Episode 8: Ms. Marvelous vs. The Frat Boy

Author: Steven Bell
Time to Read:45min
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Added Date:5/9/2023
Tags: Ms. Marvelous

I twisted the doorknob on the rear door of the Posse’s house. It gave easily under the pressure of my super-powerful grip. The audible snap of twisting metal indicated that the door was now unlocked. I opened it a crack, then slipped inside.

It was near midnight. I fully expected that the Posse would be home—Surely they would not risk another incident so soon after the confrontation in the park, just three nights before. But the house was dark. Maybe they have just gone to bed, I warned myself. I needed to remain cautious.

As I slipped inside, I silently reminded myself of why I was here. The police were refusing to take action against the Posse, no doubt because the Posse’s leader, Dante “The Frat Boy” Refrain, was the son of one of the most powerful and influential men in the city. That the elder Refrain was also a drug lord did not seem to matter. All the police cared about was that he had friends in high places. And his influence apparently extended to his son, rendering the boy impervious to prosecution.

But I would see that justice was done. The Posse had raped a number of women. They had killed a police officer. I would bring them to justice if it was the last thing I ever did.

I took comfort knowing that I was not alone in my cause. Joel Steiner, my friend at the Gazette, promised to write an article exposing the gang if I could get him some hard evidence to back the story up. We might even be able to take the case to the federal authorities, he promised. But we needed proof.

Something incontrovertible that would tie the Posse to one of their crimes. And we thought we knew just the thing. When the policewoman the Posse raped was found in the park, still alive, she was nude. Her uniform and equipment had been stripped off. She said that she had been abducted, taken to a house or building before being raped and beaten. We knew the Posse had done it. It made sense that they had brought her to their house, that they had committed the crime here, in this building. If so, there was a

good chance that the policewoman’s uniform would still be here. That was my goal. I wanted to find the uniform.

I walked silently into the kitchen area. It was dark except for a beam of moonlight that cascaded through a large, double-paned window over a dish filled sink. It was absolutely quiet. There was no sign of life. I was a little disappointed. Part of me wanted to meet the Posse, wanted to get into a fight. But the important thing was to find the uniform or some other piece of evidence, I reminded myself. If I helped nail these guys by using cloak and dagger tactics, instead of combat, then so much the better.

The first floor of the house was typically boring. Not as large as a regular fraternity house, for after all, the Posse had only five members, the building none the less possessed a college-type feel to it. A living area contained a mixture of second hand furniture huddled around an old television. An exotic beer bottle collection lined the top of the TV. A cabinet containing cheap stereo components sat next to the television and a pair of old speakers sat on the floor at either end of the room. Old pizza boxes littered the dirty shag carpet. The place had a musty smell to it, as if the windows had not been opened in some time.

A nearby study was even more meager in its furnishings, containing a single beat up old desk and just a few books on the shelves. Yet another room was entirely barren except for a simple chair and a telephone that sat on the floor. I thought this was odd. Dante’s father was wealthy. Why would his son live in such a downtrodden environment?

I followed a set of stairs to the upper floor. A series of bedrooms occupied the entire area. The door to each was open, and in the dim light I could see that they were furnished little better than the first floor. No one seemed to be home, after all. The beds were not slept in. The Posse was apparently out for a late evening.

My heart caught in my throat as I considered the possibility that they might be in the park at this very moment, waiting to leap on some poor, unsuspecting coed. But the feeling passed. I still thought it unlikely that they would try something so soon after being arrested.

I continued my search, checking under the beds and inside the closets. Except for a few marijuana cigarettes, I found nothing that might incriminate the residents. I walked back down the stairs

to the first floor. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a door that I had missed when passing by before. The frame of the door was built into the wall next to the base of the staircase and was partially hidden by a tall potted plant. I slipped around behind the plant and tested the door. It was

locked. That’s interesting, I thought. Again using my super-strength, I twisted the doorknob and pulled the wooden door open. It led to another set of steps, these heading down.

“So,” I mumbled to myself, “the Posse has a secret basement.” I could see a dim light emanating from below and had no trouble navigating the narrow stairs. The light was coming from under another door. This door was larger than the others I had encountered. It stood eight feet tall and appeared to be heavy. Fortunately, it wasn’t locked.

I slipped through the door and into the room that lay beyond. The door closed almost silently behind me. Too my surprise, there was no doorknob on this side of the door. Worse, this side of the already heavy door had been strengthened with metal panels, making it a truly formidable barrier even for my great strength. “Oh, well,” I decided with a shrug. “If I can’t find another way out, I’ll just have to see if I can break it down.”

I turned back and looked at my new surroundings. This room was the largest I had so far seen in the house. Interestingly, it was circular in shape. Being a circular room, it had a single, continuous wall, and it, too, had been strengthened with metal panels. The floor also possessed a metal surface.

Combined with the high ceiling, the metal wall and floor seemed to amplify noises in the room. Even my footsteps, though my boots have no soles, seemed to echo noticeably within the room as I walked toward its center. On one side of the room, high up on the wall, an electronic scoreboard, like the kind found at high school football stadiums, had been mounted. I thought this was curious, but then again, the Posse was a curious bunch.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light of the room and I could see well enough. I looked in amazement at the wall. There, spaced about in well organized rows and columns, almost like tools on a mechanic’s work bench, were mounted the oddest assortment of devices I had ever seen. Suspended on small hooks were all types of erotic toys—dildos, vibrators, anal stimulators, handcuffs and chains, whips and harnesses, not to mention devices the likes of which that I had no idea what they were for. I guessed I had discovered the Posse’s playpen. I also guessed this was the reason the other floors of the house were so poorly furnished—The Posse put all their money into this room and the devices it contained.

Amid these outrageous devices, other objects had been mounted as well. Upon closer inspection, I discovered these to be articles of clothing-- dresses, blouses, and skirts, mostly—as well as some other items that usually belong to women. A couple of purses, a feathered hat, a compact, two pairs of spike healed shoes, several pairs of panties and hose, and even a vial of perfume were mounted on the wall. I didn’t have to be a genius to know that these were trophies—The Posse’s sick way of keeping score.

One trophy, in particular, caught my eye. It was hanging on a hook on the wall at the opposite end of the room from the door. I walked closer and inspected it. I pulled it off the hook. There could be no mistake. It was the policewoman’s uniform. I sighed. Though it was precisely the thing I had been looking for, the blood and apparent semen stains on the cloth brought a lump to my throat. The badge was still on the uniform. Above the badge, near the left shoulder, a large tear had been ripped. Most of the buttons were missing. I found further tears in the fabric of the pants. I swallowed hard. The Posse had not been gentle while ripping the uniform off of its former owner.

This was the evidence I needed. I had little doubt but that the semen stains on the uniform could be matched to one or more Posse members. Maybe even to the Frat Boy himself. I turned and walked slowly back toward the door, wondering again if I would be able to open it.

Suddenly, the room came alive with light. I quickly turned and looked up as the sound of clapping echoed between the metal panels. There, standing on a small balcony built into the wall on one side of the room, was the Posse. At the center of the balcony was Dante, smiling like a child that has just been given a piece of candy.

“Congratulations, Ms. Marvelous,” he shouted out while still clapping. “You have discovered our special place. Welcome to the Arena!”

Though I was startled at this turn of events, I remained cool. I stood at the center of the circular room and appraised the situation. I had been in worse spots before. The walls were paneled with steel

plates, but I figured I could rip them off if I chose to do so. This was no prison—With my super strength and power of flight, I could leave anytime I wanted to.

But I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to wipe the smug looks off the faces of the Posse members. I wanted to bring them to justice, one way or another. And most of all, I wanted to kick Dante’s ass. He stood above me, looking down on me arrogantly. He and the other Posse members were shirtless. They

displayed their well-conditioned bodies proudly, flexing and strutting as if to impress or intimidate me. As if members of a sports team, they dressed alike, each wearing tight blue jeans and black sneakers without socks.

“Yes, welcome to the Arena,” he said again. He stood like a king, elevated above me, looking down from the small balcony. “This is where we play our games. You see, the other night, when you interrupted our fun in the park, you had the advantage. You surprised us and the game was played on a neutral field, so to speak. But now--” he motioned with his hands at the surroundings, “—now it is we

that have surprised you, and it is our field on which we play. It’s an advantage I don’t think you will be able to overcome.”

“I’m not interested in your games, Frat Boy,” I said defiantly. “I’ve got the evidence I need. I’m bringing you to justice.”

“Ah, yes,” he replied with a smirk, “the evidence. You speak of the uniform? Silly girl, are you really so stupid? Can’t you see that it was just bait? That it was meant to lure you here? You see, I still

need the five hundred points you’re worth if I am to win the game. I still need you. Once I have had you, the uniform will be taken out and destroyed. But don’t worry—I’ll replace it with your own.”

He looked me up and down lustfully. It made me feel dirty inside. It also angered me that he referred to me as a ‘girl’, when I was likely older than him. Sure, I’m only twenty-two, but he and the other Posse members could not have been more than nineteen.

I motioned at the various devices hanging on the wall of the Arena. “You certainly have lots of toys, Frat Boy. Just how sick are you guys?”

He shrugged with modesty. “My father gives me a large allowance. I have to spend it somehow. But not all the devices have been purchased. Many are homemade. You see, the Posse is expert in the ways of, um… How shall I say it? Pleasing women?”

“Pleasing?” I asked in disgust. “Is that what you call it?”

“Don’t put it down until you have tried it, super-bitch. I’m sure we will be able to find some instrument suitable for you.”

“Not likely!”

Dante frowned. “But you are wrong. This is exactly why I lured you here. I’m going to have you and then I’m going to hang your costume on my wall. If you’re a good girl, then maybe I’ll let you live. At least for a while. After all, I can always use a good whore.”

“Then let’s get to it!” I shouted in anger. “This is your chance—come and get me!”

“Patience, patience. First we must discuss the rules. There are always rules when you play a


“I don’t care about your rules, Dante!”

The Frat Boy chose to ignore me. “Normally, we put our captive into the Arena and let her go

one on one with a Posse member. We’ve yet to lose. But that doesn’t sound quite right in your case, does it? You being super-powered and all. It just isn’t fair. So we’re going to make some changes to the rules this time around.”

“What changes?” I asked suspiciously.

“You will begin against two members of the Posse. Yes, that should be fair. Um, let’s see… Yes, Spider and Cockroach—you’ll be up first.”

“First?” I asked.

“Yes. You see the scoreboard hanging on the wall? We’ll set the clock. Every two minutes, an additional Posse member will enter the Arena and join in the fray, until all five of us are eventually in. As you can probably gather, it benefits you to eliminate your opponents as quickly as possible.”

I watched in silence as Spider and Cockroach hopped down from the elevated viewing area.

Their well defined muscles and agile movements indicated that they had fully recovered from the tussle in the park. They looked anxious to begin.

I had the evidence I needed to put them away. I suppose I should have been thinking about escape, and about getting the uniform to the authorities. But the Posse had killed a police officer. They had raped and abused countless other women, as well. I considered what those women, standing in this same circular room just as I was standing now, must have felt. They had not been warriors. Not super- heroes. Just ordinary young women that wanted nothing more than to be left alone. What must they have felt, knowing that they were to be beaten and raped? What kind of fear must have surged through their bodies and minds as they realized that they were to be used as toys, as they realized that they were to be little more than entertainment for their cruel captors? No, I decided. I would play Dante’s little game. I wanted to play. I wanted to turn the tables on these jerks.

I tossed the tattered uniform aside I looked up at Dante. “Very well. I accept your challenge. I will play your game.”

Dante motioned to Butthead. “Set the clock to six minutes thirty seconds and start it. When it counts down to six minutes, the battle shall begin. Two minutes after that, another combatant shall enter the Arena. Two minutes later, another shall enter. Finally, when the clock strikes zero, I myself shall


Butthead did as he was told, setting the clock using a control panel mounted on the balcony railing. The scoreboard clock began ticking down the seconds. Keeping a wary eye on me, Spider moved across the room and reached up on the wall. He removed a small device from its hook. It was something that looked almost like a television remote control. I couldn’t imagine what it was for, but I didn’t like the looks of it. Cockroach moved to another section of the wall and picked up a small packet or bag of some kind. He looked at the bag, then at me, and smiled evilly.

My two opponents took up positions on either side of me. Remember, I told myself, they fight well as a team. Don’t hold back. They are murderers, after all. The uniform proves it. Hell, they have admitted it. Take them down quick. Take them down hard.

The lights of the scoreboard clock ticked down toward the six minute mark. But with five seconds still to go, Spider decided he could not, or would not, wait any longer. He pointed the remote control looking device at me and pressed a button. Two tiny strands of copper filament streaked toward me. Surprised that he had jumped the gun and too slow to get out of the way, the filaments struck me in the midsection, just below the black star that adorns my chest. Tiny hooks on the ends of the filaments attached themselves to my bare skin, and instantly a massive charge of electricity rocked my body.

“Foul! Foul!” cried Butthead from the balcony. “He attacked too soon!” “Five point deduction!” agreed Dante.

The five points Spider had been penalized meant nothing to me as the voltage streaked through my body, down through my legs, and out my feet into the metal floor. I cried out in pain. My body

convulsed. But I’m tough-- I stayed on my feet and endured the pain, knowing that the small device Spider was using probably did not hold an extended charge.

To my relief, the electrical current stopped shortly after it had begun. I was dazed, but still conscious. I ripped the filaments from my body. All I needed was a moment to catch my breath and then I would make Spider pay for what he had done to me. But Cockroach did not intend to give me that moment. He rushed past me, flinging the contents of the bag he had taken off the wall into my face. To my surprise, I was suddenly caught up in a cloud of fine dust. The dust clung to my skin and hair. I was breathing heavily, still trying to recover from the electrical shock, and the dust got into my mouth and nose. I quickly discovered that the dust was a poison of some kind—My head began to spin and my knees became wobbly. I struggled to retain my balance, but Spider rushed in and shoved me to the floor.

I fell awkwardly and landed hard on my right shoulder. Pain stabbed through my ribs as Spider and Cockroach took turns kicking me. Finally, they pulled me to my knees. They faced me from the front and took hold of my arms, extending them out and away from my body. Gripping my wrists with one hand and the underside of my shoulders with the other, they lifted me up to my feet. Alone, either of these powerful young men could have easily lifted my one hundred and thirty pound frame. Together, I was little more than a feather in their strong hands. With a nod toward one another, Spider and Cockroach began running at full speed toward the far wall, carrying me between them. They came to a sudden stop just feet from the wall and released me. I hurtled backwards against the steel panel, impacting solidly against its unyielding surface. My back took the brunt of the blow, though my head

snapped back and hit hard against the wall, as well. I bounced off and fell forward, landing flat on my face, my arms still outstretched from my body.

They reached down and picked me up again, this time each taking a wrist and an ankle in their powerful grips. I dangled between them, my throbbing back arched and my head hanging loosely toward the floor. My blonde hair fell down across the sides of my face, hiding it. With another nod of agreement toward one another, my two attackers suddenly hoisted me over their heads and released their holds on me. They grunted from the exertion, putting everything they had into the effort. For a long moment I was airborne. I seemed to hang in the air, but it was not of my doing. Gravity pulled me back to earth and I crashed hard into the metal floor face first.

I lay there, unmoving, my arms and legs splayed out from my sides spread eagle, feeling as if every bone in my body had been pulverized. Spider motioned Cockroach to stand back, then reached down and took a fistful of my hair in his right hand. He pulled me to my knees, then reached under my right arm with his left. He pulled my light frame up higher, then released his grip on my hair and slid his right hand under my crotch. He easily picked me up off the ground, so that I was parallel to it. He held me there a moment, at chest level, then suddenly fell to one knee, dropping me across the other. I cried out in agony as my spine was wrapped across his knee and thigh. He left me laying there, the small of my back arched painfully over his leg and my head dangling down toward the floor. My arms hung loosely below me, the backs of my hands gently resting on the hard metal surface of the floor. My breasts jutted upward, dangerously exposed to my attackers.

Seeing his chance, Cockroach moved in and kneeled in front of Spider and me. Using both his hands, he pushed the tapers of my costume up and over my breasts. He began feeding on them like a hungry animal, sucking and teasing them with his mouth, pinching and massaging them with his hands. My sensitive nipples responded immediately, growing hard against his touch. In my mind, the screams of my back, wracked with pain, were gradually drowned out by the unwanted erotic feelings that were emanating from my breasts and shooting through my body.

I moaned loudly as my swelling buds continued to respond to Cockroach’s efforts. I felt as if this might be the end. I forced my left hand to rise off of the floor, to rise to my defense. Through no

intention of my own, it came up and encountered Cockroach’s groin area. Through the fabric of his tight fitting jeans, I could feel the swelling member that existed there. It felt massive and warm. My hand fell back to the floor. My mind, acting of its own will, imagined a more thorough defeat, imagined what it would be like to have the huge muscle penetrate into me. For a brief moment I seriously considered surrendering myself to him, considered opening up my legs and inviting him to enter me and utterly conquer me.

But I had to keep fighting. I forced my head up and looked into Spider’s face. He was smiling as he watched Cockroach ravage my breasts. Seeing me look up, he used his left hand to grip my throat and force my head back down. His right hand grabbed my crotch. I could only squeal in protest.

Spider began rubbing my nether region with his fingers through the sheer fabric of my bikini bottom. Waves of sensations shot through me as my body instinctively reacted to his touch. I moaned again as blood rushed into my clitoris, causing it to swell and peek out from its protective cocoon. Sensing the effect his hand was having on me, Spider took it a step further by sliding his fingers inside the top of my bikini bottom and down over my crotch. Working from touch, he quickly found my tortured clit and began rubbing it directly.

“No…don’t…stop…” My pleas fell on deaf ears and my attackers continued their assault.

Cockroach was sucking on my left tit, drawing it out until it became a hard marble between his lips. He ran his rough tongue across its point. He gently bit down on the bud, causing me to moan in tortured agony. His left hand danced across my right breast, his fingers drawing circles around the circumference of my small cup. He roughly took my entire mound in his hand, as if to test for himself the firmness of the engorged mass, then pinched down on the nipple. Spider remained busy as well, rolling my clit between his fingers and caressing the lips of my nether mouth.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. We had been fighting for less than two minutes and already I was close to defeat. Under the attack of Cockroach, my aching breasts were on fire and my swollen nipples felt as if they might explode. Under the touch of Spider, my tortured clitoris had reached its maximum size and my burning pussy was wet and ready. I found myself ensnared within the Sartak. I

was becoming a prisoner to its velvety touch as it enshrouded my mind within a mist-like cloud of erotic passion.

“Well, looks like this might be it,” I heard Dante say from his position above. “This wasn’t nearly so difficult as I expected.”

His words hurt me almost as much as the knee in my back. I knew I had to do something quickly or it would be too late. I had to escape these two attackers now, or I never would. They would rape me, possibly to death, and my beloved costume, an emblem of justice for the citizens of Megapolis, would end up on Dante’s wall. I focused on the pain, both the physical and the mental, and used it to stoke my strength. Again, I raised my left hand, this time prepared for what it would encounter. Cockroach’s member had grown larger and hotter. I tried to put the imagery of it out of my Sartak enshrouded mind.

It was difficult. My burning pussy, teased almost past endurance by Spider’s fingers, cried out that it wanted the huge cock to enter it, to come inside and satisfy its hot yearning. Again my hand fell back to the floor, my entire body having gone limp and ready to surrender. No! I had to concentrate! I had to do this! I forced my hand back up to the warm mound within Cockroach’s jeans. I cupped its mass in my hand.

“Oh, yeah!” he said while taking a break from tonguing my nipples. “She wants me!”

His bravado was cut short as I squeezed down on his vulnerable balls. His blue jeans provided little protection. He yelped in pain and tried to pull away. I hung on tight and used his escape effort to pull me off of Spider’s leg. The pain in my back was relieved as I slipped to the floor, onto my left hip. Spider’s hand slid from between my legs. Knowing that I had to follow up immediately, or risk my attempt being wasted, I summoned everything I had and fired a vicious backhanded right at Spider and caught him solidly in the kisser. The force of my super-powered blow sent him reeling backward and he landed on his back, several feet away. He slid across the floor and came to a rest in a heap, partially propped against the far wall of the Arena and knocked cold.

Cockroach was frantically scratching at my left hand, futilely trying to break free of my grip on his nuts. Using my right hand, I gripped him at the base of his neck, stood, and lifted him up over my head with both arms. He screamed with a high-pitched voice as I took a couple of steps and flung him across the room. He crashed high up on the wall and fell hard to the floor, out of the fight.

“Damn!” I heard Dante shout out. “Ok, that’s two minutes. Billy, You’re in!” “But she looks pissed,” Billy protested.

“Just get the hell in there!”

I adjusted my costume so that my breasts were again covered and watched as Billy followed his leader’s command and jumped down onto the Arena floor. I thanked the heavens for my luck. I had

beaten Spider and Cockroach just in time. Had Billy entered while they had me down, it was doubtful that I could have escaped a third attacker.

He was the largest of the Posse members—His powerful arms and shoulders indicated that he had spent a lot of time in the weight room. From our first encounter, I knew that he was a good fighter, too. Still, he seemed to remember how I had roughed him up in the park. He was hesitant to attack.

Instead, he slid to his left, away from me and toward the wall. The reason for this soon became apparent.

Reaching up to the wall, Billy selected an enormous dildo and removed it from its hook. I looked on in disgust. Made from heavy rubber, the thing was at least sixteen inches long and three inches thick.

“You got to be kidding,” I said in disbelief. “There’s no way you’re going to get that thing into


With the dildo in hand, Billy seemed to gain confidence. “I’m going to shove this thing so far up

you, you’ll feel it coming out your mouth!”

We circled one another, warily looking for an opening. I have to admit, the huge dildo had me concerned. Maybe that’s what he intended all along, to distract me with it and thereby gain an

advantage. If so, the plan worked. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of it.

Seeing his chance, Billy shifted the dildo from his right hand to his left, then raised it over his head. My eyes followed it and I didn’t see the kick aimed at my gut. It caught me solidly and bent me over. Billy followed up on his advantage by wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up into an inverted position across his shoulder. He slammed me down hard on the metal floor with a powerbomb.

My already injured back screamed in pain and the impact knocked the breath out of me. I could do little more than lay there as he came down on me, straddling me and putting the full weight of his large frame on my chest and stomach. My arms were trapped at my sides, pinned beneath his legs. I opened my mouth and gasped for air, which was exactly what he hoped I would do. Before I realized what was happening, he shoved the end of the massive dildo past my lips, over my tongue, and deep into my throat.

My body wanted to gag, but the huge dildo took up every bit of space in my mouth and throat. Billy pushed down and forced the dildo deeper. I found that I couldn’t breath, either through my mouth or my nose. My windpipe was complete closed off by the rubber instrument.

I tried to free my arms, but I was still weakened by the after effects of the powerbomb, not to mention everything else that had happened to me. My hands were hopelessly pinned beneath his heavy weight. Futilely, I tried to knee him in the back and force him off of me. He wouldn’t be budged. His hands gripped the dildo and held it securely in place. He leaned in close to my face me and sneered. He figured he had me, and maybe he did.

“It will be my cock you’re sucking on pretty soon, super-bitch!”

My lungs were burning. I was desperate for air. The dildo was strangling me just as surely as if Billy had his hands around my throat. I was beginning to see stars. The world was becoming fuzzy. My struggles gradually lessened. I was finished.

Suddenly, the dildo was removed from my mouth as roughly as it had been inserted. I nearly wretched but was seemingly too weak to do so. I coughed and sucked in air. Helpless to resist, I could do nothing as Billy flipped me over onto my stomach and pulled my hips off the ground.

“I said I was going to fuck you with this thing, and that’s just what I am going to do!” he said with determination.

He spread my legs and kneeled between them. I felt him pull the fabric of my costume away from my crotch and grope my ass. I squealed as the tip of the enormous dildo worked its way between my wet nether lips. Lubricated with my own saliva and forced forward by Billy’s strength, the rubber instrument penetrated me an inch, then another. I cried out in pain as he tried to push the massive tool deeper inside me.

My pussy wasn’t big enough for the foul thing, but Billy was persistent. Not having any luck getting the over-sized dildo to penetrate further, he pulled it out and spat on it, then tried again. Once more, I felt the thing slip into my hole. Once more, I cried out in pain as it threatened to rip me apart. From deep inside me, I again felt the soft tentacles of the Sartak trying to overcome my will to resist. I felt my abused pussy lubricating itself with its juices. The juices dripped off the shaft of the dildo and fell to the floor beneath me. He had it three inches into me, now, and despite my best efforts to keep him out, it seemed that Billy was going to make good on his promise to fuck me with the enormous thing.

I had regained my breath and mostly recovered from the effects of the powerbomb. As Billy again pulled the dildo out of me, I decided it was now or never. Slipping from his grasp, I somersaulted into a crouch a few feet away and turned to face him. He snarled in anger, frustrated that I had escaped. It was only now that I saw Butthead standing off to the side. The two minutes had elapsed and he had entered silently at some point during my struggle with Billy. I knew I had my work cut out for me.

“Ok, Billy. I gave you your shot to do it alone. Now, what say we take her together?”

Billy smiled in agreement and the two men took up positions on either side of me. Butthead was almost as large as Billy. His arms and shoulders, especially, were huge. Well defined biceps and triceps flexed as he walked. It would be difficult to take on these two big men at the same time. I decided it was time for a change in tactics. Taking to the air, I did a quick circle around the high-ceilinged room and then paused to gather my strength. I enjoyed seeing the look of surprise on the their faces. Even though they knew I could fly, this had been the first time they had actually seen me do it.

Billy and Butthead looked at one another, each hoping that the other would have some idea as how to proceed. I didn’t give them time to settle on anything. Putting my arms out in front of me, I dove quickly to the left and zeroed in on Butthead. I flew past like a streak, then stuck out my left knee and

clipped him in the shoulder. He fell to the floor in a heap. I easily avoided Billy’s attempt to grab me, then circled around for another run.

Striking Butthead had been fun, but I really wanted Billy. He had me pissed. He still clutched the oversized dildo in his left hand, obviously hoping for another chance to drive it into me. The sight of my juices on its knobby end enraged me. I dove straight for him. He braced himself for the impact and we collided hard, my shoulder digging deep into his chest. He was forced back a couple of steps but stayed on his feet. I bounced off, undamaged. My feet were back on the ground, but that’s where I wanted them to be. Before he could react, I stepped forward and drove a straight right to his sternum. I put a lot behind it and the cracking of bone indicated that I had dealt him a serious injury. He slumped to the floor, gasping and holding his chest, the dildo still held in his hand.

Butthead was back on his feet, but not excited about taking me on alone. The clock was down to thirty seconds. He wanted his boss to join him. Putting his hands up in front of him, he pleaded with me to have mercy.

“Aw, come on! I didn’t do anything. I don’t want to fight. Honest!”

His whimpering made me sick. Butthead was a rapist and a murderer, just like his buddies. I strode up to him confidently, prepared to punch his lights out. Maybe I would make it out of this after all, I decided. The other Posse members were trashed. They didn’t look like they would be rejoining the fight anytime soon. All I needed to do was finish off Butthead, then take on Dante one on one. Yeah, things were looking up.

I grabbed Butthead by the chest hairs with my left hand and raised my right to knock his block off. To my surprise, he had one trick left up his sleeve. Bringing his right hand out from behind him, he raised a small aerosol can level with my eyes and pressed down on the trigger top. I winced in pain as a mist of powerful pepper spray entered my eyes, nose, and mouth. Forgetting my punch, I instead knocked the can from his hand and it skittered across the floor. He broke away from my grip, loosing some chest hairs in the process. But he was free.

I rubbed at my eyes and tried to make out where he was, but it was useless. My reddening eyes began to water profusely as the pepper spray worked its way under the lids. Speckles of light mixed with foggy areas of total blankness. My eyes could not focus. I knew I would recover quickly, but for the moment I was blind.

Too smart to let his opportunity go to waist, and unsure as to how long I would be handicapped by his low handed maneuver, Butthead quickly attacked. He grabbed me up in a bear hug and lifted me off the ground. His powerful arms wrapped tightly around my narrow waist and he locked his hands together in the small of my injured back. Squeezing with all his might, he forced the air from my lungs. To increase the force of the hold, he began bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, taking my light frame with him each time. I groaned in pain as the bouncing continued. My head dangled forward and flopped around limply as he took me up and down within his powerful grasp. My arms dangled loosely at my sides. My legs hung uselessly below me, my feet mere inches from the floor. I felt as if my back had been broken.

Growing fatigued, Butthead finally stopped bouncing but continued to hold me securely. I was able to take in air in short gasps, but my back felt as if it were shattered. He drove the knuckles of his thumbs into my spine, increasing the pressure. My head rested atop his bare left shoulder, my long hair covering my face from view. The musky smell of his perspiring body filled my senses. It had been a long fight. I was exhausted. My vision was returning, but my strength was failing. I wasn’t sure I could go on.

The seconds went by. I had been locked in his death grip for nearly two minutes. Butthead wasn’t going to make the same mistake that Billy had when the dildo was in my mouth. He was going to hold on until he was sure that I was helpless. Worse, I knew the scoreboard now showed zero and that Dante was somewhere inside the arena. I knew that I had to summon my energy and escape. Butthead was a normal man, after all. In great condition, sure. Strong, definitely. But still a normal man. I’m super-powered. I’m as strong as ten men. I should be able to break this hold easily.

But the problem was that I wasn’t as strong as ten men. Not now. Not after all I had endured.

My swollen nipples, ravaged by Cockroach earlier in the fight, still protruded distinctively from my costume and now pressed hard against Buttheads chest. My pussy, so abused by Spider and Billy, still tingled with arousal. It was well lubricated, I knew, and ready to accept the rigid member of one of my attackers. As Butthead pressed me tight against his naked chest, I could feel the lump that bulged from his blue jeans below, pressing against the high side of my crotch. As he held me in his massive arms, my

body limp and helpless, the lump pressed against me just so, just above that spot where my clitoris lay hidden between my nether lips. The lump was warm and large, and I knew it would feel so much better than the knuckles he was driving into my back. I wanted to surrender to him. I wanted nothing more than for him to lay me down and take me, right then, right there.

No! I had to keep resisting. So much depended on it. He had held me in the bear hug for three minutes. I could feel his strength beginning to ebb. But I myself was near passing out. If I was going to escape, it had to be now. I had to try.

Focusing the last threads of my awareness on the idea of escape, I raised my weary legs and straddled my powerful attacker. Sensing my attempt, he squeezed yet harder on my back, causing me to cry out in pain. But his arms were tiring and he couldn’t keep it up for long. I forced my head to lift off his shoulder and looked him square in the eye. I could see the extreme amount of effort that he was putting into the hold. He had given it everything he had and I was still battling. I took comfort from this and forced my hands to come up. I slid my fingers between the python like arms that held my body, then wedged my hands and wrists through as well. Butthead grunted, knowing what I was up to. He tried to once again to increase the pressure, but simply wasn’t up to it. I had my arms inside of his, now, and pressed outward with them. Gradually, the pressure on my back lessened. Then, all at once, his grip failed and his hands came apart.

I slipped to the floor and planted my feet, then pushed him away from me. With the pressure on my aching back relieved, I suddenly felt much better. I let out a shout to focus my chi, then hammered him in the gut with a mule kick. Apparently I had some strength left after all, as Butthead flew backward and slammed against the metal paneled wall. He bounced off and came back at me, but his heart wasn’t in it. He knew he had given it his best shot and now it was merely a matter of time before I bested him. He swung wildly at my head, but I ducked under the punch and landed one of my own, a short jab to his ribs. He tried a looping right that missed by a mile. I countered by grabbing his arm and taking him down with a Judo throw. He climbed wearily to his feet, but was slow. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and drove him headfirst into the wall. He fell heavily to the floor and did not move.

The moment I finished Butthead, I remembered that the Frat Boy must be somewhere close by. I swung around and looked, my hands up and at the ready, only to see him standing well away, near the wall at the opposite side of the room. Mocking me, he clapped his hands together four times.

“I applaud you, Ms. Marvelous, on a very impressive display. Very impressive, indeed.”

I pointed to the fallen Butthead. “Why didn’t you come to the aid of your friend? The clock ticked down some time ago.”

Dante shrugged. “I guess I want you all for myself. I need all the points, you see. Besides, Butthead served his purpose, as did the rest of them. They have worn you down. Thanks to their efforts, it should now be possible for me, a normal man, to beat you, a powerful super-heroine.”

“Don’t count on it!” I said defiantly. But I didn’t feel as confident as I sounded.

Dante laughed and reached up to the highest hook on the wall. He carefully removed a cylindrical, metallic, device. It was about three feet long, black, and looked like a length of pipe.

“What’s that?” I asked suspiciously. “Another toy?”

He smiled. “I assure you, it’s not so crude as those used by my comrades. It’s a device of my own design and really quite useful, as you shall soon discover.”

We approached each other, moving toward the center of the room and reducing the distance between us. His powerful muscles seemed to ripple in the overhead lights of the Arena. Dante was nearly as large as Billy, I observed, and I remembered back to the fight at the park, how he had been able to easily pick up and carry his bigger friend. I couldn’t underestimate him. He was fresh and strong. He moved with the grace of a gymnast. I had to be on my guard. And if I got the chance, I needed to take him out. No hesitation.

We circled one another slowly. I considered taking to the air, but decided I would have a better chance if I remained grounded and used my superior martial arts skills. He held the pipe thing in his right hand, low, next to his leg. He feinted at me with his left, hoping to get me to commit and leave myself open. Instead, I spun around and sent a heal kick his way that narrowly missed.

He stepped back and smiled. We both knew that had the spinning heal kick landed, the fight might very well be over. I could see it in his eyes, the realization that I was still dangerous. He dropped

the pipe. It clattered on the floor and momentarily distracted me. He stepped to his left and dropped into a crouch, then with surprising quickness rolled toward me and lashed out with his right foot. The kick caught me on the knee and knocked my left leg out from under me. I wasn’t injured by the blow, but it knocked me off balance.

He followed up by sweeping my right leg out from under me and sending me down to the floor. I landed hard on my butt, more embarrassed than hurt. But he wasn’t done. Executing the third and last of a well choreographed series of moves, he quickly rolled again so that he was behind me, then grabbed me around the head. He pulled back on my hair, then wrapped his legs around my waist. Having me temporarily immobilized, he drove the middle knuckle of his right middle finger hard into my neck. Being a trained martial artist myself, I knew immediately that he was trying to pinch off the flow of blood through my jugular vein. He was doing a pretty good job of it, too. Right away, I started to feel dizzy and disoriented.

I had to give Dante credit. He was a much better fighter than I originally figured. After all, I had taken him out fairly easily at the park, when we met up near the van. But his latest set of moves were brilliant and could only be the result of expert training. First, knock the opponent off balance. Second, take her to the floor. Third, get behind her and lock her in a submission hold. Real nice.

And the hold he had placed me in was nice, too. It was a dangerous hold. It was so dangerous that most instructors wouldn’t even teach it, for fear of injuring their student, or fear of the student injuring them. But I knew it, and I knew how to counter it. That is, I knew how to counter it if I wasn’t already too far gone.

The trick was not to go for the right hand, the hand pinching off the vein, but for the hand that was holding my head. Without the head being immobilized, the right hand would never be able to apply enough pressure to stop the flow of blood to the brain. At least, that’s the way it worked in theory.

His left arm was wrapped around my head. His hand was pressed against my forehead, locking in the hold. I reached up with my right hand and grabbed his thumb. I pulled it straight down, twisting his hand off my head and wrenching his thumb pretty good, to boot. Under the pressure of his right hand, my head fell over to the left and his hold was broken. The blood rushed through the vein and into my

brain, reviving me. I had been lucky. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized how far gone I was.

He wrenched his left hand out of my grasp and clubbed my in the back of the head with it. I wasn’t out of the woods, yet. He still had his legs wrapped around my waist. Using my strength, I rolled to the left, taking him with me. He was still holding on, as if going for a piggy back ride, but now I was able to get my feet under me and lift him up. Again he wrapped his arms around my head, but I ignored them. I stood tall, then took off using my flying power. I carried us both into the air, then did a forward roll and allowed us to drop. We hit the floor hard, his back taking most of the impact.

His arms and legs released their holds on me and slipped to the ground. I rolled off of him and stood up. I looked down at Dante. He lay there, facing up, spread eagled and motionless. His eyes were closed. I was glad the fight was over. I was so tired.

I walked toward the center of the Arena, toward the spot where I had dropped the

policewoman’s uniform. I didn’t want to forget the evidence. But the fight was not over at all. Suddenly and without warning, the Frat Boy was behind me. He had been playing possum and I had fallen for it. He grabbed me from behind, wrapping me in his left arm and holding me close to his body. His hand clutched my left breast. Then I felt something cool between my legs. I looked down and saw the pipe thing pressing against my crotch.

“What the--”

My question was interrupted by the sound of a switch being flipped. The purpose of the pipe thing became obvious. With a hum, it came to life and began to rapidly vibrate. I squealed in protest as Dante pressed the pipe against the material of my costume covering my crotch.

“Now you see, don’t you, Ms. Marvelous? Now you see what my little invention can do, don’t you? But this is no ordinary vibrator, I assure you. It’s much too large to enter you, after all. But that’s the beauty of it, don’t you see? It’s a sonic vibrator. It utilizes a combination of ultra low and ultra high frequency sound waves to penetrate you.”

I tried to escape, but he continued to hold me close against him. He pressed the vibrator thing tighter against my crotch. The sensations it caused were unbelievable. It truly did feel as if my pussy was being penetrated, though I could clearly see that it was not.

“The sound waves can penetrate you, go deep inside you. What you’re experiencing now is just the beginning. In a few moments, you’ll swear that there’s an enormous cock inside you. Then we’ll see how tough you are!”

The fingers of his left hand began massaging my breast, making the nipple again jump to attention. I moaned as he pinched down on my swollen bud. From behind me he worked the sonic vibrator with his right hand, sliding it slowly forward and back, up and down, rubbing the vibrating shaft against the opening to my hole. As with my nipple, the thin fabric of my costume provided little protection.

“No…” I begged, “…please… stop…”

“I’ll stop soon enough, super-bitch. But not just yet.”

Though the pipe thing had been pressed against my crotch for only thirty seconds, my pussy was on fire. The sound waves were penetrating all its hidden corners. As Dante had suggested, it felt as if an enormous, vibrating, cock was buried inside me. The Sartak was all over me. My legs felt numb and far away. I would have fallen, but Dante and the pipe thing held me up. He allowed me lean back against his chest as he continued to work the vibrator. My arms dangled limply at my sides. They were distant and useless. The back of my head rested against his shoulder. My mind was completely swallowed up with the erotic sensations. I could feel nothing but my burning pussy and the phantom cock that ravaged it. I could think of nothing but my swollen clitoris, screaming with each new rub of the vibrator. My engorged breasts felt as if they could burst. From deep within me, a huge orgasm had almost reached its climax. I could not resist it much longer.

“Oh, god,” I moaned. “Please…”

“Yes, I’ll please you, Ms. Marvelous. I’ll please you to death!”

Dante flicked the switch and removed the vibrator from its place between my legs. The phantom cock that had been inside me disappeared, but my unsatisfied pussy continued to burn. He dropped me unceremoniously to the floor. I rolled onto my stomach and lay helpless, my mind still ensnared by the Sartak.

The Frat Boy carried the sonic vibrator across the room and placed it back on its hook. It had served its purpose. The vibrator was his greatest invention. This was why he had been so sure he could beat me. He knew that I would quickly succumb when placed under its influence. He rubbed the back of his neck. It hurt from when he had been dropped to the floor. “Bitch,” he said aloud. “I’ll make her pay for that.”

He walked slowly back to where I lay. He wasn’t in any hurry. He could tell that I was helpless. He looked down at my limp form, enjoying what he saw. My blonde hair, my athletic build, my firm ass and long legs—These were the things he liked. He had known since the day he first saw me that he had to have me. Now, the time had come. He was going to enjoy it.

He decided to leave me in my costume, at least for the time being. It was somehow sexier that way, he figured. As long as I wore the costume, I was Ms. Marvelous, super-heroine. Once I took it off, well, I would be just another normal woman. And he had been with countless normal women.

Dante flipped off his sneakers. He unzipped his blue jeans and pulled them down. He stepped out of them and dropped them next to my side. He stripped off his briefs, exposing his member. The sight of me lying in front of him, helpless, excited him. His cock quickly grew in size, swelling to a hefty eight inches. Leaving me on my stomach, he spread my legs and knelt between them. I had recovered slightly, and knew what was happening as he lifted my hips off the floor. Still, I was helpless to resist as he pulled the untearable but stretchy fabric of my costume away from my crotch and ran his fingers along my inflamed nether lips. I moaned softly as he ran a finger inside my hole. Straightening up and removing his finger, he used his right hand to guide his massive muscle to its target. I squirmed slightly as his hot head penetrated an inch into me. I tried to resist him, to tighten my vaginal muscles and hold him out, but it was of little use. He gained a second inch in my dripping pussy and then a third. Finally, I could resist no more and gave in to my attacker. I moaned loudly as he drove the full length of his shaft into me.

He paused for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being inside of me. Satisfied, he began working it in and out of me, slowly at first, back and forth, then faster, in and out. My pussy was on fire. The orgasm that had nearly exploded within me moments before, but had then been allowed to subside, unsatisfied, now grew again with increased urgency. The part of me that still remembered Ms.

Marvelous, and Megapolis, and why I was here, wanted to beg the Frat Boy to stop, wanted to beg him for my life. For at that moment, that part of me that was still Ms. Marvelous knew that he was going to fuck me to death. But the other part of me, the larger part, the part that existed within the ecstasy of the Sartak, wanted something entirely different. That part of me, the instinctual part of me, wanted to give in totally to this conqueror, to have him fill me entirely with his massive organ.

Reaching over my back, the Frat Boy grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up into a kneeling position. He leaned back and pulled me with him, so that I was sitting on his lap, perched on his powerful pole. His legs were inside mine, and his thighs pushed outward on mine, spreading my legs apart and giving him more comfortable access to my box. My arms dangled limply in front of me, my hands between my legs. Forcing my fingers to move, I reached under me, toward my hole. I could feel the base of his thick shaft there, penetrating up into my pussy. The thought and feel of it nearly brought my orgasm to a head. Oh, god, I thought. Can this really be happening? Can this really be the end?

Dante wrapped his arms around me and cupped my firm breasts. I moans came faster as he massaged my swollen nipples with his fingers. I figured I might be able to survive one orgasm, maybe even two. I had done it before. But the Sartak is a cruel master. Once you become its slave, your fate is sealed. With each orgasm I would grow weaker. Eventually, the sensual shock I was experiencing would become too much. My senses would overload and I would die. I had little doubt that the young stud that was fucking me had great endurance. He could probably go all night. He would fuck me to death.

He stopped playing with my breasts and dropped his hands to my hips. I had no strength or desire to resist as he began controlling me, using his strong hands to rock my hips back and forth, front to back and side to side. I bit my lower lip as a new set of sensations rolled over me. He was buried deep inside me, enjoying the way I felt. I was a good fit for him, and he for me. My body was acting of its own mind, rocking back and forth on his lap, aiding the motions of his hands. I moaned once again, loudly, filling the Arena with my frantic voice. The orgasm building within me was on the verge of exploding. I

didn’t think I could hold out any longer.

Suddenly, the Frat Boy’s breath became short and quick. He struggled to maintain control but was past the point of no return. With a loud groan, he let go, firing one, two, three, four, then five hot streams of semen into me. I held onto my own orgasm with every ounce of resistance I could muster. Somehow, impossibly, I succeeded.

The Frat Boy breathed deeply, then exited me by dumping me on my side. He wiped his

shrinking tool off on my hip and then stood. He looked down on me and smiled in satisfaction. “You’re a good fuck, Ms. Marvelous. A real good fuck. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

I lay there, unmoving, my eyes half closed. I watched as he walked to the door of the Arena and pressed a hidden button on the metal panel. The door swung open and he stepped through, disappearing from sight. I was still locked in the throws of the Sartak, but aware enough to consider my situation. I could hardly believe what had just happened. While on the verge of total victory, the Frat Boy had simply got up and left me here. My orgasm, still smoldering inside me, could have been triggered easily—A few strokes against my burning clit, another pinch on my swollen nipples, a few more seconds of his hot cock inside my wet pussy. But he had ignored his opportunity. Why?

I supposed it wasn’t really so hard to figure, after all. Dante was a sexual predator. His hobby was abusing and raping women. He had no respect whatsoever for his victims. Despite all the erotic toys hanging on the wall-- all the dildos and all the vibrators and all the rest—despite all the toys, he really

didn’t care about pleasing women sexually at all. Despite all his talk, all Dante cared about was his own sexual gratification. When his orgasm exploded, he no longer cared about me at all.

For the moment, the Frat Boy had been satisfied. But he was a young man. His sexual hunger would soon return, and so would he. I thought I heard the flush of a toilet somewhere in the house.

Typical man, I thought to myself. But maybe I could use his carelessness to my advantage. I was still weak, still stunned by the stimulation I had received. But if I could just work myself up for one, last attempt, I might yet achieve victory.

I heard him coming down the stairs. I lay still as he opened and stepped through the door. I had not moved since he left. At the sight of me, his cock began to straighten up. That didn’t take long, I thought.

He walked over and stood above me, again enjoying the view. Having a defeated, beautiful, super-heroine helpless at his feet was a big turn-on. His cock seemed to throb as it grew larger, the end of it slightly bouncing up and down, until it pointed at an angle toward the ceiling. He stroked it with his right hand, stimulating it to reach its full size. He reached down and grabbed me by the hair with his left hand. He jerked up on my head, forcing me to my knees. His huge cock was right in front of me. The sight of it weakened my resolve. I tried desperately to forget how it had felt when it was buried deep inside my burning pussy. My aching hole wanted to be filled again, wanted to be taken and conquered by this stud. My unsatisfied orgasm wanted fulfillment. My nipples wanted to be caressed by his fingers. A fire burned inside me as he gently tapped the tip of his swollen member against the top of my lower lip. The Sartak again clouded my mind as my nostrils took in the musky scent of his cock.

Dante eyed my mask. “Let’s see what you look like under there.”

Guiding his shaft with his right hand, the Frat Boy rubbed the hot head of his stiff cock against my right cheek, trying to fold back the lower corner of my mask. My mask adheres tightly to my face, but after a few tries he had it. Still using his cock, he slowly pulled back more of the mask. It lifted hesitantly from my cheek. With patience, he continued at his game, until he was finally able to slide his swollen head underneath and through the eye hole. With a laugh of satisfaction, Dante ran his shaft through and pulled back, peeling the remainder of the mask from my face.

“Ah, yes. You are simply gorgeous.”

Dante’s large pole was directly in front of me, my precious mask hanging like a trophy from its thick shaft. In my mind, any thoughts of pulling out a victory over him evaporated. I suppose the mask was symbolic of my greater defeat. I was on my knees, beaten and unmasked, kneeling helpless before my conqueror. My arms dangled limply at my sides. My swollen breasts jutted from my tight fitting costume, my hard nipples pointing upward. My juices flowed freely from my nether mouth, dripping down my leg and sprinkling the floor. I knew this was the end.

He removed the mask from his shaft and tossed it on the ground next to me. He forced his monster into me, past my lips and over my tongue. It was hot and filled my mouth, not in the painful way that Billy’s dildo had, but in a warm, satisfying way that shook my body with erotic sensations. He worked the heavy head of it around inside my mouth, pressing it deeper into my throat. I wanted to gag, but was too weak. The part of me that was still Ms. Marvelous, still a champion of justice, was humiliated, but unable to resist the invasion of his massive muscle. The other part of me, the part that had given in to the Sartak, allowed him to control me, allowed the hand in my hair to rock my head back and forth. My lips stroked the big cock, pleasing its owner.

Dante sneered down at me. “I’m going to fire my wad into your mouth. I’m going to fire it down your throat, just like I did to that policewoman.”

I remembered Joel’s description of the policewoman, how she had been when he saw her at the hospital. She had been badly beaten, her eyes almost swollen shut. Dante had done that to her.

“Then I’m going to fuck you up the ass, just like I did to her.”

Dante and the Posse had beaten the woman so badly that she later died. They had screwed her and beaten her and then dumped her naked in the park.

“Then I’m going to take your costume and hang it on my wall, just like I did with her cop uniform.”

I remembered why I came to this place. The uniform. It was torn and blood stained. It was a testament to the brutality of the Posse. They used it as a trophy. But it was so much more. It was a police uniform. It was a symbol of justice. And my costume, too, it was a symbol of justice. It was not a trophy.

Dante rammed his cock harder into my throat. But I was no longer stroking it. I was suddenly angry. The anger burned through the fog of the Sartak, giving me a window of opportunity. I knew it was my last chance. If I didn’t escape now, I never would.

I lifted my arms and placed my hands on his thighs. I was weak, but I had to do the best I could.

Pushing off on him, I forced his huge cock from my mouth. He still had a hold on my hair, but it didn’t matter.

“What this?” he asked in surprise. “Where do you think you’re going?”

He was overconfident, sure that he was in total control of me. I made him pay for his mistake. I lowered my right arm and straightened it. With a quick, sudden movement, I brought it up between his legs and slammed my forearm into his nutsack. Dante’s mouth puckered in astonishment and his face went pale. There was a short delay between the impact of the blow and the result, but we both knew what it would be. He stood there for a moment, his dick still pointing at me, then let out a soft whimper. He released my hair and fell backward, collapsing to the floor. He clutched his balls in both hands, whimpered once more, then passed out from the pain.

I picked up my mask and returned it to my face. I forced myself up onto shaky legs. I adjusted my costume and wiped a drop of semen from my chin. I took a deep breath and tried to gain back some composure. The brief spark of anger had burned itself out—I was again on the verge of collapsing. I looked around the circular Arena. If even one of the Posse members rose to challenge me, I figured I

might as well just lie down, open up my legs, and invite them in. That’s how bad off I was. But none of

them moved. If any were conscious, they didn’t want me to know. They’d had more than enough of Ms. Marvelous for one day.

I picked up the policewoman’s uniform and walked slowly to the door. It was no problem finding the hidden button that I had seen the Frat Boy push. The door swung open and I made my way to the top of the stairs. I exited the house. The chill of the night air served to revive me. I took to the sky without looking back, knowing that I now had the evidence to put the Posse House out of business.