked snidely. “It’s really very unappealing.”

“Bah! Now you mock Prince Lomac? I will enjoy making you pay for your insolence!”

He rushed me again but this time I wasn’t going to dodge. Instead, I deflected his ill-timed right hook and countered with a springing back flip kick that caught him under the point of his jaw. Lomac took a pair of steps backward and wobbled.

“The only one who is going to pay is you, Prince.”

Lomac shook the cobwebs from his head. “Your overconfidence will be the death of you, little girl. Lomac has never been defeated!”

“Like I said before, there’s a first time for everything.”

Feeling better, I cautiously moved in on him, closing the distance between us. From the pain I was feeling in the big toe of my right foot, I knew that my last kick had caught him hard. I needed to finish him off while he was still groggy.

I jabbed at his head with my left and then followed up with a straight right. He deflected both

blows. A roundhouse kick then narrowly missed. I had him backing up, but I wasn’t landing. Suddenly, he countered, snapping a side thrust kick into my ribs. A left hook bounced off my chin, then he buried a right uppercut in my gut. His moves were fast and hard. Lomac finished the deadly combination with a knee lift that sent me sprawling.

I lay still, on my stomach, dazed but not badly hurt. Lomac was a powerful man, but not super- powerful. I could still win this fight. I allowed him to pull me up onto my knees. Lomac was overconfident. Gripping my hair in his left hand, he used his right to manipulate a hidden zipper in his pants. He reached inside and extracted his enormous member. He held level with my eyes, making sure that I could see it. It was huge. For a brief moment, I lost my poise and felt scared. If he ever got that thing into me, I was sure, I would quickly succumb to the Sartak. I had to make sure that he never got the chance.

I channeled my fear into strength. Getting my feet under me, I quickly rose up and drove a spear hand into Lomac’s throat. His eyes opened wide in surprise at my sudden move and then closed as he gurgled in pain. I wrenched his hand from my blonde hair, then stepped into him with a left to his gut.

Lomac took a pair of clumsy steps backward, then dropped to his knees. I moved in to finish him off, but just as I was about to deliver the final blow I was pushed hard from the side and sent skidding across the rough planks of the dock.

I looked up and saw Gravestone standing over me. His eyes flashed in anger. His blue skin was flushed purple.

“Gravestone smash!” he screamed down at me. He lifted a size twenty-four and attempted to stomp it through me. At the last moment, I rolled to my left and avoided the big work boot. I was back on my feet quickly and took to the air, flying over the top of my lumbering opponent. A kick to the back of his head sent him sprawling, but he got up quickly.

The big mutant had a reputation for being indestructible. I had learned in our first fight that the reputation was well deserved. Still, I was quicker than he was. I needed to take advantage of my speed.

I flew circles around the big boy, looking for an opening while staying out of reach of his massive hands. Finally, I feinted right and moved left. Getting behind him, I wrapped my arms around his thick waist and lifted him up in a reverse bear hug. I knew I couldn’t hold him for long but I didn’t intend to.

Instead, I took to the air, carrying him along with me, then dumped him over the side of the dock.

I watched as Gravestone dropped like a rock toward the surface of the river. “Hope you can swim, you big dork!” I yelled after him. He impacted with the surface awkwardly, his arms and legs flailing, and caused a large splash. He disappeared under the waves for several seconds and I worried that I might have to rescue the big jerk. But then his head crested the surface and he took a large gulp of air. Gravestone waved an angry fist in my direction as I turned away and flew back toward the center of the pier.

I touched down in front of the limo, not far from where I had first been standing. Lomac was still down, on his knees and clutching his injured throat. The thug from the truck had smartly decided he was in over his head and had moved around to the opposite side of the car, near the trunk. That left Refrain, the man in the wide-brimmed hat, and me. I smiled. The odds were getting better with each passing minute.

“I know you like to let others do your fighting for you, Refrain,” I shouted at him. “Send in your last goon and let’s get it over with. Then it will be just you and me.”

“I’ll admit that you have done surprisingly well, Ms. Marvelous,” he answered evilly. “But I have come to expect that of you. Do not be too overconfident, though. My final ‘goon’, as you call him, is an old friend of yours. Someone, I believe, that has bested you in the past. Johnny, please reintroduce yourself.”

I looked on in stunned silence as the man in the wide-brimmed hat stepped forward and slipped out of his overcoat. His green body suit shimmered in the light of the full moon. He reached up and removed the hat, revealing his features.

“Hello again, Ms. Marvelous. Fully recovered from our last tussle, I assume?” I swallowed hard. “Johnny Hawkeye!”

“The one and only.”

“So, you’re still in Megapolis? I’ve been looking for you, you know. I was starting to think that you had left town.”

“Hardly. I’ve just been laying low. Making new friends, and all that. Mr. Refrain here tells me that you have been causing all kinds of trouble. When I told him that you and I are so-- how do I say it? Intimate?-- Yes, intimate with each other, he was quick to see the value of hiring me onto his staff. I suppose it was only a matter of time before we encountered each other again.”

Johnny stepped toward me, narrowing the distance between us. I had spoken the truth when I said that I had been looking for him. I had been looking forward to this encounter for a long time. But now, now that he was here, standing in front of me, I began to feel afraid. Johnny had raped me only a few months before. He had used his pheromone power—a power that bends women to his will—to subdue me. He still had that power, I knew. Even now, as we were speaking, I was sure that he was bombarding my senses with it, trying to influence my mind and body, trying to make me submit.

I also knew, from experience, that the Sartak leaves an imprint on my psyche. It’s an aftertaste, if you will, of the sensual system shock that my body endures when I am defeated. Once defeated by the Sartak, it’s as if my body and mind become more susceptible to my conqueror. Oh, I regain my strength and fighting skill quickly enough. But it’s as if my subconscious somehow sees and receives my opponent more as a lover than as an enemy. This uncontrollable instinctual reaction, I knew, in combination with Johnny’s unique power, made him extremely dangerous to me.

Even now, after only a few seconds in his presence, I could feel my body beginning to react. My swollen nipples, already aroused by the fingers of Prince Lomac, were aching—I suddenly became conscious that they were protruding noticeably from the sheer fabric of my costume. I felt another warm ache in my crotch. A spot of moisture appeared on the fabric of my bikini bottom at that point where my nether lips are covered. My arms dangled at my sides, suddenly feeling weak. Oh, god, I thought.

Without laying a finger on me, Johnny was arousing feelings inside of me that were better left unaroused.

As if sensing my weakness, Johnny moved forward and stood directly in front of me. Damn, I thought, he’s so good looking! I don’t want to fight him! Why is he doing this to me?

But I was glad he was doing it to me. I was glad he was here. I had looked for him for so long. I wanted him so bad!

“Get a hold of yourself!” I commanded myself silently. “He’s the enemy! Remember what he did to you before!”

But the thought of the barn and what had happened there only enflamed my body more. The event no longer seemed so humiliating—It was what I had wanted. I had gone to the barn voluntarily. It had been my choice. I had wanted to be with him. I had wanted to be with Johnny.

My nipples ached. I could feel the blood flowing into my breasts, engorging them. The warmth in my pussy increased, making me wet. Suddenly, Johnny reached out and grabbed me by the shoulders. He pulled me roughly in to him and held me pressed against his chest. His left hand cupped the base of my right breast, sending a wave of erotic pleasure coursing through my weakening body. His right hand grasped me around my narrow waist, holding me securely against him. My hands hung at my sides, not resisting. My head arched back and Johnny’s lips began gently caressing my throat. I moaned softly.

Deep inside me, the Sartak again appeared and began to grow in strength.

Johnny Hawkeye backed me into the side of the truck and gently pinned me against it. His right hand slid over my firm abdominal muscles and down into my bikini bottom. His fingers tested the readiness of my warm pussy. I jerked slightly as his middle finger dipped between my nether lips and into my wet hole. He drove it deeper, to the knuckle, then wiggled it inside me. I squirmed in pleasure and moaned once more. The Sartak was coming over me more quickly than it ever had before. An orgasm began building inside me. I was helpless to resist my attacker.

“But that’s what he is!” my mind screamed silently. “He’s an attacker. This is no lover! He wants only to destroy you!”

The part of me that was still Ms. Marvelous knew that I had to react. I could not allow the instinctual reactions of my body to overcome my mind’s will to resist. I had to muster whatever strength I still retained and fight back against this villain. I forced my hands up and placed them atop Johnny’s broad shoulders. As if sensing my escape attempt, Johnny, removed his right hand from my crotch and again wrapped it around my slender waist. He pulled my hips away from the truck, then pinched down on my right nipple with his left hand. A wave of sensations shot through my body. He leaned in on me, holding me tight against his form. My hands fell back to my sides. My head dropped back, again opening up my sensitive throat to his soft kisses. My back arched, thrusting out my chest. He was all over me, kissing here, nibbling there, brushing and caressing. Johnny had been with many women over the course of his young life—He knew how to work me expertly.

The fingers of his right hand no longer penetrated me, but my pussy was burning, never the less.

My juices now flowed freely, soaking my bikini bottom and running down my left leg. My orgasm was growing. The Sartak threatened to overwhelm me completely. But part of my mind still shouted out, still refused to believe that this could be happening. I knew I had to escape soon or it would be too late.

The tip of Johnny’s tongue slowly traced the long edge of my jaw. His lips came into contact with my own, pressing down lightly at first, then with more insistence. I wanted to pull away but could not.

His tongue found its way inside me, past my slightly parted lips and into my mouth. From the sound of his heavy breathing, I could tell that he was enjoying this. He had been thinking about me since our last encounter, thinking about how good it had been, at least for him, thinking about how beautiful I am.

Johnny’s power had enabled him to seduce countless women over the years, but none had been like me. None had been super-heroines. None had been as strong or as dangerous. Perhaps none had been as beautiful. Since our encounter in the barn, Johnny had dreamed about me, dreamed about my long, lightly tanned legs and about my firm, washboard abs. He had dreamed about my smooth skin and blonde hair. He had dreamed about the way my full breasts felt in his hands and how my warm pussy felt when wrapped around his large cock. He had dreamed about my blue eyes and mask covered face. He had dreamed about me and he wanted me. He wanted me and now he was getting me. He was assaulting me in the most personal way, making me his sex toy, and I was helpless to prevent it.

Still locked in his embrace, his mouth against mine, I could do nothing as his left hand continued to entice my aching nipple. His touch was harder than that of Lomac, but no less effective. My bud swelled under his fingers, sending wave after wave of erotic sensations cascading through my tortured body. His right hand still held me firmly around the waist, pressing me tightly against him. His larger,

taller form pinned mine against the truck, completely hiding me from the view of those watching. My uninhibited moans were muffled as he continued to press his tongue deep inside my mouth.

My arms dangled limply at my sides. They felt numb and far away. My legs no longer supported my weight. Only Johnny’s strong right arm prevented me from falling to the ground. My breasts felt huge, fully engorged and on fire. My aching right nipple felt as if it could explode at any moment. Still he massaged it, his fingers dancing across it and working their magic. My mind was ensnared in the Sartak. Oh, god, I wondered, is this the end of Ms. Marvelous?

Thoughts of the barn again entered my mind. Johnny had defeated me, tied me, raped me. He had left me lying in the dirt, helpless and unable to free myself. I had been humiliated and destroyed. Destroyed—My mind pondered the word. I had been destroyed by a man I should have been able to defeat easily. I could have taken him out many times during the course of our conflict. But I didn’t. Why? I was much stronger than Johnny. I was a better fighter. Why hadn’t I been victorious?

The reason was obvious. It was his special power. His pheromones. Transmitted through the air, working like a chemical bomb on any woman he chose to use them on, his pheromones gave him an unnatural ability to control me. In our first fight, I had been unaware of the nature of his power until it was too late. It had been all the advantage he had needed to defeat me. But now, things were different. I knew full well about his power. I could not allow it to control me. Too much was at stake. I couldn’t allow Johnny Hawkeye to beat me a second time!

Mustering my fading strength, I again raised my arms and placed my hands on Johnny’s shoulders. He pinched down on my nipple, causing me to whimper in protest. But this time I maintained my focus. I had to escape now or it would be too late. I wrenched my lips away from his. I lifted my head. I looked him in the face. I planted my feet on the ground and took a deep breath.

“Not this time,” I said to him defiantly. “Not ever again!”

I squeezed with everything I had and drove my powerful fingers into his shoulders. Johnny’s face contorted in pain.

“Let go!” he screamed. “Let go you stupid bitch!”

But I didn’t let go. I squeezed harder, driving my fingers into his trapezoids. Johnny cried out in pain and tried to back away from me. I released my hold and mule kicked him in the stomach. He fell backward, landing hard.

I took a step toward him but suddenly wobbled. I reached out with my right hand and balanced myself against the side panel of the truck. I rubbed my head with my left hand. I was weary, close to defeat. I needed to get some energy back. But there wasn’t any time. Johnny was back on his feet and looking angry. He approached me from the side, looking to grab me from behind. I knew I couldn’t allow that to happen.

I turned quickly and caught him high on the head with a backfist strike. The blow knocked Johnny into the side of the truck, but he recovered quickly and grabbed onto my left arm. He pulled me in close to him, letting me get a full taste of his pheromone power. I felt light headed. His left hand again found its way to my aching breast. Another wave of sensations rushed through my body as he roughly ran his palm across my swollen nipple. I considered giving up. It was too hard resisting him. I didn’t want to resist any longer. I just wanted to give in to him.

“No!” I cried out. “I’ll never give in to you!”

I pushed him away. He tried to pull me back, but I responded by driving my right forearm into his face. The sound of cracking bone indicated that I had broken his nose. Johnny stepped back and brought his hands to his face. When he lowered them again, they were red with blood.

“You fucking cunt!” he yelled. “Look what you did to my nose!” “Believe me, Johnny, it’s an improvement.”

I stepped forward and rammed my left fist into his gut. Johnny Hawkeye doubled up in pain. I grabbed him by the collar and spiked his head into the side panel of the truck. He bounced off violently and fell to the ground. Johnny groaned once, rolled onto his side, and then passed out.

I wearily turned back toward Don Refrain. He stood silently in the same spot next to the limousine, not having taken a step during the entire battle. I was discouraged to see that a sopping wet Gravestone stood next to him, having apparently made it to shore and back up onto the pier during my battle with Johnny Hawkeye. The big mutant looked none the worse for wear and anxious to rejoin the

fight. He stepped toward me and I took a fighting stance, unsure if I still possessed the energy to beat him.

Refrain put a hand on the arm of his big bodyguard, holding him back. “Hold, Gravestone. You had your chance.”

Gravestone frowned but did as his boss instructed. I could be mistaken, but as he looked at me I thought I saw a playful glint in the blue man’s eyes. Perhaps he was starting to have some respect for me, I considered. After all, I had defeated him twice, once tonight and once before. Still, there was no way to really beat Gravestone—He was nigh on indestructible. You could put him down, but he would always come back for more.

I tried to collect myself. The Sartak still burned within me, though I felt much better now that Johnny’s pheromones were not bombarding me. I stepped toward the crime lord. “What’s it going to be, Refrain? There isn’t any place to run. You’ve still got Gravestone, but you saw what I did to him before. This is the end of the road for you, my friend.”

Refrain did not appear to be at all concerned. “You would be a good poker player, my dear. You are bluffing, and we both know it. You have fought a good battle, but you are tiring. At best, I think we have a standoff.”

“So what do you suggest?”

The crime lord shrugged. “This need not be a fight to the death. Gravestone and I will leave in the limo, you will leave in your usual way, up into the sky. We will meet another day.”

His offer actually sounded good to me. I was very weary. My sensitive nipples protruded sharply through the fabric of my costume. My bikini bottom was drenched with my own juices. An orgasm,

unfulfilled, remained restless inside me. I knew I didn’t have a lot left. Still, I’m a super-hero. I couldn’t just walk away.

“I can’t allow you to have the truck. I can’t allow you to peddle these explosives to war mongers like Lomac.”

To my relief, Refrain was accommodating. “Very well, Ms. Marvelous. You may keep the truck. I assure you, the police will be unable to link the vehicle or the explosives to me in any way. And as you already know, my reputation is unbesmirched in this town. Your word, alone, will not be enough to

incriminate me.”

I knew he was right. Don Refrain had a lot of powerful friends in Megapolis. Unless I could link the evidence back to him I would not have enough to convince people of his guilt.

“Very well,” I finally conceded. “You’re off the hook, this time. But we will meet again—Count

on it!”

Refrain smirked and turned toward his car. He took a final look back at me and suddenly

stopped. His face changed. I could tell that something was wrong.

“On second thought,” he said confidently, “maybe I don’t like your offer. Yes, the truck is too valuable to simply give away.”

“You’re risking a lot,” I responded angrily. “But if you really want it this way, then let’s go. I’m ready. Gravestone first, you first, both at the same time—It doesn’t matter to me.”

“Silly girl,” he said with an evil chuckle. “It is not us you have to worry about. The real danger is behind you!”

“What?” I asked in surprise as two hands came up under my arms and grabbed my already inflamed breasts. “No!”

It was Prince Lomac, recovered from the beating I had given him and ready to continue where he had left off. Again he pulled me tight against his body, using his hands not only to hold me but also to massage my aching breasts. My nipples responded quickly to his renewed attack, poking outward through the sheer fabric of my costume. A jolt of sensations jerked my body as his fingers danced across my hard buds.

“No…” I moaned in desperation. “No more… no more…”

But my pleading fell on deaf ears. Lomac pinched my nipples between his forefingers and

thumbs, causing me to squeal in protest. I knew that I couldn’t allow this to go on for long—Inside me, the Sartak was growing quickly in strength, threatening to envelope me entirely within its velvety embrace. With each passing second, it would become harder to withstand. My will to resist, like my

strength, would gradually fade away. Already, the sensations that Johnny Hawkeye had started inside of me were returning, stronger than ever. My entire body burned, on fire with erotic desire. Lomac was working me like a fine instrument, expertly caressing my heaving breasts like musician playing an instrument. His hot member pressed against the small of my back. The moist tip rubbed against my bare skin. My arms felt weak. My legs could barely support my weight. The end seemed certain. I considered surrendering to him.

“No… please don’t…”

“The explosives are mine, you pathetic wretch. They are not yours to negotiate with!”

Lomac slid his thumbs under the tapers of my costume and pushed upward, lifting the stretchy material up and over my breasts. Now exposed and without even the small amount of protection that the sheer fabric had provided, I could do little but moan helplessly as he continued to caress and tease my tortured body. My nipples felt as if they might explode. My breasts were on fire. With each new rub, each new stroke, my strength seemed to fade away. I knew that this was the end. I was defeated.

But I couldn’t be defeated! Too much was at stake! Not just my own future, for I care little for myself, but the future of every person in Megapolis. How could I leave them to fight Don Refrain alone? They were like helpless sheep against his kind of evil, and I was their shepherd. I had vowed to protect them. How could I abandon them now?

And what of the people in Riberia, Lomac’s home country? How could I allow this madman to plunge them into war? How much damage could a truckload of C-4 do, I wondered? How many people could it kill?

I struggled to escape Lomac’s hold, squirming this way and that. Using my left hand, I reached up and grabbed hold of his thumb. I wrenched it downward with everything I had, partially freeing myself from his grasp and causing him some pain, to boot. I tried to strike him with my elbow, as I had done before, but he was ready for the blow this time and avoided it. Lomac let loose of me so that he could get a better angle, then slapped me across the face with a wicked backhand strike. I fell hard to the rough wooden planks of the pier.

Lomac looked down on me, snarling. “I have had enough of you, you wretched girl. Behold the instrument of your destruction!”

I flinched in fear and disgust as Lomac began stroking his exposed cock, encouraging it to grow to its full size. The monster was enormous, rising to at least ten inches. He removed his hands, allowing it to stand on its own, hanging over me like an unsheathed sword.

I backed away from him, crawling backward along the pier, suddenly terrified that there was nothing I could do to stop this brute from ravishing me. For a brief moment, I forgot who I am, forgot that I’m Ms. Marvelous, a super-heroine and champion of justice. For that brief moment, I was nothing more than a frightened, twenty-two year old girl that was helpless to defend herself against the lustful desire of an evil man.

But I am not helpless. I am Ms. Marvelous. And though my strength had all but abandoned me, my experience as a warrior allowed me to regain control of my fear. I would fight this man to the bitter end, I determined. I would yet know victory over him!

He approached, sadistically chasing me as I backed away. Using his right hand, Lomac waved his huge cock at me, mocking me. “The end is at hand, pathetic one. Prepare to be conquered!”

I answered him by somersaulting backward into a crouch, then leaping into his midsection with my shoulder. I took him down with a tackle, then hammered him across the chest with my fists. Lomac grunted in pain but threw me off by slamming me in the side with his right knee. I rolled with the blow and quickly returned to my feet.

Lomac leapt to his own feet just in time to deflect a spinning heel kick aimed for his head. I fired off two more kicks but they both missed the target. Lomac answered with a spear handed thrust that I slipped and a leg sweep that I jumped over. We backed away and warily circled one another, both looking for an opening.

Despite the exertion of the battle, Lomac’s huge member remained at its full size. It hung in front of him, parallel to the ground, swollen and stiff. If anything, it had grown larger. It became apparent to me that our fight was a big turn-on for the Prince. After all, it wasn’t every day that he got the chance to wrestle a scantily clad super-heroine.

“Give in to the inevitable,” he suggested again. “Not a chance!” I answered defiantly.

“Then prepare to meet your doom!”

He lunged for me, trying to get his arms around me. I leapt upward, using my flying power to take me up and over him. I landed on the opposite side and nailed him in the back with a karate chop. Lomac fell forward but gracefully somersaulted up into a crouch. He stood and grimaced in pain.

“You are a superb warrior, Ms. Marvelous. But I can keep this up all night. Can you?”

I didn’t respond to his question, choosing instead to concentrate on the battle. But in truth, I was feeling better with each passing moment—As long as I could keep the Sartak at bay, I felt like I could take Lomac. The problem was, the Sartak was still there, inside me, waiting for another chance to overcome me. If the Prince got me from behind again, it might be all over. I needed to make sure that he never did.

Lomac lunged for me and again I leapt upward with the intention of going over the top of him. But this time he was ready for my defense—Just in time, he grabbed my right ankle out of the air and latched his hands firmly around it. My momentum came to a sudden halt as his weight held me back. I spun in the air, off balance. Lomac saw my vulnerability and tugged down with all his strength, sending me spiraling face first into the hard surface of the pier. I landed awkwardly, on my stomach and dazed.

The Prince was quick to take advantage of the situation. Approaching me from the left and kneeling over me, he buried his right knee in the small of my back and pinned me against the surface of the dock. Next, he grabbed a fistful of my hair in his right hand and pulled my head up. My back arched painfully as he bent me backward. With his left hand, he extracted an object from a hidden pocket in his costume. He held the object in front of my face and commanded me to look at it.

“You see, Ms. Marvelous? You see what I have in store for you?”

I groaned in pain and opened my eyes to look. There, held in the thick fingers of his left hand, was a string of simple looking marbles. Each marble appeared to be about a half inch in diameter, though some were slightly larger or smaller than the others. Twelve marbles, each made from a ceramic type material, were fastened together and spaced evenly down the length of the string. I had no idea what the purpose of the marbles might be, as they certainly didn’t appear to be a very dangerous weapon.

But I would soon learn. Confident that I was too out of it to put up much resistance, Lomac shifted his stance over me so that his left knee took the place of his right atop my back. He released my head, allowing it to fall back to the pier. I made a weak attempt to escape but Lomac leaned on me with his full weight and I was held securely against the wood planks. Still squatting over me, Lomac reached down and grabbed my bikini bottom in his right hand. My vain struggles increased as he pulled the fabric to the side, exposing my ass. I protested as his hands grabbed my firm behind and spread my butt cheeks, exposing my anus.

“What are you doing? Stop! Stop it now!”

Lomac ignored me and instead pressed the first marble on the string against my hole. I clenched, trying to hold him out, but the ceramic marble slid easily inside. I gasped as a new sensation rocked my body. I squeezed my legs together, to close myself off to him, but this only made it easier for him to hold me down. A second marble entered my anus and pushed the first deeper inside me.

I squirmed under his weight, trying to escape. I clawed at the wood planks of the pier, desperately trying to get away. A third marble was pushed inside me by my relentless attacker. The sensation of it pressing against the outside of my hole, then suddenly overcoming the resistance and sliding inside was almost more than I could bear. As a fourth marble entered my now aching anus, I moaned loudly and again begged him to stop.

“Please… don’t do this. Please…”

The fifth marble entered me, pushing the other four deeper inside. I lifted my left leg, bending it at the knee and sliding it upward in an attempt to relieve the pressure the marbles were exerting inside me. As the sixth marble was thrust into me, the sensations intensified, causing me to spread my legs further apart and squirm. I arched my back and lifted my upper body onto my elbows in an attempt to escape, but again it was no use. As the seventh and eighth marbles penetrated me I could feel the Sartak growing stronger inside me, robbing me of my will to resist.

“I thought this toy would take some of the fight out of you,” Lomac said victoriously. “The battle is over. Give in to the inevitable.”

The Prince had to press harder to get the ninth marble inside my overflowing hole. I moaned again as it finally slid inside and pushed the other eight still deeper. My head and shoulders fell back to the planks, my arms resting lightly on the wood. The surface of the dock felt rough against my left cheek and exposed breasts, but I no longer cared. My blonde hair fell across my face, hiding the world from view. I knew I was just about finished. Inside me, the Sartak was growing strong, stronger even than my will to resist. Yet farther inside, an orgasm was growing from the depths of my soul, powerful and seemingly unstoppable.

“Stop… please stop…”

Lomac sadistically forced the tenth marble inside me, sapping yet more of my remaining strength. As number eleven followed, I sighed in resignation. I no longer struggled against my attacker. My arms and legs went completely limp. Though Lomac’s knee still rested atop my back, it was an unnecessary restraint. I wasn’t going anywhere.

Lomac had to push hard to get the twelfth and final marble inside my aching hole. He jammed his finger in after it, pushing the string of marbles in yet deeper. As he removed his finger, he examined his work, making sure that no sign of the marbles could be seen. He removed his knee from my back and stood, looking down on me with pleasure. I did not move. All I could feel was my burning ass. All I could think about were the marbles. I didn’t want to fight anymore.

He nudged me in the ribs with his foot, then flipped me over onto my back. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His cock was fully swollen and extended. The sight of it filled me with dread. I knew I had to resist him, to fight him, but I felt so weak. I wasn’t sure if I could go on.

He leaned down and grabbed a fistful of my hair, then pulled me up to my knees. Again, I was face to face, so to speak, with his huge member.

“Suck my cock, wench!” “Never!” I replied hoarsely.

“Suck my cock! Prince Lomac commands it!” “Bastard!”

He thrust his weapon toward my closed mouth, dragging its moist tip across my lips. In anger I forced my weak body to react, reaching up and grabbing the huge thing in my right hand. I squeezed with everything I could muster, determined to cause Lomac some real discomfort.

Lomac howled in anger and pain. A clubbing fist across my face forced me to release my grip and dropped me to the pier like a stone, but also served to partially shake me out of my Sartak induced trance. As the Prince clutched at his dick and examined it to make sure that no serious damage had been done, I rolled up onto my knees, then got to my feet.

“You’ll pay for that!” he threatened. “Someone is going to pay, but it won’t be me!”

I dove for his feet and ripped them out from under him. Lomac fell hard on the back of his head.

As he rose, I lashed out with a side snap kick that caught him on the thigh. The blow knocked him off balance and gave me the chance to hammer home a forearm strike that sent him sprawling.

I stepped back, pleased with my work, and then nearly feinted from the sensations that the marbles were causing inside me. With each movement the marbles worked their way deeper inside my enflamed anus, filling me with wave after wave of erotic pain and pleasure. Lomac saw my weakness. Getting to his feet quickly, he charged me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Lifting me up in a bear hug, he began bouncing up and down, further agitating the string of marbles inside me. I moaned loudly and went limp in his arms.

Handling my one hundred and thirty pound frame as if it were no more than a feather in his powerful arms, Lomac spun me head over heels so that I was in an inverted position. With his arms locked firmly around my waist, he intertwined his hands and buried the knuckles of his thumbs in the small of my back. He lifted me high on his chest, then lowered me so that my thighs were parted and lay across his shoulders. The inverted bear hug didn’t cause me much pain, as Lomac wasn’t squeezing down on my back very hard, but causing me pain wasn’t his primary intention. Instead, the Prince positioned

his head between my legs. Too late, I realized his intentions. My body stiffened as his lips made first contact with my nether lips.

I struggled to escape his hold but Lomac would not be denied. Tugging at my costume with his teeth, the Prince pulled the fabric of my bikini bottom to the side so that he could have unrestricted access to my moist pussy. I moaned loudly as his tongue gently lapped across my most sensitive area. My body jerked violently in his grasp as a new wave of sensations throttled me.

Lomac lapped at me like a dog going for a drink of water, plunging his tongue between my nether lips time after time. Finally, he made contact with my swelling clit, causing me to gasp. I tried to struggle free, to somehow escape, but it was hopeless. The Sartak was overtaking my will to resist and I realized that there would be no escape, not this time, and that Lomac could effectively hold me in this position for as long as he desired.

The blood was rushing into my head, clouding my vision. My hands slipped from my attacker’s thighs and dangled loosely below me. My legs, bent at the knees, rested limply atop his shoulders. My breasts, engorged and firm, pressed against his abdomen. My rock hard nipples screamed in tortured agony as they rubbed against his stomach

The marbles in my ass continued to work their way deeper inside me. My clitoris, swollen to its maximum size and fully aroused, stood unprotected between my enflamed nether lips. My attacker’s tongue ran across it time and time again, sending jolt after jolt of sensations coursing through my helpless body.

Lomac’s enormous cock pressed against the side of my face, intertwining with my blond hair. The musky smell of it assaulted me. The warmth of it filled me with a burning desire. I knew I was near the end. The orgasm that had been building inside me was now near its zenith. My moans came forth uninhibited. The Sartak was all over me, sapping all my will to resist. There was no escape. I was finished.

My attacker’s tongue teased my burning pussy, sliding slowly across the edges of my nether lips, then diving quickly inside and penetrating me to its full length. I whimpered in helpless agony as he slowly extracted it, and again as he gently pinched my exposed and swollen clit between his lips. The sound of my pounding heart filled my ears as more blood rushed into my head. I felt feint. My mind was swimming. Suddenly, I was gone, no longer aware of the real world.

I came to moments later, no longer held in the inverted bear hug. Lomac had unceremoniously dumped me to the ground and I now lay there, looking up at the night sky, my attacker standing over me. My brief departure from the conscious world had done little to aid me—My body still burned and my orgasm was no less immediate. I tried to roll onto my side but found that I had no strength. I was at the mercy of my enemy.

Lomac stood over me, his huge cock still swollen and rigid. He looked down at me and sneered. “I have been told that if you experience an orgasm you will go into a type of system shock. I have been told that you may even die from the experience. Now we shall see if this is true. In my home country of Riberia, I can have any woman that I desire. I am reputed to be an incredible lover. It is doubtful that you can survive me. Therefore, I give you the opportunity, now, while you are still able, to beg for your life.”

I looked up at him, trying to focus. Though I doubted very much that any amount of begging would appease this monster, I knew that I needed to buy some time.

“Would it do any good?” I asked in a husky voice.

Lomac’s sneer softened. “You have fought valiantly. I might be persuaded to grant you leniency, assuming you agree to my terms.”

“Your terms?”

“You will return to Riberia with me as my concubine. You will swear to serve me and, um, service me, in any way that I determine. You will give me your word that you will never try to escape or otherwise betray me. In return, I will only take you to my bed periodically. Surely, a woman with your

strength can survive a single orgasm every now and then?”

His offer revolted me. “I am Ms. Marvelous. I am not your whore!”

The Prince’s eyes narrowed. “You reject my merciful offer, you ungrateful wench? Then you die tonight! It is just as well, I suppose. The events of this evening have made me burn with desire for you. I can wait no longer. I will have you now!”

I protested weakly as Lomac kneeled beside me. He flipped me onto my left side and lay down behind me. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he snuggled in close to me. A strong hand lifted my right leg into the air, spreading me. I tried to escape, to pull myself away, but no strength remained in my arms. The Prince lifted his own leg and placed it under mine so that my calf was wrapped over the outside of his thigh. I was wide open to him now, my right leg limp and trapped by his own.

I whimpered softly as Lomac guided the tip of his massive member into my wet hole. I wanted to fight him, to somehow turn defeat into victory, but I knew it was hopeless. My body burned with erotic sensations. My engorged breasts felt huge and heavy. My aching nipples were as hard as stones. My tortured ass screamed out in agony as the marbles inside me tried to work themselves yet deeper into my anal cavity. My swollen clit burned with desire. My wet pussy hungered for Lomac’s cock to enter.

“Please… don’t…” I pleaded.

I tried to hold him out but it was a lost cause. Lomac’s hot tool dove an inch inside me, then another. I clenched my vaginal muscles, determined to keep him from raping me. My effort was aided by the sheer size of his enormous member—At best, it would be a tight fit. But we both knew that in the end he would have his way. Slowly, patiently, he pressed in on me. My resistance weakened. The Prince gained a third inch, then a fourth. I moaned loudly as he drove his tool another two inches inside me.

Finally, I could take no more and gave in to my attacker. Lomac plunged his mighty cock deep within me, almost to the hilt. I screamed out. The feelings originating from my tormented pussy were almost more than I could bear.

Lomac’s muscle throbbed inside me. He pulled it back, then plunged it inside once more. The fit was tight—I could hardly believe that I was taking him all in. But my suffering pussy was well lubricated with my juices. Time after time, he drove his sword inside me. His hands came around my body, sliding inside my limp arms. His fingers again latched onto my aching breasts, robbing me of whatever strength may have remained in my defeated form. The side of my head rested against the rough surface of the pier, jostling slightly in rhythm with his pelvic thrusts.

Lomac rotated onto his back, dragging me on top of him. My feet fell to the outside of his legs and he pushed outward on them, spreading me further and allowing him better access. His thrusts grew more violent, driving his ten inch member inside of me fully over and over again. His hands remained locked around my enlarged breasts, his fingers dragging time and time again across my already rock hard nipples. The back of my head dangled over his left shoulder, my blonde hair falling against the wooden planks of the dock. My back arched instinctively, allowing my attacker better access to me. My mind was under the control of the Sartak. All I could feel was the rigid rod plunging in and out of my burning pussy. All I could think about was the enormous orgasm growing inside me.

My moans came forth loud and uninhibited. In my right ear, I could hear Lomac’s breathing becoming short and determined. Then I heard another sound, above me. I forced open my eyes. It was Don Refrain, standing over me, enjoying the sight of my defeat. He was laughing, a sick, obscene chortle that filled me with disgust. I had failed, I realized. It may have been Lomac under me, driving his massive cock inside me, but it was Refrain that had conquered me. My sworn enemy had gotten the best of Ms. Marvelous.

“Fuck her, Lomac!” he shouted. “Fuck her to death!”

What would happen to me, I wondered? From the sound of Lomac’s breathing, I could tell that he was as close to climaxing as I was. But he was a stud. I had no doubt that he would recover quickly and then resume his conquest of me. His cock was his greatest weapon, but he had any number of other tools at his disposal. His fingers, his tongue—With any of these he could bring me come time and time again. How many orgasms could I survive, I wondered? Two? Three? Five?

I moaned loudly, my first orgasm building to its zenith. Time was short, I knew. I could not hold it off much longer. I tried to think of other things, of things other than the ten-inch monster ravishing me. I looked upward, into the face of Don Refrain. God, how I hated him. I hated the drugs he sold. I hated the weapons. I hated what he did to people.

An ugly thought crossed my mind. Would Refrain, now that I was helpless, take his turn with me? Would Lomac, his energy spent, allow the crime lord to finish me off? Even in my Sartak influenced state, the thought of being raped by Refrain repulsed me. The idea of his fingers stroking my body

disgusted me. “Oh god,” I said under my panting breath, “this can’t be happening!”

A surge of energy broke through the sensual fog that enshrouded my mind and body. Turning

the disgust I felt for Refrain into strength, I forced my hands to move. I grabbed onto Lomac’s wrists and pulled his hands away from my tormented breasts. I drove my left elbow into his ribs. I rolled onto my side, trying to break away from my attacker.

“Come back here, bitch!” he shouted into my ear. “I’m not done with you yet!”

Lomac held on tight, his cock remaining inside me. But I knew that I had to keep going. This was my last chance. If I didn’t get away, now, I never would. I clawed at the wooden planks of the pier with my fingertips, dragging us close to the edge. I moaned loudly as Lomac plunged his member deep inside me. He pulled it half way out and then slammed it in again, driving it in to the hilt. My orgasm would not be denied. It was almost on me.

I grabbed onto the side of the pier and used all my remaining strength to pull us to the edge. I looked down at the dark river below. The choppy water was so close, yet so far away. Lomac was on top of me now, holding me down as he continued to thrust his cock in and out of my burning pussy. The surge of strength I had found was fading fast. My orgasm was growing fast. It looked like the end.

“No!” I wailed as I positioned my hands and pulled against the dock one last time. Our bodies skidded across the rough timbers then lay precariously on the edge. Gravity finally decided the issue and we tipped over the side. Lomac and I plunged toward the water as one, our bodies still joined together. We hit the surface awkwardly, our arms and legs intertwined.

The icy cold water jolted me like a slap in the face. We sank like two stones, Lomac still behind me and inside me. His arms wrapped around me and his hands swallowed up my breasts. He pulled me tight against his body and again thrust his huge cock deep inside my hot hole. My orgasm rocked my body, causing me to jerk violently within his powerful grasp. He came a moment later, firing his wad of semen in a powerful stream.

Completely spent, I went limp in his arms. The Prince extracted his shrinking member from my nether mouth and released my body to the current of the river. He swam for the surface, his lungs hungry for air. I drifted slowly away, barely conscious to the world.

I don’t know how long I drifted, or even how I survived. When I regained my senses, I was on the shore, on the opposite side of river, far downstream. I was on my back, staring up at the early morning sky. My body was almost frozen. My strength was gone. It was a struggle just to get to my feet. But I was alive. Somehow I had survived.

My mind seemed as if it were locked in a fog. I could barely remember my own name, much less how I had arrived here. But one thought burned in my mind. Don Refrain had done this to me. I swore I would get revenge. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow. But sometime, somewhere, I would get Don Refrain. I would bring him to justice!