SG&The Broker: United We Stand - Chapter V

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Added Date:6/11/2023


The tall thin suited man, his limbs seemingly stretched to their feasible limits stood at the next security gate, a prison guard stood by his side. Ahead lay the "special" wing, for the more dangerous prisoners, or the ones in danger from others.

UUUURG sounded a klaxon as a solenoid fired, releasing a lock.

The suited man and the guard continued down a corridor until they reached the doorway at the far end, the CLOP of their shoes echoing around them.

"This is it....she is in there...." The burly guard said, indicating with a momentary twist of the head and neck.

"Is she..... Is she restrained?" The suited man asked nervously.

The guard rolled his eyes ...."is she restrained?" he grumbled to himself as he headed back down the corridor alone, a simple wave gesture saying his goodbyes.

Alone, the man placed his hand on the door handle, took a breath and entered the room beyond. It was a little dark, minimally lit inside, the room divided in half by a quarter height wall and thick unbreakable glass above. Seated at the desk on her half of the room was....'her', The Tattoo Parlour Killer, The Body Mod Monster.... 'she' had been given many names.

In her orange prison uniform, sleeves rolled up, she looked physically formidable. Muscular arms, tattooed , and her head totally clean shaven.

"So sad....." said the woman mournfully, cocking her head, her big dark eyes looking sorrowful.

"Excuse me? " said the man, glancing at the arrangement of the room and plucking up the courage to take his seat at the desk, the transparent wall between them.

"I hoped they would send me ... something ...pretty... I've been...hungry....." she said as she placed her handcuffed wrists on the desk, a steel cable anchoring them to who knew where.

The man let his eyes narrow, trying to get a fix on the woman before clunking open his brief case. "I think you would be more focused if you were to interact with me.."

"Why...are you here.....?" the woman asked calmly.

"Well....." the man started, glancing at a file..."....Kimberly.... I'm here to decide if we can plea you down to insanity...." the man winced as he opened a file to see a victims photograph.

"And why would I want that....." smiled Kimberly

"Well, usually people who are guilty go to the chair, people who are sick go to hospital..." Quipped the man.

"I can assure you I feel quite........normal" Kimberly replied calmly.

"Do you think that doing this to someone is ...sane.....normal?" asked the man, flipping an image towards the prisoner.

"Oh I remember her....." Kimberly said. She said it as if it were a fond memory.

"She was found, asphyxiated, her flesh half carved up by your tattoo skills...allegedly." The man said coldly.

"She started to scream....Why did they always scream...? I just wanted to make them me" Kimberly said, her tone almost erie.

"Was it because you hurt them, is that why they screamed?" asked the man.

"Why would I do that?" Kimberly asked innocently.

The man was vexed at this odd blend of sincerity, naivety, innocence and terror before his eyes.

"Tell me....about your brother...." Said the man provoking a twinkle in the dark eyes of the woman opposite.

"Oh him......he is........was......lucky.........wasn't he..." Hissed Kimberly seductively.

"A self made billionaire, you don't get there by luck alone, do you" said the man. From his tone he sounded like he was imparting some unique wisdom.

" rarely achieves greatness.....with luck......... alone...." teased Kimberly.