Wonder Woman : The Contest 04

Author: JTCIII
Time to Read:38min
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Tags: Wonder Woman

WONDER WOMAN: The Contest by JR

Based loosely upon the story by William MessnerLoebs and Mike Deodato Jr. featured in the Wonder Woman comic book, issues #0, #90-#100. Now without any damn censoring.

DISCLAIMER: The following story is an adult-themed parody of the Wonder Woman comic book. Wonder Woman and all related characters are property, copyright and trademark of DC Comics, an AOL Time Warner company. No copyright infringement is intended. The author received no payment for this story, and no money shall be earned by its distribution.

WARNING: The following story contains adult themes and explicit descriptions of extreme sexual events. MINORS MUST NOT READ THIS. Many so-called adults shouldn't, either. If you are below your country's age of legal majority, kindly bugger off.


"By Hera's Left Tit, this is madness!"

"I have traveled the NetherWorlds before, Mala," Princess Diana said, securing the fastenings of her tightly-fit tunic. "I can do it again."

"Without using your Olympian gifts?"

"The Demonplague is no more, Mala. Pandora's banes were absorbed by Lord Ares," Dina explained. "Doom's Doorway is no longer the menace you all knew."

"Sometimes I find it hard to believe," Eurydice muttered, looking at the rocky mountainside where the Portal stood.

The often-rebuilt gate of thick wood and reinforcing iron bands had been mute witness to centuries of effort and sacrifice. The Amazons of Themyscira had guarded the dimensional portal of Doom's Doorway with their lives for almost two millennia, and the rocks of the narrow gorge which led to it had been continuously bathed by their sweat, blood and tears. It was barely a few years ago that the unholy beings imprisoned behind the Doorway had been banished, thanks to the efforts of Diana herself.

"No sorcerous menace is ever completely vanquished," Mala insisted. "The NetherWorlds connect myriads of shadow worlds, and the nexus shifts constantly. All kinds of creatures can still transverse it. By Aphrodite's Bush, you said yourself that the damn thing connects with Tartarus itself! Who knows what the hell you will find there!"

Diana shrugged. "Perhaps I may even find some allies."

"Uh, you mean-?" Eurydice said, looking flustered.

"I think most of those I... parted with in friendly terms, may be willing to help me."

"Oh, sure. To get under your skirt again!" Mala said with a dismissive gesture. "Look, I don't want to sound like your mother, but I wouldn't trust any man or... whatever, down there, no matter if we had slept together or not. Actually, the ones I slept with I'd probably trust the least."

"That doesn't surprise me," Eurydice commented.

"Don't worry," Diana said. "I'm not as naive as I was the first time I entered the NetherWorlds."

"I'm not sure about that," Mala complained. "At times I feel you are going to be an innocent child forever."

"Of course, there are many big, ugly, and well-hung creatures there which I really wouldn't mind at all to fuck again," Diana cut in with a smile. "At least once or thrice. Each."

"Princess!" Eurydice protested.

Mala shook her head. "Only you can look all sweet and proper saying that."

"But don't worry. After all this, I'm not likely to go looking to revive old liaisons without good reasons," Diana said, and then added: "No matter how great the fucking really was."

"Gods! You are incorrigible!"

"Maybe," Diana replied. "While I know that I did make some mistakes, I still believe that essentially there is nothing wrong in my having an active sexuality. To turn my back on it, would be accepting that Mother was right and that I deserved being stripped of my mantle. That is why I must win the Contest."

"You will win," Eurydice stated with conviction, as she handed Diana a sheathed sword and a coiled length of rope. "This may not be your golden lasso, but it may useful, and I sharpened the blade myself last night."

"Thank you, Eury."

"You do have the advantage of fore-knowledge of the environs," Mala said, but there was nervousness in her voice. "As much as that place can be known."

"Indeed, Artemis is at far greater risk," Diana said, her smile vanishing. The group of Bana-Migdhallans was in the other side of the narrow rocky passage, busy in their own preparations. "She is venturing into completely unknown danger."

"She is brave, I must give her that," Mala said grudgingly. "I would not wish to be in her place. The very idea of entering that place chills me to the bone."

"I'd call her foolhardy rather than brave," Eurydice muttered. "The Banas were not here, year after year, fighting the things that broke though, again and again, watching our sisters die. They think that the outside demon attacks they saw were bad. They have no idea what it is to spend two dozen lifetimes with death or worse at your back."

"Oh, they'd envy us the gifts of the Purple Fire much less, if they did," Mala added, her voice echoing the sorrow in Eurydice's own.

"She really may not be fully conscious of the risk," Diana said, frowning. What was her mother thinking, she wondered. What could be worth placing a sister in such unnecessary danger? What was behind all this?

"Worry about yourself first, Princess," Eurydice said. "The Bana will take care of herself."

"Will she?"

"These amulets will help guide you to the artifact," Megala the sorceress said, handing twin necklaces to Artemis and Diana, a small opaque gem on each. Diana felt a strange sense of recognition as she fastened it to her neck, while Artemis tied it around her left arm.

Suddenly it came to her, the gem's aura reminded her of Harmonnia's Amulet, which had channeled Pandora's Banes. She was surprised that Megala was powerful enough to duplicate such magic.

"They will also serve to track you if... something goes wrong," Megala continued, her voice wavering at the end.

"They will also alert Megala if any unnatural forces are activated," Hippolyta added, stepping closer to both where both competitors stood, with Phillipus in tow. "From without or within."

Diana's lips tightened at the implication. "I gave my word, My Queen. I will stand by it," she said softly.

"You can still stop this, Diana," Hippolyta whispered, moving close to her daughter, a strange sense of desperation in her eyes.

"So can you, My Queen," Diana replied, her gaze steady and unflinching.

Hippolyta looked down and stepped back, gesturing to Phillipus.

"LET THE DOORWAY BE OPENED!" Phillipus commanded.

"What the hell was that about?" Artemis asked.

"I wish I knew," Diana replied.

A dozen Amazons worked an enormous wheel, and in response a system of wooden gears and hydraulics began to open the massive portal. Despite themselves, most Themyscirans grew pale and many grabbed for their weapons without conscious thought.

Doom's Doorway was open.

The stale air that seeped out smelled of fear and ancient rot, of bad memories long unrecalled but never forgotten.

Artemis ignored the shudder that ran through her body. She called it the tension of own anticipation, and shifted her bow and quiver on her back, adjusting also the two long, curved short swords strapped to her well-muscled thighs.

She glanced to her left, and for an instant stared at the tall dark haired Princess standing proud, the long, perfectly smooth legs set gracefully apart, the wide shoulders and V-shaped back arrogantly arching from the slender waist and prominent, muscular buttocks, and the large, high-set breasts thrust forward, boldly stretching the tight fabric of her tunic.

The bitch clearly knew she was so damn beautiful, and Artemis hated her for it.

Diana's own gaze was lost to a side. She was staring at her mother. Suddenly she turned around and smiled at Artemis, all soft lips, dazzling white teeth, and clear blue eyes.

"Good luck," Diana said.

Artemis frowned, her eyes full of confusion, as if looking at something alien and unfathomable.

Hippolyta opened her arms in a wide, sweeping gesture. "LET THE FINAL TEST BEGIN! MAY THE FAVOR OF OLYMPUS GO WITH YOU, AMAZONS, AND MAY THE BEST AMAZON WIN!"

"She will," Artemis muttered and sprang forward.

Mala and Eurydice watched as both Artemis and Diana disappeared from sight in the bowels of the earth. The multitude stood respectfully for a long silent hour, the silence broken only by the occasionally whispered exchange. Finally, one by one, the Amazons began to leave, knowing that the competitors would likely take days to return, if ever. Only a select group of two dozen Amazons had to remain, in full armor and weaponry, to guard the open portal. Neither Mala and Eurydice were among them, yet both did not move.

"We should go get the blankets and provisions if we are going to stay here," Eurydice said, kicking at a pebble by her feet.

"Yes," Mala replied.

Neither moved.

"You know, Diana was right about Artemis," Mala said after a while.

"Yes. Artemis certainly did not falter. Seemed almost eager to go in. We cannot doubt her courage."

"I meant that she does have a really cute ass."

"Oh, yes."

"Diana really has the hots for her, doesn't she?"

"Oh, yes."

"I hope that it doesn't affect her performance."

"Diana would say it won't."

"So she would say."

"What do you think?"

"Diana will win, of course."

"Of course. But will they get together?"

"Ah! Artemis eats Diana with her eyes."

"Everyone does."

"Sure, but Artemis is almost feral about it. Before this thing is over, they must have come to blows, or be fucking like crazy. Maybe both."

"We should be jealous, shouldn't we?"

"No shit. You mean you aren't already?"

"I wouldn't mind joining in, though."

"Who wouldn't? Bana or not, Artemis does have a really cute ass. Beautiful hair, too."

"Oh, yes."

"Flat tits, though."

"Nobody's perfect. Besides Diana, I mean."

"We should really get the things."

"Oh, yes."

Both stared again at the open portal. Sighing, Mala sat down, and Eurydice followed.

"The Queen is still here," Eurydice observed. "And Megala. Everyone else but the guard left already."

Mala nodded, looking at the Queen and the aged sorceress, trying to decipher the strange look in their faces. She glanced at the open portal again, and tried to shake off the sense of the Doorway as a huge, gaping mouth, but failed.

"We should really get the things."

"Oh, yes."

Artemis had bounded ahead, moving down the caverns with almost feverish speed. The light of her torch was gone already. They should have progressed thru the entrance cavern together, Diana thought, to save torchlight. But Artemis would have hardly considered it.

As she reached the first important forking in the way, she saw another pile of rusty armor and stained bones at her feet. The breastplate design was clearly Amazonian. Closing her eyes for a second, she offered a prayer for the rest of her fallen, unknown sister.

Pressing her hand to her neck, she could feel the almost unsubstantial pulse of the amulet's magic. Right, she interpreted, and moved down into the darkness.

Artemis slowed her pace. She had almost twisted an ankle in a loose rock, and had cursed her initial burst of speed as indication of her nervousness. She hated the dark, confined space surrounding her. She was one for open spaces, where her bow could sing, not the cold, narrow darkness. This tomblike place was no place for her. Yet she would die here, and the dark would claim her flesh, bones and soul, until her name itself was erased from the memory of the World.

She shook her head, banishing the darkness that sought to creep in. The despair and fear were almost a tangible presence, she realized. This was really more than just a cave.

She cursed aloud and moved on. Her underwear had also begun to itch.

The torches had given out, but Diana still moved on, following the amulet's guidance, aided by the ghostly light of faintly phosphorescent lichens coating the walls, carefully committing to memory her steps.

Suddenly, she felt the amulet pulse, and a brief surge of coruscating energy surrounded her as she stepped forward. The cave seemed equally dark and unremarkable, but a brief look back confirmed that the passage behind her had disappeared.

She had stepped through a Gate.

Artemis stood open-mouthed at the edge of the passage's mouth, where it opened into a large open space. The cavern's opposite wall seemed at several miles away, but neither the side walls nor the bottom or top were anywhere in sight. It seemed like an endless fault in the fabric of the world, stretching away forever to the sides, up, and down.

It was impossible, she knew. Themyscira was an island, whose central peaks could not rise to such heights. She had lost awareness of how long she had moved in the caves, but she could have never gone so far down as to allow such a perspective to exist.

It took her a few more seconds to realize that she could see both her wall and the facing one fading into the distance. Light. A weak light suffused the open space, source-less and all-present. Nothing cast shadows, she realized.

Whatever this place was, it wasn't the world she knew.

Diana climbed carefully down the rocky surface, the enormous chasm extending in four directions around her. Though generally featureless, the craggy plane had plentiful handholds and irregular ledges, but the strange illumination and skewed perspective made the sense of depth unreliable.

Soon she stepped into a broad ledge two feet wide, that seemed to move down and to the left for at least five miles, before approaching the feature she seemed to distinguish far in the distance. She sipped her water skin prudently, and for an instant considered running the distance, before deciding on a more sensible brisk walk. She had spent most of a day in her descent, and she could not risk a cramp in those circumstances.

As she walked, Diana saw that the almost invisible line she had noticed was indeed coalescing into a solid construct as she slowly grew near. A long thin line of rock crossed the chasm, joining the facing walls of rock, though in the distance it had been almost invisible. The amulet told her that she had to reach the other side and the bridge seemed the obvious answer.

Three hours passed before she had reached throwing distance from the bridge. It seemed almost impossibly slender in its span, and Diana wondered about how safe it would be.

Suddenly she stopped and stood still. She heard voices.

"That wasn't nice," the towering creature said, two feathered arrows sticking from the grayish pock-marked hide of his broad chest. With a casual flick of an oversized hand, he brushed them off.

Artemis stood several paces away, at the foot of the slender bridge, another arrow cocked at her bow. "Stand aside, creature."

"I don't give freebies," the creature said, shrugging his enormous shoulders. "You want to pass, you must pay the toll."

"I will kill you if I must," Artemis said, lifting her bow and aiming at his head. "Don't doubt it."

"With that tiny stick? I will doubt it, lass," he replied, stretching to his full height of over nine feet. Artemis seemed insignificant compared to his massive body.

"Are your eyes as tough as your skin?" Artemis asked, before pulling the bowstring taut.


Surprised, Artemis aimed at the voice. She had not heard anyone approaching, yet Diana was climbing up the bridge's side to join her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Same as you, remember? Can you stop aiming at me, please?"

"Hello, pretty lass," the grey creature said. "You also seek to cross the bridge?"

"Yes, I do, sir," Diana answered, nodding her head in greeting. "Is there a problem?"

"This monster won't let me pass!" Artemis said. "I'll have to-"

"She can pass if she pays the toll," he said. "Same as you."

"That's bullshit!" Artemis spat.

"This is your bridge?" Diana asked, rising an eyebrow. She could not identify what language he spoke, yet she had no trouble understanding it.

"You see anyone else around? I'm a troll, this is my bridge. You want to pass, you pay the toll. It is that simple."

"Look, Princess-" Artemis began.

"What is the toll, please?"

"Oh, I am open to negotiation," the troll said. "You have any sweets? Chocolate perhaps?"

"Stand aside and let me take care of this," Artemis said, raising her bow again.

"There is no need to be rash," Diana said, and as Artemis stared at her in disbelief, she returned to address the troll again. "Sorry, but I have no such things. I could offer you some water."

"It rains every other week. All the water I need."

"Perhaps I could pay you on another time? We are in a quest and-"

"Then you would pass that other time. Sorry, lass, but credit is a fool's business."

"I've been through this already!" Artemis cut in. "Why are you wasting time?"

"I may have need of my tools and weapon, sir, or-"

"I don't take weapons. Evil things. There should be laws to ban them altogether."

"Why do we need his damn permission?" Artemis demanded.

"What would you accept as payment?" Diana asked.

"That bauble you wear in your neck looks interesting-"

"Sorry, but that is not possible. Anything else? Some item of clothing, perhaps?"

"What? Are you going to strip for this thing?" Artemis asked mockingly.

"That would be nice to see, I think, but those flimsy things you wear would hardly fit me," the troll said, gesturing at his massive body. The loincloth he wore took several yards of fabric just to cover his midsection.

"Now he is mocking us! Let me-"

"Patience, Artemis," Diana advised. "No one is gaining any advantage now, right? Let me work something out the polite way."

"Ah, you know each other?" the troll asked amiably. "I wondered why such unusually tasty lasses chanced upon this place the same day. Related, are you?"

"Patience?" Artemis asked bitterly. "I spent hours first scrambling through rocks and then climbing down to here-"

Diana frowned. For her it had been two days since they had entered Doom's Doorway.

"-and when I finally reach the bridge, this hideous thing says he wants to fuck me, and you advise patience? Well, FUCK YOU, PRINCESS!"

"'Hideous'? That was uncalled for," the troll said.

"You want sex as payment?" Diana asked the troll.

"For such exceptional lookers like you two, a quickie each would be enough."

"QUICKIE, MY ASS!" Artemis fumed.

"That would be quite acceptable. You do have a rather cute ass, I'll say. Any lubricants at hand? The size issue could be-"

"Violence is always the last option," Diana said softly, as she placed her hand on Artemis wrist and brought the raised bow down.

Artemis stiffened and her eyes burned with cold anger. "Touch me again and I will teach you about last options," she hissed.

Diana strode forward, placing herself between the enraged Artemis and the huge creature, though she could hardly shield his full bulk.

"That is a steep demand for a rather simple thing," Diana said. "Why should we pay?"

"There is no other bridge in years around, you can't sneak past me, and it is a big drop as you can see."

"If we refuse, will you try to take it by force?" Diana asked calmly, but with steel in her voice.

"You take me for a barbarian? I have manners! You do not accept the price you can go away freely. On this side, of course."

"This is extortion."

"It is business. Offer and demand. Only bridge. Only human females in decades...," he shrugged.

"I can offer you a dozen dirty jokes," Diana said.

"A blowjob each."

"You can't be serious!" Artemis cut in.

"A kiss," Diana offered.


"Well, in the right place that may be-" the troll began.

"Not for you," Diana said.


"We kiss each other," Diana said, nodding towards Artemis,


"And I-?" asked the troll.

"You get to watch," Diana explained.


The troll ran his eyes once again over the two young women, lingering particularly on the curvaceous dark-haired one, and sighed loudly. "It's a deal," he said.

"You have to be kidding," Artemis muttered with gritted teeth.

"You prefer to fight to the death a creature that is following its basic nature?" Diana asked in calm voice, stepping up to Artemis.

"Basic nature? Wanting to blackmail me into being its whore? That may be the kind of thing you-"

"Look, trolls are-" Diana cut in, furrowing her brow.

"I know what trolls are!" Artemis spat. "But I won't-"

"You want to cross the bridge? There's a way to do it without danger of bloodshed."

"So? I'm not afraid of such 'danger'," Artemis said with clear contempt.

"But are you afraid of a kiss?"

Artemis stood silent for a moment, her blazing eyes locked firmly with Diana's calm gaze, bright green facing deep blue.

"I will remember this," she hissed, finally.

"Oh, I'd expect you to," Diana replied with a smile.

Diana stepped closer, and reached gently out to take Artemis' hand, but the redhead pulled it away abruptly, clenching her fist. Ignoring the gesture, Diana leaned forward slowly. As her prominent breasts first touched the other woman's chest, she felt the redhead's body turn rigid. Being almost the same height, their eyes were still locked as Diana's slightly open lips approached Artemis' tightly pursed mouth.

"Don't make it too fast, if you may," the troll said.

"Shut the fuck up," Artemis muttered, her fiery green eyes still not moving from Diana's. The large firm breasts of the Princess pressed more against her as she drew closer. Artemis face flushed with anger and a myriad violent emotions as she realized that not only could she feel the growing hardness of the Diana's nipples, but that she could also feel her own becoming equally stiff, and so could Diana, she knew.

Artemis' fists clenched tighter as she felt the other woman's soft breath on her lips. Finally breaking the matching stares, Diana closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly to a side and let their lips touch. But just as Diana's full lips made the barest of contacts she drew slightly back and Artemis could barely keep from leaning forward herself. Diana then moved in again, her lips moving in a short sideways arc softly brushing against Artemis' own. Then she repeated again in the other direction. Artemis tensed even tighter as Diana repeated again and again the fleeting feathery touch of the caress, the friction of her soft full lips barely perceptible.

Why didn't she get it over with?, Artemis though with growing frustration as she closed her eyes tightly, brow furrowed, while her lips opened slightly, almost seeking to match Diana's motion.

Diana paused again for the briefest instant, both their breaths coming out fast and heavy, and using only her lips softly half-bit Artemis upper lip. She repeated the soft pecks again and again, gently pressing the soft flesh between her lips and slightly pulling on it each time before withdrawing.

She placed a hand gently on Artemis waist as she went on, and while she could feel the slender redhead's body tense even more, the gesture was not repulsed this time. She lifted the other hand slowly, and let it brush against Artemis' face while her mouth continued with the caresses. Artemis first flinched, but did not move away as Diana finally let her hand rest on the other's cheek, soon to slide to bright red locks of her hair.

Diana paused again and moving back an instant, she opened her eyes. As if joined in thoughts, so did Artemis, and for a second both their eyes matched again, speaking wordlessly.

As their eyes closed again in unison, Diana moved forward and firmly pulled Artemis by the head and waist to her, all resistance now gone. Their bodies pressed tightly against each other as their lips met in an eager, almost ravenous kiss. Their torsos rubbed against each other, Diana's plentiful bosom flattened against the other's, and hands moved to the round, muscular buttocks, while lips and tongues moved in a feverish dance, like desperate for the sweet taste of the other.

The troll stared, not daring even to blink.

Finally, after a time that seemed both endless and all-too-brief, the two Amazons disengaged slowly, their breaths still heavy and their mutual taste lingering in their mouths.

Diana's hand rose tentatively to caress Artemis hair once more, but the redhead abruptly tossed her head aside, eyes narrowing and mouth twisted in a grimace.

"You will pay for this, Princess," Artemis hissed, and picking up bow and quiver, she turned and ran towards the troll, who quickly moved aside to let her pass.

"Rather in a hurry, is she?" he asked.

Diana sighed as for just one instant she watched Artemis speed away over the narrow expanse of the bridge, before moving to follow her.

"Excuse me," the troll said, moving to again block the bridge. "But you must pay the toll, too."

"What?" Diana asked, startled, coming to stop just before colliding with the massive creature. "We just paid!"

"One kiss, one passage," the troll said, shrugging. "And your friend used it up."

"Why, you-" Diana began, her mouth and eyes open wide in indignation. Closing her eyes with a sigh, she shook her head. Placing one hand at her hip, she looked up, and with the other hand's extended index finger she beckoned the creature to come closer.

"Yes, lassie?" the troll asked, he went down on one knee and leaned forward.

"I can hardly kiss her again if she is past you and I can't go that way, right?" Diana asked with a lopsided smile, hands in hips.

"Seems like that," he replied with a wide smile.

"All right," she said, sighing again. "One kiss, no tongue, and no touching" she added, reaching up with both hands for the troll's face, and rising on tip-toes to bring her mouth to his.

The creature's wide mouth, with its large protruding side tusks, met the soft lips of the Amazon Princess eagerly but with a surprising initial gentleness. After a briefly awkward moment of adjusting to the creature's mouth, Diana began to slowly move deeper into the kiss, leaning forward and up, until she lifted and extended one leg backwards, balancing on the tips of one foot. Reaching out with one huge hand to aid her balance, the troll's massive fingers encircled her slender waist almost half-way around.

As the kiss grew in duration and intensity, his other hand reached out and grabbed her right breast thru the tightly bound tunic, the huge digits easily enclosing the entire large globe. Firm flesh yielded softly beneath the powerful grip as he squeezed, first with slow, deliberate tenderness, and then with more insistent roughness, kneading and pulling with growing fervor.

With a sudden motion, Diana disengaged, stepping away from his grasp.

"Oww-!" she complained, reaching to cup her tender teat, while gasping loudly for breath, her mouth open and her delicate tongue still moist with shared saliva. "That hurt, you cheat! I said no touching, didn't I?"

"Forgive me, lass," the troll said, breathing deeply. "You didn't seem to mind."

"Not much at first," she admitted. "But there are limits. And all that was way beyond our deal. There was to be no tongue, either!"

"You seemed to like it."

"Oh, sure," she said, brushing her long hair aside after kneeling to pick up her things. "You are a much better kisser than I expected. But you should be more honest, if you expect to have returning costumers," she added. " Now, if you please..."

"Pleasure doing business with you, my lovely lass," the troll said, with a slight bow and a look of resignation, as he moved aside to let her pass.

"Likewise," she replied with a smile. As she walked past him, she stopped, and turning around, added: "If we ever meet again, I may not complain much if your prices had gone up. Inflation, you know." She winked at him, turned, and began to run, fleet as a deer.

The stunned troll stared as she faded fast into the distance. "Damn, I didn't even get her name," he muttered. "Should've warned her about the Filthy Ones, too."

Artemis had many long minutes of head start, and for an Amazon runner, that was miles of advantage. Diana pressed forward along the slender bridge, ignoring the mind-boggling expanse surrounding her and the apparently endless drop beneath, slowing her stride only when powerful gusts of wind made her crouch.

She could not even make out if Artemis was still on the bridge or not, she realized, wondering just how long the span was.

She may have spent less time in the troll's kiss, but it had been a fair deal, and she would not feel honest about doing it half-heartedly. Anything worth doing was worth doing well. But if the troll hadn't pushed it himself, she may have delayed even more, she knew, and she had to acknowledge that it was really a weakness of hers.

She ran on and on, and eventually, her breath grew fast and labored. She was tiring fast, she knew, and could no longer rely on enhancing her stamina with her Olympian gifts. She had spent two days without any sleep, most of the last climbing the rock face, and the temporal discontinuities had apparently favored Artemis. Soon she would need to rest, and Artemis's advantage could increase even more.

Suddenly, she realized that there were sounds coming from ahead of her, and that she could make something out in the distance, in the air around the bridge.

She drew a deep breath and pressed on.

Artemis let the arrow fly, and a loud shriek of agony instantly following confirmed her hit. She rolled to escape the razor sharp talons diving at her, coming to her knees dangerously close to the bridge's edge. She drew her last arrow, and let it fly with a loud curse.

The repulsive winged creature fell in a heap several paces away, on the bridge's surface, instead of pummeling away into the abyss below, as its many companions had done. Unsheathing the curved short sword at her left thigh, Artemis sprang forward, ducking low, narrowly evading another attack from the hideous flying assailants. She moved to a side, and spun, sharp talons missing her by mere inches, before her sword cleanly decapitated her attacker. The humanoid head fell and rolled over the bridge's surface in macabre fashion before falling off an edge. Shouldering her bow, Artemis drew her other sword and spun forward, both blades cutting a bloody swath around her as she advanced, but without managing to do more than just wound and ward off her attackers.

She swung, missed, and ducked barely in time to escape another swipe that would have cut her face in two. The sharp talon however cut the cord binding her hair, freeing the long, flowing mass of red hair, whose silken lengths spread around her head.

"FUCK!" she cursed, tossing her head violently to a side, as her own hair could impair her peripheral vision. She was then forced to step back to escape another swooping dive, but her sword tasted flesh and another attacker fell.

Artemis gritted her teeth and fought on, trying desperately to advance, knowing that she could not survive for long the onslaught in the open surface of the bridge, where the foul flying creatures had the advantage. But the bridge still stretched on for at least a mile, and she had to struggle for each few steps. Her bow had decimated her enemies, every single arrow having found its deadly mark, yet there were still two dozens of the blood-thirsty things and she knew she could not take all of them on with just hand-held blades. She knew she was doomed, but she would make her foes pay dearly for her life.

It was just a matter of time.

A shriek filled the air behind her, and she turned to see the grime-covered hybrid of bird and woman crash to the ground, a straight sword sticking out from between the ugly, grayish wings. Artemis looked up and saw Diana, now weaponless, running towards her. More than half the flock saw her as well, and swerved to fly towards the unarmed Princess amidst cries of eager delight.

Sidestepping a new attack that would have eviscerated her, Artemis aimed, and with a grunt of effort, threw her right sword with all her strength towards Diana.

The curved, blood-stained blade spun in the air and struck the ground five paces before Diana, just as the flock reached her.

Artemis was already moving forward again.

"Harpies," Diana muttered with disgust, as the nearest bird-like creature with human face and torso swooped down on her with a screech of glee, the cruel talons leading the dive. But at the last possible instant, Diana slid aside, the talons ripping only the edge of her billowing short skirt, and the evaded rush was cut drastically short as with a sickening snapping noise, the harpy's neck struck against Diana's extended arm, .

Diana ducked low to evade another sweep, and grabbed the fallen, foul-smelling body, lifting it up before her, letting it receive the rush of a third attacker. Stepping aside as the harpy tried to disentangle itself from her, she threw a powerful right cross that sent the instantly unconscious harpy careening over the bridge's edge.

"FUCK!" Artemis swore loudly, as she used her bow and remaining sword to keep her foes at bay. She ducked and swung, and her blade bit deep, but the dying harpy's wing spread wildly and struck her the face, sending her sprawling down to the ground, almost at the edge of the bridge. Her sword, fallen from her grasp, tottered at the edge a second, and then fell.

Still dazed, Artemis saw the harpy dive at her, and in desperation rolled sideways away from the edge, seconds before the powerful talons crunched into gravel the rocky surface where she had lain.

Kneeling up, she saw a second harpy rush at her, and in desperation, sprang forward and rolled on the ground, bow held before her, reaching the body of the harpy she had killed moments before. As she tumbled over the corpse, she removed the arrow still sticking whole from its neck, rolled again to her knees, spun, cocked the arrow and shot. The attacker fell, barely two steps away.

Artemis rose and stepped forward and removed the arrow anew, letting it fly once more. It struck another harpy, which fell screeching to a side.

With a yell of anger and defiance, Artemis brought her bow hard over her raised knee, breaking it in two with a grimace of both effort and regret. Immediately, she ducked and spun, stabbing the next attacker with the jagged wood in the chest and neck. It stumbled away and fell off the bridge, the remains of the bow stuck to the grisly flesh.

Diana threw herself face down to escape a further swoop, and saw Artemis, now weaponless, step back as two harpies rushed at her.

The Contest be damned, she decided. She would not let Artemis die for her mother's absurd games.

As she rose, about to summon the flight and speed of Hermes, she saw Artemis give another step back and suddenly disappear.

A Gate, Diana thought. There had to be a Gate there.

The remaining harpies that had been attacking Artemis shrieked in rage, and flew towards Diana.

Artemis shook her head, fighting the disorientation that stepping through the dimensional Gates brought. She looked around her, ready for battle, but the rocky cavern, illuminated by an eerie glow coming from around a bend, was empty. The harpies had not followed her. She wondered if they were unable to use the Gates, or just irrationally afraid of them.

For the briefest instant she worried if Diana would manage to reach the gate, but instantly banished the concern from her mind. They were each on their own, now.

Diana moved towards the sword Artemis had thrown, but the harpies blocked her way, forcing her to step back. It was stuck in the rock, just a few feet away. She had to get it, she knew, without a weapon she could not fight the harpies off.

If reaching the sword was difficult, the Gate many yards away seemed an almost impossible goal.

Two harpies circled, screeching, and dived at her. Diana evaded the first attack, freeing the bundles over her shoulders, and as the second creature rushed at her, she threw her water skin in its path. The talons ruptured the bag and water drenched the harpy, which screamed in anger, confirming what their smell had indicated. As the first harpy swerved and attacked, Diana swung with her coiled length of rope, using it as a flexible club and striking the harpy on a leg, deflecting her rush. Pivoting, Diana's left leg lashed out at the harpy behind her, while it tried to shook off the water out of its grimy feathers. The creature's ribcage broke with a loud noise under the kick, and as it collapsed with a loud shriek, Diana jumped over her, tucked into a ball, and rolled towards the sword.

And stopped.

With a ominous shriek, a harpy had settled on the bridge before her, and one powerful leg swiped at the embedded sword. The blade snapped and the hilt portion clattered to a side and off the bridge.

"Damn," Diana muttered.

An enormous cave opened before Artemis, the myriad rock formations veined with quartz illuminated faintly by a reddish glow visible through the misty air. Dozens of streams of glowing molten rock flowed slowly from openings in the walls, accounting for the light, and vapor rose in thick clouds where the lava flowed into the large body of water occupying most of the cave.

Artemis moved cautiously over the rocks, jumping over the lava streams, whose heat could be felt like an almost tangible wall.

She paused, and closing her eyes, concentrated on interpreting the almost infinitesimal tug of the amulet.

She opened her eyes and frowned. She had to go into the water.

Diana ducked the deadly talons again, but a wing sweep struck her, and she fell, her side hitting the rocky surface painfully. For the briefest of instants she felt the pain and the dazedness cloud her mind, and she almost reached automatically for greater resistance and strength to fight them off. But she did not. Rolling in the floor, gritting her teeth, she knew she had to endure without summoning power.

Suddenly a harpy loomed above her, and a talon was coming at her head. In desperation, Diana lifted the gathered lengths of rope up and above her head, stretched into a line, and blocked the attack, catching the harpy's foot right between its extended talons. Instantly, Diana threw her legs up, back and over her head, striking the harpy square in the chest, and used the bounce back to flip to her feet.

Suddenly, she blinked with surprise. The coiled bundle of rope had a metal object at an end. Diana jumped and ducked, narrowly escaping two further attacks, while working at feverish speed to let the full length of rope loose. As she finally achieved it, Diana muttered a blessing for Eurydice, and began to spin the extended length of rope in wide circles, around and over her head, faster and faster. It was not her magic lasso, but it would do.

As an harpy swooped close, the small grappling hook Eurydice had strapped to the rope's end, struck the creature in the face with bone-shattering power.

Diana began to whirl the rope around her in shifting fluid patterns, creating a wide zone of protection that the harpies would not dare to breach. With a smile, she began to move forward.

Artemis moved in the darkness, her hands clumsily groping at the muddy floor, the still water all around her murkier than soup, and much hotter. It was not enough to produce serious burns, but after long the heat could became almost as unbearable as the lack of air.

Surfacing, Artemis gasped for breath. The thing was down there, the amulet told her, but she could not manage to find it.

Breathing deeply she went down again.

Moving the lasso in a figure-eight pattern, Diana paused just enough to retrieve her straight sword from the corpse of the first harpy she had killed, and then ran all the final distance to the gate.

As she disappeared, the remaining harpies shrieked in rage and frustration.

Diana approached the enormous subterranean lake, frowning at the sulfurous smell in the air. Too lengthy a stay in this cavern could be dangerous, she realized.

She felt the amulet point her to the water, and as she reached the muddy shore and began to wade in, she saw Artemis break water a distance away, to catch breath before disappearing again.

With a smile, Diana moved on. Artemis had yet to find the goal. As she reached enough depth, Diana dove in, and began to swim powerfully to where the amulet led her.

She moved along the bottom, fingers skimming the muddy surface. She was almost there, she felt, before she suddenly felt the amulet's pull change direction. Artemis had found it, Diana thought with a knot in her stomach, before noticing that the water had suddenly become very turbulent.

She swam, seeking the source of the agitation in the water and suddenly her hand touched something cold and slimy. The object moved, instantly reacting to her touch, and Diana felt a large mass brush by her. She swam aside, but the thing coiled about, seeking her. She tried to move away, but the thing pursued her with uncanny accuracy, a long, semi-cylindrical length of cold flesh wrapping around her leg. Twisting, her movements impeded by the water resistance, Diana used her sword, held in a reverse grip, to slice at the tentacle trapping her.

It seemed like some kind of oversized octopus, she thought as more tentacles surrounded her, trying for holds on her body, the small suckers on each trying to fasten onto her flesh. She sliced again and again, twisting and squirming, knowing that if she was fully grasped it would be almost impossible to escape, when suddenly her back touched something else.

The struggling figure barely brushed her, before being moved away, but Diana grabbed at one of the tentacles holding it, and as she pulled herself closer she was struck by two chilling realizations.

It was a Kraken. And it had Artemis.

Diana sliced with renewed fervor, trying to figure out in the utter darkness the configuration of the tentacles, needing to cut at them without doing damage to Artemis as well. Artemis' own struggles made Diana's work difficult, but these were getting progressively weaker. Artemis had gone under water much sooner before her, Diana realized, and she could be drowning. If her next attempt failed she would have to forfeit the Contest and fly them both away. Grasping the larger tentacle that wrapped itself around Artemis' slender torso, Diana forced the blade inside the limb's grip, pushing away from Artemis and against the line of sensitive sucker structures running along the tentacle's inner face.

The kraken jerked and let go.

Instantly Diana pulled Artemis and pushed her up and away. Artemis' movements were sluggish, but her survival instinct took over, and she swam, seeking the surface.

Diana followed, when suddenly she was jerked back. A tentacle had grabbed the rope that she had again coiled around her shoulder and had pulled on it, halting her escape. She twisted and let the rope slip off her arm, but already other tentacles were wrapping around her, grabbing her legs, arms and torso. Diana tried to hack away at them, but her sword arm was trapped as well. She kicked and swung, squirmed and pushed, all to no avail. She was being pulled back to the lake's bottom.

The tentacles around her grew tighter, and began to slide sinuously around her even as she fought, lack of air sapping her strength. While her arms and legs were being pulled with irresistible strength, other tentacles began to run the slimly lengths of their ends over her body, exploring her form, like a blind man trying to learn through touch the shape of a new object. Two tentacles slid around her slender waist and under the ragged tunic, wrapping themselves twice around her torso, before moving to coil over and around the breasts moving buoyantly in the water with her struggles.

Diana's body tensed for a moment, and then grew limp. The tentacles paused briefly and then began their exploration anew. Suckers clasped the protuberances of her nipples, and the thick tentacle that had clasped her left leg began to slide up, coiling around the upper thigh and hip, and slowly sliding between her legs.

Suddenly Diana surged forward, pushing against the now relaxed tentacles, and breaking away from their grip. The tentacles jerked to pull her back, but Diana had moved down and not up, pulling herself down along the length of the thickest limb and kicking powerfully to swim at the core below.

The kraken's arms moved in confusion, hitting each other as the Amazon Princess slid down and reached the base of the central tentacle. With all her strength, Diana plunged her sword point-first into the soft flesh before her.

The kraken exploded in a paroxysm of motion, its arms jerking about wildly, while Diana swam up, narrowly evading the flailing tentacles, letting her motion ride the kraken's surge.

Diana surfaced with a gasp. Her lungs had been about to burst, her air supply long exhausted. She felt tired beyond words, yet she still managed to swim wearily to the lake's shore.

Face down in the mud was Artemis, a small, open casket of grayish hue clasped in one hand.

"no, no, no-!" Diana muttered, stumbling to reach Artemis and pull her up and around. She was not breathing.

Diana leaned down and began to give Artemis mouth to mouth resuscitation, pausing only to draw breath and press rhythmically on the unconscious woman's chest.

"Don't do this to me," Diana muttered. "You are too damn stubborn and mad and beautiful to die on me!"

Suddenly, Artemis coughed, and slimy water burst from her mouth. She turned and coughed, gasped and wheezed, getting on all fours, while Diana sat back, breathing deeply with relief.

"-The-fuck-were-you-doing?" Artemis sputtered. "Told you-to never-touch me again."

Diana did not know whether to laugh or curse, or do both.

"You-" she began, before a loud splashing noise made both turn towards the lake.

A large dark mass was slowly surfacing, multiple tentacles waving in the air.

"Oh, fuck," Artemis whispered hoarsely.

Both women staggered to their feet, and both reached simultaneously for the open casket lying in the mud between them.

Their eyes locked, the casket held by both.

"Let go!" Artemis coughed as she pulled hard, the casket's body detaching from the lid.

Both stared an instant at the piece each held, before turning around to glance once at the monstrous creature noisily approaching them, and finally turning to run away.

The air over the rocky bridge shimmered once and Diana and Artemis stepped panting through the Gate, both splattered with mud and dripping foul smelling water.

"That was close," Artemis gasped, before a loud screech made her look up. "Shit, no! NO!" she muttered through gritted teeth.

The dense flock of harpies gathered over them, their numbers apparently strengthened by new arrivals, and their shrieks seemed to be louder than ever.

"That's more than when I left!" Artemis complained.

"Same here," Diana echoed, shaking her head. Both were now unarmed, and weary to the bone. There was only one way out now, she knew.

"Mother will be happy at least," she said bitterly, preparing to focus, before a different kind of scream filled the air.

Another harpy screamed in pain, before pummeling down like a dead weight into the distance.

"Stones," Artemis muttered with a look of clear bafflement, as the flock of harpies flew in disarray above them. "Someone is throwing stones at them."

Diana frowned and looked at something far away along the bridge. Then her eyes opened in amazed surprise.

"The troll," she said. "It's the troll."

The troll walked briskly for his kind, moving slowly towards the center of the bridge, pausing after each step to thrust his fingers into the rocky surface, tearing out large handfuls of rock which he then threw with impossible strength.

Each thrown chunk of stone cut through the flock of harpies like a missile, scattering the screeching creatures.

"Just what we needed," Artemis muttered, her mouth still tending to hang open. "Cover fire."

"Come on!" Diana yelled, springing into movement, signaling Artemis to follow her. Both ran away from the Gate and towards the far end of the bridge, from where the troll was approaching, their long legs rapidly cutting the distance.

"Hope he doesn't get us first," Artemis yelled as another thrown rock ricocheted off the bridge a few paces behind them.

"Can't you do anything but complain?" Diana yelled back.

"Hello, lasses!" the troll called out, with a deep, booming voice, waving cheerfully as they came within shouting distance of each other. "Glad to see you wee beauties again!"

"Don't stop, you asshole!" Artemis screamed as she ducked below a harpy's dive. "They are still coming!"

"Oh, sorry," the troll said, leaning down again to gather ammunition. A harpy dove at him, screaming with rage, and he just brushed her aside with an indifferent slap, sending the crushed creature hurtling away to smash against the gap's closest wall.

Diana and Artemis reached the troll, and collapsed at his oversized feet, gasping for breath.

"Hello, lasses," the troll said, extending his huge arms to the sides to protect them, while the harpies shrieked their frustration, flying around them but not daring to approach the towering protector. "Nice to see you both made it."

"Thanks to you," Diana said with a broad smile, rising slowly to her knees, her hand reaching to touch his thick, granite-skinned thigh in a gesture of gratitude.

"Oh, I don't like losing customers, you know," he said, letting another stone fly, making the harpies withdraw farther. "Bad for business."

"Sure," Diana replied, nodding with mock seriousness. "Just good business practice, eh?"

"I was thinking of going to the other end in case you lasses came back this same way. The toll must be paid in either direction, you know."

"Oh, I am sure!" Diana said, smiling broadly.

"Are you joking?" Artemis muttered from the ground.

"Really, we are in your debt," Diana said, ignoring Artemis.

"I'd ask for payment on that debt, but... well, I really should have warned you about the Filthy Ones."

"Yeah, you fucking should have," Artemis spat.

"Still," Diana began, now in a serious tone. "You do have our gratitude."

"Can you walk to the bridge's end?" he asked.

"In a couple of days, sure," Artemis said, still face up in the ground.

"I'd be happy to carry you both in my arms."

"Oh, sure you would," Diana said, slapping at his leg, while giving him a sideways look.

"What the hell?" Artemis muttered from the ground. "Are you two flirting?"

Suddenly the harpies began to shriek louder again, and after a moment of wild fluttering, they scrambled away in a rush, flying off into the distance.

"What happened? Did ugly here make a face or what?" Artemis said, rising laboriously to her knees, before glancing at the bridge.

"Oh, fuck," she whispered, staring at the Gate, which now crackled with coruscating energy, growing larger and larger, as a multitude of tentacles began to appear through it.

"That doesn't look good," the troll said.

The kraken's enormous body began to move thru the Gate, its huge mass appearing to shift and change as if adjusting to the nature of the world it was entering. Its central body was larger that the bridge's width, and long tentacles coiled all around the rocky formation for anchor, while the rock creaked in protest at its weight.

"Strange, the limbs appear mollusk-like," the troll commented. "But that shell-covered body seems more like a crustacean."

"Who cares what it is? Let's get the fuck away!" Artemis said, bolting to her feet, her weariness forgotten.

"If it reaches the end while we are still climbing the walls it could pick us off easily," Diana said.

"How the fuck can it even leave the water?"

"It isn't a full-grown kraken, possibly the young are more mobile."

"THAT is a young one?"

"I can take care of it," Diana said, with a sigh. "To Hades with the Contest."

"Oh, so now you do the magic powers thing and all is fine," Artemis said bitterly. "Fucking great."

"What? Why are you complaining? If I-"

"Because all this is a game to you! You are never at any real risk, are you?"

"What do-"

"I'm here risking my life, seeing things that can make me piss my pants, while you just go along, confident that if things get tough, you can just call on the fucking powers and all will be dandy!"

"This is not the time to-"

"You can even flirt like a slut with that ugly bastard-"

"He isn't ugly!"

"Because you don't need to be afraid! Ever!"

"Oh, for Hera's sake-!"

"There's no bravery in that! Without fear there is no courage! I'm scared shitless but you are just playing! You are just fucking playing!"

"Wait a moment-"


"Where is he going?"


"The troll!"

The troll approached the creature as fast as his rock-like limbs allowed him, while the kraken, having moved completely though the gate, began to extend multiple tentacles, waving them in the air, as if tasting its surroundings.

The bridge groaned and trembled beneath the kraken's weight, and the troll studied the cracks forming through the rocks before reaching a suitable point.

"WAIT!" the dark-haired girl behind him called.

"STAY THERE!" he replied, opening his stubby legs in a wide, low squat, while the kraken's tentacles shifted at the sound of his voice, as if tracking it.


"IT IS ALRIGHT! I KNOW STONE!" the troll yelled, before raising his thick arms high above his head and letting them fall with a roar, his massive fists striking the rock with a sound like thunder.

With a deafening crack, the bridge broke.

The segment below the kraken shattered into rubble, and fell away, the huge monster falling with it, tentacles flailing uselessly.

Diana and Artemis stopped in their tracks, stunned.

The troll turned around with a wide smile. "The problem is solved, lassies."

"You foolish-" Diana began, shaking her head, before a new creaking noise made her stop.

All looked down, and saw the rock between the troll and the two Amazons grow a sudden crack. Without further warning the piece bearing the troll simply dropped off the end of the broken bridge.

"I never got your name," the troll said, eyes wide open, looking at Diana, before falling away.

Megala the sorceress opened her eyes, and breathed deeply. "It happened," she said.

"What happened?" Queen Hippolyta asked with savage urgency.

"Princess Diana used her Olympian powers," Megala whispered, her words seeming almost too heavy to utter.

"Then she lost," Hippolyta said, her voice a strange mixture of relief and regret, sorrow and happiness. "Diana forfeited the Contest, and she is no longer our Champion. Artemis is the new Wonder Woman."


The Bana-Migdahllans cheered as the tired figure of Artemis emerged from Doom's Doorway. The crowd began to chant her name.


The tall redhead moved slowly towards Queen Hippolyta, the body and lid of a nondescript casket in her hands.

"We welcome you, Amazon," Hippolyta stated solemnly, opening her arms in a sweeping gesture. "The Amazon Nation celebrates your victory."

"Sure, whatever," Artemis replied, throwing the pieces of the casket and the amulet at Hippolyta's feet, in unceremonious fashion. "Here's your trinket."

"Ah, yes - You do honor to the name of the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis," Hippolyta continued. "You brought your prey without fail, and for that, you are now named the new Champion of the Amazon Nation."

"Fine," Artemis said, turning and walking past the Queen and gathered retainers.

"Ah, yes, your competitor-?" Hippolyta called out, frowning.

"Your daughter had... things to take off," Artemis said with a grimace of distaste.

"What things? When will she return?"

"Whenever she's finished, I guess," Artemis said, walking away.

"You did it!" a dozen Bana-Migdahllans yelled as they rushed to hug and lift Artemis over their shoulders. "You beat the damn Princess!" one exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up," Artemis spat. "And get me a damn bath and a bed."

Diana gasped again and again, and finally cried out softly, her trembling, sweat-covered body collapsing on top of the troll's massive torso. One of his huge hands reached gently and caressed the long mane of her shiny black hair.

"Gods, that was great," she said, still rocking slowly over him, her eyes closed, savoring the feeling of his enormous member still pulsing inside her loins. "It just gets better and better."

"You are amazing, lass," he said softly, his hand running over the curves of her body. "I'd never had anyone like you. So soft and delicate, yet as durable as the toughest trolless."

"I may be a little atypical," she said, smiling. "But you haven't seen anything yet."

"I normally have to be so careful with humans, but you-"

"Oh, you don't have to worry, I can take it as hard as you want, or more," she said, with a wicked glint in her eyes. "You do have a thing for human women, eh?"

"Oh, yes, quite a fetish, indeed," he admitted.

"I may have a fetish for certain kinds of lovers myself," she said, slowly moving up from her mounted position, and sliding off him, until she gasped with the expected pain as his large head slid out. "The rather... gifted kind."

"You did not need to do this, Princess."

"I did. And call me Diana," she said, moving up his torso, rubbing her breasts over his chest deliberately, before letting their lips meet. They kissed deeply, the lovely figure of the Amazon Princess pressing tightly against the granite-like hide of the troll, in their shared bed of furs and cloth scraps, deep in the troll's cave.

"I meant no further payments were needed," the troll said after the long, lingering kiss.

"Of course they were!" she said with mock indignation. "I saved your ass, didn't I? You owed me, and you still haven't finished paying."

"You drive a hard bargain," he said, smiling.

"So do you. Rock-hard, literally!" she replied, her small, bare foot moving to touch his unflagging erection. "We should really do something about this."

Their kisses and caresses continued in silence for a while, before the troll spoke again: "You can't stay here long, can you?"

"Just a little longer," she said with a sigh. "There are many things I have to look into. Questions that demand answers."

"Anything I can do?"

"Outside here, not really," she said, wistfully. "But in here you can still be of use."

"Will you ever return?"

Diana shrugged, sitting back on her heels, and brushing her long hair off her face. "Who knows? We must make good use of what time we have now."

The troll nodded and his hands reached for her.

"And don't even think of trying to be gentle this time," Diana said. "Or you'll pay for it."

"Oh, we all pay. Always."


(The adventures of Princess Diana and Artemis as the new WW will continue in WONDER WOMAN: The ARTEMIS GAMBIT)

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